Vol. 57 No. 5
2011 Agricultural Hall of Fame Stockton Restaurant Week 2011
On the cover: Ron Scatena, Allied Waste Services; James Pope, Green Horizons; Linda Foth, Applied Aerospace Structures Corp.; Phillip Gill, Weber Logistics; Douglass Highsmith, Dorfman Pacific
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
47th Annual Industrial Technology BBQ
From Your President
From Your CEO
Leadership Stockton
Programs and Public Policy Department
Photographs by Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
Convention & Visitors Bureau 12
Ribbon Cuttings
Cover Story
News Briefs
2011 Agricultural Hall of Fame
New Members
a nt W
Stockton RESTAURANT WEEK September 16-25
Don’t Miss! Networking Mixer
Stockton Golf and Country Club Thursday, September 1, 5:15-7:15 p.m. 3800 W. Country Club Blvd Stockton 95204
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901. CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Company SR. VICE PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Rick Goucher, CB Richard Ellis Commercial Real Estate
CHAMBER DIRECTORS Stephen Barney, F&M Bank Michael Cera, SMG/Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors Pat Filippone, Stockton Port Baseball Club Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick’s Glass Service Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Kenneth Levy, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Rich McDonald, Class One Safety Sonya Morgan, External Resources, Inc. Ren Nosky, Downey Brand Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
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SCAP COORDINATOR/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mikki Gilbert 209.337.2730 BEA/ SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Karla Gonzalez 209.547.2770 SPECIAL EVENTS/ LEADERSHIP STOCKTON COORD. Timm Quinn 209.547.2960 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Alyssa McConnell 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Jeff Orona
PRINTING Snyder Parks
MAILING Pre-Sort Center of Stockton
Call (209) 957-8629 or visit: www.mayaco.com GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
by: Heidi Altamirano
Fall Business Tradeshow & Passport Mixer Sign up now for the Fall Business Tradeshow and Passport
2011 Agricultural Hall of Fame If you appreciate the valuable contributions growers have made to our county, join other Ag supporters at our Agricultural Hall
Mixer! Space is given on a first-come-first-served basis so don’t
of Fame Banquet on Thursday, October 13, at the Robert J. Cabral
wait or you may risk missing your opportunity to participate.
Ag Center, 2101 E. Earhart Avenue, Stockton, CA 95206. We’ll
Reserve your space today!
be honoring those individuals who have put countless hours and
The Fall Tradeshow will be held on Thursday October 6 from 5 - 7:30 p.m. at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel, 110 W. Fremont St. Admission to attend the Fall Tradeshow is free and the
much love of the land into improving the agricultural industry throughout the years. The evening begins with a no-host social hour at 6:00 p.m.,
event is open to the general public. Tables are $250 for Chamber
dinner at 7:00 p.m., followed by a program lauding the
members and $350 for non-members. Reserve your space ASAP
outstanding physical and emotional investments made by
to be part of the pre-mixer publicity!
our exceptional award recipients. This year’s honorees will
For more information about exhibiting at or attending our
be announced the first week of September. Last year’s award
Fall Business Tradeshow & Passport mixer, call Timm Quinn at
recipients were John A. Demichelis (posthumous), Frank Faria,
Don McKenzie, Bruno Marchini and Bob Schulz. All those previously recognized in the Agricultural Hall of Fame have their photographs and biographies on display at the San Joaquin Historical Society & Museum in Micke Grove Park and Robert J. Cabral Ag Center. We look forward to your joining us at this celebratory event! For tickets, Sponsorship Opportunities and further information, please call 209.547.2960.
Many Thanks to Our Much-Appreciated Sponsors! (as of 8/3/11)
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
American Ag Credit Mid Valley Ag Services, Inc. San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation San Tomo, Inc.
Builders Exchange of Stockton Stockton East Water District Vino Farms
From Your President... by: Debbie Armstrong
As Chamber President and citizen of Stockton
Chamber, city and county came together to make
and San Joaquin County, it is very gratifying
sure our community would not be a “victim� of
whenever we all see something good come
unconcerned outsiders but protected and in the
together after a great deal of hard work by many
long term prosper from the construction and
people! Such is the case of how the Prison
operation of such a huge project.
Hospital (the number one story for over three
Much has happened since then and I
years) is coming together and everyone is pulling
am happy to report that the Construction
in the same direction.
Oversight Committee, which is one of many
It seems like just yesterday when 2008/2009
positive results of the often-difficult settlement
Chamber President Dennis Goldstrand called,
agreement, is now in place, has held its first two
on August 8, 2008, an emergency meeting of the
meetings, and will do so on a monthly basis.
Chamber Board of Directors which was held
The Chamber rep and chair, Immediate Past
upstairs in my office. It was the first look at the
President Rick Goucher, the city rep Mike Self
early stages of the Prison issue forced upon us by
of the Builders Exchange, and the county rep
the Federal Court.
Dave Thomas of the Northern California District
It was amazing to see how quickly the
Council of Laborers, along with representatives continued on page 19
Call for Fall Savings! For more information contact: Jeff Orona 209.380.0942 jeff@neverboring.com
Richelle Alexander 209.988.5800 portocall@neverboring.com
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
We are now entering into the early days of Fall and I look forward to all the trees in Stockton starting to turn color later this month or early October. I enjoy driving around the entire city, yup not afraid to do so, and seeing the palette of beautiful, calming colors and cooling temperatures that make up the city of Stockton. On Thursday, August 4 we had such a beautiful evening at the Rabobank, N.A. branch on West March Lane who hosted a very successful Chamber mixer. Large crowd, good food and great weather for inside and outside networking (try that in Fresno or Bakersfield this time of year). A big thank you to them and all our members who host our monthly mixers. I know many members present, and those who were not members but shall become one soon, had a great and safe evening. Thanks again to the staff of Rabobank and our staff for a job well done and I look forward to future mixers hosted by our members and attended by wonderful members of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce! As you can see in this Port O Call it is also time for the 47th
and Wes and his board promote it all the time and Mike is doing
Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue to be held on September
all he can to protect it now and for future generations. They
14 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the University Plaza Waterfront
cannot do it alone and it takes all of us to promote and protect
Hotel. This is one of the most popular of our annual events and
one of our most valuable assets. That cannot be done by sitting
attracts many members and non-members (future members)
back and not educating oneself or just complaining about things.
alike. We are fortunate to have great partners in Pacific Gas and
It takes all of us to stand up and defend, protect and improve
Electric Company, San Joaquin Partnership and the SJC Economic
our community and all that is good it holds and at the same time
Development Association to help us honor those businesses in San
holding those accountable for damaging our community, our law
Joaquin County who have worked very hard during these difficult
abiding fellow citizens and our families by their (criminals and
times to enhance our community revenue and, more importantly,
gang members) lack of personal responsibility.
protected and grown the employment base. Join us on September
We all know that those in Washington and Sacramento are now
14 to not only thank them but enjoy a wonderful evening on
viewed at the lowest level of trust in many, many years and it is
the waterfront connecting with long time and new friends and
sad to see the continuum of finger pointing and name calling!
business contacts.
They also have shown a lack of personal responsibility and an
I “know” you read from page 1 to page 23 the August Port O Call with Wes and George (the CEO and Board Chair of the new Stockton Conference and Convention Bureau) gracing the cover
inability to really work together to solve the Congressional and California State Legislature made problem. I have seen an article before written by retired Orlando Sentinel
and the great article by former Senator Mike Machado (now
reporter Charlie Reese (checked it out and it is legit) titled, “545
Executive Director, Delta Protection Commission) about how the
vs. 300,000,000 people” but today before I sat down to write this
two go hand in hand. Stockton is so blessed with our waterways
article a friend of mine who is a partner of ours and a leader continued on page 13
Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn
The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the 2011-2012 Leadership Stockton Class: Amy Burke, Dameron Hospital Association Lisa Cooper, University of the Pacific Cindy DeSilva, San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office Tim Dickson, University of the Pacific - Athletics Dept Kristen Dyke, Port City Marketing Solutions, Inc. JJ Godi, Art Godi Realtors Dean Goold, Verdeo Melissa Goulet, Sierra Veterinary Clinic Cedric Gray, Circle of Friends Alcohol and Drug Treatment Chris Kleinert, San Joaquin County Office of Education Cynthia Lau, Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce Adrienne Machado, Stockton Unified School District Oona Mallett, Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson
Chris Pehl, San Joaquin County Sheriff ’s Office Olga Rodriguez, Community Partnership for Families Kathleen Serna-Halliday, Family & Youth Services of San Joaquin Co. Inc. Kathy Skeels, San Joaquin County Office of Education Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank Linda Vasquez, Stockton Thunder Professional Hockey Tania Vega, Native TANF Paul Yang, Premier Community Credit Union Wilson Yu, W.L. Butler Construction, Inc. The class embarked on their 11-month journey into community leadership on August 12. Participants meet monthly to explore issues facing the greater Stockton community and participate in a community service project. For more information on Leadership Stockton, contact Timm Quinn at 209.547.2960 or visit www.leadershipstockton.com.
Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
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Become a Certified Green Business! Networking Mixer Save money & gain customers by:
Reducing waste
August 4 Conserving at Rabobank, water and energy N.A. Protecting public health Using recycled-content in your products
Affordable Hazardous Waste Management for Your Business A Program of San Joaquin County Public Works www.SJCrecycle.org
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American Heart Association 2011 San Joaquin Heart Walk
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Programs and Public Policy Department by: Frank Ferral
document that will be amended as other organizations offer
Recycling BIN Summit Draws Statewide Participation
further challenges to meet and solutions to implement as we walk
On August 9, the first Recycling BIN (Build Infrastructure
this path to additional job creation and local market growth.
Now) Summit had over 137 attendees to strategize ways to build
California Public Resources Code Section: 42001 guides the
domestic infrastructure and create jobs with recyclables collected
State of California in its approach to develop jobs (now known as
in California. And for the first time, the Chamber provided a
green jobs) through diversion of materials from the landfill
webinar telecast to over 100 additional viewers that had travel
by stating:
restrictions or couldn’t come in person.
The Legislature further finds and declares that the health,
Currently, approximately
safety and welfare of the people of California depend upon the
5-20% of the recyclable
development, stability and expansion of domestic markets for
materials collected in
the post consumer wastes and secondary wastes collected within
California remain in the
the state. It is, therefore, the purpose of this chapter to stimulate
State for remanufacturing;
the use of post consumer waste materials and secondary waste
the majority of the recycled
materials generated in California as raw materials used as
materials are shipped to
feedstock by private business, industry and commerce.
other parts of the United
The Recycling BIN Coalition was formed to fully realize this
States or to global markets.
In other words, 80-95% of
very important state law, which was part of AB 939 back in 1989. 1. Solid Waste professionals must become “Material Managers”
our recyclable materials are leaving California, specifically to
and shift from handling “waste” to “commodities.” Service
overseas markets. So too are our jobs, tax revenue and commerce.
rate structures need to reflect incentive-based value.
Achieving the 5MMTCO2E emission reductions is dependent
California dominant paradigm of collecting and disposing
on ensuring that the recyclable materials are recycled into new
locally while recycling overseas is counter-productive to State
products, which offers an enormous opportunity to existing and
and national interests. We must find better ways to educate
new businesses in California. The State energy grid is cleaner than
our populace on material value so we can offer “clean high
Pacific Rim countries and than most States receiving California’s
value” feedstock throughout the supply chain.
recovered materials. So in-State manufacturing yields more GHG
2. Recycled materials processors need to secure local materials
reduction now. As California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard is
supplies while competing with overseas markets, without
met, that advantage will increase.
facing regulatory uncertainty.
The Chamber spearheaded a statewide coalition (Recycling
3. Manufacturers are equally confronted by regulatory
BIN Coalition) comprised of the California Association for Local
uncertainty, along with obstacles to effectively manufacturing
Economic Development, California Product Stewardship Council,
and marketing recycled content products in California.
California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, California
The Recycling BIN Coalition is calling for a renaissance in how
Resource Recovery Association, Recycling Organizations of
we value the prosperity of this great State of California. For more
North America and the California Association of Recycling
information and to view the Recycling BIN Summit video, please
Market Development Zones. The Coalition developed a white
go to www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com and click the RMDZ icon.
paper (available at www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com) as a living
[1] Stockton Chamber meeting with ARB on April 5, 2011 continued on page 18
For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
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Convention & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
guide, or in the resource business directory. All advertisers are
Promote Your Business in the 2012 Stockton Activities Guide
also included in the online digital version of the guide, with
Marketing opportunities are available
websites hyperlinked at no additional cost.
to showcase your business in the 2012
For advertising information, call Heather at San Joaquin
Stockton Activities Guide. The guide is
Magazine at 209.833.9989. For general 2012 Stockton Activities
the official publication of the Stockton
Guide questions, please call Wes at 209.938.1551 or email
Convention & Visitors Bureau and over
30,000 copies will be printed in January 2012. Retail, restaurants, lodging properties, attractions and guest
Stockton Restaurant Week 2011
services are must-see features of this guide. Promoted as the
and current residents and visitors too. The guides are distributed throughout Stockton at hotels, events, attractions, restaurants, the University of the Pacific, at City Hall, by the Downtown Stockton Alliance and much more! All members can participate either within the pages of the
includes the Resource Directory and the “yellow pages” for new
regions #1 activities guide, the Stockton Activities Guide also a nt W
Stockton RESTAURANT WEEK September 16-25
Don’t forget, Stockton Restaurant Week is September 1625! Over 20 restaurants
will offer three course fixed-price menus. Follow us on Facebook (Facebook.com/Stockton.Restaurant.Week) for a chance to win dining gift certificates! For the complete list of restaurants and menus visit www.StocktonRestaurantWeek.com or call 209.938.1555.
Oak Valley COmmunity Bank
We Mean Business
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“We bank with Oak Valley because they share our commitment to delivering a top-quality, value-oriented product while maintaining a friendly, responsive, and professional approach to doing business.”
Deep Roots ~ Strong Branches
– Rudy Gnekow, Gnekow Family Winery
1.866.844.7500 • www.ovcb.com
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
New Members
For more information on becoming a new member, please call Matt Anderson at 209.547.2770. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
Building Inspectors
Energy Consultants
Precision Inspection Company Inc.
RHA Inc.
4525 Quail Lakes Drive, #A Stockton www.precision-inspection.net
1026 Mangrove Avenue, #20 Chico
Construction Clark/McCarthy 7677 Oakport Street, #1040 Oakland www.clarkmccarthychcfstockton.com
Junk King www.rhainc.com
133 D’Arcy Parkway Lathrop
Financial & Insurance Services 1652 Lucerne Avenue Stockton
Metlife Sardee Industries, Inc. www.metlife.com
Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment & Systems
Convenience Stores 7-Eleven #34451
Johnson Controls
7647 Pacific Avenue Stockton
1030 Winding Creek Road, #100 Roseville www.johnsoncontrols.com
Junk Removal
2731 E. Myrtle Street Stockton
Restaurants Nena’s Mexican Restaurant 445 W. Weber Avenue, #120 Stockton www.nenasmexicanrestaurant.com
Retirement Communities O’Connor Woods 3400 Wagner Heights Road Stockton www.oconnorwoods.org
Cont’d from pg. 6
in the Labor sector of our community sent it to me and I want
the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.
to share parts of it with you (the full text can be found on the
Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there are
internet (Google “Charlie Reese”). This is not about any party or
disembodied mystical forces like “the economy,” “inflation” or
movement but the plain truth about the state of our Nation, the
“politics” that prevent them from doing what they take an OATH
business climate locally, statewide, nationally and internationally!
to do.”
“Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?” “You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The President
“Those 545 people in Washington (and may I add those in Sacramento), and they alone, are responsible.” With 2012 elections coming upon us it is imperative that we
does.” “You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote
all look beyond the sound bites, the slick ads and the slanted
on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.” “You and I
viewpoints that surround us and truly engage ourselves, our
don’t write the tax code, Congress does.” “You and I don’t set fiscal
families, our employees and our friends by really researching the
policy, Congress does.”
issues and the candidates. It isn’t easy with all that is out there
“One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and
but the answers can be found, not on Dancing with the Stars or
nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out
America’s Got Talent, but by really asking the right questions and
of 300 million who are directly, legally, morally and individually
challenging those who control so much of our lives to not only
responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.”
give the right answers but if we give them our vote and trust to do
“Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, who
the right thing for all. We need to find and support the real honest
they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose
and hard working talent to be working honestly and faithfully in
gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give
Washington D.C. and Sacramento, California.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Ribbon Cuttings
For additional information go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Attending Ambassadors Gloria Blaine
Lorenzo Montelongo
Basket Caravan & Gourmet Gifts
Gerri Blas United States Post Office
Carol Clemons Angel’s Caring Helpers
Kansas City Life
Patricia Desoto Patricia V. DeSoto CPA
Annie Randazzo
Assemblymember Bill Berryhill’s Office
Allied Waste Company
Kristen Dyke
Marshalistic Saulsbury
Port City Marketing Solutions
Christyn Giannini St. Joseph’s Medical Center New Image Sign Company
Rich McDonald
Entravison Radio
Michael Trucco
California State Department of Rehabilitation
Gary Long Jewelers
Parks Printing
Linda Stockton
Loretta Lee
Gary Long
Dazzlin’ Cleaning Service
Nanette Spitulski
Patti Gulick
Hilton Stockton
Ellen Powell Dennis Cardoza’s office
Shannon Ding
Jennifer Lewis
Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani’s Office
John Paval
7647 Pacific Avenue Stockton
External Resources
Chanel Murray
Rebecca Deal
7 Eleven
San Francisco Auto Body
Sonya Morgan
Albert Paper Company
Tania Vega Native TANF
Cindy Ward Xango
Sam Ward Xango
Class One Safety
Peck’s Jewelers 5759 Pacific Avenue, #B115 Stockton
Port City Marketing Solutions 209 Doris Place Stockton
47th Annual Industrial Technology BBQ By Justin Souza
2011 Industrial Technology Barbeque Honorees
On September 14, the Stockton
businesses with locations within
Wednesday September 14, 2011
community will come together at
Stockton or San Joaquin County are
New Companies:
Stockton’s 47th annual Industrial
being recognized for their achievements.
Dole Packaging Foods, LLC
Technology BBQ to celebrate companies
The honored businesses include seven
ECS Refining
that have seen significant growth in the
companies that have made significant
Terex Equipment Services
past year. At the event, a yearly fixture on
expansions and six others that have
Turkhan Foods
the Stockton community calendar since
established major facilities in the county
Expanded Companies:
its inception in 1965, local leaders will
in the last year.
American Custom Meats, LLC
Green Horizons Manufacturing, LLC
Allied Waste Services Applied Aerospace Structures Corp.
highlight the achievements of businesses
The following five honorees are
Diamond Pet Foods
in industrial or technological fields that
all members of the Greater Stockton
have met specific growth targets during
Chamber of Commerce.
Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Scientific Specialties, Inc. The Wine Group
the previous year, including large
Weber Logistics PG&E Green Award: Lange Twins Winery & Vineyards Bold companies are Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce members
ITBQ Sponsors as of 8/3/11 Founding Sponsors: Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce PG&E San Joaquin Partnership, Inc. SJC Economic Development Association Gold Sponsors: Allied Waste Services Builders Exchange of Stockton Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Pacific Records Management Silver Sponsor: United Way of San Joaquin Bronze Sponsors: Arturo Vera Photography
Each of the companies profiled here, along with the eight other honorees, has helped raise the profile of San Joaquin County and helped Stockton back onto the road to recovery.
Roland Construction
facility additions, job creation and
San Joaquin HR Association
significant capital investments.
Stockton East Water District Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
At this year’s event, 13 industrial
Utility Telephone
Applied Aerospace Structures Corporation (AASC) has occupied the Linda Foth
same site on Airport Way in Stockton for
nearly 50 years. This privately owned company was founded in 1956 as Parsons of California and originally fabricated helicopter rotor blades. Since then, the company has maintained a focus on lightweight, high performance engineered structures as a supplier to the Space and Aircraft
Premier Staffing Proline Media
Applied Aerospace Structures Corporation
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
industries. AASC is committed to continual improvement of technology and maintains the highest standards of quality
and customer satisfaction.
In the last year, Dorfman Pacific has
with minimal changes, and are designed
added more than 20 full time positions
to be set securely on virtually any type of
improvement and expansion that
at their Stockton location as well as
topography as well as withstand a wide
increased the size of the facility to over
making some significant environmental
variety of weather conditions.
270,000 square feet and totaled more than
improvements to their facility. With the
$1 million in work. The business also
complete solar system newly installed
in San Francisco and opened a substantial
saw the addition of 61 new employees to
on the roof of its Stockton distribution
manufacturing facility at the Port of
their Stockton-based workforce this year,
center, Dorfman Pacific is now supplying
Stockton this year. From this facility,
which raises their total employees to 370
as much as 85% of its own energy needs,
Green Horizons’ innovative structures
highly qualified engineers, designers,
with solar power coursing through
can be quickly transported by truck, rail
machinists, and technicians. This
everything from building lighting to hand
or sea to locations locally and across
expansion is only the latest in a series
dryers to forklifts. The business is green-
the globe. Green Horizons location in
of major expansions for the company
minded at every level of production.
Stockton includes a staff of 14 people
since 2000.
Whether it is reducing water usage
who manufacture and ship the company’s
with waterless urinals, or recycling and
revolutionary, patented building system
reusing boxes, Dorfman Pacific is doing
to customers including the US Marine
everything possible to reduce, reuse and
Corps and major international disaster
innovate in their industry.
relief agencies.
Green Horizons Manufacturing LLC
Weber Logistics
AASC is being honored for a facility
Dorfman Pacific Dorfman Pacific opened its doors in Oakland, California in 1921 as a small Douglass Highsmith
cap manufacturing company. The
Green Horizons was founded in 2007
Weber Logistics is
Green Horizons
a leading third party
company is currently headquartered
logistics and supply
in a 315,000 square foot distribution
develops and
chain management
facility near the Stockton Airport. After
manufactures unique,
90 years in business, the present day
modular, on-demand
Dorfman Pacific is a multinational
James Pope
structures that are
Phillip Gill
provider that has been in operation
in California for more than 86 years.
powerhouse in the headwear industry
designed to fit the wide-ranging needs of
Founded in downtown Los Angeles in
with manufacturing and distribution
customers worldwide. These structures
1924, Weber now serves a long list of
facilities in Texas, Mexico and China and
can be utilized for everything from
well-known and respected companies
more than 160 full-time employees.
emergency housing to secure storage
from their many locations
Photography by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
continued on page 17
COVER STORY Cont’d from pg. 16 throughout the western US, including WalMart, Safeway, General
Allied Waste Services operates the Forward Landfill on Austin
Mills, Hershey, Nestlé, Topco, Storck, Hain, Ricola, California
Road in Manteca, where the recent incorporation of a composting
Innovations, Scholastic Books and PPG Industries.
facility created nine new jobs for the county. Each day, the new
Weber opened its first Stockton distribution location in 2010 in
composting site takes in 250 tons of green waste that is ground,
order to utilize the city’s substantial rail and surface transportation
filtered and made into more than 75,000 yards of compost
infrastructure to put northern California and western Nevada
annually. The composted material is available at your local home
within easy reach. Now, less than a year later, Weber has opened
improvement stores.
an additional location with more than 150,000 square feet of
Each of the companies profiled here, along with the eight other
useable space and hired a total of 15 warehousemen, 2 supervisors
honorees, has helped raise the profile of San Joaquin County and
and a new manager for the new facility. These hires bring their
helped Stockton back onto the road to recovery. According to
employee count to 45 across their two Stockton locations.
Timm Quinn from the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, the event “is our way of recognizing and thanking these businesses
Allied Waste Allied Waste Services, a division of Republic Services Inc., is a leading provider of solid waste collection, transfer and disposal services. The Company’s various Ron Scatena
operating units are focused on providing environmentally sound and cost effective
services to commercial, industrial, residential and municipal customers. These services include construction debris, the curbside collection of residential solid green and recyclable waste and the provision of a variety of recycling services to commercial and industrial customers.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
for choosing to invest in our community.” Their support in helping to grow our local economy through job creation, tax revenues and investment in the future of our community is essential to our area’s success. The 47th Annual Industrial Technology BBQ will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14 and will include a mixer, a formal dinner and special profiles of each company honored. Honorees will receive a plaque and proclamations of support from local elected officials. In addition to the 13 honored businesses, PG&E is also presenting a Green Award to Lange Twins Winery & Vineyards at the event.
Cont’d from pg. 10
New Stormwater Mandates to be Reviewed at the September 8 Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable (MIDR) Where: CALAMCO Corporate Office, 1776 West March Lane, Suite 220 in Stockton at 7:30 a.m. Speaker: Condor Earth Technologies The State of California under the State Water Resources Control Board is mandating that municipalities and agencies in which you do business must now inspect, prioritize and enforce Stormwater Pollution Prevention Programs on those of you under these categories. The cost will be totally on your business to implement the Best Management Practices (BMPs) necessary to ensure that no trash/debris or other pollutants leave your property and are allowed to enter the stormdrain system. Business/Industries under new mandates: •
Mobile carpet, drape or furniture cleaning
Mobile power washing services
Nurseries and greenhouses
Painting and coating (manufacture, distribution, and sale facilities and application services)
Pest control services
Pool and fountain cleaning
Portable sanitary services
Preproduction plastics transfer and storage facility
Refuse haulers, transfer stations and tallow rendering facilities and vehicles
Recycling centers
Retail or wholesale fueling
Industrial Facilities, as defined at 40 CFR § 122.26(b)(14), including those subject to the State Water Board’s IGP or
Agricultural chemical dealers, fertilizer/pesticide mixing facilities and green waste/compost facilities
Compost facilities
Airplane repair, maintenance, fueling or cleaning
Animal facilities/pet washing and veterinary facilities
Automobile and other vehicle body repair or painting
Automobile (or other vehicle) parking lots and storage facilities
other individual NPDES permit •
Operating and closed landfills
Facilities subject to Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
recovery facilities •
Boat repair, maintenance, fueling or cleaning
Botanical or zoological gardens and exhibits
Building material retailers and storage
Cement mixing or cutting (stone, concrete, tile)
Charitable car wash areas
Eating or drinking establishments (e.g., restaurants),
All other commercial or industrial facilities/sources tributary to an impaired water body segment, where the
Automobile mechanical repair, maintenance, fueling
facility/source generates pollutants for which the water
or cleaning •
Hazardous waste treatment, disposal, storage and
body segment is impaired. •
All other commercial or industrial facility/sources that the Permittee determines may contribute a significant pollutant load to the MS4.
For more information on the MIDR, please email fferral@stocktonchamber.org
including food markets •
Equipment repair, maintenance, fueling or cleaning
Golf courses, parks and other recreational areas/facilities
Outside Farmers Markets
Landscape supply operations
Masonry works
Meat cutting, packing and processing
Mobile automobile or other vehicle washing www.stocktonchamber.org
News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Herum Named a Top Lawyer – For the sixth consecutive year,
Wes Rhea, Executive Director of the Stockton Convention and
Steve Herum has been named a Northern California Super Lawyer
Visitors Bureau was named Chairman of the Board of Directors
by the prestigious Law & Politics Magazine. This selection was
for the United Way of San Joaquin County. Rhea has lead the
made after surveying approximately 47,000 lawyers in Northern
Visitors Bureau since 2005 and up until July of 2011 did so at the
California and represents a compilation of the top five percent.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce where he started as the
Six years ago, the California State Bar Association’s California
Business Education Alliance coordinator in 2003. In addition,
Lawyer Magazine named Steve Herum Land Use Lawyer of the
Rhea also serves on the board of directors of the Stockton
Year. It is the only time that a Central Valley attorney has received
Asparagus Festival, the California Travel Association and the
this statewide recognition.
Central Valley Tourism Association.
The 2011-2012 United Way of San Joaquin County Campaign
New Image Sign Co. Moves to New and Larger Location - New
Kick Off luncheon will take place at the Alex G. Spanos Center at
Image Sign Co. has been in business in the Stockton area for 12
the University of the Pacific on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. For
years. They offer years of experience! The new and expanded
more information and tickets contact Donna Ng at 209.320.6206
location is at 1325 El Pinal Drive #1A, facing West Lane in
or dng@unitedwaysjc.org.
Stockton. New Image Sign Co., owned by Vince Rosato, previously operated at 4059 Cherokee Road. Information: 209.931.6594 or
Preventing sexual harassment workshop, October 6, presented
by Gary Waters Management Consulting, Inc. Fully compliant to AB 1825. For additional information and online registration:
Gordon Zuckerman, a successful retired
www.garywaters.net or call 209.815.9760. On site training available.
businessman who was born and raised in Stockton, will be signing copies of his new
Stockton Symphony Alliance Throws Birthday Party to Mark
book “The Sentinels: Crude Deception”
Symphony’s 85th Season - The Stockton Symphony Alliance is
at The Haggin Museum on Thursday,
throwing a Birthday Party for the symphony and the community
September 15, 7 p.m. Zuckerman’s debut
on Sunday, September 11, at the Brookside Country Club in
novel, “The Sentinels: Fortunes of War,”
Stockton from 3–5 p.m. Maestro Peter Jaffe, commencing his 17th
was a No. 1 bestseller on Amazon.com
season, will be the guest of honor. For additional information
in the WWII thriller-fiction category. Call 209.940.6312 or visit
please contact Rosetta Bachand at 209.942.4544.
Cont’d from pg. 5
of CDCR, The Court Appointed Receiver Office, the URS/Bovis
Chamber Board Room to discuss and plan another part of the
Design Team, and reps from the Bid Package #1 Hensel Phelps
settlement agreement regarding the Direct Allocation of Local
and Bid Package 2 Clark/McCarthy have developed a great
Sales & Use Tax that will be generated locally as a result of the
working relationship to make sure local hire is maintained as a
hard fought settlement.
very high and successful priority. On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 a meeting was held in the 19 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Chamber staff will keep you all posted on the progress! Thank you all for a job well done and continued success!
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Highlights 9/1 - Networking Mixer – 5:15-7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Golf and Country Club 9/14 - Industrial Technology Barbecue – 5:30 p.m. @ University Plaza Waterfront Hotel
Networking Mixer – 5:15-7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Golf and Country Club
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable – 7:30 a.m. @ CALAMCO Corporate Office 1776 W. March Lane, Suite 420
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Liaison Meeting – 12 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
2 0 9. 5 2 9.6 3 2 1
Green Team San Joaquin – 9 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Industrial Technology Barbecue – 5:30 p.m. @ University Plaza Waterfront Hotel
w w w.w a r d e n s o p c .c o m
Stockton Retreat 16-17 Leadership @ Camp Lodestar, Wilseyville, CA
Effective Strategies Group – 8 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Executive Committee Meeting – 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf and Country Club
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m @ Chamber Conference Room
Business Education Alliance – 3:30 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Board Meeting, 4 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
also don’t miss... 10/6 - Fall Business Tradeshow and Passport Mixer – 5-7:30 p.m. @ University Plaza Waterfront Hotel
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
A Program of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce Schedule a REACON Appointment Today ! (209) 547-2763 or e-mail fferral@stocktonchamber.org