Stonebridge Ranch

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PAID Allen, TX Permit 178


Vol. 2, Issue 3


From the President by Jon Dell’Antonia


This Month’s Feature by Michael Lesku

22 24 Compliance 26 Lifestyle 27

Community Calendar


Social Scene


Committee Scene by Sherine George


Board Candidate Bios


Health & Wellness by David Wiest

Stonebridge Ranch HOA News © 2014 is published by Moonlight Graphics. All rights reserved. It is individually mailed free of charge to all residents of Stonebridge Ranch. Moonlight Graphics, P.O. Box 132, Allen, TX 75013, 972.727.4569, fax 972.396.0807. Visit



publisher/editor Barbara Peavy

office administrator Carrie McCormick

advertising sales Sue Hardesty

contributing writers Jon Dell’Antonia Sherine George Michael Lesku David Wiest

cover photo

For information or to place an advertisement, please contact: Moonlight Graphics, P.O. Box 132, Allen, TX 75013, call 972.727.4569 or email

It is Annual Meeting Time Our annual meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Crosspoint Church at 2101 S. Stonebridge Drive. We will have the usual presentations from board members about 2013 activities, as well as a presentation by the mayor about things that are happening in McKinney. We will also be electing two board members to the association’s board of directors. Ice Storm Cleanup The cleanup efforts from the ice storm we experienced in December of 2013 cost the association nearly $70,000. The removal of downed limbs and trees was completed in December, but additional tree trimming and tree removal is continuing where needed. Jan. 23, 2014 Board Meeting The board meeting of January 23 was called to order at 1 p.m. The meeting began with a Homeowners Open Forum. Two homeowners appeared. One homeowner had questions about the notices for board meetings (They are shown on the community calendar on the website and in the monthly magazine. Meeting notices are also available by signing up for an email advising you of the date of board meetings) and the timeliness of posting of committee meeting minutes. One homeowner appeared to request we review our pool policies for grandchildren. Old Business The board approved the minutes of the December 12, 2013, board meeting and approved an appointment to the social committee and the board candidate form. We then reviewed our 2013 financial results. Due to a series of fortunate circumstances in 2013, mostly due to the stage 3 water restrictions that resulted in us spending a lot less for water than budgeted, we ended the year with a positive balance of about $224,000. The board decided to reserve $24,000 for investments in technology, and transfer $200,000 into a capital improvements account to reinvest in our community infrastructure. Now that we are 25 years old, we need to be looking ahead to invest in our community to maintain its appearance and attractiveness to residents. We have not added or upgraded any significant amenities to our community in a long time and the board felt the time was right to begin setting aside funds to do this. While no specific projects are planned at this time, the plan would be to invest in improving, upgrading, and adding new amenities to Stonebridge Ranch. The primary source of the funds for this capital project fund will be an annual contribution of 1.5% of our annual budget as well as one-time fees for annexations or other payments we may receive. The board may make other contributions to the fund as circumstances permit. The board then reviewed and approved the financial report, management report, social committee report, landscape report, violations summary report and heard board liaison committee reports. New Business The board reviewed the annual association calendar of events. We reviewed and adopted a camera recording policy for the use of the cameras recently installed in the association office and entrance to the beach club pool to assist in the protection of our employees and residents. This policy defines how long recordings are maintained (7 days), who is permitted to review the recordings and under what circumstances. A log will be maintained of any review of the recordings. We established a new lakes and dams committee and approved the guidelines for that committee. This committee will cease to exist once the current plan to dredge some of our lakes is completed. We also approved some minor changes to the social committee guidelines. Executive Session The board then reviewed and approved the violations report, collections report, collections committee report and the annual meeting notice. We reviewed and approved a new contract with our management company, CMA. We also approved a proposal from MESA to review and revise our global landscape plan to shorten the time frame to complete the revisions. We also reviewed a proposal to repair the split rail fencing the country club owns along the main roads surrounding the country club. We met with them and worked out an agreement to get those fences repaired and continuously maintained. The meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m.

Jon Dell’Antonia President Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


Stonebridge Ranch Community Association 6201 Virginia Parkway, McKinney, TX 75071 214.733.5800 • fax 214.778.0595 Courtesy Patrol 214.794.4945

Association Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Association Staff Michael Lesku—Director of Operations Shannon Sheriff—Assistant Manager Candace Rickman—Community Service Coordinator Denise Spain—Senior Compliance Coordinator Courtney Birmingham—Compliance Coordinator Rony Peterson—Compliance Coordinator Joyce Martin—M.A.R.C. Compliance Coordinator Sherine George—Communications Coordinator Michael Cawley—Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Torres—Maintenance Assistant David Wiest—Lifestyle Director Lynette Rowell—Administrative Assistant

Board of Directors Jon Dell’Antonia—President Ron Ferris—Vice-President Lars Rosene—Secretary Richard MacFee—Treasurer Tom George—Director Michael Yon—Director Bill Campbell—Director Stonebridge Ranch Homeowners Association News is the only authorized and official monthly publication for the residents of the Stonebridge Ranch community, with news and calendar of community events endorsed by the Stonebridge Ranch HOA and its members. Stonebridge Ranch HOA News is published for the residents of Stonebridge Ranch for informational purposes only. The Stonebridge Ranch HOA does not guarantee any work or claims made by the advertisers and claims no responsibility or liability for statements made in the publication. Stonebridge Ranch does not in any way endorse or support, nor does it take any credit or responsibility for the services, paid or volunteer, nor statements made in articles or letters published herein not endorsed by the Association or the group decision of the Board of Directors.


At Palmer Family Law Group PLLC, they believe that divorce doesn’t have to be so hard.

extract as much money as possible from the other, then no one ‘wins.’

“What we try to do is get people through a divorce in the healthiest way possible so that everyone can move on to the next chapter in their lives, in the best way possible,” says Dana, creator of the Soft Divorce® brand. “We don’t define success by the other party’s failure. Instead, our goal is for our client, their children, and even their soon-to-be-ex-spouse, to be as healthy as possible after the divorce.”

“I’m the type of person who is always looking for a better way to do something—and when I find that better way, I feel compelled to share it with others,” Dana explains. “That’s why I’m now sharing the Soft Divorce® program worldwide.”

A better way to divorce It’s a concept that Dana created after focusing his law firm in McKinney on family law in 2011. “I opened the firm in 2006, practicing a wide variety of cases. I soon realized that family law cases provided me with the biggest opportunity to help people and that’s when I decided to narrow my focus,” Dana says. Quickly, he says, he saw that when divorce is approached as a battle, with each spouse trying to

Dana C. Palmer

Soft Divorce® is a concept and framework of the best practices in family law and divorce procedures that aim to keep divorces civil, family-oriented, healthy and as pain-free and stress-free as possible. “I believe in Soft Divorce® because it’s better than a ‘hard divorce.’” Dana says. “At the end of the day, former spouses will always be parents together and they need to have the best possible relationship with one another, as well as with their kids. A Soft Divorce® allows for that.”

Happier, healthier results Of course, the firm’s approach doesn’t mean that they’ll simply “lie down” and take whatever the other party’s attorney is offering. “There are times that we have to, and we do, ‘play hard-ball,’” Dana says. “We go into court knowing that we’ve taken the high road, but we’re willing to do whatever it takes to get the healthy result we’re after.” When prospective clients first hear about the firm’s Soft Divorce brand, Dana says, they’re often relieved to discover that there’s a healthier way to go through the divorce process. “You always see on TV and hear about divorces where people end up hating each other and losing so much,” he says. “We show people a different and better way.” For more information, please call or visit our website.

thIs month’ s feature What Is Quorum And Why Is It Important To Me? By Michael Lesku Each year owners have the opportunity to influence the leadership of the association by casting their vote in the annual election of directors, which is held at the association’s annual meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 6 at Crosspoint Church. In order for the annual meeting to be held and the election of directors to be conducted, a quorum requirement of 10% (901) of the owners in the community must either attend the meeting or cast their vote by absentee ballot, proxy or online. Typically about 200 owners attend the annual meeting, which means that a large number of owners participate in the annual meeting and help the association meet its quorum requirements by either voting online, by absentee ballot or by proxy. Failure to meet the annual meeting quorum requirements will result in the election not being held and the meeting being reconvened. The projected cost to the association to reconvene the annual meeting is approximately $18,000. Please help the association avoid the cost of reconvening by voting!

How do I cast my vote if I can’t attend the annual meeting?

Owners can cast their vote in the election of directors in one of three ways. Owners can vote online by visiting the association website Owners

can cast their vote by completing and submitting to the association office an absentee ballot. Owners can choose to proxy their vote to another owner attending the annual meeting or to the board of directors by completing and submitting a proxy. The online voting instructions, absentee ballot and proxy can be found in the annual meeting notice or on the association website under the annual meeting tab. The absentee ballot includes the names of each candidate running for the board of directors. Owners need to select the two candidates they would like to see serve on the board of directors and then complete the owner information section at the bottom of the ballot. The completed ballot and proxy can be mailed or delivered to the association office located at 6201 Virginia Parkway, by fax to 214.778.0595 or emailed to

Can I assign my vote to another owner attending the annual meeting? Yes, owners can assign their vote to the board of directors or to another owner attending the annual meeting by completing the proxy form. The proxy form can be found in the annual meeting notice and on the association website under the annual meeting tab. Owners need to choose if they want to assign their vote to the board of directors, to another owner attending the meeting or select the “quorum only” option by which the owner elects not to vote, but to have their proxy count towards the 10% quorum requirement. Completed proxy forms can be mailed or delivered to the association office located at 6201 Virginia Parkway, by fax to 214.778.0595 or emailed to

Do I need to complete an absentee ballot and proxy if I will be attending the annual meeting?

No. Owners attending the annual meeting will be given a Board Director Election ballot when they check in at the annual meeting. During the portion of the meeting when the election is conducted, you will cast your vote for two of the candidates on the ballot. The ballots will then be collected and tabulated along with the online votes, submitted absentee ballots and proxies to determine which two candidates have been elected to the Stonebridge Ranch Board of Directors.

How do I find out which candidates were elected to the board of directors?

Due to the large volume of votes cast in the election, absentee ballots, proxies and online votes are tabulated the day following the election. Once the vote tabulations have been verified, the names of the candidates elected to the board will be posted on the home page of the website. The posting of the elected directors is completed by Friday, March 7 at 3 p.m. If owners have questions regarding online voting, the absentee ballot, proxy or the annual meeting, please do not hesitate to contact the association office at 214.733.5800 or email at F


commIt tee scene New Ad Hoc Committee Announcement by Sherine George

Do you have a background in civil engineering, communications or construction? Have you been looking for more ways to be involved in your community? If so, the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association needs you! The board of directors has announced the formation of the Ad Hoc Lakes and Dam Committee, which will exist to advise and assist the board of directors with the oversight of the removal of silt from Lake La Cima, Fountainview Lake, Quail Creek Lake, Millard Pond and Stonebridge Lake. The committee will be active from its date of formation through the conclusion of the silt removal project. Each committee member must be a resident owner of the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association and a member in good standing of the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association. The committee will consist of five owners, including an existing board member who will serve as a liaison between the board of directors and the committee. The four other committee members will consist of: • One (1) owner with a civil engineering and/or geotechnical background • One (1) owner with a background in communications • One (1) owner with construction experience with large, earth-moving projects and/or lake, dam or levee related construction experience • One (1) owner active with the City of McKinney. The members of the committee will select a chairperson who will preside over all committee meetings as well as a secretary from within its membership. The committee will be supported by the association’s director of operations and lake mapping consultant as needed. The members will meet as often as needed, but a minimum of once per month, through the completion of the project. If you are interested in applying to be a member of the Ad Hoc Lakes and Dam Committee, please visit www. for more information. F


candIdate bI os Stonebridge Ranch Community Association Board of Directors Election This year Stonebridge Ranch Community Association we will be electing two (2) members to the board of directors. Each candidate was given an optional opportunity to post an online video introducing the candidate and a photo along with their bio. Neither the video nor picture was required, but some candidates did take advantage of this opportunity. This information is also available to you on our website, www. Additionally each candidate was asked to answer and submit an application that contained six questions. The signed questionnaires with answers from each candidate are provided on the following pages along with their biographical information. Please review the following candidate submittals carefully and cast your vote. You can vote online by visiting or you can complete and submit the blue absentee ballot or complete and submit the yellow proxy mailed to you. If you submit a proxy, it will be used to assign your vote to another designated member while your absentee ballot is used to cast your vote for the election of directors.

Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


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candIdate bI os David Counts

1. • David Norman Counts, wife—Carol, daughter—Tracey, 2 grandchildren • Resident of Stonebridge since January, 2008 • Actively retired since July, 2012 • Stonebridge HOA—amenities committee • Samaritan Inn GED tutor and front office volunteer • McKinney Seniors Helping Seniors volunteer, home repairs • AARP Foundation volunteer, federal tax preparations • 2003-2008 Independence Hill HOA, Plano, Texas—board treasurer and president • Texas Instruments, Inc. and Raytheon Corporation, 41 years • Finance-General Accounting, Financial Planning, International Audits, Manufacturing Management • APICS, CPIM certification • Industrial engineeringfactory design and automation • Elected senior member technical staff • Information Technology-systems architecture and strategic planning • Certified Six Sigma Expert • Elected Information Technology Fellow • Decco Jobber Supply Company, 10 years • Owner, janitor supply company • Education • University of Texas at Austin, BBA Statistics • University of Texas at Dallas, MAS Finance 2. Compliant with association covenants, regulations and rules. No past due association balances and no pending association violations. 3. The primary function of the board of directors is to be the primary steward of the financial resources provided by the residents, executive oversight of operations and establishment of policies that ensure that Stonebridge Ranch continues to be the premier, large scale, master-planned community of choice in North Texas. 4. The annual survey of residents indicates that residents want to keep assessments at or near current levels, effective management of operating expenses and maintenance of current amenities while evaluating the potential for incremental capital investments to expand amenities as allowed by the budget. • Oversee the execution of the landscape master plan • Establish a budgeted capital improvement plan • Establish a comprehensive communications strategy focused on keeping our residents informed • Establish and execute a resource conservation plan • Oversee the financial expenses to manage HOA assets • Oversight of the maintenance of the common areas • Proactive response to governmental issues affecting the HOA for the state, city and North Texas Water District 5. Yes, I am currently a resident of Stonebridge Ranch. 6. My background, training and personal interest lead me to look forward to making contributions for the benefit of the association in the areas of finance and capital improvements. F Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


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candIdate bI os Ron Ferris

1. Hello. My name is Ron Ferris and I am running for re-election to the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association’s Board of Directors. I have very much enjoyed serving our community and hope to continue to use my experience to help ensure Stonebridge Ranch remains one of the premier locations to live in North Texas. Family: • My wife Jan and I have lived in Wellington Point Village since 1999. • We have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Association experience: • Elected to board of directors in 2011. • Served 3 years on the modifications committee prior to being elected to the board (2 years as committee chair). • Serve as board liaison to the modifications committee and the master architectural review committee: • Spearheaded effort to develop over 60 changes to the modification guidelines. • Oversaw processing of more than 2,500 modification requests or appeals per year. • Worked with developers to complete build out of villages, thereby reducing uncollectable expenses and increasing association revenues. • As a member of the board have supported: • No increase in annual homeowner’s assessment. • Increased efficiency and reduced expenses. • Sound fiscal management—control of annual budget and reserve fund (for emergencies and future maintenance) 100% funded. • Improved irrigation systems to save water and cut costs. • Development of a strategic plan for our community. Professional and Community Service: • Retired electronics engineer. • 30 years as an executive responsible for product development, sales, marketing and operations for 3 major computer companies. • 10 years military service during the Vietnam era. • 6 years service as a planning and zoning commissioner for a city in Minnesota. • Chairman of planning and zoning and Councilman Pro Tempore for 2 years. • Board member of several non-profit organizations including the YMCA and United Way. 2. Yes. No. No. 3. There are many important responsibilities: • Actively manage the annual budget and hold the line on assessment increases. Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


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• Provide proper control for the investment of reserve funds. • Give guidance to association staff and committees. • Ensure adherence to covenants and guidelines in order to preserve homeowner property values. • Commitment to our vision “To be the premier, large scale master planned community of choice in North Texas.” • Commitment to our mission “Preserve and enhance the quality and natural beauty of Stonebridge Ranch for our residents by offering attractive amenities, active lifestyle opportunities and leadership which protects the property values and financial health of the community.” We are at a crossroads in our community. We are no longer a brand new and growing community. Rather, we are a 25year-old maturing community. Therefore, we need to focus on: • Maintaining and enhancing our infrastructure such as landscaping and amenities. A specific example is the need to dredge our lakes and ponds, which is highly necessary, but will also be time-consuming and expensive. Because of sound fiscal planning we can use our wisely invested reserve funds for this purpose. • We need to finalize our common area landscape plan, including replacement of aging Bradford pear trees, installing more drought tolerant vegetation and implementing a more cost effective alternative to the annual replacement of mulch. • Developing the common area surrounding the Aquatic Center with a theme that further enhances its beauty and function. • Continuing the ongoing evaluation of our modification and design guidelines and making changes to assure that we’re current with technology and seeking ways to improve the homeowner experience in all of our villages. • Continuously seeking and encouraging volunteer participation in our association at the board and committee levels. • Proactively monitor and become involved in state and federal legislation that affects our association to protect homeowner rights and to ensure that we can aggressively manage abandoned and foreclosed properties. 5. Yes. 6. I believe my background and experience will allow me to continue to serve our association in a variety of ways including architectural and modification control, repair/ replacement of assets, finance, legal, maintenance, communications and homeowner appreciation. It is important to remember that Stonebridge Ranch is the largest homeowners association in Texas. We currently have over 9,000 homes, an estimated population of 32,000, 520 acres of common property, of which 400 acres are irrigated, 13 parks and over 21 miles of association-owned fences. We are literally a city within a city! Serving on the board requires not only talent and experience but also a tremendous commitment of time and energy. I am prepared to continue my service and dedication to our community and would greatly appreciate your continued support. Thank you. F

New, larger office space at Setty Plastic Surgery allows for Spa Services in addition to surgical options At their new, larger office in the Stonebridge development in west McKinney, The Spa at Setty Plastic Surgery features even more of the expert services their clients have come to expect. “We’re excited that we’re now able to offer spa services in addition to our surgical practice, so that our clients never have to go anywhere else for their cosmetic needs,” explains plastic surgeon Dr. Naveen Setty. “Not only is it convenient, but this allows us to offer a full spectrum of services so we can devise the best, customized treatment plan for our client.”

Full-spectrum of services

The Spa employs two licensed aestheticians, Keetha Hanlin and Haley Keifer, both of whom are experienced in the industry. Keetha has trained and certified medical professionals across the nation on laser devices, Botox, injectable fillers, microdermabrasion, skin care and vein treatments. Haley has been certified and trained for extensive chemical peels and treatment of inflammation in Rosacea and acne skin. She also specializes in microdermabrasion, facial resurfacing, complexion correction, teenage and adult acne, chemical peels, eyelash extensions and waxing.

Popular spa services include: Botox, fillers, eyelash extensions, microderambrasion, chemical peels, spider vein treatment, lash and brow tinting, body waxing and spray tans. They are also a retailer of medical-grade skin products such as the ZO Skin Health by Dr. Zein Obagi and Image Skincare AntiAging products. “A lot of times, patients will visit a plastic surgeon’s office and they will only be able to hear about the surgical options available for the treatment they’re seeking; or they’ll go to spa and only hear about the options available there,” Dr. Setty explains. “But because we can do both types of procedures in our office, clients will get the benefit of learning about the full range of products and/or treatments available for the results they’re seeking.”

Board-certified surgeon Dr. Naveen Setty

Dr. Setty is a board-certified plastic surgeon well trained in both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, with further specialization in surgery of the hand. He chose to go into this particular field because of a car accident he was involved in during high school. “Plastic surgery is close to my heart because I myself had to undergo reconstructive surgery for burns I received in that accident,” he says. “That treatment had such an impact on me and I try to carry that patient perspective into my practice today.” In 2008, Dr. Setty moved from the East Coast to Texas and started his plastic surgery practice in Plano, then moved his thriving practice to McKinney in 2012. He lives with his wife and son in Fairview.

Setty Plastic Surgery 175 Ridge Road, Suite 200 • McKinney • 214.842.6960

w w w. s e t t y p l a s t i c s . c o m

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candIdate bI os Steven Spainhouer My name is Steven Spainhouer and I have been a resident and homeowner in Stonebridge Ranch since 2000. I am a fourth generation North Texas resident, my great-grandfather coming to Texas by covered wagon around about 1900. I grew up in the Pleasant Grove section of Southeast Dallas. I am an ex-military combat Army officer, and have met state standards to be a police officer in both Texas and Florida. Shortly after leaving active duty in the Army, I worked for a short time as a police officer in Tallahassee, Florida, before relocating back to Dallas. I have worked several senior management level jobs for various companies before signing on as an executive, corporate level risk manager for a sub-acute care hospital system based out of Plano, Texas. Since 2000, I have owned and operated my own businessto-business risk management company, offering loss prevention services through several Fortune 100 insurance companies. I have served on the board of directors for the North Texas Healthcare Risk Management Association and have also served on the board of directors for the World Safety Organization (WSO), a consultative organization recognized by the United Nations. I have also served as a vice president of communications for a local chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). In 2005 I was recognized in Manchester ’s Who’s Who as an Outstanding Business Leader. I am currently the block captain for my neighborhood and have worked with the McKinney police on several occasions to host “National Night Out” events in my neighborhood. I have watched the Stonebridge Ranch HOA over the years, as it transformed from a builder-run organization to a homeowner-run organization. I think the HOA is an integral part of the fabric that helps to keep the community bound together with a common objective. The board sets the direction and tenor of how the HOA assets are managed and maintained for the benefit of all the members. The board has done a fairly good job of managing the community assets, but from time to time, needs an infusion of new blood to bring new idea to the table that would benefit all the residents in the HOA area. Sometimes, the management company doesn’t respond very appropriately to homeowner concerns. I think we need a strong voice on the board that will stay attuned to homeowner concerns. Accessibility to HOA

board members needs to be improved and if elected, I would make this a priority. This past year, the board approved an across-the-board increase in insurance premiums for the HOA, despite the fact that there have been no insurance claims. Since the present management company doesn’t have a qualified risk manager on staff, I think it is imperative that the Stonebridge Ranch HOA Board have someone with insurance industry experience on it that can ask the tough questions and hold the management company accountable for any unjustified rate increases. Financial accountability is something that affects homeowner dues and no stone should be left unturned when it comes to financial accountability. I have attended board meetings over the past few months and discovered that sometimes information flow to homeowners is, at best, not always accurate and sometimes not even there. In a recent audit of on-line information flow, I have discovered that no modification committee minutes have been posted online since February 2012, even though the committee has supposedly been meeting. I also noted that board of director meeting minutes for the August 2013 meeting did not get posted online until January 10, 2014, almost six months after the meeting. While I understand the HOA Board and its sub-committees are made up of volunteers, I also think it is important that the board set the tone and tenor for ensuring better information flow with homeowners. The current chair has done an admiral job in improving some of the information flow with improvements in the HOA newsletter, but there are still vast improvements that need to be made, if one is looking for detailed information beyond the overviews published in a monthly newsletter. Again, I think openness and transparency is very important, as is financial accountability and it is my intention, whether successful or not, to push for additional changes in this area to ensure we continue to have good homeowner representation on the board. For this reason, I am announcing my candidacy for a position on the Stonebridge Ranch Homeowners Association Board of Directors. F

Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


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candIdate bI os Anne Towery

1. • Four-year residents of Pecan Crossing, my husband Kelly and I moved here from nearby Fairview. With multiple corporate relocations finally behind us, we embarked on an extensive search throughout north Texas for a place to call home in retirement. Eighteen months and countless property searches later, we found precisely what we’d been looking for in Stonebridge Ranch. Abundant amenities and activities, as well as friendly, vibrant and engaged neighbors, make this a community unlike any other in our experience. • I have recently been considering ways I can make a meaningful contribution to the community we now call home. The open Stonebridge Ranch Community Association board position presents an opportunity. I have the desire, temperament and time to commit to the important work of serving fellow neighbors and acting as their advocate to protect and enhance the assets of the community. I would consider it a privilege to do so. Professional experience: • Retired from JCPenney as Vice President of Company Communications and a member of the company’s senior leadership team. • 37-year career with JCPenney included key leadership roles in merchandising, marketing, human resources and in the stores and regional organization. • Former KERA board member. What I bring to the table: • Transformational leader, effective team member, passionate communication advocate. • Extensive business background includes 15 plus years as a communications strategist and practitioner encompassing corporate, employee and executive communications, brand messaging, crisis and reputation management and corporate event management. • Would be particularly interested in serving the board as a liaison with the communications committee. 2. Yes. No. No. 3. The primary function of the board of directors is to act as advocates for, and representatives of, Stonebridge Ranch property owners, and to protect and enhance the assets of the community through prudent and responsible fiduciary oversight. 4. As the development approaches build out and matures, it requires a: • Continued focus on cost reduction/containment. • Continued focus on infrastructure and amenities. • Continued focus on landscape renewal and enhancements. 5. Yes. 6. • I would be primarily interested in serving the board as liaison with the communication committee. • I would also be interested in maintenance, landscape and grounds. F Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


www.stonebrI 3 Vote in your pajamas! n As a homeowner, you have the opportunity to vote for candidates to fill two positions on the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association Board of Directors. Not to worry if you can’t make it out to the annual meeting. You can vote for the candidates of your choice online. You don’t even have to get out of bed—you can vote in your pajamas! Simply visit, click the “Vote Online Now” button, fill in the short form and cast your vote. It’s that simple. You will need to enter the unique registration code from the annual meeting notice you received in the mail. Once your vote is cast, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Online voting will be available until 5 p.m. on Monday, March 3. All annual meeting documents can be found on the association website at under the annual meeting tab located on the left vertical menu of the home page. This table contains all documents and information pertaining to the annual meeting as it becomes available. All documents and forms can be downloaded and printed. Documents include: • Annual meeting notice—important details about the annual meeting. • Board candidate bios—bios for all candidates are available online for your perusal. • Board roles—description of each of the board positions. • Proxy form—The proxy form is used to assign your vote to another homeowner who will be attending the annual meeting in the event you are unable to attend. • Absentee ballot—The absentee ballot is used to cast your vote if you are unable to attend the annual meeting and choose not to vote online. • Question and answer form—This form is for you to complete and include any questions you have for the board of directors. The board will attempt to answer all questions at the annual meeting as time permits. All questions and answers will be compiled after the annual meeting and posted online at www. • Online voting—Instructions for online voting. The annual meeting will be held at Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Crosspoint Church located at 2101 South Stonebridge Drive. Are you receiving our e-news? If not, be sure to visit and register. Important updates and news will be delivered directly to your inbox! F

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complIance tI p s Test your Stonebridge Ranch knowledge! 1: Political signs—How many days before an election can I erect signs in my yard? a) 180 days b) 90 days c) 30 days 2: How many days after the election do I have to remove my signs? a) 30 days b) 10 days c) Immediately 3: How many signs are permitted for each candidate? a) 1 sign b) 3 signs c) as many as I like 4: I really want to support my candidate and I have a large yard, what size can my sign be? a) 90 square feet b) 50 square feet c) 36 square feet 5: If I do not take down my sign in a timely manner, or if I have more signs than I should, will I receive a violation? a) Yes b) No 6: Can I attach a sign to my fence if this would be a great location to show my sign? a) Yes b) No Answers: 1) b, 90 days; 2) b, 10 days; 3) a, one sign only per candidate; 4) c, 36 square feet maximum; 5) a, Yes, a violation notice will be sent; 6) b, No, fences may not have any signs attached to them.

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complIance tI ps Spring into Compliance Guidance on Compliance issues Play Equipment:

Basketball goals should be back 10 feet from the curb. They are not permitted in the street or across the sidewalk. Skate ramps, hockey equipment, etc. should be in your side or rear yard. We do not want to spoil play, but we would like to try and keep everyone safe. Trampolines no longer need approval but must be 10 feet from any property line and earth tone in color.


We thank everyone who is keeping a tidy yard. The warmer winter weather has produced not only sunshine, but also lots of unwelcome weeds, and so removing them now is a lot easier as they are more visible. Although the grass is now dormant it is a good time to clean out the flowerbeds of dead grass and shrubs.

Trash Totes:

Help keep the neighborhoods great to come home to by storing your trash totes and recycle bins. Totes may be put out no earlier than 8 p.m. the day prior to trash day and properly stored within 24 hours.


Following are some of the items needing approval BEFORE installation: arbor; pool; spa; waterfall; gazebo; deck; patio; sheds; swing set; play set/playhouse; additions or remodels. You are in violation if approval is not obtained. To submit an application online, go to www. If you are not registered you will need to register. Your account begins with 003. Click on customer service and then click modification request. The request will be logged automatically to your account. Complete the application and add any required documents. You may track the progress of your request here as well.

Address Changes:

IMPORTANT—If you move please call the CMA corporate office to advise the address change at 972-9432800 or go to This is imperative if you decide to rent or lease your home. All homeowners, renters or persons leasing a home must abide by the Stonebridge Ranch Guidelines and CC&R’s. You may now look up the guidelines at www. Go to documents & forms located on the left task bar. Then select the document from the drop down list. The compliance team is here to help and advise you, please call: 214-733-5800. CMA Compliance Coordinators—Denise Spain, Rony Peterson, Courtney Birmingham; M.A.R.C Compliance Coordinator—Joyce Martin (new construction only) F Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


lIfestyle McKinney Area Newcomers Club If you are new to the McKinney area, join us for fun, information and friendship. Every month we have great speakers, door prizes, refreshments and socializing with new friends. We invite you to join us for our monthly Coffee Meeting. For information, We are proud to present Patriot PAWS for our program this month. Their mission is to train and provide service dogs of the highest quality, at no cost, to disabled American veterans and others with mobile disabilities to help restore their physical and emotional independence. They intend to build partnerships with state and community organizations to support this goal. A trainer and pups will give a demonstration and an explanation of their organization. Please join McKinney Area Newcomers at its meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 18 in the Eva Joplin Hall Trinity Presbyterian Church, 5871 Virginia Parkway in McKinney. Social time with refreshments will begin at 9:30 a.m.

McKinney Ladies Association Registration is ongoing for anyone to sell items at the McKinney Ladies Association’s community-wide Spring Yard Sale, which raises scholarships for children of McKinney’s first responders. The yard sale is 7 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 26, in the parking lot of Stonebridge United Methodist Church, 1800 S. Stonebridge Drive in McKinney. Members of the community may reserve a space to sell items (except concessions). To participate, please go online at You can download the sellers’ registration form and review MLA’s vendor guidelines. Please mail a completed registration form with a $45 check made payable to MLA to the McKinney Ladies Association, P.O. Box 1972, McKinney, TX 75070 before the April 21 deadline. Vendors are welcome to reserve more than one space. Please contact coordinator Connie Hollstein-Drexel by email at with any questions. Shoppers are welcome April 26, rain or shine. Adults are asked to donate $1 to browse and shop. Bring a friend and enjoy the treasure hunt while raising scholarship funds for children of McKinney’s finest.

Collin County Master Gardeners For more successful gardening and informative demonstrations on a variety of topics, visit the CCMG Garden Show at Myers Park & Event Center, McKinney. Steve Huddleston will discuss Outstanding Plants for North Texas on Saturday and Neil Sperry, the keynote speaker, will wrap up the show on Sunday. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Collin County Master Gardeners are working to find plants that will survive North Texas soils and climate without fertilizer, pesticides and excessive irrigation. This is an indoor event, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, March 22; and 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, March 23. Entry is a donation of $2/person. Parking is free. Proceeds benefit the Children and Community Health Center and Meals on Wheels. Visit, or call 972.548.4232 for information. F

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march 5, 19 & 26 coffee talk 8:30 a.m. (CR) march 6

Annual HOA Meeting 6:30 p.m. (CPC)

march 18 bingo 7 p.m. (CR) march 25

Travel Club 9 a.m. (CR)

march 29 teen fishing tournament 9 a.m. (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

Residential MARC Meeting 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (BR) Strides (BTC)

4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, (BTC) Select Tennis 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR) Academy (BTC)

Annual HOA Meeting 6:30 p.m. (CPC)

4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Select Tennis Academy Classes, (BTC) Select Tennis 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR) Academy (BTC)

Commercial MARC Meeting 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (BR) 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC) Modifications Meeting 5:30 p.m. (BR)

Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am— Stroller Strides (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am— Stroller Strides (BTC)

4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy (BTC) 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR)

4-7 pm—Junior Tennis 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Classes, Select Tennis Select Tennis Academy Academy (BTC) (BTC) 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR) Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC)

Residential MARC Meeting 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC) 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (BR)

Board of Directors 9:30-10:30 am— Meeting Stroller Strides 1 p.m. (BR) (BTC)

Commercial MARC Meeting 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (BR) 9:30-10:30 am—Stroller Strides (BTC) Strides (BTC) Modifications 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Meeting 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Classes, 5:30 p.m. (BR)

9:30-10:30 am— Stroller Strides (BTC)

4-7 pm—Junior Tennis 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy Classes, Select Tennis Academy 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis (BTC) Classes, Select Tennis (BTC) 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR) Select Tennis Academy (BTC) 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR) Academy (BTC)

Select Tennis Academy (BTC) 4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, 6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR) Select Tennis Academy (BTC)

4-7 pm—Junior Tennis Classes, Select Tennis Academy Select Tennis Academy (BTC) (BTC)

6-7 pm—Fit4Baby (CR)

Teen Fishing Tournament 9 a.m. (BTC)

socIal scene Teen Fishing Tournament Each year we receive several requests from kids who feel like they are just a little too old to participate in our Hook, Link & Sinker fishing tournament held in May at Wellington Pond. This year the social committee added another fishing tournament to the calendar only for kids 12 and older. This event will take place on Saturday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Lake Stonebridge located at the Beach & Tennis Club. All fishing will be done from the stone retaining wall below the dam on the north end of the lake. Anglers will be required to bring their own bait (live or artificial). Fish will

be measured to determine size and trophies will be given out for the two largest bass, two largest catfish along with the smallest fish (any species). No pre-registration is required and check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. in the upper parking lot by the lake. Only children 12 years and older are permitted to participate and fish in this event.

Swim, Bike and Run like a King Come join the fun for the annual King Tut Sprint and My First Triathlon at the Stonebridge Ranch Beach and Tennis Club on Sunday, April 13! You will receive a tech tshirt, great finisher medal and post race food fit for a king! As a resident of Stonebridge, use the code, “KING2014” for a $10 discount on your race fee! Register today at: http://

Stonebridge Night at the Ballpark Come enjoy a night of fun and excitement Thursday, April 17 at 7 p.m. with the RoughRiders! Frisco RoughRiders vs. Corpus Christi Hooks—tickets are only $20 and include: • All you can eat food & drinks (Includes hotdogs, brats, nachos & Dr Pepper products for 2 hours after the scheduled first pitch.) • A ticket in the home plate section • A limited edition RoughRiders hat Order your ticket before March 18 and enter into the first pitch drawing! Deadline to order is March 28. For more information, please visit

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socIal scene Stonebridge Ranch Beach & Tennis Club

2014 Spring Junior Tennis Program Session Dates: March 24-April 17 April 21-May 15 10 & Under Tennis— Mighty Mites (ages 4-6)

This class will get children off to a great start playing tennis using the new 10 & Under format introduced by the USTA using smaller racquets, larger balls and smaller courts. The class will enhance hand-eye coordination, movement, balance and begin grooving efficient stroke patterns. Days: Tuesday & Thursday Time: 4-5 p.m. Cost: $125 per month

10 & Under Tennis—Junior Development (ages 7-10)

This class teaches students the skills needed to play and enjoy tennis using the 10 & Under Format introduced by the USTA. Players will use low-compression balls and play on smaller courts. Days: Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday Time: 4-5 p.m. Cost: $125 per month

Future Stars (ages 11 & up)

Future Stars is designed for beginner and intermediate tennis players ages 11 and up. Players will learn solid fundamentals so they will continue to improve and enjoy tennis. Days: Monday & Wednesday Time: 5-6 p.m Cost: $125 per month

Tennis Academy

For players who are competing monthly in ZAT, Champ and Super Champ tournaments. Topics covered include stroke production, tactics and strategy, quickness drills, mental toughness and point play. Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Time: 5-7 p.m. Cost: $215 for two days per week per month $290 for three days per week per month $355 for four days per week per month To register online, please visit www.TennisCoachDave. com or call Dave Wiest at 214-733-5810 or Luis Herrera at 214-733-5811. F Stonebridge Ranch HOA News x March 2014


health & wellness Get moving! by David Wiest

As the saying goes, “It’s easy to exercise…but it’s easier not to!” From my past experiences, a great way to stay motivated is by setting a goal and wearing a pedometer. Walking is a great form of exercise for all ages. Research has shown that in order to be healthy, you should walk at least 10,000 steps a day. This is equivalent to about five miles, depending on the length of your stride. Wearing a pedometer is a great way to monitor your daily activity level and motivate you to move. Studies have shown that users walked at least 2,000 additional steps a day than nonusers. Try to set a goal of 10,000 steps a day. You can achieve this by doing little things like parking further away, taking a quick morning, evening or lunchtime walk and by taking indirect routes to places you have to walk to. Wearing a pedometer will not only keep you motivated, but it’s fun to see how many steps you have taken in a day, week and then eventually a month! Put on your pedometer when you wake up in the morning and make sure to keep it on the entire day. On sedentary days you may only take about 3,000 steps, but on a very active day you’ll be surprised to find that you can walk around 20,000 steps! Set weekly and monthly goals and record your steps daily. There are all kinds of pedometers on the market at varying price ranges but you can get a reliable option for just around $25. Pedometers can be purchased just about anywhere; most retailers, sporting goods stores and drug stores carry them. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a pedometer and get yourself moving! F

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