Vol. 61 No. 8
Still have questions about the Affordable Care Act? If your company is still trying to address the changes, you’re not alone. We have resources to help you find the best way forward. Visit us online to find out what you need to know and how to plan for what comes next.
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
Leadership Stockton
Nice Work
News Briefs
Cover Story
Programs and Public Policy Department
New Members
Good News from San Joaquin Partnership
Ribbon Cuttings
Visit Stockton
November Tradeshow Mixer Photos
NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Thursday
DON’T MISS! DECEMBER DIVERSITY MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Haggin Museum 1201 N. Pershing, Stockton, 95203
No Meetings 12/24 & 12/31
Contact the Chamber for location & time: network4success@stocktonchamber.org www.stocktonchamber.org
DEC 2015
GIVING Make someone’s holiday….Think Giving.
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications SR. VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.
Look On Community Apps to shop Local The holidays are approaching. It’s a time for reflection;
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation
our thoughts turn to gatherings and giving, as well as to
VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
family, friends, and community. San Joaquin County is a
VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design Associates Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank Joy Sweger, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Dignity Health Robert Young CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
fabulous area filled with countless opportunities to gather and give. Our diverse peoples celebrate the holidays in a plethora of ways that enrich our lives and the joys of the season. One of those ways is the second of two annual diversity mixers in our city. Please join us at this year’s annual Business Diversity Mixer on Dec. 3. Members of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce, San Joaquin African-American Chamber of Commerce, and California Delta Chambers and Visitors Bureau celebrate the holidays together at the Haggin Museum beginning at 5:15 p.m. It is a very special event with good people, good food, and good fun! Then, 22 days remain until Christmas for us all to give and to shop local! We are so fortunate to have a number of nonprofit organizations that work tirelessly every day to meet community needs. Many of those organizations are members of our Chamber and would be grateful to have your support—monetary or volunteer. Check our directory of nonprofits and consider writing a check (or checks) or volunteering. Do consider the value of shopping local. Local businesses provide local jobs and support local community services. They often offer unique gift opportunities that you just
SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS My Duong 209.292.8435 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8429 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8426
can’t find anywhere else! It’s a great time of year to walk hand-in-hand with your loved ones, enjoy the holiday decorations, and reflect on the many, many positive aspects of our community. Peace on Earth. Goodwill to All!
BEA COORDINATOR Sophie Soth 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Tricia Long 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
DEC 2015
FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Happy December, and yes
This is something each of us should do on a daily basis, and now
Frank, this year has gone by
let me explain why I have the photo of my great-great-grandfather,
quickly! Before I get into the body
R.E. Wilhoit to the left.
of my December article, I want to
As many of you know I am so very proud of being a fifth
again congratulate both Pacific's
generation Stocktonian and he is the man who started it all on Aug.
President Dr. Pamela Eibeck and
9, 1850 when he came to Stockton to first seek his fortune in the
San Joaquin Hispanic Chamber
Mother Lode but decided to settle in Stockton instead. His strong
CEO Brenna Butler Garcia for
philosophy of community has permeated down to me through
their 2015 ATHENA Awards
many generations. I recall from my earliest memories hearing his
which were presented to them on
children: His son and my Great Great Uncle Eugene Wilhoit (Past
Nov. 19 and witnessed by a sold-out audience at the Stockton Golf
President of your chamber in 1921-22), R. E.’s daughters, my Great
and Country Club.
Great Aunts Elsie Wilhoit Hodgkins and Mary Wilhoit Hodgkins
All present witnessed what this award symbolizes and both
(yes they married brothers), R.E.’s grandson and my grandfather,
of this years’ recipients truly deserved the recognition for their
John Newton Woods Wilhoit and my beloved father, Douglass
leadership and are role models for all. I also want to thank all who
Woods Wilhoit, Sr. along with equally beloved mother Olympe
attended, the sponsors, the ATHENA selection committee, the
Bradna Wilhoit, sharing with me that this community of Stockton
Stockton Golf & Country Club and the chamber staff for a job well
has been so wonderful to and for our family. I also share the same
done. Another example of YOUR chamber working as a team for
with my son, Matthew Woods Wilhoit. Never forget to take every
the betterment of the community. On a sadder note, all present at
chance to give back so others can have a better quality of life. Just
the luncheon held a moment of silence to honor the recent loss of
a note, they always practiced what they preached. I have tried and
Past ATHENA Dr. Hazel Hill. Our thoughts and prayers are with
hope they are looking down and agreeing, but also know they are
her family and friends.
saying: Never stop!
Now, on behalf of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
To that end, on page 11, you will see listed a representative
Officers, Board of Directors, staff and members, we hope you and
number of nonprofit charitable organizations that belong to your
yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday where we all gave
chamber. This is just a small idea of the nonprofit charitable
thanks for all our blessings and we want to be one of the first to
organizations in Stockton and San Joaquin County that are very
wish all of you a Merry and Blessed Christmas/Holiday Season!
important to so many not only at this time of the year but all
As you can see, the theme of the December Port O Call is a combination of SHOP LOCAL AND GIVE LOCAL! That is a
year long. Your chamber works very closely with many of our
rallying cry that your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce has
member nonprofit organizations to help in any way we can and we
espoused since its inception on Feb. 21, 1901 and will
encourage all nonprofit’s to join us so we can help when necessary
continue forever!
and possible within our time, space, and monetary limits. To
Let me expand on that with the words of a true genius, Albert
that end, your Board of Directors has designated a nonprofit
Einstein: “A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life
(charitable) rate of the minimum membership level. Joe Curtis, our
depends on the labors of other men (I will add women), living and
Membership Director (209.292.8439 or joe@stocktonchamber.org)
dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in the measure
can help sign you up to become part of our family.
as I have received, and am still receiving.”
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Shopping local is also a way of helping improve the quality of life
in Stockton and San Joaquin County for you will be doing business
and enhance your business by joining us as a current member or
and receiving services from many locally-owned businesses who
a business and nonprofit Organization who will assist us as we all
employ your family members, friends, and neighbors. At the
work together to move this community forward to a better quality
same time, you help the local economy grow so that much-needed
of life for all.
services can be provided to all residents. Just a note that Timm Quinn has been working very hard on
Let us not look the other way when it comes to helping others or our local businesses. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said:
our new website (which should be up and running mid to late
“Get into action. Seize the moment. Man (Woman) was never
January 2016) and ask you to visit www.stocktonchamber.org and
intended to become an oyster!” Just think about that for a
our Facebook page so you can keep up to date, see the great things
moment, please!
your chamber is doing, see what charitable opportunities exist,
LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Stockton: History, Arts, and Culture Session Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Session Sponsors: Visit Stockton, Haggin Museum Whether you are new to Stockton or have lived here a lifetime, you are sure to learn something during the Leadership Stockton “Stockton: History, Arts, and Culture” session. Held each year at the Haggin Museum, the day is full of fascinating information
Ruth Koon and Maria Flumiani from the Stockton Art League
spanning from the founding of our great city to the present day,
and Goodwin Gallery joined the class next and shared the history
including a look at our arts and cultural resources.
of the Art League and Goodwin Gallery and reminded the class of
Tod Ruhstaller, Executive Director & Curator of History for
the importance of the arts in our community. They were followed
the Haggin Museum (and Stockton history guru) was the guide
by Glenn Pillsbury & Scott Rooker from the Stockton Chorale who
for the first part of the day, taking the class through a PowerPoint
shared the long history of the Stockton Chorale and let the class
history lesson of Stockton from the time before settlers arrived to
know about their upcoming performances and programs. Next
the present day. After our history overview, Tod guided the class
Nick Elliot, Stockton Civic Theatre, shared the long history and
through the museum explaining the history of the museum and
upcoming performance calendar at the Stockton Civic Theatre with
its contents.
the class.
After lunch in the beautiful scenery of Victory Park, the class
The day finished with Don Nelson, the new Executive Director
returned to the museum and heard from Wes Rhea, (L.S. Class of
from the Stockton Symphony. Don spoke of the long history of
2004), CEO, Visit Stockton, who spoke with the class to debunk the
the Stockton Symphony (third oldest continuously operating
myth that “there is nothing to do in Stockton.”
symphony in California), and previewed the upcoming season.
Robyn Cheshire, (L.S. Class of 2015), with the University of the
A big THANK YOU to the following: Tod Ruhstaller, Susan
Pacific Conservatory of Music spoke next on the history of the
Obert (L.S. Class of 2003), and the hard-working staff of the
conservatory and some of the events they have coming up. She
Haggin Museum for the use of the Museum and the all access tour
also brought along a special treat for the class, students from the
and all the speakers who joined us to share their love of arts with
conservatory! The students performed a piece they have been
the class.
working on for the class, what a talented group of students!
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
DEC 2015
CalSheets ,
hat inspired the founding of CalSheets? Developing a business devoted to high quality and service in support of the independent packaging/box
making companies in Northern California. What has made CalSheets successful? Teamwork and a devotion to continuous improvement. What is the greatest challenge CalSheets has faced, and how did you overcome it? Building a profitable business where the industry is dominated by two or three huge, publicly-traded paper companies who have market making and breaking control. What do you enjoy about doing business locally? Seeing our products in the local markets. We make a product that makes delivering and marketing our partners customers products successful. What does the future hold for CalSheets? Growth in our partner base and added capability that continues to raise the bar on quality and service.
presented by
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Kaiser Permanente Chooses New Physician-In Chief Kaiser Permanente has chosen Dr. Sanjay
Dr. Sanjay Marwaha
Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Upcoming Shows! SMG Stockton has been hard at work booking shows at the
Marwaha as its new physician-in-chief in the
Stockton Arena and Bob Hope Theatre, and with support of
Central Valley area. Marwaha, a head and
the community, national tours are starting to take notice. Mark
neck surgeon with Kaiser since 1998, succeeds
your calendars for these tours coming to Stockton in the next six
Moses Elam who held the position for 12
months, including:
years. Marwaha will be responsible for more
Dec, 9: Mythbusters: Jamie and Adam Unleashed! @ the Bob Hope Theatre
than 2,300 physicians and support staff who provide medical services at Manteca and Modesto medical centers. He will also oversee doctors in medical offices in Modesto, Stockton, and Tracy. Combined, those physicians will oversee the health care for more than 295,000 Kaiser Permanente members in Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties.
San Joaquin County Reports Record Crop Values San Joaquin County produced agricultural crops and products valued at an all-time high of more than $3.2 billion in 2014, County Agricultural Commissioner Tim Pelican reported Oct. 20. That represents an 8.66 percent increase over 2013’s crop
Feb. 27, 2016: Peppa Pig’s Big Splash! @ the Bob Hope Theatre Mar. 10, 2016: Jerry Seinfeld @ the Bob Hope Theatre
Jan. 26, 2016: R5: Sometime Last Night Tour @ the Bob Hope Theatre Feb. 3-7, 2016: Disney on Ice – Frozen @ the Stockton Arena
Apr. 12, 2016: Carrie Underwood – The Storyteller Tour @ the Stockton Arena
Feb. 10, 2016: Dancing with the Stars Live! @ the Bob Hope Theatre
May 21, 2016: Alton Brown Live @ the Bob Hope Theatre
value, which was just shy of $3 billion. Almonds were the top crop in San Joaquin County, making up 18 percent of the total county crop value. Next was milk at 17 percent; walnuts and grapes tied at 15 percent each; tomatoes Family Owned & Operated
were five percent; hay, cattle and calves, and cherries tied with
three percent each; silage (corn) and silage (other) each made up two percent; all other crops made up the remaining 17 percent.
University of the Pacific Ranks High For Diversity The University of the Pacific was ranked as the 15th most diverse campus among national universities by U.S. News and World Report. The publication factored in total proportion of minority
STARTED BY MY FATHER IN 1954 Robert P. Queirolo Never Forgotten
CSL# 863345
Thanks for awarding us in the Best of San Joaquin 5 Years In a Row! David Queirolo, Owner Business Award Recipient Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
students, leaving out international students, and the overall mix of groups. The data was from the 2014-15 school year. The University of the Pacific’s student body was 38 percent white, followed by 32 percent Asian/Pacific Islander and 14 percent Hispanic. African Americans, Native Americans and multi-ethnic students made up the remainder of the student body.
(209) 464-9658 3934 Coronado Ave, Suite C, Stockton, CA 95204
David R. Queirolo - Owner | Knight10@aol.com | www.Queirolos.com www.stocktonchamber.org
DEC 2015
LOCAL When it comes to shopping and giving — during the holidays and throughout the rest of the year — local is the way to go. That’s because money circulated locally benefits the
It's Good for Everyone By Jacqui D. Sinarle
Shopping local benefits the community socially as well, building community relationships and creating a healthier environment because independent businesses typically consume less land, carry more locally-made products, locate closer to residents and create less traffic and air pollution. Independent businesses employ more
entire community. “Shopping locally helps create a healthy economy,” observed
people directly per dollar of revenue and are the customers of
Patrick Dobson, Vice President of Sims-Grupe Management, a
local services, expanding opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
managing partner for Lincoln Properties at Lincoln Center in
In addition, small businesses donate more than twice as much per
Stockton. “Local sales tax dollars are reinvested back into our
sales dollar to local nonprofits, events, and teams compared to
community for road infrastructures, police and fire protection,
big businesses.
parks, and other important community services.” “More of the dollars spent at a locally-owned business come back
“When you shop in the community, you support our neighbors who work in local stores and restaurants and own local businesses,”
to our community,” added Mimi Nguyen, executive director of
said Dobson. “And the customer experience is a crucial part
Stockton’s Miracle Mile Improvement District. “The dollars that
of shopping local — nowhere else can you can get the same
come back to our community are spent locally on food, education,
personalized service, touch and feel items, and interact with
and lives of the people who live here.”
someone who can figure out what you need and want and give you
They’re right. According to the American Independent Business Alliance, multiple studies show that locally-owned independent restaurants return twice as much per dollar of revenue to our local economy compared to chain restaurants. Independent retailers
something unique.” Local giving benefits the community in similar economic and social ways. “Local nonprofits not only help the many people in need in our
return more than three times as much money per dollar of sales
community, but they are also good business partners with the
compared to their chain competitors, and buying remotely on the
for-profit sector of our community,” said Rick Goucher, Senior
web creates almost no local benefit — just a few minutes of work
Real Estate Manager with CBRE, Inc. and Treasurer of the United
for a delivery person. It’s clear that shopping local adds up to a
Way of San Joaquin. “Nonprofits hire employees who pay taxes
huge difference in creating local jobs and local wealth.
and purchase goods and services, and like all other businesses they
And as local shops and services enjoy greater success, they have more opportunities to create value for customers through better offerings and enhanced services, which can draw more customers and businesses from outside the city, thereby importing dollars and generating new wealth. 10 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
purchase supplies and materials to run their organizations.” In 2014, the United Way raised more than $3,000,000 to support the local nonprofit community. “Some people may not realize that when they contribute to the local United Way, they are contributing to the many nonprofits
in our community,” Goucher added. Some of the nonprofits
improve — and save — lives in our community,” observed Kay
supported by donations to the local United Way include Hospice
Ruhstaller, executive director of the Family Resource and Referral
of San Joaquin, Women’s Center - Youth & Family Services, Child
Center (FRRC). “Local giving makes that possible.”
Abuse Prevention Council, Stockton Shelter for the Homeless, St. Mary’s Dinning Room, and Second Harvest Food Bank.
Last year the FRRC, which provides youth and child development services in San Joaquin County, received
“Giving local means you can
approximately $50,000 in goods
actually see and experience
and donations (not including
the outcome of your gift,”
grant funds). New and gently
added Diane Vigil, CFRE,
used books were a
executive director of Dameron
substantial donation.
Hospital Foundation. “Giving
Like shopping locally, the
to Dameron means your dollars
positive benefits of giving
CFRE, executive director of Dameron Hospital Foundation
stay here. If your passion is
locally touch everyone
health care, you can choose a
in the community,
project, donate, and know your
Ruhstaller explained.
dollar is at work to improve the health of your community.” Recent donations to Dameron have funded a playroom and
“The quality of life in our region is greatly improved by local nonprofits working in partnership with the Greater Stockton
games for the Pediatric Unit, and $365,000 worth of equipment for
Chamber of Commerce, local businesses, banks, schools,
the Imaging Department.
institutions of higher learning, and government entities,”
“Our mission is to provide the latest in technology to our
Ruhstaller said. “We’re stronger together. When families and
patients through philanthropic support,” Vigil said. “New
individuals are able to work and be productive taxpayers and
technology attracts physicians to the area, which ensures
members of society, everyone wins.”
patients receive quality care.” Thanks to the generosity of local residents the spirit of philanthropy thrives in our region. “There is a very strong network of trusted nonprofit, community benefit organizations in Stockton and San Joaquin County that Local Nonprofit Chamber of Commerce Members Here is a listing of just some of the
American Cancer Society
Delta Blood Bank
March of Dimes
local charitable organizations that
American Heart Association
Emergency Food Bank of Stockton/
Parents by Choice
are Stockton Chamber of Commerce
American Red Cross San Joaquin
Members. There are numerous local nonprofit organizations that could use your help this Holiday Season and all
County Chapter Animal Friends Connection Humane Society
San Joaquin
Family Extension Foster Care, Inc.
Rotary Club of Stockton
Family Resource & Referral Center
Stockton Civic Theater
Girl Scouts Heart of Central California
Stockton Shelter for the Homeless
year. Please visit the member directory
Animal Protection League
Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley
Stockton Host Lions Club
page on stocktonchamber.org or call
Arc San Joaquin
Gospel Center Rescue Mission
Stockton Sunrise Rotary
the Stockton Chamber 209.547.2770
Aspira Net
Habitat for Humanity of
Stockton Symphony Association
for contact information.
Assistance League of Stockton Child Abuse Prevention Council of
San Joaquin County
The Salvation Army
Haggin Museum
United Cerebral Palsy Association
Haven of Peace
United Way Of San Joaquin County
Children's Home Of Stockton
Hospice of San Joaquin
Women's Center - Youth & Family Services
DAV Charities of San Joaquin County
Junior League of San Joaquin County
YMCA of San Joaquin County
San Joaquin County
DEC 2015 11
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL Well it’s That Time of Year Again! Please reserve Dec. 9 for our annual “Refreshments with the Recyclers”. Where: Hilton Stockton When: 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Don’t forget the Next FRESH meeting will be held in conjunction with the Refreshments with the Recyclers!
Learn how to reduce the amount of garbage in our landfill during this time of year. This year's keynote speaker is Julie Corbett from Ecologic Brands, Inc. Don’t forget to bring and a new unwrapped Julie Corbett
toy for the Child Abuse Prevention Council of
San Joaquin County and lunch is on us. For more information and reservations, gogreen@stocktonchamber.org
Dorfman Pacific Healthy Air Living
San Joaquin County Public Works
American Recycling
San Joaquin RTD
Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Stockton Area Water Suppliers
Carpenters Local Union 152 City of Stockton
San Joaquin Council of Governments
Diamond Foods, Inc.
Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428
Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN
DEC 2015 13
NEW MEMBERS Floor Coverings
Women’s Apparel
Radio Stations
Stockton Grocery Outlet 1060 N. Wilson Ave., Stockton, CA 95205 209.466.3900
Big Ben’s Flooring 2474 Wigwam Dr., Ste. C, Stockton, CA 95205 209.487.9663 Centrale Kitchen & Bar 1825 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95204 209.939.1825
Elle’s Catering 4719 Quail Lakes Dr., PMB 250 Stockton, CA 95207 209.202.7002 Great Spectacles 622 Lincoln Center Stockton, CA 95207 209.955.7570
Ideal Furniture 400 N. El Dorado, #C Stockton, CA 95202 209.636.7626
KCM Boutique 5681 Pacific Ave., #115, Stockton, CA 95207 209.609.2315
Joe Bryson Plumbing, Heating, and Air 931 Avalon Dr., Stockton, CA 95215 209.941.2841
105.9 The Bull 2171 Ralph Ave., Stockton, CA 95206
Stockton Floral 445 N. California, Stockton, CA 95202
EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Sign Up Now for Taking Care of Business!!
The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce proudly recognizes the following companies for their year round support of the Chamber through our Taking
There is still time to get in on the Taking Care of Business
Care of Business Sponsorship Program.
Sponsorship program for our remaining 2016 events like the Golf Tournament, State of the City, Business Awards Luncheon, and
Taking Care of Business Sponsors 2015-2016
Installation Dinner. The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming year. This popular program was created to give chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure throughout the year at a dramatic discount off normal pricing. Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the
A.G. Spanos Companies
Oak Valley Community Bank
BAC Community Bank
Pacific Records Management
Bank of the West
Port of Stockton
Delta Sierra Beverage
San Joaquin Delta College
DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance
St. Joseph's Medical Center
Agency, Inc.
events line-up. The chamber allows its members to wisely choose a
Stockton East Water District
yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer exposure
Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.
and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors
F&M Bank
to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at
Financial Center Credit Union
United Way of San Joaquin County
a significant savings.
JaniTek Cleaning Solutions
University of the Pacific
Kaiser Permanente
Valley First Credit Union
Neumiller & Beardslee
Visit Stockton
For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business, contact Timm Quinn, Events Director, at 209.292.8423, or e-mail tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
This is a great way to advertise your business while showing
Chamber Golf Tournament Committee Members Needed The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is hosting its 35th
support for the Chamber, as well as the business community as a
Annual Golf Tournament on April 4, 2016 at the Stockton Golf &
whole. The Chamber will use tournament proceeds to support its
Country Club. We are looking for new members to join the Golf
ongoing business retention and development programs. Should you have any questions or would like to
Tournament Committee. Golf Committee members are required to: •
Be a Stockton Chamber member in good standing, or be employed by a
join, please call or e-mail Timm Quinn, 209.292.8423
company who is a Stockton Chamber member in good standing
or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Actively solicit sponsorship from local businesses
Bring in at least 2 foursomes of golfers for the tournament
Get raffle prizes donated from local businesses
Attend golf committee meetings every other Wednesday, sometimes every Wednesday as the tournament nears.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
DEC 2015 15
I heard that a new business just opened in San Joaquin USA? What’s in it for me? A new business comes to town and is reported in The Record with
What does that really mean in terms of actual San Joaquin Partnership numbers? In 2014, the San Joaquin Partnership completed 12 successful client locations, expansions, or retentions in San Joaquin County.
a photo of the cheering crowd at the ribbon cutting. Then everyone
That resulted in 2,100 new jobs equaling $113 million in new labor
goes back to work and some of them have new jobs. So what?
income! From 1992 to 2014, the Partnership has assisted in the
Well those new employees with new wages spend money locally
creation of more than 70,000 jobs resulting in $3.8 billion in labor
where they live, work, play, and belong! It’s called the virtuous
income. Of course, some businesses go out of business or reduce
wealth cycle. Those new job wages trigger more demand, creating
jobs, but more businesses of late have increased jobs. For example
increased wages and income in the retail and professional services
Amazon initially hired 1,000 employees but has continued to add to
occupations, which result in growth of the overall economy and a
full time positions just recently announcing another 700 jobs plus
lower unemployment rate with less social cost. With more wealth,
another 1,000 temporary seasonal jobs.
employees move up in purchasing power and buy more expensive homes, cars, and other luxury goods and services.
In the long run, economic development organizations increase the community’s wealth by attracting business investment that creates jobs and new wage income that cycles through the local economy. The result is a virtuous wealth cycle that benefits all residents.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Would like to say
Thank You...
...to the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and everyone who attended the networking mixer on Thursday November 5th at our new office.
COLLINS ELECTRICAL COMPANY, INC. is one of the leading electrical construction and engineering firms in Northern California. With offices in Sacramento, Stockton, Dublin, Modesto, Fresno, and Monterey, Collins Electric maintains a market focus on all commercial, industrial, and institutional market segments throughout Northern California.
Phone: 209-466-3691 |
3412 Metro Dr., Stockton, CA 95215
THE POWER TO DO IT RIGHT since 1928 www.stocktonchamber.org
DEC 2015 17
RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Selina Paniagua, CornerStone Staffing; Nanette Spitulski, ABS Direct, Inc.; Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design; Susan Cruz, Cruz Integrated; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Darlene Henson, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions; Ella Holman, Collins Realty; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Suzie Bowers, California Hypnosis Center; Jeff Shirk, Dynamic Leadership Tools; Mat Amparano, Verve Networks; Yolanda Sanchez, Brookside Living; Gregory Walther, Press F1 Computer Service; Danette Curtis, St. Luke Catholic Elementary School; Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Funeral Service; Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County; Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency; F.J. Dietrich IV, F.J. Dietrich & Co.; Ella Holman, Collins Reality, Inc.; Tim Aragon, Verve Networks; Chris Nicholson, Digital Sign Network; Pete Douma, Minuteman Press of Stockton; Andrea Wilson, The Reserve at Spanos Park; Christine Hankins, Provident Care Home Care; Carla Little, Villa Marche; Becky Deal, Catherine Rodgers, Bank of Stockton; Roger Hahn, LegalShield; Judith Buethe, Buethe Communications; Marina Narvarte, Mokelumne Federal Credit Union; Monica Slingerman, University Plaza Waterfront Hotel; Tim Matalone, Phantom Fireworks; John Rockey, Mass Mutual; Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction; Aaron Morales, Stockton Ports; Alex Appleby, Parsonex Financial Services
Wing Zone
Ray Morgan Company
7910 Lower Sacramento Road, Stockton, CA 95210
855 Performance Dr, Stockton, CA 95206
Mokelumne Federal Credit Union
Grocery Outlet
10628 Trinity Parkway, Stockton, CA 95219.
6618 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95207
Family Resource & Referral Center Joan Richards Learning Village
Datapath IT
5211 Barbados Circle, Stockton, CA 95210
318 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, CA 95354
Community Medical Centers CareToday Clinic
The Commons on Thornton
1801 East March Lane, Stockton, CA 95210
10711 Thornton Road, Stockton, CA 95209
Blossom Ridge Home Health and Hospice
Balance Staffing
3558 Deer Park Drive #105, Stockton, CA 95219
2800 N. Cherryland Avenue, Stockton, CA 95215
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
DEC 2015 19
VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA Next CTA class: Feb. 17, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Holidays in Stockton!
Sign up today and join the growing list of over 250 Certified
Find your complete list of holiday events at StocktonHolidays.com. From maker's markets to tree lightings
Stockton Ambassadors! Program details, including the
to opportunities to meet with Santa, you’ll find everything you
curriculum and enrollment information, can be found at
need. Look no further for your source for all holiday happenings in
StocktonAmbassadors.com or CTANetwork.com or by
Stockton! Visit stocktonholidays.com for events and details.
calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton at
Visit Stockton Holiday Gifts!
Download the Stockton App
Remember we have official Stockton souvenirs for stocking stuffers or one-of-a-kind gifts you won’t find anywhere else! Stockton coffee mugs, Stockton t-shirts, and the new Stockton
Never be too far away
history book written by local historian Alice van Ommeren are
from the city’s largest events
all in stock. Stockton gifts are available during normal business
calendar. Download the
hours at Visit Stockton or by visiting StocktonSouvenirs.com. For
Stockton California Guide App
additional info, call 209.938.1555
for iPhone or Android today, for
Become a Stockton Ambassador
dining, things to do, and great Stockton events!
Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) classes are available bimonthly and open to the general public. Learn how you can turn every visitor encounter into a positive one!
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
Find your Holiday spirit this season in Stockton with local events ranging from Christmas concerts to tree lighting ceremonies! For all the details for each event listed and for events and ideas make sure to check out our website: STOCKTONHOLIDAYS.COM
Dec 05 breakfast with santa dec 05 Annual tree lighting ceremony dec 05-06 Festival of Trees dec 05 STOCKMARKET dec 06 SANTA SUNDAY dec 12 Holidays on the Farms dec 12 Free Holiday Movie: Polar express dec 12-13 Pops ii: A Gospel Christmas Celebration WEBER POINT EVEN TS CENTER
Visit Stockton / 209. 938.1555 / 125 Bridge Place, 2nd Floor / visitstockton.org
DEC 2015 21
New Member Orientation 11 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
3 3 4
Chamber Board Meeting 4 p.m. @ Haggin Museum
16 17
Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
Chamber Offices Closed – Christmas & New Year’s Wednesday, Dec. 23 through Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016
December Diversity Mixer 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ Haggin Museum Leadership Stockton Local Government Session 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. @ City Hall Refreshments with the Recyclers 11:30 a.m. @ Hilton Stockton
Donate to create a world with more birthdays.
Lunch & Learn 11:30a.m. – 1 p.m. Guest Speaker: Jeff Shirk, Dynamic Leadership Tools RSVP Required
The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop is in need of gently used clothing, jewelry, collectibles, furniture, and antiques. For furniture pick-up, contact the Discovery Shop manager. All donations are tax-deductible. For furniture pick-up, contact the Discovery Shop manager.
Stockton Discovery Shop
Meets Every Thursday
207 East Alpine Avenue, 209-941-2737 Mon-Fri 10-6pm Sat. 10-5pm Sun 11-5pm
Donate Before December 31st
No Meetings 12/24 & 12/31 Contact the Chamber for location and time: network4success@stocktonchamber.org
509 W. Weber Avenue 5th Floor Stockton, CA 95203 209.948.8200 | www.neumiller.com
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
cancer.org/discovery 1.800.227.2345
Professional IT services, from a local company you can trust.