Port O Call - August 2018

Page 1



HIGHER EDUCATION The Sky's the Limit

Vol.65 No.4






From Your President


From Your CEO


Leadership Stockton


Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership


Cover Story 10 Visit Stockton



News Briefs 14 Programs and Public Policy


July Mixer Photos


New Members


Ribbon Cuttings


Events 17 Calendar 18

AUGUST NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 – 7:15 p.m. @ Sleep Number Store 5756 Pacific Ave. #90


SUMMER DIVERSITY MIXER 5:15 – 7:15 p.m. @ Port of Stockton, Albert Lindley House 1 Fyffe Ave.




NETWORK 4 SUCCESS Meets every Thursday, 12 – 1 p.m. Contact the Chamber for location joe@stocktonchamber.org

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AUG 2018


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FROM YOUR 2018 -19 PRESIDENT BY: DEITRA R. KENOLY Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

This is my first full month as your Greater Stockton Chamber

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group SR. VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc.

of Commerce President, and we’re off to a busy season. August means back to school, and that’s why this month’s Port O Call focus is education.


In June, I was fortunate to attend the reception for the new

VICE PRESIDENT Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center VICE PRESIDENT Justin Redman, F&M Bank IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation


Superintendent for Stockton Unified School District, John Deasy, a man with big vision and great ideas on how to move the school

district forward. A welcome addition to our community! I wish him great success. As our children go back to school, we as parents (or as in my case, grandparent) are

CHAMBER DIRECTORS Stephanie Banuelos, Grimbleby Coleman CPAs Bob Berger, Cumulus Radio Randy Burns, Waterloo Morada Fire District F.J. “Joe” Dietrich IV, F.J. Dietrich & Co. Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency Erin Guy Castillo, Parish Guy Castillo, PC Jim Johnson, SMG Stockton David Kamins, Mid Valley IT Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group David Meier, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Daniel Natividad, Port City Marketing Solutions, Inc. Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Brian Petrovek, Stockton Heat

reminded of the importance of a quality education. To have great leadership in our


prepares students for future employment with our local business community. To find out



teachers and school administration is a valuable asset, and will make a big difference in the lives of our youth, which will show in the contributions they make in the future. To quote Malcolm X, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Let’s do our part to insure our children are ready! The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce does a great job bringing academia and business together through the Business Education Alliance (BEA), a program that more about this program and how you can help, please contact BEA Coordinator Mario Supnet at 209.547.2770 or e-mail him at bea@stocktonchamber.org.

OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Joe Curtis 209.292.8439 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Christy Hang 209.292.8433 SCAP EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS Ana Alfaro 209.292.8426 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Mandee Trackwell 209.292.8435

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mina Gomar 209.292.8429 BEA COORDINATOR Mario Supnet 209.292.8436 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT EVENTS Danielle Zoller 209.292.8422

This year, the Chamber is also dedicated to relaunching its Doing Business with Local Business initiative, and I encourage you to spend your dollars locally. For every dollar

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427

you spend with a local business, 68 cents stay right here. This allows our businesses to add

OFFICE COORDINATOR Karina Meza 209.547.2770

jobs, additional services, and contributes greatly to our overall economic health.

PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph




To give you some ideas on where to start, August is back-to-school – whether you need school supplies, clothing, tutoring services, etc., our community offers a wide range of products and services to meet your needs. Welcome to our newest chamber members. You can find a listing of them here in the magazine on page 16. Remember to do business with local businesses! In closing, CONGRATULATIONS to our fine city for being named ALL AMERICA CITY, once again!


445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


AUG 2018




All of us here at your Chamber hope

the folks who live farther down the Valley, like Fresno or Bakersfield,

you had a wonderful Independence Day

who have, in most cases, the same daytime temperatures as we do, but

celebration with family and friends!

do not have soothing Delta breezes. For example, both our daytime

Fireworks and grilled food make it fun, but

temperatures are maybe 102. By 10 p.m., our temperature will be in

also taking time to reflect on how lucky

the high 60’s to mid 70’s, and theirs are still in the high 80’s to low 90’s,

we are to be living in the United States of

and that's as good as it is going to get. My dad gave me a saying many

America with so many freedoms, protected

years ago, “I complained when I had no shoes, until I saw a man with

by the sacrifices of so many since the

no feet.” Some complain about the heat—it is summer, you know—but

founding of this country! It is all of us who live, work, play and pray day in and day out in a law-abiding, personally responsible and legal way that is the foundation of this country.

believe me, it could be worse! We live in a wonderful part of California and our Nation, and hopefully not only will we understand that, but herald it to all.

Hopefully, many of you were able to attend the 4th of July parade

Promoting the virtues of our community and working as one

held in downtown Stockton, and many thanks to Linda Vasquez and

to improve upon what is not so virtuous! Standing back and

The United Veterans Council of San Joaquin County who worked so

complaining like the man with no shoes is not the way to improve

hard to present this fine event!

our community, stepping to the plate and educating ourselves on the

On that note and on reflection, it is so sad to see the rancor and acrimony taking place now in OUR COUNTRY and it has to stop! William James, an American philosopher and psychologist born in New York City in 1842, said it best: “The deadliest enemies of nations

issues and needed improvement is. All of us should roll up our sleeves and join hands as one to improve the lives of all our fellow citizens! As you can see from this month’s Port O Call cover, we are heralding education as students prepare to start a new school year.

are not their foreign foes; they always dwell within their borders.

We all know that education is so important for all citizens, for it

And from these internal enemies, civilization is always in need of

is through education one can move closer to his or her dreams and

being saved. A nation blessed above all nations is she in whom the

God-given potential. Sometime between 384-322 B.C. Aristotle

CIVIC GENIUS OF THE PEOPLE does the saving day by day, by

said, “Educated men [women] are as much superior to uneducated

acts without external picturesqueness; by speaking, writing, VOTING

men [women] as the living are to the dead.” And between A.D.

reasonably; by smiting corruption swiftly by good temper between

46-120, Plutarch stated, “The very spring and root of honesty and

parties; by the people knowing true men when they see them, and

virtue lie in a good education.” These early philosophers had it

preferring them as leaders to rabid partisans and empty quacks.”

right, and what they felt and taught is as true today as it was then!

My purpose of emphasizing some words in the quote by Mr. James

With that in mind, since the beginning of your Greater Stockton

is that we as citizens have an absolute duty and responsibility to

Chamber of Commerce in 1901, the importance of education in

educate ourselves on the issues and candidates before us, and then

our community has been at the forefront of the mission of the

go to the polls armed with knowledge and conviction to make sure

Chamber. Not only to prepare students for the workplace, but also

those who WE elect to represent us do so with US in mind, and not

to instill honesty and virtue!

their own little self-serving “beltway” world. The dismal number of

Your Chamber, through its Business Education Alliance (BEA)

CITIZENS who voted in this last primary and past elections (thanks

and our entire membership, works closely with the school districts

to you who did vote) is an embarrassment, and I would hope that

of San Joaquin County to make sure they prepare their students

each of you right now makes a commitment to study the issues, the

for the future. In the times we live in, the task is not easy. But by

candidates, and then vote not only in November 2018, but every

working together, we can and will succeed. Join us in making the future bright for you, your family, and this

election thereafter. Hope you are all enjoying your summer and yes, as is always the

community by being or becoming an ACTIVE member of your

case, we have had some pleasant and some very hot days. But consider Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

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AUG 2018


LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton Class of 2018 IMPACT Project Congratulations again to the Leadership Stockton Class of 2018 for all your hard work and dedication to making Stockton a better

Teen Impact Center The primary focus for the Teen Center was to restore a nonfunctioning bowling alley by repairing the alley and installing new 40-

place to live! Your yearlong Project Impact at the Children’s Museum inch TVs and enhancing the computer system. As the bowling alley is a of Stockton and the Teen Impact Center was a great example for the

primary source of funding for the Center, this was a critical need.

community to show what a group of people can get accomplished

In addition to restoring the bowling alley, Leadership Stockton 2018:

when they work together. The Class of 2018 was recognized for their

Provided new flooring, mirrors, and paint for the dance room

great work Thursday, June 14th at the Leadership Stockton Class of

Provided new flooring, new paint, two new gaming consoles,

2018 Graduation Dinner.

two 50-inch television sets, new stands and new cabinets for

Project Impact Summary:

the game room

With an emphasis on youth in Stockton, the Leadership

Provided new flooring and renovation of the kitchen/snack

Stockton Class of 2018 took on two projects this year: renovation

bar area

of the Gary and Janice Podesto Impact Teen Center and the

Upgraded the WiFi system and made it accessible throughout

Children’s Museum of Stockton. Combining to make Project

Established an ongoing “minternship” scholarship fund,

IMPACT (Improve, Mentor, Promote, Advance our Children &

including work shadowing and college tours

Teens). Both places needed renovation, and Leadership Stockton stepped up to the challenge!

Children’s Museum •

Painted and restored the three iconic toy soldiers outside the Museum

Purchased and installed 80 cubic yards of fresh bark for the playground

Painted patio tables and spruced up the playground area


Ricardo Aguilar, San Joaquin Delta College Johanna Bakmas, University of the Pacific Brandie Brunni, San Joaquin County Office of Education Annie Cunial, San Joaquin County Office of Education Melissa Flores, Collins Electrical Company, Inc. Mark Hall, Value Products, Inc. Keiland Henderson, City of Stockton KiIngersol, Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson Dot Lofstrom Chad Marcigan, F&M Bank Steven McCarty, San Joaquin Delta College Sonia Muniz, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Carrie Natividad, LDA Partners Roy Park, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Le Phan, San Joaquin Delta College Tiffany Phovixay, Family Resource and Referral Center Richard Rodriguez, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Ezra Salas, ITT Technical Institute Ezra Salomon, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Mario Supnet, Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce Armando Valerio, San Joaquin County Public Health Service Zoila Vigil, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

Venture-Backed Technology Company Katerra Expands in Tracy



As impressive as the investment and jobs coming to San Joaquin

A continuing trend of technology companies disrupting old business

County, the Katerra board leadership has at one time been CEO of

models–like Amazon and Tesla–are finding San Joaquin County as the

Flextronics, CEO of Schlumberger Limited, Chief Strategy Officer

ideal location to serve the growing Northern California megaregion.

of Foxconn, Founding Partner of SoftBack Investment Advisers,

Katerra is the next company to follow this trend. “Establishing a manufacturing presence in the Central Valley made sense to efficiently

and a Co-Founder of Silver Lake–a private equity firm. A lot of teamwork goes into winning each deal. In this case, the San

serve the West Coast market while gaining access to talent to operate

Joaquin Partnership and its countywide team of economic developers

advanced robotic equipment,” said Michael Marks, chairman and

provided available building and site locations that matched Katerra’s

co-founder of Katerra. “We’re excited to be adding jobs to California’s

criteria. Incentives were presented along with a full labor profile of the

economy as we apply technology to deliver high-quality buildings faster.” workforce and wage rates. And not to forget, the GO-Biz committee Katerra’s mission is to change the building construction industry by optimizing every aspect of building design, materials supply, and

approval of $10 million in CA Competes Tax Credits. Attraction of modern jobs is key to the future of prosperous

construction. The company will invest $55 million and create more than

growth. The benefit creates a demand for a more skilled labor force

500 jobs. Founded in 2015, Katerra raised an $865 million round of

that will receive higher wages.

financing in January, led by SoftBank’s Vision Fund along with Foxconn and DFJ. Currently, it has a $1 billion backlog of building projects.

Katerra’s decision to select the City of Tracy is a great example that San Joaquin, USA is on the right track.

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AUG 2018




ears ago, a college degree was considered an option to strive

for, but not as vital for many jobs. Fast forward to today and

the Limit by Victor Randolph

program (Advancement Via Individual Determination) that provides academic and social support for students at 40 school sites. Offered

higher education is more important than ever. Academia enriches

to students from elementary school through high school, AVID uses

students with a wealth of knowledge. More importantly, a college

research-based strategies and curriculum to prepare students for

degree opens sought-after career doors. It is scarce to find a job

college and careers, especially students traditionally underrepresented

listing or a career which does not require an advanced degree. But,

in higher education.

the first step is preparing high school students for studies at our local colleges and universities.

SJCOE along with Stockton Unified School District Prepares Students for College Education in San Joaquin County is all about preparing children

San Joaquin Delta College Offers Traditional & Vocational Programs With over 100 career and degree certificate programs, Delta College is the top destination for students in California's Central Valley wishing to learn a new trade, upgrade their skills, or earn transfer

for a bright, productive future. Educators in our county begin this

units to four-year colleges and universities. Their commitment

journey long before the first day of school. The path to college and a

to innovative, high-quality education provides students with the

career begins even before a child is born. Brain development from

knowledge, experience and training necessary for 21st century

birth to age 5 is crucial to a child's success in school and life. One

careers. Each year at Delta, they are proud to meet and exceed the

example of how children are being prepared in this crucial stage in

needs of over 20,000 students in over 70 different fields of study. Delta

their lives is Head Start of San Joaquin, a partnership between the

propels students into prestigious four-year institutions, often within

SJCOE, Stockton Unified School District, Child Abuse Prevention

the University of California and Cal State school systems.

Council, and Creative Childcare, Inc. K-12 education in San Joaquin County has seen an increased

Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, California's official body of school accreditation, Delta proudly

focus on preparing students for college and 21st century careers.

upholds the highest level of academic standards at the community

It is reflected in more ways than the California State Standards

college level. Taken together, their track record of educational

taught in our schools. Our county's largest school district, Stockton

excellence, spirited community engagement, and career-minded

Unified, has implemented programs and scholarships to assist

curricula are all in service of one goal: preparing students for

students with preparing for college. One example is its AVID

future success.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

CSU Stanislaus Features a Stockton Center and Has a Partnership with San Joaquin Delta College Since opening in 1960, Stanislaus State has been committed to providing access to public higher education in San Joaquin County, a philosophy that has led them to maintain a physical

of the workplace. Non-degree professional development courses and certificates provide targeted, up-to-date training, allowing anyone to upgrade their skills in the specific areas they need to grow in their careers or enrich their personal lives. University College at University of the Pacific is committed

presence in Stockton since 1974. More than 10,000 students have

to offering these educational opportunities for working

attended classes at the Stanislaus State Stockton Center while

professionals, with a wide variety of programs to choose from.

working on their college degrees, and that number is poised to

They offer flexible online courses and certificates, so you can

increase dramatically with their new partnership with San Joaquin

work and still have time to spend with family and friends, while

Delta College, which will allow many more students to obtain a

getting an education on your schedule. For students who want

bachelor's degree without ever leaving Stockton.

more, they also offer degree completion programs designed to

Stan State continues to work toward expanding the number of four-year programs that can be completed entirely in Stockton. In addition, Stan State is committed to the services, activities and other resources that will

accommodate working adults. Some employers will even pay for your education as part of your benefits. Visit their website to see programs they offer to help you with

help create a fulfilling college experience for the Stockton Center students.

your career: go.pacific.edu/UniversityCollege.

Higher Education is Within Reach at Humphreys University

MBA Programs at CSU Stanislaus Ready to advance your career? Consider a Master of Business

Since its founding in downtown Stockton in 1896, Humphreys

Administration (MBA) degree! Earning an MBA provides you

University has believed that any sound academic program must first

with a 20% higher salary, and the tools for strategic planning

be concerned with meeting the educational needs of the individual

and leadership skills to advance your organization’s profitability.

students, and second, with ensuring the program contains elements of

Stanislaus State offers an Executive MBA in an accelerated

general and career or professional education. Humphreys is a non-

15-month program, with Saturday classes in a hybrid format. The

profit and private university, accredited by the WASC Senior College

program rotates between Stockton, Turlock/Modesto

and University Commission (WSCUC). Humphreys provides an

and Tracy, targeting professionals with five

experience that is second to none, staying true to the purpose of private

years of management experience.

education. Bachelor programs will augment program-specific training

Professionals pursue an

and skills. Graduate programs will transform students into effective and

MBA to plan for a new

transformational leaders.

business, or prepare for the next step

Humphreys serves the unique needs of students of San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties. Offering financial aid, student support services, and academic and career counseling. Humphreys University ensures your higher education goals are within reach.

Professional Development with University College at UOP Rapid changes in our economy and technology require employees to continually enhance their skills, remain competitive in the job market and contribute to the success of the organizations they work for. While a college degree can provide valuable education and training, workers often need to acquire new skills to adapt to the ever-changing demands

in their career. An AACSB accreditation provides a quality education from the top 5% of business schools worldwide. Stanislaus State, College of Business Administration, offers three competitively priced AACSB accredited MBA programs. They offer an evening program, fully online program, and executive program in an accelerated format with Saturday classes. Contact Katrina Kidd, Director, kkidd@csustan.edu; www.csustan.edu/mbaprograms “Let us never be betrayed into saying we have finished our education, because that would mean we had stopped growing.” – Julia H. Gulliver.


AUG 2018 11


Stockton Arts Week (October 12-21)

For 17 days in July (the 13th through the 29th), volunteers from

Become a part of Stockton Arts Week by creating an event,

throughout the

collaborating with other types of artists (dancers and painters,

county staffed the

musicians and sculptors, etc.), encouraging your business/

2018 San Joaquin

organization to host or sponsor an event for artists, or teach a class to

County Exhibit

share your talents with others. The ideas are endless. Contact us for

at the California

some inspiration and connections with resources. Learn more at

State Fair.

StocktonArtsWeek.com. Questions: robyn@visitstockton.org

Visit Stockton

or 209.636.4348.

appreciates the support shown by our community as we embarked on this new endeavor. Special thanks to those volunteers who took the time to staff the exhibit and share their love of our county with fair goers. If you are interested in being a part of the exhibit next year, please email robyn@visitstockton.org or call 209.636.4348.

Stockton Savings Pass Take advantage of a free advertising opportunity by becoming a part of the Stockton Savings Pass. Create one-time and recurring deals to encourage new and repeat traffic to your business. This mobile coupon book for visitors and residents also features the opportunity for your business to make a commission on passes you sell. Check out StocktonSavingsPass.com. Questions: robyn@visitstockton.org or 209.636.4348.

Every month, thousands of issues of Port O Call are directly mailed to Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce members and area business leaders. This direct mailing ensures that the region’s best, brightest, and most important business leaders see Port O Call – and its advertisers.



READERS Business Owners | Regional Managers | Government Leaders Community Advocates | Key Decision-Makers | Service Club Members

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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Robyn F. Cheshire: robyn@visitstockton.org 209.636.4348


AUG 2018 13

NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

CVCB Announces North Valley Team Leader James M. Ford, President and

Toni Taboada

The award was given for DeMartino’s leadership in developing zero-emission, all-electric bus transportation in the City of Stockton.

Chief Executive Officer of Central

“Despite our very impressive record of emissions reductions with

Valley Community Bank, is pleased

our existing fleets, we have been eagerly stepping into the next

to announce the promotion of new

arena of 100% zero-emission bus (ZEB) technology, in alignment

Community Banking Team Leader for

with our Governor’s vision for the state,” said DeMartino, as she

the North Valley region: Toni Taboada,

accepted the award. “I am proud to say RTD is one of the first

Vice President, Community Banking

agencies to deploy zero-emission, all-electric buses. We currently

North Valley Team Leader. “We are pleased to have Toni lead the North Valley Community Banking teams. [She possesses] extensive experience in banking, knowledge of her region, proven management and customer relationship skills that will support our growing customer base, and will assist in expanding our company’s presence.” said James M. Ford, President and CEO of Central Valley Community Bancorp and Central Valley

operate one of the largest electric bus fleets in the state, and we recently opened the first all-electric Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor in the nation, right here in Stockton. Our Board and our Mayor signed a commitment to have an all-electric bus fleet in Stockton by 2025. We are committed to moving forward with bus manufacturers, funding partners, and utility providers to ensure we can make the goal of 100% zero emissions a reality.” DeMartino received the award at a banquet held at the Dante Club of Sacramento on Saturday, June 2. She was joined by family,

Community Bank. With nearly 40 years of banking and lending experience,

friends, and RTD employees.

Toni Taboada previously served as Vice President, Branch Manager of the Stockton and Tracy offices. In her new role as Community Banking North Valley Team Leader, which encompasses San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Merced Counties, Taboada is responsible for overseeing the Stockton, Lodi, Modesto and Merced offices, in addition to continuing to serve as Branch Manager of the Stockton office. Taboada can be reached at 209.644.7815.

Stocktonian Michael P. Duffy will be honored with the 2018 Goodwill Helping Hands Award at an Evening of Good Will event on Thursday, September 13 at the Stockton Golf and Country Club. “The Goodwill Foundation Board of Directors selected Michael Duffy as this year’s recipient because of his broadbased commitment and dedication to the betterment of San

RTD CEO Donna DeMartino Wins Public Official of the Year Award from Sierra Club Chief Executive Officer Donna

Joaquin County, and his support and involvement of non-profit organizations especially dedicated to children, families and literacy. Michael’s service to boards and committees throughout the community is extensive and diverse, and we are so pleased to

DeMartino, of San Joaquin Regional Transit

recognize him publicly,” said Denise Ost, President of Goodwill

District (RTD), was recognized as the

Foundation and Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley, Inc.

Outstanding Public Official of the Year by

Most notably, Duffy is responsible for developing and building

the Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter.

the first financial institution in the Airport Way/Charter Way

Donna DeMartino


Michael P. Duffy Honored with Goodwill Helping Hands Award

corridor of South Stockton.

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: MARIO SUPNET This summer, we will begin recruiting businesses to sign

careers. The Chamber is excited to partner with Stockton

up to be a host site for our Students WIN program. WIN

Unified School District and its high schools to support our

stands for Workforce Internship Network. This exciting

future workforce.

and new component of the BEA program further develops opportunities for students to take on

The program will partner with many types of businesses requiring various skill levels. Job

non-paid internship and paid part-

duties should include skills building, industry-

time positions with local businesses

specific tasks, and general work experience and

and companies. Through the

ethics. The combination of both hard skills and

Students WIN program, eligible high

soft skills will enhance the student’s learning

school students will go through the

experience and development.

process of attending a career panel,

Businesses can take advantage of this opportunity

participating in a mock interview,

by providing skills training, while getting some

and will develop a job-ready resume

extra help either through paid part-time positions or

prior to being referred to a potential work site. The internships and part-time positions will give students hands-on experience to learn proper work etiquette and to develop valuable skills they can transfer to future

unpaid internships. Opportunities will be available throughout the school year. It’s a win-win for the community. To learn more about this exciting new program or to be a host site for students, contact us at bea@stocktonchamber.org or call 209.292.8436.

Next FRESH Meeting Thurs. Aug 9 from 9 – 10:15 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


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Solar Optimum, Inc.

Carpenters Local



Queirolo’s Heating &


Union 152 City of Stockton Collins Electrical Co. Dorfman Pacific


Air Conditioning, Inc.

San Joaquin County Public Works

Universal Service Recycling

San Joaquin Council of Governments

Mario Supnet: bea@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8436


AUG 2018 15


NEW MEMBERS Restaurants Woodbridge Crossing 18939 N. Lower Sacramento Rd., Woodbridge, CA 95258 Non-profit Stockton Impact Corps 110 N. San Joaquin St. #215, Stockton, CA 95202 Media Design and Production AR Design P.O. Box 4082 Incline Village, NV 89450 Real Estate The Home Brokerage 400 E. Kettleman Ln. #20, Stockton, CA 95203

Food Services Valley Meal Prep 1019 E March Ln., Ste. D, Stockton, CA 95210 222 McHenry Ave., Modesto, CA 95354 Financial & Insurance Services New York Life Stockton GO 3255 W. March Ln. Ste. #300, Stockton, CA 95219 Towing & Storage Anderson’s Towing 2051 West Ln., Stockton, CA 95205

Merchant Bank Card Accounts C&H Financial Services, Inc. 1949 W. Kettleman Ln. Ste. 100, Lodi, CA 95242

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Past President: Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions Attending Board of Directors: Loretta Lee, Junior League of S.J. Attending Ambassadors: Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Catherine Rodgers, Bank of Stockton; Cathy Douma, Minuteman Press of Stockton; Chris Grant, 105.9 The Bull; Ella Hollman, Collins Realty Inc./Aspiranet; Gloria Blaine, Honorary Member; Isom Harrison, PMZ; Julie Damron, Stockton Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center; Michelle Burgad, Sandler Partners; Roy Nightengale, 105.9 The Bull; Victor Randolph, Never Boring

UNCLE Credit Union

Sass! Public Relations, Inc.

167 N. Hunter St., Stockton, CA 95202

628 Lincoln Center, Stockton, CA 95207

Stockton Sailing Club 4980 Buckley Cove Way, Stockton, CA 95219


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Ag Hall of Fame Nomination Deadline Aug. 10 The San Joaquin County Agricultural Hall of Fame is requesting nominations for outstanding agricultural leaders and mentors in our community. Now in its 34th year, the Agricultural Hall of Fame honors those individuals who have contributed to agriculture, and to their community, in significant ways. All those previously recognized in the Agricultural Hall of Fame have their photographs and biographies on display at the San Joaquin Historical Society & Museum in Micke Grove Park, and in the lobby of the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center. They are also listed on the Chamber website on the Ag Hall of Fame page. Nomination forms are available from the Greater Stockton

Taking Care of Business Program 2018-2019 The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming year. Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the events line up. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at a significant savings. For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business visit stocktonchamber.org/taking-care-of-business/, contact Timm Quinn, Events Director, at 209.292.8423, or e-mail to tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

Chamber of Commerce website, and need to be submitted by 3 p.m. Fri., Aug. 10, in order to be considered. For a nomination form or more information, please call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423, or visit stocktonchamber.org/ag-hall-of-fame/.

ATHENA Awards Nominations Sought 2018 Take a few minutes to think about the exceptional business people you know, then consider nominating them for one of this year’s prestigious ATHENA Awards. On Nov. 15, at a luncheon at Stockton Golf & Country Club, we’ll honor an outstanding individual as our 2018 Stockton Chamber of Commerce ATHENA Leadership Award recipient, and another outstanding individual as the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award recipient. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m., Aug. 23rd. These awards are presented to individuals in our community who strive toward the highest

One of our most popular events of the year is the Industrial Technology Barbecue, a festive fall get together honoring new and expanding businesses in San Joaquin County. So mark your calendars for Sept. 12, at 5 p.m. at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel. We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support of our founding sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric Company, SJC Economic Development Association, and San Joaquin Partnership. Their dedication to honoring those companies that enhance our revenue and employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we place on encouraging a healthy business economy. Sponsorship Opportunities are still available.


levels of professional accomplishment, excel



in their chosen fields, demonstrate support for

Greater Stockton Chamber


the advancement of business and professional women, devote time and energy to their community in a meaningful way and open paths so that others may follow. For more information and to download a nomination form visit stocktonchamber.org/athena-awards/. Or call 209.547.2770.


54th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue

Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

of Commerce Pacific Gas & Electric Company


SJC Economic Development

DiBuduo & DeFendis


Insurance Agency

San Joaquin Partnership

Proline Media Roland Construction, Inc.


Stockton East Water District

Dameron Hospital

Ulmer Photo

Dorfman Pacific Co. Inc.

Visit Stockton

Griffin Soil Group Premier Staffing


San Joaquin Delta College

City of Tracy


AUG 2018 17


2 2 3

Leadership Stockton Orientation 1 – 3 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9 – 10:15 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


FRESH Meeting 9 – 10:15 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

10 14

GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Leadership Stockton Dynamics 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. @ San Joaquin County Office of Education Liaison Committee Meeting 8 – 8:45 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Ambassador Meeting 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber of Commerce Room Guest Speaker: America Waffle


Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club


Summer Diversity Mixer 5:15 – 7:15 p.m. @ Port of Stockton, Albert Lindley House 1 Fyffe Avenue, 95203


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

August Networking Mixer 5:15 – 7:15 p.m. @ Sleep Number Store 5756 Pacific Ave. #90, Stockton, CA 95207

8 10


New Member Orientation 11 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

Chamber Board Meeting 4 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


AUG 2018 19

ONE UNIVERSITY, TWO LOCATIONS Our campuses in Turlock and Stockton are changing student lives and shaping the Central Valley.


We are proud to partner with San Joaquin Delta College to provide seamless pathways to public higher education in Stockton through the Warriors on the Way program.

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