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By "Harj" Harjindar Toor, Superintendent
ThewonderfulSpringweatherisnear,unfortunately,for the last couple of months, we have been occupied with cleanup from the storm on New Year’s Eve The total amount of trees that we have lost is 33 and there have been hundreds of branches that broke off from others. Wehavebeenabletosavethetwooaktreeson#10;they are leaning but believe they will continue to grow. We have had over 15 inches of rain since December 31st which is only one inch less than we get for the entire season The amount of water we received was just too muchforthegroundtoabsorband,thecity’sstormdrain was buried in debris, our water which flows from the south to the northwest corner of our property did not empty for the first two weeks. We are working with the city and county to clean up the culvert so this will not happenagain.
SpecialthankstoTomSheaforcomingoutandhelping cut some of the fallen trees Also, thanks to the golf shop and cart staff for helping my crew clean up the mess on the course We did have A-Plus Tree Service come and clear the two big trees we couldn’t take care of They have also done about 90 percent of the stump grinding and chipped a huge amount of the brush pile next to hole#2.Westillhavesomeclearingtodoalongthefence on hole #5. It is crucial to understand how saturated the subsurface of the course is; it’s the deciding factor of what we could clear and when Although the surface may seem firm and dry, it is pretty soft below the surface which increases the risk of damage to the turf and irrigation lines - not to mention the ruts left behind on the playing surface for years to come It took some time to get our delta pumps both rebuilt and installed. These pumps are used to fill the irrigation lake from the delta and are absolutely vital to keep our course irrigated and greencomesummer

We will be planting spring flowers in some areas very soon We will also be adding more landscaping to our front entry outside the gates and along the driveway Thanks to a donation from a past member, the ladies were given money to be used on a club project and they chosethecirclebetweenthe#11greenand#12tee.

With help from Midge Dobbins, we created a planting planandwillrenovateoncewegetsomefinalnumbers.

Aeration is the week of April 10th – 14th which means wewillbeclosingthecourse.Whileweareclosed,wewill also be relieving soil compaction by punching the entire golf course from tree line to tree line to create better water filtration and help relieve the crucial gaseous exchange for the roots Filling sand into the channels created will also promote root depth The greens should be back in great shape within a couple of weeks Thanks foryoursupport!