Stonebridge Ranch January 2016

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PAID Allen, TX Permit 178



Vol. 4, Issue 1

Contents 20


From the President by Jon Dell’Antonia


Compliance Tips by Nate Russell


In the News by Sherine George


This Month’s Feature by Sherine George


Inside the Ranch by Michael Lesku


Community Calendar


Financial Update

19 Lifestyle 22 by Sherine George


Around the Ranch photos by Mike Cawley


From Your Neighbor


Social Scene


Board Questionnaire


Bits and Pieces


Resident Interest by Sherine George


Pet Page

Stonebridge Ranch News © 2016 is published by Moonlight Graphics. All rights reserved. It is individually mailed free of charge to all residents of Stonebridge Ranch. Moonlight Graphics, P.O. Box 132, Allen, TX 75013, 972.727.4569, fax 972.396.0807. Visit


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publisher/editor Barbara Peavy

office administrator Carrie McCormick

contributing writers Jon Dell’Antonia Sherine George Michael Lesku Nate Russell

cover photo Sherine George

The New Year is upon us Hard to believe it is 2016. The years seem to fly by. I hope you and your family were able to attend our annual tree lighting ceremony on December 3, and had a wonderful holiday season with friends and family. May 2016 be a great new year for all of us. On December 11, the board held a special meeting to review our progress and update the Strategic Plan. Once it is finalized and approved, we will be making that information available to everyone.

November 19 Board Meeting

The board meeting of November 19 was called to order at 1 p.m. All board members were present. The meeting began with a Homeowners Open Forum. No homeowners appeared. The first item of business was to ratify all meeting minutes and decisions since the last board meeting.

Old Business

The board reviewed the status of the Community room expansion project. The contractor has experienced delays in obtaining construction permits from the city. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon and construction started in December.

New Business

Treasurer Counts presented a reserve fund risk assessment to the board. Our water usage consultant, SOS Outdoor Services, presented the results of the top 10 sprinkler meter project. Initial results are very positive. Our water usage in those areas where the sprinkler systems were upgraded showed a 29% reduction in water usage compared to comparable years of water usage. With water rates increasing, we anticipate making additional changes and upgrades to our sprinkler systems. We reviewed the anticipated 2015 year-end results and discussed some potential 2016 projects. We also approved the mailing of the 2016 annual dues assessment of $740. We approved the 2016 board meeting calendar.

Executive Session

Our legal counsel updated the board on the status of legal issues. We also reviewed and made appropriate decisions on seven homeowner violations and three appeals that were presented to the board for resolution. The monthly collections report was reviewed and approved.

Association Reports

For information or to place an advertisement, please contact: Moonlight Graphics, P.O. Box 132, Allen, TX 75013, or call 972.727.4569.

CFO Partridge presented the financial packet to the board containing the following reports: Financial Management Report, Balance Sheet, Variance Report, Income Statement, A/R Schedules and Investment Schedule. Those reports were reviewed and approved. We had our monthly update of the progress on our Strategic Plan. Additional reports were presented on the Custer Road entry project expected to begin next spring. The Aquatic Center enhancement project update has been rescheduled for our December meeting as the next stage of the cost estimates was not complete. Board liaisons presented updates on committee activities reflected in committee minutes. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Jon Dell’Antonia President Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


Stonebridge Ranch Community Association Professionally managed by Community Management Associates (CMA) 6201 Virginia Parkway, McKinney, TX 75071 214.733.5800 • fax 214.778.0595 Courtesy Patrol 214.794.4945

Association Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Association Staff Pam Grundy—Interim Director of Operations Candace Rickman—Executive Assistant Maria Ford—Compliance Coordinator Erica Peoples— Compliance Coordinator Rony Peterson—Compliance Coordinator Nate Russell—Compliance Coordinator Joyce Martin—M.A.R.C. Compliance Coordinator Sherine George—Communications Coordinator Michael Cawley—Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Torres—Maintenance Assistant David Wiest—Lifestyle Director Lynette Rowell—Administrative Assistant

Board of Directors Jon Dell’Antonia—President Ron Ferris—Vice-President Norm Counts—Treasurer Michael Yon—Secretary Tom George—Director Bill Campbell—Director

Stonebridge Ranch News is the only authorized and official monthly publication for the residents of the Stonebridge Ranch community, with news and calendar of community events endorsed by the Stonebridge Ranch Association and its members. Stonebridge Ranch News is published for the residents of Stonebridge Ranch for informational purposes only. The Stonebridge Ranch Association does not guarantee any work or claims made by the advertisers and claims no responsibility or liability for statements made in the publication. Stonebridge Ranch does not in any way endorse or support, nor does it take any credit or responsibility for the services, paid or volunteer, nor statements made in articles or letters published herein not endorsed by the Association or the group decision of the Board of Directors.


complIance tI ps New Year: New Home Projects by Nate Russell

Happy New Year, Stonebridge Ranch! As we look forward to another year here in Stonebridge it is time to start laying out your projects for the New Year. What projects do you have planned this year? There are many jobs around the house which do not require approval from the Modifications Committee. Here are a few common projects that do not require submittal if within guidelines:

• Interior work on your house

• Attic ventilations or rooftop appendages

• Basketball goals • Birdhouses

• Dog houses and dog runs • House numbers

• Exterior Lighting • Mailboxes

• Painting your house or fence the same color

• Satellite dishes

• Screen or storm doors • Shutters • Signs

• Trampolines • Gardens

Each one of these items has guidelines that need to be followed. For instance, all trampolines must be set back a minimum of 10 ft. from your property line. These guidelines are put in place to protect the property values for both you and your neighbor. If you wish to deviate from the guidelines, you will need to submit a modification application. One of the most common areas of confusion is landscaping changes. Because landscaping is such a vast topic, the guidelines for landscaping cannot possibly cover every landscape change scenario.

Because of this, a modification application will need to be submitted if your project is not specifically mentioned in the guidelines. Some of the most common landscaping changes that require approval are removal/replacement of shrubs or trees and flowerbed extensions. One of the things which make Stonebridge Ranch so special is its beautiful landscaping and we want to preserve that. If you ever have any questions on what projects need to be submitted for, or if you just want to go over your application, feel free to come see us at the office or give us a call. Thank you for your compliance! F Rony Peterson, Maria Ford, Nate Russell, Erica Peoples, Joyce Martin; CMA Compliance Coordinators, Stonebridge Ranch Community Association, Inc.

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


In the news Board Of Directors Open Positions Three Positions Open for Board Directors by Sherine George The Stonebridge Ranch HOA will be electing three (3) directors, each for a term of three (3) years, to serve on the board of directors at the Annual Membership Meeting on March 10. Members of the community who meet the qualifications are encouraged to submit the Board Candidate Questionnaire and a short bio to the association office by January 22. Biographical information about each candidate will be published in the March edition of the Stonebridge Ranch News and mailed to all homeowners prior to the annual meeting.

Being a Board Member is an Important Commitment

Board members are entrusted with the care, protection and enhancement of the property values of others. Members of the board have a fiduciary duty of care and loyalty to the Stonebridge Ranch


community. Exercising the skill and care that a reasonable person would exercise under similar circumstances and

In the news that of undivided loyalty and honesty requires avoiding decisions or actions against the interests of the association for his/her own benefit or the benefit of a third person.

have a working computer, internet access and a working email account and must be able to communicate via email and be able to open and use Microsoft Word, Excel spreadsheets and PDF documents.

A board director will need to be well informed about the business of the association, which will require becoming familiar with the association governing documents and reports. Directors must be able to attend monthly board meetings, the Annual Membership meeting and any other special meetings that may be scheduled throughout the year. Monthly board meetings are typically held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the afternoon beginning at 1 p.m. Directors need to not only attend board meetings but participate in them as well. This includes spending time reviewing meeting-related information and reports prior to the meeting and from time-to-time may require visual inspections of properties within the association. Directors also serve as liaisons to boardappointed committees. Board liaisons attend scheduled committee meetings and serve as a conduit between the board of directors and the committee. Board directors must also be of strong character with the ability to maintain appropriate confidentiality. A strong business background is highly desirable. Board directors must

The questionnaire can be found on page 12 in this edition of the Stonebridge Ranch News magazine and online in the Documents & Forms Library of the association website, Please include a 500-word or less summary of your professional and volunteer experience in Microsoft Word: the number of years you have been a resident of Stonebridge Ranch and any other information about yourself you feel may be of interest to homeowners when making their decision on whom to vote for. All board director candidates will also be asked to answer questions relating to the primary function of the board of directors, what areas candidates feel the board of directors need to address in 2016, and what areas candidates feel they can make the greatest contribution to the community. All completed Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaires and biographies should be submitted no later that 5 p.m. on Friday, January 22, emailed to Thank you in advance to those homeowners that have chosen to serve the community. F

Considerations for a Potential Board Member

Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


thIs month’ s feature Water Conservation Plan by Sherine George As you may already know, the third priority in the Strategic Plan is the Water Conservation Plan. The purpose of the Water Conservation Plan is to reduce the consumption of water used to irrigate the association common area landscape and upgrade the irrigation system infrastructure, technology and management to improve distribution and efficiency. Amanda Griffin, President of Smart Outdoor Services (SOS Inc.), was interviewed on details of the plan’s first action item: to implement the Top 10 Meters Project.

SRCA: What is the Top 10 Meters Project?

Amanda Griffin (AG): The Top 10 Meters Project is a project to evaluate and assess the irrigation water meters that used the most water, on average, since 2011. The goal was reducing water consumption by utilizing the latest irrigation technology and applying best practices known by water conservation experts.

SRCA: What exactly did SRCA do?

AG: SRCA contracted with SOS Inc. to create a profile of each of the ten meters including the number of sprinkler systems, the type of irrigation emitters and controllers, the irrigation system pressure, and the type of landscape located in these areas. SOS Inc. took the profile data and prescribed new technology to upgrade each of the meters resulting in reduced water use without any negative impact to the landscape. The technology included pressure regulating each meter, which makes the sprinkler emitters use less water and operate within the correct design specifications. In addition, flow meters were added so the systems can immediately detect leaks, and soil moisture sensors to immediately detect when the soil is wet enough to turn off the sprinklers. Finally, the sprinkler controllers were upgraded so they can be remotely managed and monitored.

SRCA: What was the purpose of this project?

AG: SRCA’s board communicated to SOS Inc. the strategic goal, as good stewards of membership money, to focus on reducing irrigation expense for the Top Ten Meters. With common area water bills a major part of the annual budget, water rates continuing to rise and water restrictions always just around the corner, the board wanted to determine the efficiency of the existing sprinkler systems and then consider ways to improve the systems to save water and money. The hope with the Top Ten Project is to develop effective solutions for these top water-using meters and then apply these solutions to all


thIs month’ s feature savings in the areas serviced by the Top Ten meters. While water usage in 2015 was lower year-over-year because of the increase in rain, there was a 29% reduction in the Top Ten Meter areas compared to all other meters during the June to October months in 2015. The savings in these areas in 2015 alone, due to both the rain and the new technologies applied to the meters, was over $85,000 dollars. These savings will continue to benefit members through lower water bills year-over-year, and these savings can be devoted to retrofitting more meters to help them save water, too. The remotely managed systems with flow metering should compress the time between a leak and repair, contributing to savings and reducing landscape loss. The standards set in this Top Ten Meter Project, as they are expanded to more meters, will make SRCA the leader in proactive water management for the entire city of McKinney. SOS Inc. is the leading North Texas water conservation and irrigation

efficiency expert, offering water management solutions for commercial and

meters as the water savings add up and the budget allows.

SRCA: What are the benefits from implementing the Top Ten Meters?

AG: The results of this project were significant water

large scale residential clients, preserving landscapes and saving water. Amanda is past executive director of the Texas Irrigation Association,

licensed Texas irrigator number 10969 with the Texas Commission on

Environmental Quality, a Certified Irrigation Contractor and Certified

Landscape Irrigation Auditor with the International Irrigation Association, and an EPA WaterSense partner. F

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


2016 ANNUAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS QUESTIONNAIRE Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________ ______________ _______________ (home) (work) (cell) Email: _______________________________________________________________ ***Please provide your answers on a separate sheet*** *Submissions should be emailed in Microsoft Word format and limited to 500 words or less* 1. Briefly introduce yourself. Include background (business, association or other experience), the number of years you have been a resident, etc. 2. Are you in compliance with all Association Covenants, Regulations, and Rules? Do you currently have a past due Association account balance? Do you currently have any pending Association violations? If not in compliance or if any past due balances or violations, please explain. 3. What do you feel is the primary function of the Board of Directors of the Association? 4. Specifically, which areas do you feel need the Board of Director’s attention? 5. Are you a resident owner in Stonebridge Ranch? 6. In which areas do you feel you could make the greatest contribution: architectural control, capital improvements, repair/replacement, finance, maintenance landscape & grounds, communications, amenities or social events? Please email this form with your response no later than January 22nd, 2016 to The Board would like to communicate to every candidate the expected time commitment when serving on the Board. Typically, the Board meets during the workday once a month for a minimum of 4 hours and each Board Member is assigned as a liaison to one of the Board Committees that may meet once or twice a month for 1 to 2 hours. In addition, the candidate should have a working computer, internet access, email account, and be proficient in general business application programs such as Word, Excel, Power Point, and PDF documents. I acknowledge that by filing as a candidate for the Board of Directors, if elected, I will accept the responsibilities as described in the Bylaws, the time commitment and computer requirements as noted above. I am aware that the information provided on this questionnaire will be available to the membership.

____________________________________ Signature

___________________ Date

bIts & pIe ces Board Roles You’re committed to bettering our community, so why not put that passion to work and run for a spot on the association board? The association will soon be holding elections for board members, and we’re looking for dedicated homeowners like you to help us shape and implement our governing rules, handle association finances, make important decisions that affect the entire community and much more. If you’re interested in running for the board, please speak with a board member to find out more information, including responsibilities of the open positions and how to get your name on the ballot. Working on the board can be an enriching experience and can help you make lasting, positive changes to the community. So start campaigning today for a chance to earn a seat on the association board.

President (Chair)

The president’s most important role is that of leader of the board. The president should understand the roles of the other board members since he or she depends on board members for specific information and action. The president should encourage the other board members to contribute to association operations and complete assigned tasks in a timely fashion. The president should also look to board members for leadership guidance.

Vice President

The role of the vice president is not only to be prepared to carry on the role of the board president in his or her absence, but also to contribute to the association’s operations and provide leadership and guidance to the board.


The secretary, as the “official recorder” of the association’s activities, is responsible for ensuring that board meeting minutes are taken along with attesting to the validity of documents by signing them. As a board member, the secretary is also encouraged to contribute to association operations and complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.


The treasurer is the CFO of the association. The duties of the treasurer include ensuring the preparation of financial reports, annual budgets and understanding replacement reserve funds. As a board member, the treasurer is also encouraged to contribute to association operations and complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.

Board Member

Even though you may not have specific responsibilities, you may be asked by the president to take on a task such as board liaison to a board-appointed committee or a specific project. You will also have a role in contributing to association operations. F Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


InsId e the ranch Why Should I Pay My Assessments On Time by Michael Lesku

It’s that time of year again. Your 2016 annual assessment statement has arrived in the mail with a due date of January 1, 2016. The board of directors voted this year not to increase the assessment fee. It is the same amount as your 2015 assessment ($740). For those of you who might be inclined to put it off or say, “I’m just not paying it,” please think again. It can get very expensive to put off payment of your annual assessment. All Stonebridge Ranch homeowners accepted this obligation when they purchased their homes in return for services and amenities shared by all Stonebridge Ranch residents. Unfortunately, there are always a few homeowners who do not pay their assessments. The association carries approximately $12,273 worth of bad debt in the annual operating budget for property owners who fail to fulfill their annual financial obligation to the association. The goal of this communication is to educate all

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Stonebridge Ranch residents on the association’s procedure for handling delinquent accounts and the costs associated with the various steps. In doing so, the goal is for the association to have fewer delinquent accounts and reduce the cost to manage this process. Assessment fees are due January 1, 2016, and are considered delinquent at the end of the business day on January 30. So what happens if you have not paid your assessment by that date? There is a standard procedure for addressing delinquent assessments which is addressed below: 1. On February 2, a Delinquent Letter is sent to the property owner from the management company informing the owner that the assessments are now delinquent. In addition, a late charge is added to your account and monthly interest charges on the delinquent assessment balance begin. 2. On March 2, a Default Letter is sent to the property owner from the management company informing the

InsIde the ranch owner that their homeowner account is in default and will be turned over to legal for collection. In addition, a late charge is added to your account and monthly interest charges continue to accrue. 3. On April 1, a Demand Letter is sent from a collection attorney. 4. On May 1, a Lien Notice is then sent from a collection attorney. 5. On June 1, the collection attorney sends a Foreclosure Notice. So, you can see, by June 1, just 5 months from when the annual assessment of $740 was due, you now owe the association significantly more. It does not stop there; notices and fees continue to be added to your account. Please do not let this happen to you! If you are having difficulty, please contact the association office about payment plan options as soon as you know you will not be able to pay the assessment by the due date. This process does not happen overnight, but it does take less than a year. Shown below are the costs associated with each of the steps in the order in which they occur. None of these fees represent a profit for the association. These are hard costs charged by the collection attorney and the management company for their time and expenses. Add them all together and you will more than double your assessment. Interest at the rate of 10% is added each month to the delinquent assessment amount in addition to the following charges:

Late Charge……………………………$25 Delinquent Letter…………………….$15 Default Letter (certified)…………….$25 Demand Letter…………………..…….$195 Notice of Lien………………….……...$235 Foreclosure Actions…………….…….$1,083 As you know, Stonebridge Ranch homeowners are not immune to financial difficulty. There are situations that can create a financial burden. For those with financial difficulty, contact the CMA corporate office for assistance at 972.943.2828. Payments can be mailed to the address on the statement. Online payment and credit card payments are acceptable. There is also a payment plan available for those who need it. See the association website, www., for details. The Stonebridge Ranch Community Association office CAN accept your payment (check or money order only) at their office located at 6201 Virginia Parkway, Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. F

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


January January January January January January January January January January

Visit for event details.

4, 11, 18 & 25 Walking Club 9 AM (BTC) 6, 13, 20, & 27 Coffee Talk 8:30 AM (BR) 8 Playdate in the Park 10 AM (EC) 8, 15, 22 & 29 TGIF Coffee 1 PM (BR) 11 Book Club 7 PM (BR) 13 Bingo Night 7 PM (BR) 16 Coffee Cars & Conversation 8:30 18 Travel Club 9 AM (BR) 22 Morning Bingo 9 AM (BR) 29 SB NIGHT @ ALLEN AMERICAN HOCKEY

Walking Club, 9 a.m. (BTC)

MARC Meeting, 8 a.m. (BR)

Coffee Talk, 8:30

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tenn Select Tennis Academ

Walking Club, 9 a.m. (BTC)

Modifications Meeting, 5:30 p.m. (BR)

Coffee Talk, 8:30

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tenn Select Tennis Academ

Walking Club, 9 a.m. (BTC) Travel Club, 9 a.m. (BR)

MARC Meeting, 8 a.m. (BR)

Coffee Talk, 8:30

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

Social Committe 9 a.m. (BR)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller

Walking Club, 9 a.m. (BTC)

Modifications Meeting, 5:30 p.m. (BR)

Coffee Talk, 8:30

Book Club, 7 p.m. (BR)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC) 3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

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9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC) 3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

Bingo 7 p.m. (BR

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tenn Select Tennis Academ

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tenn Select Tennis Academ

TGIF Coffee, 1-2 p.m. (BR)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

0 AM (BTC)


0 a.m. (BR)

r Strides (BTC)

nis Classes, my (BTC)

0 a.m. (BR)


r Strides (BTC)

nis Classes, my (BTC)

Playdate in the Park, 10 a.m., (EC) 3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

Communications Committee Meeting, 9 a.m. (BR)

0 a.m. (BR) Strides (BTC)

nis Classes, my (BTC)

TGIF Coffee, 1-2 p.m. (BR)

Coffee, Cars & Conversation, 8:30 a.m. (BTC)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

Morning Bingo, 9 a.m. (BR)

ee Meeting,

nis Classes, my (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

0 a.m. (BR)

r Strides (BTC)

TGIF Coffee, 1-2 p.m. (BR)

TGIF Coffee, 1-2 p.m. (BR)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

Board of Directors Meeting, 1 p.m. (BR)

TGIF Coffee, 1-2 p.m. (BR)

3:30-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

SB Night @ Allen American Hockey, (Allen Event Center) 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

Stonebridge xx January 2016 Stonebridge Ranch Ranch News HOA News News January x September 2016 2013


fInancIal update

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lIfestyle McKinney Ladies Association

Join us Monday, January 11, at the ER at Stonebridge located at 8995 W. University (corner of Hwy 380 and Custer). The ER at Stonebridge, a department of Medical Center of McKinney, is a full-service emergency room staffed with board-certified and board-eligible emergency physicians open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will be able to visit the facility and learn all that it has to offer the citizens of McKinney. There will also be a presentation regarding the issue of human trafficking and how we can be aware of this issue. Mark your calendars! Saturday, April 30, is the date for the Spring MLA Yard Sale! It’s never too late to become a member of MLA. You can join online or at one of our meetings. For more information about our organization, please visit www.mckinneyladies. org or email us at

McKinney Area Newcomers Club If you are new to the McKinney area, or you have had a lifestyle change, come join us for fun, information and friendship at our monthly Coffee Meeting. Every month we have great speakers, nice door prizes, tasty refreshments and lots of socializing with new friends. For more information on Newcomers, visit www. The January program for Newcomers will be Denise Hickey and Martha Cavazos-Fipps. Denise is with NTMWD and will speak on meeting the future water needs of the region served by NTMWD and water supply projects planned to meet the water demands. Martha is the Water Educator for McKinney and will speak on conservation and McKinney-related requirements and activities. Please join McKinney Area Newcomers at its meeting at 10 a.m., Tuesday, January 19, in the Eva Joplin Hall at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 5871 Virginia Parkway in McKinney. Social time with refreshments will begin at 9:30 a.m. F Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


resId ent I n terest Park of the Month: Eagle Creek Park by Sherine George

Come by with your kids for some snowball fun (yarn pom poms) at Eagle Creek Park on Friday, January 8, at 10 a.m. Playdate in the Park was developed by the Social Committee as a fun way to see and experience each of the 12 Stonebridge Ranch parks through playdates. Each playdate has included a fun theme, from Halloween Dress-up Day to Scooby Doo. You won’t want to miss out on this month’s Snowball Fun theme! Eagle Creek Park is located across from Methodist

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resIdent Interest Hospital on 8001 Owl Creek Lane. The entrance to the village is marked by the Stonebridge Ranch monument and the location is adjacent to a beautiful greenbelt. The park was built around 2001 after the completion of the neighborhood homes. A complete list of the 12 community parks (not to be confused with the six city parks) can be found on our website, www.stonebridgeranch. com. You can find the Stonebridge Ranch Parks webpage from the Amenities drop-down menu. Here you will find pictures and Google maps indicating the exact location of each park. Playdates in the Park is a great way to meet new neighbors and enjoy one of the many amenities that make Stonebridge Ranch a great place to live. Join us for some family outdoor fun at 10 a.m., on the first Friday of every month! F

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


www.stonebrI Pay Your Annual Assessments Online by Sherine George As your plans for 2016 take shape, it is time to start making arrangements to pay your annual assessment. By now you have already received your statement in the mail, or your e-statement in your inbox. The simplest and most convenient way to pay your dues is just a few clicks away on our website,

Log on to your account

If you don’t have an online account, this is the time to get one. Once you sign up for an online account, it can take up to 24 hours for your account to be approved and processed. All homeowners wishing to make online payments must have an online account and must log in to their account in order to access the Pay Assessments Page.

Pay Assessments Page

The Pay Assessments Page can be found once you log in either under the Homeowner Toolbox or the Homeowner Connection drop down menu. Payments can be made online

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by electronic check (e-check) for free or credit card (fees apply). When paying by credit card, a new window will open for the PayLease payment service.


Once you make your assessment payment online, you will be directed to a page confirming that you have attempted to make a payment. Remember that your annual assessment of $740 is due January 1 every year.


If you ever have any questions, we are more than happy to guide you through this process. Please call the Stonebridge Ranch office during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at 214.733.5800 for assistance. F

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


around the ranch

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around the ranch

Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


from your neI g hbor Culinary Classics From Your Neighbor Georgene and her

husband, Jerry Harris, have lived in the Briar

Ridge Village for seven years.

“We moved to

Stonebridge for the

beautiful surroundings, great weather, friendly neighbors and, of

course, golf. A perfect

place to call home, ”says Georgene.

She was excited to

share her Yummy Taco Soup with her fellow Stonebridge Ranch

homeowners. “I make this for a cold winter

day here, but it is also an excellent summer

soup,” shares Georgene. She made a few changes to a

recipe she found in the Houston Chronicle over 30 years ago:

Yummy Taco Soup

2 lbs. hamburger, cooked and drained 1 large onion, chopped 1 can Pinto beans, undrained 1 can whole kernel corn, undrained 1 can kidney beans, undrained 1 can Rotel tomatoes, undrained 2 cans chopped tomatoes 2 cans chicken broth 1 pkg. taco seasoning 1 pkg. dry Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing

Throw all together and cook until onions are done.

Great with cornbread or tortilla chips.

We are working towards a Stonebridge Ranch cookbook.

Please join in on the fun and share your favorite recipe with us—and the story behind it! Did you serve it at your wedding? Was the recipe in your family? Maybe you

discovered it while on vacation? We want to know! Please

email your recipe to and we will try to include it in an upcoming issue. F

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exists with other cats! Her hobbies are playing fetch, chase and pounce with toys that rattle. Midnight has been spayed, tested for FIV/FeLV (she’s negative), microchipped and has received age-appropriate vaccinations. Come meet her today! #20018 Chico and Midnight are waiting for you at the SPCA of Texas’ Russell H. Perry Animal Care Center in McKinney, 8411 Stacy Road. Call 214-742-SPCA (7722) or visit them today. F Warning! Cutie alert! Meet Chico, a four-yearold, 12-pound Chihuahua mix who would love to go home with you. He’s come a long way from his first days and he’s learned so much! He is an affectionate, funny little guy who will keep you endlessly amused. He loves walking on a leash and quiets down when you get him out of the shelter! Chico has been neutered, microchipped and is current on his age-appropriate vaccinations. He is heartworm positive, but thanks to generous donors, his treatments are FREE to his new family. Come meet this little guy today! #143404

”Midnight” Meet Midnight, a sweet, eight-year-old, gentle lady. She has a friendly, talkative personality. Her family surrendered her because they developed allergies and were frequently traveling! She’s waiting to find a new family to share her love with! She can be a little shy, but warms up when you sit and pet her gently. She hides from children and dogs, but peacefully coStonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


socIal scene Coffee, Cars & Conversation

Can’t make it to our weekday Coffee Talk? Join us for refreshments at our upcoming Coffee, Cars & Conversation! SB Residents Only Saturday, January 16, 8:30-9:30 am Rain or shine Coffee, water and donuts will be provided. Bring your classic/fancy car to park in the circular drive! (Not required to attend.) “A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent.”

Morning Bingo By popular demand, the Social Committee has added Morning Bingo to the 2016 Calendar of Events. On Friday, January 22, from 9 to 10:30 a.m., Bingo will be held in the Community Association office located at the Stonebridge Ranch Beach and Tennis Club. We will have donuts and coffee on hand. Seating is limited to the first 20 to register at: This is an adult only event for Stonebridge Ranch residents only and there is no charge.

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socIal scene Bingo Night It’s a great time to make new friends so please join us on Wednesday, January 13, from 7 to 9 p.m. for an evening of Bingo and prizes in the Community Association office located at the Stonebridge Ranch Beach and Tennis Club. Light snacks and refreshments will be served and please NO alcoholic beverages. Seating is limited to the first 20 who sign up. For more event details and to RSVP visit http:// This is an adult only event and there is a $5 guest fee for immediate family non-residents.

Book Club Please join us on January 11 at 7 p.m. We will meet in the main office. Our book this month is Violets of March by Sarah Jio. Know a great book that you would love to share? Let us know ahead of time and we’ll add it to our reading list. Send book ideas to

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Meeting every Wednesday from 8:30-9:30 a.m.

TGIF Coffee

Meeting every Friday from 1-2 p.m. Meet us in the main office. • Our coffees are a great way to meet new neighbors. Stonebridge Ranch News x January 2016


socIal scene • New to the area? This is a great place to get to know your new hometown. Have questions? We’re here to help answer them. • Lived here a while? Bring your neighbors! We would love to meet you! • In between errands or appointments? Please feel free to bring your lunch.

Allen Americans Hockey Allen Americans vs. Tulsa Oilers Friday, January 29, 7:05 p.m.

The Allen Americans Hockey Club would like to invite all Stonebridge Ranch residents to our upcoming game on Friday, January 29!

Don’t miss this fun opportunity to socialize with your neighbors AND catch a Kelly Cup Champions home game at a special discounted rate. Tickets are only $14 each! F

Upcoming February Events 5 Playdate in the Park 8 Book Club 10 Evening Bingo 13 1, 5, 10K Race 15 Travel Club 19 Morning Bingo 20 Adult Big Bass Tournament 20 Coffee, Cars & Conversation Walking Club every Monday Coffee Talk every Wednesday TGIF every Friday

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