Vol. 61 No. 7
29th Annual ATHENA Awards Honors Empowering Leaders
DR. PAMELA A. EIBECK & BRENNA BUTLER GARCIA Photo courtesy of Caroline Photography
Still have questions about the Affordable Care Act? If your company is still trying to address the changes, you’re not alone. We have resources to help you find the best way forward. Visit us online to find out what you need to know and how to plan for what comes next.
29th Annual ATHENA Awards Honors Empowering Leaders
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
News Briefs
Cover Story
3412 Metro Dr., Stockton, CA 95215
Programs and Public Policy Department
11:30 a.m.
Visit Stockton
Collins Electrical Company Inc.
Stockton Golf & Country Club
Good News from San Joaquin Partnership
New Members
Leadership Stockton
October Tradeshow Mixer Photos
Ribbon Cuttings
3800 W. Country Club Blvd.
November 5, 19: Noon-1:00 p.m.
Meets Every Thursday November 12: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Contact the Chamber for location: network4success@stocktonchamber.org
NOV 2015
wards Hermes Creative Awards 2014 | Contentment Health Magazine (Gold) | The Wrap Pack (Gold) | TID Annual Report (Gold) | Communicator Awards | The Wrap of Excellence) | Huff Construction Website (Award of Distinction) 2013 Awards Macrom Awards | Frantz Wholesale Nursery: Capabilities Brochure (Gold) | Contentm Magazine (Honorable Mention) | Never Boring: “The Wrap Pack” (Platinum) | Videographer Awards | Never Boring: “The Wrap Pack” (Award of Excellence) | United P s, Inc.: “The pointGUARD” (Award of Distinction) | Communicator Awards | Keyes Union School District Website (Award of Distinction) | Prime Shine: “Empl tions” (Award of Distinction) 2012 Awards 18th Annual Communicator Awards | G3: Polylaminate Print Ad | Gallo Center for the Arts: 2011-2012 Season Brochure | | Prime Shine: Employee Expectations Video | Salvation Army: Be A Shield Video 2011 Awards Videographer Awards | Duarte Nursery: Company History Video (Awa on) | 17th Annual Communicator Awards | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That Campaign (Award of Excellence) | Duarte Nursery: Company History Video (Awa nce) | Hermes Creative Awards | American Cancer Society: An Evening Under the Sea Invitation | G3 Enterprises: Writing/Ad Copy | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix rcial (Honorable Mention) | American Graphic Design & Advertising 27 | Burnside Body Shop: “We Can Fix That” Campaign | G3 Enterprises: Ad Campaign) | Ame Society: Under the Sea Invitation | Prime Shine Car Wash: Free Hour Transit Campaign | Michael Smith Architect: Trademarks/Logos | Central Valley Medical Gr arks/Logos | Children’s Choice Snack Foods: Haley’s Quick Mix Packaging | Mohini Indian Fusions: Packaging | Gallo Center for the Arts: @ The Center Magazine | Manza s: Website | 32nd Annual Telly Awards | Duarte Nursery: Company History Video | TrademarksUSA | Central Valley Medical Group: Trademark/logo | Masellis Insura ark/logo | Michael Smith Architect: Trademark/logo | Healthy Organic Tea: Trademark/logo 2010 Awards International Davey Awards | Burnside Body Shop: We Can mmercial | MarCom Awards | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That Commercial | The American Cancer Society: Evening Under the Stars Invitation | Chopra Developm ses: Sales/Marketing Kit | TrademarksUSA Awards | Kolody Orthodontics: Trademark/logo | Red Rover Retrievers: Trademark/logo | Mohini Indian Fusions: Trademark/ y Pet Mortuary: Trademark/logo | Long Shadow Design: Trademark/logo | Patton Amusement: Trademark/logo | Top Notch Kennels: Trademark/logo | Stanislaus Co : Trademark/logo | Nicholas Poblete: Trademark/logo | Communicator Awards | Gallo Center for the Arts: March @ The Center Magazine Design | Grimbleby Colem e | CVPRO | NBDA: “Never” Campaign (Award of Excellence) | Prime Shine: Hustle Factor Poster (Award of Excellence) | Alliance: Count On Me Poster (Award of Excelle Center for the Arts: Monthly Newsletters (Award of Excellence) | Parker Racor: Racor Overview Video (Award of Excellence) | MoRo: 60th Anniversary Video (Awa nce) | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That Video (Award of Excellence) | Videographer Awards | Parker Hannifin Corporation – Racor Division: Company Overview V of Excellence) | Modesto Rotary Club: Who is Larry Dempsey Video (Award of Distinction) | Hermes Creative Awards | NBDA: “Never Campaign” || NBDA: NEVER Look y| Patton Amusement: Business Card (Honorable Mention) | Fexy Awards | NBDA: “Never” Campaign | 31st Annual Telly Awards | Parker Hannifin Corporation – R : Non-Broadcast Sales | Modesto Rotary Club: Who is Larry Dempsey? | American Graphic Design & Advertising 26 | Gallo Center: Promotions | Salvation Army: Gi on | Patton Amusement: Business Cards 2009 Awards International Davey Awards | Kolody Orthodontics: Business System | Camp Sylvester: Website | Patton Amusem s System | MarCom Awards | American Cancer Society: Night at the Races - Honorable Mention | NBDA: "Never" Campaign | Salvation Army: One Night Dinner Invitat enter for the Arts: Season Promotional Campaign | CVPRO | Del Rio Country Club: Bogey Magazine (Award of Excellence) | City of Modesto: Parks & Facilities Guide (A lence) | Modesto Chamber: Progress Magazine (Award of Excellence) | Mother Goose Nursery ROMS: Website (Award of Merit) | Turlock Fruit Company: Website (A ) | Stanislaus County News & Highlights: Bus Campaign (Award of Merit) | The Communicator Awards | Modesto Chamber: Progress Magazine Cover (Award of Excelle d Training Center: The Inner Eye (Award of Distinction) | City of Modesto: Parks & Facilities Guide (Award of Excellence) | American Graphic Design & Advertising 25 | Fa tuary: Logos & Trademarks | Kinky Weightloss: Logos & Trademarks | Etouffee: Logos & Trademarks | SIAA | Christmas Card 2007 (Merit) 2008 Awards International D | Howard Training Center: The Inner Eye | City of Modesto: Parks & Facilities Guide | American Corporate Identity #24 | Success Capital: Trademarks & Logos | Mar | City of Modesto: Parks & Facilities Guide | CSU Stanislaus: Annual Report/Educational Institutional | Salvation Army: In One Night Invitation | Yonan's Jew /Floral Billboard | CVPRO | Del Rio Country Club: Newsletter | CSU Stanislaus: Annual Report 2007 Awards International Davey Awards | Davey Award - Restaurant 15-O e MarCom Awards | G3 Enterprises: 1, 2, G3 Ad Series | Modesto Community Concert Association: Pro Bono | Omega Pacific Insurance: Where's Your Agent Ad | Prime S Car Wash: Billboards | Salvation Army: Multi Dinner Invitation | American Corporate Identity #23 | 15-O-Five: Signage/ Environmental Graphics | Never Boring De tes: Corporate Image Brochures | Never Boring Design Associates: Websites | Slater's Home Furnishings: Websites | Fresno Dental Surgery Center: Trademark/ Logo De Vance: stationery Design | Monte Vista Chapel: stationery Design | Monte Vista Chapel: Trademark/ Logo Design | Never Boring Design Associates: stationery Design | horus: Trademark/ Logo Design | Sharp Advantage: Logo Designand | Sterling Homes Showcase: Trademark/ Logo Design | Shooting Star: Trademark/ Logo De Over Trademark/ 300 national international awards asty Taco: Trademark/ Logo Design | Terry Barnhart Associates:FOR Trademark/ Logo Design | The Big Book of Design Ideas 3 | 1 Degree: Logo | Apropos: stationery | B OUR CLIENTS g Center: Logo | Boyer Learning Center: stationery | CFL Lending: stationery | David Paul Newell: Outdoor (CD) | DeHart: Forecast Ad | G3 Enterprises: 1, 2, G3 Ad Se Mowry: Logo | Modesto Sand & Gravel: stationery | Not 4 Nothing: Logo | Prime Shine Express: Billboards | Prime Shine Express: Illustrations | 36th Annual Crea | Burnside Body Shop: Brochure | Restaurant 15-O-five: Website | Global Corporate Identity | The Alliance: Stanislaus River Valley Campaign: Corporate Image Brochure | : Trademark/ Logo Design | Burnside Body Shop: Corporate Image Brochure | Burnside Body Shop: Trademark/ Logo Design | Caroll & Associates: Trademark/ Logo De
AWARD WINNING www.neverboring.com
Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
Each month of the year Chamber events spotlight all the
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications SR. VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.
good businesses, people, and services this community has to offer! Hopefully, you read the Port O Call each month to review
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation
current events and issues, read the multitude of Chamber
VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
E-Mail Blasts that alert you to all community happenings,
VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design Associates Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank Joy Sweger, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Dignity Health Robert Young CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
ribbon cuttings, nonprofit fund-raising events, and matters of area-wide importance like stopping the “bad idea” legacy twin tunnels. We also have a comprehensive website, www.stocktonchamber.org, which is being redesigned and updated so you can more readily get even more useful information. Visit the website often so you do not miss out. Also, check our Facebook page frequently where you can learn even more about the people involved with your Chamber, our businesses, and our community. Also, take a moment to visit www.visitstockton.org, the Visit Stockton (formerly Convention & Visitors Bureau) site so you do not miss out on anything. Register to get weekly emails from Visit Stockton to learn about events that you and your family can truly enjoy. One of the premier events of the Chamber is the annual ATHENA Awards Luncheon that will be held this year on Thursday, Nov. 19 at the Stockton Golf and Country Club. It is quickly becoming a sold-out event, so do call the Chamber now for tickets. As President of the Chamber, a past ATHENA honoree, and chair of the ATHENA committee, I am immensely pleased and so proud of our community that there were
SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425
so many wonderful nominations. The Selection Committee chose these outstanding recipients: 2015 ATHENA Award: Dr. Pamela Eibeck, President, University of the Pacific
SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8429 Christopher Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8426
and the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award: Brenna Butler Garcia, CEO,
BEA COORDINATOR Sophie Soth 209.292.8430
are examples of professionalism and community service and have demonstrated
commitment to mentoring women in their quests to attain professional excellence and
SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Tricia Long 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Both are most deserving of this honor that is awarded each year to persons who
develop leadership skills! We are proud as a Chamber to have such a long history—one of the longest in the nation—of having so many wonderful honorees. This year is no exception. Please join us on Nov. 19 to not only honor these two outstanding role models, but also to promote and support the advancement of women in our community now and into the future. Congratulations to all involved and to our newest ATHENA's! I look forward to seeing many of you getting even more involved in YOUR Chamber and in YOUR COMMUNITY!
445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
NOV 2015
FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT We are now starting to see the change in the season and a relief
Record was the Lifestyles Magazine and our conversation was:
from the heat is welcomed and we
“This magazine shows so many wonderful things highlighted
hope the prediction of an El Nino’
inside and it is a shame that more people do not get The Record to
winter is correct.
see what a wonderful place we live in with so much to do!” I rest
A big thank you to all who
success. Also on Saturday, Oct. 10 in the HOME DELIVERED
my case!
participated in and attended the
Now to why my photo this month shows me last century —
Chamber Fall Tradeshow Mixer
there is a reason! Recently, a fair article was written by Michael
at the University Waterfront Plaza
Fitzgerald on the concerns on where Measure A, a Chamber
Hotel on Oct. 1! It was another
supported measure, is today and within that article there were
great Chamber event and also was a great way for so many folks to
many valid questions that I am sure will be answered in time
share their business or nonprofit goods and services. It was also a
and not by knee-jerk, nor politically expedited or instantaneous
great networking opportunity to not only see friends but make
satisfaction, but by methodical and proper moving to the goal. The
new ones!
last line was a quote attributed to someone who has never worked
Congratulations to both Pacific's President Dr. Pamela Eibeck
for the Stockton Police Department nor the streets of Stockton like
and San Joaquin Hispanic Chamber CEO Brenna Butler Garcia
I have and reportedly he said, “It (Measure A) was a lie!” Pure, self-
for the well-deserved ATHENA awards. Thank you to the past
serving lunacy!
ATHENA’s, staff, and selection committee for a job well done!
With the passage of Measure A and the subsequent push to
Just to share two points of frustration with you and that some
implement the Marshall Plan (which your Chamber is part of the
folks say from time to time: “There is nothing to do in Stockton.” It
task force) your outstanding SPD began last fiscal year with their
drives me even crazier than I am normally. This is my 194th Port O
largest hiring goal ever. They reported that the goal of hiring 80
Call article and I think that in at least half or more I have preached
officers to net 40 was achieved.
this sermon, but will continue to do so! Sad to say, many folks do not get The Record, go online to
While they made great achievements in hiring, that was overshadowed by the continued loss of officers. It is important to
Recordnet.com, check out VisitStockton.org, or even read the email
note that the SPD is below the state’s failure rate for trainee officers
blasts we send out announcing a multitude of public or non-profit
with an average of 19 percent compared to the statewide average
events and once the event is past they say “wish I had known about
of 21 percent. The SPD is striving to impact retention by affording
that for I would have gone!”
every opportunity for trainees to make it through the training
Case in point: Several months ago we sent out an email blast (twice) on the Russian Ballet presentation of Swan Lake that was held on Thursday, Oct. 8 at the Bob Hope Fox Theatre. The first
program but must continue to maintain high standards for both the public and officers' safety. The other area that exacerbates the issue is retention. In the past
email blast was announcing advance ticket sales and I went right
15 months, 13 officers have left the SPD and exit interviews show
to the Arena (SMG) and bought great seats for family members.
that they leave to be closer to their homes (there is an issue for a
They said it was spectacular and well-attended. When they told
future column) but more typically for higher pay and benefits. SPD
other folks about the wonderful evening, the common response
management has no control over this.
was “wish I would have known”. Also that same night was the wonderful March of Dimes Signature Chef event at the Arena which was indeed well-attended. Saturday was also the Stockton Heat’s first home game which was a resounding victory and
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Here is the key point to the “lie” comment — the process itself, not lack of effort, is a main factor of where we are today! In terms of overall hiring challenges, for every 10 officers who pass the written and physical exam, or apply as a lateral or academy
graduate, thus making it to the background investigation, only one will pass to be hired.
Familiar Faces
and a lending hand
It is also important to note that the above hiring summary only references sworn hires. The SPD must also continually test/background civilian support positons. SPD faces similar challenges with getting qualified civilian applicants through the background process. Currently the SPD has approximately 30 background investigators who are striving to maintain quick turnaround time on all background investigations to achieve the SPD Measure A goals. Let us support our brave, honest and dedicated men and women of the Stockton Police Department by helping to bring
Come home to Oak Valley and experience banking the way it should be – the perfect blend of personal service and technology-driven conveniences to meet your every need. Let us make your banking, our business.
qualified candidates and officers to the streets of Stockton with conviction and not divisiveness! Final note: SPD uses the 900 radio code and here is one for Deep Roots ~ Strong Branches
you: (940A) Officer(s) and community deserve your help and support!!!
Cathy Ghan • 320.7867 SVP Commercial Real Estate Karrie Johl • 343-7605 AVP Stockton Branch Manager
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Sacramento MBA for Working Professionals
Pacific.edu/Business Pacific.edu/Business
STO CK TO N A ND S ACR A ME N TO www.stocktonchamber.org
NOV 2015
NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Come Check Out the Exciting Temporary Exhibits on Display at The Haggin Museum. Through Jan. 10, 2016 - Picasso, Miró & Hawaii Five-0: Prints
Health Plan of San Joaquin Appoints New Human Resources Vice President Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) has announced that, effective
from the Jack Lord Collection features restored lithographs by
Sept. 8, Marc Radner has joined the organization as vice president
some of the biggest names in 20th century art and provides unique
for human resources. Radner has extensive senior leadership and
insight into the life and mind of well-known American actor
human resources experience with established skills in workforce
Jack Lord.
optimization, performance and talent management, training,
Through Jan. 3, 2016 - Framed: “Step into Art” is an interactive
change management, leadership development, labor and employee
and engaging exhibit, on loan from the Minnesota Children’s
relations, process improvement, and transactional HR.
Museum, specifically designed for children. Three-dimensional
Natalie Cole “Holiday & Hits” Comes to the Bob Hope Theatre 12/4
displays transport visitors to a world where paintings leap off the canvas and invite children inside the art experience.
Attorney Joins Local Law Firm Janelle Krattiger has joined the Stockton
Janelle Krattiger
Nine time Grammy winner Natalie Cole has sold over 30 million
law firm Herum Crabtree Suntag as an
records worldwide. Some of her
associate attorney. Ms. Krattiger earned
best-loved records are her Christmas
a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology before
records. On Dec. 4, she brings her very special “Holiday and Hits”
going on to receive her law degree from
Christmas show to the historic Bob Hope Theatre.
University of California at Davis School of
Natalie Cole
Get your tickets now for Natalie Cole: “Holiday and Hits”
Law in 2014. At Herum Crabtree Suntag Ms. Krattiger’s practice
Christmas, Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. at the Bob Hope Theatre, 242 E. Main
focuses primarily on the areas of water rights, environmental law,
St. Stockton. Purchase tickets at Stockton Arena Box Office,
and public agency law.
Ticketmaster.com, or by calling 800.745.3000.
Dr. Kathy Hart Signs Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge on Oct. 7
Women's Success Group Luncheon Nov. 12
San Joaquin Delta College Superintendent/President Dr. Kathy
Join us Nov. 12, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Brookside Country Club, 3603 St. Andrews Drive, Stockton, for networking, lunch,
Hart signed the National Association of Community College
and to hear guest speaker Kimberley Borgens “The Queen of
Entrepreneurs (NACCE) Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge
Accountability”. The Women’s Success Group is proud to have
on Oct. 7.
one of Stockton's elite consultants to give us insight and share
The NACCE is a national organization of community colleges
her 3 Secrets To Planning Your Business Success Team. RSVP
that encourages local job creation by supporting entrepreneurship
required. Please visit www.womenssuccessgroup.com or contact
on member campuses. The Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge
wsgstockton@gmail.com for more info.
is a national initiative to advance entrepreneurship at community colleges and their districts. By signing the pledge, Dr. Hart commits to a host of activities that expand Delta’s entrepreneurial efforts. For more information on Delta College’s Business Education programs, visit: www.deltacollege.edu/div/business/index.html.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
David Darmstandler CEO, Datapath
THINKING FORWARD FOR OUR COMMUNITY When we started Datapath, we reimagined the role of the local IT provider and committed to delivering measurable long-term value to our clients, their businesses and the communities we live in. We made an uncompromising promise to do what is right today and to create better outcomes for tomorrow. In addition to providing the Central Valley with quality IT services, our greatest joy is giving back. Our partnerships with Lemonade Day, Center for Human Services and the United Way’s One Table – Community Dinner, allow us to invest in our local youth – our future leaders. Visit mydatapath.com/thinkingforward to learn more about our pledge to our clients, employees and the communities we serve.
Complete Technology Management
NOV 2015
29th Annual ATHENA Awards Honors Empowering Leaders By Noel Daniel Every November, the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
This year, Dr. Pamela A. Eibeck of University of Pacific,
proudly presents the annual the ATHENA Awards. These awards,
will receive the prestigious ATHENA Award, which honors
given to career-driven individuals who make San Joaquin County
accomplished women who have not only excelled in their
a better place, have been distributed at the Annual ATHENA
professions, but have a history of giving back to the community
Awards Luncheon for the last 28 years. This year’s event will take
and who both support and actively mentor other women on their
place on Nov. 19 and will honor 2015 recipients Dr. Pamela A.
own leadership paths. The recipient of the 2015 ATHENA Young
Eibeck and Brenna Butler Garcia.
Professional Leadership Award, which honors community leaders
The ATHENA Awards were established in 1982 by Martha
under 40 who exhibit these same qualities— is Brenna Butler
Mayhood Mertz and were named for the Greek goddess of wisdom
Garcia of the San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber
and strength. Mertz developed the award as a way to pay tribute to
of Commerce.
women leaders in communities around the world who are fiercely committed to community service and encouraging other female leaders.
Dr. Pamela A. Eibeck Dr. Eibeck is the first woman to hold the position of President
These awards are integral to encouraging excellence in the
at the University of Pacific. She has been updating California’s
workplace and generosity in the community and aim to instate
oldest chartered university, encouraging more high-quality and
gender balance in leadership. There have been dozens of awards
distinctive academics programs in Stockton, San Francisco,
distributed over the years, including last year’s recipients Joelle
Sacramento, and beyond.
Gomez and Shelby Moran (Riley). Recipients of the awards are
Eibeck’s list of achievements as president is impressive
first nominated by their peers and then chosen by a committee of
and ranges from helping the University to connect with its
previous ATHENA awardees and community leaders.
communities through the Beyond Our Gates program to opening a
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
new campus in San Francisco. Not only that, but she’s developed a
they’ve taken her to where she is today. As a leader who has greatly
bold strategic plan, Pacific 2020; launched new academic programs
influenced the lives of young women in the community, Garcia is
in Sacramento; and reinvigorated Pacific’s athletics programs.
truly deserving of the ATHENA Young Professional
Even before her career at Pacific, Eibeck had a career as
Leadership Award.
a researcher, teacher, educational reformer and university
Promoting the success of small, women-owned and diverse businesses here is crucial.
administrator. She even worked at the University of California, Berkeley and was one of only five women in an engineering faculty of 300. She champions inclusion in the field and presents at nationwide conferences. Eibeck urges women to get control of a significant budget
for education. It’s for this reason that she supports and invests in Higher Education Research Symposium (HERS), a higher education program for women. Eibeck is a pillar in the community and was an ideal recipient for the 2015 ATHENA Award.
The luncheon will be held at the Stockton Golf & Country Club at 3800 W. Country Club Blvd. in Stockton. Reservations will not be accepted after Nov. 12. Registration purchased by Nov. 5 is $40, and registration after Nov. 5 is $50 each.
Women should recognize that, while our careers may take non-traditional paths, we can still excel and succeed. DR. PA M EL A A . EIBECK
Brenna Butler Garcia Brenna Butler Garcia is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the
For more information, or for tickets to the 29th Annual ATHENA Awards Luncheon, call the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce at 209.547.2770 or visit www.stocktonchamber.org.
ATHENA SPONSORS Platinum Sponsors Bank of Stockton
Neumiller & Beardslee
Cal State Stanislaus
Port of Stockton
California Water Service Co.
San Joaquin County Hispanic
San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SJCHCC).
Garcia has vastly improved the success of the organization and
Dameron Hospital
made a noteworthy impact amongst the regional Latino businesses.
Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.
Since starting as CEO, she has expanded the program capacity, increased membership, and created community partnerships that substantially benefit their members. She has also boosted funding streams to record-breaking levels and implemented the Leaders’ Luncheon on Business to engage Hispanic and local business owners in civic service and politics. Garcia’s passion for supporting businesswomen manifested as the Latina Business Conference— a conference that inspires young women and gives them access to speakers who have broken gender
Chamber of Commerce San Joaquin County Office of Education
Financial Center Credit Union
San Joaquin Delta College
Grupe Operating Co.
St. Joseph's Medical Center
/ Grupe Commercial Co.
University of the Pacific
Kaiser Permanente Gold Sponsors BAC Community Bank
Oak Valley Community Bank
Judith Buethe Communications
United Way of San Joaquin County
Silver Sponsors AT&T
Valley First Credit Union
stereotypes and become successful in spite of the odds. Garcia also
JaniTek Cleaning Solutions
Visit Stockton
visits local high schools to speak about her life experience and how
Ulmer Photo
NOV 2015 11
Chamber Celebrates First Three California Green Business Certifications in San Joaquin County
Stockton’s Newest History Book, by Local Historian Alice van Ommeren, is Now Available for Purchase.
At the Sept. 9 Green Team San Joaquin meeting, Green Team
Stockton’s Golden Era:
San Joaquin Co-Chair Frank Cvetovac presented Dignity Health,
An Illustrated History, is a
St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center; 209 Furniture; and
comprehensive history of Stockton
Dorfman Pacific with San Joaquin County’s first California
(1890-1940) published by Visit
Green Business Certifications. The Stockton Chamber is the only
Stockton and the Greater Stockton
Chamber in the State of California that administers the program in
Chamber of Commerce. The “Sharing
both the San Joaquin and Fresno counties.
the Heritage” section consists of 60
At the presentation, Assistant Secretary of the California EPA
history/profiles of Stockton’s most
Arsenio Mataka, Jo Fleming with the California Green Business
respected companies/organizations.
Network, and Chamber staff participated in presenting
The hardcover 224 page coffee table book is full of hundreds of
the certificates.
great historic and current photographs. The new book will be
If your company would like to get Green Certified, please call
offered at a discounted $30 (tax included) from Visit Stockton
Eric Lanstrom, Program Coordinator at 209.292.8436 or
through the holidays. You can purchase your book at the Visit
at gogreen@stocktonchamber.org.
Stockton office, 125 Bridge Pl. on the 2nd floor in downtown, Monday through Friday, closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cash and credit cards accepted.
Visit Stockton adds new team member! Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Medical Center: Frank Ferral, Mary Cervantes, John Kendle, Frank Cvetovac, Arsenio Mataka, Jo Fleming.
Visit Stockton is excited to welcome a new member to our staff! Alejandra Sanchez, a recent University of the Pacific graduate, joins the team as our new Graphic Designer. Her creativity and keen eye for design help us visually communicate our mission here at Visit Stockton. Please join us in welcoming Alejandra.
Become a Stockton Ambassador Dorfman Pacific: Frank Ferral, Tracy Fanucchi, Frank Cvetovac, Arsenio Mataka
209 Furniture: Frank Ferral, Basel Karabala, Jo Fleming, Frank Cvetovac, Arsenio Mataka
Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) classes are available bimonthly and open to the general public. Learn how you can turn every visitor encounter into a positive one!
Next FRESH Meeting is:
Upcoming CTA class: Dec. 10, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
Sign up today and join the growing list of Stockton Ambassadors! Program details, including the curriculum and
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS American Recycling CalSheets
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Carpenters Local Union 152 Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. City of Stockton San Joaquin Council Diamond Foods, Inc. of Governments Dorfman Pacific San Joaquin County Healthy Air Living
San Joaquin RTD Stockton Area Water Suppliers
enrollment information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com or CTANetwork.com or by calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton at 209.938.1555.
Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN
Public Works Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
We’re Changing and We Should Be Happy!
San Joaquin County has long been in the top 20 locations on site
same-day service facilities, along with the currently underconstruction FedEx Ground hub and Medline facilities, San
consultants’ warehouse distribution lists due to road and bridge
Joaquin has become the center for sophisticated digital-driven
improvements funded by Measure K, two intermodal truck-to-
supply chain management using robotics and cloud computing
rail services provided by Union Pacific and Burlington Northern
platforms to speed that online order you place to your home or
Santa Fe railroads, the full-service Port of Stockton and a growing
business overnight. For example, at Amazon Tracy they can match
passenger service at the Stockton Metro Airport that can land the
your new TV order at the Patterson facility by shipping over the
largest cargo air craft in the world while servicing corporate as well
movies, popcorn etc. so you’ll receive one impeccably
as general aviation aircraft.
put-together package!
No other counties in the US have these transportation amenities! All the fundamentals are in place to service the 14 million high-
The concentration of these new facilities close to San Francisco and Silicon Valley markets makes San Joaquin USA the hub of a sophisticated supply chain revolution. It’s the epicenter of
wage consumers in northern California. But San Joaquin USA is more than the traditional warehouse location. With the completion of Amazon’s two new fulfillment
creativity, the incubator of changes in the supply chain industry. We should be proud!
Kit Larson Real Estate, Inc. 9305 Thornton Rd. Stockton, CA 95209 209.931.8121
Retail Katie's World 9305 Thornton Rd., #E Stockton, CA 95209 209.271.2999
Energy Services
Legal Services
Village Barber 409 Lincoln Ctr. Stockton, CA 95209 209.477.1431
Parish Guy Castillo, PLC 1919 Grand Canal Blvd., #A-5 Stockton, CA 95207
Distribution Center
Foster Care Services
Farwest Steel Corporation 2881 N. Navone Rd. Stockton, CA 95242 209.235.4700
Finco Energy Group 94 W. Oak Ave. Oakdale, CA 95361 209.603.1590
YP Marketing Solutions 1610 W. Yosemite Ave. Manteca, CA 95337 209.915.2314
Personal Trainers
Health Clubs
Ben Mackie Fitness 840 W. Benjamin Holt Dr. Stockton, CA 209.817.4721
Banks Mokelumne FCU 10628 Trinity Pkwy. Stockton, CA 95219 209.938.1088
Crunch Fitness 1155 E. March Ln. Stockton, CA 95210 209.213.3333
Restaurants Wing Zone 7910 Lower Sacramento Rd., #A Stockton, CA 95210 209.952.9464
Aspiranet 555 W. Benjamin Holt Dr., #400 Stockton, CA 95207
Beer & Winemaking Fat City Brew & BBQ Supply 211 Lincoln Ctr. Stockton, CA 95207 209.475.9931
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Social Services
Emergency Food Bank and Family Services 7 W. Scotts Ave. Stockton, CA 95201 209.464.7369
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NOV 2015 13
LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton Class Picks Community Project During Annual Retreat
great outdoors for the evening, including s’mores around the
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
by a discussion of the pros and cons of all three projects. After a
The Leadership Stockton Class of 2015-16 chose their class
campfire. The morning light brought a hearty breakfast followed passionate discussion, the class chose their project and planned out the leadership,
community project at September’s overnight retreat
subcommittees, action
at Camp Tuolumne Trails in
plan, and timeline for
Groveland, CA. The beautiful
their project.
camp welcomed the class for
The Class of 2015-16
their retreat with open arms
has chosen a P.E.A.C.E.
and great weather.
(Police Encouragement and Community
The class started the retreat with an expectations exercise
Engagement) project.
that got them thinking about
They will be showing
what to expect the next day
some community support
and a half. Then the class
and encouragement
did an exercise learning the
for the Stockton Police
finer points of Voting vs.
Department, as well as
Consensus and how they as a class will determine how to choose
doing some upgrades to the outside of the Police Department
their community project.
building. They will also be involved in a lot of community events to
The afternoon brought a fun little game called “Little Known Fact Bingo” where the class learned fun, random facts about
get the community and Police Officers on the same page. It is going to be a great project! Please look for future updates on this year’s project as we
each other. Then Chris Stevens, President, Summit Solutions Consulting, LS Class of 2007, took over and lead the class through
follow the class of 2015-16 on their journey through Community
some leadership theory and a fun team building game of human
Leadership or visit www.leadershipstockton.com for all of the
Hungry Hungry Hippos. Then it was time for presentations on
latest. If you would like more info on Leadership Stockton or wish
the three potential community projects the class was to choose
to sponsor an upcoming session, please contact Timm Quinn at
from. After the presentations, the class was free to enjoy the
209.547.2770 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Chamber Diversity Mixer Dec 3rd Make sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, Dec. 3 because
Chamber of Commerce; and California Delta Chambers and Visitors Bureau will each feature food tastings reflecting their
you are not going to want to miss the Chamber’s annual Business
specific ethnicity/location. The Haggin will be decorated with all
Diversity Mixer at the Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing,
the festive Holiday decorations and you won’t want to miss the
Stockton, 95203 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. The Greater Stockton
Picasso, Miro & Hawaii Five-O prints from the Jack Lord collection
Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Central Valley
and the Framed: Step Into Art exhibits. So come kick the Holiday
Asian-American Chamber of Commerce; San Joaquin African
Season off in style and make some great business connections while
American Chamber of Commerce; San Joaquin County Hispanic
you’re at it.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
VOTED BEST BUSINESS LAWYERS FOR 2015 - The Record’s Best of 2015 509 W. Weber Avenue 5th Floor Stockton, CA 95203 209.948.8200 | www.neumiller.com
NOV 2015 15
RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Selina Paniagua, CornerStone Staffing; Andrea Wilson, The Reserve at Spanos Park; Pamela Stone, Apex Care; Dorie Roberts, Apex Care; Jon Rooff, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group; Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Funeral Services; Gregory Walther, Press F1 Computer Service; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Carla Little, Villa Marche; Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County; Nanette Spitulski, ABC Direct, INC.; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses, Inc.; Susan Cruz, Cruz Integrated; Jan Royce, MO-CAL Office Solutions; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan Gourmet Gifts; John Ramos, KYCC Radio; Danette Curtis, St. Luke Catholic Elementary School; Meliena Rueda, Valley First Credit Union; Victor Randolph, Never Boring ; Jeff Shirk, Dynamic Leadership Tools; Susanne H. Huebel, Art Godi Realtors; Blair Hake, Ameriprise Financial; Michelle Barr, Cruz Integrated; Kory Ley, American Cancer Society; Patti Gulick, New Image Sign Company; Suzie Bowers, California Hypnosis Center; Marsha Saulsbury, Dazzling Cleaning Service; Katherine Edans, University of the Pacific; Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency
AseraCare Hospice 2529 W. March Ln., #101, Stockton 95207
Katie's World 9305 Thornton Rd., #E, Stockton 95209
All Creatures Veterinary Emergency Clinic, 7707 West Ln., Ste. A Stockton, CA, 95210
Big Valley Mortgage 3439 Brookside Rd., Ste. 101 Stockton 95219
Fizz Bakery 9210 Thornton Rd., Stockton 95209
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
The Parks Group has many “gears” to help power your projects. We provide everything in-house — printing & bindery, wide format, creative services support, branded merchandise, mailing, fulfillment & warehousing. Multiple solutions from a single source!
PARKS GROUP 209.576.2568 theparksgroup.com Modesto: 209.576.2568 1515 Tenth Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Stockton: 209.466.9026 445 W. Weber Ave, Suite 124A, Stockton, CA 95203
NOV 2015 17
5 5 11 12 12
New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room November Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ Collins Electrical Company Inc. Chamber Offices Closed Veteran’s Day FRESH meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Lunch & Learn
Guest Speaker: Raymond Smith, EZ Network Systems, Inc.
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. RSVP Required
13 13 18
Leadership Stockton Economy Session 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. @ FCCU
ATHENA Awards Luncheon 11:30 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
26 -27
GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room. Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
The City of Stockton Economic Development Department is committed to creating employment opportunities by attracting new businesses to Stockton, maintaining a healthy and safe business environment for existing businesses, and assisting entrepreneurs in developing a successful small business.
Chamber Offices Closed Thanksgiving
NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Thursday
The Micro Loan Program is available to businesses located within Stockton city limits. Applicants must have a for-profit enterprise, show ability to repay debt and have history of meeting financial obligations. Business consulting is required and the business must create or retain at least one job.
November 5, 19: Noon-1:00 p.m. November 12: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Contact the Chamber for location: network4success@stocktonchamber.org
The Facade Improvement Program assists property owners in making exterior, cosmetic improvements to commercial property. Funds are granted in the form of a loan, with a lien placed on the building, which is forgiven after five years if the property is kept free of graffiti and blight.
The Commercial Emergency Grant Program assists both business and property owners in financial need with alleviating code violations where the health and safety of employees and/or the public are endangered. (e.g., range hoods, grease interceptors, electrical, and plumbing.) Funds are provided in the form of a grant with no repayment expected.
The Downtown Financial Incentive Program reduces or eliminates the cost of building permits and associated public facility fees for buildings in Downtown which have been vacant for six months or longer.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
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Get Connected At the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce November Mixer
Thursday, November 5th 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
3412 Metro Dr., Stockton, CA 95215
Join us for Food, Networking, Prizes, and Fun! Hosted by:
COLLINS ELECTRICAL COMPANY, INC. is one of the leading electrical construction and engineering firms in Northern California. With offices in Sacramento, Stockton, Dublin, Modesto, Fresno, and Monterey, Collins Electric maintains a market focus on all commercial, industrial, and institutional market segments throughout Northern California.