Stockton Golf & Country Club March/April 2023 Newsletter

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It’s pleasing to see all the members participating in the many different events our club offers In addition to the many golf tournaments and special dinners around the various holidays, there’s the wine dinners and bingo to keep the membersinvolved.

I hope we are past the devastating weather of the past two months, which wreakedhavoconourgolfcourse Themanydaysoffloodedfairwaysandlossof trees have been devastating for our course crew and our bottom line Hopefully, therewillbemanydaysofsunshineandpleasantbreezesahead

We are moving forward with our reorganization under bankruptcy This situation is very time-consuming and demanding on both Rick, Elisa’s and the Board’stimeandenergy Atthistimethereisnothingnewtoreport

I want to personally thank Katie, Chris and Alicia for their many extra hours spent to make our outside events run smoothly. The revenue gained from the many dinners and parties provided to the Stockton community has been beneficialtoourclub



March/April 2023 W E L C O M E N E W M E M B E R S ! W E L C O M E N E W M E M B E R S !
PRESIDENT PRESIDENT From the ByBruceHotchkiss,PresidentoftheBoardofDirectors
Certificated Family Keith & Shelly Nelson Junior Executive Michael Hall Ryan Glendenning Social George & Dana Muraoka David & Grace Atwater



What a whirlwind few months it has been with the storm damage being done to the course Overall, we lost 33 trees and hundreds of other branches and, the 14 inches of rain we got in 17 days had the course underwater for weeks I want to thank the membership for your patience while the course was flooded and closed. Once again, this showed other deferred maintenance that was not done

especially concerning the city drainage system Thankfully, Harj and his crew jumped in and did the work needed both inside our fence and outside the fence We also determined that many of our own drain lines are plugged and lids are overgrown We will address them so that the next time we get that much rain, flooding will be minimized Thanks once again to Harj, and his mighty crew of six, for working some long and hard hours cleaning up the course!

Even though our golf operations slowed down drastically in the past two months, our food and beverage operations did not Katie continues to keep our ballroom filled almost every weekend and has lots of future events booked for 2023 and 2024 Because we have been so busy with the non-member revenue, we did refocus Alicia toward making sure those events went smoothly. Until you witness all the setup and tear-down needed for these huge weddings, you cannot imagine the work it takes! Thanks go to Chris and his entire F & B staffforalltheirhardwork!

Our F & B team has a change to our Executive Chef position with Oliver Mendoza taking over for Chef Corey who took a position at another private club closer to his home. I can’t thank Corey enough for turning around our food quality. Chef Oliver has worked with Corey for almost a year so we are confident, our quality will not diminish.WearestillintheprocessoffindinganewSous Chef to take the place of Chef Oliver who was promoted Thanks also goes to Banquet Chef Henry, and his team, fortheirlonghourspreparingfoodforallthosebanquets!

Make sure to make reservations soon for our Bunny Breakfast on April 1st, Easter Brunch on April 9th and Bunny Bingo on the 19th of April In March, we have Bingoonthe15thandSt Patrick’sDinneronthe17th We have also started a BUNCO league with the first game on Match 8th; men and ladies are invited to play! Look for theflyersforalltheseeventsinthismonth’snewsletter.

Our golf operations are ramping up with several member and non-member tournaments in March and April Thanks go to Bing Kirk for once again helping to organize the Irish Open on March 17th; it will be another fun event! We also have the Junior Tour of Northern California playing again on Saturday afternoon, March 18th and Sunday morning, March 19th There will be some play disruption so check with the golf shop about tee times. This is a wonderful display of our great club to golfers all throughout Northern CA so thanks for your understanding!

Our golf lesson programming will also improve this year with Will Harris becoming our full-time Head Teaching Professional He has some short-game clinics already booked for the 1st and 3rd of March Look for moreclinicinformationsoon

I am still working on our pool summer programming with Chrissie Donlin who will be taking over running the program this year. Thanks go to Kristen Vanzetti for once again being our member liaison for the Shark Swim Team We will start with some swim clinics in late April and then official practices start May 1st Look for more informationsoon

Concerning our reorganization through Chapter 11 Things are still being worked out with a final outcome expected before the end of April. There are so many moving pieces to the process that while I’d love to report more information, right now, we just don’t know which way things will go from day to day I can tell you that our legal team and other hired professionals are doing a greatjobforus




ThewonderfulSpringweatherisnear,unfortunately,for the last couple of months, we have been occupied with cleanup from the storm on New Year’s Eve The total amount of trees that we have lost is 33 and there have been hundreds of branches that broke off from others. Wehavebeenabletosavethetwooaktreeson#10;they are leaning but believe they will continue to grow. We have had over 15 inches of rain since December 31st which is only one inch less than we get for the entire season The amount of water we received was just too muchforthegroundtoabsorband,thecity’sstormdrain was buried in debris, our water which flows from the south to the northwest corner of our property did not empty for the first two weeks. We are working with the city and county to clean up the culvert so this will not happenagain.

SpecialthankstoTomSheaforcomingoutandhelping cut some of the fallen trees Also, thanks to the golf shop and cart staff for helping my crew clean up the mess on the course We did have A-Plus Tree Service come and clear the two big trees we couldn’t take care of They have also done about 90 percent of the stump grinding and chipped a huge amount of the brush pile next to hole#2.Westillhavesomeclearingtodoalongthefence on hole #5. It is crucial to understand how saturated the subsurface of the course is; it’s the deciding factor of what we could clear and when Although the surface may seem firm and dry, it is pretty soft below the surface which increases the risk of damage to the turf and irrigation lines - not to mention the ruts left behind on the playing surface for years to come It took some time to get our delta pumps both rebuilt and installed. These pumps are used to fill the irrigation lake from the delta and are absolutely vital to keep our course irrigated and greencomesummer

We will be planting spring flowers in some areas very soon We will also be adding more landscaping to our front entry outside the gates and along the driveway Thanks to a donation from a past member, the ladies were given money to be used on a club project and they chosethecirclebetweenthe#11greenand#12tee.

With help from Midge Dobbins, we created a planting planandwillrenovateoncewegetsomefinalnumbers.

Aeration is the week of April 10th – 14th which means wewillbeclosingthecourse.Whileweareclosed,wewill also be relieving soil compaction by punching the entire golf course from tree line to tree line to create better water filtration and help relieve the crucial gaseous exchange for the roots Filling sand into the channels created will also promote root depth The greens should be back in great shape within a couple of weeks Thanks foryoursupport!





This Wednesday, March 1st is our TaylorMade fitting day from 10am to 2pm, so be sure to sign up and come check out the newSTEALTH2line!

We will also have a PXG Fitting day on March 25th from 10am to 2pm Click the link to sign up! https://appacuityschedulingcom/schedulephp? owner=15121460&calendarID=8034774

We will have a busy month of tournaments, with the St. Mary’s Kickoff Classic starting us off Monday, March 6th. Our Tuesday and Thursday Ladies will have their St. Patrick’s Day Tournaments, and thanks to Bing Kirk, the Irish Day tournament is back! On the 18th and 19th we will be hosting the JTNC tour, where some great junior golf is to be played Thursday Night Men’s League begins March 16th March 24th is a busy day, our Senior Men’s Kickoff Tournament, PXG Fitting Day and our Men’s Club Sweeps Kickoff on March 25th whichcloseoutabusyfirstmonthoftournaments.

We look forward to better weather and more golfers on the courseoverthenextfewweeks!

Chef Oliver has been with the club since 2022 He graduated from culinary school with an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts with a Brillat-Savarin Award. His passion for cooking started at a young age when he was introduced to cooking by his grandmother He has worked at the Hotel Del Coronado as a private chef in the Windsor Cottage kitchen and at the Marine Core Recruit Depot and Army Camp Park as a chief cook He is inspired by local and sustainable cuisine and enjoys serving delicious and beautiful food He hopes to make his mark in the culinary industry sharing his culture through food. Chef Oliver welcomes new ideas and feedback, so please be sure to say hello next time you see him


Viva Mexico Viva Mexico

A big thank you goes out to the group of members and their guests that recently traveled to Villa La Valencia Luxury Oceanfront Beach Resort & Spa Los Cabos.

The warm weather made for enjoyable golf days, poolside lounging with a few adult beverages, activities on the off days, bridge playing, nightlife, and good food throughout the resort.




A brief end note to 2022 – Each year at Christmas our group collects and contributes children’s books for local nonprofits This past Christmas we donated the books to the Women’s Center In the past we have donated to St Mary’s Dining Room and Stockton Shelter for the Homeless It’s a tradition we all love and give many thanks to Francesca Vera for organizing and delivering thebookseachyear.

The 2023 new year’s resolution of getting more time on the course early in the year so our game was “perfection” whenthewarmweatherarriveswentdownthedrain(no pun intended) with a wet and blustery January Instead, our beloved golf course looked like it had turned into a lakefrontproperty!WiththehardworkofHarj’steamand some outside help, our course is returning to normal; so nomoreputtingoffgettingoutandswingingtheclub!

A recent February morning we were all looking forward to a day with no rain and no “cart path only” play, but mother nature once again did not align with our expectations With temperatures in the very low 30s and awindchillfactormakingitevencolder,JoyceDrewwas

In Loving Memory of

the sole member of our group on the driving range trying to warm up before embarking on the course. And the rest of us? We were huddled around a warm cup of coffee in the women’s locker room! After a brief discussion in the locker room, I brought Joyce in before she froze, and we all opted for a lovely breakfast in the Grill Wecapturedtheimpromptubreakfasttoprovethat weallwereouttherereadytoplay!

March 14th is our first event day with our annual St Patrick’s luncheon and guest day. We are always looking for new members to play with our group. If you would like to be a guest please leave a message for Lindsey Kauffman, team captain, in the pro shop We would love to meet you Our group requirements are simple: If you or your family are a Stockton Golf and Country Club golf member, have an interest in golf, have played before, ownorhaveaccesstothegolfclub,have3hourstospare on Tuesday mornings and know basic course etiquette please consider coming out and meeting our group. You don’t need a handicap to join us. After your first 10 recorded rounds (which can be just nine holes) you will establishahandicap

9 Hole


The rainstorms at the beginning of the year may have wreaked havoc on the course, but they weren’t enough to dampen our spirits! The Thursday Lady Golfers reunited for lunch and camaraderie on January 19th, even though golf still wasn’t an option The following week,Rick,Harjandcrewcreatedashortenedpar3track of the holes that weren’t as saturated or hindered by fallen trees By the end of the month, our greens crew had been able to get all 18 holes back into action Pretty incredible considering all of the downed trees, power lines,andstandingwater!

The Valentine’s Day tournament, held February 16th, had us all ‘feeling the love’ for our great group and this crazy game of golf With Tournament Chair Sue Stuart down in Cabo San Lucas, Assistant Chair Toni Murdock arranged for a fun 3-person scramble event. The results were:

FirstPlace: CathyBarnes,JenniferBullerandGayleJennings

SecondPlace: SusanFilios,MarciaStonebargerandJudyHong

ThirdPlace:ToniMurdock, RobinGoucherandJudyDyke



Sue and Toni are planning another team event for St Patrick’sDayonMarch16th Ifyouhaven’tyetdoneso,be suretosignupandjointheshenanigans!

Please take a look at the Team Play Schedule and signup sheets on the bulletin board in the Ladies' Locker Room Upcoming Team Play tournaments will include March 9th at Brookside, March 23rd at Turlock and April 20thatElkhorn.

At the end of April, Barbara Fichtner and Susan Filios areplanningafun“BeatthePro”event Let’sworkonour gamesandseehowwellwecanscoreagainstthepros!




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