Port O Call - May 2015

Page 1


Vol. 61 No. 1


MAY 2015







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From Your President


From Your CEO


News Briefs


New Members


Cover Story


Programs and Public Policy Department


Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 noon. Contact the

April Mixer Photos


Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org



Visit Stockton


Leadership Stockton


Ribbon Cuttings


Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership




MAY NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 P.M. - 7:15 P.M. @ BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse 5733 Pacific Ave., Stockton 95207




Cover photo and aerial photos courtesy of Visit Stockton


MAY 2015



FROM YOUR 2014-15 PRESIDENT BY: BLAIN BIBB “Ready, Set, Go!” is our 2015 State of the

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

City theme. You may hear this and respond

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

like I did. Ready for what? Set for what? Where are we going anyway? Good questions, right?… So please join me at the Port of

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

Stockton on May 21 to hear Mayor Anthony

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

Silva, San Joaquin County Partnership

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

President/CEO Mike Ammann, and the

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag


CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.


Port of Stockton Commission Chairman Gary Christopherson as they answer these questions. In the meantime you’ll have to

settle on some of my thoughts regarding this year’s State of the City theme. I hope you enjoy! Ready? I think this has more to do with our attitude of hope and anticipation for good things ahead and the determination to do what it takes to be successful. Now that much of the bankruptcy has been worked through and we have received funding for more police officers, I think this is helping with our attitudes! Set? When you hear “set” at the onset of a race, you’re focused and know the

PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428

next signal is to launch and execute what you’ve been preparing to do. Our


businesses and public agencies alike have made changes and cuts to survive the

OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421

wise investments, in both people and capital, along the way in preparation for


when the economy improves. Now that the economy is picking up, we are set

PROGRAM COORDINATOR Lee Yang 209.292.8436 SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Samuel Cogo 209.292.8440 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8426 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Mai Vang 209.292.8424 BEA COORDINATOR Nicole Jimenez 209.292.8430

challenges that came from the difficult economy. With that said, many have made

to launch! Go? Go where? Well my hopes are to a thriving business climate, a more financially stable local government, and a safer community overall. As your Chamber President I want commerce to lead the charge, however, it’s only possible if business, government, and the community at large work together. As you know, in order to attract investors, we have to have an attractive business climate and residential community. I think we actually do have many qualities that make us an attractive place to live and do business, but I am looking forward

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422

to hearing more of what our community leaders and agencies are doing to make


Stockton even better. See you at the 2015 State of the City!

RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph




As an organization whose sole purpose is to aggressively develop and promote an economically vibrant business community, we know we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to all of the members who support our Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce.


445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


MAY 2015


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Talk about “Chamber of Commerce Weather, Day and Annual Event” on Monday


Outback Steakhouse, some great entertainment by the Lincoln High Choir and the presentations by those noted above. As you have heard from me probably more times than you may

April 13th at Brookside

like but I will say it again: “If you are not part of the solution then

Country Club where

you part of the problem!”

over 130 golfers enjoyed

In the March 9th Record there was a story of a hit and run at

the 34th, I repeat 34th,

Lower Sacramento Road and Ponce De Leon where a women may

annual Greater Stockton

have been hit intentionally by a driver in a SUV and then the driver

Chamber of Commerce

fled the scene. Hopefully and prayerfully the victim will recover

Golf Tournament! It was

from her critical injuries and the responsible will be apprehended.

a wonderful day of golf,

The point of my sharing this is that in the story, which is often

friendship, networking and fun had by all! A big thank you goes

the case as I know from my experience from my days on the SPD, it

out to all the Staff at Chamber Member Brookside CC, all the

says “witnesses at the scene were described as uncooperative!” This

players, the sponsors at all levels, volunteers and a big pat on the

is often the case and people criticize the police for not solving 100%

back to Timm Quinn (Chamber Events Director), Ashley Williams

of crimes committed by irresponsible criminals. Much of that

(Events Assistant), and chamber staff (including Frank Ferral who I

has to do with the television “police programs” that in about 38

watched very closely to make sure he replaced ALL his divots) who

minutes of an hour show (that is taking out time for commercials)

did a wonderful job of planning and putting on the tournament. It

the crime is committed, an investigation ensues, an arrest is made

is always a premier event and this year was no exception!

and the case adjudicated. Sorry folks but that is not real life and

Look forward to next year at Chamber Member Stockton Golf

one problem for law enforcement solving a crime is just to the point

and Country Club for the 35th Annual and hope many of you will

that “witnesses” do not want to get involved. I say “balderdash”

return to play and those who could not play this year will join us

(that is an old fashioned word)! Everyone has a responsibly to help


law enforcement and not allow the criminals amongst us to be

There has been much planning going into the Annual Chamber State of the City event to be held again on Thursday, May 21st at our “jewel of the City of Stockton, San Joaquin County and our State”, The Port of Stockton! We have had meetings with our Executive Committee, the Port

emboldened and think they can bully their way around our or any community. I also want to commend and thank people like Greg Basso (OLD friend of mine and the community) and Becky Moffitt, Tuleburg Group, for stepping to the plate to organize the

officials and staff, Mayor Silva and President/CEO Mike Ammann

#SupportStocktonPD campaign to assist in recruiting and

of the San Joaquin Partnership who will all share with you exciting

retaining qualified officers for Stockton, and to show all our officers

information keeping with the theme (thank you VP Diane Vigil) of

and staff that our Stockton Community supports them.

this year’s event: “ Ready, Set, Go!” which translates to the fact that

As we all know the SPD has in the past lost many good officers

the City of Stockton, San Joaquin County, the business community

but thanks to you, the citizens passing Measure A, the hiring

and residents are all ready to embark on a new era of community

has begun and the #SupportStocktonPD is a big part of showing

success, meeting our potential and a better quality of life for all.

current and new officers that they are appreciated and supported.

By now you should have received the printed invitation, another great job by Timm and Ashley, so please make your reservations early so you can join the packed house of business associates,

Their mission is to help Chief Jones and the City recruit and retain professional and dedicated SPD Officers. The #SupportStocktonPD effort can only achieve its goal with

friends, and neighbors as they enjoy the displays of many local

the assistance of generous donations from members of OUR

businesses and organizations at the exhibits, a great meal by

community. They ask us all to think outside the box and donations



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

can be of time and visible demonstration of support. The group reminds us that as business owners and community members we have a stake in our city now and into the future. If you are of a mind to help with financial contributions to this worthy cause #SupportStocktonPD has partnered with the Community Foundation of San Joaquin (CFOSJ) so you can make a tax free donation. The CFOSJ makes philanthropic giving as effective as possible. They are a public charitable organization ready to serve people who share a common concern-improving

Andreini&Company Welcomes Rick Moen to our team as Vice President and Broker. Rick brings 10 years experience of Worker’s Compensation, Property and Casualty Insurance, and Employee Benefits to Central Valley employers.

the quality of life in Stockton. Please visit the #SupportStocktonPD website, www.supportstocktonpd.com and/or Stockton PD Support Facebook Page for more information on how you can help and become “part of the solution!”





MAY 2015


NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

throughout the hotel to inform and educate. Lunch at 12 noon.

Women’s Success Group Emerald City Bottle Auction May 14

Our keynote speaker will be Tori Verber-Salazar. Table sponsorships begin at $500 for a table of ten, plus we offer

Women’s Success Group Presents – The Emerald City, Live “Bottle” Auction, Raffle, Photo Booth, Music, Dancing, and Dinner

multiple levels of sponsorship with various benefits for each level

at the French25 Rooftop. Members and guests are invited to bring

of commitment. Individual tickets are also available for $40 per

a surprise, wrapped or bagged gift, value $25 or more to auction

person. Please call Donna Ng at 209.320.6206 to reserve your

off. Always a good time. Dinner is $40. RSVP Suzie Bowers –

individual tickets or sponsorship.

209.649.2504 or suziebowers@yahoo.com.

Elite Indoor Lacrosse Comes to Stockton

Central Valley Community Bank Announces Toni Taboada as New Branch Manager James M. Ford, President and CEO of Central Valley Community Bank (CVCB), announced

The New Arena Lacrosse League (ALL) has announced Stockton Arena will host the second week of the Arena Lacrosse League Showcase Tour starting July 27 and finishing with a feature Showcase game Saturday, Aug. 1 at 7:00 p.m. Stockton will play host to a Showcase Elite Combine for potential

the recent addition of Toni Taboada, Vice Toni Taboada

President, Branch Manager of the Stockton and

Arena Lacrosse players. Also part of the week-long event is a five

Tracy offices. Taboada brings more than 35 years of experience

day Junior ALL Youth Camp and Tournament. Part of the youth

in community banking, business development, customer service,

registration cost is a free Under Armour stick, replica jersey,

bank operations, and branch management to CVCB. In her role

shorts, practice jersey and t-shirt. The cost to participate is $500

as Branch Manager, she is responsible for the overall branch

registration info can be found at www.arenalacrosseleague.com.

management of the Stockton and Tracy offices, as well as the

DBS Mountain Bike and Sprint Triathlon

development of new business and personal banking relationships. Taboada can be reached directly at 209.644.7815 at the Stockton office, which is located at 2800 W. March Ln. #120.

United Way Power of One Luncheon May 19

Show the world what you’re made of in our Fourth Annual Dirt, Sweat, and Beer Triathlon on July 25 at Eagal Lakes Resort, 12 West Lorenzen Rd., Tracy. It’s perfect for families, co-workers, beginning triathletes, and those who just want to have fun! This

The Stockton Community Council of the United Way of San

event is open to all levels of athleticism. Compete as an individual

Joaquin County will be hosting the 13th Annual Power of One

or join as a group. Following the event there will be awards, raffle

– Women Making A Difference Luncheon. The Luncheon will

prizes, music, food, vendors, and of course, a post race beer garden.

be held on Tuesday, May 19 at the Hilton Stockton. Doors open

For more information and to sign up visit

at 10:30 am with numerous local non-profit organizations set up



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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Emery Insurance Services 3617 Five Mile Dr., Stockton 209.327.7028


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MAY 2015


“Nobody builds homes in Stockton right now,” Silva said. “… It doesn’t pencil out for homebuilders.” Silva proposes an $18,000 reduction in building permit fees. That’s a 35 percent discount from the $52,000 builders must currently pay before starting construction on a new home in Stockton. Should the Stockton City Council approve, Silva hopes the fee reduction would start a surge of new construction.

By Alex Cantatore

“If there’s a housing boom of at least 1,000 homes in the next two years, then that would put

The bankruptcy is over. A plan is in place. And it’s time for Stockton to thrive, Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva says. Silva will discuss his plan for Stockton’s prosperous future at the 17th Annual State of the City Address, entitled “Ready, Set, Go!” The May 21 event, organized by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, will also feature speeches from Port of Stockton Commission Chairman Gary Christopherson and San Joaquin Partnership President/CEO Mike Ammann. The “Ready, Set, Go!” theme comes as Stockton enters the postbankruptcy era and prepares for a rising economic tide. “At this point, the time for talk and the time for a bunch of committees and a bunch of debate is pretty much over,” Silva said. “Now is a time that we need to put residents back to work.” Many Stockton residents work in construction, Silva notes, but those construction jobs simply haven’t returned. It’s too expensive for developers, Silva says. That’s why Stockton isn’t seeing a new construction boom, like Lodi and Manteca are.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

people back to work in Stockton,” Silva said. Stockton is geographically positioned to bounce back, Silva says. The city’s location near the Port of Stockton and three major freeways makes it a good place to live, or to open a business. And Downtown Stockton continues to recover as well, with an excellent “vibe” and new construction starts already approved. Commercial and residential developments alike are coming to Downtown Stockton, letting people work, and play where they live. Now, Stockton is fiscally solvent. People are starting to build again. It’s a healthy city, Silva says, but it’s no time to become complacent. “People feel that sense of urgency to catch and ride the economic wave that’s going across the country right now,” Silva said. “Stockton doesn’t want to be left out.” Stockton’s continued recovery stretches beyond new development. It also includes giving residents things to do, Silva

says, like the rescued San Joaquin Asparagus Festival and a new, 21-minute Fourth of July firework show “like other major cities have.” “We want to, in a sense, grow up,” Silva said. “We want to show people we have struggled, but we have climbed out of that hole of bankruptcy.”

It's time for Stockton to thrive. MAYOR ANTHONY SILVA

SPONSORS: Platinum:

San Joaquin Delta College

A.G. Spanos Companies

San Joaquin Partnership, Inc.

American Medical Response

San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD)

Associated Builders and Contractors- Northern California Chapter Bank of Agriculture & Commerce

The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

California Water Service Co.

United Way of San Joaquin County

Central Valley Business Journal

University of the Pacific

City of Stockton

Visit Stockton


Waste Management

of Stockton departments. And he hopes to inspire local residents

Dameron Hospital AssociationOccupational Health & Employer Services

to engage with their city; Silva lauds volunteer efforts like Clean

Delta Sierra Beverage

Up Stockton.

Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.

Stockton’s really like a family, Silva says. The past few years

Financial Center Credit Union

have been rough, akin to when a family member loses a job. But

Haggerty Construction, Inc.

when the Stockton family pulls together, they can move forward

Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin

from the painful bankruptcy. “Time heals all wounds,” Silva said. The 17th Annual State of the City program will be held from

Stockton Police Foundation

Bank of the West

CSU Stanislaus – Stockton Center Silva says he will continue to improve customer service at City

St. Joseph's Medical Center

Gold: F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Stockton East Water District Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Silver: Judith Buethe Communications Devcon Construction Inc. G-Force Productions

Humphreys College

Moss Adams, LLP

Kaiser Permanente

Ulmer Photo Table:

Metro PCS

10: 30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., May 21, in Port of Stockton Shed 20.

Neumiller & Beardslee

Grupe Commercial Company

Lunch, catered by Outback Steakhouse, will be served at 12 noon.

Pacific Records Management

Kroloff Belcher Smart Perry & Christopherson

Tickets are $40 and must be purchased in advance. To purchase

Port of Stockton

a ticket, call 209-547-2770 or visit www.stocktonchamber.com

Premier Community Credit Union

and click “State of the City” in the Events menu.

Premier Staffing Robert Half Technology San Joaquin County Office of Education San Joaquin County WorkNet

Lincoln Center/SASS! Public Relations, Inc. San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce University Plaza Waterfront Hotel as of 4/22/15


MAY 2015 11

PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL HPSJ Kicks Off Another Healthy Workplace Initiative On April 1, almost 200 staff participated in the first-ever Walking Day event held by Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) in partnership with San Joaquin General Hospital (SJGH). The event, to support the American Heart Association’s National Day of Walking, also marked the opening of a series of walking paths on the neighboring HPSJ and SJGH campuses, part of a new effort to encourage staff to make walking a daily habit. “As healthcare professionals, staff at Health Plan of San Joaquin and San Joaquin General Hospital care for others while


often neglecting their own wellness,” said David Hurst, VP for

Heart disease is this country’s No. 1 killer but by exercising for as

External Affairs at HPSJ, a long-time Chamber member. “As

little as 30 minutes each day, the risk can be reduced. The American

part of our newest efforts to encourage staff to make walking a

Heart Association recommends walking, which offers many benefits –

daily habit, we joined with SJGH for a ribbon-cutting program

even for healthcare pros.

and warm-up stretches to kick-off a selection of the new walking paths on our adjacent campuses. Then we headed out on the one-

Additional Programs for HPSJ

mile path.” Additional walking paths of varying lengths have also been established for employees, including for staff at neighboring

• HPSJ Walks for Health: A walking club where employees sign

Mary Graham Children’s Shelter and the VA Stockton Clinic.

up as teams to participate in community walks throughout

This is just the latest healthy workplace effort by HPSJ. HPSJ,

San Joaquin County, throughout the year

which now has grown to 300 hardworking staff, has a dedicated

• Sonic Boom: A program to provide tools, contests, and

program to encourage and support employee wellness. During

challenges to help employees focus on optimal nutrition,

our April 9 FRESH Meeting, Hurst described the HPSJ-wide

physical activity, weight management, and stress reduction

program he has established. Under the direction of HPSJ Health

• Healthy Crave: A vendor market including fruits and

Promotion/Cultural & Linguistics Manager Jenny Dominguez,

nutritionally balanced lunches.

MPH / MBA, he touched on additional programs, now underway.

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS American Recycling Borrego Solar, Inc. CalSheets Carpenters Local Union 152 City of Stockton CRResourceContracting, Inc. Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Healthy Air Living Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions


Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD Stockton Area Water Suppliers Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Next Fresh Meeting is: Thursday, May 14, 9:00 a.m. @ the Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428


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MAY 2015 13

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Annual Installation Dinner 2015

FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health) Employer of the Year and FRESH Employee of the Year. These

One of highlights of our year is the Chamber’s Annual Installation Dinner. It’s the perfect opportunity to thank our

exceptional honorees will be recognized for their achievements

hard working and dedicated board members and committee

and contributions to our community. We will also be honoring

chairs for their exceptional contribution to our organization.

our yearly Volunteer Hall of Fame award winners and 25 and 50

On Thursday, June 25, we’ll gather at Stockton Golf & Country

year Chamber members. Luncheon tickets are $35 per person by May 28, and $40

Club to thank Blain Bibb with JaniTek Cleaning Solutions

thereafter. For more information, call 209.547.2770.

for his outstanding performance as Chamber President from 2014-2015, and to welcome Judith Buethe with Judith Buethe

Business Awards Luncheon 2015 Sponsors

Communications as our 2015-2016 President. The evening will include an installation ceremony of our new Board Members and

Platinum Sponsors:

Neumiller & Beardslee

Officers and the presentation of awards.

Bank of the West

Valley First Credit Union

Premier Community Credit Union

Silver Sponsors:

p.m. Reservations are required and space is limited. Sponsorships

San Joaquin Delta College

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance

are still available. For more information, call Timm Quinn at

The Record/San Joaquin Media

No host cocktails begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:45


209.292.8423, or e-mail tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

Installation Dinner 2015 Sponsors Platinum Sponsors:

Oak Valley Community Bank

California Water Service Co.

United Way of San Joaquin County

Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.

Silver Sponsors:

Kaiser Permanente

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance

Port of Stockton

Agency, Inc. Financial Center Credit Union

Gold Sponsors:

JaniTek Cleaning Solutions

F&M Bank

Oak Valley Community Bank

Kaiser Permanente

United Way of San Joaquin County

June 4 Business Showcase & Tradeshow Mixer Sign up now! There are still a few tables left for the Thursday,

Agency, Inc.

June 4 Business Showcase & Tradeshow Mixer at the Hilton

San Joaquin Delta College

JaniTek Cleaning Solutions

The Record/San Joaquin Media

Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. Expose your products and

Moss Adams, LLP

services to over 300 business attendees, meet some new people, and

St. Joseph's Medical Center

grow your business. Tables are just $250 for Chamber Members. Sign

Gold Sponsors:

Stockton East Water District

up fast before we sell out! The theme for the June Tradeshow will be

Bank of Agriculture & Commerce

Valley First Credit Union

luau. Dress up in your best luau gear and win prizes!!

F&M Bank

Visit Stockton


To sign up or receive more information please call Ashley Williams at 209.292.8422 or e-mail ashley@stocktonchamber.org.

Business Awards Luncheon 2015 Begin the month of June on a high note by joining us at a luncheon honoring our Business Award recipients. On Thursday, June 4, 11:30 a.m., at the Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd., we will be honoring local business leaders who have been recognized as Business Person of the Year, Business Manager of the Year, Small Business Person of the Year, Business Employee of the Year and the P3 Stewardship Award winner. We are excited to announce two new awards this year: the 14 PORT CALL

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA Annual Tourism Luncheon Celebrates Excellence The 2015 Tourism Luncheon and Celebrate! Awards were held on April 15 at the Hilton Stockton to share the current


50 Years!

state of travel, tourism, and hospitality in the city as well as to honor outstanding Stockton organizations and individuals. This year’s honorees included Patti Gulick of New Image Signs as the Certified Tourism Ambassador of the Year; her level of service and dedication to making Stockton great made her a standout choice! SMG Stockton took home the Tourism and Sports


In Branch



Partner of the Year title for consistently helping to bring a host of exciting sporting events to Stockton. Special recognition went to the Stockton Thunder for a decade of outstanding hockey and to the 2014 USTA National Baton Twirling Championships for top sports event of the year. An extra thanks goes out to all who attended and who continue to support local tourism in Stockton!

Save the Date for Stockton Beer Week! Mark your calendars for July 17–26 —Stockton Beer Week is back for a fourth year running! During Stockton Beer Week, various venues all around Stockton work with breweries to create events that celebrate the local California craft beer industry. In previous years

Personal & Business Banking the Way YOU Want It.

we saw beer festivals, beer dinners, beer movie nights, and much more! This year is sure to be bigger and better than ever. Follow Stockton Beer Week on Facebook and Twitter (@StocktonBeerWk) to keep up to date on the latest and greatest Stockton Beer Week news!

Become a Stockton Ambassador! Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) classes are available bi-monthly and open to the general public. Learn how you can turn every visitor encounter into a positive one!

You Define Service. We Deliver It.

Upcoming CTA classes: June 30 and August 25 Sign up today and join the growing list of Stockton

Since 1965

Ambassadors! Program details, including the curriculum and enrollment information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com or CTANetwork.com or by calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton at 209.938.1555.


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555

bankbac.com www.stocktonchamber.org

Member FDIC

MAY 2015 15


Next up, the class heard from Jane Steinkamp and Bret States

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

about STEM and the educational services SJCOE offers.

Session Sponsor: Ralph Womack, LS Class of 1990

Kathy Focacci joined the class next to talk all about the

Special Thanks To: San Joaquin County Office of Education

Venture Academy Family of Schools. After a short break, the

Education plays a vital role in the future economic prosperity of

class heard from Brandie Brunni on Special Education and

San Joaquin County. So Leadership Stockton spent a day learning

all the services SJCOE offers for those with special needs.

all about education, starting with some hands-on experience.

Then the class heard from Deb Nickols and Todd Baker from

The Education Session began with the Leadership Stockton class

SJCOE’s one. Schools; they discussed the purpose and goals

divided among 14 schools throughout Stockton. Students spent the

of the one. School program and the impact this program

morning shadowing principals and learning about their particular

has on the lives of students. The day ended with a lesson on

schools’ successes and challenges.

everything you wanted to know about school finance in 30

At lunch time the Leadership Stockton class gathered at the

minutes from Jim Thomas. Thank you to James Mousalimas and Kelly Fry for

San Joaquin County Office of Education, where they spent the remainder of the day. A working lunch covered some of the

coordinating and facilitating the afternoon portion of the

questions raised during the school site visits. Students were also

session, to each of the schools for graciously opening up their

joined by session sponsor Ralph Womack, LS Class of 1990, for a

campuses for our Leadership Stockton visitors, to Frances

discussion on early childhood education.

Richardson, BEA Coordinator, for setting up the school

After lunch, the class took a guided tour of the San Joaquin

visits, and to all of our speakers and panelists for the day.

Regional Conservation Corps and learned about all the great things

Thank you to LSAA Board Members Adam Cheshire (LS

they do out at the Office of Education and for the community.

Class of ‘13), Shannon Ding (LS Class of ’09) and Chris Kay

Following the tour James Mousalimas, County Superintendent of

(LS Class of ‘13) for stopping by and sharing your knowledge,

Schools, gave the class an overview of the SJCOE and its mission.

experience, support and encouragement with the class.

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Selina Paniagua, Cornerstone Staffing; Judye Harris, Nationwide Insurance; Catherine Rodgers & Becky Deal, Bank of Stockton; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Liz Baker, Keller Williams Real Estate; Roger Hahn, LegalShield; Jennifer Lewis, Hilton Stockton; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; John Paval, Kansas City Life; Candace Jomwe, French25 Restaurant and Catering; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing Company; Victor Randolph, Never Boring Advertising; Jan Royce, Mo-Cal Office Solutions; Sandy Rios and James Schlernitzauer, Aflac

Title Max

Midgley's Public House

611 N. Wilson Way, Stockton CA

296 Lincoln Ctr., Stockton CA


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


The economic table has been set for long-term economic growth

in our San Joaquin communities. Why am I so optimistic? And why should you join me in spreading this story of “Opportunity in San Joaquin USA?" All long-term economic trends have turned positive and favorable to San Joaquin’s central location, lower costs and population/market growth.

Location: No matter what happens economically, our physical location



consumers! Agriculture and technology companies’ employees are now turning the age of looking to have children. Developments like Prologis International Park of Commerce and River Islands are poised to benefit them with well-planned forward thinking developments meeting those employees’ needs to reduce the commute and provide a quality lifestyle for growing families. The hard work of preparing our communities for growth is about to pay off in a decade of economic opportunity. Let’s continue to work together to diversify and increase the

advantage will not change. San Joaquin, USA, is the center

economic future of communities. The table is set and it’s now time

point between two of California’s greatest economic engines of

for action!

agriculture and high technology. The San Joaquin Central Valley is growing over $35 billion in crops that are turned into every imaginable food product and beverage and our neighbor, Silicon Valley, has 62 percent of the entire world’s risk capital driving continuous innovation in devices and software. The need for companies to have a presence in the Central Valley if they are producing food/beverages as well as technology in Silicon Valley causes them to put us on their location “shopping list.”

Costs: During 2014 the University of Pacific's Business Forecast Center gathered and provided the data that placed Stockton and Tracy into the national Cost of Living Index, proving that our communities are among the least expensive urban areas in California.

Population/Market Growth: We are growing and everyone around us is growing. California has the largest state population with 38.8 million. Northern/ Central California, half the size of Texas, has 14.5 million


MAY 2015 17


6 7 7 8 13 14 14 20 21 22 27 28

Leadership Stockton Trip to the Capitol 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ State Capitol New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room May Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


FRESH Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Lunch & Learn 12:00 p.m. RSVP Required

e-mail tquinn@stocktonchamber.org to RSVP and for location


Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club State of the City 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. @ Port of Stockton, Shed 20

American AgCredit members earned $39 million in cash dividends for 2014, for a total of more than $250 million since 2006.

GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room BEA Meeting 3:30 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 noon. For more info contact: network4success@stocktonchamber.org.

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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

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Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

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2/23/2015 9:19:51 AM

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