Port O Call - January 2018

Page 1


Vol. 63 No. 9







CONTENTS From Your President


From Your CEO


Winter Diversity Mixer Photos


Programs and Public Policy


Leadership Stockton


Cover Story 10 Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership


New Members


News Briefs 14 Visit Stockton



Events 17 Calendar 18


JANUARY NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. Hosted By: SMG @ Oak Park Ice Arena 3545 Alvarado Ave., Stockton

BEA SYMPOSIUM 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club 3800 W. Country Club Blvd., Stockton RSVP to bea@stocktonchamber.org


11 JAN


(See Page 9 For Details)

NETWORK 4 SUCCESS Meets every Thursday, 12 – 1 p.m. Contact the Chamber for location joe@stocktonchamber.org

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce (California) @stocktonchamberofcommerce @StknChamber Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce ON THE COVER: Your Chamber Staff TABLE OF CONTENTS PHOTO: Front Row, L to R: Jeffery Natividad, Timm Quinn, Frank Ferral, Lorice Harrison, Christy Hang, and Felicia Hurtado Back Row, L to R: Mina Gomar, Danielle Zoller, Ana Alfaro, Mario Supnet, Joe Curtis, Chris Rivera, Mandee Trackwell, Dennis Thao, Lia Her, and Karina Meza. www.stocktonchamber.org

JAN 2018


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FROM YOUR 2017-18 PRESIDENT BY: DIANE VIGIL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

Chamber S.T.A.F.F. Skilled | Tireless | Accountable Friendly | Focused

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation SR. VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

At my Installation in June, I requested Timm Quinn to bring

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business VICE PRESIDENT Chris Kay, ACE Rail


entry to Brookside Country Club for all to see after attending the New Member Board Orientation. I have always been

impressed with the diverse ways the chamber serves the business community, but I

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Stephanie Banuelos, Grimbleby Coleman Bob Berger, Cumulus Radio Randy Burns, Keller Williams Erin Guy Castillo, Parish Guy Castillo, PLC F.J. "Joe" Dietrich IV, F.J. Dietrich & Co Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County David Meier, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Bryan Meadows, Stockton Ports Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Brian Petrovek, Stockton Heat Justin Redman, F&M Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Bob Young, NCPGA Foundation CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.

along all of the banners representing our programs to line the


PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428 SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR LEADERSHIP STOCKTON DIRECTOR Timm Quinn 209.292.8423 OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Joe Curtis 209.292.8439 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Christy Hang 209.292.8433 SCAP EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS Ana Alfaro 209.292.8426 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Mandee Trackwell 209.292.8435 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mina Gomar 209.292.8429 BEA COORDINATOR Mario Supnet 209.292.8436 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT EVENTS Danielle Zoller 209.292.8422 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 OFFICE COORDINATOR Karina Meza 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136

was honestly overwhelmed just hearing the scope of responsibilities our staff delivers on a daily basis. It became one of my goals for the staff and Board of Directors to see ourselves as a team, with the same commitment to fulfilling the mission of the GSCC. We are devoted to doing our best for you—our members. As President, a familiar question often posed to me is: What does the Chamber do? This December Port O Call is dedicated to the staff and programs that your GSCC administers, and will answer that question quite well. First, I cannot begin without recognizing our CEO, Douglass Wilhoit. He affectionately calls board members “Boss,” but we all know who the boss really is. As “Madame President,” Doug finds every opportunity to support me, answer my questions, and consider my suggestions. He is a fierce defender of Stockton, desires what is best for the Chamber and our members, and no one can deny how much this man loves his community nor how much he has given to it. Timm Quinn, Frank Ferral, Joe Curtis, Lia Her, Christy Hang, and Mario Supnet are key staff leaders with a fantastic support staff. You cannot find a more outstanding crew; it is such an honor to be a part of your team. Through careful observation, I begin 2018 with enthusiasm. It isn’t hard to notice an uptick in the feeling of hope for the future of Stockton. We are pressing on, looking forward to build a safe, secure, and prosperous community. That is good news for you, the business owners and nonprofit leaders. I ask you to make it a conscious reminder and never forget that your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is your silent partner, entrusted to the success of your business, home, and community. Now a vision and New Year’s reflection of what I could do better is to be a better daughter, wife, mom, yaya, sister, friend, and servant Leader. Work is important, but my family is number one in my heart, though not necessarily in my actions. This year in particular, my family has had a bit less of me, but they are understanding and never fail to say how proud they are of my role as President of the Board of Directors for the GSCC. Many have asked if I like the role as president… and I can say I LOVE it! In our pursuit to aggressively develop and promote an economically vibrant business community, it is truly an honor to serve you, our members. As you may have noticed, I along with the “Boss,” share a love for wisdom and quotes

ADVERTISING Victor Randolph


that inspire. Here is one for 2018 from William Arthur Ward: “This bright new year is



given me, to live each day with zest, to daily grow and to be my highest and my best!” I’ll try.


445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


JAN 2018


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT All of us here at your-soon-to-be 117-year-old Greater Stockton Chamber

a majority, which in turn should respect a minority’s sacred things.

of Commerce hope you had a wonderful

Public life is regarded as a crown of a career, and to young men/

Christmas/Holiday Season and wish you

women it is the worthiest ambition. Politics is still the greatest and

all a Very Happy New Year. May you, your

the most honorable adventure.”

family, friends, co-workers, and customers


free discussion, that normally a minority should be ready to yield to

have a wonderful 2018!

It must be remembered and understood that those in city and county do not act alone and those in Sacramento and Washington

May 2018 be a wonderful year for all, not

D.C. have to understand, realize, and admit that any adverse action

only here in Stockton and San Joaquin County, but also in the entire

or inaction on their part affects each and every one of us locally so

State of California and these great United States of America!

they MUST partner in the solutions and not by omission or political

That will surely happen if everyone works as one and puts aside politics, personalities, personal agendas, ego, and/or misused

drama exasperate the problem, whatever it may be. A very big THANK YOU to all who worked on and attended the

“power!” Or as Lord Action (John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Action

Annual Chamber(s) Winter Diversity Mixer held this year at the new

(1834-1902)) properly stated: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute

and improved Haggin Museum. It was a wonderful night with all attendees mixing and showing what

power corrupts absolutely.”

a wonderful and diverse community

He also stated that “truth is the only merit that gives dignity and worth to history!” Our hope is that all elected officials throughout our great Nation understand this and that we are a Republic and a

May 2018 be a wonderful year for all, not only here in Stockton and San Joaquin County, but also in the entire State of California and these great United States of America!

we have. The appetizers provided by all the different Chambers were plentiful and delicious. Thanks to Events/Leadership Stockton Director Timm Quinn for taking the lead and getting everything set up for the

Democracy by choice/design and

event. A big thank you to our Events

all must understand and show

Administrative Assistant Danielle

respect at all levels of government for WE THE PEOPLE. As William

Zoller and our Membership Director Joe Curtis for their hard work

Tyler Page wrote and was adopted by the House of Representatives

helping Timm and the many volunteers who made the night a huge

on Apr. 3, 1918: “I believe in the United States of America as a

success. Thank you to all the staff at the beautiful Haggin Museum

Government of the people, for the people; whose powers are derived

for opening your doors to all of us and it was a wonderful way to

from the consent of the governed; a Democracy in a Republic, a

showcase a community jewel.

sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union one and

On Dec. 13, your award winning Green Team San Joaquin held

inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality,

another successful Refreshments With The Recyclers Lunch hosted

justice, humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives

by the new Heritage Provisions at the Waterloo Gun and Bocce Club

and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love

with a capacity crowd and great information from keynote speaker

it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to RESPECT its flag,

Evan Edgar, Edgar & Associates. Thanks to all those who attended

and to defend it against all enemies.” This is titled as the “American

and brought gifts for the Child Abuse Prevention Council toy drive,

Creed” and I/we hope one and all will live by it forevermore!

our sponsors, and Mario Supnet, our BEA Coordinator (under the

And John Buchan (1875-1940) also said it so well: “Democracy— the essential thing as distinguished from this or that democratic government—was primarily an attitude of mind, spiritual testament, and not an economic structure or political machine. The testament involved in certain basic beliefs—that the personality was sacrosanct, which was the meaning of liberty, that policy should be settled by



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

watchful eye of Mr. Frank Ferral) and Chamber staff who helped that day. Thanks again to all, have a wonderful, happy, blessed, and

successful 2018 and remember: “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!”


Brookside , Country Club


hat inspired the founding of

Brookside Country Club? Brookside Country Club had its grand opening 1991. Developer Fritz Grupe built the Brookside community complete with a country club where people could come and enjoy golf, tennis, swimming, dining and family activities in a beautiful park like setting. Our signature Robert Trent Jones Jr. Golf Course has been featured on the Golf Channel and has

club can be challenging. We are excited to be working with Never Boring Advertising on our new publication, Brookside on the Green which will reach our neighbors directly beginning in February 2018. We are proud to offer our new potential Members a complimentary Welcome Cookie Basket which includes a round of golf for 4 with carts, a dining certificate and fresh baked cookies. This gives families a wonderful opportunity to

hosted national tournaments.

experience all Brookside has to offer.

What has made Brookside Country

What do you enjoy about doing

Club successful?

business locally? Stockton and the surrounding areas are home to some of the most wonderful people. Many of our Members have businesses here in Stockton. We are proud to be a part of the Stockton community and take pride in supporting local charities. We enjoy working with local

Brookside’s success comes from offering families a lifestyle which revolves around outdoor activities, wonderful dining and exciting social events! We are proud that our Members consider Brookside an extension of their home where they come to celebrate weddings, birthdays,

vendors like Wardens for office supplies!

What does the future hold for Brookside Country Club? Brookside is excited to be a place for families to create lasting memories for many years to come! We look forward to growing our membership and welcoming new families to enjoy our variety of over 60 social events, award winning golf course, chef and wedding venue. We look forward to seeing you soon! For membership information contact: Alecia Escajeda CCM (209) 444-4719 arobbins@brooksidegolf.net Tracey Heath (209) 444-4729 theath@brooksidegolf.net Brookside County Club 3603 St. Andrews Dr. Stockton, CA 95219 (209) 956.6200 www.brooksidegolf.net

graduations, anniversary parties and baby showers! Our dedicated and professional staff continues to WOW our Members and their guests with attention to detail and offer a wide variety of events which include: Family Night Bingo, Bi-Annual Wine Adventure, Summer Kids Camp, Easter and Mother’s Day Brunch and much more! What is the greatest challenge Brookside Country Club has faced, and how did you overcome it? Reaching new Members to join a country

presented by




JAN 2018



PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL Thank you to all those that attended and brought toys to the

Don't miss the next FRESH meeting Thursday, Jan. 11 at 9 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber of Commerce RSVP Attendance to gogreen@stocktonchamber.org

Refreshments with the Recyclers Luncheon. You made Christmas bright for the children and families served by the Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin. We'd also like to thank Paul Ratto, of Heritage Dining & Provisions at the Waterloo Gun & Bocce Club, and his staff for hosting and providing such a delicious lunch. Thank you to CBC Steel for


the huge barrel

209 Furniture

Dorfman Pacific

of toys and to

ABC NorCal

Healthy Air Living

Sims Metal Management

our Chamber

American Recycling


Solar Optimum, Inc.


Queirolo’s Heating &


staff for all of the hard work. Last but not least, thank you so much to our

Carpenters Local Union 152

keynote speaker Evan Edgar of Edgar & Associates for educating

City of Stockton

us on the topic of SB 1383 & Organic Waste!

Collins Electrical Co.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County

Frank Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428

Public Works

Universal Service Recycling

LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton History, Arts, and Culture Session Session Sponsors: Visit Stockton, Haggin Museum Whether you are new to Stockton, or have lived here a lifetime, you are sure to learn something during the Leadership Stockton,

Allison Cherry Lafferty (LS Class of 2002), Chair, Stockton Arts Commission then spoke to the class about all the great things the Art Commission does. Up next was Maestro Peter Jaffe from the Stockton Symphony.

“Stockton: History, Arts, and Culture” session. Held each year at the

Peter shared the history of the Symphony (third oldest

Haggin Museum, the day is full of fascinating information spanning

continuously operating symphony in California) and previewed

from the founding of our great city to the present day, and including a

the upcoming season. The class then heard from Dennis Beasley, Artistic Director,

look at our arts and cultural resources. Tod Ruhstaller, CEO & Curator of History for the Haggin

Stockton Civic Theatre, who shared the long history of the

Museum (and Stockton history guru) was the guide for the first

Stockton Civic Theatre and upcoming performance calendar

part of the day, taking the class through a PowerPoint history

with the class.

lesson of Stockton from the time before settlers arrived to the

Dennis was followed by Scott Rooker and Mark Calonico

present day. After our history overview, Tod guided the class

from the Stockton Chorale who shared the long history of the

through the museum explaining the history of the museum, its

Stockton Chorale and let the class know about their upcoming

contents, and showing off the newly renovated galleries.

performances and programs.

After lunch, the class heard from Wes Rhea, (LS Class of 2004),

A big THANK YOU to the following: Tod Ruhstaller, Susan

CEO, Visit Stockton, who spoke with the class to debunk the myth that

Obert (LS Class of 2003), and the hard working staff of the

“there is nothing to do in Stockton.” He had a lot of fun Stockton trivia

Haggin Museum for the use of the Museum and the all access

for the class and gave away lots of cool Stockton swag.

tour and all the speakers who joined us to share their love of arts with the class.

Breakfast Symposium Shortages in the Trades Industry ● Overview of Building Construction Trades - Chris Kleinert ● Apprenticeships in CA – Don Simonich ● Developing partnerships and why apprenticeship programs work – Rick Guantone ● Plumbers and Pipefitters – Greg Vincelet

Friday, January 26, 2018 - 7:30 AM to 9 AM RSVP Required: Deadline is January 17, 2018 Stockton Golf & Country Club For more information and to RSVP 3800 W. Country Club Blvd ▪ Stockton ▪ 95204 bea@stocktonchamber.org Please, no denim (209) 292-8436


w.w.w.ChamberBEA.com Business Education Alliance is a program of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


JAN 2018




he Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1901, has been a staple in the business community since


by Timm Quinn

So let us help you! The following are some short bios on all of the Chamber’s many award-winning programs. To learn more

its inception. It’s been offering programs and services to help its

information on any of the programs or to get involved just call

members succeed and prosper. In addition to the programs over the

the Chamber, 209.547.2770, and we will connect you to the

almost 117 years of the history of the Greater Stockton Chamber of

right person. If you haven’t been to a new member meeting in a

Commerce, its leadership, staff and members have been a very strong

while, you are always welcome to join us for a refresher course

and respected voice of not only the business community but also the

on “Working Together” with the Chamber the first Thursday

City of Stockton, San Joaquin County, the region, the state, and in

of each month, 11 a.m. in the Stockton Chamber Conference

some cases, the nation. We strive to do anything we can to adhere

Room. Not a member? Give Membership Director Joe Curtis a

to our mission statement: to aggressively develop and promote an

call 209.292.8439 and join today!

economically vibrant business community.


Historically, the Chamber has taken very strong public positions in favor of issues that would have a positive impact on all of the community and strong positions opposing issues that would have a negative impact! In almost all cases, too many to list, the Chamber position won out! That is due in part to the respect and trust the Chamber has always been held in and the support from members and the community as a whole.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Founded in 1981, Leadership Stockton is a program designed to inspire a new generation of men and women ready to assume leadership roles in our community. It challenges and prepares individuals from diverse backgrounds to become influential in our region’s future.

One day a month for eleven months, participants meet for an intense study and discussion of specific topics. Various perspectives

BUSINESS EDUCATION ALLIANCE (BEA) The Business Education Alliance (BEA)

are presented through the use of panelists, tours and simulation

is a public/private partnership between the

activities. Countless organizations benefit from the Leadership

members of the Greater Stockton Chamber

Stockton program through hands-on community projects during

of Commerce and Stockton Unified School

the course of the class and after graduation many participants go

District (SUSD), as well as other academic

on to serve on a variety of boards and commissions in the Stockton

institutions in San Joaquin County. The BEA provides the means

community. The program is tuition based, $1,000 per student. For

by which employers and educators work together to understand

more information visit the website,

each other’s needs and requirements with the goal of improving

www.leadershipstockton.com, or email tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

educational outcomes. It also promotes employer outreach activities


and enhances ongoing and innovative work and school-based

The purpose of the Green Team San

programs. For more information, please visit Chamberbea.com or

Joaquin is to create a nexus between

contact BEA Coordinator Mario Supnet, bea@stocktonchamber.org.

commerce and the environment while


enhancing the delivery of Chamber services


and addressing economic, environmental,

The SCAP-SE initiative was designed

and quality of life issues in Stockton and San Joaquin County.

by the business community to allow for

By assisting businesses in “going green,” we reduce their costs of

an equitable solution to place CalWORKs

doing business while helping the environment and moving the San

clients into the San Joaquin County

Joaquin County economy forward. Green Team San Joaquin includes the REACON, Refreshments

workforce. SCAP-SE can assist San Joaquin County businesses in filling part-time and full-time entry level positions. When hiring

with the Recyclers, REXPO, Business Academy for Regulatory

through SCAP-SE, businesses can reduce human resource costs by

Compliance (BARC), Build Infrastructure Now (BIN) Summit,

interviewing candidates pre-screened for employment readiness,

State of Sustainability, and other timely presentations. For

reduce payroll and benefit costs by evaluating and training

more information, go to greenteamsanjoaquin.com or

SCAP-SE participants before hiring and reduce turnover costs

email gogreen@stocktonchamber.org.

by hiring employees prepared for employment through the


Employment Preparation Program. For more information on


hiring your next employee please visit Scapworks.com or

FRESH is a program that encourages not only physical fitness, but the fiscal fitness of our valued members. By

email scap-se@stocktonchamber.org. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COUNCIL (GRC) The Government Relations Council

supporting and optimizing existing

(GRC) is committed to the long term

wellness programs from within our

economic success of our local business

membership, the Chamber shall channel these programs into

community. The GRC works to improve

monthly informational presentations, distribute a FRESH

the effectiveness of legislation and regulations which affect our

E-Newsletter, as well as develop a variety of incentives for both

business environment every day. The GRC reviews the actions of

employers and their employees to participate.

our elected officials and advocates for public policies which improve

Simply put, assisting businesses in employee wellness will not only reduce their costs of doing business, but strengthen

the economic outlook for members of the Chamber. At GRC meetings, guest speakers with business and political

their business and move the San Joaquin County economy

expertise address the concerns of GRC members and bring

forward. For more information, please contact Frank Ferral,

essential facts and insights about issues facing the entire Chamber


membership. For more information, please email Program & Public Policy Director Frank Ferral, fferral@stocktonchamber.org.


JAN 2018 11

WORKING TOGETHER IN 2018 continued from page 11 ECONOMIC GARDENING Economic Gardening is all about connecting entrepreneurs with

LUNCH & LEARN Join us every month for a little lunch and a lot of learning! As

support and resources to help them with meeting operational,

Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at

workforce and business goals. This Program will provide eligible

twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Keep

Stockton area small and medium size businesses with high

your business young and fresh by attending one of our monthly

end corporate tools and cutting edge scientific concepts to help

Lunch & Learn meetings on various topics to help you and your

entrepreneurial companies achieve their growth goals.

business grow! It is free for Stockton Chamber Members and $15

This Program is free to participants. To learn more about this

for non-members. For more information contact Lorice Harrison,

exciting and innovative opportunity and to see if your company


may qualify for consideration, please contact Mr. Jim Conklin


at jconklinmkting@aol.com. CHAMBER AMBASSADORS Chamber Ambassadors are a volunteer group of Greater Stockton

Your deals, specials and events website. SLN is an online marketing website and mobile app designed to bring business

Chamber of Commerce members. The overall purpose of the

through your doors from the community

Ambassador program to recruit new members, help orient the newest

and from visitors to the Stockton area.

Chamber members, and to assist staff with membership retention.

FREE for Chamber Members, take advantage of its Search Engine

To accomplish these goals, the Ambassadors are divided

Optimization, Social Media Sharing, App for smart phones, traffic

into two committees: Chamber Liaisons and Welcome Squad.

tracking, and email marketing, Google Maps. Currently receiving

Membership in the Chamber Ambassadors is open to any member

35,000+ visitors per month. For more information on SLN contact

of the Stockton Chamber. To become an ambassador on the

Lorice Harrison, Lorice@stocktonchamber.org.

Liaison Committee or join the Welcome Squad please contact Joe Curtis, joe@stocktonchamber.org.

Liaison Committee Members of the Chamber Liaisons personally visit and survey

Chamber members on an annual basis. The surveys give members input on Chamber programs and improves the Chamber’s ability to serve its members.

Welcome Squad

RTD Bus Passes On Your Phone Get the Token Transit App

Members of the Welcome Squad attend a variety of events hosted by the chamber members. These include ribbon cuttings, ground breaking and anniversary celebrations. Photos from Welcome Squad activities are published in every issue of the Chamber’s monthly magazine, the Port O Call. NETWORK4SUCCESS REFERRAL GROUP 100% 8:08

Receive and give qualified business leads at the Network4Success.


A serious, (but fun) networking group of Chamber Members come together each week to help promote and increase each other’s businesses. This group is for those members who are serious about growing their business. Meets every Thursday at noon. Contact

The places you can go on RTD!

joe@stocktonchamber.org for details and location. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Text “TOKEN” to 41411 for a download link


We’re living in a period of rapid change, and over the next five



two cars, several computers, tablets, smartphones, TVs, and an Apple Watch 3 come rapidly to mind. Analyst firm Gartner

years we’re going to see significant disruptive advancements that will

predicts the number of networked devices will skyrocket from

reshape the world as we know it. Here’s the most recent one.

about five billion in 2015 to 25 billion by 2020. This is known as the Internet of Things (IOT). This combination

The arrival of new smartphones from Apple and Samsung under your Christmas Tree along with the announcement by Verizon to

of new Smartphones, tied to 5G networks with gigabit speed will

make Sacramento the first 5G city in California is a forerunner for the

send data from sensors to be analyzed into useful decision making

coming change that will speed up how your business will grow.

quality data. This Big Data Analytics will allow your business to

Quietly, this new 5G network technology is also rolling out in

become more efficient, smarter, and make quicker correct decisions.

San Joaquin County, too. This photo

The key to this development is the cooperative development

is an example of the 5G hardware

of County/City policy to streamline the processes to get private

being placed on a light pole in

5G hardware in place to leverage this emerging technology as

Stockton that will deliver super

a competitive advantage to attract technology companies from

high speed wireless connectivity

Silicon Valley. These early initiatives are good news that will foster key public-

power allowing you new ways to do business with your customers. Stop for a moment and think

private partnerships that will enable businesses and residents to experience the use of gigabit speeds with connected devices

of how many devices you have

and the ability to soon collect and analyze sensor data that was

connected to the internet today. In

previously only available through a costly fiber connection.

my case, it’s my office computer,

Welcome to the IOT age.


Food Distributors

Information Technology

California Hypnosis Center & Academy

Second Harvest Food Bank of San Joaquin

Network Builders IT

4120 Manchester Ave., Stockton, CA 95207

& Stanislaus Counties

4641 Spyres Way #5, Modesto, CA 95356

704 E. Industrial Park Dr. Manteca, CA 95337 Solar Products - Dealer & Services


Solar Optimum, Inc.

Real Estate Commercial & Industrial

Abbey Pointe Apartments

58 Hawes Wy., Oroville, CA 95965

Partners Commercial Real Estate -

1640 Tyrol Ln. Stockton, CA 95207

Lorie Diaz-Liddicoat Beauty Salons

3461 Brookside Rd. Ste. B, Stockton, CA 95219


Floor Coverings - Residential & Commercial Adel’s Oriental Rugs

36 N. California St., Stockton, CA 95202

Home Improvements

2051 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95204

D & M Kitchen and Bath Supply Inc. Mailing Services

245 West Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Stockton, CA 95206

The UPS Store #6879

2819 W. March Ln. #B-6, Stockton, CA 95219 Self Defense Instruction American Martial Arts Academy 6360 Pacific Ave. #1, Stockton, CA 95207 6360 Pacific Ave. #4, Stockton, CA 95207


Mike Ammann: mammann@sanjoaquinusa.org 209.956.3380


JAN 2018 13

NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

Ready4K Texting Service Helps Parents Prepare Children for Kindergarten All parents of young children in San Joaquin County are invited to sign up for Ready4K, which is back for another year providing parents with helpful tips and ideas to turn everyday activities into teachable moments that can prepare young children for success in kindergarten. Ready4k is a free, research-based program developed by ParentPowered in collaboration with Stanford University and made available to families throughout San Joaquin County through the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE). To register for the free service, text R4K SJ to 70138.

1st & 3rd Thursdays at The Haggin Museum Complimentary wine from Weibel Family Vineyards & Winery and snacks courtesy of the Junior Women’s Group will be available beginning at 6:30 pm. every 1st & 3rd Thursday evening, when the museum is open until 9 pm. These special evenings vary each month to include live music, special guests and more. Make it a date!

Banner Island Ballpark to Host 2018 WCC Baseball Championship The Stockton Ports, in conjunction with Visit Stockton, are excited to host the 2018 West Coast Conference Baseball Championship at Banner Island Ballpark, marking the sixth consecutive year in Stockton. Play amongst the top-four West Coast Conference regular

27th Annual Trivia Bee Apr. 27 at the Stockton Arena The Library and Literacy Foundation for San Joaquin County’s 27th

season teams will begin on May 24 and will conclude on May 26. West Coast Conference Baseball Championship tickets are currently

Annual Trivia Bee will be held Apr. 27 at 5 p.m. at the Stockton Arena.

available at the Stockton Ports Box Office. Tickets for the tournament

This year’s theme is “California Dreamers – Builders, Entrepreneurs &

start at $6 for students and seniors, $12 for MVP seating, and $15 for

Entertainers!” Trivia Bee teams consist of three people. The team with

Club seating (available exclusively for Ports’ Season Ticket Holders).

the most points at the end will be declared the winner and receive the

For more information on the 2018 WCC Championship or the

coveted BEE Bobble Head Award.

Stockton Ports 2018 season, please contact the Ports front office at

The entry fee per team is $600 and includes dinner for each

209.644.1900 or visit stocktonports.com.

member. Sponsors are also being sought to underwrite the event. This wonderful event raises money for literacy programs throughout San Joaquin County. Register your team today!

Law firm adds New Attorney The Stockton law firm of Neumiller &

Individual tickets are available to purchase for $30 per person and

Beardslee is pleased to announce the addition

includes a wonderful dinner if purchased before Apr. 13.

of Melissa Bocanegra as an associate attorney.

To become a sponsor, sign up a team, or purchase individual

Her areas of practice are business law,

tickets, contact SASS! Public Relations, Inc. at 209.957.7277 or anna_sass@sasspr.com.

litigation, and public agency law. Melissa Bocanegra

In 2014, Ms. Bocanegra graduated from the

University of the Pacific with a B.A. in Political Science and a double

Salt the Skies Paint Workshop at The Haggin Museum Long nights don’t have to be dreary! Come join us Saturday, Jan. 13, from 1:30 – 3 pm to learn how to use salt to create a vivid, nightsky watercolor. For more information please call 209.940.6312.

minor in Philosophy and Pre-Law. She joined Neumiller & Beardslee in 2017 upon earning her Juris Doctor, with distinction, from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Ms. Bocanegra is a Stockton native. She graduated from Weston Ranch High School in 2010. She speaks fluent Spanish. Ms. Bocanegra enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with her family.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Downtown Stockton

Eastland Plaza

Franklin High

RTD Route 47. All New.


Midtown Corridor | Arriving January 28, 2018 We are experts at creating eye catching portraits for business professionals that help them stand out from the competition. Upgrade your business image with our two pose Business Portrait Special and save $50. Now through February 15th

YOU’RE INVITED Celebrate the launch of the Midtown Corridor with San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD)! Join RTD for food, drinks, and a bus tour at the Children’s Museum on January 25, 2018, 4 - 7 p.m. The first 50 guests will receive limited edition Artie D. bobble heads and commemorative tote bags! 402 W. Weber Ave, Stockton, CA 95203. This event is open to the public. Offers good while supplies last.

Learn more at sjRTD.com/express


www.CarolinePhotography.com 1755 W. Hammer Lane, Suite 3 ~ Stockton

First week free on Route 47 only, January 28 - February 3, 2018.


JAN 2018 15

VISIT STOCKTON BY: ROBYN F. CHESHIRE Stockton Restaurant Week Explore the bounty of flavors Stockton

Farm to Table Event Comes to Stockton Visit Stockton is proud to announce a new event coming to

restaurants have to offer during the 9th

Stockton in 2018. Feast at the Fox, A Farm to Table Dining

Annual Stockton Restaurant Week, Jan.

Experience in Downtown Stockton, will be held outdoors along

19 – 28. This 10-day celebration is a great

Main Street the evening of Fri. May 11. Hosted by Visit Stockton

opportunity to support your favorite

in partnership with the City of Stockton, this exclusive foodie

local restaurants and try a few new ones.

affair will be supported by and benefit the San Joaquin Delta

Delicious fixed price menus at great

College Culinary Arts Program. The locally sourced five-

prices make this one of the best foodie

course meal, prepared by local celebrity chefs, will be served at

events of the year. For a full list of participating restaurants

a single farm table spanning 200 feet under the neon lights of

and menus, go online to StocktonRestaurantWeek.com.

the historic Bob Hope (Fox) Theatre and limited to 150 guests.

Free Advertising Opportunity for Businesses Did you know there is no charge to add your business to the Stockton Savings Pass? Be a part of this amazing mobile

Details, sponsorship opportunities, and tickets can be found at FeastAtTheFox.com.

Stockton Ambassador Program

coupon book by offering deals and discounts to locals and

Find out more about Stockton history, the economic impact

visitors. Businesses can also make a commission on passes

of tourism, and how you can help make each visitor experience

they sell, so what are you waiting for? Questions? Visit

a positive one. Become a Stockton Ambassador and join the

StocktonSavingsPass.com, email robyn@visitstockton.org or

exclusive CTA network. Next session: Feb. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to

call 209.636.4348.

12:30 p.m. Learn more at StocktonAmbassadors.com.


The Parks Group has many “gears” to help power your projects. We provide everything in-house — printing & bindery, wide format, creative services support, branded merchandise, mailing, fulfillment & warehousing. Multiple solutions from a single source!


PARKS GROUP 209.576.2568 theparksgroup.com Modesto: 209.576.2568 1515 Tenth Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Stockton: 209.466.9026 445 W. Weber Ave, Suite 124A, Stockton, CA 95203


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Robyn F. Cheshire: robyn@visitstockton.org 209.636.4348

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN 2018 Golf Tournament Join us Apr. 9 and prepare yourself for a day of good times and good friends at Elkhorn Golf Club. Now in its 37th year, the Golf Tournament always fills up fast. Don’t miss your chance to play! Call the Chamber to reserve your space today! You can also join us as a tee or green sign sponsor, or a business package sponsor. Business package sponsorship includes signage on a tee or green and registration for a foursome of players. Major Level Sponsorships also available. Just want to sign up and play? Single registration is also available.


Donating a prize to our post-tournament raff le is a great way to highlight your business. Many high-profile business


people participate in our tournament and donating a prize

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency

gets their attention! For more information about the Chamber’s 37th Annual Golf

Port of Stockton United Way of San Joaquin County

Tournament or to volunteer, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or email him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

5th Annual

pper &auction Celebrity Chefs Live Auction • Silent Auction • Raffle Scrumptious Soups Handmade Soup Bowls Tickets $50 in advance - $55 at door Tickets at Eventbrite.com; at the AESJ Gallery, 2318 Pacific Ave or call (209) 460-0780


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

Friday February 23th, 2018 6pm Stockton Hilton Hotel 2323 Grand Canal Blvd.

Join us to raise funds for arts programs, exhibits, art lectures and classes that we provide throughout the year.


JAN 2018 17




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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

January Networking Mixer Hosted by SMG Stockton at the Oak Park Ice Arena 5:15 – 7:15 p.m. @ 3545 Alvarado Ave., Stockton


Leadership Stockton Law Enforcement/Justice System Session 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. @ The Sheriff’s Office

15 16

Chamber Office Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day

17 25 25 26


FRESH Meeting 9 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Stockton Fence & Material Co. 2007 North Wilson Way P.O. Box 8314 • Stockton, CA 95208

Liaison Committee Meeting 8 – 9 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

E ••








1 9 11

Chamber Office Closed New Years Day

Lunch & Learn Learn How to Curl at Oak Park Ice Arena 11:30 a.m. @ 3545 Alvarado Ave., Stockton Register at granitecurling.com/stockton.html Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Green Team San Joaquin Workshop Efficiency and Resiliency through Best Practices 9:00 am – 1:00 pm @ San Joaquin County WorkNet 56 S. Lincoln St., Stockton For more information, please visit our website. Chamber Board Meeting 4 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room BEA Symposium 7:30 a.m. Stockton Golf & Country Club 3800 W. Country Club Blvd. NETWORK 4 SUCCESS meets every Thursday, 12 – 1 p.m. Contact the Chamber for location. joe@stocktonchamber.org

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JAN 2018 19

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