Port O Call - September 2015

Page 1



Vol. 61 No. 5


Local Businesses Honored at the 51st Industrial Technology Barbecue

Photo courtesy of Visit Stockton


Local Businesses Honored at the 51st Industrial Technology Barbecue

CONTENTS From Your President


From Your CEO


News Briefs


August Mixer Photos


Cover Story


Programs and Public Policy Department


Leadership Stockton




New Members


Good News from San Joaquin Partnership


Visit Stockton


Ribbon Cuttings






DON’T MISS! SEPTEMBER NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Stockton Art League Goodwin Gallery 1902 Pacific Ave, Stockton 95204.



NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 noon Contact the Chamber for location: network4success@stocktonchamber.org

ON THE COVER: Aerial photo from the 2014 50th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue


SEPT 2015


2014 Awards Hermes Creative Awards 2014 | Contentment Health Magazine (Gold) | The Wrap Pack (Gold) | TID Annual Report (Gold) | Communicator Awards | The Wrap Pack (Award of Excellence) | Huff Construction Website (Award of Distinction) 2013 Awards Macrom Awards | Frantz Wholesale Nursery: Capabilities Brochure (Gold) | Contentment Health Magazine (Honorable Mention) | Never Boring: “The Wrap Pack” (Platinum) | Videographer Awards | Never Boring: “The Wrap Pack” (Award of Excellence) | United Pallet Services, Inc.: “The pointGUARD” (Award of Distinction) | Communicator Awards | Keyes Union School District Website (Award of Distinction) | Prime Shine: “Employee Expectations” (Award of Distinction) 2012 Awards 18th Annual Communicator Awards | G3: Polylaminate Print Ad | Gallo Center for the Arts: 2011-2012 Season Brochure | Telly Awards | Prime Shine: Employee Expectations Video | Salvation Army: Be A Shield Video 2011 Awards Videographer Awards | Duarte Nursery: Company History Video (Award of Distinction) | 17th Annual Communicator Awards | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That Campaign (Award of Excellence) | Duarte Nursery: Company History Video (Award of Excellence) | Hermes Creative Awards | American Cancer Society: An Evening Under the Sea Invitation | G3 Enterprises: Writing/Ad Copy | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That Commercial (Honorable Mention) | American Graphic Design & Advertising 27 | Burnside Body Shop: “We Can Fix That” Campaign | G3 Enterprises: Ad Campaign) | American Cancer Society: Under the Sea Invitation | Prime Shine Car Wash: Free Hour Transit Campaign | Michael Smith Architect: Trademarks/Logos | Central Valley Medical Group: Trademarks/Logos | Children’s Choice Snack Foods: Haley’s Quick Mix Packaging | Mohini Indian Fusions: Packaging | Gallo Center for the Arts: @ The Center Magazine | Manzanita Ventures: Website | 32nd Annual Telly Awards | Duarte Nursery: Company History Video | TrademarksUSA | Central Valley Medical Group: Trademark/logo | Masellis Insurance: Trademark/logo | Michael Smith Architect: Trademark/logo | Healthy Organic Tea: Trademark/logo 2010 Awards International Davey Awards | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That commercial | MarCom Awards | Burnside Body Shop: We Can Fix That Commercial | The American Cancer Society: Evening Under the Stars Invitation | Chopra Development Over 300 national and international awards Enterprises: Sales/Marketing Kit | TrademarksUSA Awards | Kolody Orthodontics: Trademark/logo | Red Rover Retrievers: Trademark/logo | Mohini Indian Fusions: Trademark/logo FOR OUR | Family Pet Mortuary: Trademark/logo | Long Shadow Design: Trademark/logo | PattonCLIENTS Amusement: Trademark/logo | Top Notch Kennels: Trademark/logo | Stanislaus County Alliance: Trademark/logo | Nicholas Poblete: Trademark/logo | Communicator Awards | Gallo Center for the Arts: March @ The Center Magazine Design | Grimbleby Coleman:

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FROM YOUR 2015-16 PRESIDENT BY: JUDITH BUETHE Another exciting community event is being produced

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, with

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications SR. VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

the support of founding sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric Company, SJC Economic Development Association, and San Joaquin Partnership.

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

For the 51st year, the Annual Industrial Technology

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Design Associates Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Jared Steinwert, F&M Bank Joy Sweger, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Dignity Health Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.



Barbecue will be celebrating the achievements of industrial


and technology businesses. Remember when it was named

the Annual Industrial Barbecue? With the changing 21st century business landscape, technology businesses were added a few years ago as a new category to honor those businesses that contribute similarly to our economic base, but do not fall into the “industrial” category. Technology businesses are having a heightened and positive impact on the economy of San Joaquin County. More and more technology businesses to the west and east are looking over the mountains into the Valley and identifying San Joaquin County as a desirable place to locate and/or expand. And we’re ready for them! We’re also delighted with the expansion of industrial businesses that has occurred during the last year. In addition to the traditional Industrial Technology Barbeque honors, a PG&E Green Award will be acknowledged. Do read the article on page 10 in this edition of “Port O Call” to learn more about the businesses to be honored on Sept. 9.

OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421

Congratulations to all the recipients! You are appreciated on so many different levels—

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Joe Curtis 209.292.8439

your commitment to this community, the services and products you provide, the jobs you



SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8429 Na'Asiaha Simon 209.292.8440 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8426

provide, and so much more. One of the businesses being honored is a nationally recognized, family-owned business that was established right here in Stockton in 1928 and has expanded beyond our county to serve many other clients and communities in Northern California. Congratulations, Gene and Dianne Gini and family at Collins Electric Co.! Have you ever attended the Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue? Do make reservations today! It’s a fun event staged in the outdoor courtyard at the University

BEA COORDINATOR Amrit Pawar 209.292.8430

Plaza Waterfront Hotel in downtown Stockton. Beautiful weather is expected, and the


waterfront adds beauty and charm to the setting. The food is great, too!

SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Tricia Long 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph




September membership reminder: Membership in the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce has many benefits, including the fantastic continuing education programs established in the last few years: FRESH, Green Team San Joaquin, Lunch & Learn, and others. Also, we encourage you to participate on a committee. Your opinions are valued, and it’s a great way to learn more about our community and distribute information about your business to a broader audience. See you on Sept. 9 at the Industrial Technology Barbeque!


445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org

SEPT 2015


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT September is upon us and most students are back in school and/or just starting school in


see the light for the vast majority of Stocktonians are very good people and they have had it with these “irresponsible idiots!” OK, now off my soapbox and back to the Lifestyle Magazine!

K-8, high school, or college!

What really stood out was how many times the Greater Stockton

It is time for new beginnings,

Chamber of Commerce was mentioned in the profiles of the under

new learning, new friendships,

40 group highlighted. From current and past staff members to

new challenges, and a time for

current members of your Board of Directors, graduates of the

growth. We wish all students

Historic Chamber Leadership Stockton Program, and those who

and their families a great 2015-

either are members or their place of business is a member. It says a

16 school year. Our Business

great deal about how much of an important part of the community

Education Alliance, through our partnership with SUSD and a

your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce has been and

growing list of partners, is here to help in any way we can.

continues to be since Feb. 27, 1901! I know they will make sure

As most of you know I have been blessed in my life, as a native

your Chamber and community will thrive for many, many years

Stocktonian knowing so many people and loving this community,

to come. Congratulations to those highlighted and the scores of

and in my career(s) as a member of the Stockton Police Department

others who are all part of the bigger picture!

(1967-1979), San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors (1979-1995),

August marked the beginning of the 35th class of The Greater

State of California Youthful Offender Parole Board (1995-1999) and

Stockton Chamber of Commerce Leadership Stockton (LS)

have had the honor and privilege of being the CEO of your Greater

Program. As mentioned above, many of those listed in Lifestyles

Stockton Chamber of Commerce (1999-present). This Chamber,

were graduates of the LS Program and are living proof of the value

put side by side with other Chambers near and far, is without doubt

of the LS Program in helping to develop leaders in and for this

or any question the most dynamic, innovative, and hardworking

community. As one of the “old guys,” I have been proud to have

(including your staff and Board of Directors); it is also blessed with

been a small part of this program. Each time I see a graduate from

many community partners and members. Coming to work each

the program go into the community and do good things, I smile

and every day here at 445 W. Weber Ave. is not only a joy but a

and know the future is bright.

profound privilege.

Also, you will see by our cover story we will be celebrating

You may wonder why I “bloviated” like that, but over the

businesses in our community at the 51st Industrial Technology

weekend I read the “Record Lifestyles Magazine” which had the

Barbecue (ITBQ) at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel on

cover story: More Than 40 Under Forty. As I am preparing to “ride

Wednesday, Sept. 9. Please enjoy reading the story of successes,

off into the sunset” in a few years, I was grinning from ear to ear

and plan to attend if you already have not made a reservation.

looking at the wonderful younger generation (I think the Magazine

Hope you took notice of the 1901 start of your Chamber, the

did a great job in highlighting numerous “under 40” citizens but

35th year of the Leadership Stockton Program and 51st year of

I know that it just scratched the surface of who is really out there)

the Barbecue, which is a remarkable feature in this day and age

who is ready to pick up the mantle and move us into a positive

of so many competing factors. This is really what your Chamber,

time of what Stockton has been in the past, and will be again — a

all its programs and people (staff, volunteers and members) are

fantastic place to live, work, play, educate, raise a family, and be


surrounded by good people overcoming the small group of “thugs”


who just don’t get it. But as the good folks of this community come


together, the thugs will know they are not welcome and had better



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


SEPT 2015


NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

Fifth Magnificent Celebration of Stockton Announced The 5th Magnificent Celebration of Stockton will be held

as he introduces the Stockton Symphony’s 2015-2016 season at this annual Museum event. The season includes an all-Beethoven

on Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the

program, Copland’s Rodeo, Dukas’ The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,

beautiful Delta campus that offers plenty of shade, acres of parking,

Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik as well as Grieg, Tchaikovsky,

and an opportunity to see the new improvements to Stockton’s

Respighi, and Mendelssohn’s confection A Midsummer Night’s

largest and finest educational institution of higher learning.

Dream. A post-talk question and answer session with Maestro

The new Delta campus plaza will be filled with stages of local

Peter Jaffe is always an engaging portion of this Haggin tradition.

entertainment, local nonprofit booths, and vendors, along with

Stockton Rotary Fundraiser - Boots, Bales and BBQ on Sat Sept. 12th

a children’s parade, local art displays, local heroes awards, local authors, food truck frenzy, and so much more. To participate as a nonprofit or community organization, vendor,

Join us Saturday, Sept. 12 at the Lincoln Farmhouse, 3225 Deer Park Ln., Stockton for a Country Hoedown Barn Dance & BBQ.

author, artist, entertainer, volunteer, or sponsor please go to

It starts at 5 p.m. with cocktails, raffle, dinner, live auction and

Stocktonmagnificent.com, or contact Denise Jefferson, 209.244.6223.

dancing. Musical entertainment by The Jay Rolerz! Dress is casual.

United Cerebral Palsy Welcomes New Board Member

All proceeds benefit Stockton Rotary projects. Tickets are $65 each

United Cerebral Palsy of San Joaquin, Calaveras & Amador

after Aug. 20. For reservations or information,

Counties welcomes new board member, Amanda Quinn.

contact BBQ@stocktonrotary.org.

Quinn is currently a special education teacher for the Lodi Unified School District. She has extensive experience collaborating with teachers and parents to best meet the individual needs of students with various developmental disabilities while avoiding AMANDA QUINN

litigation. Quinn is a member of the Education Association and is trained in classroom and crisis

management. She is a graduate of California State University, Stanislaus and received her Masters in Special Education from the University of the Pacific.

Women's Success Group Announces New Location at Brookside Country Club Join us on Thursday, Sept. 10, 11:30 a.m. at the Brookside Country Club, 3603 St. Andrews Dr., Stockton, for networking and to hear from our guest speaker, Kory Ley from the American Cancer Society. RSVP required - contact Suzie Bowers at 209.649.2504 or wsgstockton@gmail.com, or visit www.womenssuccessgroup.com for more information.

Stockton Symphony Preview, Sunday, September 13th at The Haggin Museum Fantasy, passion, and electricity ignite this year’s season of performances. Join Stockton Symphony music director Peter Jaffe 8


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce



Would you like to improve lives in San Joaquin County? Are you ready? Get set, let’s go! Our Annual United Way of San Joaquin County Employee Giving at the Workplace Campaign began July 1, 2015. We are ready right now to provide your employees with all the materials needed for them to give from their hearts. We provide valuable examples about who needs help and how together we can provide life changing and sometimes lifesaving help. Want a speaker from a non-profit agency? If you have an agency you would like to hear from, we will arrange it. We love our speakers to tell your employees about their agency’s mission, and they will share a testimony that is sure to touch your hearts. Thank You for helping our United Way improve lives in San Joaquin County. God Bless,

Andy Prokop, “A.P.” President/CEO

The easiest way to do this is to call today. Empower your employees to donate one dollar or more from their paychecks to United Way of SJC or their favorite charity.

VISIT US AT WWW.UNITEDWAYSJC.ORG OR CALL (209) 469-6980 andy@unitedwaysjc.org | dkoster@unitedwaysjc.org | dng@unitedwaysjc.org

Local Businesses Honored at the 51st Industrial Technology Barbecue

By Alex Cantatore

Summer may be ending, but there’s one last can’t-miss barbecue this year. The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce will host its

LLC, a Taiwan-based plastics recycling and recycling equipment manufacturer, chose Stockton for its first U.S. facility. This 58,800 square-foot facility in Stockton’s Massie Industrial Park will recycle

51st Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue (ITBQ) on Sept. 9,

polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, the first such facility in

honoring 13 businesses that have made big investments in

the U.S. The plant will process 4.5 metric tons of PET per hour. Bossard North America, a leading Swiss fastener technology and

this community. This popular, entertaining event will bring more than 300

logistics company, has opened two new facilities in Tracy. These

business people to an outdoor cook-out at the University Plaza

79,900 square-foot warehouses distribute connecting components

Waterfront Hotel. A no-host social hour will be followed with

and provide merchandise management, engineering, and logistics

dinner and an awards program.

services. Tesla is the largest customer of this eco-friendly business.

The business honorees are all located in industrial-zoned tracts

Crumb Rubber Manufacturers’ new, $10 million, 135,000

and have either added 20 or more jobs to the county, expanded by

square-foot Stockton facility will employ about 50 people. CRM is

at least 20,000 square-feet under roof, or made over a $1 million

North America’s largest and most technologically advanced crumb

capital investment. This year’s ITBQ will honor five companies new

rubber manufacturer. Crumb rubber is used to produce rubberized

to San Joaquin County, seven companies which have expanded

asphalt, sports field and track infill, molded rubber products, and

local operations, and one company which has gone green in a

in landscaping. A new 450,000 square-foot facility in Stockton’s NorCal Logistics

big way. That company, Trinchero Family Estates, will receive the PG&E

Center will be home to KeHE Distributors, LLC. Operating under

Green Award. Since its 1948 founding, Trinchero Family Estates

the name Nature’s Best Powered by KeHE, the firm will provide

has grown to become the second largest family-owned winery

natural, organic, specialty, gourmet, international, multicultural,

in the world. It bottles more than 20 million cases per year, and

and fresh products to natural food stores, chain grocery stores,

a recent, $300 million expansion doubled the Lodi winery’s

independent grocery stores, and other specialty product retailers

production – and added 250 jobs to the region. That expansion

throughout North America

also installed LED lighting, variable frequency drives, and energy-

And TEC Equipment, Inc., one of the West’s premier full-service

efficient HVAC systems, saving 2.6 million kilowatt-hours of

truck dealership groups, opened a 50,000 square-foot facility

electricity. That’s equivalent to removing 109 cars from the road for

in Lathrop. The new facility will allow TEC to provide one-stop

one year.

shopping for all trucking related needs, with trucks, parts, repair

Five new local businesses will bring more than 300 jobs to the community. Boretech Resources Recovery Engineering,

services, insurance, rentals, leasing, auto transport equipment sales, and financing. The new facility is one of 15 TEC owns in Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Leading the way for business expansion is Amazon Fulfillment.

Founded in 2007 by Ulash Turkhan, Turkhan Foods, Inc. and

The online retailer recently added 700 full-time hourly positions to

Linden Nut Co., LLC is a rapidly growing international nut and

its 1.2 million square-foot Tracy Center. The hiring spree follows

dried fruit trading firm. The company’s new, 126,000 square-

the construction of a four-level “pick mod,” where merchandise is

foot corporate office facility sits on 16 acres near the Stockton

stored to be picked, scanned, and shipped. All full-time employees

Metropolitan Airport. Turkhan chose the site for its location,

at Amazon receive healthcare, 401(k), company stock awards, and

between Turkhan’s existing operations, and to support the

tuition assistance.

Stockton community.

Collins Electrical Company, Inc., a Stockton-based electrical

The 51st Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue will be held

contractor, has consolidated its Modesto and Stockton offices into

from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Sept. 9 at the University Plaza Waterfront

a new, 68,000 square-foot facility in the Arch Road Business Park.

Hotel, 110 W. Fremont St., Stockton. Tickets are $45, and available

This IBEW Union contractor has built a reputation for quality

in advance only.

and design since 1928, growing into a $100 million-plus per year company. Collins has expanded its design-build services over the

To purchase tickets, or to learn about sponsorship, visit www.stocktonchamber.org.

past five years. Diesel Direct recently added 34 new employees to its expanded

2015 ITBQ Honorees

Stockton location. The company made a $1.7 million investment

New Companies:

Expanded Companies:

into its 24/7 on-site diesel fleet fueling service, improving its

Boretech Resource Recovery

Amazon Fulfillment

mobile fueling and bulk fuel delivery services for local, regional, and national truck fleets. A dedicated Diesel Direct fleet delivers fuel directly to customers, with no middlemen. Farwest Steel Stockton has called Stockton home since 2008,

Collins Electrical Company, Inc.

Engineering LLC Bossard North America

Diesel Direct

CRM (Crumb Rubber Manufacturers)

Farwest Steel Stockton

Nature's Best Powered by KeHE

PACE Supply Corporation

TEC Equipment, Inc.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Turkhan Foods, Inc. &

and has continued to grow. This steel supplier offers a wide variety

PG&E Green Award:

of steel products, sizes, and shapes along with extensive metal

Trinchero Family Estates

processing capabilities. Farwest uses the latest technology with flat and structural lasers, HyDefinition plasma and flame cutting, and advanced second and third stage processing. Locally-owned plumbing wholesaler PACE Supply Corporation has expanded with a 195,000 square-foot warehouse and fabrication facility in Stockton’s Arch Road Industrial Park. The firm offers plumbing, pump and water well, water filtration, sewer and septic, underground, fire protection, residential and commercial hydronics, and solar supplies for contractors and retailers. PACE has also expanded with a larger pipe laydown yard in Stockton Center Pointe Business Park. A new Pacific Gas & Electric Company energy training center

Linden Nut Co., LLC

Sponsors Founding Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance


Agency, Inc.

San Joaquin County Economic Development Association

F&M Bank Proline Media

San Joaquin Partnership

Stockton East Water District

Platinum Sponsors:

Ulmer Photo


VIP Sponsors:

Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.

City of Stockton -

Pacific Records Management Port of Stockton

Economic Development Dept. Roland Construction

Premier Staffing

Wine Sponsors:

will be sited in a 138,000 square-foot office building near the

Trinchero Family Estates

Stockton Airport. This facility will offer classes on energy efficient

Gold Sponsors:

Michael David Winery

JM Eagle

Oak Ridge Winery

San Joaquin County Office of Education

Weibel Family Vineyards / Winery

products and weatherization techniques. Once renovated to meet LEED certification goals, the building will house 450 employees with the potential for future growth.

Delicato Family Vineyards

San Joaquin Delta College United Way of San Joaquin County


SEPT 2015 11



FRESH Tip : Exercise and the Common Cold

The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the 2015-2016 Leadership Stockton Class:

If you're looking for a safe way to prevent colds, regular exercise may be the ticket. And you don't have to run a

Jose Alatorre

Sean Johansen

marathon, either. Moderate activity is all you need.

San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office

Stockton Police Department

John Alita

Matt Kozina

City of Stockton

Haggerty Construction, Inc.

Exercise improves your overall fitness, which can help boost your immune system — the body's defense against infections. Some studies show that "moderate intensity" exercise may cut

Greg Bahr

Cathy Lee

down the number of colds you get. That type of activity includes

Saint Mary's High School

Stockton East Water District

things like taking a 20 to 30 minute walk every day, going to the

Ryan Biedermann

Erin Lenser

gym every other day, or biking with your kids a few times a week.

San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office

Health Plan of San Joaquin

In one study in the American Journal of Medicine, women who

Claire Brumley

Rocio Lopez

walked for a half-hour every day for 1 year had half the number

F&M Bank

Progressive Community Church

of colds as those who didn't exercise. Researchers found that

Sam Cortez

Manuel Lua

regular walking may lead to a higher number of white blood cells,

San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office

Victor Community Support Services

which fight infections.

Amy Courtright

Anna Sass

San Joaquin Delta Community College

SASS! Public Relations, Inc.

Karlha Davies

Nate Schloss

San Joaquin Regional Rail

Smart Pay

For more information on the FRESH Committee, please go

Commission - ACE Train

to www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com/FRESH.

Rebecca Sem

Becky Diel

Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry and

Green Team Tip

Parish Guy Castillo, PLC


Joe Dietrich IV

Gabriel Sixtos

to protect them against damage until they are purchased by the

F.J. Dietrich & Co.

JaniTek Cleaning Solutions

consumer. Styrofoam is very bulky and lightweight, making it

Felicia Estrada

Brooke Stahmer

a difficult item to collect for recycling. Fortunately, there are a

El Concilio

ABM Building Solutions LLC

few recycling opportunities within the county for this material.

Wayne Germann

Robert Tipton

Styrofoam block can be used in the manufacturing of new

University of the Pacific Police

San Joaquin County Office of

styrofoam products and other products such as finish molding for

Ryan Haggerty


construction and home improvement. For more information on

Haggerty Construction, Inc.

James White

how you can recycle your styrofoam, please go to

Stephanie Hudelson

San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office


Croce & Company

Next FRESH Meeting is:

Accountancy Corporation

In another study, researchers found that in 65-year-olds who did regular exercise, the number of T-cells — a specific type of white blood cell — was as high as those of people in their 30s.

Styrofoam is a recyclable material that is used to package goods

Thursday, Sept. 10, 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

The class embarked on its 11-month journey into community leadership on Aug. 12. Participants meet monthly to explore issues facing the greater Stockton community and participate in a


community service project.

American Recycling

Healthy Air Living

San Joaquin County Public Works


Pacific Gas & Electric Company

San Joaquin RTD

Carpenters Local Union 152

Queirolo’s Heating & Air

Stockton Area Water Suppliers

City of Stockton Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific


Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments

For more information on Leadership Stockton, contact Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or visit www.leadershipstockton.com.

Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

Trinity Urgent Care & Occupational Health

Newer, Bigger & Better for Employers & Their Employees NorCal Occupational Med Center has Merged with Trinity Urgent Care & Occupational Health

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10200 Trinity Parkway, Stockton, CA 95219

Conveniently located to I-5 freeway off of 8 Mile Road in the Lodi Memorial Building in Spanos Business Park next to Lowe’s

Regular Hours

Occupational Health, Suie 204 Monday - Friday, 7 am – 5 pm 209.233.3004

For More Information Contact Patty Milano, Marketing Director 209.320.8733 pattytrinityocc@gmail.com www.trinityuc.com

After Hours/Weekend Care Urgent Care, Suite 202 7 days/week 365 days/year, 9 am – 9 pm 209.955.1229

Get In Get Out Get Better!


SEPT 2015 13

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN 2015 Agricultural Hall of Fame

ATHENA Awards Luncheon 2015

If you appreciate the valuable contributions growers have made

Mark your calendars for Thursday, Nov. 19, for our 29th Annual

to our county, join other ag supporters at our Agricultural Hall

ATHENA Awards Luncheon at the Stockton Golf & Country Club.

of Fame Banquet on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Robert J. Cabral

The ATHENA Award is presented to those who have attained

Agricultural Center, 2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton. We’ll be

and personified the highest level of professional excellence in

honoring those individuals who have put countless hours and

their business profession, have devoted time and energy to our

much love of the land into improving the agricultural industry

community in a meaningful way, and most especially, have opened

throughout the years.

doors of leadership opportunity for women.

The evening begins with a no-host social hour at 5:30 p.m. and

The 2015 honorees will be announced in the beginning of

dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by a program lauding the outstanding

September, and be featured on the cover of the November

physical and emotional investments made by our exceptional

Port O Call.

award recipients. This year’s honorees will be announced the first

Reservations for the awards luncheon are $40 each, pre-paid

week of September and will be featured in the October issue of the

before Nov. 12, and $50 thereafter. Great sponsorship opportunities

Port O Call. All those previously recognized in the Agricultural

are still available. For more information, or to purchase a ticket,

Hall of Fame have their photographs and biographies on display at

visit the Stockton Chamber website and click on the ATHENA link

the San Joaquin Historical Society & Museum in Micke Grove Park

in the events dropdown menu, or call 209.547.2770.


and in the lobby of the Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center. We look forward to your joining us at this celebratory event! For

Platinum: Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.; Financial Center Credit Union; Grupe

tickets, sponsorship opportunities and further information,

Operating Co. / Grupe Commercial Co.; Kaiser Permanente; Neumiller &

call 209.292.8423.

Beardslee; Port of Stockton; San Joaquin County Office of Education; San


Joaquin Delta College; St. Joseph's Medical Center; University of the Pacific Gold: BAC Community Bank; United Way of San Joaquin County Silver:

Platinum: American Ag Credit; Port of Stockton; San Tomo, Inc. Gold: San

Ulmer Photo; Valley First Credit Union; Visit Stockton

Joaquin Delta College Silver: Mohr-Fry Ranches; Neumiller & Beardslee; Roland Construction, Inc.; Stockton East Water District, Vino Farms

Oct. 1 Fall Business Tradeshow & Passport Mixer Sign up now for the Fall Business Tradeshow and Passport Mixer! Space is given on a first-come, first-served basis so don’t wait or you may risk missing your opportunity to participate. Reserve your space today! The Fall Tradeshow will be held on Thursday, Oct. 1 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel, 110 W. Fremont St., Stockton. Admission is free and open to the general public. Exhibit tables are $250 for Chamber members and $350 for non-members. Reserve your space ASAP to be part of the premixer publicity! For more information about exhibiting at or attending our Fall Business Tradeshow & Passport Mixer, call or e-mail Ashley

NEW MEMBERS Mailing Services

All In One Business Center 3410 W. Hammer Ln., #A Stockton, CA 95219 209.474.9890

Mortgage Loans

Big Valley Mortgage 3000 Lava Ridge Ctr. #220 Stockton, CA 95219 209.289.0169

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Reaching For The Stars Foundation POB 958, 445 W. Weber Ave. Stockton, CA 95203 209.800.4919

Real Estate

Interior Design Facility Designs Discovery Bay, CA 559.213.6144

Maria Del Carmen Estrada 3516 Deer Park Dr. #A Stockton, CA 95219 209.247.3705 Maureen Imming PMZ 3516 Deer Park Dr. #A Stockton, CA 95219 209.337.0141



Hammer Lane Self Storage 6220 Sampson Rd. Stockton, CA 95212 209.956.3378

Williams at ashley@stocktonchamber.org or 209.292.8422. 14 PORT CALL



The Dental PPA PMB # 261, 4917 Quail Lakes Dr., #G Stockton, CA 95207 866.241.6646

Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

San Joaquin Manufacturing Meetup

A new online resource tool bringing together and informing



Lately, more manufacturers than logistics/warehousing

companies are looking at locating in San Joaquin County. The

manufacturers of events, best practices, low cost employee training

Partnership has had nine successful projects to date in 2015; four

opportunities, consulting and implementation, as well as lean

of them are manufacturers. In addition there are 7 critical projects

manufacturing practices has been launched!

and all of them are manufacturers with a potential of 840,000

The goal of the San Joaquin Manufacturing Meetup is to network senior management by bringing like-minded manufacturers and

square feet and job potential of 368. This month the Stockton Chamber, PG&E, San Joaquin County

support organizations in Northern and Central California onto one

EDA, and the San Joaquin Partnership celebrate manufacturing

website. Check it out, join and add to the discussion at http://www.

for the 51st time at the Industrial Technology Barbecue honoring

meetup.com/San-Joaquin-Manufacturing-Meetup/ or just Google

manufacturing companies that are expanding, locating, or have

San Joaquin Manufacturing Meetup.

over the long term benefited our communities in providing

As the name implies, “partnership” is bringing together and

employment opportunities for our residents. Be sure to participate

growing manufacturers in San Joaquin County, and is the focus of

if you are a manufacturer. You are all welcome to come and

everyday activities of the San Joaquin Partnership and its

celebrate the success of “making it” in San Joaquin USA on Sept.

partner Manex.

9 beginning at 5 p.m. at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel.

Manex has evolved as manufacturing needs have grown in Northern and Central California. Its vision mandates that it

Contact Timm Quinn for sponsorship opportunities, or more information, at 209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

address the total manufacturers organization. As a result, their role as strategic advisors includes: • Strategic Planning • Continuous Improvement • Sales • Marketing • Product Development and Innovation

• Technology Transfer Utilizing Area Labs and Universities • Connecting Manufacturers with Private and Public Resources • Working Directly with the State, Counties and Cities to Promote

• Workforce Development

Economic Development in

• Sustainability

Manufacturing, Fabrication, R&D,

• Supply Chain Development

as Well as Food and Beverage

• Export Assistance


So if you are looking for a total solution, give the Manex team a call and they will bring an average of 20 years private industry experience to assist our manufacturers in becoming more profitable. Manex has a toll-free telephone number, (877) 33-MANEX. Its website is manexconsulting.com.


SEPT 2015 15

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA Visit Stockton Launches Community-Wide Branding Initiative

Rhea, CEO of Visit Stockton. “We are thrilled about starting this process with such great community partners by our side.” The final stage of the project will involve the development

Visit Stockton has launched an intensive branding program to discover, define, and design the area’s exceptionally competitive

of a brand identity guide for Stockton. This includes ideas for

assets so it can stand out in the marketplace. The ultimate goal of

communications, signage, special events, community outreach,

this community-wide initiative is to attract more visitors, residents,

online initiatives, merchandising, and more. “We really want this to be a community-wide project and hope to

and businesses to Stockton. To bring outside objectivity to the project, Visit Stockton has

be able to involve as many folks as we can in the upcoming research

partnered with Nashville-based North Star Destination Strategies.

process, and beyond. We encourage those wishing to be heard to

North Star has helped develop brands for more than 200 cities,

reach out to us now,” said Rhea, “While this is a Visit Stockton led

regions, communities, and municipalities nationwide.

project, we feel that an identity that is cohesive, believable, and well

The integrated process includes research, strategy, and creative

accepted will come from a broad, all-inclusive process; we will do

development. The first stage is research and comprises about 60

our best to make sure that happens.”

percent of the work. “Here we determine the state of your existing

Become a Stockton Ambassador

brand,” said Don McEachern, CEO of North Star. Many different

Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) classes are available bi-

pieces of qualitative and quantitative research will paint a thorough

monthly and open to the general public. Learn how you can turn

picture of where Stockton is today.

every visitor encounter into a positive one!

Using this research, North Star will develop a brand strategy that

Upcoming CTA classes: Oct. 14 and Dec. 9

is relevant to Stockton’s current situation but also differentiates

Sign up today and join the growing list of Stockton Ambassadors!

Stockton to consumers. “We see this period in Stockton’s history

Program details, including the curriculum and enrollment

as an opportune time to evaluate how we market and promote our

information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com or

city. Stockton is on the upswing, and how we communicate our

CTANetwork.com, or by calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton

message to the outside will determine our success in attracting

at 209.938.1555.

visitors, businesses, and residents for years to come,” noted Wes

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Selina Paniagua, Cornerstone Staffing Solutions; Pat Mancebo, Club Z In Home Tutoring; Elizabeth Baker, Keller Williams; Susanne Huebel, Art Godi Realtors; Patti Gulick, New Image Sign Co.; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Teri Manely, Stop The Presses; Susan Cruz, Cruz Integrated; Jeff Shirk, Dynamic Leadership Tools; Suzie Bowers, California Hypnosis Center/Woman’s Success Group; Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Funeral Home Service; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County; Andrea Wilson, The Reserve at Spanos Park

All in One Business Center

Cece's Art Studio

Pacific Ballet LLC

410 #A W. Hammer Ln., Stockton 95219

2324 Grand Canal Blvd., #10, Stockton 95207

2218 Pacific Ave., Stockton 95204


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555

All proceeds benefit Micke Grove Zoo

5K & KIDS’ FUN RUN 11793 N. Micke Grove Road, Lodi, CA 95240 (209) 331-2010 mgzs@mgzoo.com

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 6:30am to 10:00 am Zoo Zoom is a health-driven, family-friendly event that includes a children’s fun run, 5K race, games, crafts, award ceremony, raffle and pancake breakfast.

Register Now at MGZOO.COM Pre-registrations accepted through September 11th

Ad sponsored by Buethe Communications

The City of Stockton Economic Development Department is committed to creating employment opportunities by attracting new businesses to Stockton, maintaining a healthy and safe business environment for existing businesses, and assisting entrepreneurs in developing a successful small business.

The Micro Loan Program is available to businesses located within Stockton city limits. Applicants must have a for-profit enterprise, show ability to repay debt and have history of meeting financial obligations. Business consulting is required and the business must create or retain at least one job.

The Facade Improvement Program assists property owners in making exterior, cosmetic improvements to commercial property. Funds are granted in the form of a loan, with a lien placed on the building, which is forgiven after five years if the property is kept free of graffiti and blight.

The Commercial Emergency Grant Program assists both business and property owners in financial need with alleviating code violations where the health and safety of employees and/or the public are endangered. (e.g., range hoods, grease interceptors, electrical, and plumbing.) Funds are provided in the form of a grant with no repayment expected.

The Downtown Financial Incentive Program reduces or eliminates the cost of building permits and associated public facility fees for buildings in Downtown which have been vacant for six months or longer.


SEPT 2015 17



New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

3 7 9


September Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Art League


Chamber Offices Closed Labor Day Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Industrial Technology Barbecue 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. @ University Plaza Waterfront Hotel


FRESH meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m.

Guest Speaker: Phil Shannon, LegalShield

@ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


23 24 25

Leadership Stockton Retreat @ Camp Tuolumne Trails BEA Meeting 3:30 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Stockton Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

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