Vol. 62 No.11
MARCH 2017
Bill Fields, President of The Surtec System
Clear the smoke to lower health care costs Make your business tobacco-free to improve employee health and your bottom line. Each employee who quits smoking saves you at least $210 in insurance costs almost immediately.* Visit us online to download our tobacco-free campus toolkit, a step-bystep action plan for making your company a smoke-free environment.
Choose better. Choose Kaiser Permanente.
* “Tobacco: The Business of Quitting,� National Business Group on Health, November 2011.
THE GREEN CLEAN The Surtec System’s Long Legacy of Green Business
CONTENTS From Your President
New Members
From Your CEO
News Briefs
Cover Story
Leadership Stockton
Programs and Public Policy 15 February Mixer Photos
Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership
Visit Stockton
DON’T MISS! MARCH NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Ports, Banner Island Park 404 W. Fremont St., 95203
REXPO BBR 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. @ Stockton Hilton 2323 Grand Canal Blvd., 95203 For More Information
Call 209.547.2770
NETWORK 4 SUCCESS Meets every Thursday. Contact the Chamber for location and time. joe@stocktonchamber.org LIAISON COMMITTEE Meets every 2nd Tuesday at 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. at Stockton Chamber Conference Room.
MAR 2017
Hosted by University of the Pacific & Visit Stockton
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PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
FROM YOUR 2016-17 PRESIDENT BY: BAKUL PATEL How exciting to read the cover story about the
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co. SR. VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation
upcoming REXPO event on Mar. 8 at the Hilton and about Surtec obtaining their Green Business Certification. I recall a few years ago when we,
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications CHAMBER DIRECTORS Bob Berger, Cumulus Radio Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Erin Guy Castillo, Parish Guy Castillo, PLC Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Chris Kay, ACE Rail Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group David Meier, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Laura Pinkerton, Community Business Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design Associates Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Bob Young CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428
Dorfman Pacific, were certified and how easy the
Chamber Green Team, specifically Frank Ferral, made the process.
In fact, if you don’t know what the Green Team does, I strongly urge you to check out the chamber website (www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com/rexpo.aspx) and review the upcoming event. Then give Frank or Mario a call to see how your company can learn more about being green. To tell you the truth, when I first heard of the Green Team, I really thought it was just about recycling paper and plastic—but it is so much more than that. The Green Team San Joaquin is a collaborative effort between businesses, municipal and county solid water divisions, economic development professionals, and the community of San Joaquin County. The Green Team meets monthly to discuss various topics ranging from water conservation to solar power. The meetings are open to the public and I encourage you to check one out! Going back to the REXPO, I urge you to make a reservation, attend, and stop
by the various booths to learn more about the different industries and business
OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421
that can help you learn more about being green. The day is filled with some great
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Joe Curtis 209.292.8439
exhibitors, great food, and great speakers.
PROGRAM COORDINATOR GREEN TEAM/FRESH Mario Supnet 209.292.8436 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Christy Hang 209.292.8433 SCAP EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS My Duong 209.292.8435 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Mai Vang 209.292.8426 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Karina Meza 209.547.2770 BEA COORDINATOR Open 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT EVENTS Danielle Zoller 209.292.8422 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 RECEPTIONIST Mandee Reiswig
PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
I look forward to seeing you there and—last but not least—I would like to thank the various sponsors that made this event happen. The Chamber and the board of directors appreciate your support.
NEW MEMBERS Hotels Residence Inn by Marriott 3240 W. March Ln. Stockton CA 95219 209.472.9800
Window Coverings Draperies Plus 8026 Lorraine Ave. Ste. 216 Stockton, CA 95210 209.473.3304
Courtyard by Marriott 3252 W. March Ln. Stockton CA 95219 209.472.9700
Physical Therapy Central Valley Physical Therapy 1716 W. Hammer Ln. Stockton, CA 95209 209.473.2383
Recycling Services CenCal Recycling LLC 501 Port Rd., #22 Stockton, CA 95203 209.546.8000
Financial Services Cal West Finance, LLC 10940 Trinity Pkwy., C309 Stockton, CA 95219 209.214.3470
Central Valley Physical Therapy 4343 Pacific Ave. Ste. B-1 Stockton, CA 95207 209.425.4071
445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
MAR 2017
FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is now in its
Plans have been made to erect outdoor
116th year, established on Feb. 21, 1901, of serving the community of
advertising signs (we have done the
Stockton, San Joaquin County and the region. Your Chamber has a
same over the last few years) along the
proud history and all involved are working very hard to make sure
highway throughout the county. These
those that look back at where we are now will say that each and every
signs will be of large size in the shape of
one of us who fully participated in your Chamber including: Board
a top with a statement of facts showing
Members, members, volunteers, committees, programs and staff were
that San Joaquin County holds a “top”
true to the mission of your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
place in California, in the production of wheat, barley, corn, potatoes,
which is: “to aggressively develop and promote an economically
onions, cherries and table grapes; and fourth among all the counties
vibrant business community!”
in the United States in the value of the products of the soil. Many
For those of you who take the time to engage with your Chamber by thousands of tourists (here you go Wes and Visit Stockton) pass to attending events, paying attention to the communications such as Port and fro over our highways each year (now I-5 and Hwy. 99), and we O Call, email blasts, our beautiful website, ads placed with local media have no means of reaching them. These top county signs will have a of all types and retention calls made by our fine staff, you will see
message for them. Some of them will get it, and profit by it, and so
that your Chamber leads the way and has many more opportunities
will we profit by it. This Top County slogan was originated by the
for businesses to get involved, improve their visibility and, more
Chamber and the Chamber proposes to make it effective.”
importantly, allow their businesses to prosper!
Your Chamber today has continued that tradition of working hard
To the point above of the multiple ways we communicate to our
to promote and help this community and many of the Chamber
members and the community, I know that each and every one of you
programs are award-winning and being emulated up and down
is deluged by “information” and we do our very best to inform you
the Valley and other areas of surrounding us. Others look to your
so you can be involved with not only the chamber programs/events,
Chamber as a leader in so many areas and as we say, “There is strength
community events and important nonprofit fundraisers, but also
in our numbers,” and we invite you, both current members and those
matters of great importance to the area like what is going on or not
we would love to join us as we move this community forward.
going on in local, state, and federal government, which affects each
Please take the time each month to read your delivered hard copy
and every one of us as citizens, business owners, and employees.
or Chamber website online version of Port O Call, go to our website
Today is the day of multiple instant news sources or instant
regularly, check out our Facebook page, read the email blasts, attend
gratification and many times it all gets lost and the message does
mixers and our numerous events. You will not only enjoy them but
not get through. So, let me take you back in time again, like I did last
you will meet great members of the business community and the
month, to a much simpler but still active time of your Chamber to
community at large. If you are a member already, thank you for
the Annual Report for the 1922 Chamber year (I still have copies, for
being part of our family and those who are not members or were at
those asking) where it described the efforts to “get the word out!”
one time, we would love to have you join us. Joe Curtis, Membership
This section I am quoting from is titled: Folders Tell Of Stockton’s Advantages: “In 1922, two new Stockton folders were prepared and printed, one of which contains a revised map of the city (yup, pre-
Director, would love to meet with you and show you how we can help your business thrive. One last quote from the 1922 report that may bring this home to
Google). These folders epitomize the salient points which make
all of you of what your Chamber has faithfully done since Feb. 21,
Stockton a preferred community and, like silent missionaries, are
1901. In the section titled, “Helping Community Effort Get Across”
doing good work. Through the courtesy of the Portable Wireless
which reads in part: “In many ways, and on many occasions, the
Telephone Company, a Stockton institution, (pre-internet and cell
Chamber has been a bulwark of support to movements which had
phones) the Chamber, every day in the year, sends broadcast by
for their objective the social advancement and business welfare of
radio a message telling of events and signs of progress in Stockton.
the community.”
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
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MAR 2017
NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Herum Crabtree Suntag Adds New Attorney
membership organization. Previously, Carlos Villapudua served the
Joshua J. Stevens has joined the Stockton law firm of Herum Crabtree Suntag as Of Counsel. Mr. Stevens graduated cum laude from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, earning a Bachelor of
First Supervisorial District of San Joaquin County, elected in 2009, and served in this capacity for eight years. He began his tenure with SJCHCC on Jan. 17, 2017. For more
Science in Psychology in 2002. Mr. Stevens then earned his law
information, contact SJCHCC at 209.943.6117 or visit
degree from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
at www.sjchispanicchamber.com.
in 2005. Practicing law in Stockton since 2006, Mr. Stevens is an
Bowman & Company, LLP Announces New Partner
experienced trial attorney, versed in all aspects of civil litigation. At Herum Crabtree Suntag, Mr. Stevens’ practice focuses entirely
San Joaquin County’s largest locally-owned
on litigation, with an emphasis on municipal and public entity defense, civil rights litigation, personal injury defense, and business
accounting firm, Bowman & Company, LLP,
ad contract litigation.
is proud to announce that Ryan M. Dingler
SJCHCC Announces The Hiring Of New Chief Executive Officer The San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce recently announced the
Ryan M. Dingler
has been admitted as a partner of the firm, effective Jan. 1, 2017. Ryan has been a licensed
CPA since 2009, specializing in taxation and accounting of real estate and construction, agricultural interests, family-owned businesses, and high net worth individuals.
appointment of Carlos Villapudua as the new Carlos Villapudua
chief executive officer of the nonprofit business
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Sierra Health Services
hat inspired the founding of
Being a boutique business, and having the
What do you enjoy about doing
Sierra Health Services?
personal relationship with employees and
business locally?
When Sierra was first started, the
physicians has allowed us to be successful and compete with the larger companies.
We enjoy working with other local
industry had plenty of medical billing
Our employees pass on that same care and
vendors because we always receive the
companies, however the industry was lacking knowledgeable medical billing companies that provided the care and attention that physicians wanted and needed. Smaller and medium size practices were being pushed out of these large medical billing companies simply because they weren’t profitable. Sierra knew that there was a niche market for these smaller and medium practices, so we decided to go into business on the basis that customer service would be our number one priority. We were right, and these practices came knocking at our door.
attention to our physicians.
best customer service around, and that’s important to us. We tend to grow our relationships with local businesses that we work with, and in turn, it’s as if we have an extended family that we all help each other out. At the same time, we’re growing our business, we’re helping to grow and prosper other local businesses. It’s a win-win.
What has made Sierra Health Services successful? Our employees! Our employees keep us moving forward. We have employees that have been with us since Sierra opened its
What is the greatest challenge Sierra Health Services has faced, and how did you overcome it? Our greatest challenge is one that we see every day, and that is the ever changing health care industry. It is our responsibility to keep on top of new changes, laws, and mandates. Our physicians rely on us heavily to be knowledgeable of all of the changes, and how it affects their practices. Our staff dedicates many hours each week to research. By actively researching, it allows us to take a proactive approach, rather than a reactive approach to these
What does the future hold for Sierra Health Services? We’re looking forward to a year of great change. We’re looking forward to growing our business into different regions. We’re also expanding and broadening our services we offer. We are ready and excited for these changes to come!
changes. We use the information that we gather to inform our physicians, as well as to increase their revenue.
doors in 2000, and we’re proud to say that all of our employees come from within the area, or nearby. Their knowledge, expertise, and commitment mean the world to us. In the medical billing industry, the knowledge that you gain from experience definitely goes a long way, and we value that tremendously.
presented by
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
The San Joaquin Valley is beautiful—and there are countless people who want to keep it that way.
“People believe green products cost more and are less effective than traditional products,” said Fields. “We have
Improving the quality of San Joaquin’s business and physical
proven both of those assumptions wrong by building green
environment in the Valley is important to everyone who calls it
products that perform equally or better than conventional
home. That’s why the Green Team San Joaquin exists. The Green
products and are priced competitively and backed by factory
Team San Joaquin is a program of the Greater Stockton Chamber
trained technical representatives. Being Green is not just a
of Commerce that provides not only education but recognition of
‘product,’ but a concept. Environmentally Preferred products
those businesses who have contributed to the conservation and
are just a part of a Green Program.”
clean air values that are so important to our environment. The Surtec System is one of the companies to be awarded the
In most cases, Surtec has developed products to meet the next generation, beyond the current requirements to consistently be ready
Green Business Certification at REXPO BBR—and it comes with a
to meet the new challenges. All of these products are developed
long legacy of being green.
by Surtec chemists that are fully aware of all of the latest VOC,
“Surtec has been an environmentally friendly business since
air quality, and green regulations. Having the latest technology in
we first opened our doors in 1975,” said Bill Fields, President of
green products alone is only a part of the process. The next step is to
The Surtec System. “I am very proud that we have developed
develop a maintenance program to achieve the optimum results at
environmentally friendly products, equipment and training programs.”
the lowest cost possible for chemicals and labor.
The Surtec System has been a member of the Green Team San
“We use environmentally preferred local raw material sourcing,
Joaquin for many years. Although California’s Environmentally
100 percent recyclable packaging and manufacture in a ‘state-of-the-
Preferred regulations are some of the toughest in the nation, Surtec
art’ maximum waste minimization facility,” said Fields.
has always been on the cutting edge of modern advances in the chemistry of green cleaning. Since 1975, Surtec has manufactured janitorial and industrial
Because going green is so integral in a business setting, the REXPO BBR intends to educate businesses so they learn to run as cleanly and efficiently as . Attendees will learn how businesses
chemicals, maintenance equipment with patented vacuuming
and jurisdictions can incorporate energy-efficient methods,
technology and developed customized maintenance systems to meet
recycling, water conservation and clean air values into everyday
the wide variety of cleaning and coating needs of their customers.
operations to reduce their cost of doing business and to meet the
Their mission is to develop and produce the highest quality products
State’s multiple environmental policies.
that clean in a way that’s green. The end result is products that achieve superior results while saving time and materials.
In addition, the event will showcase businesses and services that proactively promote environmentally sustainable business practices.
“It’s a personal responsibility and it’s the right thing to do,” said
Valley business and elected leaders are in the unique position to lead
Fields. “We all need to do our part by being good stewards of the
by example and demonstrate that environmental consciousness and
environment, and making decisions that will have a positive impact.
business prosperity can go hand-in-hand.
If you understand the full concept of Environmentally Preferred Practices and implement them, it’s not that difficult.” Surtec has led the industry in the development of green equipment,
“Don’t be intimidated, because it’s not that difficult,” said Fields. “Understand the total concept of green practices, which includes local sourcing and the sustainability of raw materials used.”
with items such as the Surtec patented Acti-Vac Vacuuming System
Turn to page 15 for the complete REXPO BBR schedule, held on March
for High Speed Buffers, Surtec patented Vac-U-Sweep Vacuuming
8 at the Hilton Stockton from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is FREE to attend.
Pre-sweep for automatic scrubbers, and the Polivac High Speed
For more information, email gogreen@stocktonchamber.org.
side-to-side swing buffer with a total vacuuming system with the additional capability of microfilter filtration.
MAR 2017 11
LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton: Justice/Law Enforcement Session
Next, Miriam Lyell with the San Joaquin County Public Defender’s
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
Office spoke about what they do. Erin Guy Castillo, (LS Class of ‘15)
Special Thanks to: San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office and Stockton Police Department President, San Joaquin County Bar Association/Foundation and Each year, the Leadership Stockton class looks forward to the Justice/
Private Civil Lawyer spoke about the Bar Association and the role
Law Enforcement session. This session gives the class a glimpse of the
attorneys play. The Honorable Linda Lofthus, Assistant Presiding
various entities working together to make Stockton a safe place to live,
Judge, San Joaquin County Superior Court, spoke next and gave the
work, and play.
class a glimpse at how a judge fits into the justice system. We even had
The day began with a warm welcome to the Sheriff ’s John Zunino
a special guest, Councilmember Susan Lofthus (LS Class of '88). What
Operations Center from Sheriff Steve Moore (LS Class of ’90). The
a dynamic group of women!
Sheriff introduced the Sheriff ’s Department staff and provided an
After lunch, the class was off for a jail tour—what many consider the
overview of the Sheriff Department's operation of the Jail Facility, and a highlight of the day. During the two-hour tour, the class toured the French glimpse of the myriad of other duties that fall under his department.
Camp facility visiting the intake, women’s area, the men’s area, administrative
Sheriff Moore was followed by Stockton Chief of Police Eric Jones
segregation, the medical clinic, and the communications area.
(LS Class of ‘06). Chief Jones spoke about crime and Stockton PD’s
Many folks were involved in the success of the Law Enforcement
efforts to combat this hot issue. He provided great statistics, new
session. A big THANK YOU goes to the following: Sheriff Moore,
technology they are using, recent successes, and encouraged the class to Chief Jones, DA Verber Salazar, Miriam Lyell, Susan Lofthus, Erin Guy become more aware and involved in the process.
Castillo, and the Hon. Judge Lofthus. Also, thanks to Sheriff Moore for
Following the Chief, the class was joined by San Joaquin County
the generous use of his facilities and his very helpful staff, especially
District Attorney Tori Verber Salazar, who spoke about what a DA’s
Greg Williamson (LS Class of ’09) and Sonia Muniz for coordinating
office does and some of the projects they are currently working on.
the day.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
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MAR 2017 13
EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Sign Up Now for the 2017 Golf Tournament! The Reserve at Spanos Park will host our day on the greens on
State of the City 2017 to be held May 18th Don’t miss the 19th Annual State of the City co-sponsored by the
Apr. 3, beginning with registration at 10 a.m., lunch at 11 a.m.,
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and The Port of Stockton on
and a shotgun start at noon. After the tournament, we’ll have an
May 18 at the Port of Stockton, Shed 20. Guest speakers will be delivering
awards reception honoring the top players of the day.
great information on current issues and the future of Stockton. Don’t miss
We still have some terrific sponsorship packages available which offer high visibility at this signature event. Consider donating a prize for our post-tournament raffle to market your business to those participating in our tournament. Visit our website stocktonchamber.org/golf-tournament, or contact Timm at 209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org for more info and to sign you up.
Thanks to our Sponsors Fred Couples Sponsors: ACE Rail Chevron Corporation F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Ricky Barnes Sponsors: DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Hole in One Sponsor: Chase Chevrolet Gary J. Long Jewelers Roger Dunn Golf Shops Tee Sponsors: Golden State Lumber Judith Buethe Communications Lovotti, Inc. Moss Adams, LLP Port of Stockton Premier Staffing San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc. Stockton Ports United Way of San Joaquin County Visit Stockton Drink Cart Sponsor: Valley First Credit Union Beverage Sponsor: DBI Beverge Special Thanks To: Captivating Photos
the exhibits showcasing the critical and inspiring services available to you—or Mayor Michael Tubbs’ first State of the City address! Sponsorships are still available! For more information, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423, email tquinn@stocktonchamber.org or visit www.stocktonchamber.org/state-of-the-city.
State of the City 2017 Sponsors (as of 2/14/17) Platinum: A.G. Spanos Companies ACE Rail Central Valley Business Journal Dameron Hospital - Occupational Health & Employer Services Delta Sierra Beverage Financial Center Credit Union Grupe Commercial Company Haggerty Construction, Inc. Humphreys University Lodi Health Metro PCS Nelson Staffing / Nelson & Associates Neumiller & Beardslee Port of Stockton San Joaquin County Office of Education San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Partnership, Inc. San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) St. Joseph’s Medical Center United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Visit Stockton Gold: BAC Community Bank Chevron Corporation F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Silver: DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. G Force Productions Stockton East Water District Ulmer Photo Table: Lincoln Center San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
Stockton Chamber Business Awards nominations needed!
P3 Stewardship Award
It’s that time again! Nominations are now being accepted for our
FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health) Employer of the Year
32nd Annual Business Awards Luncheon held on Thursday, June 1st •
2017. We are currently seeking nominations for:
FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health) Employee of the Year
Small Business Person of the Year
Business Employee of the Year
Business Manager of the Year
forms, please visit www.stocktonchamber.org/business-awards or
Business Person of the Year
call 209.547.2770. Nomination deadline is 5 p.m., Apr. 12.
To learn the nomination criteria and download the nomination
The Panel will explore what needs to be done to create prosperity in California.
Commerce's Green Team San Joaquin and
• Steve Lautze, City of Oakland RMDZ, Moderator
its’ Sponsors invite you to attend the REXPO
• Steve Krauss, CRM Rubber
BBR on Mar. 8, at the Hilton Stockton,
• Nick Lapis, Director of Advocacy – California Against Waste
2323 Grand Canal Blvd. Learn how businesses and jurisdictions can
• Steven J. Lantsberger, Economic Development Director,
incorporate energy-efficient methods, recycling, water conservation,
and clean air values into everyday operations to reduce their cost of
11:30-12:15 Exhibits Open
San Joaquin County
doing business and to meet State climate change policy. Green Exhibits 12:15-13:30 Keynote Lunch Address: Ashley Conrad-Saydah, and Panel presentations are free and open to the public. For more information and to register for the REXPO BBR, please go to www.
Deputy Secretary for Climate Policy, CalEPA Drawings for Door Prizes
REXPO BBR 7 a.m. Registration & Visit Exhibits 8 a.m. Call to Order –Green Team San Joaquin Chair 8:05 Welcome by Assemblymember Susan Eggman 8:15-9:45 Panel One – BARC: Business Academy for Regulatory Compliance Panel One was created by the Chamber to navigate businesses to regulatory compliance and prosperity. Is there assistance out there to support businesses? Robert Job, President & CEO Condor Earth Technologies, Moderator
• Christie Vosburg, Assistant General Counsel - CalEPA, Moderator
• San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District.
• Muniappa Naidu, Program Coordinator, San Joaquin County CUPA
9:45-10 Coffee Break/Visit Exhibits 10-11:30 Panel Two – BIN: Build Infrastructure Now The goal of this Panel is to solidify our resolve in building a stronger, more sustainable economy through recycled content value-added manufacturing in California. With over 80-95 percent of the recycled materials being shipped outside of our state (specifically to Asian markets), so too, are our jobs, tax revenues, and commerce.
Mario Supnet: gogreen@stocktonchamber.org, 209.292.8436
MAR 2017 15
GOOD NEWS Attracting and Growing Green Business In San Joaquin USA
California environmental regulations have created other
A new report from Next 10 (next10.org/) says State of
opportunities, which the Stockton Chamber and the San Joaquin
California climate policies have helped San Joaquin Valley.
Partnership have been successful in attracting or expanding. This
F. Noel Perry, who founded Next 10, said “We think the
Port of Call issue highlights the success of Green Team programs.
San Joaquin Valley is a bellwether for climate policy," and “If climate policies work in the valley, they can work in other areas
Here are examples of past successful collaborations: •
DTE Energy Services retrofitting a coal generation plant
of California and other areas around the nation.” Here’s the
into a $100 million 45 MW Biomass Power Plant at the
economic impact of just the solar and wind.
Port of Stockton.
The San Joaquin Valley is home to 24 percent of the state’s solar
services to the wind industry.
generation and 54 percent of the state’s wind generation. •
From 2002 to 2015, renewable programs created 31,000
• •
wind projects are not suitable and would displace a portion of our $3 billion annual agricultural economy.
First Priority GreenFleet is an integrator in electric drivetrains and distributor of electric fleet vehicles.
induced jobs for suppliers for a total of 88,000 jobs. Unfortunately for San Joaquin County, large scale solar and
Feralloy Pyramid Structural Solutions manufactures metal frames for solar panel installation.
direct jobs for people building and operating renewableenergy facilities and created another 57,000 indirect and
ECS Renewable Energy supplies parts and maintenance
Tesla Machining Plant and Premier Finishing are suppliers to Tesla’s OEM Fremont plant and Supercharger Stations.
When communities team up and work together the result is a competitive economic development partnership that brings new investment and jobs creating a brighter future for San Joaquin USA.
FRESH Committee is encouraged to attend the REXPO BBR in lieu of the FRESH Meeting this month. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS ABC NorCal, American Recycling, CalSheets, Carpenters Local Union 152, City of Stockton, Collins Electrical Company, Dorfman Pacific, Healthy Air Living, PG&E, Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., San Joaquin Council of Governments, San Joaquin County Public Works, Stockton Area Water Suppliers, Sims Metal Management, Surtec
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Follow us on social media to share the event and view our updates
• Facebook: @celebratestockton
Division I “Sweet Sixteen”
• Twitter: @stockton_ca
and “Elite Eight” games are in
• Instagram: @visitstockton
Stockton this month – Mar. 25
Save our number-877.778.6258 - in your phone and text us with
and 27 at the Stockton Arena.
related questions and how you would like us to help.
Your friends and neighbors are
Share our number-877.778.6258 and tell people to text us.
The NCAA Women’s Basketball
working hard to host the biggest sporting event in Stockton history.
Post welcome signs at your businesses so NCAA staff, student
How can you get involved?
athletes, fans, and families feel welcome in Stockton
Purchase tickets to the games and have everyone you know do the
during the event. We can email or drop off the signs.
same. Go online to www.NCAA.com/wbbtickets or visit the
Email stephanie@visitstockton.org
Stockton Arena Box Office. Discounts are available for groups of 10
Welcome NCAA staff, student athletes, fans and families on
or more, call 209.373.1400.
your marquee.
Volunteer at the Fremont Street Cleanup event on Mar. 11.
Create NCAA themed specials and discounts at your business
Details and the registration form can be found at
The games will be broadcast on ESPN so filling the stands is a big
part of making this event a success for our city. Buy your tickets
Donate items for the Fremont Street Cleanup event on Mar. 11.
today! Help us show NCAA that Stockton values collegiate sports
Call 209.938.1552 or email stephanie@visitstockton.org
and the economic impact the games have on our community. For up-to-date information go to: www.visitstckton.us/ncaa. ESTIMATED ECONOMIC IMPACT: $1.5 Million
Residential Recycling & Waste Commercial Recycling & Waste My Resource™ Online Bill Pay Construction Waste Recycling
Robyn F. Cheshire: robyn@visitstockton.org 209.636.4348
MAR 2017 17
2 2 8 10 10 15 22 30
New Member Orientation 11 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room March Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Ports, Banner Island Park 404 W. Fremont St. Stockton, CA 95203 REXPO BBR 7 a.m. @ Hilton Stockton 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Leadership Stockton Education Session 8 a.m.-5 p.m. @ Various Schools / SJCOE Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m. Speaker Port O Call & Never Boring Design @ Stockton Chamber of Commerce Room
RTD Employer Pass Program A Real Win-Win Proposal • Your employees could save up to 50% on their transportation cost when you join the San Joaquin RTD Employer Pass Program • You could save on the cost of new parking spaces
Employer Transportation Benefits • Provide more parking space for your clients • Demonstrate company support of work-life balance • Enhance your corporate images as environmentally and employee-friendly
Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Chamber Board Meeting; 4 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
sanjoaquinRTD.com/employerpass (209) 467-6625
San Joaquin County Branch Managers and Lenders
Call us about your next project today! 866.844.7500 • www.ovcb.com Oakdale • Sonora • Modesto • Turlock • Patterson Escalon • Ripon • Stockton • Manteca • Tracy 18 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
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