Vol. 58 No. 7
november 2012
Leadership Stockton Class Community Project CVB Welcomes New Team Member
Engendering Change in the Community:
On the Cover: ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award recipient Jennifer Torres Siders and ATHENA Award recipient Phyllis Grupe
Main Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography.
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Engendering Change in the Community: The 2012 ATHENA Awards
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
Leadership Stockton
Convention & Visitors Bureau 10 New Members
Programs and Public Policy Department
Cover Story
Ribbon Cuttings
News Briefs
Leadership Stockton Class Community Project
8 10
CVB Welcomes New Team Member
Don’t Miss Networking Mixer
Atria Bayside Landing 3318 Brookside Rd. November 1, 5:15 -7:15 p.m.
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PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
From Your President... by: Gary J. Long
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
volunteers and staff of your Greater Stockton
PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers
Chamber of Commerce may I begin my
SR. VICE PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree
November column by wishing you all a very
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance
Happy Thanksgiving and at the same time
VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications
sending a big thank you to all of you who make this community so great by knowing that we
VICE PRESIDENT Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors
are in very difficult times and are not giving
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Co. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Michael Cera, SMG/Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Patricia V. DeSoto, Patricia V. DeSoto, CPA Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Lewis Gale, Eberhardt School of Business Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick’s Glass Service Mikey Kamienski, Charterhouse Center for Families Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
up easily and banding together like the Love Stockton, Stockton is Magnificent and the ministers who gathered in Oak Park on the same day as the other groups to let everyone know that WE can solve our problems. They will not give up on their community nor will their fellow law abiding, honest, non violent, hard working (yes remember to SHOP LOCAL where 70 cents of every dollar stays here) citizens who make this community so great. I want to congratulate some true hero’s, in the eyes of many, who really are what “area code 209” is and shall continue to be all about and they are, to just name a few: The 2012 Ag Hall of Fame honorees Bruce Burlington, Gail Kautz, Henry Long, David Simpson and Robert “Bob” Croce! 2012 Good Will Helping Hands Award Recipient Marion Jacobs, the 2012 Athena Phyllis Grupe, the 2012 young Athena Jennifer Torres-Siders, the 2012 Athena Community Organization, The Women’s Center of San Joaquin, the honoree’s at 48th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue, the past and new Chamber Leadership Stockton classes for
great projects helping so many, the Board of Directors and staff of the San Joaquin
County Fair for working hard to bring the Fair back to being a true community
BEA/ SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Dylan Bacon 209.547.2770 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Mai Vang 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Kristin Bowker
PRINTING Snyder Parks
MAILING Snyder Parks
event and also the dedicated and continuing year round work of the Board of Directors and staff of the Best Food Fest in the West and the communities largest fundraiser, the Stockton Asparagus Festival. These are just a few examples of the folks that work hard, do not have ego involved nor do they beat their chests nor moan and groan but just get the job done for others and the community! There are so many other folks out there doing just the same thing and to them a very big Thanksgiving wish! Remember to keep your shopping dollars here.
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
Ricky Barnes Charity Pro-Am held on Monday October 8th at the Stockton Golf and Country Club. It is even more telling the captioned quote by Kathy Barnes, Ricky’s proud mother, “This is a really good thing for Stockton and our community. It’s important to Ricky and Suzanne (Ricky’s wonderful wife who was raised in Linden) to help the place where they grew up. In the printed program there was a message from Ricky which read: “Welcome – The Ricky Barnes Foundation was established by my wife, Suzanne and me to promote the physical and mental well-being of children. We will be reaching out to children in the San Joaquin County, many of whom come from low-income homes. On behalf of the organizing committee we would like to thank all our generous sponsors, donors, corporations and personal contributors. With this support we hope to make an impact on the youth in our community.” Some have accused me of, when it comes to my hometown
The event was a huge success and benefitted The First Tee of
Stockton, California Area Code 209, of wearing “rose colored
San Joaquin and the Obesity Prevention for Youth in San Joaquin
glasses” or do not see the forest for the trees when it comes to
County. That success was not due only to Ricky and Suzanne
the problems we all face here in Stockton. To those folks I say
proudly giving back to their home community (they should get
I can understand where they are coming from for they have a
the lion’s share of gratitude) but also to the many residents of
pessimistic attitude about life in general and usually are the ones
Stockton, San Joaquin County and outside friends (including 8
who think reality is a television show or a video game! They are
other PGA Touring Professionals who participated all day) of the
the ones that think carrying a baseball bat to a public forum and
Barnes’s and Stonebarger family (Suzanne)! They served on the
disrespecting people who work every day to do the best they can
Executive Committee, the Core Committee. The major sponsors
is a “wonderful thing!”
were Davis and Associates Insurance Brokers, American AgCredit
Well, to that I say “balderdash” for I know that for every one
and Chase Chevrolet, the too many to list of hole sponsors, donors,
negative or bad thing that happens here there are hundreds of
tee prize sponsors, the wine donated by the Klein family Rodney
good things that good people of Stockton do to help others and
Strong Vineyards, the silent and live auction (I was honored to be
say thank you to their place of birth or others who have come
the auctioneer) donors, the Stockton Golf and County Club staff
here from elsewhere also show there community spirit and pride.
from the golf shop to the food and beverage staff, a very special
Please see President Long’s article other examples that reinforce
congratulations to Don Miller who is the Executive Director of
that belief and below I will outline how a golf club is more positive
the First Tee of San Joaquin and his staff and volunteers who did
than a baseball bat!
a wonderful job not only on this day but all through the year with
Case in point is the Tuesday October 9, 2012 Record Sports
a great program.
Page headline “Hometown Booster” and the accompanying story
The energy of the day and evening was so powerful that I
by Record Sports Editor Bob Highfill on the very successful
wish I could have bottled it and be able to spoon feed it to the
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
sit back and do nothing but complain pessimists who are truly a
– the ability to make a decision or form an opinion. A decision
small part of your community but seem to permeate the air with
reached after consideration.
negative dark cloud. But each and every day there are people like
Hope you will share these basic human core values with
I saw on the 8th, and in President Long’s article, who help let the
family, friends and co-workers! It would also be great if you
sun shine through and I know we will be a better community for
reached out to the First Tee of San Joaquin and/or so many
it due to many just like them.
other nonprofit groups in Stockton and San Joaquin County
All present and who participated in so many ways showed
who are really dedicating themselves to make a real difference
Ricky and Suzanne that they are truly appreciated as REAL AND
in so many lives and would be forever grateful for your help of
any kind.
support not only those most in need here but I know they are active in many other areas. Thank you Ricky, Suzanne and all
those who are showing the real way to be a community made up of good people who will be here no matter how difficult a task the community is facing and are truly “part of the solution and not part of the problem!”
by: Heidi Altamarino
The First Tee Nine Core Values are something that is so greatly needed more than ever today and they are : HONESTY– the quality or state of being truthful; not deceptive. INTEGRITY —strict
Chamber Diversity Mixer December 6 Make sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, December
adherence to a standard of value or conduct. Personal honesty
6, because you are not going to want to miss the Chamber’s
and independence. SPORTSMANSHIP – observing the rules of
annual Business Diversity Mixer from 5:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. at
play and winning or losing with grace. RESPECT—to feel or show
the Haggin Museum in Stockton. The Greater Stockton Chamber
deferential regard for; esteem. CONFIDENCE –reliance or trust.
of Commerce, in partnership with the Hispanic Chamber, the
A feeling of self-assurance. RESPONSIBILITY – accounting for
African-American Chamber and the Asian American Chamber,
one’s own actions; dependable. PERSEVERANCE – to persist in an
will each feature food tastings reflecting their specific ethnicity.
idea, purpose or task despite obstacles. COURTESY—considerate
Come kick off the holiday season in style and make some great
behavior toward others. A polite remark or gesture. JUDGMENT
business connections while you’re at it.
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
Oak Valley COmmunity Bank
We Mean Business
Become a Certified Green Business! Leadership Stockton Save money & gain customers by:
by: Timm Quinn
Reducing waste Conserving water and energy Protecting public health Using recycled-content in your products
Leadership Stockton Class Picks Community Project During Annual Retreat Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union www.GreenTeamSanJoaquin.com Pilot Level Sponsor: DeltaSCenter the Arts MALL for BUSINESS
HAZARDOUS WofASTE DISPOSAL * community The Leadership Stockton Class 2013 chose their class Affordable Hazardous Waste Management for Your Business project at A September’s retreat at Community of the Great Program ofovernight San Joaquin County Public Works Dr. Thomas Bianchi and Dr. William Marweg of Delta Endodontics with Loretta Trevena, Stockton Branch Manager, 209-320-7856
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Commission in Forresthill. The beautiful camp welcomed the class for i Low cost way to safely dispose of hazardous materials. on your waste types.) their Retreat with(Costs open depend arms and great weather. i Documentation that you properly manage hazardous waste. The class started the with an expectations and that i Assurance thatretreat the material will be disposedexercise of properly. Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)
got them thinking about what to expect in the next day and a half. Then Chris Stevens, President, Summit Solutions Consulting, LS Class of 2007, took over and led the class through some leadership theory and We also accept universal and electronic waste. fun team-buildingGreen games. Your Bottom Line
Product The afternoonwith brought a fun littleStewardship! game called “Little Known Fact
Economic benefits abound: reducedwhere operating savings, Bingo” the costs, class energy learned fun random facts about each other. reduced disposal costs, the creation of green jobs.
After that, the class didwww.CalPSC.org an exercise learning the finer points of Voting
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Design it Green | Make it Clean | Conserve Resources | Reduce | Reuse | Eliminate Toxics | Take it Back! vs. Consensus and how they as a class will determine how to choose
their community project. Then it was time for presentations on the three potential community projects the class was to choose from. After the presentations, the class was free to enjoy the great outdoors for the evening, including s’mores around the campfire. The morning light brought a hearty breakfast followed by a discussion of the pros and cons of all three projects. After a little discussion, the class chose their project and planned out the leadership, subcommittees, action plan and timeline for their project. The Class of 2013 has chosen a “homeless assistance project” where they will be helping the Stockton Shelter for the Homeless and the Gospel Center Rescue Mission. It is going to be a great project! We would like to thank Ramon Valez and Chris Stevens for coming and sharing their expertise and working with this year’s class. Please look for future updates on this year’s project as we follow the class of 2013 on their journey through Community Leadership or visit www.leadershipstockton.com for all of the latest. If you would like more info on Leadership Stockton or wish to sponsor an upcoming session, please contact Timm Quinn at 209.547.2770 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Convention & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
CVB Welcomes New Team Member The Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau is
visitor encounter into a positive experience. The premise is simple. If front-line employees and volunteers
proud to announce the hiring of Heather Duffett
(those who come into immediate contact with the visitor) provide
to manage the bureau’s marketing and graphic
quality service to visitors (convention attendees, sports groups, leisure
design functions.
and business travelers, etc.), the visitor is more likely to have a positive experience.
Duffett obtained a design certificate from San Joaquin Delta College in 2008 and a BA in graphic design from the prestigious Savannah
Visitors who have a positive experience are more likely to return at some point in the future. And, they will share their perceptions with
College of Art & Design in 2011. Heather previously worked as a
their friends. Everyone benefits – visitors, hospitality workers and their
graphic designer for Never Boring Design in Modesto.
employers, and the local and regional economies.
Heather currently lives in Valley Springs with her husband Matt, but
This nationwide certification program is rapidly being adopted by
was born in Stockton and still has many family ties here. She enjoys
CVBs across the country. Over 8,000 individuals have achieved the
baking, riding jet skis, reading and shopping.
CTA designation nationwide to date, and the number continues
Heather joined the SCVB team on September 17th. You can reach
to grow. This huge initiative begins in October and we anticipate the kickoff
out to her at Heather@VisitStockton.org.
of the citywide program to take place in May 2013. We hope to certify
New Initiative Focuses On The Visitor The Stockton Tourism Ambassadors Program will be a certification
at least 100 of our front-line employees during the first year of the
program that serves to increase tourism by inspiring front-line
Stockton Tourism Ambassadors Program. For more info call
hospitality employees and volunteers to work together to turn every
Wes at 209.938.1551.
Lesson #1
parksprinting.com | 209.576.2568
What sets us apart from our competition….dependability.
printing • mailing • fulfillment • promotional items • cross media marketing 10 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555 www.visitstockton.org
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
nov2012 11
New Members
For more information on becoming a new member, please call Brittney Doty at 209.337.2723 or brittney@stocktonchamber.org. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
Educational, Consultants – Educational, Youth Organizations
Fritz Chin Photography, Inc.
Kern Community College District
2014 Pacific Avenue Stockton www.fritzchin.com
Marketing / Advertising & Marketing
320 Lincoln Center Stockton
2100 Chester Avenue Bakersfield www.beccv.com
Retail Shops Theatres – Live Trailers Rental Service
Cimoli Media Innovations
McKinney Trailer Rentals
205 Marina Lane Waterford
1021 S. Stockton Street Stockton www.mckinneytrailers.com
Dr. James L. Rore D.D.S.
Graffiti Removal & Cleaning
45 W. Weber Avenue #120 Stockton www.nenasmexicanrestaurant.com
3817 Steve Lillie Circle Stockton www.graffitiabatementsociety.cfsites.org
SBG Breastfeeding Center 2821 N. California Street, #2 Stockton www.sbg-breastfeedingconsultant.com
1744 Pacific Avenue Stockton
Valley Caps 7333 Tam O’ Shanter Drive Stockton www.valleycaps.org
Consultants Educational
Graffiti Abatement Society of S.J., Co. Inc.
That’s Show Biz
Social Service Organizations
Nena’s Mexican Restaurant
4255 Pacific Avenue, #12 Stockton www.jamesroredds.com
Service Organizations Stockton Sunrise Rotary
Investment Advisory Service Venture Leverage Group 3520 Brookside Road Stockton
Grocers Retail Neighborhood Market 1189 E. March Lane Stockton www.wal-mart.com
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Programs and Public Policy Department by: Frank Ferral
What does the theme “Divert and Convert” mean? With the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce’s annual
In support of this goal, recycling needs to be considered not just as an environmental activity, but as a fundamental consideration
Holiday luncheon fast approaching on December 12, many
of land use and economic development for every region in the
people have asked the question, “what does Divert and
state, and as a vital component of California’s infrastructure for
Convert mean”.
implementation of AB 32.
Diversion The City of Stockton current diversion rate is over 68%, which
For more information on the BIN Coalition, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org .
exceeds the goals set under AB 939. Under the new 75% recycling goal that took effect in the State of California on July 1, 2012, certain businesses are required to increase their recycling and
Thank you to our generous Green Team San Joaquin Sponsors:
divert more material from going to the general trash. This is
American Recycling
actually a cost savings to the business. In the City of Stockton, your
Carpenters Local Union 152
franchised waste hauler can provide you with a complimentary
CBC Steel Buildings
recycling container (please check with your service provider for
City of Stockton
details and availability) that should reduce the amount of trash
Dorfman Pacific
pickups at your place of business.
Durst Contract Interiors
Currently, approximately 5-20% of the recyclable materials collected in California remain in the State for remanufacturing; the majority of the recycled materials are shipped to other parts of the United States or to global markets. In other words, 80-95%
Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works SAWS
Granite Construction Co.
ServiceMaster Clean
Healthy Air Living
Sims Metal Management
Modern Energy Concepts
of our recyclable materials are leaving California, specifically to
The Newark Group
overseas markets. So too, are our jobs, tax revenue and commerce.
Onsite Electronics Recycling
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Valley CAN Universal Service Recycling
Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 41000(c) emphasizes that recycling market development is the key to successful and cost-effective implementation of the 50% landfill diversion requirement throughout California, Also, pursuant to Section 42001 of the PRC, the state must take a leadership role in encouraging the expansion of markets for recycled products by working cooperatively with the public, private and nonprofit sectors. The Recycling Build Infrastructure Now (BIN) Coalition— which is composed of a diverse set of partners seeking to address these joint economic and environmental goals—declares its intent to build upon Public Resource Code Section 42001 to develop, stabilize and expand domestic markets for recyclable materials
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nov2012 13
Engendering Change in the Community:
The 2012 ATHENA Awards by: Justin Souza
or 26 years, the Stockton
are recognized as women under 40 who
As Board Chair of the Partnership,
community has presented the
are powerful and active leaders in the
Grupe has helped countless families find
prestigious ATHENA award
Stockton community.
steadier footing over the last 14 years.
to deserving women in the community.
This year’s ATHENA Award recipient is
“We work with families to identify their
Honorees are women who have
local philanthropist Phyllis Grupe. The
particular needs and to help build on
demonstrated excellence, creativity and
Young ATHENA recipient is University of
their strengths so that they can move to
initiative in their business or profession,
the Pacific Community Relations Manager
the next level.”
contributed time and energy to improving
Jennifer Torres Siders.
Grupe said that twenty years ago, she
the quality of life for others in the
Phyllis Grupe
had no idea she’d be working in some of
community and actively assisted women
Phyllis Grupe, this year’s ATHENA
the most at-risk areas of the community.
in realizing their leadership potential.
Award recipient said she was floored by
“It’s been a pretty amazing trip and a
The ATHENA Award was created in
the honor. “This is a wonderful group of
wonderful education for me. I’m very
1982 to help inspire women in the
women who have shown great leadership
proud to have been part of forming this
business community to reach their
in our community and I’m just honored to
and watching it grow along the way.
full potential and to create balance in
be included in their number.”
When you see the positive results, it just
leadership worldwide. Nearly 500 different
Grupe has dedicated her life to helping
makes you want to do more. I’ve also
communities hand out the awards
her community through a variety of
learned that you can’t outgive God: the
annually to honor notable local women
nonprofit and faith-based organizations.
more you give, the more is given to you.
who have made a real difference in their
Since 1998, Grupe has led and developed
I’m very grateful for that.”
local or regional areas.
the Community Partnership for Families,
According to Grupe, many inspiring
Within Stockton, dozens of women
a group that ties together the many
women have shaped her life. “All the
have been honored with the awards.
organizations and programs that offer
women in my life have inspired me to do
Recipients of the ATHENA Award are
help and support to women and families
whatever my heart led me to do. I had
chosen by a committee of past recipients
in at-risk and other communities
a great mom and a great grandmother
and community leaders and are each
throughout San Joaquin County. The
and there have been so many other
recognized for having made a lasting
Partnership establishes resources centers
women who were active in their families,
impact in the Stockton community.
in high risk neighborhoods that serve
communities and businesses who have
Recipients of the ATHENA Young
around 5,000 families a year with basic or
taught me that you can really enjoy
Professional Leadership Award recipient
advanced social services.
success in many facets of your life.”
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
This is a wonderful group of women who have shown great leadership in our community and I’m just honored to be included in their number. –Phyllis Grupe
Jennifer Torres Siders
Right now, only around 36% of San
The ATHENA Awards will be presented at
Jennifer Torres Siders said she was
Joaquin county kids are reading at grade
the annual ATHENA Luncheon at 11:30
very surprised by the Young ATHENA
level by third grade.”
a.m. on November 15, at the Stockton
Leadership Award, as well. “It’s humbling
Torres Siders also serves the community
Golf and Country Club. Tickets for the
that anyone would think I deserved this
through leadership on the board of
event are available by calling the Greater
sort of honor,” said Torres Siders. “What
the Stockton Community Council
Stockton Chamber of Chamber
means the most to me is that people I
for the United Way, the Community
at 209.547.2770.
respect and admire would nominate me.”
Neighborhood Renaissance Committee
As a writer who worked for over seven
and El Concilio, an organization
years at the Record before taking
which supports the Spanish speaking
her current position as Community
community of San Joaquin and Stanislaus
Relations Manager at University of the
Counties. “It’s very valuable to be part
Pacific, Torres Siders has spent many
of an organization that does so much
years encouraging and fostering youth
in the community for very vulnerable
education in San Joaquin County.
populations,” said Torres Siders. “They
In her role at Pacific, Torres Siders helps
have programs for people starting from
lead the Beyond Our Gates initiative
prenatal care for expectant mothers all
which brings together community
the way through seniors. I think some of
leaders to direct the University’s efforts
the most exciting work they do is with
to tackle challenges in the Stockton and
preschool and parent education, which
San Joaquin County communities. Torres
ties in nicely with our early literacy goals.”
Siders has helped develop and implement
Torres Siders said that she sees the award
a Reading By Third goal. “We know that
as a challenge. “I am very fortunate to be
if kids can’t read proficiently by the end
supported by strong professionals, to have
of third grade, they will very likely fall
had a good education, to have had access
behind and they become much more at
to many opportunities. With that comes
risk of dropping out in the future. That
an obligation to give back and also prepare
third grade benchmark is sort of a make
young women and young people to do the
or break moment in a child’s education.
same things in their lives.” Phyllis Grupe and Jennifer Torres Siders Photo by Arturo Vera
Ribbon Cuttings
For additional information go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Attending Ambassadors Sylvester Aguilar, Bank of the West Tim Aguirre, Impact Promotions Tim Aragon, Telepacific Communications Ojesa Asejo-Clark, Rabobank Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan & Gourmet Gifts Geri Blas, United States Postal Service Tracee Bucio, Hands on Healing Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers Alisa Cline, Costco Becky Deal, Rabobank Shannon Ding, Assemblymember Bill Berryhill’s Representative Kristen Dyke, Port City Marketing Sally Fandrich, Allied Waste Gary Ghan, Brooksfalls Water Steve Glovsky, Kamps Propane
Patti Gulick, New Image Signs Blair Hake, Ameriprise Financial Services Alex Halcon, City of Stockton Nick Harbut, Eco Chic Salon Elaine Harlan,
San Joaquin County Fair 1658 S. Airport Way
The River, KRVR 105.5 Tom Hobbs, Park West Self Storage Jeff Johnson,
Patriot Logistics Stockton
4447 S. Airport Way
Central Valley Business Journal Glenn Jose, H.O.P.E. Loretta Lee, CA DEPT of Rehabilitation Jennifer Lewis, Stockton Hilton Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Funeral Services Frank Martinez, H.O.P.E. Reggie Martinez, UEI College
Marilyn Mason, RHA Mark McDonald. Legal Shield Rich McDonald, Dale Carnegie John Medina, H.O.P.E. Ross Moerman, Doctor Data Aldo
Montijo, Premier Chiropractic Tyler Moran, Central California Safety Council Gillian Murphy, Small Business Development Center at SJ Delta College John Paval, Kansas City Life Ellen Powell, Assemblymember Cardoza’s Representative Rich & Cherie Pruitt, RP Painting Specialists Annie Randazzo, Allied Waste Diana Reyes, St. Joseph’s Employee Assistance Program Maria
Rosado, California Human Development Vince Rosato, New Image Signs Fernando Ruelas, Kaplan College Dora Ruiz, EZ Network Systems Zack Sharkey, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Michelle Sherlock, Optimal Hospice
Venture Leverage Group 3520 Brookside Road
Care Melanie Speer, Costco Max Vargas, Assemblymember Galgiani’s
Stockton Breastfeeding Center Stockton
2821 N. California Street, Suite 2
Representative Gregory Walther, Press F1 Computer Services Ed Wanket, WorkNet Sam Ward, Xango Vernel Wofford, Vernel’s Photography, Inc.
Networking Mixer October 4, University Plaza Waterfront Hotel Photography by: Ulmer Photo
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Musical Evening to Honor
by liking us on Facebook-Leadership
Erna Murphy
Stockton 2013 page.
The Stockton Opera Guild and Opera Association are proud to recognize the contributions of Erna Murphy at Erna Murphy
The tournament will be held on Saturday, December 1st at Pacific Avenue Bowl, 5939 Pacific Ave, Stockton, CA 95207,
“The Curtain Goes Up” on November
from 11:00am-3:00pm with 2 bowling times, 11:00am-1:00pm and
1, 2012 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. at the
1:00pm-3:00pm. To get more information on sponsoring, donating
Stockton Golf & Country Club, 3800
a raffle prize or to sign up your bowling team please contact Donnie
West Country Club Blvd.
Hernandez at (209) 482-6075 or dhernandez@croceco.com.
Guests will enjoy fine wines and a dinner buffet plus musical entertainment. Cost is $50 per person. The event benefits the
The Stockton Chorale will a “Make a Joyful Noise” for the Holidays
Stockton Opera Guild’s Kathe Underwood Scholarship fund. Info:
at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, November 30 at the Central United
209.475.9795, www.StocktonOperaGuild.org,
Methodist Church, 3700 Pacific Avenue, Stockton and at 3:00 p.m.
on Saturday, December 1 at St John’s Episcopal Church, 1055 S. Lower Sacramento Road, Lodi. Single tickets are $20 in advance
Gordon Zuckerman, a successful retired
from www.stocktonchorale.org or Chorale members or $25 at the
businessman who was born and raised in
door for adults and $5 for students.
Stockton, will be signing copies of his new book “The Sentinels: A Matter of Importance” at The Haggin Museum on Thursday, November 15, at 7 p.m. Now retired, Zuckerman is the director of The Brubeck Institute and several private companies. His debut novel, “The Sentinels: Fortunes of War,” was a No. 1 best-seller on Amazon.com in the WWII thrillerfiction category. Call 209.940.6312 or visit hagginmuseum.org Strike Out Homelessness Fundraising Bowling Tournament Saturday, December 1st, 2012 Pacific Avenue Bowl 5939 Pacific Ave, Stockton, CA 95207 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The Leadership Stockton Class of 2013 has chosen to upgrade the Stockton Shelter for the Homeless and the Gospel Rescue Mission for their year-long community service project. You are invited to join with us in supporting these worthy projects by sponsoring and participating in the “Strike Out Homelessness” Bowling Tournament fundraiser. Please help us spread the word www.stocktonchamber.org
nov2012 17
Calendar November 2012
Highlights 11/1- Networking Mixer – 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. @ Atria Bayside Landing
3318 Brookside Rd
Networking Mixer – 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. 1 @ Atria Bayside Landing
Executive Committee Meeting – 7a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
ATHENA Committee Meeting – 8:00 @ Chamber Conference Room
2012 ATHENA Luncheon – 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
Leadership Stockton Economy Session – 8:00 -5:00 p.m. @ Stockton Metropolitan Airport
Liaison Committee Meeting – 12 p.m. - 1p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable – 7:30 a.m. 8 @ TBA
Effective Strategies Group – 8 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Business Education Alliance – 3:30 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m 30 @ Chamber Conference Room
Liaison Committee Meeting – 12 p.m.-1p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Chamber Offices Closed in observance of Veteran’s Day
also don’t miss... 12/6 - Business Diversity Mixer - 5:00-7:15 p.m. @ Haggin Museum 1201 N.Pershing Ave.
12/12 - Munchies at the MuRF Holiday Luncheon
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