The Spoke February

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February 10, 2015 Conestoga High School Berwyn, Pennsylvania Volume 65 No. 4

See p. 14 Internet Monitoring p. 2

Valentine’s Day p. 9

Disney Diversity p. 17

News District The Spoke is published seven times per year at Bartash Printing. It consistently receives the Gold Award from the Pennsylvania School Press Association and is a National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker awardwinning publication. The Spoke serves as a public forum for student expression. Editors-in-Chief: Suproteem Sarkar, Simran Singh, Yuge Xiao News Editor: Michael Hong Features Editors: Courtney Kennedy, Mary Mei Opinion Editor: Meagan O’Rourke Sports Editors: Andy Backstrom, Navin Zachariah Convergence Editors: Michael Li, Jerry Zhu Business Manager: Shivani Sanghani Copy Editor: Paula Miller Graphic Designers: Liz Lawton, Ben Red, Michael Zhang Staff: Betty Ben-Dor, Elizabeth Billman, Maggie Chen, Allan Du, Nour Elkassabany, Rose Kantorczyk, Camille Kurtz, Liz Lawton, Cissy Ming, Kyle Nicholson, Ian Ong, Matt Paolizzi, Emma Purinton, Allison Reagan, Matt Soderberg, Caleigh Sturgeon, Michelle Xu, Eric Xue, Lyvia Yan, Michael Zhang, Warren Zhao Faculty Advisers: Susan Gregory, Cyndi Crothers-Hyatt

Submissions Letters to the editor may be submitted to Suproteem Sarkar, Simran Singh or Yuge Xiao, or advisers Susan Gregory or Cyndi Crothers-Hyatt. Unsigned editorials represent the views of The Spoke editorial board, and not necessarily those of the administration, student body, community or advertisers. The opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the writer and not necessarily the opinion of The Spoke.

Contact Us Email: Phone: 610-240-1046 The Spoke accepts paid advertisements. Email: Visit The Spoke online at Web News Directors: Michael Li, Jerry Zhu

2 The Spoke

District tracks students’ browsing Eric Xue Nine minutes before school starts, the library at Conestoga High School is packed with students. A student scrambles to an open computer and logs on. Having to print a paper, he opens Google Chrome in an attempt to access his personal email account. the familiar Barracuda Networks, Inc. message. What the student does not know is that his Internet browsing data was just sent to the Tredyffrin Easttown School District (TESD). The district’s Internet logs now contain information about which website he visited, the date he visited it and the time of the visit. This data, however, is not actively monitored for each individual, according to Robin McConnell, the director of educational technology. “The school district does not actively monitor network users. The T/E educational network is a very large network with thousands of daily users,” McConnell said. “The district does not own, nor does it use tracking software. It respects the privacy of individual network users who follow the practices of the Acceptable Use Agreement.” While user network data is not actively monitored, the information gathered about users on the district’s network is still being used. The data is used as a whole to assess the performance of the district’s network and to determine peak Internet usage times and the amount of bandwidth being used. The statistics are then used to address network issues to better meet the expectations and needs of the network users. All this information is gathered appliance created by Barracuda Networks, Inc. According to their website, the Barracuda Web Filter line applications without exposure to web-borne malware and viruses, lost user productivity and misused bandwidth. However, according to McConnell, the information gathered about users on the district network is not permanent. “Barracuda maintains a log by date and time of Internet users and the URLs they have visited. There is as the logs are routinely overwritten,” McConnell said. Students are not the only users whose network browsing information is catalogued in the district’s Internet logs. All users, teachers, administrators, secretaries, aides, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, members of the IT team and employees who

Screenshot of Barracuda Web Filter

Access Denied: use the district network leave a trail of the places they visit online. The district’s storage areas, WiFi network, emailing services and electronic devices are all part of its educational network. While on its current Wi-Fi network, the information about sites visited on a personal device, such as a phone or laptop, are also stored in the Barracuda web Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a policy that the school district is currently working on that upon completion, will allow students to access the school Wi-Fi with their personal device. Unlike the current district Wi-Fi network, BYOD requires students to sign a new Acceptable Use Agreement and have parent permission

-Director of Technology Robin McConnell

The personal device must then be registered. The registration process gathers information such as the type of device and the Media Access Code address, a hardware address ing location of a network. Once the device is registered, students will use his or her login credentials to join the network. According to McConnell, the BYOD network will still have data will still be gathered once it is available for student use. “As noted in the Acceptable Use Agreement, the student should have no expectation of privacy when using the T/E educational network,” McConnell said. Nonetheless, some students do not mind that the school district can collect data about users’ browsing histories, such as the website that was visited, the date it was visited on and the time of the visit. “Honestly, I don’t mind the district knowing my search information while I’m at school,” senior Hailey Boyer said. “It seems fair that while I’m on the school’s network that they can monitor what websites I visit.” However, sophomore Jack Lee expressed a different point of view. “In a sense, [data collecting] could be necessary, but in general, it’s a little awkward. It’s one thing for the government to watch what you’re

doing, but as far as a school goes, it’s not like they’re trying to prevent a terror attack,” Lee said. Lee also expressed his frustration with the strict website restrictions of Barracuda. Barracuda “is extremely annoying,” Lee said. “I’m in [Good Morning ’Stoga] and I often have to do research at home because so many websites that I would need to use are blocked.” Controversy with online surveillance came to light in 2013 when Edfrom the National Security Agency (NSA). Through Snowden’s leaks, it was revealed that the NSA had access the digital world, from text messages to the things every user does online every day. These leaks showed why, according to Conestoga librarian Lydia Lieb, privacy is still something to pay attention to when using the Internet, even if the district possesses logs that record users’ browsing histories. “I think that privacy is important and I think that students should get educated about things they can do to maintain their privacy online,” Lieb said. “I’m sure you might think that it doesn’t affect you or it’s not happening, but in the world, there is a lot of data being collected about people, not just students, when you’re on the Internet.”

District shakes up administrative positions Betty Ben-Dor During a special school board meeting on Jan. 5, the Tredyffrin/Easttown Board of School Directors took action on the appointment of several new offices. Effective July 1, the school district will be implement changes in its administrative staffing. Dr. Richard Gusick will become the new Superintendent of Schools with Wendy Towle replacing him as the new Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Staff Development and Planning. Patrick Gately, current ninth grade assistant principal at Conestoga High School, will take over Towle’s previous job as Curriculum Supervisor. In addition, Robin McConnell, Director of Assessment and Instructional Technology, will retire at the end of the year. Currently, Gusick is the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Staff Development and Planning. He joined the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District (TESD) in 1990 as a social studies teacher at Conestoga High School. Gusick stayed in that role until he became an assistant principal at Conestoga in 2003

and then worked his way to the central administration office. Gusick was selected as superintendent, chosen from a pool of 24 applicants. His term runs until June 30, 2018. Gusick will replace current Superintendent Daniel Waters, who has announced that he will retire in June. “There are a lot of great people working here who care a great deal about students. I look forward to strengthening these relationships toward positive outcomes for students,” Gusick said. S i n c e G u s i c k ’s p r e v i o u s position will be vacant, Towle will replace him. She will be able to work more closely with the staff, students, families and the community. Towle “is passionately committed to student success. She is very knowledgeable and experienced in the areas of curriculum and instruction. The district will be well served with her in this position,” Gusick said. Towle joined the district 14 years ago as a middle school language arts teacher. She has served as the Curriculum Supervisor of Language Arts and Staff Development and then as acting assistant principal for a

semester during the 2003-04 school year. According to Towle, her new job will be “overseeing the development and implementation of the K-12 curriculum and all the associated instructional strategies.” To w l e s a i d s h e h a s h i g h hopes for the future as she takes over for Gusick. “It is my hope that in this new position I will be able to continue the longstanding tradition of excellence while we continue to move forward,” Towle said. Since Towle replaces Gusick, her position will be vacant. To fill the void, Gately will become the new Curriculum Supervisor. After joining the TESD in 2008 as a gifted support teacher, Gately later moved up to become Assistant Principal at Valley Forge Middle School and then at Conestoga. In addition, he was the Curriculum Supervisor for Health and Physical Education and a member of the District Language Arts Standing Committee. “I feel that my new position will allow me to combine all of my experience as an English teacher with my more recent administrative experience. I have

been working as an educator since I graduated from college, so I feel that I bring a great deal of practical experience to the position,” Gately said. “I will miss my daily and direct work with students, teachers and staff in the building, but I am excited about the district-wide impact of my new position.”

News District

Gately will leave behind the Conestoga position that he has held for only a year, but his new position will allow him to interact more closely with the district as a whole. There is no named replacement for Gately. Likewise, the replacement for McConnell has yet to be determined.

Richard Gusick Director of Curriculum

Daniel Waters Superintendent RETIRING

Wendy Towle Curriculum Supervisor

Robin McConnell

Patrick Gately

Director of Technology

Grade 9 Assistant Principal

RETIRING Succeeded by: ???

Succeeded by: ??? Michael Zhang/The SPOKE

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News School

Comparative Lit, Coding among new courses for next year Warren Zhao When junior Miranda Moody received her course selection book, she was in for a surprise: the English course she planned on taking next year was gone. “I was a little annoyed by it, because I had been setting up to take that [course] senior year. I would have taken Advanced Comp as a junior and then AP Lang as a senior if I had known, because those are the two English classes that I’m really interested in,” Moody said. The Advanced Composition course is being replaced with Comparative Literature starting with the 2015-16 school year. Furthermore, a new Coding class is being introduced. “The decision to retire the Advanced Composition course was precipitated mainly by the realization that many of the distinct media literacy skills that were taught in this course have now been integrated into virtually all of the other courses that are part of the English offerings,” said T/E Language Arts Supervisor Wendy Towle. Media literacy was still a fairly

young concept when the Advanced Composition course was designed, according to Towle. However, as time progressed, both teachers and students became more and more well versed in all aspects of media literacy. Teachers have since integrated media literacy into other classes, rendering Advanced Composition redundant.

-Junior Miranda Moody The idea of adding the Comparative Literature course appealed to the administration because it offers a chance for students to look at related pieces of literature in classic and adapted forms. Students analyze how the classics are represented and interpreted over the course of time in different and contemporary literature. This class, just like Advanced Composition, is only available to grades 11 and 12.

In addition to Comparative Literature, Conestoga is adding another course to its curriculum—Coding: Games, Apps, and the Arts. The class introduces students to various functions within computer coding. The course is one semester long, and is available to students of all grades and skill levels. The goal is that by the end of the semester, students will be able to create products of their choice, including music, visual art, board games, mobile apps and even Minecraft mods. “Our hope is that students with no programming experience are interested in taking the new course and also that students with programming experience will consider taking the new course,” said AP Computer Science teacher Bill Dewees. Conestoga mathematics teachers, the school administration, the T/E Mathematics and Science Supervisor and the superintendent all discussed the introduction of this class. “There is growing excitement in the district about coding. Interest in our computer science courses at the high school is growing rapidly,” Dewees said.

Approved online courses Language Arts



Social Studies World Languages

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News Internship

Work or play: internships being abused? Yuge Xiao & Jerry Zhu Co-Editor-in-Chief and Co-Convergence Editor “It was basically a vacation for me.” 2014 graduate Stone Wang, who did his senior internship in China, said that he spent a considerable amount of time traveling the country. While his experiences do not necessarily reflect the program as a whole, Wang and other alumni have have bent guidelines set out by administrators, which Wang said is based on trust. Conestoga’s senior internship program was established in the late 1970s by a group of faculty and administrators. Designed to offer students a chance to explore career interests, the program runs for four weeks in May and ends the week before graduation. All seniors are required to participate in the program or continue with their studies in class. According to Coordinator of Community and Volunteer Services Pattie Littlewood, about 90 percent of seniors go on internships. “We try very hard to make sure every senior has the opportunity to take advantage of this program. Everyone learns something, even if it’s something they don’t necessarily want to follow with that career. In most cases, it’s a good experience,” Littlewood said. Conestoga is one of two public high schools in Chester County that offer an extensive internship program. Downingtown STEM Academy, being the other, requires every graduate to participate in an internship for a minimum of 21 hours after their sophomore year. However, STEM’s Career Exploration Initiative does not allocate school time for students to fulfill the time requisites and requires internship supervisors to evaluate students’ hours and quality of work. In addition, students are limited to internships in the science, math, engineering and technology fields. Other local high schools like Radnor have similar initiatives, though these are on a smaller scale than the programs at Conestoga and STEM. In 2014, only nine students were admitted into the internship program at Radnor High School. The differences in participa-

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Michael Hong/The SPOKE

Internship Phase II: Coordinator of Community and Volunteer Services Pattie Littlewood

tion can mainly be attributed to the guidelines set by school administrators. Radnor’s internship program includes an extensive application process and stringent selection standards. Open to juniors and seniors, students must apply for the program through the Radnor Alumni Council. Their personal interests, academic records and teacher recommendations are

“We try very hard to make sure every senior has the opportunity to take advantage of this program. Everyone learns something, even if it’s something they don’t necessarily want to follow with that career. In most cases, it’s a good experience.” -Coordinator of Community and Volunteer Services Pattie Littlewood

considered before acceptance. Selected students participate in organizations within the community and work with business owners and professionals. The system at ’Stoga requires no application—just signatures from parents and sponsors, drafts of letters of interest, a faculty adviser and a “satisfactory” academic status. Unlike STEM, students can choose an internship in any career field, ranging from accounting and teaching to woodworking, ministry studies and sailing. By allowing few stipulations on the type of internship, students can explore a wide range of career paths. Seniors are required to participate in their internship for seven hours a day, five days a week. But that requirement is not always met. Wang, who interned at a nitrocellulose lab for a company called Xuefei, said his internship included time in the lab as well as non-sanctioned trips across China. “I actually never needed to be in the lab,” Wang said. “I could walk around the campus and watch and talk to other workers. I would also go to other cities between my internship. I took a lot of trips visiting other cities like Guangzhou and Wuhan.”

speaks -

When Wang was on his internship overseas, he kept a journal documenting his experience—a requirement for all interning students—but said that his adviser never called him or sent him an email to check up on his progress. The school administrators “had to trust that I wouldn’t abuse the system,” Wang said. Although internship guidelines read, “Students should not be paid for the experience,” Wang earned $5,000 for his time at the lab. Similarly, Wang’s classmate Richard Stone was paid during his internship at Levi’s. Stone said he worked five to six hour shifts and would stay after his shift for about an hour to learn about the management

aspect of the business. This last hour was unpaid. “I was already working at Levi’s as a cashier and I asked them if I could learn more about managing the store I worked heavily with the store manager and learned about scheduling employees. They also taught me the store layout and how the store is designed to keep [customers] interested inside,” Stone said. Eric Niu, Class of 2012, also continued his after-school job at Five Guys for his internship. Niu worked about three days a week for shifts ranging from five to eight hours. “I didn’t manage to find an internship so I asked my general manager [at Five Guys] if I could count him as my internship [sponsor] and he agreed,” Niu said. “The only thing I had to tell [my manager] was that it was an unpaid internship and he said that he was fine with paying me for it.” Niu said his teacher adviser and the administration knew that he was getting paid. “The reason I got it through was because I received training to become a manager there,” Niu said. “[My manager] ended up taking me around the store and explaining what he does and I ended up doing some of the things he does, including ordering foods, setting up the receipts to be sent to the bank, doing the deposits for the bank. So I ended up learning quite a bit about how to run a store.” Internship guidelines encourage students to “explore an area of interest other than their present employment” and dictate that any continuation of present employment be in a “different area of the business or profession and must be approved by the Advisory Committee.”

Continued on p. 7

News Clubs

Continued from p. 6 “Seniors should not expect to be paid. Obviously it’s the same as going to school. Now if for any reason the sponsor wants to pay them—sometimes it’s due to unions that require payment for seniors to be there—but thats very, very rare. Because it’s part of the school obligation, they don’t have to be paid to go to

school, they don’t have to be paid for the internship either,” Littlewood said. Niu said using the internship period to work helped him pay for college expenses. “To help explain why I guess some students get paid internships, for me I know it was super helpful in buying my textbooks, because some students have different financial situations where to be able to just work for a

High School Internship Programs

Unlimited Options 7 hour minimum daily

Limited to science, math, engineering, or technology 21 hour minimum in total

End of senior year

Starts after sophomore year

Recommended: 90 percent participation rate

Necessary for graduation

Co-Convergence Editor The African American Student Union (AASU) couldn’t hold Martin Luther King (MLK) Day on the well-known civil rights leader’s birthday due to midterm testing, but that wasn’t reason

Michael Zhang/The SPOKE

for discouragement. Instead, the club combined MLK Day and its annual culture day into a celebration and promotion of African American culture on Feb. 4. “We certainly are not giving up the opportunity to [celebrate MLK Day], because I think that the whole school should be very

Michael Li/The SPOKE

Arts & Crafts: African American Student Union displays traditional

month and save up that money to put towards college is really beneficial and ends up making a difference in some cases,” Niu said. In some cases, students chose internships that mandated they receive compensation for their work. 2014 alumna Sreejata Munsi participated in bioengineering research at Eastern University, which received a grant from VWR International—a laboratory equipment distributor—on the condition that the university pay high school students to conduct research. “I was paid around $10 per hour from what I remember,” Munsi said. “I never advertised it to ’Stoga though, because I’m not too sure if they would have allowed it. But the thing is, I couldn’t refuse the money. Hence, me getting paid.” Even though some students don’t work for the full time commitment, Littlewood said that not all students skirt the rules. “I read every single journal, it takes me all summer to do that, and there isn’t anything I can do about that. I can’t think of any [instances of abuse] off the top of my head. There may have been some, but its very rare,”

supportive of his birthday,” club sponsor Patricia Berry said. As part of the festivities, Joe Patterson, Veronica Meryweather and Jeremy Isaac from Key Arts Productions presented “King’s Dream,” which told the story of King’s work in the Civil Rights Movement. Pictures and videos important to African American history flashed by on the screen as the three performed. Meryweather and Isaac sang the songs of the time accompanied by Patterson on the piano. Patterson also narrated the story, calling it a “thoughtful commentary.” Patterson hoped that through the production, Conestoga students could understand their overarching message: “We go out and make a difference, promote world peace and just try to make things better for all people throughout the world.” As the program went on in the auditorium, members of the AASU offered food items like chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, soda and baked goods. Passersby could stop by tables covered with decades-old posters and magazines following the Civil Rights Movement

“I was paid around $10 per hour from what I remember. I never advertised it to ’Stoga though, because I’m not too sure if they would have allowed it. But the thing is, I couldn’t refuse the money.”

Littlewood said. “To no fault of the program, some students just did not do much work for their internships,” said 2014 alumna Elizabeth Torpey, who interned at a sailmaker shop. “I thought the fact that it was really openended allowed students to pursue a wide range of possible interests. Of course with it being so open-ended, certain students could abuse that, but they should not speak of the program as a whole.”

Remembering the Great: at its height and take a look at them. Other displays included traditional garments from various countries in Africa like Benin and Nigeria and a collection of eyecatching African figurines. African American Culture Day was also a chance for the school

In general, students contacted by The Spoke found the internship to be a positive experience. “As nerdy as it sounds, I really am glad [the senior internship] exists. Seriously, for any college-eager seniors or juniors, any work or research experience goes a long way,” Munsi said. “For college freshmen in general, getting internships is extremely difficult. So, the fact that I already have undergrad research on my college résumé is helping me a lot.” While Wang did not find his internship particularly fruitful, he believes that the skills he gained in the laboratory environment could be useful in the future and complemented his education from Conestoga. “The experience was definitely worth it educationally and the school should really keep on doing it since it doesn’t cost anything and lets kids learn things schools can’t teach,” Wang stated. “There are always kids that are going to try to cheat the system and get a vacation, but the chance for kids to learn something new is much more valuable.”

Michael Li/The SPOKE

to honor Black History Month, which comes every February. “It’s really just a time to say ‘thank you’ to our ancestors and everybody who’s come before us and helped us get to this point,” AASU President junior Alina Withers said.

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Story, design and photos by Mary Mei and Paula Miller Co-Features Editor and Copy Editor “It’s an Indian name, it means precious. My chemistry teacher calls me ‘A-mole-ya’ because of the chemistry mole.” -Sophomore Amulya Reddy

“In college I might [change my

Among the thousands of students at Conestoga, at least 700 share their first name with anywhere from eight to 45 other people. Others have less common names with unique spellings, pronunciations and meanings. However, having a unique name can be frustrating when teachers and classmates can never pronounce it correctly. Junior Yinzhi Zhuge has encountered many such instances. “When I came to this country in middle school, people couldn’t really pronounce my name,” Zhuge said. Then, his middle school gym teacher decided to give him a nickname: Injur. “It sounds like my real name, and it works fine for me. Eventually everybody started calling me that. I don’t really mind, since it is a special name and part of my middle and high school life,” Zhuge said. Junior Dabin Yi has had similar experiences, where his name was butchered in numerous variations. “At this point I’ve just gotten used to it, so when teachers mispronounce it, I just kind of go with it,” Yi said. Though uncommon names may lead to awkward encounters, these unique names hold special meanings. Sophomore Amulya Reddy’s first name is the Hindi word for “precious,” and junior Delphine Mossman’s first name comes from a Greek root that means “dolphin.” Mossman’s name was carefully considered by her mother, who took into account not only meaning but pronunciation. “My mother’s French-Canadian and she wanted something that could be pronounced by people who spoke exclusively French and people who spoke exclusively English,” Mossman said. Despite all the individual stories and messages an uncommon name represents, Zhuge believes that a more mainstream name has its benefits and is “more recognizable in a workplace.” The prevalence of the most common names at Conestoga mimics the national trend of the most common names given to children born in the ’90s, with Michael, Christopher and Matthew ranking the top three for boys’ names and Jessica, Ashley and Emma for girls’ names. At Conestoga, there are 46 Michaels, making it the most popular boy name, and 28 Saras or Sarahs, making it the most popular girl name.

“My name is Korean. It’s a name that could be used for a guy and a girl. I’ve heard it pronounced substitutes and teachers.” -Junior Dabin Yi

“It’s French-Canadian and I

that’s easily recognizable in roughly translates to ‘dolphin’ or ‘of dolphins,’ so that’s pretty it’s me.”

meet that many Delphines.” -Junior Yinzhi Zhuge

8 The Spoke

-Junior Delphine Mossman

Features Student Features Valentine’s Day

Saturday. It is time to do

ance out the sparkles and hearts with a healthy dose of cynicism and

Ignore them. Nothing will make a girl fonder of you than you pretending that they don’t

ultimate holiday for the sardonic and stone-hearted. Wear your sloppiest clothes.

Be spontaneous.

Create a hate song playlist. Choose the perfect date. -

for this day of anti-togetherness. Bake broken-heart cookies. Emotions are for losers. End the perfect date with a nice deep understanding of gender equality. Make good conversation. The most important thing for you on your Val-

Watch a horror movie.

nitely play a large role in the success

your feelings of terror.

ments will do the trick. Just make their shoulders and discuss yourself. more interesting.

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10 The Spoke

Features Teacher

Señora Ann Karcewski By Co-Features Editor Courtney Kennedy

Spanish teacher Ann Karcewski discusses her Filipino background, her love of word games and her frightening experience with a bear. Where did you grow up? “I grew up in the Philippines, and I came here when I was 12. I was actually born in the United States. My parents were both Fulbright Scholars at Purdue University, but then they

mom has taught in Purdue University,

What is your funniest classroom memory or experience? “There’s so many. I’ve always been do that psychology project with the have students write on the board, and I -

So growing up being surrounded some point, when they’re distracted, then goes, ‘Where’s my egg?’And so I What do you like most about teaching Spanish? “In other subjects, you have to do content all the time. We do too, but

ended up in O’Hare Airport in Chicago, What happened after you came to America? grew up in West diana, where Purdue University is, because my mom had returned to do her Ph.D. I also lived in

Kellogg Company and has invented many cereals that are probably in your

love learning about their personal they try to reconcile in their head why the egg is bouncing and why I have those events in their lives in Spanish. What is your favorite food? they’re actually practicing and applytional dish called pansit. It’s this noodle What is one of your most memorable travel experiences? ing on this trail and I ran into a bear. You’re supposed to ideally have a bear bell, but I did not have my bear bell with me that day. They were all ahead

to prepare them. Pansit especially is very time consuming. It’s very labor intensive. Adobo has to be just right, Is there anything your students don’t know about you? “I have an unhealthy obsession with word games. It’s bad. I’m obsessed with Scrabble and Jangle. Well, it’s not all that I do, but whenever I get a moment, I play them. I’m also

How did you learn Spanish? erybody in the United States. As an I just loved the way it sounded and thought the headlines were going to be that there were so many words that

Scrabble or something but I’m actually playing Candy Crush. It’s really mind brero’ (hat in Spanish) in Tagalog are

Quick Facts

It’s called morphosemantic changes. Rico. She was in my Spanish class and Favorite Hobbies: Cooking and playing word games. Favorite Movies: “The Gladiator” and “Shawshank Redemption.”

Why did you decide to teach Spanish?

Favorite TV Shows: “American Horror Story” and “Project Runway.” Pet Peeve: When people smoke right outside a building entrance I would love to visit... Cuba.

Courtney Kennedy/The SPOKE

The Spoke 11

Features Entertainment

Be our guest: ’Stoga Theatre prepares for the new show As the directors of the production, Gaspari and Dolph are in charge of working with Suzanne Dickinger, the vocal and pit director, and Michael Starner and Noah Austin, the sponsors of stage crew, to connect all aspects of the musical, including set builds, props, sound crew, light crew, hair and makeup, deck crew, the pit, actors and parents. Aside from acting, another aspect of the musical is costuming, featuring experienced parent volunteers like Hilary Fisher and Susan De-

Ian Ong/The SPOKE

Prepping the Stage: Stage crew (left) builds a staircase for “Beauty and the Beast.” The show, directed by Natalie Gaspari (right), will be performed by ’Stoga Theatre on March 4-7.

Ian Ong Behind the curtains, students diligently construct a gigantic metal framework, the sound of hammering taking turns with the singing on stage. ’Stoga Theatre is preparing for the spring musical, “Beauty and the Beast,” which will be performed from March 4-7. Adapted from the

love in an unlikely place. Natalie Gaspari, who made her Conestoga debut directing “Dracula” in the fall, wants to recreate the magic of the iconic show. “People know ‘Beauty and the Beast’ from the movie, the cartoon; it’s been on Broadway,” Gaspari said. “My overall vision for this is to bring about that kind of magic from the past and trying to match the audience’s expectations of what an iconic show it is, and bringing all of that imagination, all of that creativity, into our performance of it.”

Gaspari has about 10 years of experience in directing, stage managing and acting. She was drawn to ’Stoga because she loved how much the students were involved in the program and is delighted to be able to work with the technology, resources and staff. Her assistant director, junior Emmi Dolph, manages the lobby during the show, polishes the acting and takes down notes for Gaspari. “We get along really well, we work together pretty well, she’s really easy to be around,” Dolph said.

‘Serial’ captivates listeners as podcasts make a comeback

Nour Elkassabany

“Clearly you could tell something was going on that wasn’t good. I mean, it was just strange behavior for anybody.” Fans young and old, students and teachers alike, would recognize this quote from a teaser for a show that grew in popularity rapidly over the last months of 2014. branch off of NPR’s “This American Life,” host Sarah Koenig examines the murder of Hae Min Lee, a high school student in Baltimore, and the trial of her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed, who was convicted of the crime. Koenig digs through police reports, investigators’ notes and court records trying to uncover the hidden story. Weekly installments of “Serial” aired from Oct. 3-Dec. 18. Senior Fiona Copeland was drawn in by the mystery and quickly became a devoted listener. “Thursday morning became my new favorite thing,” Copeland said, “I had a drill where I would click play in the morning when I was getting ready and I’d listen to it on the way to school. And by the time

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caught up.” The events and course of the trial shared in “Serial” sometimes numerous crime shows on television. “The whole time I was listening, I had to remind myself that these are real people,” English teacher Karen Gately said. “It’s happening right now. This kid is sitting in prison not

story is just so unique in the sense that you just want to listen to it and you get caught up listening to it,” Copeland said. “I feel like you wouldn’t get the same experience sitting and staring at a screen, watching this take place.” Gately said that the podcast remains unique in the way listeners consume the story. “I think podcasts force you to really listen to language more so

Podcasts on the Rise Weekly audio podcast consumption grew 25% from 2012 to 2013.



“Serial” averages 1.5 million listerners per episode. More than 5 million episodes of “Serial” have been downloaded on iTunes. 40 million people listen to some type of podcast. *Statistics according to The New York Times.

Liz Lawton/The SPOKE

too far from here, and he may be or may not be innocent.” Before the rise of “Serial,” podcasts may have been thought of as outdated, pushed aside by the popularity of “What Sarah Koenig is trying to present with her interviews and her

than TV,” Gately said,.“Adnan would stutter a lot and he would diffuse questions, where I think if I saw him I don’t know if I’d pay so close attention to his wording. I don’t think I would’ve done that so much if it was something like a ‘Dateline’ episode.”

year ’Stoga has decided to rent costumes for a play. However, while costumes for the living household objects like Cogsworth the clock and Mrs. Potts the teapot will be rented, all other costumes will either be created by Conestoga or reused from the costume bank. “It saves on construction of things like Mrs. Potts, who’s supposed to be a teapot, and Cogsworth, who’s supposed to be a clock,” Gaspari said. “It’s the objects themselves build, we decided to rent out.” Sound design is also is an important part to making the musical a success. Gregory Boccuti, head of sound design, deals with technical sound boards and microphones during the performance. When “some people do sound design, it’s often too loud for my

taste,” Boccuti said. “The true art of doing it is that you can pick up a person’s voice, but you can almost still hear their real voice. When a little overboard.” Another facet of the musical is the stage crew, who is currently working on constructing the large metal framework of the Beast’s castle, a spiral staircases, jail cells and a tavern. Sophomore Massy DiDario joined stage crew this year as a part of the build crew, a group that comes after school every Wednesday and works on weekends to build the set used in the play. Working on stage crew “is very fun. It feels like I’m actually doing something for the school, and it’s really fun working with other people to have a part in the musical, even if we’re not acting in it,” DiDario said. Conestoga’s “Beauty and the Beast” will be a huge production with efforts from students, staff, parents and Gaspari, who will bring her own brand of direction and vision to the musical. “It’s much brighter than ‘Dracula’ was,” Gaspari said. “I’m very much looking forward to working with all of the different facets of the production: people, students, teachers and all of that, because everyone works so hard and I’m excited to be part of that team.”

Features Community

Students study with sweet drinks

Lyvia Yan


Here's The


Emma Purinton


Lyvia Yan/The SPOKE conference rooms and silent study areas, but it does not A quiet study spot: The Gryphon Cafe in Wayne is one popular study spot for students. Others study at the library or Starbucks.

Best Reliable Burger: Five Guys (Gateway) 253 E. Swedesford Road Cheeseburger: $6.79 cially since it is less



Best Patty Melt: Baxter’s 14 Paoli Shopping Center Patty Melt: $11

Saying goodbye to a friendly face



Classiest Burger: White Dog CafĂŠ 200 Lancaster Avenue Wayne Lamb Sliders: $5

Allison Reagan/The SPOKE

End of the line: Junior Kathryn Lenker buys lunch from Karen Fad. Fad plans to retire on April 7 after 16 years in TESD cafeterias.

Allison Reagan




off of Lancaster -


The Spoke 13

OPINION Senior internship loopholes The Spoke encourages seniors to complete senior internship honestly and wholeheartedly Senior internship provides real, hands-on experience in the workforce, preparing students for a career or exposing them to a field. Often, as students, we find ourselves sitting at our desks asking (and possibly grumbling), “When will I ever use quantum numbers or analyze Puritan poetry in real life?” Senior internship teaches students the real life applications and skills we crave outside of a traditional schoolroom environment. And the best part is, it is considered school. However, senior internship should not be treated as a vacation—and certainly not as a paid vacation—no matter how severely senioritis hits. If you are at home watching “The Office” while you should be interning at the office, you are only cheating yourself (Michael Scott may be full of knowledge, but he is probably not the best role model to follow, anyway). Senior internships are intended for students to develop people skills, self-motivation, connections and specialized skills in a business, school or laboratory. And even if you do not plan to continue working where you interned as a senior, you will

16 The Spoke

have learned and experienced the skills needed in the workforce— skills that are not always directly taught within the walls of ’Stoga. Additionally, students are discouraged by administrators from receiving pay for their senior internship. However, several students have been paid for their internships. Despite the

Senior internship marks our transition from high school students to career savvy scholars so make the most you can of it. temptation of getting paid, we believe senior internship should be treated as school—where we are not required to get paid. We also recognize, though, the complexity of interning at your pre-existing job. Handing back your paychecks to your long-time boss at Wegman’s since you are suddenly starting

an internship would be rather strange and counterintuitive. But if you were to learn about managing Wegman’s in addition to your regular grocery bagging duties, you should be able to collect pay. Conestoga is one of two public high schools in Chester County that offer an extensive internship program. We already take advantage of the program, as more than 90 percent of seniors go on an internship (fewer than 10 percent of seniors linger at ’Stoga —in this instance, going against the grain is not encouraged.) A majority of seniors actively intern and fulfill requirements honestly, but like any program built on trust, trust can be broken. So we need to take self-initiative and close up the existing gaps and loopholes in the senior internship program, not to appease administrators, but for ourselves. Senior internship marks our transition from high school students to career savvy scholars so make the most you can of it. Nobody wants to be an aimless, lingering senior his entire life, literally or figuratively.

Liz Lawton/The SPOKE

From the Editor: Taking the initiative in friendships admiration or friendship toward a person doesn’t mean they know that our feelings exist. This one-sided highway of emotions became even more pronounced after two of my friends passed away within six months of

Yuge Xiao Co-Editor-in-Chief He’s always dressed from top to bottom in shades of blue—a navy shirt, faded jeans—and his cool-tone uniform is never complete without an Eagles or Villanova baseball cap perched on his head. If he’s not out in the hallway, you can quickly locate him by the medium-gray garbage-can-on-wheels that seemingly screams, “Bill’s here! Bill’s here!” Bill’s blue ensemble and gray trash cart have become a familiar sight on my treks down to the Main Lobby after school. Hearing the clack of my boots as I trudge through his hallway toward the staircase, he would look up from cleaning and greet me with a friendly “Hello!” and ask me about my day. Often tired and weary, I always leave our short conversations with a smile on my face, and our exchanges are moments I look forward to at the end of a long day of classes and clubs. Bill’s ability to brighten up my day with a simple greeting and a “How are you?” speaks volumes to the impact one person can have on another. Even if two people interact occasionally, or talk for a couple of minutes once every blue moon, every gesture is lasting and powerful. However, many of us forget to reach out beyond our immediate circle of friends. After drifting from social circle to social circle at ’Stoga, I realized that we often assume that those who matter to us know we care. But in reality, the appreciation and gratitude might not be apparent. Just because we have those feelings of

felt shock, pain—numbness. Then came the regrets. Remembering the last time I saw each of them, I thought about how I could have messaged them more often or made plans for a night out; how I should have made more out of the time we had together. Could have. Should have. Didn’t. Yet regrets don’t have to remain regrets. Unlike death’s ing to be completed. So be more proactive in acknowledging the people who positively impact us,

“We often assume that those who matter to us know we care. But in reality, the appreciation and gratitude might not be apparent.” whether it’s through a phone call, text, hug or smile. Catch up with pals from that summer camp two years ago, ask your family about their days when they walk in the door—take the initiative and let your emotions do some talking. As you wait impatiently for class to end, for the school day to be over, for college to start, take a moment to look around you and give back to those who have touched you. These words are long overdue, but thank you, Bill. Thank you for all of your hellos and how are yous, for reading all of my articles and for cheering me on as I face success and failure. Thank you.

Opinion Commentary

College for all; Obama, Wishing upon a commercial star good call won’t get you very far

However, Disney exists to gener- place, yet we call upon a company to validate our individual standards of beauty so we can feel like prinYes, the same folks that created so many wonderful childhood memories inclusiveness through representation, work for one of those evil corpora- we promote tying self worth to an

Cissy Ming Columnist

Maggie Chen/The SPOKE

Disney is perhaps best known for its Disney Princess franchise, popular among young girls everywhere and frequent target of criticism for -

the work force, innovate the next big thing, and help solve the issues This program has a foundation in a similar approach that was used in Tennessee, proposed by a Republican governor, so this proposal will not necessarily be

Simran Singh Co-Editor-in-Chief with conservative rejoicing and Democrat bashing in the aftermath

middle class and more widespread educational opportunities are an education ought to be a fundamental right, this proposal should pass continue to play the major role that they do, compromise is far from

minority women, while all conform to conventional standards of beauty lack of representation means that girls of color and plus-sized girls grow up without good media role models and that Disney must do all claims Disney has a responsibility to the public “as a creator of familyfriendly products,” which includes an imperative to “work not to narrow the worldview of young girls, but to

is not the color and size of its charac- disregard the positive messages Disters, but the green of money and the ney princess movies send, such as the es consumers to support Disney with “When we encourtheir hard earned cash (well, besides age inclusiveness screaming toddlers), so it seems rather senseless to insist that the company through represenaccommodates every demographic tation, we promote when the disenfranchised could just

tying self worth to an image on a screen.”

idea that children need role models in the media who look like them creideology does nothing to expand the worldview of young girls—it only teaches them that “their people” are special and shoves them into rigid Speaking as a so-called person of color, it seems a little racist to say that Disney must coddle me because Snow White despite the fact that she was well, white and everyone in my kindergarten class knew me as the fat

importance of kindness, all because To those who champion the cause of media representation, initiate change yourself by creating your own Tumblr rants may not advance social justice, but creating an alternative to Disney princesses that adequately represents a variety of people could of an activist are you if you simply push others to make the change you want to see? On “This Could Have and stories were beautifully rendered

me from the same Snow White story ity in the House and Senate, the majority is marginal—so partisanPresident Obama mentioned one groundbreaking proposal that may appeal to both sides: more accesster the middle class and make education more accessible is in the form of a bill to provide two free tion to returning veterans, the bill would operate on the contingency that both colleges and students maintain a high level of effort on

While opinions will always differ—and Congress was created to moderate these differing opinions and create better and more agreeable legislation—counterdividuals will not allow us to move

bubble for a minute, we see that for a large number of students around the country, a college education is concept of a free education would enable many individuals to be able to more effectively contribute to

your children feel inadequate because shared cultural background, my girly

archetype, assure them that beauty is

equal opportunity where all have a

waist, anyways?

outrage, generating fanart and alternate storylines for a diverse range of

responses to concrete potential solutions are exactly what made voters nationwide discontent and dismayed with the last Congress,

Congress will guarantee a more both parties can come together

big fan of this effort to promote education and skills for students who may not otherwise be able to attend an institution of higher learn-

which featured yet another pretty, white protagonist, irate Tumblr users took to the blog “This Could

Republican or Democrat, as high school students who would gain from this bill (even though not all of us may need to take advantage of this opportunity), each of us can pester our representative or senator to help our fellow high schoolers

at the media and strive for things

to see stereotypes and only one type of person [in media], it cre-

negative impact on them to see

more character types because it helps make people

“Certain movies can focus on certain topics, but overall it is important to look at the bigger picture

this measure, just like thousands of other deserving and hardworking

The Spoke 17

Opinion Commentary

Let it snow (day)

Michelle Xu Columnist the only two sicknesses that hit schools when the air turns frosty: snow day fever has T/E schools all Perhaps better categorized as a cold, “Snow Day Fever” is the inability to stop wishing for a snow day or snow delay. Common symptoms for students include keeping weather. com open 24/7 and constant surveillance of windows for signs of snowflakes. More extreme symptoms include calling the T/E hotline in the to the pagan god Ullr to increase snow accumulation (both of which For teachers and administrators, though, snow day fever manifests itself differently. Most symptoms include some variation of grumbling and frustration, though occasionally the only sign of such teacher snow day fever is stoically accepting the inevitable inclement weather. As a busy student, I love a nice day off to get ahead in schoolwork, if “getting ahead in schoolwork” means sledding with friends and drinking gallons of hot cocoa. But the chance to relax is nice, especially considering we students slog through January, without any holiday breaks in sight. However, I also understand the pain suffered in this season. Snow days are an administrative nightmare and mess with all teachers’ plans. Moving the missed days to the end

rallying anti-feminist cry claims the need for feminism is obsolete. According to the opposition, women gained complete equality with the right to vote in 1920. (A little late, wasn’t it?)Yet, within ports one third of women killed each year in the United States are murdered by their partners and The American Association for University Women claims women are paid 78 percent of the salary of men. While women are not equal to men in America, feminism is not solely applicable to the United States. Rivals to feminism demonstrate naiveté and also extreme ethnocentrism. To consider the feminist movement “over” because one country gained suffrage exhibits a shocking disregard for the international community. The UN’s End Violence Against Women Campaign asserts that today female infanticide and neglect of girls are still pervasive in the Middle East, North Africa and South and East Asia. The discrimination of women cannot be pinpointed to any spe-

of the year wastes them, because no one pays attention in sweltering June. On top of all this, some teachers have to deal with AP exams, which unfortunately don’t move for you just because you get buried in two feet of snow. The two sides of the Great Snow Day Debate generally continue with the same arguments year to year. However, a 2014 Harvard study brings new evidence to the table having a school calendar that could give Swiss cheese competition for its number of gaping holes actually has no impact on school performances on standardized tests. Conducted by public policy professor Joshua Goodman, the study corroborates the “congestion model of classroom learning.” The model basically theorizes that coordination in teaching students. Thus, “coordinated disruptions of instructional time” like snow days don’t impact standardized test scores because they disrupt the class schedule as a whole and so individual students don’t fall behind. Granted, this “congestion model” still doesn’t solve the problem of AP tests. Also, it doesn’t address the biggest historical argument made against snow days: last year’s snowball effect. A couple of missed days here, a couple of feet of snow there, mix in a busted electrical grid and another week of missed school, and suddenly even the noble institution of Spring Break was threatened and on the chopping block. Despite the Spring Break Scare of ’14, I think we need to take everything in moderation: all work and no play is not the way to go. A few scattered snow days in January and February can help preserve studnets’ mental stability and lower the sky high stress levels in schools. Well, as long as sacrifices to pagan gods don’t make a comeback.

Maggie Chen/The SPOKE

18 The Spoke

What a girl wants: Equal rights

Liz Lawton/The SPOKE

equal social, political and economic rights. Despite this, only themselves as feminists, as re-

Camille Kurtz Columnist Close your eyes and imagine living in a world where 603 million women live in a country that tolerates domestic violence. The same world allows 60 million girls under the age of 18 to become child brides. One in four women experience violence while pregnant, and 70 percent are victims of violence in their lifetime. Picture a place where women are consistently paid less than men for doing the same job. A place where the term “feminist” is a threat. According to the United Nations, this is the world we live in. This is the world we silently endorse every second we stand by and refuse to acknowledge the plight that women worldwide face. Feminism is the belief that both women and men should possess

Seemingly stacked up against wild misconceptions, feminism is commonly construed as a belief that women should be treated better than men who are vile and should immediately be jettisoned from the planet. Some may believe feminists are crazy cat ladies with radical bumper stickers who have no right to complain when there are other people with “real problems” because, obviously, “the feminist movement is over.” In reality, there is no need to fear or hate feminism. It should, instead, be hailed with respect and embraced by both women and men; why is equality so threatening? While many believe that feminism has strengthened in the past year, as social media encouraged men and women worldwide to face, a more cynical group predicts this action will result in the inauspicious portent of a backlash against such progress. To prove the cynics wrong, we must ensure that the feminist movement does not die, but grows stronger. Across the United States, the

ethnicity or religion. It can, however, be partially attributed to the indifference, even antagonism, and perpetuation of feminist fallacies. Feminism is not a conspiracy. It is not a stage for women to garner attention and grandstand. It is not a savage call for female superiority by war-mongering feminazis.”

“Feminism is not a consipiracy. It is not a stage for women to garner attention and grandstand. It is not a savage call for female superiotrity by war-mongering feminazis. It is simply the demand that everyone should be treated equally.” It is simply the demand that everyone should be treated equally. It is the demand that men and women respect each other’s rights. In 2015, refuse to propagate the stereotype. Refuse to idly stand by.

Choose wisely: Course selection determines your entire future

Meagan O’Rourke Opinion Editor Course selection time overshadows the holiday season as the most wonderful time of year. But having varied interests as a high school student and not knowing what you want to do as an adult will be your demise. According to Penn State’s academic advising journal, The Mentor, 75 percent of undergraduates change their major at least once before graduation. Don’t be a statistic. Decide right now in high school what you plan to do for the rest of your life. And part of making that necessary and immediate decision begins and ends with course selection. Doubling up on science courses next year? Say goodbye to your chances of ever becoming a lawyer. will look at your schedule from junior year and discover your passion for physics and chemistry as a youth clearly eclipses your ability

to argue in court because you only took one government class. Be especially cautious and nervous when choosing electives. Electives are not meant to expose you to different specialized career areas and provide a creative release during the school day. If you have an inkling that you “kinda like pottery” but “sorta want to try culinary arts,” you better choose one and commit to either throwing it down on the wheel or slicing and dicing every day. You don’t want to spread yourself thin by trying to experience new and different things. If you aren’t careful with your decisions, you could end up like Michael Jordan, the poor guy. He was cut from his high school drama and ended up playing basketball (some may say it was his basketball team, but acting and sneakers is really where he got his fame). life dream of acting until 1996’s blockbuster “Space Jam!” Once you decide on your classes and electives for next year, there is absolutely no going back. Don’t kid yourself, summer and the three week periods of time between semesters is simply not enough time to make a quick change to your schedule. The people working in student services who spend hours assisting students cannot guide or counsel you through the course selection process, either. You must decide in solitude.

Opinion Humor

Report Card Super Bowl Ads +Mix of funny and serious -Doubting if Kim Kardashian can actually save my unused data

New SpongeBob Movie +It’s in 3-D so it must be great -Nothing can beat the “Goofy Goober Rock” Maggie Chen/The SPOKE

Also, you should go up to every teacher, for at least an hour, and lament over course selection. Be sure to ask as many questions they cannot answer about next year like “how many hours, minutes and seconds will I be spending on homework each night, precisely, in that class?” High school is the most important time of your life. So don’t spend your time cherishing moments with your friends or family. Make sure you work to the brink of exhaustion and make important life decisions before you even enter the workforce. Weigh your choices

heavily when it comes to course selection. Think of the classes you plan to take next year as anvils in your life path that can never be moved. Or if that stresses you out, think of the course numbers on your selection card as the phone numbers of drill sergeants who will dictate your life like aggressive life coaches who can’t say it without spraying it. As the saying goes, “don’t do what you love, love what you decide during your childhood and build your entire schedule and life around what you aspire to do while in high school.”

Snow Day


+Two-hour delay -Still shoveling two feet of snow out of my heart

Friday the 13th +I never liked the cracks in the pavement anyway -That man in the hockey mask keeps bothering me

Liz Lawton/The SPOKE

The Spoke 19


NOTE: TO VIEW VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS OF DIEHL AND DORSEY, DOWNLOAD THE FREE AURASMA APP ON THE APP STORE AND SIGN IN UNDER THE USERNAME: STOGA PASSWORD: STOGA AND SCAN THE PICTURES THAT ARE MARKED WITH THE AURASMA SYMBOL. and my own skill set didn’t have to be altered as much as I became older because my dad instilled good habits in me when I was just a kid,” Diehl said. One league that Diehl was coached by his father in was the Paoli Wildcats League. Diehl dominated the league, helping his team win an unprecedented four consecutive league championships, including one undefeated season and ndrew Diehl has been playing basketball ever since he could first walk. Although having tested out virtually every other sport other than lacrosse and soccer, Diehl has always had the ultimate dream of playing college basketball. Diehl would watch highlights of his idol, J.J. Redick, while Redick played at Duke University, studying his free throw routine and modeling his own after Redick’s perfect form. Another sport that Diehl did not pursue until just last year was high jumping. Little did Diehl know that his exciting dunking ability on the court, would translate into elite leaping ability on the track. Born into a family full of basketball players, Diehl has been entrenched in the basketball mentality forever. Diehl’s mother, Carol Diehl, played college basketball at Bucknell University and Diehl’s father, Clyde Diehl, played closely with the Penn State basketball team. Diehl’s not have been complete without one of his best friends, Martin Dorsey. Diehl admits that when they were younger they would compete with each other, pushing each other to the maximum, but only because they both knew each could handle the pressure. Clyde Diehl has been coaching his son on the ins-and-outs of the game of basketball through it all. Diehl believes that the fundamentals that he has mastered today come from the lessons his dad taught him when he was just a little kid playing on his own driveway. “There are not many fathers out there who could teach you the best fundamentals at a young age. My basic understanding of the game

20 The Spoke

seasons combined. “What was exciting about the Paoli Wildcats years was citement that basketball could bring to an entire population,” Diehl said. Clyde Diehl has also coached his son’s AAU team, the PA Playaz, along with fellow coach and T/E Middle School teacher Bill Turley. Diehl says that he has never gotten closer to a team than with that one. Over the years that the team has been playing with each other, his teammates have become some of his best friends, as they and the coaches have been with him every step of the way in his basketball career. With many of the PA Playaz team members part of the Conestoga varsity basketball team, Diehl is constantly surrounded with familiar faces. Diehl’s breakout season last year, was one of the main reasons the team performed as well as it did. Diehl earned First Team All-Central League honors and the team competed in a deep district tournament run. After the incredible season by the team, Diehl decided to stop playing baseball and picked up track and his senior basketball season. Dorsey was a major supporter of this transition for Diehl, as Dorsey was already part of the track team. It would be an understatement jumping a good start. In the Central League Championships, Diehl jumped 6 feet which was a fourth championships, he jumped 6-7, which tied for the highest jump, putting Diehl in second place overall and qualifying him for states. At states, Diehl leaped 6-4 while battling a nagging calf injury—good enough for eighth place.

Diehl’s recruitment process began at the beginning of his junior year, as he was looking to play college basketball. By the end of junior year he had narrowed his list down to two or three colleges, but had hoped for more Division I offers from schools. Diehl discovered that schools had a serious interest in his track talents though. For track, Diehl had his options down to the University of Virginia, Duke University and Princaid offers came in, Diehl decided that Diehl is excited about his opportunity to attend Princeton University because of the prestigious academics and the ability to compete in Division I college athletics. Clyde Diehl jokes that because high jumping came out is fairly new to the sport, he is very encouraged by his son’s progress this early in his career. “Last year, [high jumping] since he stopped playing baseball, which allowed him to do track,” Clyde said. “To see the success he w a s able to have

towards the end of the season was startling for both me and his coaches. So I think the sky’s the limit for him.” Diehl says that he could have never gotten to Princeton without the help of his family. With his dad coaching him over the years, his mom always willing to give him

his son’s work ethic in the classroom. “Over the years, I didn’t really have to motivate him very much, he was always very motivated himself. I’m proud primarily of his efforts in the classroom which are what ultimately gave him the opportunity at Princeton,” Clyde Diehl said. Even though Diehl will be atattending countless games, Diehl tending Princeton for track, he will always appreciate his family’s stresses that this is not the end of his efforts. basketball days. Diehl knows that Clyde Diehl is proud that his son both he and Dorsey could never give will be high jumping for Princeton up basketball, as they are connected next year, but is more impressed by with the sport for life. “We couldn’t ever just stop playing bas“It would have been ketball now, we’ll still cool if we both would come back to open have gone and played gyms and play at our respective colleges,” basketball in college, Diehl said. but with the opportu With Diehl’s senior nities that have been basketball season still alive, and him having given to us, Martin just returned from a in football and me in broken wrist injury that track, I think it was cost him the previous month of the season, he for the best that we is not focusing on his go forward with those career as a Princeton sports at our colleg - Tiger just yet. Diehl still


left to take care of with the Conestoga Pioneers. “We’re trying to take everything one game at a time, but we want to win the Central League Championship, something that escaped us last year. After that we’ll take it one step at a time,” Diehl said. Additionally, Diehl feels more motivated than ever this basketball season. With the late passing of his grandfather due to cancer on Dec. 17, Diehl plays this season in his honor. Every game, Diehl wears a wrap of tape around his ankle brace that reads “P4P,” which means “Play For Pop.” Diehl says he knows that his “pop” will be looking down on him from heaven and be proud of what he has accomplished, and says that he looks to his grandfather for inspiration. “I go out there knowing that whatever obstacles I face on the court were nothing compared to what he faced on a daily basis,” Diehl said. “If he could get through those hardships, then I know I can overcome mine.”

- Senior Andrew Diehl

Sports Lacrosse Seniors Andrew Diehl and Martin Dorsey have been playing basketball together ever since they were little kids, but over the course of their lives that have put them in the spotlight and on notice of some of the premier colleges in the nation. Story and Design by Navin Zachariah and Ben Red Photos by Navin Zachariah and Courtesy Andrew Diehl artin Dorsey learned how to shoot a basketball on the minihoop hanging on the closet door in his room. Without a true basketball hoop of his own growing up in his Chesterbrook home, Dorsey did whatever he could to get his shots up. This included heading over to play with one of his best friends, Andrew Diehl, on Diehl’s hoop. Dorsey and Diehl have been playing basketball together ever since they were little kids and with the success that they have found on the hardwood, one would think that their future in collegiate athletics would be through basketball. Martin, however, has found another sport over the years that he has shined at—football.

“It’s weird because we have been playing basketball together since the days of Val ley Forge Elementary, and it’s been our main sport. So it’s funny that the sport that you think that we’d be go ing college for, is the one that neither of us are ending up go ing for. I guess at the deep root of things we were both just ath letes, searching for what we were best at. ”

the PA Playaz, for five years. Many of Dorsey’s teammates on the PA Playaz are a part of the Conestoga basketball team now. The camaraderie on the PA Playaz made Dorsey’s transition to varsity Conestoga basketball seamless. Ever since he stepped onto the Conestoga hardwood, Dorsey has been a vocal and respected leader for his team, according to his coach Mike Troy. Dorsey’s favorite memory of his time with the Conestoga basketball program was beating Lower Merion during the district playoffs in front of the Pioneer Pit last year. Dorsey has always been a three-sport athlete. Whether he participated in basketball, soccer, or baseball, he was always active with something. Only much later, after Dorsey’s mother,

- Senior Martin Dorsey

On the golf team: “Our team Dorsey began his basketball had so much this in year. We career when he depth was just secguys Growing like Jack Mitchell really ondhad grade. up, Dorsey, up thiscredits year and [lead] likestep Diehl, hishelp deep un-us to our third of straight CentraltoLeague derstanding the game his championship. was a different mix coaches, Clyde ItDiehl and Bill of guys every single getting Turley. Dorsey says time, that both scores, how of low them werewhich not really only shows the key everyone on the team is and to talented learning the fundamentals, ourknowing success this season a total butthat also what thewas right team effort. Welife. all picked other priorities are in Clydeeach Diehl up on the golf course.” and Bill Turley have coached him and the rest of his AAU team,

Debbie Dorsey, approved of it, did Dorsey begin participating in football with the Conestoga Generals when he was in fifth grade. For many, starting football in fifth grade would not be enough time to learn the fundamentals of the game—but not for Dorsey. Dorsey’s Conestoga football coach, John Vogan says that what separates Dorsey from other players is that Dorsey has the same demeanor off the field as he does on the field and he’s always willing to lend a helping hand. “Martin without a doubt, in my 13-year tenure her at Conestoga, is one of the finest young receivers that we have ever had. And I have had some great ones,” Vogan said. “His work ethic is second to none and he’s always a great leader and teammate.” Although Dorsey could always catch a football, it did take him time to fully understand the concept of being an all-around receiver. Dorsey appreciates Coach Vogan for believing in him and giving him the confidence that he didn’t always have in himself

growing up. Dorsey’s progression on the football field led up to this past senior season, as he guided his team to the Conestoga football program’s first district playoff appearance in five years. Dorsey’s successful ’Stoga football career put him on the radar of several top schools from all around the country. Even though Dorsey was excited to begin the process of discovering his future, he did find the Dorsey says his biggest berecruiting process unforgiving lievers have always been his at times. He had to go to many family members. His grandparcamps over the summer, span- ents, “mom-mom” and “popning from Rutgers all the way to pop” have been endless supWake Forest University. Some- porters of his ever since he was times he had to hear news that he born. Dorsey’s mother and siswas not what he was hoping for; ter, Debbie and Raven Dorsey, including some teams saying that drove with him to all of his he wasn’t good enough or that summer camps that he attended, the team had receivers picked out even if they were nine hours already ahead him. He was not away and Martin didn’t know if used to rejection. any of the coaches would even Holy Cross was a latecomer talk to him. And last but surely to the process for Dorsey, call- not least, Dorsey describes his ing him only a month ago to tell father as his loudest supporter. him of the college’s interest in Dorsey recalls all the times him. Head coach Tom Gilmore that his father coached when contacted Dorsey to offer him a he was younger, both with the scholarship to Holy Cross before Conestoga Generals and the Conestoga’s basketball game Paoli Wildcats, and will always against Radnor. At the time, that cherish the moments he got to offer was Dorsey’s first scholar- spend both on the field and the ship offer from a school and so court with his father. he was taken aback because he Dorsey is commended for didn’t know very much about being a leader both on and off Holy Cross. Through some re- the field by his teammates. He search, Dorsey found out that the attributes his leadership abilities school offered him the chance to to the good example his family play in the competitive Division for him. team: He says On thehas girls’set cross country “In thethat I Patriot League and offered comes beginning,his we optimism set goals. We met lastfrom year, his great academics with a small and grandfather, his dedication from focused class size of only and 3,000 sister, from had a his meeting, thehis girlspatience did, and we set his students. and hisundefeated passion for from goals that mother we wanted to go Dorsey soon decidedthethat father. Centralhis League. And since it is a co-ed Holy Cross was the best place forit is really Scott praises son’s team, cool.Dorsey The guys and thehis girls him to succeed both on theare field positive attitude. we would go really close. So periodically, and in the classroom. “I before thinkaMartin’s to team dinners big meet.” success is “The school had a big beliefTeammate in that Celeste he hasLeon worked hard and on Näsman: me that not many other schools at stayed humble. Whatever he that level had in me, whichhad is the puts season. his mind to he excels an amazing As team captain, she at. level I wanted to play at, and they there It’s going a lot of work is always to guidetoustake and help us when spoke very highly of me.we I apandNot prayer to do need her. only for that,Martin she’s also suchwell preciate people who have aabelief academically and great teammate and friend thatathletically always has at in me, and so I wanted to your prove Holy Cross, but he knows that, back.” to them that they made the right and I know he can do it,” Scott decision with me,” Dorsey said. Dorsey said.

The Spoke Spoke 21 21 The

Sports Coaching

A familiar face: Assistant Bush takes over lacrosse program eventually settled down as the offensive coordinator at Conestoga in 2009. Bush was among a couple of potential candidates who interviewed for

team. Bush wants the younger play-

“The Conestoga lacrosse program

Junior Jack Reilly feels that Bush’s familiarity with the team’s system will lead to a smooth transition

applicants. person. I want co time was right. “I was very happy coaching under Coach Samson. He’s such a good friend of mine. When he decided to window for me and after talking it out Bush said.

“I think there is a lot of chemistry classmen and other people who have

Other changes players should expect include more running and ful personality.


Director Patrick Boyle and Principal Dr. Amy Meisinger. Boyle knew that Bush was the

Matt Paolizzi

his demeanor and future aspirations for the team.

New head lacrosse coach Brody Bush is ready. After serving under former head coach Brian Samson for Bush is now at the helm. ing attended Penncrest High School. He grew up playing lacrosse and was Central League MVP in 1985. From

captain at Rutgers University. Earning All-American nods while playing at

expectation of what he wanted to acPhiladelphia Wings of the National Lacrosse League. He played just one

of what practices would look like. He was very detailed in what he wanted to

venturing down to Australia where he played and coached for another year. goal for this year is encouraging more Newtown High School for 14 years and a year at Williams College. He

youth program and the high school

Herzlich name not forgotten Kyle Nicholson

“She’s the nice guy and I’m the mean one. We complement each other

“It’s just a part of who we are. We like watching the students at Conestoga grow in the different areas and all

As well as leading to the success

that is well known throughout the T/E

the program had a great impact on the players and the community. “CYLAX was an excellent com-

As well as serving an important role

Conestoga Youth Lacrosse Program (CYLAX) and attend many ’Stoga sistant coach for the girls’squash team. While creating the program that fed

do for fathers with their sons. My dad was a coach and a lot of my friends’ dads were coaches. We’ve really formed a great lacrosse community

tell us to get on task and there to offer Malloy said. -

and it’s led to a lot of great community

Conestoga squash. “She is a great asset to Conestoga


Stoker said. -

ously coming to a conclusion as well as not satisfying the needs of the com-

head coach for the girls’ varsity team. sistant coach under new head coach Gina Stoker.

there were some concerns that they had going into it.

served as an assistant coach. Stoker

22 The Spoke

creating a lacrosse program to coaching a squash team even after their children graduated from the district. “Conestoga High School is a great community and invites the commu-

career. Bush also says that the head coach during his stint at Williams Col-


Matt Paolizzi/The SPOKE

A new era: New head lacrosse coach Brody Bush replaced former head coach Brian Samson. Bush has been the offensive coordinator at Conestoga since 2009.

Bush acknowledges Samson as

-Head lacrosse coach Brody Bush retaining defensive coordinator Craig Senior Parke Schweiter is excited to play under Bush. “I support the decision to hire Brody entirely. He knows all of the players and understands our goals

and introducing him to new schemes and plays. The former Central League standout considers coaching Conestoga said. “As long as I am making an or helping them get into college. I Bush is up to the tough task of guiding a historic ’Stoga lacrosse talk will cease and the true test for

Sports Gaming

FIFA: Not your typical extracurricular activity Michael Hong News Editor Sophomore John Repke prepares for the penalty kick. The game is in overtime, and this shot is Repke’s he scores. The crowd cheers with excitement as Repke clinches his team’s spot in the bracket. soccer game. Repke is playing FIFA popular soccer video game franchise. merman has sponsored an annual school FIFA tournament for the past for the second year in a row.

play among themselves, of which the top two from each group advance to a bracket consisting of 16 teams. to create groups in which the players know each other. This setup creates friendly competition and enjoyment for players. Yet at the same time, the atmosphere can become heated. The matches “get pretty serious,” Repke said. “It’s intense.” Ten Xbox 360 con-

man begins setup once school ends ment begins. The event starts at 6 p.m. and lasts until all the matches are complete. The bracket matches typically end at about 10:30 p.m.

said. “But afterward, I feel great. People have a great time.” Players must pay a $20 registration fee. The money raised from the FIFA tournament has gone toward charities and winning players in past years. This year, the distribution of money has been changed, but

FIFA and he’s a pretty good player,” The first tournament held five years ago was in a singles format. or partner to pair up with. “It’s more fun to play with your erty said. The tournament is held in a format identical to the World Cup. There are eight groups of four teams that

brought in by students and set up in eight rooms. The eight groups play their matches simultaneously so the games Courtesy of Andrew Willner can be completed in one Ready to play: Seniors Andrew Willner and John Peracchia night. prepare to compete in last year’s FIFA tournament. Registra- tion for this year started Feb. 2 and continues until Feb. 20

not tellThe Spoke exactly where all the money is going as of press time. For the tournament, the money from the FIFA tournament went to help build a well in quake. Other tournaments featured the first-person shooter

tournaments have since been discontinued because of their violent nature. “It was hard to justify doing the

said. “I think that was the only reason the administration approved Otherwise, I really don’t think they wanted to have that in the building. It’s so violent.” causes have been more local, such as a Conestoga graduate who had been wounded during active duty in Afghanistan and a family with Conestoga graduates whose house had burned down. Otherwise, donaU.S. Soccer Foundation, an orgaof soccer in the U.S. may create a FIFA league where participants are ranked and can play one v. one matches against other participants Also, the tournament may be integrated into a new soccer events club that would encompass the FIFA tournament, a futsal tournament in the spring and potentially, a FIFA league. The club is expected to begin later this year. “People that play [FIFA] like to think they’re good, so it’s a chance “Everybody thinks they’re good.”s

The Spoke 23



24 The Spoke

Sports Winter

Caleigh Sturgeon “It’s hard to remember when they weren’t playing together,” said Scott Mascioli, father of girls varsity basketball players, Jill and Sarah Mascioli. Jill, a senior, and Sarah, a sophomore, have been playing together at the varsity level for two years now. But their on-court connection started much earlier. The Mascioli sisters played in the Paoli Wildcats League together from the start of their basketball careers. Their father, Scott Mascioli, helped coach the Paoli Wildcats along with their tournament teams. Basketball became a family experience. “Our family gets a kick out of the fact that we play on the same team,” Jill Mascioli said. In middle school, Sarah would tournaments when they were a few players short. The girls got ample experience playing alongside each other, and these years of practice made the transition to high school basketball easier. “Since we’ve been playing to-

gether for so long, we understand each other on the court,” Sarah said. Jill believes that they play better together because of their one-on-one practice sessions. “We go at the same tempo and we have the same style of play. Our play together because we’re so used to being around each other,” Jill said. Sarah believes that her and Jill’s similar tempo and style helps the whole team move at the same speed. “As a team, we build off of each other. So when one player picks up the pace, everyone picks up the pace and it works well,” Sarah said. Jill will be leaving for college later this year. Even though the girls expect to practice basketball together when Jill comes home to visit, this year is the last that they will play on a high school team together. Sarah says she will miss Jill’s reassurance in situations when the team does not get a good call or when its shots are not going in. “She’s definitely the calming teammate who’s like,‘Settle down, stay calm and stick to our stuff,’” Sarah said. Sarah is a guard and Jill plays

forward. Aside from their height differences and different positions, Scott believes his daughters offer qualities that complement each other on the court. “Jill is a leader by example and Sarah is more of a vocal leader and I think they both feed off of that. They each have individual skills and they mesh for the better of the team,” Scott Mascioli said. Along with helping each other during games, the Mascioli sisters critique each others’ play afterward to encourage improvement. “Usually in the car ride home we talk about the game. It’s not so much insulting each other, but more like helpful criticism. A lot of times I’ll ask her about, in certain plays, what she thinks I should have done or what would have worked better. She’s older so she has more experience and can help guide me in that way,” Sarah said. Jill agrees that both she and Sarah are open about asking for feedback. “One way that we make each other better is that we’re not afraid to be honest,” Jill said. Even with the Mascioli sisters’ post-game collaboration, they are

Yuge Xiao/The SPOKE

The sibling effect: Sophomore Sarah Mascioli and senior Jill Mascioli are connected on and off the court. On Feb. 3, Jill played in her last high school home game with Sarah. still “complete opposites,” according As the season winds down, Jill will to teammate senior Jess Monastero. not only miss Sarah, but also the entire “Even though their mindsets work ’Stoga girls’ basketball program. together well on the court, it comes “It’s not only my last year playwith a lot of bickering: who gets ing with Sarah, it’s also my last year to drive, who left who at practice playing with all of these girls who and many others,” Monastero said. I’ve been playing with since fourth “Nevertheless they always put it aside grade, so it’s big,” Jill said. “It’s been when it’s game time.” a fun year.”

Squash turns motivation to success Elizabeth Billman

Conestoga’s club sports teams are not usually as highly recognized as PIAA sports teams, but this year the girls’ varsity squash team has caught ’Stoga’s attention. With a record of the MASA league. To establish such an impressive record, motivation is needed to help games. “I just try and tell them what I tell myself. Each game is a new game and doesn’t mean you are going to lose the whole thing, and I think that is really important for everyone to remember,” senior captain Kelsey Swope said. Before games, head coach Gina Stoker, gives a pregame speech. Then, the girls each create three individual goals for their own match. Each goal provoke motivation. After the matches formance and decide what they can do better for the next match. Squash is a club sport because it is not directly funded by the school and is not coached by any district faculty. They can, however, receive gym credit and varsity letters for the sport. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams only play private schools like Episcopal or Baldwin because not many other public schools in the area have squash teams.

During the season they play regular matches every week and tournaments in addition. On the weekend of Feb. 7, both teams attended Nationals in Connecticut to conclude their season. As with some other school sports teams, the girls’ squash team has tryouts at the beginning of the season. Twentyone girls are selected and are ranked from one to 21. This system helps with the team’s success as they can match up each player for their appropriate opponent on match days. During the season, the Elizabeth Billman/The SPOKE girls can challenge each Nationals Ready: Senior Alli Rademaker other to matches so practices for the 2015 U.S. Squash High School they can move up in Team National Championships. The ’Stoga rankings. girls’ squash team competed from Feb. 5-8. In the matches, players must win an opportunity to win,” Swope said. As captain, Swope motivates her matches must be won by at least two points. Swope’s favorite part of the teammates, but when it is her turn to game is how the matches are struc- play, they gladly return the favor. “You come off the court and get tured to provide many opportunities coached by your teammates and to score points. “The matches can go a bunch of Coach on what you did right and different ways because you have so wrong and what you can do to help much time to win. In squash, each yourself win. It’s normally really point and even in each game it’s a new helpful and it’s nice to feel that supsituation where you have just as equal port system,” Swope said.

The Spoke 25

Sports Opinion

As cool as the other side of the pillow—Stuart Scott

Andy Backstrom Co-Sports Editor

reading a teleprompter. By blending hip-hop culture with sports diction, Scott made journalism “as cool as the other side of the pillow.” Earlier this fall I went to the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) Convention in Washington D.C. with other writers of The Spoke to attend workshops to improve my writing and produce a better paper.

Sometimes, I wonder why I write. Is it because I love to do it? Or is it because I find pleasure in having others read what I write? With the passing of 49-yearold ESPN analyst Stuart Scott this past month, I have come to realize that I write to follow those whom I have grown to admire; those who have transformed the profession of journalism; those who have made talking about sports fun. Scott had been another one of those SportsCenter analysts that I adored. Every time I turned on channel 30 before school, Scott briefed me on the latest sports updates, so I would know everything before my friends did. Yet, unlike the others, Scott revolutionized sports writing and reporting. He added humor and pizazz to

Andy Backstrom/The SPOKE

The first keynote speaker was Bob Woodward. He was impressive and represented journalism history, but the second speaker really captured my attention— SportsCenter anchor, Jay Harris. Just like Scott, Harris is one of those analysts that I adore. But in his remarks, Harris made a point of recognizing the influence Scott had on his journalistic career and his motivation in daily life. Rather

than speaking about his own diligence or accomplishments, Harris directed our attention to his role model—Scott. Whether it was covering “Monday Night Football” or the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, Scott approached each assignment with the same poise and style. Each time I saw him on ESPN, he compelled me to steal time from homework or sleep to spend my next hour watching his commentary. My parents may consider that time “wasted.” Every moment viewing Scott, however, was more time for me to learn and appreciate his style. As I have grown and matured, I have come to appreciate how Scott’s achievements as a pioneering black sports anchor changed the way sports are discussed on a professional level. It was not until last year, when Scott was given the “Jimmy V” Award at the ESPY’s for his perseverance as he battled his third round against cancer, that I understood

his true impact on my life. Accepting the award, Scott said something I will never forget. It has helped me grieve for his loss and the loss of others closer to me. “When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live. So live. Live! Fight like hell. And when you get too tired to fight, then lay down and rest and let somebody else fight for you,” Scott said. Scott, Harris and all of those analysts that I admire are part of me. They are part of me in the way I write and in the way I speak. Without them, I would not be writing this. Scott, like the other role models in my life, is the reason I do not give up. Scott has not only changed the way that I look at sports and journalism, but he has also given me a different outlook on life. Even though I never had the opportunity to meet him, he has affected more people, me included, than he could have ever known. I will think of Scott as a journalist, but more importantly, he will remain one of my role models. Rest in peace, Stuart Scott.

“I cheer because both my sisters were on the team and it seemed like a lot of fun so I wanted to try out and I made it.” - Senior captain Emily Meehan

“I had always had a big interest in it, so when I got to high school, I wanted to do, and I really liked it. Going to all the games and being able to support my school is really fun.” - Sophomore Alana Yamarick

26 The Spoke

“Why I Cheer” Seen on the sidelines of ’Stoga football and basketball games, the cheerleaders play an integral role on game days. Three ’Stoga cheerleaders share why they love to cheer.

“Cheerleading was something I started when I was little and just stuck with because it was the only thing I really enjoyed.” - Senior captain Caroline Fogarty

News School

Comparative Lit, Coding among new courses for next year Warren Zhao When junior Miranda Moody received her course selection book, she was in for a surprise: the English course she planned on taking next year was gone. “I was a little annoyed by it, because I had been setting up to take that [course] senior year. I would have taken Advanced Comp as a junior and then AP Lang as a senior if I had known, because those are the two English classes that I’m really interested in,” Moody said. The Advanced Composition course is being replaced with Comparative Literature starting with the 2015-16 school year. Furthermore, a new Coding class is being introduced. “The decision to retire the Advanced Composition course was precipitated mainly by the realization that many of the distinct media literacy skills that were taught in this course have now been integrated into virtually all of the other courses that are part of the English offerings,” said T/E Language Arts Supervisor Wendy Towle. Media literacy was still a fairly

young concept when the Advanced Composition course was designed, according to Towle. However, as time progressed, both teachers and students became more and more well versed in all aspects of media literacy. Teachers have since integrated media literacy into other classes, rendering Advanced Composition redundant.

-Junior Miranda Moody The idea of adding the Comparative Literature course appealed to the administration because it offers a chance for students to look at related pieces of literature in classic and adapted forms. Students analyze how the classics are represented and interpreted over the course of time in different and contemporary literature. This class, just like Advanced Composition, is only available to grades 11 and 12.

In addition to Comparative Literature, Conestoga is adding another course to its curriculum—Coding: Games, Apps, and the Arts. The class introduces students to various functions within computer coding. The course is one semester long, and is available to students of all grades and skill levels. The goal is that by the end of the semester, students will be able to create products of their choice, including music, visual art, board games, mobile apps and even Minecraft mods. “Our hope is that students with no programming experience are interested in taking the new course and also that students with programming experience will consider taking the new course,” said AP Computer Science teacher Bill Dewees. Conestoga mathematics teachers, the school administration, the T/E Mathematics and Science Supervisor and the superintendent all discussed the introduction of this class. “There is growing excitement in the district about coding. Interest in our computer science courses at the high school is growing rapidly,” Dewees said.

Approved online courses Language Arts



Social Studies World Languages

The Spoke 5

Sports Briefs

SportsLine: PLAYOFF PUSH Girls Squash

Winter Track/Field

Eight of the 11 girls in the var-

After a successful regular winter season, the boys’ and girls’

Boys Basketball The Pioneers are poised to make some noise in the district and possibly even state playoffs this year. Currently the boys are 19-2 (15-0 Central League) and have displayed a substantial amount of depth in recent weeks, due to injuries and illnesses of senior Andrew Diehl and junior Andrew Larkin respectively. ’Stoga’s veteran lineup will come in handy down the remain from last season’s playoffs.

year at ’Stoga. Players and coaches have remarked that this season has been one of their best yet. With a 9-3 record, the girls’ squash team embarked for Nationals in Hartford, Connecticut on Feb. 5, and played four matches from Feb. 6 - 8. Nationals was the culminating event for the girls in this memorable season.

Andy Backstrom/The SPOKE

Streaking: Junior Darryl Caldwell shoots a jumpshot in Conestoga’s game versus Strath Haven on Jan. 21. The Pioneers won 74-32. ’Stoga wishes to continue their winning streak into the postseason.

States, which takes place at Penn State on March 1. Having already and girls’Distance Medley Relay (DMR), boys’ 4x200 meters and girls’ 4x200 meters, junior PJ Murray in the mile, junior Annamarie Schultz in the mile, senior Andrew Marston in the 3k and the mile and senior Killian Nelson in the 800 meters. Runners will have other opportunities to qualify for States before the end of the season. Conestoga athletes’ next chance is a race at Lehigh University on Feb. 14. Some of the runners participating in individual events will scratch in order to focus on their respective relays. Pending results, Nationals could be in sight for the ’Stoga relay teams. Nationals are hosted at the Armory in New York, a site in which the the Pioneers should feel at home. Conestoga regularly sends their top competitors to the Armory for some of the major indoor races. Earlier this season they participated in the Hispanic Games Invitational with great success at the Armory. The team hopes to be back in “The Big Apple” this March.

Wrestling In head coach Tom Elicker’s first season, Conestoga is 15-2 and currently perfect in the Central League (7-0). To wrap up the season, the Pioneers have

will participate in the Central League Tournament on Feb. 14. Depending on the individual performances of the wrestlers, their season could be extended with

Courtesy of Debbie Elken

Central League Power: Freshman, Scott Jean, wrestles against Harriton on Jan. 20. Conestoga won 74-3. Sitting atop the Central League, ’Stoga‘s hardest tests have yet to come.

five more regular season match- the qualification for Regionals, es, each of which are against leading them on the road to the top Central League opponents: State Tournament. Penncrest, Upper Darby, Garnet Valley, Ridley and Haverford. Reporting by Following the conclusion of the Co-Sports Editor Andy Backstrom regular season, the wrestlers


Damase Bagbonon

Kara Schwartz

School: Loyola University

School: Dickinson College

Grade: 12 Sport: Lacrosse

Grade: 12 Sport: Lacrosse


Position: Goalie

Why Loyola? have built one of the best programs in the country. The players treated me as one of their own and were very friendly. The campus is the ideal distance from home and in addition to the outstanding education, it seemed like a place where I would succeed as a student, player and person.”

Why Dickinson? “I chose Dickinson because it is a respected liberal arts college with a good and growing lacrosse program. The coaching staff both challenges and supports you, and the girls on the team are so welcoming. Dickinson also has an amazing study abroad program, which I hope to take advantage of. I knew I wanted to attend Dickinson as soon as I visited campus. It was a gut feeling.”

What ’Stoga Lacrosse taught him: “I’ve learned a lot from the ’Stoga lax program. But the camaraderie and trust in your teammates I feel is the most important thing I can take away.”

What ’Stoga Lacrosse taught her: “’Stoga lacrosse has taught me that to be a good teammate, you have to put your team before yourself. Also, to be calm and think through tough situations.” The Spoke 27



Diehl and Dorsey p. 20-21 Mascioli Sisters p. 25

Girls basketball is in contention for the postseason. Their chances greatly increased after their dominant senior night win.

Yuge Xiao/The SPOKE

Senior Jill Mascioli goes up for a layup in ’Stoga’s senior night game against Upper Darby on Feb. 3. The girls won 53-34. With the season winding down, the team looks to finish on a strong note.


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