Vol. 58 No. 4
48th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue Leadership Stockton Class of 2012
Keeping Stockton Safe: Sheriff Steve Moore and Chief Eric Jones Talk Law Enforcement in San Joaquin County PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
Main Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography.
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Keeping Stockton Safe:
Sheriff Steve Moore and Chief Eric Jones Talk Law Enforcement in San Joaquin County
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
Leadership Stockton
Convention & Visitors Bureau 9 Programs and Public Policy Department
New Members
Cover Story
Ribbon Cuttings
News Briefs
48th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue
Leadership Stockton Class of 2012
Don’t Miss!
Networking Mixer Dorfman-Pacific Co., Inc. 2615 Boeing Way, Stockton August 2, 5:15-7:15 p.m.
“I am so proud to be a member of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – the leader in “green” technology in the Central Valley, the prime leader in promoting Stockton businesses and the outstanding leader in securing jobs through the new California Health Care Facility.”
- Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901. CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers SR. VICE PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications VICE PRESIDENT Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Co. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Michael Cera, SMG/Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Patricia V. DeSoto, Patricia V. DeSoto, CPA Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Lewis Gale, Eberhardt School of Business Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick’s Glass Service Mikey Kamienski, Charterhouse Center for Families Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
and the Pacific Athletic Foundation
The 13th Annual Orange & Black Ball Saturday, August 25, 2012 • Janssen-Lagorio Gymnasium University of the Pacific Come enjoy this premier Stockton event taking place in its new location—the beautiful Janssen-Lagorio Gymnasium! Wine Tasting, Live & Silent Auction, Hors d’oeuvres, Dinner, Live Entertainment & Band, Dancing, and much more! All proceeds go toward the Pacific Athletic Foundation benefiting scholarship opportunities for Pacific student-athletes.
5:30 p.m...........................................................Doors Open 5:30 p.m......Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres & Silent Auction 7:30 p.m.........................................Dinner & Live Auction 9:00 p.m.....................................Dancing with Live Music
RESERVATIONS: PAF Member - $75 • Table of 10 - $675 Non-Member - $95 • Table of 10 - $855
BEA/ SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Dylan Bacon 209.547.2770 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Mai Vang 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Kristin Bowker
PRINTING Snyder Parks
MAILING Snyder Parks
RSVP with Pam Nogare at (209) 946-2387 by Friday, August 17 GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
From Your President... by: Gary J. Long
First, I want to thank all of
As we start the new Chamber year, I am very positive that honest
you who attended the Annual
teamwork will help get us all through a difficult time in the history of
Installation Dinner on June 21
our always great City of Stockton. Your Chamber from top to bottom
at the Stockton Golf & Country
is committed to helping in any way possible to come out of this tunnel
Club where we had a full house,
into the bright sunshine. It will take every one of us to make it happen
great meal and a real treat of a
by understanding the complexity of the issue and that we will come out
ship passing by for all to see as it
both stronger and wiser.
was preparing to dock at one of
As you can see, the August Port O Call features San Joaquin
our biggest economic engines in
Sheriff Steve Moore and Stockton Police Chief Eric Jones. We are very
Stockton, the historic Port
fortunate to have these two professional and competent men at the
of Stockton.
helm of their departments and I know that they are doing everything
I would also like to thank Mayor Ann Johnston for administrating the oaths of office to myself, officers and new board members, the staff
humanly possible, under very difficult conditions, to make sure we all are protected. As our community moves forward, it is vital that we keep our retail
of the Chamber, all our sponsors and the staff of the SG & CC for all
dollars in San Joaquin County, so let’s support the businesses and
showing what teamwork can do, not only for our dinner, but for what
industries that have committed their resources to our community by
can be replicated in our entire community.
committing our shopping dollars to Stockton First.
Be a part of our next cohort – apply today! EbErhardt Mba Students value our 16-month
MBA students managing the $2.3 million Eberhardt Student Investment Fund
full-time program and describe it as “intensive and efficient.” You will find our tightly-knit student cohorts are developed through intellectuality challenging courses, experiential learning and global experiences which maximize your professional opportunities. mba@pacific.edu Pacific.edu/MBA 209.946.2629
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
staff at the Convention and Visitors Bureau for giving Stockton a wonderful 4th of July holiday. This morning, July 5, as I write this column there are, including the Casino Royal, 23 beautiful boats of all sizes still moored at the marina. When I was downtown on the 3rd and 4th, the sight of the full marina was wonderful to see and I know the boaters who were here enjoyed the 4th of July in Downtown Stockton. The only negative aspect of the 4th celebration was brought to you by the wonderful folks who supposedly “work” for us at the federal level. Ken Yelle at California Boating and Waterways— whom I talked to at length the week before the 4th, and who does a great job, as does his crew—was very frustrated by the hold up in the early move to stop the new infestation of water hyacinth to the downtown Stockton waterfront placed in front of him by All of us at your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce hope
the bureaucrats who have to sign off on the permits to spray. As
each and every one of you had a wonderful 4th of July with family
a result, the “weed” is now in McLeod Lake, the base of Center
and friends and have plans to enjoy the rest of the summer with
Street, behind the docks used by our guests; and as I write this
warm days and “Delta Breeze” cool nights. We are so lucky here
column more are floating by my window. Another example of
with the beautiful evenings and I am sure we are not only the
incompetence at the federal level! This matter of the hyacinth is
envy of those suffering from the current Midwest and Eastern
well documented and you would think some “desk jockey” riding
heat wave of the last week of June and first week of July but
the federal government “nag” would go the extra “furlong” to
throughout the year when tornados, hurricanes, blinding snow
help on this matter! I know on that point I must be hallucinating!
and floods dominate the news nationwide. We are very fortunate
Not only am I frustrated, but also the City staff I have talked to,
both here in Stockton and California.
including Wendy Saunders, share the angst towards those who
Not too many cities in California’s Great Valley would have
just sit back and are not proactive.
seen a marina full of boats, headed up by the Casino Royal, in
I know that you have all been keenly interested in the City of
the Downtown Stockton Marina (yes, I know the nay-sayers do
Stockton’s financial saga that is foremost in everyone’s minds and
not approve, but they will be the same loudmouths who will be
I will not belabor the issue. We must believe that everything is
standing by the old broken-down marina on bare land on both
being done correctly to right the ship and move the community
sides of the waterfront 10 years from now lamenting that nobody
of Stockton into a safer and saner (excuse the 4th of July firework
had the courage to take advantage of this jewel on the water) or
pun) future so we can look at each other, the State, the Nation
several thousand folks enjoying America’s past time, including a
and the world and say we came together as a community family,
look at good old time baseball at the Legend’s game or fireworks
worked hard, kept the faith and overcame a huge problem!
at the beautiful Stockton/Banner Island Ballpark. Thanks to the
I must add that The Record editorial board has done a great
Ports, University Plaza Waterfront Hotel and Wes Rhea and his
job of grasping the enormity and complexity of the issue and have
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
written some very on-the-mark editorials. Some of it is painful
will be done, 360 degrees all around us, so that the good
but has to be said, listened to and understood to make sure
investments in our community will really pay off as we turn
the same mistakes are not made again. We must protect the
the corner to prosperity.
right things that were done like the ballpark, marina, arena,
Finally in this election year make sure you listen to all the
hotel, Cineplex Center and other good
local, state and national candidates for
projects that looked to the future; even
honest, realistic and common sense
though much that took place since the
comments and not just sound bites with
planning was over, such as the downturn
no substance that play on emotion!
in the economy nationally and worldwide,
We can get through this if we just listen and believe as an entire community in
subprime greedy loans and folks who
the words of General George C. Marshall
signed them knowing that they probably could not honor said signatures) and errors made in benefits across the board. I know that the leaders of this city have
Gary J. Long and Doug Wilhoit
learned from the past and are working hard to make sure the future is bright and due diligence
San Joaquin County Office of Education Wentworth Education Center 2707 Transworld Drive Stockton
Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Green Curriculum * Green Campus * Green Jobs
Photography by: Ulmer Photo
the foreclosure rate upswing (due to the
(1880-1959): “Morale is the state of mind. It is steadfastness and courage and hope. It is confidence and zeal and loyalty. It is ‘elan, esprit de corps and determination.” Just think about that for a moment and
then be part of the solution and not part of the problem!
HAZARDOUS WASTE? Disposing of hazardous waste can be difficult and expensive as it must be specially managed and documented. If your business generates small quantities of hazardous waste in San Joaquin County, we may have an affordable solution that is good for the environment and good for your business.
The Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Program Helping Small Businesses with Hazardous Waste Compliance For a Free Brochure, call 468-3066 To setup an appointment call
Economic benefits abound: reduced operating costs, reduced disposal costs, energy savings, and the creation of green jobs!
Dylan 547-2718 BEA@stocktonchamber.org Elisa 468-3066 ERMoberly@sjgov.org
Green Your Bottom Line with Product Stewardship!
Brought to You by the Cities and County of San Joaquin Design it Green | Make it Clean | Conserve Resources | Reduce | Reuse | Eliminate Toxics | Take it Back!
by: Heidi Altamarino 48th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue One of our most popular events of the year is the Industrial
Taking Care of Business Sponsors Help Fund Key Chamber Programs Taking Care of Business also ties closely to the Chamber’s work
Technology Barbecue, a festive fall get together honoring new
in business retention and development activities, and helps fund
and expanding businesses in our county. Mark your calendars for
committees and programs designed to keep Greater Stockton
Wednesday, September 12, at 5:00 p.m. at the University Plaza
businesses healthy and growing. Committees supported include the
Waterfront Hotel at 110 W. Fremont Street, Stockton.
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable and other business
We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support of our founding sponsors: Pacific Gas & Electric Company, SJC Economic
development programs. Sponsors receive recognition at such events as the Industrial
Development Association and San Joaquin Partnership. Their
Technology Barbecue, State of the City, Annual Golf Tournament,
dedication to honoring those companies that enhance our revenue
Chamber Tradeshow & Showcase Mixer and Chamber Business
and employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we place on
Awards. Popular Awards programs such as the ATHENA Award are
encouraging a healthy business economy.
also included, as well as the Annual Installation Dinner.
Various Industrial Technology Barbecue sponsorship levels are available, and if you take action now, you’ll receive maximum
Advantages Available to Taking Care of Business Supporters Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the
marketing exposure in upcoming promotions. Act now and help us
events line up. The Chamber allows its members to wisely choose a
honor these great companies!
yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer exposure
For more information, please contact Timm Quinn at 209.547.2960 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Sponsorship Levels $1100 Platinum Sponsor Exclusive sponsorship. Sponsorship includes
and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at significant savings. For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through
reserved table of eight for dinner, two tickets to pre-event honoree reception (reception will be held 4:00-5:00 p.m. before the event September 12 at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel), recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name/logo of company), an ad in the dinner program, recognition from podium during event, signage at table.
Taking Care of Business, contact Heidi Altamirano, Events Director, at
$800 Gold Sponsor Sponsorship includes four dinner tickets,
nominations for outstanding agricultural leaders and mentors in our
recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
$600 Silver Sponsor Sponsorship includes two dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), listing of company in the program at the night of the event, recognition from podium during event.
209.547.2764 or heidi@stocktonchamber.org
Ag Hall of Fame Requests Nominations The San Joaquin County Agricultural Hall of Fame is requesting community. Now in its 28th year, the Agricultural Hall of Fame honors those individuals who have contributed to agriculture and to their community in significant ways. Each year, awards are given to at least three living recipients, as well as posthumous ones. All those previously recognized in the Agricultural Hall of Fame
Sign Up Now for the Most Bang for Your Sponsorship Buck!
have their photographs and biographies on display at the San Joaquin
Taking Care of Business Program 2012-2013
lobby of the new Robert J. Cabral Ag Center.
The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member businesses
Historical Society & Museum in Micke Grove Park and also in the Nomination forms are available from the Greater Stockton Chamber
a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming
of Commerce, and need to be submitted by August 17 in order to
year. This popular program was created to give Chamber members an
be considered. For more information, please call Timm Quinn at
excellent way to receive exposure throughout the year at a dramatic
209.547.2960 or visit the Stockton Chamber of Commerce website.
discount off normal pricing.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
Become a Certified Green Business! Leadership Stockton Save money & gain customers by:
by: Timm Quinn
Reducing waste Conserving water and energy Protecting public health Using recycled-content in your products
Leadership Stockton Class of 2012 Congratulations again to the
Department assisted in replacing four
it across the lagoon. It, too, was power
slashed tires on the fire truck. The tires
washed, primered and painted. The
were filled with gel cement to deter future Leadership Stockton Class of 2012 for S MALL BUSINESS problems. The class met once a month all your hard work and dedication to the HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL* class and to making Stockton a better Affordable Hazardous Waste Management forfrom YourJanuary Businessthrough April and as the A Program of San Joaquin County Public Works weather heated up they began going out place to live. Your hard work with your
Pagoda was moved to its new spot where
a week. The class accomplished yearlong Woods Project a great i Pixie Low cost way to safely was dispose of hazardousonce materials.
to help with the pet overpopulation issue
the following: example the community to show what i for Documentation that you properly manage hazardous waste. i Assurance that the material will be disposedFrontier of properly. Town: a group of people can accomplish when
at the park. They were able to capture six
it looks absolutely beautiful! Pixie Pets Committee: The Pixie Pets Committee was formed
(209) 468-3066
(Costs depend on your waste types.)
stray dogs and get them to the shelter and
Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)
they work together. The class of 2012 was
The jail had been destroyed by arson
recognized for their great work at the July 10
and the benches were broken. The class
rescue organizations. They also got five cats taken in for spay/neuter procedures
We also City accept universal and electronic waste. rebuilt the jail and purchased six wagon Stockton Council meeting.
and vaccinations, then replaced them
Green Your Bottom Linewheel benches to replace the broken ones. Project Summary: with Product Stewardship! Economic abound:months, the Over thebenefits past eleven reduced operating costs, energy savings, Leadership Stockton Class of 2012 hasjobs. reduced disposal costs, the creation of green
back in the park to live their happy lives.
Neptune’s Castle (Pixies in Space):
Class member Dr. Goulet personally did all the surgeries, volunteering her time
When the class first toured the park,
www.CalPSC.org accomplished a huge project at Pixie
sand bees were swarming in Neptune’s
and skills as a veterinarian.
Woods. To finance their plans, a very
bowl. With shovels and sand bags, they
Additional tasks:
successful bowling event was held in
removed almost two feet of sand. The
September 2011. Over $12,000 was raised
bowl was power washed, primered and
the old, outdated sound system. Also
to make renovations and improvements
painted into an alien/space theme. Red
to help “theme” the train route, they
at Pixie Woods.
bark was added as a final touch. The
commissioned a Pixie Woods’ artist
transformation is amazing!
to replace the purple hippo and circus
The Pagoda:
elephant with a saber tooth tiger and
Design it Green | Make it Clean | Conserve Resources | Reduce | Reuse | Eliminate Toxics | Take it Back!
To get things started, the General Maintenance Committee created a list
The class paid $3,000 towards replacing
The decision was made to move the
of viable tasks. They chose to focus on
mastodon. The class also assisted the
three main areas (with a few minor side
Pagoda from the island to an area across
Board with their annual Wine Tasting
projects): Frontier Town, Neptune’s
from the Chinese Dragon. It took a lot
event on June 22.
Castle and the Pagoda. The Stockton Fire
of elbow grease to dismantle it and ferry
Leadership Stockton Class of 2012 Graduates: Amy Burke, LifeChangers International
Oona Mallett, Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson
Lisa Cooper, University of the Pacific
Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.
Cindy DeSilva, San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office
Chris Pehl, San Joaquin County Sheriffs Department
Tim Dickson, University of the Pacific – Athletics Department
Olga Rodriguez, Community Partnership for Families
Kristen Dyke, Port City Marketing Solutions, Inc.
Kathleen Serna, Family & Youth Services of San Joaquin Co., Inc.
JJ Godi, Art Godi Realtors
Kathy Skeels, San Joaquin County Office of Education
Dean Goold, Verdeo
Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank
Dr. Melissa Goulet, Sierra Veterinary Clinic
Linda Vasquez, Stockton Thunder Professional Hockey
Chris Kleinert, San Joaquin County Office of Education
Tania Vega, Native TANF
Cynthia Lau, Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce
Paul Yang, Premier Community Credit Union
Adrienne Machado, Stockton Unified School District
Wilson Yu, Pacific Construction
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Convention & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
are working closely with their respective local clients to provide
Stockton Beer Week to Celebrate Craft Brewing
the perfect and unique beer event for each venue. Of course,
Stockton Beer Week, a new event celebrating craft and micro brewing, will
Stockton’s own Valley Brew is on board with
take place in locally owned breweries, bars,
exciting events including a beer dinner!
pubs and restaurants across Stockton from
To learn more about Stockton Beer Week, visit www.StocktonBeerWeek.com
August 23 through 26.
or call the Visitors Bureau at 209.938.1555.
Participating venues will host specialty
Follow Us and Win!
beer tastings, brewer talks, beer dinners,
The Stockton Convention & Visitors
tap take-overs, food pairings and more. Stockton Beer Week is designed to
Bureau invites you to “LIKE” our
promote the appreciation of craft beer and
Facebook page to stay up on the latest
its history in our region.
events and happenings in Stockton. You will love all of the giveaways! This summer
The marketing event is a partnership between the Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Downtown
we have given away concert tickets, Port tickets, 99 Speedway
Stockton Alliance, the Miracle Mile Improvement District and
tickets and much more! Be sure to visit www.Facebook.com/CelebrateStockton and
Lincoln Center. Our distribution partners, DBI Beverage and Delta Sierra Beverage,
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
click “LIKE” for all the latest!
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555 www.visitstockton.org
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
Programs and Public Policy Department by: Frank Ferral Special Green Team San Joaquin Meeting Time
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. To be certified, businesses
The August Green Team San Joaquin meeting will be on
must meet strict conservation, pollution and recycling requirements
Wednesday, August 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the Chamber Conference
as well as have “green” company policies and practices in place.
Room. The date change is due to the Green Team San Joaquin
Receiving the award on behalf of St. Joseph’s Medical Center were
taking part on a panel at the California Resource Recovery
John Kendle, Director of Operations, Support and Services and
Association’s Conference in Oakland on August 7-8. For more information on the meeting times and
Sister Abby Newton, Vice President for Mission Services. St. Joseph’s Medical Center receives numerous awards for its pioneering environmental
dates, please go to
ethic. Practice Greenhealth, a national
membership organization for
Time to Be a Sponsor
healthcare facilities committed
The Business Education
to environmentally responsible
Alliance and the Green Team San Joaquin programs are
operations, annually
currently seeking sponsors.
names St. Joseph’s Medical
Program sponsorship is
Center to its prestigious
a great way to not only
Environmental Leadership
provide the fiscal needs to
Circle. St. Joseph’s recycling programs include green
operate the programs, but
waste, batteries, cans, bottles,
to provide your company
wood pallets, hospital products
with a plethora of marketing
such as blue wrap and shrink
opportunities in return. For
wrap and baby bottles. The hospital
more information on becoming a
also uses energy efficient laundry washers
sponsor, please contact Frank J. Ferral at 209.547.2763 or fferral@stocktonchamber.org.
Schedule a REACON Visit
and this year the Medical Center opened a community garden.
A Recycling Energy Air Conservation (REACON) team visit can assist your business in reducing the cost of doing business through environmental stewardship. REACON is a business-to-business outreach program to help your business go green. If you are interested in finding out more about our Green Sustainable Business Certification program or to schedule a visit, please contact Frank J. Ferral at 209.547.2763 or fferral@stocktonchamber.org
St. Joseph’s Medical Center Achieves Green Certification St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton just became San Joaquin County’s first “green certified” hospital. The certification was awarded on June 13 by Green Team San Joaquin, a program of the
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For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
aug2012 10
New Members
For more information on becoming a new member, please call Brittney Doty at 209.337.2723 or brittney@stocktonchamber.org. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
I wanted to take a minute to introduce
Chico with a Bachelor’s degree in
myself. My name is Brittney Doty. I have
Business Marketing. I worked for
taken the place of Matt Anderson as the
over two years at the Center for
Membership Director here at the Greater
Economic Development in Chico
Stockton Chamber of Commerce, as of
as the Marketing Coordinator.
Monday, July 2. I plan to continue the work
Recently, I spent time in South Africa
Matt has begun and do my part to make
volunteering as a surfing and soccer
the Chamber greater and to help your
coach for underprivileged children.
businesses thrive in any way I can! I am
Law Offices of Michael V. Nudelman
extremely excited for this opportunity.
questions or inquiries, please feel free
14900 W. Highway 12 #22 Lodi www.michaelnudelman.com
to contact me at any time. My goal at
Arts Services Organizations / Fabrication / Florists Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. 115 W. March Lane Stockton
Coffee Roasting/Coffeehouse Jitter Jolt 5939 Pacific Avenue Stockton
Legal Services
Racing/Auto / Financial Planning Noceti Grupe Inc / Stockton 99 4105 North Wilson Way Stockton
A little history about me… I
If you should have any
attended Arizona State University and
the Chamber is to assist you with any
also California State University, Chico,
ideas, events or endeavors you may have
both on soccer scholarships. I graduated
for your business. Don’t hesitate to ask!
from California State University,
I look forward to working with you.
Steel Fabricators / Steel Service Centers SCAFCO Corp. 2525 South Airport Way Stockton
Real Estate / Loans – Business The Land Group 2909 Coffee Road, #4 Modesto
Brittney Doty, Membership Director Ph 209.337.2723 Fax 209.466.5271
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Turn Your GOLD Into GREEN Turn Your GOLD Into GREEN Recycle your Old or Broken Jewelry
Recycle your Old or Broken Jewelry
Gold prices are at an all time high! Over $1,600 per ounce. Broken, damaged, unused or unwanted- don’t miss your opportunity to get top dollar for your jewelry!
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Gold prices are at an all time high! Over $1,600 per ounce.
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Broken, damaged, unused or unwanted- don’t miss your 4 Consecutive Years! opportunity to get top dollar for your jewelry! Lincolncash!! Center, Stockton, CA 95207 Turn unworn jewelry into320 green 209.477.6881 www.GJLongJewelers.com f o r l i f e ’ s c e l e b r at i o n s
Keeping Stockton Safe: Sheriff Steve Moore and Chief Eric Jones Talk Law Enforcement in San Joaquin County By Justin Souza
In a community as large as San Joaquin
we went through two years of Fiscal
County, keeping the peace is no small
Emergency where we did a lot of that
feat. Just ask Sheriff Steve Moore of the
adjustment already. The public won’t
San Joaquin Sheriff ’s Office and Stockton
see a significant change in policing while
Police Department Chief Eric Jones. As
we go through this, but we need to get
the leads of San Joaquin County’s major
back to 550-600 sworn officers to really
law enforcement agencies, the two men
start making the impact we want to make.
are candid about handling the challenges
In the meantime, we aren’t going to shrug
and rewards of law enforcement in the
our shoulders and say there’s nothing we
greater Stockton area.
can do. Our personnel is working tirelessly
Between budget woes and the loss of essential manpower, you might expect
to try to make this city as safe as it can be.” Collaborative Efforts
San Joaquin County’s top cops to simply
This goal of making the city of
be treading water. However, both men—
Stockton and San Joaquin County a
and the agencies they command—are
safer place, despite limited resources,
fully committed to making the Greater
has been a strong motivating force
Stockton area a safer place through
for both the Sheriff ’s Office and the
thoughtful collaborations between
Stockton Police Department, and has
departments, increased community
served to unify the two agencies and
engagement and outreach to the local
their counterparts throughout the area.
business community.
Every law enforcement agency serving
With the City of Stockton’s recent
in San Joaquin County collaborates with
bankruptcy announcements, there has
the others, according to Sheriff Moore.
been local anxiety about the future of law
“We meet monthly to discuss problems,
enforcement in the area. But according
current events and how we want to
to Chief Jones, while the whole effects
approach certain issues we’re seeing.”
of the bankruptcy are unclear, the
This ongoing collaboration between
police department will not lose more
commanders makes a difference on the
manpower. “The difference between
street, said Moore, and has inspired a
Stockton and Vallejo is that Vallejo went
number of collaborative task forces aimed
into bankruptcy and then made all of
at curbing certain types of crimes. For
their cuts,” said Chief Jones. “In Stockton,
example, a crime prevention task force
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Our personnel is working tirelessly to try to make this city as safe as it can be. first formed four years ago puts a force of 120 officers on the streets for three days each year to combat a yearly spike in robberies between Thanksgiving and the end of December. With the increased force— made up of staff members from each of the local law enforcement agencies— focused on high crime areas including shopping venues like Lincoln Center, the task force has successfully flattened the yearly spike and prevented future crimes. “[That task force] was our first real operation countywide where everybody got together. Since then, we’ve utilized that capability to work together for operations in Lodi, Stockton, Manteca and Tracy,” said Moore, adding that one of the keys to the task forces’ successes are that they combat and prevent crimes without increasing budgets. “We do it all on straight time assignments, without overtime. Any one of the Chiefs can call at
any time and we’ll put together however
Give us that opportunity. Because I
officers to make suggestions,” sai d
many troops they need to do what they
guarantee you, if you don’t call us we
Jones. “Above all, communication
want to do.”
definitely can’t help.”
is key. Communicating with us and
“The partnership between the Police
Beyond keeping local law enforcement
staying involved with your own business community.”
Department and the Sheriff ’s Office is
in the loop, Jones and Moore indicated
amazing, from our excellent working
that Business Watch—a companion to
relationship on the top level all the
Neighborhood Watch—is an important
and waiting for the next shoe to drop,”
way down to camaraderie on the street
factor in crime prevention and analysis.
said Moore. “We’re very open to new
level” added Chief Jones. “We have
“It’s helpful if businesses band together
ideas, new technologies and new ways
task forces for auto theft, for robbery,
with their neighbors,” said Chief Jones.
of preventing crime. We’re all looking
narcotics, gangs and a partnership on a
“The Miracle Mile is a great example for
for solutions, beating the bushes and
firearms reduction consortium to track
the rest of the city on how businesses
trying to make sure that that next shoe
and hopefully put a dent in firearms
can organize and communicate among
never falls.”
possession in the area. There’s no way
themselves and with us. Each business
to know how much violence we’ve
helps the other businesses be aware and
prevented together so far, but I know it’s
together they help us get results. We
a substantial amount.”
need a lot more of that.”
Community Engagement While inter-agency cooperation is
“None of us are sitting on our hands
The Crime Prevention Through Design program can also help local
a cornerstone of making San Joaquin
businesses reduce their chances
County a safer place, Sheriff Moore
of being victimized. The program,
indicated that cooperation from the
which is supported by staff from both
community is essential to future success,
the Sheriff ’s office and the Police
as well. “The more the community
Department, can visit local businesses
is willing to call their local law
and suggest simple changes—from
enforcement agency when they see and
trimming shrubbery to adding lights
hear illegal things happening, the better
or cameras in specific places—that
job we can do,” said Moore. “We want
can help make businesses into less
people to become involved and let us
attractive targets to criminals. “Some
know when crimes happen. We rely on
of this stuff is common sense, but we
that data for crime analysis and that
have resources and information on
helps us use our manpower effectively.
our website to help and will provide www.stocktonchamber.org
aug2012 14
Ribbon Cuttings
CA Department of Rehabilitation 1507 E. March Ln, Suite A
For additional information go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Pine Street Physical & Occupational Therapy
Premier Chiropractic
534 E. Pine St, #A
5380 West Ln, #A
Attending Ambassadors Aldo Montijo Premier Chiropractic, Annie Randazzo Allied Waste, Becky Deal Rabobank, Blair Hake Ameriprise Financial Services INC, Carol Clemons Angel’s Caring Helpers, Chester Lum ABC Wallace Funeral Services, Cindy Ward Xango, Dora Ruiz EZ Network Systems, Ed Wanket WorkNet, Elaine Harlan The River, KRVR 105.5, Ellen
Powell Assemblymember Cardoza’s Representative, Fernando Ruelas Kaplan College, Frank Martinez H.O.P.E., Gary Ghan Brookfalls Water, Gillian Murphy Small Business Development Center at SJ Delta College, Glenn Jose H.O.P.E, Gloria Blaine Basket Caravan & Gourmet Gifts, Gregory Walther Press F1 Computer Services, Jennifer Lewis Stockton Hilton, John Medina H.O.P.E., John Paval Kansas City Life, Loretta Lee CA DEPT of Rehabilitation, Marilyn Mason RHA, Mark McDonald Legal Shield, Michelle
Sherlock Optimal Hospice Care, Melanie Speer Costco, Nick Harbut Eco Chic Salon, Ojesa Asejo-Clark Rabobank, Patti Gulick New Image Signs, Rich McDonald Dale Carnegie, Reggie Martinez UEI College, Rick & Cherie Pruitt RP Painting Specialists, Sally Fandrich Allied Waste, Sam Ward Xango, Sylvester Aguilar Bank of the West, Shannon Ding Assemblymember Bill Berryhill’s Representative, Steve Glovsky Kamps Propane, Tim Aguirre Impact Promotions, Tim Aragon TelePacific Communications, Tom Hobbs Park West Self Storage, Tracee Bucio Hands On Healing, Vince Rosato New Image Signs, Zach Sharkey Stockton Ports Baseball Club
Networking Mixer July 12, St. Teresa Comprehensive Cancer Center
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Autumn Pops:
ATHENA Award 2012
Cirque de la Symphonie
Take a few minutes to think about the exceptional business people
Saturday, September 15, 6:00 p.m.,
you know, and then consider nominating them for this year’s
Sunday, September 16, 2:30 p.m.
prestigious ATHENA Award. On November 15, at a luncheon at
the Stockton Golf & Country Club, we’ll honor an outstanding
de la
individual as our 2012-2013 Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Symphonie brings the magic of cirque
ATHENA recipient and the ATHENA Young Professional
to our Symphony concert hall! The
Leadership Award recipient. The deadline for nominations is
veterans of exceptional cirque programs
August 31 at 5 p.m.
throughout the world—aerial flyers, acrobats, contortionists, dancers,
Our reigning honorees are Sara Garfield and Angela Rosenquist.
jugglers, balancers, and strongmen—
These awards are presented to individuals in our community who
move beyond the concert stage to
strive toward the highest levels of professional accomplishment,
amaze you in this magnificent show.
excel in their chosen field, demonstrate support for the Single tickets go on sale
advancement of business and professional women, devote time and
Monday, July 9. Save up to
energy to their community in a meaningful way and open paths so
15% if you buy the 4-concert
that others may follow. For more information visit
Pops series. For more
information visit www.stocktonsymphony.org. The 57th Stockton Art League Juried Exhibition is on display at The Haggin Museum through September 2 with more than 100 new works on display and for sale by longstanding local artists and newcomers from across the country. Entries include oil paintings, watercolors, pastels, sculpture and mixed
1.888.503.4833 WWW.HUFFDKI.COM
media. Call 209.940.6300 or visit www hagginmuseum.org.
aug2012 16
August 2012 Highlights
Thanks to everyone,
8/2 - Networking Mixer 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. @Dorfman-Pacific Co., Inc. 2615 Boeing Way, Stockton
we raised $315,000 for local charities! Passing the 100,000 mark once again, the 27th annual Stockton Asparagus Festival attendance exceeded last year’s and took the position as its second-highest attendance total in history. This year’s event attracted 104,158 visitors. Thanks to all the attendees of this year’s Stockton Asparagus Festival! To date, we’ve raised over 5.8 million dollars for local charities since the Asparagus Festival started in 1986.
Leadership Stockton Class of 2013 Orientation 8 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Chamber Committee Executive Meeting – 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
9 Join us next year, April 26 - 28, 2013 Visit www.asparagusfest.com for complete details.
@ Chamber Conference Room
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable 7:30 a.m. @ TBA
Leadership Stockton Leadership Dynamics Session 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ San Joaquin County Office of Education
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Liaison Committee Meeting – 12:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Green Team San Joaquin – 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Board Meeting – 4:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Business Education Alliance – 3:30 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. 24 @ Chamber Conference Room
Business Education Alliance – 3:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
also don’t miss... 9/6 - Networking Mixer 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. @Stockton Arena/SMG 248 W. Fremont Street, Stockton
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
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