Vol. 61 No. 11
MARCH 2016
Photography by Caroline Photography
San Joaquin Businesses Make Eco-Friendly Changes On the Cover: Amanda Devlin, Musco Family Olive Co. and Douglas Highsmith, Dorfman Pacific
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San Joaquin Businesses Make Eco-Friendly Changes
CONTENTS From Your President
February Mixer Photos
From Your CEO
Visit Stockton
Cover Story
Good News from San Joaquin Partnership
Leadership Stockton
News Briefs
New Members
Ribbon Cuttings
Programs and Public Policy Department
DON’T MISS! MARCH NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Midtown Optometry 2321 W. March Ln., #A, Stockton, CA 95207
Contact the Chamber for location & time: lorice@stocktonchamber.org
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MAR 2016
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PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
FROM YOUR 2015-16 PRESIDENT BY: JUDITH BUETHE I am immensely proud to be a 27-year member of our Greater
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications SR. VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.
Stockton Chamber of Commerce, and I am honored to serve as the 2015-16 President of this great organization. We enjoy a large, diverse membership, a terrific Board of Directors, a large—and growing—
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation
group of active volunteers, dedicated sponsors and last, but not least,
VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design Associates Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank Joy Sweger, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Dignity Health Robert Young CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS My Duong 209.292.8435 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8429 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8426 BEA COORDINATOR Sophie Soth 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433
an exceptional, hard-working, and enthusiastic staff. Since becoming a member of the Board of Directors, then the
Executive Committee, and now as President, I continue to marvel at
the breadth of issues and opportunities in which our Chamber is involved. Staff and volunteers work diligently and successfully to ensure all businesses in the Greater Stockton area thrive. Several award-winning programs have been developed at the Chamber. I’m fond of describing them as “continuing education opportunities.” Green Team San Joaquin (GTSJ) serves as a superb example of them. In 2013, the GTSJ and the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce were inducted into the International Green Industry Hall of Fame. We are apparently the only Chamber of Commerce in the land to receive that recognition. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the GTSJ staff led by Frank Ferral and the GTSJ committee led for several years by a great team of immediate Past President Blain Bibb and Eddie Tolentino. Eddie, who is also General Manager of Caraustar Industries, is still working hard as the chair and is joined by his new co-chair Frank Cvetovac, Jr. of Epic Plastics. Not only does the GTSJ provide information and ongoing resources to help each business—large or small— to preserve and protect our environment; the GTSJ approach also results in more profitable bottom lines. Now, think Valley-wide for a moment. Our GTSJ has expanded beyond the Greater Stockton area to establish the Valley Green Team. GTSJ has effectively shared its ideals and programs throughout the Central Valley, and other Chambers have followed its lead to establish their own Green Teams. That’s leadership! See the results in action on Mar. 10, at the Hilton in Stockton! Attend the REXPO El Nino from 7:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Sponsorship opportunities and individual seats are available. Visit www.GreenTeamSanJoaquin.com for details. Again, your Chamber leads the way.
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Tricia Long 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
MAR 2016
FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is now
cell phones) the Chamber, every day in the year, sends
in its 115th year—established on Feb. 21, 1901—of
broadcasts by radio a message telling of events and signs
serving the community of Stockton, San Joaquin
of progress in Stockton. Plans have been made to
County, and the region. Your Chamber has a proud
erect outdoor advertising signs (we have done the
history and all involved are working very hard to
same over the last few years) along the highway
make sure those that look back at where we are
throughout the county. These signs will be of large
now will say that each and every one of us who
size in the shape of a top with a statement of facts
fully participated in your Chamber including board
showing that San Joaquin County holds a “top” place
members, members, volunteers, committees, programs, and staff were true to the mission of your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce which is “to aggressively develop and promote an economically vibrant business community!”
in California, in the production of wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, onions, cherries and table grapes; and fourth among all the counties in the United States in the value of the products of the soil. Many thousands of tourists (here you go Wes
For those of you who take the time to engage with your Chamber
and Visit Stockton) pass to and fro over our highways each year (now
by attending events, paying attention to the communications such as
I-5 and Hwy. 99), and we have no means of reaching them. These top
Port O Call, email blasts, our new and improved website, ads placed
county signs will have a message for them. Some of them will get it,
with local media of all types and retention calls made by our fine
and profit by it, and so will we profit by it. This Top County slogan
staff, you will see that your Chamber leads the way and has so many
was originated by the Chamber and the Chamber proposes to make
more opportunities for businesses to get involved, improve their
it effective.”
visibility and more importantly allow their businesses to prosper! To the point above of the multiple ways we communicate to our
Your Chamber today has continued that tradition of working hard to promote and help this community and many of the Chamber
members and the community, I know that each and every one of you
programs are award-winning and being emulated up and down the
is deluged by “information” and we do our very best to inform you
valley and other areas surrounding us. Others look to your Chamber
so you can be involved with not only the chamber programs/events,
as a leader in so many areas and as we say, “There is strength in our
community events, important nonprofit fundraisers, but also matters
numbers.” We invite you, both current members and those we would
of great importance to the area like what is going on or not going on
love to join us, as we move this community forward.
in local, state, and federal government, which affects each and every one of us as citizens, business owners, and employees.
Please take the time to read this Port O Call, go to our website, read the e-mail blasts, and attend mixers and our numerous events.
Today is the day of multiple instant news sources or instant
You will not only enjoy them, but you will meet great members of
gratification and many times it all gets lost and the message does
the business community and the community at large. If you are a
not get through so let me take you back in time again, like I did last
member already, we thank you for being part of our family and those
month, to a much simpler but still active time of your Chamber to
who are not members or were at one time we would love to have you
the Annual Report for the 1922 Chamber year (still have copies for
join us. Joe Curtis, Membership Director, would love to meet with
those asking) where it describes the efforts to “get the word out!”
you and show you how we can help your business thrive.
This section I am quoting from is titled: Folders Tell Of Stockton’s
One last quote from the 1922 report that may bring this home to
Advantages: “In 1922 two new Stockton folders were prepared and
all of you of what your Chamber has faithfully done since 2-21-1901.
printed, one of which contains a revised map of the city (yup, pre
In the section titled “Helping Community Effort Get Across” which
Google). These folders epitomize the salient points which make
reads in part: “In many ways, and on many occasions, the Chamber
Stockton a preferred community and, like silent missionaries, are
has been a bulwark of support to movements which had for their
doing good work. Through the courtesy of the Portable Wireless
objective the social advancement and business welfare of
Telephone Company, a Stockton institution, (pre internet and
the community.”
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
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MAR 2016
VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA 7th Annual Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out
Annual Tourism Breakfast Celebrates Excellence
The Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out (GSADO) is back for
Save the date on May 6 as we celebrate and share the current
its seventh year in the first two weeks of April! From Apr. 1-15,
state of travel, tourism, and hospitality in the city as well as honor
you'll be able to enjoy a full two weeks of unique asparagus-related
outstanding Stockton organizations and individuals. This year’s
dishes, drinks, and desserts at restaurants all around Stockton as
event will be a breakfast held at The University Plaza
we celebrate our local agriculture and our most famous spear. You
Waterfront Hotel.
won’t want to miss out—our local restaurants will highlight some
Become a Stockton Ambassador
amazing signature asparagus dishes. Finish off this great event by
Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) certification opportunities
attending the San Joaquin Asparagus Festival at the San Joaquin
are available bi-monthly and open to the general public. Learn how
County Fairgrounds on Apr. 15-17.
you can turn every visitor encounter into a positive one!
After the success of our annual Stockton Restaurant Week, we
Upcoming CTA Class: Apr. 20 & Jun. 22
created GSADO to showcase locally grown asparagus and its use in
Sign up today and join the growing list of Stockton
local cuisine. Local growers work with locally owned restaurants to
Ambassadors! Program details, including the curriculum and
provide the freshest San Joaquin County grown asparagus right to
enrollment information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.
their kitchens.
com or CTANetwork.com or by calling Megan Peterson at Visit
Restaurants interested in participating should contact Haley
Stockton at 209.938.1555.
Brown at 209.938.1553 or at haley@visitstockton.org.
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April 1-15 Get ready for the 7th annual Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out! Stockton restaurants will be offering creating unique asparagus-featured appetizers, entrĂŠes, desserts or drinks! Visit DINEOUTSTOCKTON.com for more information!
PO Box 2336 / Stockton, CA / 95201 / 877.778.6258 / visitstockton.org www.stocktonchamber.org
MAR 2016
By Noel Daniel In a world that only grows warmer, there exist a myriad of forces attempting to create
2015 Green Business Certification Recipients
a greener future. One in particular sits assuringly close-to-home. The REACON Team is the outreach arm of the Green Team San Joaquin. REACON, which stands for Recycling Energy Air Conservation, is a collaboration between the Greater Stockton Chamber, private businesses, municipal and county solid waste divisions, economic development professionals, and the various communities in San Joaquin County. The REACON Team focuses on several areas, including P³ Stewardship, Recycling Market Development Zone, and the Green Sustainable Business Certification—which several San Joaquin businesses have proudly earned. “As a third-generation, family-owned company, Musco's
Musco Family Olive Co. represented by: Amanda Devlin, Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator
Dorfman Pacific represented by: Douglas Highsmith, Owner
“One of the biggest projects we completed to achieve this
intention is to pass the olive business on to future generations,”
certification was updating our outside flood lights to LEDs,” said
said Amanda Devlin, Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator
Devlin. “We found that by doing this, we would save more than
at Musco Family Olive Company, which has received a Green
$20,000 annually and the environmental impact was equivalent to
Sustainable Business Certificate. “To do so requires that we care for
removing 19 cars off the road every year. We also received positive
the planet. To be recognized for this award validates the investment
feedback from employees after this was completed as the lights
that Musco has made in being a responsible, sustainable company.”
were also much brighter for them to see at night which also helped
Both Musco Family Olive Company and Dorfman Pacific have earned Green Business Certifications and act as poster children for
making their work environment safer.” REACON has a list of mandatory measures in order to
green regulations making good business sense. In fact, becoming
participate in the program. These include requirements for the
a green business can lower the cost of doing business, improve
applicant—such as being in compliance with regulations and
employee morale, improve the health of the workplace, hold a
becoming a member of Green Team San Joaquin—as well as the
marketing edge over the competition, and allow your business to be
incorporation of green business practices.
recognized as an environmental leader. 10 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
… these eco measures are not only essential for
environment but will save us money down the line, make a safer
the environment but will save us money down the
workplace for our employees and reduce our carbon footprint,”
line, make a safer workplace for our employees,
said Patel. And it’s something he recommends to all businesses.
and reduce our carbon footprint. - Bakul Patel; CFO, Dorfman Pacific
“Formulate a plan, start out with the small things, and visit like businesses that have already initiated measures and ask questions,” said Patel. “Involve employees by having a contest for eco-friendly
Some of the minimum requirements for conservation are
ideas and reward the winners. With their active participation, the
obvious—such as installing high efficiency toilets (HET), shutting
measures are easier to implement and most importantly use the
off water-cooled air conditioning units when not needed, and
local resources like Frank Ferral from the Stockton Chamber office
regularly checking for and repairing leaks in kitchens and
and the Green Team—they are there to help you with the process.”
restrooms. There are similar lists for pollution prevention, energy conservation, and solid waste and recycling. “Dorfman Pacific followed all of required certification measures
In fact, the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce reached out to Musco Family Olive Company about that very process. “At the time, Musco already had a comprehensive environmental
(35), as well as most of the optional measures,” said Bakul Patel,
program in place, but it focused primarily on larger resource
Chief Financial Officer of Dorfman Pacific. “Some of these
impacts including our unique closed-loop system of recycling
measures included adopting written environmental policies,
process water on-site resulting in zero liquid discharge from our
encouraging employee participation and adjusting our purchasing
facility, as well as our zero waste initiative which has resulted
strategy to include recycled paper, ink cartridges and other office
in over 99 percent of total waste being reused or recycled,” said
materials. The measures include cutting down waste, becoming
Devlin. “The Green Business Certification process provided us with
energy efficient, conserving water, pollution control, and making
an opportunity to really focus on many small-scale projects that
sure wastewater never enters storm drains. The certification
had potential to reduce our environmental impact even further.”
measures are strict, but once in place, easy to adhere to.” True to their word, Dorfman Pacific went above and beyond,
In order to become a Certified Green Business, there are a number of simple steps to begin the process. First contact the
not only replacing old skylights with those that allowed 40 percent
REACON team at the Greater Stockton Chamber and you’ll be
more natural lighting, but also subsidizing two commuting
provided with a packet of electronic materials, including a one-
employees in the purchase of Nissan Leaf automobiles. All of this
page application form, a Green Business Program checklist, and a
in addition to waterless urinals, electric hand dryers, and 100
link to the Chamber directory of Green Businesses in your county.
percent recycled boxes for re-packing and reuse. The urinals alone
Then schedule a visit and pledge to stay Green.
save over a quarter million gallons of water per year. “We believe it is our responsibility to conserve resources to lower
“Sustainability is not just a trend at Musco; it’s a way of life. All Musco employees strive every day to reduce waste, increase
our carbon footprint,” said Patel. “Dorfman Pacific's headquarters
recycling, and find ways to make everyday practices more
operates the greenest distribution center in the headwear industry
sustainable. Musco is proof that innovative environmental
and one of the greenest in the Unites States.”
solutions are not only attainable but also makes good business
Patel says the switch wasn’t simple. If it had just been a matter of
sense,” said President and CEO Felix Musco. “You can always
buying recycled printer paper or installing a hand dryer, that would
improve on a good thing and the Green Certification provided a
have been that, but the hardest part was the initial purchase of the
guiding light to help us find additional areas of improvement.”
large eco-friendly items, like solar panels, over 20 hand dryers, waterless urinals, skylights, and so much more. “It's worth it because Dorfman will recoup all investments because these eco measures are not only essential for the
For more information, please contact Eric Langstrom at 209.547.2770 or via email at gogreen@stocktonchamber.org. For more information about how to get a Green Business Certification, visit www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com or call 209.547.2770.
MAR 2016 11
Did You Know That Stockton has an Airport? A Lot of Folks Don’t.
Over the last two years, with leadership from Supervisors Carlos Villapudua and Chuck Winn, and a revitalized San Joaquin County Aviation Advisory Committee lead by Bill Trezza, the turnaround of the county-owned airport under innovative Airport Manager Harry Mavrogenes is truly underway with new passengers and air cargo services in place.
to share in the benefits of developing the adjacent AirPark 599
Yes, that’s right—a San Joaquin County owned airport.
industrial park. The Airpark 599 project is planned to be a business
In addition to passenger service to Las Vegas, Allegiant Airlines
park on roughly 280 acres that will be mixture of industrial, retail,
has implemented air and vacation services to Phoenix/Mesa and
and restaurants located at the Stockton Metropolitan Airport along
San Diego in the last 12 months. Airport staff are now regularly
Sperry Road.
calling on major airlines and attending related events to grow
The turnaround of the Stockton Metro Airport with its
Stockton Metro Airport into “the Bay Area Low Fare
new investments that provide fresh services complements the
Regional Airport.”
improvements at the Port of Stockton, Union Pacific's Intermodal
With financial assistance from the San Joaquin Council of
facilities, the finishing of major road and bridge construction,
Governments, Stockton Metro Airport is implementing a plan
and the development of major industrial parks and buildings will
to build an international passenger and air cargo service with
ensure a prosperous future for residents of San Joaquin, USA.
Mavrogenes marketing to international airlines to bring future service from Mexico and China. Another major goal was accomplished with the announcement and arrival of Air Transport International, which will provide full-time air cargo service operating seven days a week from a temporary 15,000 square-foot sprung tent-type structure on the cargo ramp adjacent to where their aircraft will park. ATI staff will be housed in leased office space in the terminal building along with 30 ground handlers working at the cargo ramp daily. This cargo ramp sat vacant for a decade. General aviation got into the spirit of this turnaround by attracting corporate jets coming to Super Bowl 50. An estimated 1,200 corporate aircraft had to find a parking ramp and fuel during this major sporting event. Again San Joaquin County’s Economic Developer Elena Reyes brought together tourism leaders, ACE Train, and Atlantic Aviation to attract high income visitors to use the airport, hotels, restaurants, and ACE Train for transportation to Super Bowl 50. Finally, another major milestone was accomplished last year when San Joaquin County and City of Stockton leaders agreed 12 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Commercial Electronics Recycling with Blue Guard™
MAR 2016 13
LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton: Justice/Law Enforcement Session
what a DA’s office does and some of the projects they are currently
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
working on. Next Miriam Lyell and Katy Jacot with the San
Special Thanks to: San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office
Joaquin County Public Defender’s Office spoke about what they do.
Each year, the Leadership Stockton class looks forward to the
Erin Guy Castillo, (LS ‘15) President-Elect, San Joaquin County Bar
Justice/Law Enforcement session. This session gives the class a
Association/Foundation and Private Civil Lawyer spoke about the
glimpse of the various entities working together to make Stockton
Bar Association and the role attorneys play. The Honorable Linda
a safe place to live, work, and play. Though the day was full,
Lofthus, Assistant Presiding Judge, San Joaquin County Superior
the information was valuable, and the class left with a greater
Court, spoke next and gave the class a glimpse at how a judge fits
understanding of our local justice system.
into the justice system. What a dynamic group of women! After lunch the class was off for a jail tour, what many
The day began with a warm welcome at the Sheriff’s John Zunino Operations Center from Sheriff Steve Moore (LS Class of ’90).
consider the highlight of the day. During the two hour tour the
The Sheriff introduced the Sheriff’s Department staff and provided
class toured the French Camp facility visiting the intake, women’s
an overview of the Sheriff Departments operation of the Jail
area, the men’s area, administrative segregation, the medical clinic,
Facility, and a glimpse of the myriad of other duties which fall
and the communications area. They even got to see a custody
under his department.
canine demonstration. Many folks were involved in the success of the Law Enforcement
Sheriff Moore was followed by Stockton Chief of Police Eric Jones (LS Class of ‘06). Chief Jones spoke about crime and Stockton PD’s
session. A big THANK YOU goes to the following: Sheriff Moore,
efforts to combat this hot issue. He provided great statistics, new
Chief Jones, DA Verber Salazar, Miriam Lyell, Katy Jacot, Erin
technology they are using, recent successes and encouraged the
Guy Castillo, and the Hon. Judge Lofthus. Also, thanks to Sheriff
public to become more aware and involved in the process.
Moore for the generous use of his facilities and his very helpful
Following the Chief, the class was joined by San Joaquin County District Attorney Tori Verber Salazar, who spoke to the class about
staff, especially Kim de la Cruz (LS Class of ’08) for coordinating the day.
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Kroloff Law Firm Announces New Attorney Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry &
Deanna, Erria and Nick as new Board Members of UCP. They are
Christopherson is pleased to announce
exceptional individuals that bring diverse skills and backgrounds
that Douglas J. Bojack has joined the firm
to the team,” stated UCP Board President, Kathleen Skeels.
as an associate attorney. Doug’s practice
The Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County appoints new Board President and Officers
emphasizes business and real estate litigation Douglas J. Bojack
Erria Kaalund and Nick Cecchetti.“We are excited to have
and transactions.
Doug received his Juris Doctorate degree in 2014 from the
The Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County recently appointed Kristen Dyke as President of the Board.
University of California, Davis School of Law where he coached
Ms. Dyke is co-owner of Port City Marketing Solutions, Inc.
negotiation teams and was a national semifinalist in the ABA
Kristen follows Ken Smith (Farmers and Merchants Bank) in this
Client Counseling Competition. He is a member of the San Joaquin
role. Under Mr. Smith’s leadership, the Child Abuse Prevention
County Bar Association and is admitted to the California State Bar.
Council experienced significant expansion. Kristen’s fellow Board
United Cerebral Palsy Welcomes New Board Members
Officers include President Elect and Treasurer Pauline Sanguinetti
United Cerebral Palsy of San Joaquin, Calaveras & Amador Counties welcomes three new board members: Deanna Moreno, 14 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
(Croce, Sanguinetti & Vander Veen, Inc.) and Secretary Nathan Dellinger (Farmers and Merchants Bank).
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
Done and done. Stockton businesses choose Datapath.
MAR 2016 15
EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN State of the City 2016 to be held May 19th
Stockton Chamber Business Awards Nominations Needed!!
Don’t miss the 18th Annual State of the City co-sponsored by the
Nominations are now being accepted for our June 2 Business
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and The Port of Stockton
Awards Luncheon. We are seeking nominations in the categories of:
on May 19 at the Port of Stockton, Shed 20. Guest speakers will
Small Business Person of the Year
be delivering great information on current issues and the future
Business Employee of the Year
Business Manager of the Year
Business Person of the Year
P3 Stewardship Award
FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health)
of Stockton. Don’t miss the exhibits showcasing the critical and inspiring services available to you. Sponsorships are still available! For more information, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or email to tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Employer of the Year
State of the City 2016 Sponsors (as of 2/16/16)
Platinum: A.G. Spanos Companies, BAC Community Bank, Bank of the West, California
FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health) Employee of the Year
Water Service Company, Central Valley Business Journal, Delta Sierra Beverage,
To learn the nomination criteria and download the nomination
Financial Center Credit Union, Haggerty Construction, Inc. , Humphreys College, Metro
forms please visit stocktonchamber.org/business-awards/ or call
PCS, Neumiller & Beardslee, Pacific Records Management, Port of Stockton, Premier
209.547.2770. Nomination deadline is 5 p.m., Apr. 13.
Staffing, San Joaquin County Office of Education, San Joaquin Delta College, San Joaquin Partnership Inc., San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD), St. Joseph's Medical Center, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group, United Way of San Joaquin
County, University of the Pacific, Visit Stockton, Waste Management, Wells Fargo Gold: F&M Bank, Oak Valley Community Bank Silver: DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency,
Dance Companies Arthur Murray 2233 Grand Canal Blvd., #107 Stockton, CA 95207 209.214.6200
Inc., G-Force Productions, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions, Stockton East Water District, Ulmer Photo Table: Lincoln Center, San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Sign Up Now for the 2016 Golf Tournament!
Rising Stars Dance Company 7135 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95207 209.744.6684
Stockton Golf & Country Club will host our day on the greens on Apr. 4, beginning with registration at 10 a.m., lunch at 11 a.m. and a shotgun start at noon. After the tournament, we’ll have an awards
Computer Systems Bayber Technology Solutions 2721 Abruzzi Ct. Stockton, CA 95206 209.565.1501
reception honoring the top players of the day. We still have some terrific sponsorship packages available which offer high visibility at this signature event. Consider donating a prize for our post-tournament raffle to market your business to
Ricoh USA 2291 W. March Ln., #B205 Stockton, CA 95207 209.475.5703
those participating in our tournament. Visit our website stocktonchamber.org/golf-tournament/ or contact Timm at 209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org, for
Insurance Dohrmann Insurance 3415 Brookside Rd. Stockton, CA 95219 209.478.1400
more info and to sign up. Thanks to our Sponsors! Fred Couples Sponsors: Big Valley Mortgage, F&M Bank, Oak Valley Community
Nursing Services Windsor Elmhaven Care Center 6940 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95207 209.477.4817
Bank Ricky Barnes Sponsor: Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Hole in One Sponsors: Chase Chevrolet, Gary J. Long Jewelers, Roger Dunn Golf Shops Photo Sponsor: Food 4 Less/ Rancho San Miguel Drink Cart Sponsor: Valley First Credit Union Tee Sponsors: Bright Now! Dental, California Water Service Company, Charlie's Day & Nite, DiBuduo
Solar Products Stion Energy Services 6321 San Ignacio Ave. San Jose, CA 95119 408.284.7200
& DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc., Judith Buethe Communications, Lovotti, Inc., Pacific Records Management, Partners Real Estate, Premier Staffing, San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc., Visit Stockton
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Beauty Salons Salon Allure and Spa 702 Porter Ave. Stockton, CA 95207 209.851.8015 Non-Profit Bread of Life P.O. Box 446 Stockton, CA 95201 209.898.6911 Mental Health Services Victor Community Support Services, Inc. 2495 W. March Ln., #125 Stockton, CA 95207 209.320.7610 Business Consultants Project 2 10940 Trinity Prkwy, #C-235 Stockton, CA 95219 209.751.4887 Manufacturers Central Plastics & Manufacturing 1905 N. MacArthur Dr., #100 Tracy, CA 95376 Retail Alexander’s Furniture 6336 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95207 209.910.9942 WSS 1628 E. Fremont St. Stockton, CA 95205 209.465.5945
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
HVAC Coaches HVAC ExtraordinAIR 145 N. Hunter St., #9 Stockton, CA 95202 209.203.0651 Entertainment GameRoom Envy 702 W. Fremont St. Stockton, CA 95203 209.888.5115 Automobile Repair MS West Enterprises DBA Certified Collision Center 7710 Murray Dr. Stockton, CA 95210 209.478.9971 Grocers Raley’s 4255 E. Morada Ln. Stockton, CA 95212 209.956.9300 Food Source 2323 W. Hammer Ln. Stockton, CA 95209 209.955.1475 Cannery R&B Foods, Inc. 1400 E. Waterloo Rd. Stockton, CA 95205 209.467.2284
RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Board Members: Bob Young, NCPGA Foundation; Becky Deal, Bank of Stockton; Victor Randolph, Never Boring
Attending Ambassadors: Tim Aragon, Verve Networks; Sam Ward, ASK ME; Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Mat Amparano, Verve Networks; Jeff Shirk, Dynamic Leadership Tools; Marina Narvarte, Mokelumne Federal Credit Union; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Roger Hahn, Legal Shield; Jackie Ronzone, American Cancer, Discovery Shop; Ana Vera, Art Expressions of San Joaquin; Megan Peterson, Visit Stockton; Loretta Lee, Junior League of S.J. County; Nanette Spitulski, ABS Direct, Inc.; Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Funeral Home; Tim Matalone, Phantom Fireworks
H & R Block
Misaki Sushi & Bar
3526 Manthey Rd., Ste. E, Stockton, CA 95206
222 N. El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95202
Infinity Care Services, Inc. 1325 N. Center St., Stockton, CA 95202
Women’s Center - Youth & Family Services 620 N. San Joaquin St., Stockton, CA 95202
Crunch Fitness- Stockton
Yara North America, Inc.
1155 E. March Ln., Stockton, CA 95210
312 Luce Ave., Stockton, CA 95203
United Cerebral Palsy of San Joaquin, Calaveras & Amador Counties 333 W. Benjamin Holt Dr. Stockton, CA 95207
MAR 2016 17
3 3
New Member Orientation 11 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room March Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. -7:15 p.m. @ Midtown Optometry
10 11
REXPO El Niño 8 a.m. @ Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
11 17
Leadership Stockton Education Session 8 a.m.-5 p.m. @ SJCOE FRESH Meeting 9 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
17 23
Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room, RSVP Required
Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
Chamber Board Meeting 4 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Thursday Contact the Chamber for location and time: lorice@stocktonchamber.org
Registration & Visit Exhibits
8 a.m.
Call to Order – Eddie Tolentino, Green Team San Joaquin Chair
8:05 a.m.
Welcome by San Joaquin County Supervisor Bob Elliott Green Business Certification Recognitions – Chair Eddie Tolentino Commute Alternatives Employer Recognition Award – San Joaquin COG
8:30-9:45 a.m.
Panel One – To Build or Not to Build the Delta Tunnels What are the pros and cons of the proposed tunnels? Our panelist will explain. • Kevin Kauffman, Kevin Kauffman Consulting, Moderator • Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta • Karla Nemeth, Dep. Secretary, CA Natural Resources Agency (Invited)
9:45-10 a.m.
Coffee Break/Visit Exhibits
10-11:30 a.m.
Panel Two – ReCharge, Reduce and ReUse Conservation, Innovation and thinking outside the box are ways to manage the drought. Panelists will explore. • Michael D. Johnson, Stockton East Water District, Moderator • Max Gomberg, Climate Change Advisor, State Water Resources Control Board • Regina Rubier, Water Resources Program, City of Stockton • William Fields, President & CEO, Surtec Systems
11:30-12:15 p.m.
Exhibits Open
12:15-1:30 p.m.
Keynote Lunch Address – Assembly Member Susan Eggman A leader with decades of experience in public service and community-building, Dr. Susan Talamantes Eggman was elected in November 2012, and re-elected in 2014, to represent the 13th Assembly District, which draws together the San Joaquin Delta communities of Stockton, Tracy, Thornton and Mountain House. Drawings for Door Prizes
On behalf of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and its Green Team San Joaquin, we welcome you to the REXPO El Niño! Improving the quality of our business and physical environment in the San Joaquin Valley is important to all of us who reside here. Attendees will learn how businesses and jurisdictions can incorporate energy-efficient methods, recycling, water conservation and clean air values into everyday operations to reduce their cost of doing business and to meet the State’s multiple environmental policies. In addition, the event will showcase businesses and services that proactively promote environmentally sustainable business practices. Valley business and elected leaders are in the unique position to lead by example and demonstrate that environmental consciousness and business prosperity can go hand-in-hand. Only by working together, we can achieve. And with water issues being on the forefront in California, REXPO El Niño is timely and appropriate for this year’s topic.
To register, go to www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com or email gogreen@stocktonchamber.org
Don't miss the next FRESH Meeting: Thursday, Mar. 17, 9 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber of Commerce RSVP attendance to gogreen@stocktonchamber.org
Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific
San Joaquin County Public Works
American Recycling
Healthy Air Living
San Joaquin RTD
Stockton Area Water Suppliers
Carpenters Local Union 152
Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Sims Metal Management
San Joaquin Council of Governments
Valley CAN
City of Stockton Collins Electrical Company
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Frank Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428