The Scoop // December 2013 / January 2014

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celebrates rural life

The Golden Age of Christmas Postcards

Queen of Hats

Winter Rams

Kitten Rescue

Abrams Bakery

SCOOP Here’s The Scoop... The

CELEBRaTES RuRaL LIFE Founded in 2005 by Richard Saxe


EDITOR angela Saxe

PHOTOGRAPHER Barry Lovegrove all photographs are by Barry unless otherwise noted.

HOW TO CONTACT US 613-379-5369 Please write to us at: Stone Mills Scoop 482 adair Road Tamworth, ON K0K 3G0 THE SCOOP is published six times a year. We mail The Scoop for free to more than 6500 households in the communities of Tamworth, Centreville, Enterprise, Erinsville, Camden East, Newburgh, Colebrook, Yarker, Verona, Hartington, Sydenham, Roblin, Selby, Parham, Kaladar, Stella, Godfrey, & Marlbank. We also arrange with local retailers to display 1500 additional issues of The Scoop in Napanee, Cloyne, Flinton, Kaladar, & many other locations.

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Jordan Balson, Leah Birmingham, Sally Bowen, Jennifer Bunting, Mary Jo Field, John Finley, Bev Frazer, Laurie Gordon, Laura-Lee Hogan, J. Huntress, Thomasina Larkin, Barry Lovegrove, Blair MacDonald, Susan Moore, Kristin Mullin, angela Saxe, Linda Selkirk, Grace Smith, Terry Sprague, aron Tanner, Stella Thompson, annette uens, Isabel Wright

By Angela Saxe


he Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto is always worth the trip. Visitors stand transfixed by the enormous size of prehistoric dinosaurs or charmed by ancient musical instruments, but the recent exhibit Mesopotamia: Inventing Our World is fascinating because it reveals so much about who we are today. Mesopotamia, the Ancient Greek name for “land between rivers” was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (present day Iraq) and it was here that our ancestors, the first hunters and gatherers, stopped their wandering and started to grow their food and keep domesticated animals. The land was fertile and could feed many people. Soon there were surpluses which enabled them to barter and trade for other resources. Wealth was accumulated and settlements grew into cities and states. It was here close to 6,000 years ago that people developed visionary ideas such as accounting, agriculture, construction technology, weaponry and governmental organizations but the invention that intrigued me the most was writing. One of the first installations I saw at the ROM was of an ancient Sumerian clay tablet (dated 2033 BCE) covered with minute dots and curves carved with a blunt reed and next to it an iPad (dated 2013). The comparison was obvious: both are rectangular,

both are filled with information using a complex system (cuneiform on the tablet and long strings of 1s and 0s on the iPad) and both fit into the palm of one’s hand. The first writer was a bookkeeper, an accountant who discovered that making small marks into a clay tablet would help him to record how many bags of wheat he had. As the economy grew, the symbols for the variety and quantity of goods expanded and became more complex. Eventually people needed to record not just numbers but also ideas and new inventions. Their religious beliefs, a code of laws, ideas about morality, all needed a permanent record. Scribes were the professionals and clay or stone became their medium. As I walked around the exhibit, I noticed the appearance of storytelling – here was writing that didn’t record facts and laws, but instead sprung from the human imagination and the human need to tell stories. Here we see the emergence of poets who describe the thrill and excitement of the hunt, or the love of a beloved. In these ancient tablets filled with minute script we see how the act of writing enabled us to share our human experience with others. A little over a month ago Canadians were thrilled to hear that Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Here

was a woman who had toiled at her craft for decades using words to invoke the inner world of common people in ordinary towns across the country. Her short stories helped us to see and understand who we are as individuals and as a society. That’s what writers do and she did it extremely well. We can’t all be Nobel Prize winning writers but the drive, need or joy to write can be found in each one of us, it just depends if we want to spend the time and energy improving that skill. The Scoop has always prided itself on promoting the writings of ordinary people who are not professionals but who are moved to sit down at their computers or with notebook in hand, and write about a person they’ve met who deserves recognition, or write about an experience they want to share, or they are passionate about a cause or issue and want to educate others, or they simply want to let their imagination fly. I want to thank everyone who sends in their writing for us to publish. We have been enriched by your experiences, by your knowledge and by your desire to entertain us. And I want to encourage our readers to pick up your pen or iPad and write down your ideas or memories and then, find the courage to share them with others. Remember you won’t be the first one…we’ve been doing it for thousands of years.

A Walk on the Wild Side

The contents of this publication are protected by copyright. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without prior written permission of the publisher is prohibited. The Scoop is an independent publication and is not affiliated with nor funded by any corporation or interest group. Letters and submissions are most welcome and encouraged. This is your community magazine devoted to celebrating the stories and lives of the folks who live here. Get involved! Let us know what’s happening in your area.

COVER PHOTO a little girl meeting friends in a wintery wood shows them the toy she has received for Christmas. This card was published in French and English and was sold in Canada in 1912. Postcard contributed by Jennifer Bunting.


The SCOOP is looking for writers! are you a community-minded person who loves to write? Well then join our team and have fun writing for the best little newsmagazine in the area! Contact Angela Saxe:

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

F. Banks & A. Saxe spotted this rare tree-bike while hiking through the bush north-west of Norway Lake.

Happy Holiday Greetings from The SCOOP

We want to thank all our readers & advertisers for their continued support.

We wish you all the very best in the coming New Year:

JOY, PEACE & GOOD HEALTH Karen Nordrum, Barry Lovegrove, & Angela Saxe

11 Concession St. S., Tamworth, ON

Letter to the Editor Re: Save the Loggerhead Shrike; Scoop, October-November 2013 The referenced article makes a case for efforts to preserve the habitat of Loggerhead Shrikes in the Greater Napanee area. Rationale includes the fact that the shrikes rely on managed habitat, traditionally accomplished by the grazing of cows. The suggestion is to now manage shrike habitat by use of brush hogs, manual cutters and chain saws to remove red cedars. This raises a few questions in my mind. Do we really want to use gasguzzling, noisy machinery to “maintain” a habitat that was created by man’s introduction of domesticated animals? If the threat is coming largely from the overgrowth of cedar, isn’t this a natural progression due to cessation of human-introduced farming practices?

the shrinking number of breeding pairs in the region in recent years. But we are on the edge of the natural range for this bird. What is happening elsewhere, how much impact will intervention here have on the overall population and what is the cost of the proposed intervention over what will probably be an extended period of time? Is there any evidence Loggerhead Shrikes will maintain a population here without ongoing human/ machine intervention? I feel compelled to note that, as an avid gardener, I like the idea of supporting birds that help maintain the balance of insects that can attack my gardens, but I have difficulty with the suggested methods and the lack of clarity on how we maintain something like this for the long term. MJ Field

Much seems to be made of


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Tel: 613.376.6652 4310 Stage Coach Rd. Sydenham, Ontario December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


A Natural View Wood Fires and Christmas Story & photo by Terry Sprague


had the pleasure one winter of participating in a Twelve Days of Christmas presentation at a museum not far from where I live. I represented the Four Calling Birds. However, there were not only three specimens - a great horned owl, a great gray owl, and a tiny saw-whet owl, but four, if one chose to include me. In keeping with modern technology though, the songs came not from my mouth, but from the speakers of my laptop computer. When I arrived, the fireplace in the museum already contained a crackling fire. There is something incredibly calming and spiritual about an open flame in a fireplace. This one was particularly soothing, for above it hung an iron pot, occasional wisps of steam finding an exit from beneath the lid. Moose stew, I was told. I had a sample of it later in the evening, along with some hot cider that simmered away on yet another stove in the next room. I already knew the museum volunteers had a wood fire


from the Stone Mills Fire Department

Have a safe and happy holiday! 4

burning somewhere; I could smell the aroma of the smoke the minute I stepped out of the car. Back in earlier times, people believed that a person could be judged according to the colour of the smoke that rose from the “chimley”, as my grandmother used to say. If wood was hastily gathered and not left to cure properly, the smoke hung thick and heavy, but smoke from hardwood that had been dried properly would corkscrew into the air in a gray purple plume. Wood smoke spiralling naturally from a hand crafted chimney will one day become as difficult to find as coal scuttles and pokers: outdoor woodburning furnaces are increasing in popularity for those who prefer wood as a fuel, and there are others who condemn the natural odours of the countryside with increasing disdain - including wood smoke. For those of us who grew up in rural areas though, the smell of wood smoke curling out of a chimney brings back memories of hearth and home. And it did for me that evening as my mind drifted back to the days when my parents relied exclusively on wood to heat the farm house. The wood stove was always considered the heart and soul of the rural home, and indeed it was at our home. The old Findlay wood stove stood between the kitchen and the living room, and the table was thoughtfully positioned within just a few feet of it where its volcanic heat would warm our backs as we ate dinner. The wood stove was the centrepiece and offered numerous functions. The reservoir at the far end of the stove kept warm water available for any occasion. There was no need to plug in a kettle for coffee or tea as there was always a kettle of water boiling furiously on the back burner, and it served a secondary use by providing humidity to the otherwise dry winter air. The oven when not otherwise occupied by a Christmas turkey always contained two or three round hardhead stones. These were used as bed warmers and on cold nights one would be wrapped in a towel and placed under the covers at the foot of the bed. I well remember one city lad from Barrie who once stayed overnight quickly looking in my direction for some kind of comfort when my mother asked him if he would like a stone in his bed. He soon found out what it was all about when he climbed into bed and his bare feet touched the red hot object under the covers. It was surely a night he would

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

Modern stoves trying to preserve the traditional look at Kilborn’s store in Newboro. Photo by Terry Sprague. never forget; he was awakened the next morning by my mother “shaking the grates” on the wood stove below the bedroom, a noise that could easily wake the dead as it reverberated through the stove pipes that passed through his bedroom. At other times, when our feet were numb after working outside in the cold all day, the oven would serve yet another purpose. With the oven door fully open, all one had to do was pull up a chair, and rest their feet on the inside of the oven door. All that was needed to make the scene complete was a cup of hot chocolate and a copy of The Family Herald. All wood stoves stood off the floor on decorative curved legs, providing enough space for the family dog or cat to crawl under and sprawl out as they drank in the heat. The top portion of the stove held a warming closet where food could be kept hot if we were a little late in getting the farm chores done for the day. Mostly, I remember the stove containing a bewildering array of little dampers and drafts and tiny doors, some of which we never used, but they all served some purpose. One in particular led directly to the firebox and could be lifted easily. Our visiting neighbour would flick his cigarette ashes into it as he pulled up a chair next to the stove. A short clothes line behind the stove held damp wool socks at one end, and the day’s wet dish cloths and towels at the other end. For twelve months of the year, the stove was busy multi-tasking. During the summer months, the top of the stove would be covered with newspapers, and served as a summer workstation. Fond memories indeed. Although I still have memories of hand splitting cord upon cord of wood every winter, as well

as the hideous task of cleaning stove pipes, the memories of sitting around the woodstove on cold winter nights are priceless. At this season of the year, the atmosphere of the wood stove took on a special meaning as the Christmas tree was decorated and the annual tradition of hanging decorations took place. Somehow those memories just can’t be replicated today as we plug in the electric kettle, and turn up the thermostat. However, it took just one evening at this museum, surrounded by a mixture of delightful aromas and volunteer staff in period costume to bring it all back. For more information on birding and nature and guided hikes, check out the NatureStuff website at www.naturestuff. net Terry Sprague lives in Prince Edward County and is selfemployed as a professional interpretive naturalist.

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Saints Preserve Us! By Mary Jo Field


o, this is not a religious treatise and I hope no one takes offence at the purloining of the title phrase for a report on the latest Tamworth/Erinsville GrassRoots Growers (GRG) event. On the other hand, maybe it is a religious treatise, when considering that one of the definitions of the word “religious” includes “strict in performance”. One does not usually think of canning and preserving as religion, but they certainly can be characterized as subject to conscientious and scrupulous care, even if only with tongue in cheek. In any event there were a good number of devotees of canning and preserving, as well as many who wanted to learn about the topic, in attendance on October 29, 2013 at the Tamworth Library when the GRG hosted an evening dedicated to the art and science of “Preserving Your Garden’s Bounty.” Angela Moore, whom many of us already knew as an optometrist practising in Napanee, was the principal speaker. With a great slide show and lots of gentle, selfdeprecating humour, Angela took the audience through the why’s and how’s of what she does to preserve the fruits of her garden so she and her family and friends can enjoy them throughout the year. Make no mistake – it is work, both the growing of the crops and the preserving of them. And one must exercise care and follow basic rules. But it needn’t be intimidating and it is worth every moment of the time spent when you open a jar of your own tomatoes canned in your own kitchen. Nothing tastes better in January. Taste is only one of the reasons to do your own preserving. Angela had done her homework and provided us with a breakdown of her costs, which showed how much less expensive it is to

grow and preserve your own organic tomatoes than to buy comparable, commercially canned organic tomatoes at the store. Angela assumed she would re-use the jars and she acknowledged she had not accounted for the cost of fuel in her calculations, but neither had she included the environmental cost of transportation in the price of commercially canned tomatoes from halfway around the world. So while it may be impossible to calculate perfectly what each method costs, it still seems worthwhile to do it yourself. Besides the financial aspect, knowing exactly what is in your food is compelling. It is important for everyone to eat good, clean food, and for some, those with food allergies or intolerances or health issues, it is critical. How much salt, how much sugar, which preservatives, what pesticides were used: is it gluten-free, nutfree, where did the ingredients come from – all these questions are easy to answer if you have made it yourself. After Angela had spoken she was joined by several other experienced preservers and the floor was open for questions. The audience wanted to know about pressure canners versus hot water bath processing, botulism, tips for freezing vegetables, drying techniques, shelf life, acidity levels in tomatoes and on and on. Interesting questions all, answered with input from the team of Angela, Lisa Pedersen, Hilda Cowen, Susie Meisner and yours truly. And then back to the question of taste. To end the evening, everyone had the opportunity to try some homemade preserves. There were pesto twists made with locally harvested wild leeks (also known as ramps), and pickled ramps as well as salsa (hot!!), wild grape jelly, green tomato chutney, rhubarb relish, zucchini relish,

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Angela Moore starting her canning discussion, “Yes, We Can!”. Photo by D. Field. chokeberry jam and roasted tomatoes all served on crackers with a bit of cheese. It was but a small sampling of the varied and useful, not to mention delicious ways to use the bounty of our gardens to enhance meals throughout the year. Many of the recipes from the event can be found on the GRG website, given below. There are three events on the agenda for early 2014. This year our annual seed exchange and roundtable discussion will take place on March 4 at the Tamworth Library. And on April 22, also at the Tamworth Library, Tom Brown and Susie Meisner will take us on a virtual tour to demonstrate the vision and dedication that has brought to life SpindleTree Gardens, their home and amazing horticultural display just south of town. Stay tuned to our website, watch the billboard at the four corners in Tamworth and look out for posters reminding you of the dates and locations. The date of the annual GRG plant and seedling sale held at Beaver Lake Park is already set – always the weekend after the Victoria Day weekend in May, so watch for it, too. Our website and our posters ask that people refrain from wearing scented products when attending GRG events, and a question has been raised by one of our members whether this is a bit of politically correct and obsessive overkill. It seems a bit of discussion and clarification are warranted. The subject is not without controversy, and it has been an issue for some for a long time, despite the seemingly recent profile. I remember my grandmother, when I was 15 years old, saying she could not tolerate perfumes as they gave her a headache. Scented products usually contain multiple ingredients and there is no reliable test for fragrance allergies. It is thought by some in the medical profession that scent sensitivity is a reaction to an irritant as opposed to a true allergic reaction. That said, a reaction to an irritant can be decidedly uncomfortable, ranging from itchy eyes to sneezing to the triggering of

an asthma attack. I know I have personally experienced instant sinus headache from standing next to someone wearing too much fragrance. We are not asking anyone to go without deodorant or to give up their favourite personal care products, just please don’t use them immediately before heading out the door to one of our events. When you don’t know who else will be near to you in potentially close quarters, it doesn’t seem a huge sacrifice to forego perfumes and scented creams and hair sprays for a few hours. We do have members who have a pronounced reaction to scented products, and if it is a choice between them having to stay home or risk a potential reaction, and asking others not to wear fragrance to a public gathering, I come down on the side of caution. Tamworth/Erinsville GrassRoots Growers is a communitybased group. Our mission is to encourage interest in local and organic gardening for both the home garden and the market garden; to raise awareness of issues surrounding food production; improve our practical knowledge of all aspects of plant life, and provide networking opportunities for gardeners. Visit our website at: http://te-grassrootsgrowers.





December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


Frank and Deena Streek

Leave Their Mark on Lennox and Addington… Forever By Laura-Lee Hogan & John Finley


hilanthropist, entrepreneur, author, change agent - these are but a few of the descriptors used by those who knew Frank Streek well. When talking about him with long-time friend Anne Gunter, one quickly wishes to have known him. The same can be said for his spouse Deena who was also committed to helping others. Frank and Deena made a lasting impression on their communities in South Africa and Canada. Frank was born in Enfield, England on July 10, 1921 and migrated, with his mother and two siblings, to South Africa in 1929 where he earned an Honours Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Commerce in business economics degrees in his adulthood. He also attended and graduated from the Harvard School of Business. Frank was the general manager of the Daily Dispatch newspaper where he employed non-white journalists on equal terms as their white counterparts. Frank and Deena left South Africa in 1978 after Frank retired from the Daily Dispatch. They joined Carl (Deena’s brother) and Catherine Clayton’s hog farming enterprise at Hay Bay. In 1975 Frank and Deena settled at Napanee. Using the skills and knowledge of his background in commerce, Frank founded what became the very successful investment firm Money Concepts. Those in the business community remember the breakfast meetings that he organized. He took “networking” to a new level by bringing together people from a variety of avenues to exchange ideas so that each would have a better understanding of their community. Frank volunteered on various boards. He was president of

the Family and Children’s Services Board for many years. He served on the Police Services Board until his illness last December. In the early 2000’s, he was a director with the Napanee District Community Foundation. He volunteered his time with a number of local organizations including Amnesty International, the Lennox and Addington Historical Society and The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 137. The latter honoured him with a life membership. Most recently, he received the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal. A letter to the editor of The Beaver from Jim Barber following Frank’s death succinctly states what many in the community believe, “In my many encounters with this fine gentleman over the past five years, I always came away impressed with his class, intelligence, wit and his absolute and unparalleled commitment to making the community a better place”. Deena Streek (née Clayton), was born in Eshowe, South Africa, on June 9, 1921, where she was raised on her parents’ sugar plantation. Upon completing her formal education, Deena became a primary school teacher. In keeping with her deeply compassionate nature she taught at schools that served the underprivileged. One of the many notable accomplishments of Deena was her involvement with the non-violent white women’s organisation called “Black Sash”. They used the relative safety of their privileged racial classification to speak out against the erosion of human rights in their country. Here in Napanee, Deena gave generously of her time with the Lennox and Addington Hospital Foundation, the Hospital

Happy Holidays!

Frank and Deena Streek. Contributed photo. Auxiliary, the Lennox and Addington Historical Society and Amnesty International. The Napanee Rotary Club recognized her commitment to the community by awarding her the Paul Harris Fellowship. Education for others was a passion of both Frank and Deena. It was their belief that an educated person has a better chance in life and would also participate effectively in society, particularly in South Africa, where they have set up three education trusts in addition to the bursary fund for Family and Children’s Services through the Streek Family Fund at Napanee District Community Foundation.

to education and he certainly reaped the rewards for his efforts.” As Frank and Deena did throughout their lives, they will continue to give to their community posthumously. Part of the settlement of their estate includes a $100,000 donation to the Napanee District Community Foundation to support bursaries for postsecondary education through Family and Children’s Services.

Their interest in helping those who otherwise could not afford to participate in school without some financial assistance was based on personal experience. Daughter, Jocelyn, relates that her dad “after finishing school, lost a full scholarship to university due to his mother’s accommodation relocation. The letter advising Frank of his scholarship was not redirected. Consequently, Frank had to study at night for his degrees, work hard during the day and had scant money for anything. He understood the challenges



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THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

Fuelling Your New Fitness Regime By Thomasina Larkin


t’s that time of the year again when many people around the world renew their enthusiasm about starting up a new fitness regime. While it’s easy to join a class or hire a personal trainer, knowing how to eat properly to best support all your hard work can be a challenge. The most common question is whether or not to eat before and after exercising. You absolutely have to eat something before working out because you need some fuel in your tank. If you’re working out in the morning, aim to eat at least 10% of your daily calories (about 200 calories) before exercising -- an apple alone isn’t going to cut it. Good carbs (fruits, veggies and whole grains) are always the best source of fuel. Your body needs carbs for energy and your brain needs carbs to think. If you don’t eat before working out, you’ll likely feel very lightheaded and a bit out of it. Carbs are a clean-burning fuel, meaning the by-products are carbon dioxide (through breath) and sweat. If you don’t eat enough carbs your body turns to protein, so essentially your body starts to eat its own tissues (muscles and organs) to fuel itself. The by-product of burning protein is lactic acid, which leaves you feeling pretty sore the next day. If you have no protein, the third place your body turns to for energy is fat. You might think: Great! That’s exactly what I want - burn all that fat! But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Fat is not meant to be used as fuel for your body. It’s meant mainly for insulation. When your body uses fat for energy, it recognizes that it’s in an emergency situation because it’s not getting the proper nutrients required to produce energy. You’ve probably heard of this as “starvation mode” -- whenever you eat after that, your body thinks it should hold onto any fat it can for these emergency situations. You’ll

burn through your lean muscles for fuel while holding onto fat (think belly, butt and thighs) until it’s absolutely needed. So the message here: Eat your carbs! They are the best! We need 50-65% carbs (half your plate!), 20-30% fats and 1012% proteins. Just stay away from unhealthy carbs that don’t do anything but add calories to your day: white breads, white pastas, cookies, cakes, etc. They do not serve you well. They may taste good for a few moments, but your body gains next to nothing (besides pounds) from them. Of course, you can always indulge once in a while! Your time frame for eating before exercising depends on the intensity of your exercise. The harder the workout, the more time you want to give yourself to digest food. The reason for this is because when you exercise your body goes into stress mode. Two of your body’s main nervous systems are stress mode (sympathetic) and relaxation (parasympathetic). When in relaxation, the body systems at work are primarily the digestive, urinary and reproductive -- so we eat, pee and make babies! When we go into stress mode, we essentially shut off those systems so all our blood and energy can be shunted to the other systems: respiratory and cardiovascular are the biggies.

said, everybody is different so a bit of experimentation should be done. You must also eat after working out. The golden rule is to eat within two hours after exercising. When you’re training and not eating properly, it’s like taking one step forward and two steps back. You need to eat after exercising to rebuild tissues. Eat carbs as soon as possible: 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight within the first hour, then repeat that amount 1 - 3 hours later, followed by a snack every couple of hours (unless you’ve gone to bed of course). So if you weigh 150 lbs, eat 75 g (or 300 cals) of carbs within the first hour. Examples of good carbs are: whole grain breads and pastas, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, millet, quinoa (quinoa is also a complete protein!), cereal, couscous, oatmeal, veggies, fruits and legumes. Just make sure the label of “whole grain” products says “including the germ” so you can get all the nutrients and not just starch. It’s also recommended to consume about 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. So if you weigh 150 lbs, eat 75 grams a day. If you exercise regularly, you should eat between 0.5 and 0.75 grams per pound of body weight each day. Examples of proteins are: eggs, fish, poultry, lean meat, tofu, nuts and seeds, peanut or

nut butters. As for staying hydrated, the “8 glasses a day” of water is bare minimum. If you’re active, you should aim to consume 10 – 12 cups of water per day; during exercise consume 2.5 – 5 cups per hour of exercise; and after exercise consume 3 – 6 cups per hour of exercise. Sports drinks are actually considered better than water for preventing dehydration. Look for a sports drink that contains a 6% carbohydrate solution to help promote energy and enhance performance. Sports drinks also replace electrolytes like sodium and potassium. And the small amount of sodium triggers thirst so you drink more and it allows the body to hold onto more of the consumed fluid. Getting hungry yet? One of the best parts about exercising regularly – besides looking and feeling great while lowering your blood pressure, cholesterol, heart rate – is that you can pretty much eat as much healthy food as you want! Food is fuel for your body, so think carefully about how each bite is helping you to stay healthy. What you eat can either lead you towards disease or to better health, and it is truly amazing how good our bodies are meant to feel. The Health Hut

This is a major reason why people who are so stressed out about having children can’t get pregnant, then as soon as they stop trying and relax the magic happens! Anyways, I digress... When you’re doing intense exercise -- although it is good stress, not bad -- your body pretty much shuts off the digestive system. It’s recommended that you eat a large meal 4 – 6 hours before activity, a small meal 2 – 3 hours before, a large snack 1 – 2 hours before and a small snack 20 – 60 minutes before. That

December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP



Snug Harbour

By Annette Uens

By Laurie Gordon


livia had asked for a moment alone. Bone-tired, she leaned back in the armchair and looked absently at the pattern in the carpet. In the next room, her children were saying goodbye to the last of the friends and relatives who had come to pay their respects to her husband. Olivia rose and made her way to the oak casket. Slowly she lifted the lid. She didn’t want people to remember Jack like this, but she needed one last glimpse of her partner of almost forty years. He didn’t look right. It wasn’t just the affects of his illness. Something was missing. Had she been religious, she might have called it his soul. At any rate she felt comforted; the spark that had made him Jack Mackenzie no longer inhabited this body. It made it easier to say goodbye. She bent over and gently kissed his forehead. Then she closed the casket. The days passed in a blur: accepting people’s condolences, thanking those who brought food, and comforting her children. But at night Olivia lay in bed alone, truly alone. Six months earlier, she and Jack had vacationed in Antigua. The spicy island food hadn’t agreed with Jack’s tender stomach, so he broke open the package of antacids he always tucked into his suitcase. Usually his indigestion subsided. Not this time. This time it was cancer. After his surgery, the family hoped Jack could resume his active lifestyle. That hope disappeared on Olivia’s birthday. While she slipped out to the drug store for Jack’s medication, the doctor made a house call. She looked noncommittal as she palpated his abdomen. “It’s back, isn’t it? I need to know.” She looked at his earnest face. “That rigidity Jack, it’s your liver.” He sighed. “Don’t tell Olivia. It will spoil her birthday.”

dream had come true, but Jack’s death had shattered it. You’re being ridiculous, Olivia told herself. There are no answers, and there’s no point being upset. You’re alone and you’ll have to get used to it. Perhaps she just needed something to calm her nerves. She searched the liquor cabinet for the Grand Marnier. There was none. But at the very back she found a small bottle of apricot brandy. Before the children, when she and Jack camped in Algonquin Park, they always took along a bottle of apricot brandy. On calm nights, they would paddle into the middle of the lake and watch the stars while sipping brandy and eating butterscotch pudding. Olivia poured a splash of the amber liquid into a plastic cup she found in the Tupperware drawer. Over her fleece pajamas, she donned a down vest, a toque, and rubber boots. Then she headed down the porch steps. Clutching her drink, she picked her way along the grassy slope, past the hammock strung between the birch trees, to the water’s edge. Settling down on the bench, Olivia took a sip of brandy and looked up at the night sky. Through the swaying branches above her, stars twinkled in the crisp air. The clouds parted uncovering an almost-full moon whose light shimmered across the water. A mournful loon interrupted the rhythmic sound of the waves against the shore. Olivia smelled a hint of wood smoke from the cottage across the bay. It had been months since she’d been down here at night. In fact, it was before she and Jack went to Antigua. Now in the tranquility of their own snug harbour, the tension lifted from Olivia’s body. She felt Jack there with her, remembered his arm around her shoulder and their quiet conversations about the pattern of their lives, a pattern that would be different now without him. Warmed by her memories and the apricot brandy, Olivia raised her glass and whispered, “Here’s to us, Jack! Let’s meet back here again.” As she rose and turned towards the house she added, “And next time I’ll bring butterscotch pudding.”

Now Olivia lay in bed alone staring at the ceiling. Since she and Jack had moved to the country ten years earlier, they would often lie in bed and watch the changing shadows as the pines swayed in the moonlight. Suddenly tears fell from the corners of Olivia’s eyes and dribbled into her ears. She hated that. As she reached for the tissues on her night table, anger surged through her. Why had Jack been taken from her? Why was she left alone? Hadn’t they scrimped and saved so they could buy this cottage and enjoy Certified Fundraising Consultant early retirement together? Their 8

Forever Facing East

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

Whenever the sun sinks to the west, A finger-like shadow falls; It edges slowly to my breast, And then the blanket stalls. Whispering coolness, clear and light, The leaves rage like a storm; Tickling ears, coveting sight, Of the shadow-maker’s form. Over my shoulder, well behind, The tall oak stands supreme; A sentry over all mankind, Cajoling dampened dreams. But sadly I am facing east; Meet sun on every rise. The tree that watches like a priest, Is hidden from my eyes. To lie amongst the countryside, Yet only see a part, Tramples a spirit’s earthly pride, And breaks a rural man’s heart. The shadow’s full of memories; Times now long in the past, And all that’s left is treasuries, Of scenes and loves that last. My baby’s face in the moonlight, My father’s roughened hand, The smell of fire and sunlight, New growth upon the land. The quickened pace of racing heart, The flow of riverbed, A useful tool and seed to start, With hope for what’s ahead. The ripple of leaves behind me, Call like a passing ship, Bidding me to turn and see, The past beyond my grip. But I can’t rise to turn or flee; Earth holds me firm and prone, And with all the blokes beside me I’m still very much alone. We are here amongst the shadows, Or wilting in the sun, Lying forth in rolling meadows, Where no one wants to come. Here the stars go on forever, The sky an open drum, The rain beats down on lovers, Planted as they succumb. But soon, oh soon, my soul shall rise My eyes will be no more. The air will fill with our goodbyes, From earth to guarantor. Until then I dwell in drama, With sounds of what’s alive; View my narrow panorama, And all that can survive. Here buried under hill and shade, Where souls of the deceased, Endure a patient, narrow fade; Forever facing east.

Lessons Learned Santa’s Favourite Cookie By Blair MacDonald


hile I never thought I would be calling British Columbia, however temporary, home, it is true what they say: Life happens to you when you are busy liking everyone else’s status updates –or something like that.

Regardless, winter is here: the snow tires are on, Zambonis are in overdrive, the eggnog is on route and the stress of holiday travel begins to rear its ugly head. As usual, I’ll be home for the holidays and I am looking forward to it. Luckily, and as I’m learning, having family close at hand is the best thing about the holidays but also becoming more difficult in today’s nomadic, House Hunter International world. Yes, there’s Skype, Facebook and Twitter et cetera, but when it comes to the rules of engagement, the real thing always wins. With a few exceptions, almost everyone in my extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins lives in the area. This is one of the things that always make returning home for the holidays such a great time. Relatives are only a short drive away. However, not everyone has this kind of experience for the holidays. It seems that the more I talk to people the more I learn that today’s families are more spread out than ever – not only across Canada, but the world

at large – in ways that even, twenty years ago, wasn’t nearly as common.

Perhaps, it’s a small town thing. People have to go where the work is, and depending on your skill set, sometimes that means having to move to a bigger centre. There is a great book out now that puts this all in perspective called Who’s Your City by Richard Florida. In it, he talks about migration patterns happening across Canada and the U.S. suggesting that it’s not only twenty-somethings making bold new moves into foreign cities but baby-boomers as well – chasing the sun and their grandchildren for good health. For Florida, the choice is clear: “Where we chose to live is the single most important decision we make.” It affects everything from career choices to social networks and in particular, our access to family. Yet, at the same time, he is clear there is no one-size-fits-all approach to where you want to live; it’s about finding a place that works for you. Like life itself, we have to figure it out on our own terms. Even if Skype is our only option for connecting this holiday season, let’s hope we can raise a glass to that (just watch you don’t spill any champagne on the keyboard).

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to all my Customers and Happy Holidays to All! See you in the Spring! Colleen Martin-Fabius

By Bev Frazer


recently asked my greatnieces Amy and Olivia what was on their wish list from Santa this year and they proceeded to describe all the things on their lengthy lists. Well, that is quite the list and what does Santa get in return? Amy thought for a moment then blurted proudly, Oh yeah, he wants me to be good. Well, have you been? I asked. She happily nodded her head and asked if she should leave him a present to thank him for the all the gifts. I told her that I knew he liked cookies and milk. Her next question was of course - What kind does he like Auntie Bev? I told her that I’m pretty certain he likes chocolate chip cookies and I added that he gets awfully hungry and thirsty delivering all those presents.

Both Amy and Olivia decided it was best to make sure it was his favourite type of cookie and Livie suggested that maybe we should Google it. Well low and behold the answer was there. Together we discovered “Santa’s Favourite Cookie Recipe” and guess where we found it - right on The North Pole Times website! We had great fun exploring the website together while making those cookies for Santa Claus. It was a wonderful afternoon watching a child’s imagination run wild. The vision of Sugar Plum Fairies dancing in their heads is really what makes Christmas so magical. I really wish I could be there to see their faces when they both see that Santa ate all the cookies except some crumbs with a thank-you note underneath the half-drunk glass of milk.

Here is Santa’s Favourite Cookie Recipe and it came right from Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen. Enjoy making these memories they will last a lifetime.

SaNTa’S FaVORITE COOKIES Ingredients: • 1 cup butter • 1 cup sugar • 1 cup brown sugar • 2 eggs • 1 tsp. vanilla • 2 cups flour • 2 1/2 cups blended oatmeal • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1 tsp. baking powder • 1 tsp. baking soda • 12 oz. chocolate chips • 1-4 oz Hershey Bar (grated) • 1 1/2 cups chopped nuts Instructions: 1. Blended oatmeal: Measure & blend in blender to fine powder. 2. Cream butter & both sugars. 3. Add eggs and vanilla. 4. Mix together w/ flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder & baking soda. 5. Add chips, candy & nuts. 6. Roll into balls. 7. Place 2” apart on cookie sheet. 8. Bake 6-8 minutes at 375. You can find the recipe and other wonderful things about Santa and the North Pole at the North Pole Times. Go to: http:// For the recipe follow this link: http://www.northpoletimes. com/recipe.cfm?id=78 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Beverly Frazer and The River Bakery Café and Patio


every other Saturday Jan 11 – April 5 Soldiers Memorial (Oso) Hall 9 am – 1 pm Jan 11, 25, Feb 8, 22, Mar 8, 22, Apr 5

Wishing all of our customers a wonderful holiday season. In the new year, our vendors will again move indoors to offer their local products (meats, winter veggies, preserves, baking, etc.) – and a place to gather for a fine cup of fair-trade organic coffee. Workshops are again planned (still only $10), during market hours in a designated area. For details and workshop registration: December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


The Richest Man in Town The County of Frontenac

is Turning 150, Join the Celebration!

By Grace Smith


t’s Christmas time again, one of my favourite times in the year. December signals the beginning of days spent decorating for the holidays, gift hunting, baking delicious treats, and watching your favourite holiday movies. All in an attempt to get into the festive mood. But what characterizes the festive mood? Is it the giving and receiving of gifts? The emphasis on time spent with family and friends? Or something else entirely? For me, Christmas, or any other holiday for that matter, encompasses all of those things and more. And perhaps the more is best found in my favourite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. Released in 1947, It’s a Wonderful Life was not a huge financial success at the time. In the decades that followed, it has gained popularity as a beloved Christmas tale that gets to the heart of the holidays. Generation after generation have fallen in love with the film, demonstrating that its message is universal. At the centre of this story is George Bailey, a disheartened businessman who believes he has no other choice but to take his life when he runs into some serious financial trouble on Christmas Eve. Because of the intense prayers being said for

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George, heaven sends an angel, Clarence Oddbody, to assist George. Clarence shows George the positive impact he has on those around him by giving him a glimpse of a world if George had never been born. This glimpse shows George the difference one man can make on the world. Simple actions and sacrifices that George performed throughout his life are shown to have an incredible impact on the people around him, such as when George saved his brother Harry when he fell through the ice when they were kids, which in turn, impacted many others lives in the war, or when George stopped a distraught Mr Gower from making a deadly mistake, or every time George stood up to the tyrannical Mr. Potter throughout his life. George realizes the value of his existence and the connections he has made and chooses life. Upon returning home, George finds out that all of the people he has helped over the years have turned out to support him, showing the importance of kindness. I believe the moral of this story needs to continue on in real life, not just on the television screen, and that it should be especially important during the holidays. We need to be aware of the way we affect others, both positively and negatively and in turn appreciate the positive influences in our own lives. It could be as simple as offering a smile to someone having a bad day or saying thank you for the help you have received.

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THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

This Christmas season we should all try to be better people. It may not change the world, but it may make a difference in someone’s life, in ways that you don’t even know. After all, George Bailey isn’t “the richest man in town” because of the money he receives, but because of the people whose lives he’s touched.

By Kristin Mullin


he County of Frontenac is a rich and dynamic region that is home to more than 26,375 people. As residents of this great County, we’ve got a lot to be proud of. The Frontenacs offer a vast geography, diverse cultures and vibrant communities unlike any other region. In the past 150 years we have seen a world of change and celebrated many milestones that have shaped our County into one of the loveliest and most welcoming places on earth. Whether you have been here forever or are just passing through, the people and landscape have a way of becoming a part of you. Throughout 2015, the County will be celebrating a major regional milestone, its 150th Anniversary. The Anniversary celebrations will honour the County’s colourful history and rich heritage through a series of events and provide an opportunity for everyone young and old, to come together and celebrate. To plan the celebrations, Frontenac County Council appointed a 150th Anniversary Planning Advisory Committee. The committee is determined to commemorate the occasion in style and is asking community members to provide input as to what type of events they would like to see planned. A survey is active on the County website ( for residents to fill out and provide

ideas of what types of events would motivate, excite and inspire their organizations, families and friends. The possibilities are endless. A series of events that range in scope are already in the works and include heritage displays, costume balls, plowing matches, scholarship programs, commemorative quilts and a large central celebration. The goal of these events is to bring people together in celebration of our achievements and also to allow an opportunity for old friends to re-unite and for new residents to gain a sense of community and learn about the local heritage. Community organizations and groups are encouraged to create their own events and recognition programs in 2015 to celebrate the 150th Anniversary in their own way with their own unique local flavor. To learn more about the 2015 celebrations or to volunteer your time to assist the 150th Anniversary Planning Advisory Committee in the planning and implementation of the 150th events please visit the County website at or contact me, Kristin Mullin, Communications Officer at or write to County of FrontenacAdministrative Service 2069 Battersea Rd. Glenburnie, Ontario K0H 1S0 Phone: 613548-9400 x 305

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Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and an awesome New Year December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


The Autumn Tea and Hat Fashion Show

Queens of Hats By J. Huntress


n early summer Lorraine Prue must have sensed that come fall when cold winds blow and frosts appear many people in Stone Mills would welcome an opportunity to socialize with friends while being entertained. Lorraine who is a member of the Christmas Events Committee (a subcommittee of Tamworth/ Erinsville Community Development Committee) presented her vision for a high tea to its members who gave their approval. The concept for the Autumn Tea & Hat Fashion Show now had to become a reality. During the summer she contacted her friend Joan Whalen of Erinsville. Joan has built a historic hat collection over the years from her family, friends’ gifts and purchases from antique stores and the out-of-business Deseronto Hat Shop which flourished until the Depression in the 1930s. Lorraine and her helpers began to plan the event, made decorations and sold tickets to the successful community event inside Stone Mills Library on Saturday, October 26th. Fifty-three people bought tickets and attended and proceeds from the Autumn Tea and Hat Fashion Show will go for a planned children’s event in February 2014. Lorraine’s love and enthusiasm for doing these types of events helped to recruit a staff of volunteer helpers from three local church groups: The Catholic Women’s League of Erinsville, the Anglican Women of Christ Church, Tamworth, and women from the Truth Tabernacle Pentecostal Church in Tamworth. They generously gave their time to attend a dress rehearsal one week ahead of the tea; they prepared and set the tables with special runners, linens and place settings. On October 26 they were constantly refilling teacups, providing delicious foods and sweets and clearing tables after each course. Some guests chose to wear their favorite hats or special theme hats for the afternoon. At one table sat three women with “Fascinator” hats of black netting, bat shapes and spun spider webs attached to the netting – perfect for the Halloween season. Another guest wore a red felt designer baseball cap, and Joan reigned at her table, wearing a stunning feathered pill box hat. The hostess Lorraine wore the most recent acquisition to Joan’s collection: a sophisticated black ostrich feather pillbox which had belonged to Lorraine’s late friend, Madeline 12

Hopkins from Erinsville. Raff le tickets for a draw were sold during the tea for two original autumn leaf arrangements: a fall centrepiece and a fall door decoration made and donated by Catherine McGrath. Admission tickets were numbered and registered before a draw for twelve door prizes contributed by Guy Gelinas of Limestone City books and Carol Models are Laura Ingram, Catherine McGrath, Lorraine Prue, Shae-Lynn Way, Hinch Croteau of and Angela Walker. Mary Kay Cosmetics. These prizes were distributed to winners between Cambridge made fashionable women. Pillbox hats became courses. several years ago. The guests very popular in the 1960s after were able to imagine being back Jacqueline Kennedy began After each person was seated in those eras and countries, to wear them. The twentieth and had read the elegant menu wearing such hats and sensing and final hat, Joan’s current (organic food ingredients listed the feelings the hat could evoke. favorite, was a red straw brim on the back for the allergyhat with a silver-flecked purple sensitive), a choice of tea in Catherine McGrath modeled bow; Catherine McGrath looked beautiful china teapots was a heavy dark widow’s veil proud to wear this hat. served. Each table had a threefrom 1900 and Laura Ingram tiered serving tray at its center, wore a faded salmon pink/ The tea with its menu worthy filled with savories and tea peacock feathered hat from of a Grand Hotel, the friendly sandwiches. Teresa Kennedy 1910 - they were in contrast conversations and the had prepared the savory filled to the fabulous cloche hats of display of hats came to an cucumber cups and cherry the 1920s that Laura wore with end. One guest expressed her tomatoes filled with Buffalo flair, colour and zest not present appreciation for it brought to Mozzarella; and Lorraine in hats worn during and after mind childhood memories of had prepared three types of World War I. Fashion took an attending such shows with tea sandwiches: croissants economic downswing in the relatives. Others remembered wrapped in prosciutto, 1930s Depression - the hats the joy of shopping and the beef pate on pumpernickel became smaller but the straw delight of wearing a new hat. bread, and egg salad finger boaters and the school girl hats Everyone was grateful for this sandwiches. Aromatic vanilla (see Anne of Green Gables) October show and Lorraine cream scones were delivered became very popular. Youthful thanked all who attended and hot from the oven, together Shae -Lynn was well suited to the invaluable volunteers: with scone cream, and lemon model these hats. curd topping. After more tea Servers - Linda Thompson, refills, luscious desserts made In the 1940s, sailor hats and Carol Maleska, Diane Beek, by Marilyn McGrath, were other “military styled hats” Mary Flunder placed on the serving tray and were worn by women who Kitchen Aids - Joan Way, people ate chocolate-coated saw movie stars such as Greta Bernice DeMarsh, Liz Weir, Brownie Bites, pumpkin cake Garbo and Ingrid Bergman Marilyn McGrath and two types of chocolate wearing fedoras and wide Raffle Tickets - June Lovegrove truff les. brimmed hats; soon the T. Eaton Printing and Cutting of Tickets Company and Hudson’s Bay and Menus - Brian McGrath At 3 p.m. a quiet anticipation began to sell them to Canadian Photography – Barry Lovegrove was felt in the Library. Behind the Library’s upper stage Teresa Kennedy was busy in her role as Hat Coordinator assisting the models, seeing that each hat was properly placed on the model’s head. Lorraine introduced the four models: Your Independent Food Town Angela Walker, Shae-Lynn Way who is Joan Whalen’s We wish to extend our thanks to all our wonderful customers and staff granddaughter, Laura Ingram HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE HOLIDAY! and Catharine McGrath and Taking fresh turkey orders for Christmas: then Lorraine provided the All natural vegetable grain-fed free-run or Grade A. history of each hat, while the White Spruce & Scotch Pine Christmas trees: $30 models walked amongst the tables. These narratives, which HOLIDAY HOURS: she had written after a long MONDAY DEC. 30 8 AM - 7 PM TUESDAY DEC. 24 8 AM - 4 PM interview with Joan, helped TUESDAY DEC. 31 8 AM - 4 PM WEDNESDAY DEC. 25 & THURSDAY DEC. 26 CLOSED bring alive the hat’s past, WEDNESDAY JAN. 1 CLOSED FRIDAY DEC. 27 8 AM - 7 PM country of origin, materials and THURSDAY JAN. 2 8 AM - 7 PM SATURDAY DEC. 28 8 AM - 6 PM provenance. The twenty hats SUNDAY DEC. 29 11 AM - 5 PM spanned the 20th century from 1900 to the present “Fascinator” hats which the Duchess of

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014


672 Addington Street, Tamworth 613-379-2440

We Built an Ark By Leah Birmingham


hen you hear the word ark you most likely think of the biblical story involving Noah, who built a large wooden boat to save his family and two of every animal. Another definition is simply “something that affords protection and safety” or “a shelter or refuge”. The latest aviary at SPWC The Gryphon is a massive wooden structure that provides refuge to several permanent birds that SPWC agreed to give a home to in the winter of 2011. In December of that year we received a call from Julie Woodyer of Zoocheck Canada; they were looking to find permanent residence for several animals from a small theme park in London, ON. Storybook Gardens had decided to move away from the zoo aspect. I was eager to help out as London is my hometown, and Storybook Gardens was a place I visited a lot as a child. Sue was also on board and keen to give captive wildlife a place to retire with privacy from the public eye. The only stipulation we would have was that a new structure had to be built to house these animals, so that their presence at SPWC didn’t decrease the number of releasable wildlife we were able to help. Julie asked for an offhand ball park estimate on the cost of building a large flight aviary and based on my limited experience I responded with $20 000- $30 000, more likely on the higher end. She called back the next day, and had secured $20 000 from Bob Barker, of the Price is Right fame. Mr. Barker is also known for his dedication to improving the life of animals in general, but especially wildlife kept in zoos. Julie asked if I knew a builder who could start the project immediately; this would have to be someone willing to donate many hours, and have connections to other local contractors and suppliers who might also donate. I could only think of one contractor I knew who has not only donated time and supplies in the past, but has been an incredibly

loyal supporter of SPWC for over a decade. My husband - James Birmingham. While building his own landscape construction company Above The Waterline, he has time and again put his business aside to care for our home, while I dedicated all of my time to helping care for wildlife in need. As many of you know already I am extremely passionate about helping wildlife and James has been completely on board, supporting me, rather than hindering my intense focus. Who else would put the time into researching the structure, adapting designs to suit the needs of these particular birds as well as allowing us more space for rehab patients in need of flight training? Both Sue and Zoocheck were on board so we moved ahead researching different Raptor housing all over North America, but the best designs came from Kay McKeever of The Owl Foundation. Graciously, Annick Gionet Rollick from The Owl Foundation gave us an extensive tour and explained what she liked and didn’t like about their aviary designs, she gave James the contact information for their handyman/builder (ironically her husband) and told James to contact them with any details we would need along the way. By now it was January of 2012, and James put together an estimate for Zoocheck and SPWC. Even with decreasing the dimensions, billing as low as possible for labour hours, and hoping to secure some of the building materials as donations the estimate was $46 000. Due to reasons out of our control the project start was delayed until the end of March 2012. This put James in a precarious position: an early spring thaw had left the building site, which was on a field, very wet, making most parts of the job difficult, like moving materials in and getting the foundation ready. Also the building would start to cut into his busy season, and with clients already waiting, his time would be juggled between landscape clients and the aviary. Lime Lake Fencing donated their excavator and auger for digging postholes for the foundation. As James’s crew drilled holes, water would fill the holes instantly making it difficult to set the forms. Next snag was trying to move the gravel aggregate (which had been partially donated by LaFarge Canada- Selby Quarry). We were thankful and yet surprised by Rick Tuepah’s (of Tuepah Excavating) willingness to risk his trucks

The new aviary at Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre. Contributed photo. getting stranded in a field in an attempt to get the materials as close to the site as possible. He donated the deliveries, and many were made! Jake Dupuis of Forest River Group donated scaffolding which stayed on the project until the completion, and his Skidsteer which moved tons of gravel across the boggy field when the trucks simply could not travel across anymore. Spring was approaching quickly, and James’s landscape clients were antsy to get their projects started. The crew worked like crazy trying to get most of the structure completed before they had to go back to his regular full paying clients (the ones that put the food on the table), and before the funds ran out, which was also happening fast! The crew and James put in some extra Saturdays, working with volunteer groups from Union Gas and KCVI Environmental Group led by biology teacher Matt Saunders. Union Gas made a $1000 donation which helped buy more slats. James’s crew donated some of their time, and he met with and arranged volunteer work with several other people before leaving. By this time the Zoocheck funds had run dry and all SPWC’s funds were being used for daily operations as summer had hit and we were full tilt busy caring for the thousands of patients we receive every year. The KCVI group and James’s crew came out a couple more times volunteering their hours. But it seemed this Ark was never going to be finished…certainly not in time for the storm of wild birds needing refuge that happens during the summer! With the funds depleted, and our own personal funds exhausted, the project sat at a standstill for far longer than anyone was happy with. Then our own miracle came by way of Larry Gibson’s Estate in early 2013. Larry Gibson was a local philanthropist that had visited SPWC before his death and had intended to help us with some projects along the way. Unfortunately he died before he was able to but his Estate executors had heard we had a project in desperate need of funds. They came out on a day that James and his crew were volunteering with

another group of KCVI students to discuss what was needed. James gave them an estimate of $25 000 to finish the aviary, and they approved it immediately. Other good fortune seemed to follow: local business Milestone Monument donated two beautiful signs thanking the contributors out of granite slabs. Other volunteers have contributed time putting in the finishing touches. Diane and Greg Moore built perches and enrichment devices, Dylan Perkins hung perches, climbing up precarious ladders and hanging off rafters. Plenty of volunteers helped make the final outcome something SPWC can be incredibly proud of. The rest is history… in my mind an epic history filled with many memorable events: watching as Baby (a Kestrel that was housed previously at Storybook in a shed with a tiny barred window as her only connection to the outdoors) in her new environment and knowing she raised eight young Kestrel orphans this year; seeing the Red Tailed Hawks, FC and Aurora actually perch together in peaceful unison (something they had yet to do in the previous aviary); knowing that SPWC was able to give a Great Horned Owl named Ellie a permanent home much better than the very small aviary she had previously lived in; watching an orphan Peregrine Falcon (endangered species) gain strength and eventually released from the Ark. For me personally there is a feeling of gratitude that words cannot truly explain. As I stand in this massive wooden structure, I think - I am one lucky woman, because my husband, against all odds, built me an Ark, not for my own refuge, but to shelter the wildlife he knows I love passionately. Leah Birmingham is the Assistant Director at SPWC. As a Registered Veterinary Technician, she helps manage patient care and treatment, as well as coordinating a successful Internship Program, handling media relations, and assisting Sue Meech with management of the staff and operations of SPWC.

December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


Christmas from the Golden Age of Postcards By Jennifer Bunting


hey may be worn at the edges and slightly yellowed but those colourful Christmas postcards bought, collected, sent and saved by our ancestors continue to charm and delight us. Thousands survive, tucked away in boxes or mounted in battered albums. They carry mysterious abbreviated messages from long ago: messages written with straight pen or in pencil, often revealing weak grammar and little skill with spelling but still somehow interesting. And then there are the wonderful pictures! How did this deluge of postcards come to be? In the late 19th century, printed cards provided a very cheap way for Canadians to send a quick message. Postage within Canada or to the United States was only one cent. It was two cents to mail overseas. Anyone could afford this, even many children.

One side of the card was reserved entirely for the address. The other was blank for the message. If there was a picture on the card the message had to be written in the margin below or squeezed in at the sides. It was not permitted on the same side as the address. The reason for this rule was that postal services believed that picture postcards were used mostly as advertising, not by people writing letters. They soon found that they were wrong. Therefore, in December 1903, the Canadian Postal Service announced that the back of the card could be divided providing space for both the address and a message. This left the other side available edge to edge for a picture. Freed from limitations, postcard publishers knew that they would sell more cards, but the results were beyond their wildest dreams. The reason was that in 1903 young people were not much different from today. They liked to communicate. Every house did not have a telephone and of course there were no computers, but people still enjoyed keeping contact and sharing news. Postcards worked well as they were usually delivered within 24 hours. With the advent of divided backs, there was soon a wide selection of seductive, colourful cards even at tiny rural stores. This was a big change, as previously most cheap illustrations were in black and white. The coloured cards drew customers as a magnet drew pins.

This charming little postcard was produced after the First World War in memory of aviator and dance instructor, Vernon Castle, who died in 1918.

Before 1900, the only festival closely associated with the giving or sending of cards was St. Valentine’s Day.

Santa surprises some small children and opens his bag of treats. This postcard was unusual in that it was printed in the United States. Circa 1910. Publishers knew that they would sell more cards if they could convince customers to use them for other occasions such as Christmas. So between 1903 and 1914 a wide variety of Christmas postcards were printed. The sending of Christmas cards before the First World War was a cheery, intimate communication among family and close friends. Although not unknown, it was rare to send cards to customers, business associates or neighbours. The development of that market was many years away. Moreover, most postcards were usually selected by or for young people, certainly by the “young at heart”. So designs which included children were big sellers, particularly children playing in the snow or making a visit with a basket of goodies. Since we know that many of our ancestors were church-going folk, it surprises us to find that Santa was much more popular for postcards than the Nativity. At a time when religion was a serious thing, people may have been uncomfortable with overtly religious scenes on mass-produced cards. Santa had come a long way from Saint Nicholas. By 1904, Santa was all about a surprise or treat for little ones on Christmas Day. Other Christmas symbols were

holly, evergreen branches and candles and a wishbone was sometimes included to suggest good luck for the coming year. The only directly religious characters to make it to the top ten were angels. Angels were portrayed as guardians, particularly watching over children. They also suggested music – joyful music and the singing associated with the season. The picture became so important in the competitive world of greeting cards that publishers recruited artists whose illustrations had demonstrated mass appeal. It was an exciting time for graphic arts. Illustrators were actually not well paid, but they were paid enough that the best could make a living from designing postcards and some advertising. No matter what the nationality of the artist or the location of the publisher, most Christmas postcards were printed in Germany which had the best and cheapest lithographic processes. The outbreak of war in August 1914 ended this and also the “golden age of postcards”. Of course Christmas cards in different folded formats continued popular throughout the rest of the twentieth century, but that is another story.

Wishing All a Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year! 14

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

Stacey Anderson, Mosaicist By Angela Saxe


iny shards of coloured glass tiles form the wing of a heron or the petal of a flower. The range of colouration from a vivid blue-green, to a mossy green blend together to give volume to a patch of grass. The human eye no longer sees individual pieces, which blend into a unified pattern of light and shape. Stacey Anderson glues each tile into place allowing each piece to meld and flow into each other to create life-like images from nature. Stacey Anderson’s passion for creating mosaics started in the early 1990s when she realized that the creative arts would bring a balance to her life. After earning an undergraduate degree in Communications from Ryerson University in Toronto followed by a Masters of Business Administration degree from a university in Virginia, she began her own study into the ancient craft of mosaics. “There weren’t many places where you could study the art of mosaics, so I started studying on my own: reading books, experimenting, taking courses throughout the States and in Europe,” Stacey explains. “I wanted to learn all the different techniques while developing my own style.” Stacey sees many advantages to being an artist and having a business background. With her background she gains perspective from all sides: the customer, the market, the artist. She uses both skill sets and has become very successful in marketing her mosaic art. With the help of an agent, she sold her work wholesale to stores and galleries across Canada, but with a full time job and raising her children she has cut back accepting only commissions and selling at local art and craft shows. After suffering a back injury she tends to create smaller mosaic pieces while sitting at a table in her bright and cheerful studio. Lying on the table was her latest work in progress – a heron. “I work from my photographs so that I don’t have any issues over copyright. Each piece is my own creation. I use the computer with Photoshop to create special effects – I distort the colouration in order to more easily identify light, medium and dark tones. This is especially important when

doing portraiture because it’s hard to see all the distinct tones on a human face. “A mosaic is not really about colour, it’s more about tone. It doesn’t matter which dark colour I’m using: blue, black, red...the eye will blend the colours together as if they are the same. Nature is filled with tones. Because I work so intimately with a piece for so long I have to step back and let my eye blend the colours in order to see if the image is appearing the way I want. If I don’t like it, I rip up the section and do it again.” Stacey uses a variety of materials for her mosaics but prefers smalti, the artisan glass tiles from Mexico and Italy. Smalti tiles are small (less than 1 square inch), come in a hundred different colours and because they are handmade, each piece is slightly different providing her with a choice of colour tones. After choosing her subject she builds a frame using MDF board which will not warp and then paints it black. Choosing not to use grout, she must ensure that no colour can be seen between the tiles. There are not a lot of tools required for mosaics. Stacey has a mosaic hammer and hardie, an ancient tool still in use today and one of the preferred tool for professional mosaic artists. The hardie is basically a chiseled edge traditionally mounted in a log. The stone or smalti is placed on the blade of the chisel at right angles and struck by the hammer leaving the smalti with a clean-cut edge. As well, Stacey uses a ring saw that helps to create very small pieces without the risk of injuring her fingers; a wet saw for cutting bigger pieces and tile nippers that can cut small pieces even smaller. Before gluing the piece down, she smoothes the edges with a diamond file.

Referring to her original photograph, she draws the image on the board and then chooses the colours and tiles she feels will best create Napanee District Community Foundation the effect she desires.

47 Dundas Street East, Napanee, ON K7R 1H7

Ph: 613-354-7333 F: 613-354-4613

“I don’t want to just reproduce the photograph and at the same time I don’t want the consistent, regular pattern of manufactured

mosaics. Because I work so intensely with very small pieces in small spaces, I have to put the piece on the wall and step away to see if it works, if it doesn’t I will rip it apart and start again. “What I’m always looking for is whether or not the piece I’m working on has andamento, the direction and flow of the tiles in the mosaic. Andamento creates the illusion of shape and movement along with colour tone and the size of the tile, forms the artistry of the mosaic.” “It took me a long time before I showed my work. I wanted to be technically proficient and I tried many different techniques and applications before feeling confident enough to present my work. I’ve learned to work with marble and glass creating different effects depending on the piece.” After building a successful mosaic business while working full time as a business analyst and raising her two children Clare, 9, and Jake, 16, Stacey turned her energy to promoting other artists. With the assistance of her parents, David Anderson and Viola Kalinowski, Stacey has organized the Art Among the Ruins art show and sale, held annually in Newburgh. Last year they had over 2,000 visitors attend and over fifty-five artists participated. The large outdoor show and sale is held at her parents’ home whose spectacular property includes the ruins of a 19th century mill on the banks of the Napanee River. They are gearing up to host their ninth annual show to be held on June 14, 2014. “It’s so important to promote other artists. I’ve been fortunate to have the skills required to build a business selling my mosaic art and now I feel that I can use my expertise and talents to help support artists market and sell their work.”

It’s a busy life, yet Stacey feels fortunate to have achieved the balance she has always sought in her life. “At the end of the day after using the analytical part of my brain, I love to come down to my studio, put some music on and lose myself in colour and texture and form. To see a shape emerge from small broken pieces of glass is very exciting and gratifying.” Visit or contact Stacey Anderson at

Lanthorn Real Estate Ltd. 44 Industrial Blvd. Napanee/Tamworth 613-354-4347

May the joy and blessings of this holiday season remain with you throughout the new year Your business has been truly appreciated

Robert Storring Gwynne Storring Broker Assistant

Tamworth 379-2903

December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


One Day I Walk Anita Jansman Walks the Camino Trail By Angela Saxe


nita Jansman loves to walk. The attraction of walking in natural surroundings that are difficult and physically challenging but always inspiring; through a landscape filled with mediaeval architecture and charming towns and villages, where one could dine on delicious food and rich red wines, prompted her to walk the Camino Trail in Spain. The Camino Way, also called The Way of St. James was one of the most important Christian pilgrimages during mediaeval times and is currently a very popular route for pilgrims, hikers, cyclists or merely tourists. The final destination is the town of Santiago de Compostela where the remains of St. James were found. Legend has it that the body of St. James was transported there after his death in Jerusalem. Today thousands of people walk for weeks or months along one of the routes that will bring them to the shrine in Santiago. There are pilgrim hostels with beds in dormitories called albergues for the steady stream of travellers as they hike up and down the rugged mountain trails. If a person walks 100 km or a cyclist goes 200 km, they will receive a certificate of accomplishment called a composteles. Anita, who lives on an organic farm in Centreville with her partner John Wise since 2001, has worked as a freelance writer and editor, edited and published a magazine, worked as a librarian and for thirteen years worked in marketing and communication at Queen’s University. Currently she is working on a Master’s degree in theological studies at Queen’s.

just writing it, but people are interested in spiritual quests today, so I thought I’d share my experiences while walking the Camino Trail by publishing the book One Day I Walk.”

An excerpt from One Day I Walk, Chapter 6. It is a cool, wet evening at the Azofra municipal albergue, which is new, clean and welldesigned. I am sharing a room with Rosa from Barcelona, a soft-spoken, warm person with a functional ability to speak English. We chat a little bit about why we are walking alone on the Camino, and it turns out she too is a mother of two sons in their early twenties. Her work is in social services; she is informed and aware of what’s going on in the world. I am not feeling particularly sociable this evening as I am still recovering from the stony walk and the emotional ride I have been on for the past two days. I decline Rosa’s offer to go to dinner and instead discover a grocery store nearby where I purchase a packet of dried pasta and chorizo sausage to prepare at the albergue. The kitchen is humming with pilgrims clanging dishes and pots, opening and closing drawers to find utensils, and figuring out how the stove works. I pitch in wherever I can. In my own home, the kitchen is my refuge, the temple of my familiar. It is where I go to create, to think, prepare food for people I love, listen to music, and sip wine.

It is second nature for me to find my way around this kitchen and I am happy to assist anyone trying to put together a hot meal. Give me a When she turned fifty, few seconds and I will unlock Anita decided it was time to the mystery of the stovetop accomplish one of her dreams. and oven. I will find the rightShe walked the Camino Trail for sized pot, locate the dish soap, six days in 2009 and then went and clean up. In the kitchen, I back in 2011 and walked for feel purposeful and full of good four weeks from Pamplona to intention. Finisterre. Her book is based on ~ the trip she took in 2011. The evening continues to be cool, and the albergue is not “I always keep a journal when I warming up at all. Rain keeps travel. I decided that I wanted falling. I haven’t had my shower to turn my notes into a travel yet because I am cold and also memoir, one which would I am experimenting with the include the spiritual journey timing of taking a shower. I as well the physical one. At theorize that the bathrooms first I was more interested in will be less busy later in the evening than in afternoon when there is always a big rush by all Want to We can help the sweaty and advertise your start up & manage dusty pilgrims to small business your Google adWords get cleaned up. I decide now is on Google? campaign. my time.

Email for details 16

My shower

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

experiment goes awry when I realize that the two shower stalls beside me are occupied by two Spanish cyclists whom I noticed a little earlier hanging around the corridor of the albergue. They are conspicuous by their extreme good looks and incredible level of fitness and for walking around wearing nothing but their cycling shorts. It seems they too have decided to shower at the same time as I have. I know this, not because I can see them, but because I can hear them. In addition Anita Jansman. Contributed photo. to carrying on a loud conversation – I suppose they are discussing the All is fleeting. condition of their bikes or their God alone is unchanging. plans for tomorrow – there are Who possesses God sounds of pleasure approaching Nothing wants. something close to orgasmic God alone suffices. in nature. I am now reminded of a woman I walked with a One Day I Walk by Anita day or so ago, who referred to Jansman $20 is available the delight of the shower after at Novel Idea bookstore in a long hot day of walking, or Kingston, Leeds County Books in in the case of these two men, Brockville, Flowers by Barbara in cycling. She called it betterNapanee and at the Five Corners than-sex-showering. I now Gift Store in Tamworth. Or go to understand what she was and talking about, but I can’t recall place an order. ever being that excited about taking a shower. I begin to laugh at the absurdity of this scene. I am in a shower in a shared bathroom in a little village in Spain, and all that is dividing me from devilishly good-looking naked Spanish men is a thin wall of metal from which the distinct sounds of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ seem to amplify. I laugh hysterically at this scene of which I am a part. Salvador Dali could definitely do something with this bit of surrealism.

Your vacation wardrobe starts here!

Rosa has returned from dinner and we talk briefly before lights go out. I want to tell her about my shower experience because I know she would be amused, but I haven’t got the Spanish words and I don’t think she would understand me well enough to pick up on the silliness and humour of my story. Instead, I tell her about my interest in Santa Teresa de Ávila and San Juan de la Cruz. She is familiar with both these mystics, of course, being a Spaniard who reveals her spiritual nature. We share something like an intelligent conversation in our broken Spanish and English before we say good night. I silently recite one of Santa Teresa’s poems, or what I can recall of it from memory. Let nothing trouble you. Let nothing scare you



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Napanee Community Kitten Rescue By Stella Thompson


he figures are staggering but true. One healthy, unspayed female cat can, under optimal conditions, be the source of approximately 420,000 cats over her average life span of seven years. Even if all the kittens do not survive, the potential number of offspring is clearly enormous. There are close to 80 million cats in the United States and 10 million in Canada. 37.7% of households in Canada own a cat, which means that there are many, many homeless cats and it’s not a problem that can be resolved without active humane intervention. Napanee Community Kitten Rescue, founded in August of this year, aims to help by rescuing, caring for, fostering and then putting up for adoption kittens that are either feral or strays. These homeless kittens often live behind industrial parks and in alleyways, or are found living in barns or along secondary roads. They are threatened by predators and by people who simply view them as “pests”. It’s great to know that there are members of our community who are organizing themselves into active groups and trying to make a difference.

Bottle feeding Mikey, a rescue kitten. Contributed photo.

Nancy Clarke is one of the founders and a member of the NCKR board along with Missy Hull, Sue Meech, Nicole Hearnes and David Clark. She was a long time volunteer with the Lennox and Addington branch of the Humane Society and over the years she saw so many cats being brought in because they were either feral, strays or domestic cats whose owners could no longer care for them. When a person cannot care for the kittens born to their pet, they drop them off at the animal shelter. Because animal humane societies across the country are overwhelmed and unable to find homes for each cat or kitten, the decision to euthanize them has to be made. No one wants that, so Nancy decided that there has to be an alternate group that just deals with kittens.

Missy Hull, Nancy Clark, David Clark and Nicole Hearnes. be given up for adoption for a fee of $150. The veterinary bill is usually double that amount so the money required to make up the difference comes from donations and fundraising.

The five members of the board met and hammered out a mission statement: “To assist the community with awareness, education and resources for the care and rehabilitation of homeless kittens in the Greater Napanee area.” A key component of the group is “community”. NCKR depends on individuals in the community to come forward and provide care for homeless kittens by serving as a foster home until the kitten has been adopted. There are ten foster homes right now in Napanee and the need for more is growing. NCKR prepares the kitten for adoption by spaying or neutering the kitten, vaccinating it, getting rid of any fleas, de-worming it and inserting a microchip for identification. Medical care and support is given to any sick or injured kitten and when that kitten is six months old it will

Educating the public is also a large part of their mandate. The education part of their mission is to promote the TrapNeuter-Return program. TNR benefits feral cats; when they have been spayed/neutered and returned to their colony, the cycle of endless reproduction for that cat ends, as do the stressful behaviours associated with mating end: spraying, aggressive fighting, and loud screeching sounds, to name a few. TNR is the most humane and effective approach to control feral cat populations. In comparison to rural areas, towns and cities offer more in the way of food and shelter to homeless cats. Like many wild

animals if they are removed from an area other cats will move in and breed to capacity because the environment has not changed. The only way to control this explosion in population is TNR. As the holiday season approaches NCKR’s message for anyone thinking of gifting a kitten to a child is to give the child a food bowl or pretty collar as a gift with a promise of a kitten after the holidays. By then the family will have had time to think about it and as well, there won’t be all that hectic activity which can be stressful not only on the family but also for the kitten. Anyone wishing to donate or to make enquiries about the NCKR program can call 613-539-1740, visit or e-mail:

2014 TECDC Concert Series All shows at Tamworth Legion MADISON VIOLET

Doors open 7:15 p.m. / Show 8:00 p.m.

SAT. JAN. 25 / $25 PETER KARP & SUE FOLEY This talented roots duo won the 2009 John Lennon Songwriting Contest, took the 2009 Canadian Folk Music Award for Vocal Group of the Year, and were nominated for multiple East Coast Music Awards and a 2010 JUNO Award for Roots & Traditional Album of the Year, and have also toured with Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Café.



John and Michele Law are known for their rich harmonies and original songwriting that feature a blend of folk, bluegrass and acoustic country. In 2007 they became the first Canadians to win Merlefest’s Chris Austin Songwriting Contest. Mix in Keith Glass of Prairie Oyster and you have a great night of country folk music headed your way.

SAT. FEB. 22 / $25

Peter Karp, a gifted songsmith, guitarist, pianist and troubadour. Sue Foley, a JUNO award winner, with 14 Canadian Maple Blues awards, and multiple international blues awards. Together, simply amazing. Great songs, beautiful vocals and guitar work second to none!

SAT. APR. 26 / $30 3 Country Music Association Male Vocalist of the Year awards; 3 JUNO awards –Best Male Vocalist Top Ten Country Singles; and 8 Gold and Platinum Albums A Canadian music legend in our intimate setting. Don’t miss it!

TICKETS AT: Stone Mills Family Market, The River Bakery, The Tamworth Legion, bon ECO, and TCO Agromart.

FOR INFORMATION OR ADVANCE TICKETS CALL 613-379-2808 December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


Meet the Abrams The Proof is in the Baking... By Linda Selkirk


emon meringue pie was our first taste of the delicious desserts available at the Abrams Bakery in Newburgh. The pie was ordered ahead of time and picked up as soon as it was ready. The cream topping had just been made when we arrived – now that’s fresh! I later learned from the owner that nothing there is a day old. On the way home we took a peek and immediately our appetites were whetted by the fresh scent of lemons. Once home, dinner was a quick exercise and then... dessert! I served rather healthy slices. After the first forkful, we ooh’d and ahh’d over the flavour and texture that complemented the aroma that earlier had enticed us to stop the car and make the pie a finger-food treat. An ice-cold glass of milk was the finishing touch, with the lemon flavour remaining as a pleasant after-taste. The next time we visited the bakery, we came away with a banana cream pie along with a dozen fresh bagels to keep it company. The Abrams Bakery offers a wide array of items including breads, Kaiser rolls, bagels, pies, muffins and even pizza. As fresh coffee awaits your visit a quick lunch can happen easily. The owners, Trevor and Donna Abrams, are not new to baking. Both have had years of experience albeit in very different places prior to their joining forces in 2008. Trevor has lived in this area for years but Donna hails from Halifax. Both have been long time retailers and found themselves, when bringing in homemade pies and cakes to share with their colleagues at work, being asked to bake more for them to take home. So, after a long day, they found themselves baking more and more to fulfill their

ever-growing requests, especially for their renowned carrot cake with cream cheese icing. As this became their “second shift” the decision was taken to embark on their own bakery business, now nestled in the architecturally striking village of Newburgh. Both Trevor and Donna are delightful and modest. The opening day was August 31, 2013 after months of planning and building since February with much help from PELA in Stone Mills. They expected a slow start but ended up going strong from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm on that first day! Their three daughters already help with the business when not in school and the Abrams have found Newburgh to be a wonderful place to raise children. Newburgh has the Napanee River running through it and has fine schools, an art

Trevor and Donna Adams. gallery, the Hilltop Variety & Gas Bar, and much more. During my initial chat with Trevor and Donna there was a regular stream of customers coming in and they all had great stories to tell. It is quickly becoming a landmark and a meeting spot. I noticed that people were arriving with their order in mind and leaving with twice as much! The aroma alone wouldn’t allow one to leave empty-handed.

With the holiday season upon us, drop by and visit and make sure to take home wonderful treats for family and friends. You may want to add your “like” to their Facebook page. Some may prefer to call ahead to place an order or just drop by to 422 Main St. in Newburgh or e-mail them at abramsbakery@yahoo. ca. Tons of parking on the other side of the road makes it easy.

HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON to all our customers and friends

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THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

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Winter on a Sheep Farm

Cold-Weather Adventures

Photo & story by Sally Bowen

By Isabel Wright


his time of year is dominated by two activities on a sheep farm: keeping track of the readiness of lambs to go to market, and preparing the breeding cycle to start again. Animals are healthier and more content if they live on pasture as long as possible, given the Canadian climate. Ours live outdoors with the dogs yearround, but of course their food must be supplemented with hay, baleage and sometimes grain and soy beans in the late fall and winter months. Each week or so the market lambs move through the chutes in the barn where our shepherd Christopher checks whether they are ‘finished’ and ready for market. He feels along the backbone by the loin to find the ridge: if they are not too boney - not ready yet, just perceptible - meat has filled in, but if the ridge has disappeared - oops, too fatty. We sell about 300 to private customers from Toronto to Ottawa and to local butchers. Most of our lamb-lovers come from the Kingston area, and they pick up their order at the Pig and Olive, where ‘Aussie Al’ knows how to cut. The rest of the 1000 lambs chosen for market will travel

the high seas (across the ferry) by truck and will travel to the Ontario Stockyards north of Toronto where they attract the gourmet butchers and the top prices. All species yearn to procreate. Shepherds must learn to manage that urge: We want lambs to be born in spring on greening pastures, so we have to count back to decide when the males go in with the females. The ewes must be on a steadily improving diet, so their reproductive systems can decide that it’s okay to ovulate more. The rams (32 of them for about 1300 ewes) must be in top condition, especially their feet which get very tired during breeding. The teaser rams (those with a vasectomy) are now at the starting gate. Since we also market our wool products, we scramble to prepare booths for preChristmas shows, keep track of inventory, knit more items, and try to keep our books organized. It isn’t a dull time of the year, down on the farm. For more information call Topsy Farms at 613 389-3444/888 2873157.

Suffolk ewes, waiting.


will be the first to admit that the summer climate here in Ontario is much more inviting than that of our winters. When the colder months come along, bringing rain, wind, and snow, outdoor activities can seem a little out of place. However, if you bundle up (dress in layers!) and make sure to check the weather forecast, it is very possible to enjoy our lovely local landscape in the chillier months. If you need a little more enticing, how do enhanced powers of concentration, decreased stress, and a happiness boost sound to you? Here are a few ideas to get you started! Bon Echo Provincial Park is currently closed for the winter, but you can still hike during the day. There are many hiking trails, ranging in distance from one to 17 kilometres, and there are several areas with picnic benches and stunning views of the lake. You can see the hieroglyphs on Mazinaw Rock from a trail that goes along the shore of Mazinaw Lake, and you will see some beautiful trees and wildlife on every trail. The trails at Sheffield Conservation Area are rugged but rewarding. There is a four kilometre loop around several lakes, which finishes by taking you back to the Dark Sky Viewing Area (another pretty cool trip!) via the old highway. The lookout trails are sometimes difficult to locate, but certainly worth a few extra minutes, and any of the lookout points could make a great place for lunch or a snack break. To do the whole loop, it takes about one and a half hours of walking at a moderate pace. Just a warning- this trail is not recommended for icy weather, and you should have some comfort with hiking before you try it. *On November 17, I went back to this trail, and one of the bridges across a beaver dam has been obliterated by the current. This trail is still great, but it is not possible to complete the loop until the water levels are lowerplan to start at the entrance to the conservation area, walk to the waterway, and double back to the beginning. It takes about two hours this way. Linda Pierce Administrator


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Sandbanks Provincial Park is a popular swimming destination in the summer, but it is just as great in the fall, winter and spring. There are lots of hiking trails, and when there is enough snow on the ground there are several opportunities for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. It is also the perfect place to go bird watching, as it is at a prime location to witness bird migrations in the fall and spring. Keep safety in mind when you head outside; even just for a day hike it is important to be properly prepared. Especially in cold weather, bring extra clothing, a rain jacket, sturdy shoes, and warm socks. Make sure to bring along plenty of water, some food, and sunscreen for those brilliant sunny, winter days. Don’t forget a map if you are unfamiliar with the area- many are available to print from It is also a very good idea to bring a friend or family member along with you, both for safety purposes and for some company! This area of Ontario is home to some absolutely incredible species of animals and plants, including many on the endangered species list. Check out a guidebook, or simply go out with a careful eye. The Kingston branch of the Rideau Trail Association offers outings nearly every weekend. They organize field trips to many established hiking trails and local parks, including Frontenac and Charleston Lake, and many of them are appropriate for any skill level. Fall and winter landscapes offer a whole new realm of opportunity for artistic activities. Head outside with your camera, sketchbook, or watercolours to capture the beautiful colours, scenery, and animals of the chillier seasons. You can do this anywhere: your backyard, a park, or on a hike! If you, like me, are a student already looking forward to next summer, think about registering for a program at the Gould Lake Outdoor Center. They offer programs in Algonquin, Temagami, the Adirondacks, Georgian Bay, and many other amazing locations, and focus on wilderness skills, canoeing, and appreciating the great outdoors. You get high school credit, a physical challenge, and an incredible experience. Isabel lives in Tamworth and attends Kingston Collegiate Vocational Institute in Kingston.

December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


Who Am I?

Winter Must-Dos!

Aron Tanner Grade 12, Sydenham High School

By Jordan Balson Grade 11, NDSS


here is a common question that almost all teenagers in high school face - Who am I? This question is difficult and it’s a problem for many students to answer. Many teens feel that they must compromise their own personality in order to fit in with others. If they do not, they will more than likely be ostracized by their peers and they run the risk of being bullied. In order to avoid this mistreatment, students will not dress like their usual selves, and they may end up making very poor decisions. I have personally experienced this at my own rural high school. When I first started high school I was definitely an outsider. I had recently moved to Sydenham area from Belleville and knew no one. I am very interested in politics and history. I like to watch the news from around the world, and listen to different styles of music than most teens. I also didn’t really take part in the athletics program. The people I initially attempted to befriend

Washing in a Winter Wonderland...

MERRY CHRISTMAS Dave, Barb, Kallista & Shae-Lynn

had absolutely nothing in common with me. So as a result, I found myself simply following them around and falling prey to peer pressure. I was unhappy with the choices I was making. I eventually decided that this was not what I wanted or who I was. So I left that group behind, and I am very thankful that I made that choice. As students continue to advance through high school, they are faced with equally difficult crises. What exactly do I want to do with my life? For some, this may seem simple and maybe already determined. However, for the majority of us this idea is quite distressful. Even the thought that someone, as this point in their life will have to choose what their career will be, is mind boggling. The choices we make now, we are made to believe, will affect the rest of our lives. And for many, this is disheartening. What if I make the wrong choice? What if I’m not successful in my choice? What if I have no idea what I want? If you ask any adult how they ever figured it out, many of them will half jokingly, half serious say that they are still trying to figure it out, and I think many people would agree. Life decisions are not made quickly or at a young age. You continue to experience life and make decisions along the way. As well, a variety of jobs and opportunities will become available to you.

Read a good book. There are not many things better on a cold, winter day than curling up in your comfy chair with a fantastic novel in hand. Whether it’s homework, a light novel, or a newspaper (like you’re already doing!), winter days seem to be made for reading. And if you feel like splurging, a cup of hot chocolate while you’re reading makes everything better. Get ready for the holidays! Whether you’re out shopping for a gift, or putting up your Christmas tree, the holidays just seem to make everything happier. So get festive! Put on your favourite holiday sweater, bake snowman cookies, visit family and deck the halls with boughs of holly! After all, ‘tis the season!


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Get outside! I know what you’re thinking; it’s way too cold to go outside! But winter is an amazing time to get out of that cramped house. Whether you’re walking your dog in the snow or skating, there is so much to do. This may even be the winter you try something new, like skiing, snowmobiling, or snowshoeing. Or maybe you just want to reconnect with a classic, like sledding or building a snowman. There’s something out there for everyone!

So how can adults help young people deal with this stress and Watch a good movie. Some pain? Educate them. Support days, you just need to relax, and them. Teens have to be true to that can be achieved perfectly themselves and to their ideals; with a movie. Some make an they shouldn’t be so eager event of it, by going out to the to sacrifice them in order to theatre, buying that amazing belong to the crowd. Life will popcorn that only theatres can be so much more fulfilling if produce and seeing that new they are able to make the right movie that’s supposed to be decisions At the same time, awesome. Others make it a lazy they have to understand that day, by taking the best blanket, the choices they are being turning up the thermostat, asked to make about their future plans now - even though ADAIR PLACE significant, will Seniors Residence not completely determine the path they will eventually walk. After all, life is about making mistakes and learning from 462 Adair Road them. 613-379-5700 Tamworth, ON

Home-Cooked Food • Lottery Machine Check out our Christmas wreaths & arrangements Great selection of Christmas cards Newspapers • And Much, Much More!

OPEN 7 Days a Week


t’s winter again: that time of year when days get shorter and each frost bitten day just gets colder. And with these winter days, most people start to go a little stir-crazy. So what can you do to combat these winter blues?

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014



and watching a classic movie in their comfiest pajamas and slippers. Movie marathons are great for these type of days too, whether it’s all of your favourites, some Disney classics or a scary movie marathon. Cold winter days are easily perfected with a movie! Go see the lights! This is a gorgeous time of year to get out and see the Christmas lights. It can be as simple as going for a walk in your neighbourhood and seeing all of the festive lights, or going to Napanee to see the Big Bright Light Show. If you haven’t been to Napanee to see the lights yet, I strongly suggest it. It’s so amazing and beautiful to see the entire town strung with lights! Whether you want to go for a walk through Springside Park to see all the lights, or just drive through downtown Napanee one evening, it’s an amazing experience, and incredibly gorgeous. So even though it’s winter, there are so many ways to get out of that winter funk. Challenge the notion of dreary, winter days, and get prepared for these winter must-dos!

Bee Buzz in Odessa Roblin Shoreline Owners Invited I L By Susan Moore

f you think you haven’t seen as many bees lately, you aren’t the only one - their numbers are declining.

Bees are essential to the production of our food. According to a University of California, Berkley study, one in three bites of food in the US. are a result of pollination by both wild and domestic bees but many factors (such as parasites, habitat loss and chemical use) have caused a serious decline in bee populations. In September, a day-long seminar on bees sponsored by the Stewardship Councils of Eastern Ontario was held in Perth. The response was so excellent that other local groups have decided to bring Susan back. The Ontario Woodlot Association, Friends of the Salmon River, Lennox & Addington Stewardship Council, Eastern Ontario Stewardship Collaborative, and the Kingston Field Naturalists are all co-hosting a new event. A seminar on how to encourage bees back to your property will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 7 pm in Odessa. Susan Chan, program manager at Farms at Work, will tell landowners how to attract bees by turning marginal

By Susan Moore

Squash bee. Photo by Sheila Potter. land into habitat for these natural pollinators. Farmers, gardeners, beekeepers and environmentalists will be highly interested. Chan is author of A Landowner’s Guide to Conserving Native Pollinators in Ontario. She has degrees in Agriculture, Environmental Biology and Education. She is a teacher, beekeeper and a strong resource to the farm community: for more detail, visit farmsatwork. Doors open at 6:30 pm for displays and networking - at St. Alban’s Church Hall, 67 Main St. in Odessa. Donations (to help cover expenses) will be gratefully accepted at the door. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome. For information, contact Dave Sexsmith (OWA) at 613-373-933 or OR contact Susan Moore (FSR) at 613-379-5958.

Road Check Leads to Numerous Charges


inistry of Natural Resources conservation officers and a canine unit conducted an enforcement road check along Highway 41 in the village of Northbrook, Lennox and Addington County during the regular deer hunt. Conservation officers checked more than 200 resident and non-resident anglers and hunters traveling along Hwy. 41 on November 8 and November 9, 2013. The officers focused on compliance with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and the Ontario Fishery Regulations. The check resulted in 10 charges and 18 warnings for violations relating to fishing and hunting. Violations included: • packing fish so that the number or species could not be identified • enabling someone to unlawfully use another person’s deer seal • transporting an unmarked container of fish or wildlife • unlawfully possessing another person’s seal • unlawfully possessing an unencased and/or loaded firearm at night • failing to properly attach a seal to deer • transporting deer without the

seal attached • failing to provide the information required on the seal • failing to produce a licence for a conservation officer Several investigations are ongoing related to the illegal harvest of both fish and wildlife. Staff from the Ministry’s Wildlife Research and Development Section were also in attendance sampling deer for Chronic Wasting Disease. This is part of an annual surveillance program to monitor Ontario deer for Chronic Wasting Disease.

andowners in Roblin area are invited to be part of the Salmon Shoreline Restoration program for 2013/2014. A healthy shoreline protects the river and the value of your property. Friends of the Salmon River and partners are offering landowners on the Salmon River a free assessment of their shoreline corridor plus recommendations on keeping the shoreline healthy. Planting of native trees and shrubs will be supplied. Low-growing shrubs and ground covers can be used in areas where views of the river are a priority. A well vegetated shoreline protects against erosion, improves the water quality, and provides good habitat for fish and other wildlife. Funding from Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund is in place for this program, so there will be very little or no cost involved. There are also costsharing options for large-scale


3rd Annual Belleville

Downtown DocFest February 28 - March 2, 2014

Early Bird Festival Passes on sale now Visit or call 613-848-1976 for more info

plantings, livestock fencing, wetland restoration, and more. The program recommendations are completely optional and any projects undertaken are up to the landowner. Landowners in the Roblin and Forest Mills area are welcome to apply. The boundaries of the program are flexible, including properties in the surrounding areas. Partners in the Salmon Shoreline Restoration program: Friends of the Salmon River: Centre for Sustainable Watersheds: www.watersheds. ca Quinte Conservation: Eastern Ontario Stewardship Collaborative: eostewardshipcollaborative. For more information, contact Susan Moore at 613-379-5958 or

QUINTE FILM ALTERNATIVE ‘GREAT MOVIE WEDNESDAYS’ Wadjda, Jan 8 Our Man in Tehran, Jan 22 Gabrielle, Feb 5 Inside LLewyn Davis, Feb 19 The Empire Theatre, 321 Front St, Belleville, 2:00 & 7:30 pm, 613-480-6407, QFA Gift Memberships available – 11 films (Jan – May).

CANON REV’D CYRIL BETTS turns 80 years young on Saturday December 14th Drop in from 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. at Queen Anne’s Centre @ All Saints on the Reserve Best wishes only please

For further information on hunting regulations, please consult the 2013-2014 Hunting Regulations Summary and available at; For fishing regulations, consult the 2013 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary available at To report a natural resources violation, call 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free any time or contact your local ministry officer during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


KIDS & PaRENTS County of Lennox & Addington

Public Library Children’s Programs NaPaNEE BRaNCH


Puppy Tales Wednesdays 10:30-11:00 a.m.

Christmas Crafts Wednesday December 4, 11, & 18 6:30-7:15 p.m.

Lego Club Saturdays 10:30-11:30 a.m. Movie Time Saturdays 1 p.m.

aMHERSTVIEW BRaNCH December 2013 Preschool Story Time Wednesdays 10:15 a.m. Lego Club Thursday, December 5th 6:30-7:30 p.m. & Saturday, December 7th 2:00-3:00 p.m. January 2014 Preschool Story Time Wednesdays 10:15 a.m.

Super Heros Wednesday January 8, 15, 22, & 29 6:30-7:15 p.m. Children use their imagination by creating a superhero alter-ego, complete with a costume, accessories, superpowers and a sidekick. Each child draws a comic book starring his superhero and at the end of the session, use their superhero powers to compete against super villains in an obstacle course.

CaMDEN EaST BRaNCH Toddler Tales Mondays 10:15 a.m. (Registration not required)

The 3rd Monday of every month at St Patrick’s School Gym - Erinsville Playgroup 9:30 until 12:00 For More Information call: 613-354-6318 x 27

Erinsville Playgroup!! Do you want to… Have fun with your child? Meet other parents and children? Expose your child to new experiences in a safe environment? Play, sing, laugh, share, and try new things? Then, come along and try our playgroup. We have a great space, lots of toys, and as part of our playgroup time, we do craft, circle and have a singing time.

Monday mornings 9:30 until 12:00 St Patrick School Gymnasium Remembrance Day artwork by Locksley, Grade 2, Tamworth Elementary.


THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

For more information contact 613-336-8934 ext. 257 Or 613-354-6318 ext. 27

Free to private individuals or not-for-profit community groups. To place an ad, phone 613-379-5369 or email FREE: Classical L.P. records, free to a good home. (613) 4785829. FOR SALE: Decades of magazines - 200 old Cottage Life & 100 Harrowsmith. $200 obo for the lot. Phone 905-3742632. FOR HIRE: Small Kubota tractor which comes with an operator. Perfect for landscaping, drainage and clearing. Let us know your needs and we will fulfill them. Steve @ Dynamic Digging: 613-539-8015

WANTED: Studebaker memorabilia. Items such as manuals, brochures, old dealer calendars, pens, pencils, lighters, watches, etc. Norm 613-968-4400. OFFERED: Exercise classes, Barrie township hall (Cloyne). Mondays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. Everyone welcome! Tabatas, pump, and Latin dancing (total body). Cost: $8 a class or $45 per month. New members’ discount for the first month is $40. More info: Terrilynn Storms 613 847-6666 or 613-478-4720.

Answers to the crossword & word scramble on the Puzzle Page (page 24):

‘Food 4 Fines’


ll eight branches of the County of Lennox & Addington Public Libraries will be participating in a ‘Food 4 Fines’ amnesty program to take place the entire month of December.

removing small fines the library can encourage customers to come back to the Library and use its services. It’s also a way to update patron accounts, and help feed those in the community who need it most.

During this period all branch locations will accept nonperishable food items in place of cash for overdue library fines.

All donations through this program are redistributed to food banks within the County of Lennox & Addington.

‘Food 4 Fines’ provides library users the opportunity to clear their record, return overdue materials, and support local food banks. During the program fines for items are waived on a one to one ratio; it’s simply one item of food for each book overdue. Fees for lost or damaged books are not eligible.

For more information on this program or other events at your library visit your local branch or

© Moms & Munchkins


Fines often act as barriers to library patrons, and by

For more information: Catherine Coles, Manager of Library Services County of Lennox & Addington (613) 354-4883

W&S ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Approved by the Ministry of the Environment

• SNOW PLOWING • Seniors receive 10% discount • Large items pickup • Garbage pickup & recyclables

Phone: 613-379-5872 Cell: 613-483-8441


THANK YOU TO OUR 2013 BIG BUCK SPONSORS! • Ken’s Gun Shop • Don Fenwick • Hartins Pumping Service • Village Video • Jim & Tracy Pilbrow • Mortgage Brokers City • Sutcliffe Septic Service • Hart N’ Hart • Todd Steele • L&A Mutual Insurance • Fowler Contracting • Paul McGrath • Bronson & Bronson • Petersons Landscaping • Labatts Brewery • Vanness Automotive • Canadian Tire Napanee

• TCO Agromart Ltd. • Giant Tiger Napanee • Regal Beagle Unleashed • Chuck D’Aoust • Stone Mills Family Market • Ron McMillan • Concrete Plus • Bill Veley • Barry Lovegrove Photography • The Alpaca Stop • Sleemans Brewery • The River Bakery Cafe & Patio • Sysco Foods • Pete Locke • Custom Tree Service • Steamwhistle • Marshall Automotive


Congratulations to this year’s winners: Brian Kirkpatrick BIGGEST BUCK 239.5 lbs Bob Kirk BIGGEST DOE 141.5 lbs December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


























Puzzle Page New York Times Crossword by Randy Sowell / Will Shortz ©The New York Times Across


1. Untidiness












9. Felt good about




14. Border on


5. Gillette razor


15. Karate blow 27

17. Crime bigwig



18. Genuine


28 34


19. Beauty queen's headgear

30 35

23. Basinger of "Batman"


24. Cincinnati team 25. Homo sapiens, for man


27. Jogged


29. Ladder rung












43 45






20. "The Man Who …" (1956)






16. ___ Pendragon, King Arthur's father





46 49

50 56

55 59


















See how many of these words you can find in the puzzle. The words can be forward, backward or diagonal.

1. 2. 3. 4.

32. Jackie's second spouse




33. Sightings the U.S.A.F. may investigate




Happy Holidays Christmas Vacation

5. 6. 7. 8.

Family Friends Presents Decorations

9. Shopping 10. Candy canes 11. Cookies 12. Milk



13. Santa 14. Songs 15. Movies 16. Fun

35. Notion 37. Debate 41. "The Man Who …" (1973)

69. Repair

44. Muse of love poetry

71. 50's Ford flop

45. Cruel 46. Time ___ half 47. Bird that hoots 49. Actress Meg 51. Deity 52. England/France connection

70. Hip bones 72. Neighborhood

11. Park ranger's uniform color

48. Harper who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"

12. Spine-tingling

50. Jacqueline Kennedy ___ Bouvier

13. Apothecaries' units

73. Boy ___ door

21. N.F.L. scores


26. About

1. Ted with TV's old "Original Amateur Hour"

27. Reign

22. Asst. on taxes

28. Get an ___ effort

52. Breakfast item with syrup 53. Made a home, as bees 54. The U's in B.T.U.'s 55. Andean animal

30. Dutch cheese

57. Bobby who sang "Beyond the Sea"

4. Vermont ski resort

31. Paul and Mary's partner in folk music

60. Sideways glance

59. "The Man Who …" (1976)

5. Verse with a hidden message

34. ___ Hall University

64. Musical with the song "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina"

6. Lt. Kojak on "Kojak"

36. "An apple ___ keeps …"

7. Wander

38. Canada Dry product

8. Great grade

39. Destroy

67. Seldom seen

9. Protestant who believes in the Book of Concord

40. Old oath

68. Bit in a bed of roses

10. "Lord, is ___?"

56. Give up, as territory 58. ___ Tin Tin

66. Long, long time

2. Abba of Israel 3. Exploding star

61. Musical signal 62. Cereal with a rabbit mascot 63. Oven setting 65. Menlo Park inits.

42. Waterloo 43. Amazon menace


























THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

4 9 8


1 3 5 7

5 7 9 5


6 8 9 5

2 8 1


7 6


2 9



Gary Matthews Nash Kimmerly By Barry Lovegrove


’m sure that Gary Matthews had no idea that when he was first introduced to wood turning while still a teenager, that one day it would turn into a full time job. For the past twenty years, he has been scouring the local logging sites, looking for the right logs to use for his functional yet attractive bowls. He tends to choose maple (especially Ambrosia Maple), Gary in his workshop with some of his handmade cherry or bowls. hickory wood because of start by rough gouging it with their beautiful grain patterns as a one inch gouge and finishing well as colour. His bowls vary it off with a three-eighths in size from 30 to 72 cm wide, gouge. The rest of the work is can have a smooth, waned or very much hands-on. I sand barked edge and they come in a and polish the piece in order to variety of shapes: round, oblong bring out the inner beauty of or squared. They are simple, each bowl.” rustic yet elegant and each one is unique. Apart from the salad bowls and burls, Gary makes hand-crafted Gary works in a small workshop cutting boards and serving at the back of his garage next to utensils each piece finished his home south of Tamworth. with bees wax and canola oil He recently modified his lathe ensuring that it is food safe. by installing a variable speed motor which saves him time Gary’s bowls are sold in select now that he no longer has to galleries throughout Ontario change the size of the pulley including the Red River Guild to vary the speed. Before in Perth, but for those of us setting to work, he spends who live in the vicinity, we time evaluating each log, can visit his small studio deciding what to use in order to gallery next to his workshop on minimize waste. Miller Road between Croydon and Tamworth. For more Gary said,” Every one is different information visit his website: - you never get two of a kind. I

By Barry Lovegrove


ash is a young man after my own heart: he loves photography and he plays the guitar. When Nash’s mother called me and said his photograph had been accepted to be printed on the JONES SODA Bottle Label my curiosity was twigged and so I made arrangements to go and chat with him. “ I really enjoy taking photos with a point and shoot camera and for my birthday I was given a Nikon D3000 DSLR ( Digital Single Lens Reflex). This opened up a whole new world of photograph as I now have some control over the camera. I enjoy taking portraits, then I got into some macro and close up photography. One day while drinking a JONES SODA I noticed that printed on the bottle label was the offer: Send us your photo. If we like it we will put it on our label. So I did. I took several photos and sent them in. It turned out that there were over 60,000 entrees and four of mine were chosen.” Nash left the room and brought

back a JONES SODA bottle with one of his photo and beside it was written: Nash Kimmerly from: Tamworth Ontario. How cool is that, especially for the thirteen-year-old boy? His very proud mother Shauna then took me in to the living room where they have a display of all the bottles with Nash’s labels. Not only is he a talented photographer but he loves to play the guitar and has taken courses from Ron Sheffield who used to teach guitar at Tamworth Elementary School. Then off he went to get his stepfather’s guitar, picked it up and started to play. This brought back memories of how much I used to love taking photos and playing guitar when I was his age and I still do. When I said Nash is man after my own heart I truly meant it. He has a whole life ahead of him opening up to a world of creativity. Nash, keep that shutter on the camera clicking and the guitar pic a-plucking. Who knows what doors will open up for you? Time will tell.

Nash in front of all his JONES SODA labels.

Storring Septic Service MERRY CHRISTMAS from Greg, Cheryl, & Ian 501 County Road 15 Tamworth, ON K0K3G0 (613) 379-2192 December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP


Barry’s Photo Tips By Barry Lovegrove they are also a bit more durable. I found it a bit restrictive for flash use but for a general photo it is great and fits nicely in my pocket. I was able to take photographs underwater while snorkeling as well as beach scenes and portraits.


re you looking to buy a camera this Christmas as a gift for someone or maybe for yourself? Well here are a couple of things to keep in mind. There are so many cameras out there today and they are changing all the time. Set a realistic price range whether you are looking for a point and shoot or a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex). For the average user a good point and shoot camera is all you will need. Go for a name brand like Nikon, Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Fuji or Olympus and you can’t go wrong. I would also suggest going to regular camera store like Camera Kingston or Henry’s in Kingston. I go there all the time with questions and they have a very knowledgeable staff. One thing to keep in mind is that a camera is only as good as its lens so by purchasing a name brand you are always sure of the lens quality. Don’t let all the bells and whistles fool you, most cameras have ten and above mega pixels quality these days which is plenty. An 8x10 will probably be the biggest photo you will print along with 4x6 and 5x7’s. If you are a vacationer, check out the waterproof cameras. I used my daughter’s Olympus TG-820 Touch this past fall when I went to Jamaica and it took great underwater photos under and above the water and

DSLR’s are another animal, big bulky and more expensive, I say that “tongue in cheek” as I love my Nikon D800 and have complete control over what I’m taking. I think I’ll leave the big guys for another Scoop article downline. Another important thing to keep in mind is that you have to be a bit computer savvy and be able to download them and rework them as needed. There is plenty of good software out there like Adobe Elements and some cameras come with their own processing software. Also look into software that can put together slide-shows where you can add music, captions and titles. They are a lot of fun to put together and are a great way to show off your skills and can be played on most TVs and computers. Google is always a good starting place for checking out cameras and reviewing them. I often use; it will give you a lot of good information and insight on cameras. Also check on YouTube for the camera you might be interested in purchasing. There is usually some good hands on advice where people have used them.

From our family to yours

Wishing you all the best for the holiday season and a wonderful new year!

Most of all have fun with the camera. Remember you will be capturing snippets of history that you will be able to look back on years from now. Have fun this Christmas capturing all those memories. Barry

1 Dairy Avenue, Napanee


18262 Telephone Road, Trenton


3 Mill Pond Dr., Tamworth

613-379-2307 26

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

Hundreds of walkers raised over $11,000 for the Light the Night for Claire fundraiser, held October 19 in Tamworth.

Township of Stone Mills

Wishing everyone a joyous Christmas and a �lfilling year ahead in 2014

4504 County Road 4, Centreville, Ontario K0K 1N0 Tel. (613) 378-2475 Fax. (613) 378-0033 Website:

Council and Staff for The Corporation of the Township of Stone Mills wishes everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. It is our pleasure once again to extend a very sincere Thank You to all members of our local volunteer associations with a special Thank You to the members of our volunteer fire department. It is largely through the efforts of our volunteers that we have a safe and enjoyable place in which to live, work and raise our families. The Township of Stone Mills Municipal Office will be closed Tuesday, Noon, December 24th, Wednesday, December 25th, Thursday, December 26th, and Wednesday, January 1st, 2014. VOTING DAY for the 2014 municipal and school board elections is Monday October 27, 2014.

Myatt L & r a g td. Wa Real Estate Brokerage 112A Industrial Blvd., Box 384 Napanee, Ontario K7R 3P5

Bus: 613-354-3550 . Fax: 613-354-3551 Toll Free: 1-866-461-0631 Cell: 613-484-0933 BARRY BRUMMEL Email: Sales Representative

House to HOME Service

Everyone who puts their name forward as a candidate and who casts a ballot makes a difference in their community. Nominations can be received from January 1st, 2014 until September 12th, 2014

Meet the licensed real estate agents ge s commited c to helping you bu NEW FOR 2014………THERE ARE LOTS OF CHANGES!!

Dennis Stover

In the Township of Stone Mills you will have the opportunity to vote for each one of your elected representatives. Voters will be required to show identification in order to vote. Prior to the election you will be receiving a voter identification card, make sure you bring it with you to the poll. We hope to make things easier for people to cast their ballot….we are working out the details and will keep providing information as it becomes available. ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE Who can vote in a municipal election? In order to vote in any municipal election in Ontario, you must be aged 18 or older and a Canadian citizen. You must also qualify to vote in your municipality. There are several ways to do this: 1. As a resident elector: Your residence is where you live. If you live in a municipality, then you are eligible to vote in that municipality’s election. You are only allowed to have one residence. 2. As a non-resident elector: If you live in one municipality, and own or rent property in another municipality, you are eligible to vote in each municipality’s election. 3. As the spouse of a non-resident elector: If your spouse qualifies as a non-resident elector in a municipality, then you can also vote in that municipality’s election. REMINDER TO PICK UP YOUR DOG TAGS prior to March 31st, 2014, the price goes up from $15 to $25. MUNICIPAL WASTE SITES will be closed on Wednesday December 25th, 2013 and January 1st, 2014.


613-328-6632 CELL: 613-328-6632 OFFICE: 613-384-1200 OFFICE: 613-384-1200 EMAIL: RES: 613-354-1441 CELL:

email: My great grandfather Elgin Stover b.1864 moved from Ernestown to Elginburg around 1900. Having four sons, he established Stover Bros. General Store and bought a 150 acre farm, both sides of Sydenham Rd north of Unity. His younger brother Howard introduced Stover’s Store in Yarker about the same time. No doubt their entrepreneurial spirit was encouraged by their great uncle Louis H. Stover who ran Stover’s General Store in Camden East. He operated from the mid 19th century in the stone structure most recently known as the Book Store Café. Their dedication to this land and their families inspires me today. Let my 30 years experience in marketing work for you. Respectful, Intelligent Ser vice

Looking to make a move... let Stover Not intended to solicit clients currently under contract.

take over.

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ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Licensed by the Ministry of the Environment December 2013 / January 2014 • THE SCOOP



Dr. Sheldon Cook KINGSTON SYDENHAM 3-111 Princess St. 3161 Rutledge Rd. 613-549-7977 613-376-3439 We Wish You the Warmest and Happiest of Holiday Greetings! Gift of Health and Hope (Value$360) - To redeem this Special, please call our office for an appointment before January 31, 2014 and mention this certificate. This Certificate must be presented on the date of initial visit. No cash value. Expires January 31, 2014. Visit Dr. Sheldon Cook on Facebook and don’t forget to “LIKE” us!

SAVE 95%!

Receive a New Patient Spinal Checkup and 2 weeks of adjustments!

for only $20.00 - Save $340.00! A Special Gift of Health and Hope! 28

THE SCOOP • December 2013 / January 2014

With each new patient Dr. Cook will donate $20 to Chiropractors with Compassion! Chiropractors with compassion has raised over $2 million in the fight against children’s poverty around the world.

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