Vol. 58 No. 10
oaquin Count J y’ an
february 2013
+ Building a +
Healthier Community
Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau Named SportsEvents 2013 Readers’ Choice Winner PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
RANKED “highEst iN mEmbER sAtisfActioN” by J.D. PowER AND AssociAtEs. *
We’re proud to be ranked “Highest in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in California.” From our unique integrated care teams and innovative electronic medical records system to convenient Web-based tools and mobile apps, we’re dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care possible. Because as rewarding as it is to get a thumbs-up from you, it’s even more rewarding when we can give your health a thumbs-up. For other ways we’re helping our members thrive, visit kp.org/thrive
*Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., received the highest numerical score among commercial health plans in the California region in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2012 U.S. Member Health Plan Study.SM Study based on 32,868 total member responses measuring eight plans in the California region (excludes Medicare and Medicaid). Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of members surveyed December 2011–January 2012. Your experience may vary. Visit jdpower.com.
San Joaquin County’s Healthcare Industry Building a Healthier Community
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
Icons of Stockton
Leadership Stockton
Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau Named SportsEvents 2013 Readers’ Choice Winner
Don’t Miss
Convention & Visitors Bureau 11 New Members
Programs and Public Policy Department
Cover Story
News Briefs
14 11
Networking Mixer 2/7 - Networking Mixer - 5:15-7:15 p.m. Yasoo Yani @ Elkhorn Golf Club 1050 Elkhorn Drive
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You are the key to my heart.
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
From Your President... by: Gary J. Long
As we enter the month of
PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers
Valentine’s Day, which is symbolized
SR. VICE PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree
by a heart, it is appropriate that
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance
the Chamber, through Port O Call, spotlights healthcare in our
VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications
community, which is so important
VICE PRESIDENT Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors
not only to individuals, but the
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Co. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Michael Cera, SMG/Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Lewis Gale, Eberhardt School of Business Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick’s Glass Service Mikey Kamienski, Charterhouse Center for Families Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
community as a whole. A wise man once noted: “Look to your health, and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.” We are blessed in our community by not only wonderful and modern medical facilities, but also so many health care professionals who dedicate their lives to helping, soothing and caring for others. We also have many educational institutions in Stockton and the surrounding
areas that have health care training, as the need for not only healthcare rises, but
also the need for trained professionals.
BEA/ SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Dylan Bacon 209.547.2770 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Mai Vang 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770
One of the many reasons the Chamber worked hard during the litigation over the Prison Health Care facility was that not only did we try to protect the local healthcare facilities from being cannibalized, but also protect the funding to support the General Hospital for such great new additions to our community like the SUSD Health Care Academy at University Park and programs at San Joaquin Delta College in preparation and the great need to come. It is well accepted that a healthy community is a happy and prosperous community, and it is also known that we still have many needs to improve on healthcare in Stockton and San Joaquin County. I have all the faith in the world
GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates 209.526.9136
in the leaders of the medical community that they will continue to work hard for
ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
all of us! We must support their every effort to provide quality healthcare to all.
PRINTING Snyder Parks
MAILING Snyder Parks
Government is not the answer; the people are!
I would be remiss if I did not remind you while shopping for your sweetheart prior to this Valentine’s Day, February 14th: shop the thousand locally owned shops and businesses of San Joaquin County FIRST. We must support local businesses and at the same time raise needed funds for our community.
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
I started with the paragraph above to stress a point about just two people from the Huell Howser
outside who have come to find Stockton
and the environs to be a truly wonderful place. The first is Dave McDonald who berthed his Casino Royale here and upon
Casino Royal
going to sea wrote a wonderful letter to the editor in the Record extolling the wonderful home away from As is often the case, and I have written about it many times in the course of the 163 articles I have composed for Port O Call since August of 1999, people from the outside who (and I will highlight two) come to Stockton to visit for a variety of reasons are enthusiastically, very pleasantly surprised and complimentary of what great natural and man made attributes we have here in Stockton and San Joaquin County. They are sometimes our greatest boosters, and the point being that many residents are some of the most negative about Stockton and the surrounding area due to the fact that they do not really get out and enjoy what we have and instead just sit back and complain and do nothing to effect change. The Chamber does recognize that there are still many citizens and groups who are trying hard to move us forward and for that they are thanked and I hope others will join them or find ways to “do their own thing” to help. There is so much to do, but a community working together can work wonders.
home he found here at the Stockton Marina. He was very honest and challenged each and every one of us to sing the praises of not only the excellent use of one of our outstanding attributes, the waterway in and around Stockton, but also support those who want to improve on the entire area. I know he will be back and we will be happy to see him again. The other person who, and it is very sad to say passed away on Sunday, January 6, 2013, was the incomparable Huell Howser. He was in Stockton in 2007 after contacting the Convention and Visitors Bureau Director, Wes Rhea, who at the time housed here at the Chamber, to say he wanted to do a show on Stockton’s improvements, its people, its connection to the Delta and local businesses and venues. I had the honor of joining both Huell and Wes during some of the filming for a few days and as it was said so aptly in the Record reporting on his passing: what you saw was what you got. He was just the same off camera as he was on camera. A real person who made you feel very comfortable from word one. He also was very professional and honest
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Icons of Stockton Dameron Hospital
and wanted to see it all. Wes did a great job in doing just that
For more than 100 years,
treats more than 15,000 people
and Huell commented several times in my presence what a
Dameron Hospital has been an
per year from 202 beds as well
great community we had here and people should be proud
essential part of the Stockton
as more than 40,000 patients at
community. The iconic hospital
its emergency department.
to call themselves Stocktonians. While here, Wes, known for his ability to find good places to eat, led Huell to several
not only plays an important part in keeping Stocktonians healthy,
Dameron Hospital is one of the
“LOCAL” restaurants on and off the beaten track and I
its community focus and large
city’s largest employers with
understand that from time to time after Huell’s visit, he would
employment pool has made an
more than 1,200 employees.
stop in one or two as he passed by on either I-5 or 99.
indelible impact in the greater
Over the last decade,
Stockton area over the last
the hospital has made an
century of operation.
incredible push to renovate
Huell Howser’s love of this diverse state and in this case, a very diverse and wonderful Stockton and San Joaquin County,
and modernize its facility. The
was truly demonstrated by him on film and in person. One of
Dameron Hospital’s roots
hospital has invested in top to
those people in my life and I am sure many others that is one
stretch back to 1912, when
bottom renovations including
of a kind and will truly be missed.
Dr. John Dameron—with the
everything from remodeling
Thank you Dave and Huell for your confidence in and
support of a group of visionary
patient rooms to bringing in
admiration for our great city! May God protect you, Dave, as
Stockton businessmen—set out
state-of-the-art equipment to
to establish a facility in which
its clinical laboratory, which
local residents could receive
stands as one of California’s
quality independent healthcare
most professionally equipped
right here in Stockton. Dr.
medical laboratories. The
with his article on the page before my meager attempt to
Dameron’s 20-bed facility
hospital has also recently
get you charged up and doing something to help move us
on North Lincoln Street near
broken ground on a $130
forward. Gary was very clear that not only is the health (our
Acacia offered Stocktonians
million expansion project that
an important alternative to
is one of the largest private
the other healthcare services
investments in Stockton in
available at the time, and 100
recent decades.
you cruise the world, and I know God is enjoying the man Huell showed all of us he was! Your President, Gary J. Long, did an outstanding job
cover story) of our community important, but also that we have wonderful professionals here who work day in and day out to provide health services. I might add that physical
years later Dameron Hospital
health is very important to all, but it is also important to the
still offers an independent,
From its inception to today, the
community that our mental outlook of the future of Stockton
community based hospital with
mission of Dameron Hospital has
be strong, positive, optimistic, brave, involved and honest,
advanced services and a staff
never wavered: the community
that truly cares about patients.
health center is committed to
with all of us working together to go from a low part in our storied history to the very highest we can be in the future.
offering the greater Stockton Dameron Hospital became a
area a truly independent,
community-owned nonprofit
community-focused healthcare
remaining and newly sworn in elected officials and citizens
hospital in 1943 and today the
alternative with an impressive
“must involve everyone working as one to put aside politics,
Dameron Hospital Association
pedigree of quality.
I wrote last month for a turnaround to take place, that the
personalities, personal agendas, ego and/or misused power!” The campaigning is over and now the rubber meets the road and no slippage must take place as we all travel down a road to recovery. We at the Chamber pledge to help bring about positive change and support ideas that work for all and not for just a few.
by: Heidi Altamirano State of the City 2013 to be held in May!
2013 Golf Tournament Reserve Monday, April 8th on your calendar and prepare
If you’re ever in doubt that we live in a great community,
yourself for a day of good times and good friends at The Reserve
just attend our annual State of the City 2013! This year the
at Spanos Park. Now in its 32nd year, the Golf Tournament
State of the City will be held in May at the Port of Stockton.
always fills up fast. Don’t miss your chance to play! Call the
Sponsored by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce,
Chamber to reserve your space today!
the City of Stockton, and the Port of Stockton, this event
You can also join us as a tee sponsor, a green sponsor, or a
features exhibits showcasing the critical and inspiring services
business sponsor. Business sponsorship includes signage on a
available to you, your loved ones and neighbors, all in the
tee or green and registration for a foursome of players. Single
interest of maintaining a wholesome community.
registration is also available.
Sponsorships are still available, so take advantage of this
Donating a prize to our post-tournament raffle is a great
high profile marketing opportunity for your business. For more
way to highlight your business. Many high profile business
information, call Heidi Altamirano at 209.547.2764 or e-mail to
people participate in our tournament and donating a prize
gets their attention! For more information about the Chamber’s 32nd Annual Golf Tournament or to volunteer, call Timm Quinn at 209.547.2960 or e-mail him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org. 2013 Golf Tournament Sponsors: Fred Couples Sponsors:
Tee Sponsors:
Moss Adams, LLP
Bank of Agriculture &
Oak Valley Community Bank
State of the City 2013 Sponsors (as of 1/3/13) Platinum:
San Joaquin RTD
A.G. Spanos Companies
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
Bank of Agriculture &
Stockton Convention &
Commerce Bank of the West California Water Service Co.
Premier Staffing
Builders Exchange of Stockton
Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.
University of the Pacific
Collins Electrical Company, Inc.
EZ Network Systems, Inc.
Granite Construction Company
F&M Bank
Judith Buethe
Financial Center Credit Union
Ricky Barnes Sponsors: Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Grupe Commercial Company
Grupe Commercial Company
Lincoln Center
Kaiser Permanente
Neumiller & Beardslee
Lincoln Center Moss Adams, LLP
Visitors Bureau Sutter Gould Medical Foundation The Record/San Joaquin Media Group United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Gold Herum/Crabtree San Joaquin Delta Community College
Neumiller & Beardslee
Stockton East Water District
Pacific Records Management/
Pacific Shredding
California Water Service Co
R & S Erection of Stockton, Inc.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
Become a Certified Green Business!
Leadership Stockton Save money & gain customers by:
Reducing waste
by: Timm QuinnConserving water and energy
Protecting public health Using recycled-content in your products
Leadership Stockton: Local Government Session
The class then walked to the County Administration Building and
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
had a great lunch. After lunch, they received a presentation on what
Special Thanks: City of Stockton, County of San Joaquin, www.GreenTeamSanJoaquin.com
the County and Board of Supervisors does by Lois Sahyoun, Clerk
Stockton Fire Department
SMALL BUSINESS The Local Government session gave the class a unique HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL * perspective Affordable Hazardous Waste Management for Your Business on the workings of the city council, as well as a taste of local politics. A Program of San Joaquin County Public Works 468-3066 For the eighthwww.SJCrecycle.org year, the Leadership(209) Stockton class participated i Low cost way to safely dispose of hazardous materials. in a full scale Mock City Council meeting as part of the Local (Costs depend on your waste types.) i Documentation that properly manage waste. Government session held atyou Stockton City Hall hazardous Council Chambers i Assurance that the material will be disposed of properly. *Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) on December 7th. The meeting was staffed by Bret Hunter, who acted as the City Clerk. The class elected fellow class members as their Mayor We also accept universal and electronic waste. and city council at the September Leadership Retreat. The
Green Your Bottom Line
remainder of the class participated in one of three groups with Product Stewardship! Economic benefits abound:
vying foroperating the mock council’s reduced costs, city energy savings, vote.
reduced disposal costs, the creation of green jobs.
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The class elected fellow class members as their city council at the September Leadership Retreat. The remainder of the class participated in one of three groups vying for the mock city council’s vote.
of the Board. Manuel Lopez, County Administrator, followed with a presentation on what a County Administrator does. Then the class heard from David Wooten, County Council, on the role of County Council. The presentations were followed by an all access tour of the building from Gabriel Karam, P.E., LEED AP, Director of Facilities Management. It was a treat to see all the little nuisances of the building from one of the great minds that helped make it a reality. The Stockton Fire Department finished off the day as the class traveled down to Fire Station # 2 on Sonora Street. There the class received a tour of the station house, the dispatching center and the expansive training grounds from Division Chief Van Riviere. A big thank you to Bonnie Paige, Karen Costa, and Bret Hunter for their help in making the mock city council meeting run so smoothly. Thank you to Stephen Reid (LS Class of 2000) for scheduling and coordinating the County portion of the day. And thank you to Kathy Miller, Moses Zapien, Gabriel Karam, Lois Sahyoun, Manuel Lopez, David Wooten, and Division Chief Riviere for taking time out of their busy schedules to speak and share their knowledge with the class.
The meeting came with a full agenda and proposals from the teams. The premise of the Public Hearing was to consider public comments/testimony regarding the appropriation of funds from the STATE COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT GRANT (CEG). The CEG was a one time, $9 million allocation from the State of California which had to be used for a public good. The funds could be divided to fund more than one project. After the mock council meeting, Vice Mayor Kathy Miller, LS Class of 2000, and new Councilmember, Moses Zapien, LS Class of 2011, spoke to the class about their journey into local politics.
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Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Convention & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau Named
Date Set for Annual Tourism Luncheon
SportsEvents 2013 Readers’ Choice Winner
April 3rd will be the date for the Stockton Convention &
SportsEvents Magazine, the leading industry publication focused exclusively on helping sports event planners produce
Visitors Bureau’s Annual Tourism Luncheon and Celebrate! Awards to be held at the Hilton Stockton.
excellent competitions in the United States and Canada, has
The CVB will be sharing the current state of travel, tourism
announced its 2013 class of Readers’ Choice Award winners.
& hospitality in Stockton, and its efforts to promote and market
For the second year in a row, the Stockton Convention
Stockton. The CVB will also recognize outstanding organizations
& Visitors Bureau (SCVB) has been selected based on its high
and employees with their inaugural “Celebrate! Awards” in the
standard of professionalism and quality service in hosting
categories of Industry Professional of the Year, Industry Partner of
the Year and Sports
Sports event professionals were asked to name the sports
Partner of the Year.
commission, convention and visitors bureaus, or sports event
Nominations for the
venues that they believe display exemplary creativity and
awards will be sought
professionalism toward the groups they host. Nominations were
in early February.
received from readers throughout the year, and the top picks were
Look for additional
selected based on the results from an online system that registered
information soon on
more than 3,000 votes!
the luncheon or call
save the date April 3, 2013 Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau’s Annual Tourism Luncheon and Celebrate! Awards
The Great Stockton Asparagus DineOut is coming this April 1 -14. Local restaurants will feature
Mixer Photos January 10 - University of the Pacific
dishes that showcase locally grown asparagus in April. The goal is to have diners enjoy a true “farm to fork” experience and to taste the most famous of our area’s local crops prepared in a variety of ways by local chefs. This is the third year for the Dine-Out, which is a spin-off of Stockton Restaurant Week, held in September. Restaurants interested in participating should contact the Stockton CVB at 209.938.1555. More information can also be found at www.DineOutStockton.com.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555 www.visitstockton.org
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.stocktonchamber.org www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
feb2013 11
Get Involved in Your Chamber of Commerce by: Brittney Doty, Membership Director Are you involved in the Stockton
brings hundreds of different businesses
Joaquin (GTSJ), Leadership Stockton,
Chamber of Commerce? What is
into one location, but it is your
and more. Through the different
holding you back?
responsibility to attend and promote
member marketing opportunities like
Getting involved in the events,
ribbon cuttings, write ups in Port O
2. Attend the many Chamber events
Call, Facebook photos, recognition
put on throughout the year. Every year,
through small business awards and
programs, and benefits of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is guaranteed to grow your business and your network! Not only does it help to grow your business, but it also helps to grow the local economy by supporting other local businesses. By working together with other local businesses, you can collaborate, grow and prosper, thus
bettering our city of Stockton. Three ways to get involved are: 1. Attend the monthly networking mixers on the first Thursday of every month. The networking events give you the opportunity to be seen and in turn see the people you want to meet to create an opportunity to connect and build your business. The Chamber
the Chamber puts on the State of the
large business awards like IT BBQ, your
City, IT BBQ, Annual Golf Tournament,
business can be seen by hundreds, if not
Athena Awards, Asparagus Festival
thousands, of businesses that would not
Volunteering, tradeshows, REXPO, and
have been exposed otherwise.
Business Education Alliance luncheons.
Hundreds of businesses attend each
Membership with the Greater Stockton
event and there are many opportunities
Chamber of Commerce gives you
to promote your business through
exposure, opportunity, and visibility
sponsorships, tradeshow booths,
here in the Greater Stockton area.
networking, and volunteering.
Want to give your company instant
3. Get involved in the programs offered
credibility? Join the Chamber and show
by the Greater Stockton Chamber
your commitment to the community
of Commerce, such as the Business
through membership and show that you
Education Alliance (BEA) Program,
support the community because you do
Stockton Chamber Apprenticeship
business here!
Program (SCAP), Green Team San
New Members
For more information on becoming a new member, please call Brittney Doty at 209.337.2723 or brittney@stocktonchamber.org. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
Dental Plans
Accountants Public
Bradley C. Louie, DDS
Brown Armstrong CPAs
4255 Pacific Avenue #1, Stockton www.bradlouiedds.com Dentists
5250 Claremont Avenue #237, Stockton www.bacpas.com Accountants
Distribution Center
Brazil Natural, Inc.
Global Allianz
1925 El Pinal Drive #13, Stockton www.brazilnatural.com Tile & Ceramic Contractors
7899 N. Pershing Avenue PO Box 7410, Stockton Globalallianz.org Immigration Consulting
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Programs and Public Policy Department by: Frank Ferral REXPO IX Registration is open! March 13, 2013 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hilton Stockton 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. Stockton, CA
AGENDA COMING SOON Preceding the REXPO IX, on the evening of March 12th, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., please join the International Green Industry Hall of Fame for their Annual VIP Dinner to recognize nominees for induction into the Hall of Fame. Cost to attend is $100 per person. Nominees are leading the positive impact on our environment and economic sustainability. The winners will be honored at the REXPO
REXPO IX Economic Prosperity will showcase over 65 exhibitors, demonstrating that their products, services and innovations are drivers for economic prosperity in California. Join the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce as we explore solutions and common sense approaches to optimizing the Green Economy. To register as an attendee or secure a booth, go to www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com.
Thank you to our generous Green Team San Joaquin Sponsors:
IX during the Induction Ceremony recognizing excellence in the Green Industry. Registration is now open for the Recycling Exposition (REXPO)
American Recycling Carpenters Local Union 152
IX “Economic Prosperity” on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 from 8
CBC Steel Buildings
a.m. to 2 p.m. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m. The cost to attend is $30
City of Stockton
per person, which includes panel discussions and our Keynote Lunch
Dorfman Pacific
Address. We are honored to have Donald Simon, co-founder of the
Durst Contract Interiors
U.S. Green Building Council’s Northern CA Chapter and Build It
Granite Construction Co.
Green, as this year’s Lunch Keynote Speaker. Our Lunch Keynote
Healthy Air Living
Address generally has over 400 attendees, with over 1,500 attendees
Modern Energy Concepts
joining the REXPO throughout the day. The cost to exhibit is $300,
The Newark Group
which includes two (2) lunch tickets. Viewing the exhibits are free
Onsite Electronics
and open to the public; however, you must pre-register to be admitted to the panel discussions, the Keynote Lunch and to be eligible for drawings to win great prizes.
Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works SAWS ServiceMaster Clean Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN Universal Service Recycling
Recycling Pacific Gas & Electric Company
The AB 32 Scoping Plan identifies the cap-and-trade program as one of the strategies California will employ to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This program will help put California on the path 2020, and ultimately achieving an 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050. How can cap-and-trade contribute to achieving emission reductions under AB 32 and contribute to creating California green
Trusted Advisor to Successful Business Owners and Families Since 1976.
Dennis J. Goldstrand CLU
jobs simultaneously? Panelists will explore the opportunities. California’s goal of generating 33 percent of its power from renewable energy sources by 2020 will be challenging. However, with new regulations come innovations. Panelists will present on alternative sources of energy to meet that challenge.
For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
2800 W. March Lane, Suite 326 Stockton, CA 95219-8202
209-472-7000 | 800-507-9911 209-472-1551 fax
Never Boring•neverboring.com
to meet its goal of reducing GHG emissions to 1990 levels by the year
feb2013 13
oaquin Count J y’ an
As the healthcare industry has grown, so too have job opportunities available within San Joaquin County. In 2010, San Joaquin County’s private health care
industry spent over $1 billion annually on payroll for
+ Building a +
comprised of highly skilled specialists and physicians
Healthier Community
its nearly 20,000 workers. Much of this workforce is
who provide San Joaquin County’s residents world-class healthcare services at large facilities like St. Joseph’s and Dameron Hospital as well as doctors, nurses and staff for a bevy of smaller medical and dental offices around the area. According to the forecast published by UOP in 2010, San Joaquin County workers employed in the healthcare
sector also often pulled in paychecks that exceeded the uestion: what is San Joaquin County’s largest
county’s average, a statistic impacted by one very basic
growth industry?
market factor: supply and demand.
If you guessed agriculture or shipping,
Even with nearly 10% of the population employed in the
you’re likely not alone. These economic mainstays have
healthcare sector, San Joaquin County has a shortage of skilled
traditionally been the largest thriving industries of the
healthcare practitioners. While the US averages around 95
county’s economy. But in terms of yearly growth, these
doctors for each 100,000 residents, San Joaquin County lags
titans of the local economy are dwarfed by one bourgeoning
behind at only 66. While county employment in the industry
industry in San Joaquin County.
has been growing around 3% per year, supplies are still being
San Joaquin County’s largest growth industry is healthcare. And it’s only getting bigger. Over the last few decades, San Joaquin County’s healthcare industry has become a driving force of our area’s economy, as well as a source of employment for nearly a
outpaced by the demand for healthcare for San Joaquin County’s growing population. This shortfall not only makes healthcare services less accessible in the county, it pushes up the wages paid to entice new workers to the industry. According to Director Lita Wallach, this is one of the
tenth of all San Joaquin County residents. According to an
issues that the Community Health Forum was founded to
economic forecast published by University of the Pacific, the
address. Community Health Forum is a collaboration of
healthcare industry will soon become San Joaquin County’s
health, business and educational leaders who have convened
second largest private industry. As our population has
monthly since 2001 to develop solutions to some of the
continued to grow—we’ve reached nearly 700,000 in recent
Central Valley’s most complex health issues. Over the last 12
years—demand for quality, skilled healthcare services has
years, the Forum has tackled a range of issues from how to
ballooned as well. And here in San Joaquin County, there’s
provide greater access to healthcare education to how to best
no end in sight.
prepare for and implement the changes necessitated by the
recent healthcare legislation. “Once we understand what the
economic bottom line as well as the needs of the community
economics of health care and are how that translates to our
bottom line,” said Wallach.
local economy, we can begin to solve our problems with a little more education under our belt.” According to Wallach, the question of increasing the
“It’s exciting. These leaders that are involved are really on the edge of making decisions for the community. They help each other think through the process and help when needed to
county’s healthcare workforce has been a major focus of
resolve issues. They have really come to share a vision for the
the Forum throughout its existence. “It’s a constant moving
health of the community.”
target when you’re looking at workforce. We are looking at what we know and what we can guess and are doing our best to
There’s no doubt that changes are ahead for San Joaquin County’s healthcare industry.
plan around that. Ultimately, growing and retaining our own
Whether it is impacted by the county’s bounce back in the
workforce will affect our local economy in a positive way and
wake of the economic downturn or affected by changes brought
help to solve the issue of our healthcare workforce shortage
about by the Affordable Care Act, the county’s healthcare
across the Central Valley.”
industry will be changing. But signs look hopeful for San
The Community Health Forum has made a major push over the last decade to bring educational institutions together with
Joaquin County. With the opening of the prison hospital, the 2014 induction
medical facilities to better prepare students for the positions of
of legislated changes to the healthcare system and the market
the future. In recent years, this has meant collaboration with
factors (and devoted leaders) which have been helping expand
the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
the county’s healthcare workforce, San Joaquin County’s
(CDCR) to ensure that students who are now attending educational
healthcare industry is likely to continue to serve as a boon
institutions including San Joaquin Delta College are receiving
to—as well as a major segment of—our local economy.
the training they need to staff the prison hospital planned for the county. “The CDCR said they have a great need for more students trained as psychiatric technicians, among other fields,” said Wallach. “Once they communicated their need, Delta College partnered with the CDCR to increase their capacity for the psychiatric technician training program.” The Forum’s foresight offers hope in the face of complex problems facing our county.
As the healthcare industry has grown, so too have job
As it brings together experts from a wide range of fields that
impact the healthcare industry, the Community Health Forum
available within
is in a unique position to influence the future of San Joaquin County’s healthcare industry, just by bringing people together. “We enable partnership building opportunities that impact the
San Joaquin County.
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News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
2013 Golf Tournament Sponsors:
NATP Announces – Laura Strombom, EA, MBA was recently appointed to serve a 1 year term on the Chapter Board of the NATP. Laura brings leadership on a statewide level to network Laura Strombom, EA, MBA
The 15th National Exhibition of the American Society of Marine
tax professionals together to share information, concerns, offer
Artists is on display at the Haggin Museum through March 3.
education, and to follow state tax legislation issues. She can
More than 120 works of art, including paintings, sculpture and
assist you with a review of your tax history and work with you to
scrimshaw, represent the very best from the 530+ artist members
minimize your future tax liability. For more information, contact All
of the Society. For more information, call 209.940.6300 or e-mail
About Numbers, 4512 Feather River Dr. Ste. G, Stockton,
Seeking Applications for Membership on the Board of Directors of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – The volunteer leadership of the Chamber provides the energy and direction for programs and services for our members. Board members serve a vital role in establishing policy and providing guidance to committees and staff. To ensure a quality Board, the applicants or the applicant’s employer must be a Chamber Member in good standing and must remain in good standing throughout their entire Board term, 20132016. Go to www.StocktonChamber.org to download an
Celebrating our 100TH ANNIVERSARY
application or call 209.547.2770. Greater Stockton Employer Advisory Council and EDD present Bruce Sarchet to discuss employee handbooks on February 15, 2013 from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. at the Stockton Golf & Country Club. Cost is $25 for Members, $30 for Non-Members, $10 jena.edgeton@edd.ca.gov by February 13, 2013.
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surcharge for walk-ins. Please RSVP to 209.948.7622 or Marc O’Neil
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Rick Moen
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feb2013 17
Calendar February 2013 7
Mixer Yasoo Yani at ELkhorn – 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ Elkhorn Golf Club 1050 Elkhorn Drive, Stockton, 95209
Highlights Networking Mixer 2/7 - Yasoo Yani at Elkhorn 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ Elkhorn Golf Club 1050 Elkhorn Drive
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. 8 @ Chamber Conference Room
also don’t miss.. 3/7 - Sherwood Executive Center Mixer 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Great food, raffle prizes and networking! Don’t miss it!
Leadership Stockton Community Serving Community Session @ Local Non Profits
Liaison Committee Meeting– 12:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Green Team San Joaquin Meeting – 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable – 7:30 a.m. @ TBA
Effective Strategies Group – 8:00 a.m.-9 :00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Executive Comitttee Meeting – 7:00 a.m. 20 @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. 22 @ Chamber Conference Room Business Education Alliance – 3:30 p.m. 27 @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Board Meeting – 4:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
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ASPARAG US FESTIV AL Stockto n Asp b e s t
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April 26
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