Port O Call - January 2016

Page 1


Vol. 61 No. 9




COOKING? Stockton Restaurant Week returns On the cover (from left to right):

Jonathan Valenzuela, Lincoln Cellar; Lupie Trejo, Centrale Kitchen & Bar; Mike Midgley, Midgley's Public House; Raul Mondragon, French 25

Photography by Caroline Photography


Still have questions about the Affordable Care Act? If your company is still trying to address the changes, you’re not alone. We have resources to help you find the best way forward. Visit us online to find out what you need to know and how to plan for what comes next.


Stockton Restaurant Week Returns






From Your President


From Your CEO



Leadership Stockton


5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

News Briefs


Cover Story


@ Women’s Center Youth & Family Services 620 N. San Joaquin St., Stockton 95202




Programs and Public Policy Department


New Members




Visit Stockton


Good News from San Joaquin Partnership


December Diversity Mixer Photos


Ribbon Cuttings




Meets Every Thursday Contact the Chamber for location & time: network4success@stocktonchamber.org


JAN 2016


Growing businesses need a full service agency. Just saying. Think Never Boring.

PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.


CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications SR. VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

On behalf of ALL of the staff and Board Members here at your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year.

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

To our members, thank you for all you did for our

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

community in 2015 by providing jobs and services to

VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc.


IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design Associates Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank Joy Sweger, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Dignity Health Robert Young CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.




SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425

citizens and visitors alike! You make this city and county a truly wonderful place to live, work, play, study, and worship!

Yes, we do have issues. However, it takes people, all citizens, to walk hand-in-hand to solve any social problems without divisiveness and political grandstanding! January is a perfect time to explore and enjoy Visit Stockton’s Annual Restaurant Week which, as you can see, is our cover story for January. We are blessed with an abundance of culinary choices to satisfy anyone's taste buds! I have been in Stockton since 1971, and I am constantly fascinated and delighted by the diversity and excellence of our restaurants. You may even want to consider dinner at ten different restaurants for each of the ten days of this annual celebration! Or, if you selected lunch at ten additional restaurants, what a week and a half of treats! It’s like a quick visit to twenty countries. Remember that by dining out you not only experience Stockton’s fabulous food choices,you also help local businesses prosper! They, in turn, contribute further to our economy and add to the work, entertainment, education, and culinary opportunities. One more thing: Rest assured that in 2016 your chamber will continue its 114 years, soon to be 115 years, of commitment to our members and to this entire community! We invite you to join us in these endeavors in the new year.

SCAP-SE COORDINATORS My Duong 209.292.8435 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8429 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8426 BEA COORDINATOR Sophie Soth 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Tricia Long 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph





445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


JAN 2016


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT A very Happy New Year to you all and I am sure you all had a wonderful Christmas,

they wanted provided by the generous donations of the many fine

Hanukkah, and Holiday Season!

supporters and volunteers of TLC. It is such a wonderful time for

In December, your chamber had several


School for Homeless Children. They got to meet Santa and get a gift

staff and some Chamber Board Members to watch this each year

successful events and thanks to hose who

for it makes all of them appreciate what we all have and the great

were part of making it all happen

feeling of making others happy. The joy on children’s faces, squeals

so well!

of joy, and their happiness is something truly magical to experience

On Dec. 3, we had another outstanding Diversity Mixer where

each and every year. A big thank you to Sara Garfield and the staff

we all came together as one at the beautiful and historic Haggin

and volunteers of TLC for what they do day in and day out for these

Museum. It was a joy to see everyone being a community of one

wonderful children. Also thank you to Santa who helped to make

that evening, and that should be the rule rather than the exception

the day a true moment to remember.

year in and year out. Everyone had smiles on their faces as they

A hearty congratulations to the new Stocktonian of the Year,

mingled, devoured good food, and enjoyed being in the Haggin

Mel Corren! It is so well deserved, and a thank you also to all

Museum with not only its history, art works, and exhibits, but also

who submitted nominations and to the selection committee who

the Christmas/Holiday Season decorations.

worked very hard to pick the best of the best.

Each year, this is a premier event where your Greater Stockton

All of us here at your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce, the San Joaquin Hispanic Chamber, the

pledge to begin our 115th year of continual proactive action on

African American Chamber, the Asian-American Chamber and

behalf of member businesses, all businesses, and the community

the Delta Chamber all join hands and become one in mission

to help move Stockton and San Joaquin County forward into a

and fun alike. We always enjoy this evening and look forward

new era of prosperity and better quality of life for all! There is a

to the next year of not only this annual Diversity Mixer but also

"big but" that goes with that: We cannot do it alone and need both

to working with each other to make Stockton and San Joaquin

current members and those who we would love to join us, for there

County businesses and residents reach their full potential!

is “strength in our numbers!” Please join us, or if you had been a

Dec. 9 was the annual Green Team San Joaquin (GTSJ)

member rejoin us. We appreciate all our loyal members and they

“Refreshments with the Recyclers” at the Hilton Stockton, led

would love to have you be part of our Chamber Family. Please go to

by Frank Ferral and Eric Langstrom (Green Team and FRESH

our website, www.stocktonchamber.org, and see what we are doing

coordinator) with assistance from other great chamber staff

and with your help and participation can do even more as a team.

members. This event not only moves forward the GTSJ mission of

One small reminder: 2016 is a leap year and that means an

educating the business community, but also all of us on how good

election year. I will be expressing some views in later Port O Calls

and efficient recycling practices can not only benefit the business

on the importance of “responsible voting,” but may I humbly

community but each of us personally. It is also a day where the

suggest that each of you first of all plan to vote and when you

attendees bring an unwrapped gift as their “ticket” to lunch and

do please do so with an informed mind and not fall prey to the

these gifts are given to the Child Abuse Prevention Council to

emotional or self-serving “sales pitches” of the candidates at all

make Christmas a little better for those children who need all our

levels. The elected official that does the best has practices that

love and help. It is wonderful to see the participants not only learn

include sound reasoning and not their personal agenda or, “I have

good recycling practices but also the joy of helping this wonderful

all the answers, trust me!” Just a thought to chew on as we go

community agency make children smile.

into 2016!

On Dec. 15, the Chamber staff had their annual visit from the wonderful children from the Transitional Learning Center (TLC)



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Again, Happy New Year!

LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton Economy Session Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Session Sponsors: Green Team San Joaquin Stockton’s economy is influenced by many factors. During the

great things happening in Downtown Stockton and the Alliance’s

annual Economy Session, the class got a glimpse of a few of those

plans for the future of Downtown. Up next was Shelley Burcham,

factors, and learned about what lies ahead for Stockton’s future.

Vice President, Client Services from the San Joaquin Partnership,

The class met at the Downtown Financial Center Credit Union

Inc. Shelley spoke about all they do to attract and keep big business

Branch, a perfect venue to talk about the economy. The first

in San Joaquin County. She shared some of their marketing tools

presenters of the day were Bruce Blodgett and Natalie Collins with

and the “Grow It, Make It, Ship it” and “Greater Silicon Valley”

the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation (SJFB). Bruce and Natalie

campaigns they use to promote our area.

talked about agriculture, our #1 local industry at $3.2 Billion in

The class finished the day with a presentation from our host

2014, and how that drives our local economy. They addressed

Michael Duffy (LS ’95), President/CEO of Financial Center Credit

current issues and recent successes, and provided a glimpse of what

Union. Michael gave a great presentation on the local economy,

they see for the future of local agriculture. Bruce gave great insight

where we have been, and where we are going.

on what challenges local growers are facing and Natalie shared

It was a great day and the class learned a lot about what drives

information about all the great educational programs the Farm

the Stockton and San Joaquin County economy. I would like

Bureau offers.

to thank all the speakers who came and presented to the class,

Following agriculture on the agenda was Frank Ferral, Programs & Public Policy Director from the Stockton Chamber of

Michael Duffy and Financial Center Credit Union for having us, and Kristyn Bitz for all her help in coordinating the day.

Commerce. Frank shared great info on all the Chamber Programs that help businesses lower their cost of doing business. The class learned about the programs and what all the various acronyms means. From SCAP-SE, BEA, REACON, FRESH, GRC, to the Green Team San Joaquin. It was a lot of information packed into 45 minutes! Next on the agenda was Wes Rhea, CEO of Visit Stockton and former Leadership Stockton Program Director and LS Class of 2004 Graduate. Wes spoke to the class about the impact of tourism and all the new and exciting things Stockton is doing to attract tourists and, more importantly, tourist dollars. He was followed


Extravaganza February 6 & 7, 2016 Jewelry, we love it, but we need more!!!!! Please take a moment to tidy up your jewelry collection and donate your former favorites to us and we will give them a new home. Donate before December 31, 2015 to receive a tax deduction. All proceeds from the sale of merchandise benefit the programs of The American Cancer Society. For 24 hour cancer information call 1-800-227-2345 or visit www.cancer.org.

by Nate McBride, Director of the Small Business Development Center. Nate shared how small business makes up a big part of the economy and detailed all of the great services the SBDC offers to

207 East Alpine Avenue, Stockton 209-941-2737 Monday-Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 11am-5pm

the small business person to help them succeed. The class then had a fantastic lunch catered by Bud’s Seafood. The food was great! After filling up on Bud’s Beef Tips, the class heard from Cynthia Fargo, CEO of the Downtown Stockton Alliance. She shared all the cancer.org/discovery | 1.800.227.2345 ©2015, American Cancer Society, Inc. No. 030876


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


JAN 2016


NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

The White House Initiative on AAPIs Selects University of the Pacific Student The White House Initiative on Asian

Anne Wong

Commerce, announces the 2015 Stocktonian of the Year recipient will be Mel Corren. Mel is truly deserving of joining the list of distinguished Stocktonian of the Year recipients. Mark your

Americans and Pacific Islanders is proud

calendar for the evening of Feb. 3 at the Stockton Golf & Country

to announce its second class of E3!

Club for the Stocktonian of the Year Dinner. For more information

Ambassadors—23 young leaders from

and to order your tickets please contact the Central Valley

across the nation committed to improving

Association of Realtors at 209.955.2200.

the quality of life and opportunities for

First & Third Thursdays at The Haggin Museum

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

(AAPIs). The E3! Ambassadors Program is a youth engagement program that aims to educate, engage, and empower young leaders to increase awareness around critical issues facing the AAPI community and to highlight key federal programs and resources in which AAPIs may be underserved. University of the Pacific education student Anne Wong '19 has been selected as an ambassador.

Complimentary wine from Weibel Family Vineyards & Winery and snacks are available beginning at 6:30 p.m. every first & third Thursday of the month when the Museum is open until 9:00 p.m. These special evenings vary each month to include live music, special guests, and more! Join us Jan. 21 for live

Jessica Siena

music from Jessica Siena. Jessica will be playing favorite American

Coat, Blanket, and Sock Drive Sets Record With Late Rally The third annual Stockton Cares Coat, Blanket, and Sock Drive

standards and Italian Arias by Belini, Donizetti, and Puccini. Siena, a national finalist in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, has been hailed as “…extravagantly gifted…”

distributed donated items on Nov. 14, 2015 to over 1,500 needy

by the Los Angeles Times. She has performed as a soloist with

men, women, and children from the Stockton community. This

numerous symphonies around the state and recently appeared as

drive raised a record 12,500 items to be donated, surpassing the

Rosalinde with the Stockton Opera Association.

10,000 items collected from 2014. Organizing partners included

Community Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired Crab Feed

the Stockton Record, United Way, St. Mary’s Dining Room, SMG Stockton, the Stockton Fire Department and Professional 456, and Tim Ulmer. In all, the Stockton community donated: • 7,500 pairs of brand new socks • 3,750 coats • 1,250 blankets For more information on the Stockton Cares Coat, Blanket, and Sock Drive, or to get involved for 2016, please contact Chris Kay at 209.373.1722 or at ckay@smgstockton.com.

Stocktonian of the Year Dinner Feb. 3 It is with great pleasure the Central Valley Association of Realtors, in association with the Greater Stockton Chamber of



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Community Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired will host its ninth annual crab feed on Jan. 16, at Waterloo Gun and Bocce, 4343 N. Ashley Ln., Stockton. The signature event raises funds to support services to those in our community who are blind or visually impaired. Tickets cost $45.00 per person. Enjoy a nohost bar at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:00 p.m., and dancing from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Door and raffle prizes, and a silent auction add to the fun. For more information or to purchase tickets securely online, visit www.communitycenterfortheblind.org/crabfeed or call Jennifer at 209.466.3836, extension 202.

ACE Your Commute! Avoid the stress of traffic - Arrive relaxed with the Altamont Corridor Express 17 Years of Improving Lifestyles of Commuters and Their Communities


Every month, thousands of issues of Port O Call are directly mailed to Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce members and area business leaders. This direct mailing ensures that the region’s best, brightest, and most important business leaders see Port O Call – and its advertisers. READERS

Business Owners | Regional Managers | Government Leaders Community Advocates | Key Decision-Makers | Service Club Members ADVERTISE NOW

Call Victor Randolph at 209.988.5800 or email victor@neverboring.com


JAN 2016



COOKING? Stockton Restaurant Week returns By Jacqui D. Sinarle What do you get when you combine a variety of diverse restaurants, delicious

Restaurant Week restaurant they tried during the event,” Rhea reported. “In addition, 52 percent of diners participate and dine out

and well-priced lunch and dinner specials, and

more than once per event, and 74 percent of diners participate in

throngs of hungry foodies? You get a buzzworthy

order to try a new restaurant.”

annual event known as Stockton Restaurant

Stockton Restaurant Week was created in 2009 by Visit Stockton.

Week, scheduled for Jan. 15 to 24.

“Dining is a big part of the tourism industry and letting the

“Stockton Restaurant Week is about getting out and supporting

public know that there is an amazing, diverse cuisine culture in

locally owned and operated restaurants in Stockton,” said Wes

Stockton was important to our mission of providing events and

Rhea, CEO of Visit Stockton, the city’s convention and visitors

promotions for Stockton,” Rhea explained.

bureau. “It’s an opportunity to try new dishes, check out new

Visitors often ask local residents for dining recommendations, Rhea noted. “This event gets more

restaurants and explore the

locals dining, which can lead to

enjoy unique, fixed-price

[Stockton Restaurant Week] lets you try something new at a reasonable price, and it opens your mind to different foods.

specialty menus from many


great for our local economy and

participating restaurants

Head Chef, Centrale Kitchen & Bar

for jobs, but we really want people

Stockton dining scene, and it gives local foodies and families the opportunity to

with each restaurant offering at least one specially discounted three-item dinner menu for $15, $20, or $25 every day during the

locally owned and operated dining establishments. All restaurants are

to recommend locally owned and

throughout Stockton.” Up to 30 restaurants participate in Stockton Restaurant Week,

more dining recommendations for

operated dining options, which better tell the story of Stockton and give you a taste of local flavor.” Foodies enjoy Restaurant Week because there are so many great

event. Many restaurants offer several discounted dinner menus at

dishes to try, and restaurants like it because it attracts

various price points and lunch specials, too.

new customers.

It’s a successful concept that’s backed up by some

“We have regulars who first joined us during Restaurant Week,” said chef Raul Mondragon of French 25, who will showcase

impressive statistics. “A 2012 national OpenTable survey related to restaurant week

traditional Creole dishes like pasta jambalaya, Cajun chicken

events showed that 90 percent of diners are likely to recommend

tortellini, and blackened salmon at this year’s event. “People

a Restaurant Week restaurant they tried to a friend or family

like good ideas that bring the community together, and I think

member, and that 87 percent of diners are likely to return to a

Restaurant Week does just that!”


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

LUPIE TRE JO Centrale Kitchen & Bar

MIK E MIDGLE Y Midgley's Public House

At Centrale, head chef Lupie Trejo’s Restaurant Week specials will include shrimp stuffed avocado watercress salad with Meyer

J O N A T H A N VA L E N Z U E L A Lincoln Cellar


it not only brings in new diners but it also rewards their local customers, so they feel like it’s a win-win situation.”

lemon dressing and dessert for lunch, and a $25 dinner including

In 2015, Restaurant Week helped introduce foodies to Lincoln

fried Havarti with fresh fruit and toasted ciabatta for an appetizer,

Cellar, a wine bar and restaurant which opened in September 2014

creamy cauliflower soup as a second course, and chicken piccata

and will participate again this year.

with mashed potatoes and green beans for an entrée. “Everyone looks forward to Restaurant Week,” Trejo said. “I

“Restaurant Week brought a lot of new patrons to our restaurant who had not heard that we had opened, and it allowed us to

know I do; I go to new places myself. It’s a good thing — it lets you

showcase various dishes from our seasonal menu,” said Susan

try something new at a reasonable price, and it opens your mind to

Arismendi, owner/partner of Lincoln Cellar with Maria Mills.

different foods.” “We’ve participated before and I thought it was great,” said Michael Midgley, chef/owner of Midgley’s Public House on the Brickwalk in Lincoln Center who will participate again this year.

“We feel Restaurant Week is a wonderful opportunity and marketing tool to showcase various unique restaurants that Stockton has to offer,” Mills added. While it’s great to visit your regular spot during Stockton

“After the holidays, people love to save a few bucks and it makes a

Restaurant Week, Rhea encouraged diners to explore new places

big difference in weeknight dining.”

and eat out more than once during the event.

“I think it’s great to let people know what’s new out there and to

“Restaurant Week gives folks a chance to try a place they might

get people off the corporate food path,” Midgley added. “Stockton

not have picked normally and experience a special menu that’s

has tons of dining options if you know where to look.”

offered just once for the event,” Rhea said. “It’s also an opportunity

Rhea confirmed that he’s received positive feedback from participating restaurants every year. “Last year, one restaurant broke records for business during that week and had the best January in its history,” he said. “Another restaurant loves it because

to show our Stockton restaurants that the locals are here to support them and want them to succeed.” For information about Stockton Restaurant Week and participating restaurants, visit stocktonrestaurantweek.com.


JAN 2016 11

PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: ERIC R. LANGSTROM, PROGRAM COORDINATOR All cardiovascular exercise has to be something that uses oxygen

The New Year: “Getting Fit”

more rapidly, which we call cardiovascular training.

For the average person, good fitness consists of exercises that work out the whole body. A cardio workout improves the function

The other part of exercise is nutrition and getting help from a

and health of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Weight-bearing

dietitian is a start in the right direction. A person who works out a

exercises enhance the function and health of the bones, muscles,

lot but does not nourish the body properly could be sabotaging or

joints, and connective tissues.

hiding the fruits of his or her labor. You should just have a general

Because bodies are living, breathing matter, they need to be

plan, and investing some time in advance to make it happen. It is

stimulated in order to become more fit. This means exercise is

not impossible to begin a fitness program and stick with it. If you

ideally done just outside your comfort zone. You’re taking your

do, perhaps you can scratch off that resolution next year and have

body a little outside where it is because it needs that challenge—

the satisfaction of knowing you have accomplished something

that stimulus—to be able to improve.

very important. WebMD Weight Loss Clinic-Feature http://www.webmd.com.

That is basically what exercise is, but as many people know all too well, it’s not that easy to start a fitness routine, particularly for the

Next FRESH Meeting is:

out-of-shape and inconsistent, there’s the workout to begin, and the

Thursday, Jan. 14, 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

diet to plan, too. To avoid overwhelming yourself, set realistic expectations. Assess where you are now, and then break it into achievable goals, note how important it is to limit the number of resolutions. Stick to


the small physical activity goal and to one small nutrition goal, and keep a reserve list of objectives. Once you have accomplished your primary goals, move on to the next set. Exercise does not have to be dull. Yet as people grow up, they

American Recycling

Healthy Air Living

San Joaquin RTD



Carpenters Local Union 152

Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

Stockton Area Water Suppliers

lose the connection between fun and improvement. Think about

City of Stockton

the kind of person you are and what you like to do. Some people

Collins Electrical Company

may love going to the gym while others prefer to play team sports.

Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific

Still others favor jogging or walking around the neighborhood.

San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works




Event Planning

Advertising & Publications

Midtown Creperie & Cafe 2319 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95204 209.941.9070

Catalyst Real Estate 2119 W. March Ln., Ste. A, Stockton, CA 95207 209.957.6700 Absolutely Elegant Designs 1967 Nehemiad Dr., Manteca, CA 95336 209.518.5703

Swimming & Travel Justin’s Scuba Time, Inc. 3255 W. Hamer Ln., #2 Stockton, CA 95209 209.851.2928


A1 Global Marketing 2245 Olson Dr., Lodi, CA 95242 209.649.9765

David’s Pizza Lincoln Center 900 W. Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95207 209.957.2850

David Design 18150 Shell Rd., Jamestown, CA 95327 209.984.3952

Health Care Services Infinity Care Services, Inc. 1325 North Center St., Stockton, CA 95202 800.294.1461

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Payters Grill 61 Lincoln Center, Stockton, CA 95207 209.477.9513 The Shadows Steakhouse 7555 Pacific Ave., #155 Stockton, CA 95207 209.473.3200

Eric R. Langstrom: elangstrom@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8436

Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN


JAN 2016 13



2016 Golf Tournament

Happy New Year Stockton!

Reserve Apr. 4 on your calendar and prepare yourself for a day

We are welcoming 2016 with open arms! As always, Visit

of good times and good friends at Stockton Golf & Country Club.

Stockton is dedicated to our community and to making Stockton

Now in its 35th year, the Golf Tournament always fills up fast.

shine. We look forward to another great year of planning our

Don't miss your chance to play! Call the Chamber to reserve your

favorite events which includes Stockton Restaurant Week in

space today!

January, the Great Asparagus Dine Out in April, and Stockton Beer

You can also join us as a tee or green sponsor, or a business

Week in September.

package sponsor. Business package sponsorship includes signage on a tee or green and registration for a foursome of players. Major Level Sponsorships also available. Just want to sign up and play? Single registration is also available. Donating a prize to our post-tournament raffle is a great way to highlight your business. Many high profile business people participate in our tournament and donating a prize gets their attention! For more information about the Chamber's 35th Annual Golf Tournament, or to volunteer, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or email him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

Stockton Restaurant Week is around the corner! We are only weeks away from the 2016 Stockton Restaurant Week! Spanning 10 days from Jan. 15-24, you will be able to visit a number of favorite restaurants around town and enjoy specially priced multi-course meals. Remember to like “Stockton Restaurant

2016 Golf Tournament Sponsors: Fred Couples Sponsors:

Tee Sponsors:

F&M Bank

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance

Oak Valley Community Bank Ricky Barnes Sponsors: Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.

Week” on Facebook to be on alert for all the great giveaways we’ll be doing! To see a full list of participating restaurants, please visit www.stocktonrestaurantweek.com

Agency, Inc. Pacific Records Management

Become a Stockton Ambassador

Visit Stockton

Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) classes are available bi-

Beverage Sponsor:

monthly and open to the general public. Become an Ambassador

Delta Sierra Beverage

for Stockton and learn how you can help to enhance the image of Stockton in the eyes of visitors and the community! Upcoming CTA Class: Feb. 17 @ 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sign up today and join the growing list of Stockton Ambassadors! Program details, including the curriculum and enrollment information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com or CTANetwork.com or by calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton at 209.938.1555.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555


/stockton.restaurant.week www.stocktonchamber.org

JAN 2016 15

Opportunity 2016 San Joaquin USA

2016 looks to be another year of opportunity for



expanding manufacturer’s names that you may not know include Crumb Rubber Mfg., Tap Plastics, Spears Mfg., Shepard Brothers, and Turkhan Foods.

San Joaquin, USA!

Ship It!

Economically, the table has been set for long-term economic

The Port of Stockton continues to invest in new rail

growth in our seven growing communities offering up the best of the Central Valley’s agricultural and Silicon Valley’s high

infrastructure restoring, expanding and completing new track

technology economies.

while welcoming over 230 ships. Expect a continued increase in use

Centered between these two powerhouse economies, San Joaquin

of the Port in 2016. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to hire new associates and,

County is the bullseye allowing for the positive, major, long-term trends that will “raise all boats” during 2016.

with the opening of Prologis International Park of Commerce, we

Here are a few examples of these continuing major trends:

welcome Medline’s 1.1 million square-foot expansion and FedEx

Grow It!

Ground’s 660,000 square-foot new location. The completion of

The agricultural economy hit new records with $3.2 billion

the Prologis 1 million square-foot E-Commerce spec building will

in gross value of agricultural production driven by continued

surely attract another major user in 2016. And finally, Lodi’s selection as 2015 Wine Region of the Year

international demand for our high-quality food and overcoming the continuing drought.

by Wine Enthusiast magazine, along with the successful Amgen

Make It!

Professional Bike Race Tour, is a set up for another great year

More manufacturers are expanding and looking to locate in San

for hospitality! So put on a happy face. San Joaquin USA is poised to continue

Joaquin communities. Tesla has filled and then expanded their Lathrop facility, increasing advanced manufacturing jobs. Other

positive growth in 2016!



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Board Members Becky Deal, Bank of Stockton; Victor Randolph, Never Boring Advertising; Wes Rhea, Visit Stockton; Jared Steinwert, F & M Bank; Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation; Bob Young, NCPGA Foundation

Attending Ambassadors Gregory Walther, Press F1 Computer Service; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing;

All In One Business Center

Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Ella Holman,

3410 W. Hammer Ln., #A, Stockton, CA 95219

Collins Realty Inc.; Nanette Spitulski, ABS Direct, INC.; Tim Aragon, Verve Networks; Loretta Lee, Junior League of S.J. County; Marina Narvarte, Mokelumne Federal Credit Union; Jeff Shirk, Dynamic Leadership Tools; Yolanda Sanchez, Brookside Living; Mandi McCormac, Balance Staffing; Carolina Barreto, Balance Staffing; Selina Paniagua, CornerStone Staffing; Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency; Patty Heinemann, Creative Vision Printing; Blair Hake, Ameriprise Financial; Razi Pelaez, JP’s Signs & Graphics; Angela Ealy-Hale, Absolutely Elegant Designs

KCM Boutique 5681 Pacific Ave., #115, Stockton, CA 95207

Great Spectacles

Centrale Kitchen & Bar

622 Lincoln Center, Stockton, CA 95207

1825 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95204


JAN 2016 17



Leadership Stockton Law Enforcement/Justice System Session 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ San Joaquin County Sheriffs Office


GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


FRESH Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

14 18 20

January Networking Mixer & 40th Anniversary Celebration 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Women’s Center Youth & Family Services


Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Guest Speaker: H&R Block, RSVP Required


Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

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Chamber Closed-Martin Luther King Jr. Day Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club

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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

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