Callithump 2023

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Where do we come from? What made us grow into who we are today? Callithump 2023 explores the

roots our past, how it shapes us, and how it can help us grow.




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Meet The Editors Roxana Azizi ~ Co- Editor in Chief Three years ago, when I had first joined Callithump via zoom at home,

I would never have imagined that I would be able to witness first hand the incredible work of our high school body as an editor! Through all the Photoshop mishaps and InDesign malfunctions, the staffers and editors have continued to piece together this magazine with patience and diligence, showcasing the abundance of talent present at Stone Ridge. I am so grateful to have been a part of this team whose collective efforts have beautifully stitched together some amazing works of poetry and photography. I hope you enjoy reading this magazine!

Erin Shannon ~ Co-Editor in Chief Callithump has been an amazing, creative, and comforting place for me for the past four years. This marks my second year as an Editor, and I could not have asked for a more supportive team. I have learned so much about what it takes to make a magazine, as well as so much about my peers. It has been an honor to see the collaboration of so many students, and I am so proud of our Editors’ and Staffers’ dedication and hard work, and I truly hope you enjoy the beautiful works in Callithump Edition 2023.

Julia Vaughan ~ Copy Editor Working as Copy Editor for this year’s edition of Callithump has been an amazing experience and I am so proud of all the hard work the staffers and my fellow editors have put in to create this magazine. This is my third year working on Callithump and my first as an editor. Each year, I am amazed by the talent and creativity that comes out of the Upper School when we ask for art and writing submissions, as well as the bravery it takes to share original work. Its so exciting to see how our staffers turn these pieces into beautiful spreads and how these spreads come together to make an amazing magazine! I hope you enjoy!

Ellie Wright ~ Head of Design To me, Callithump is a comfortable place to explore one’s inner creativity. During my first year as editor, I’ve made so many new friends and discovered so much about myself. There’s something so beautiful and fresh about this magazine, and it showcases real talent. Enjoy all the people around you who have taken a risk and shared a part of themselves with you. My SR sisters and I had a blast making this. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks!

Staff Ashwin Whig...............................Kennedy Thomas-Williams Alice Harper .............................................Maddy Pilkington Atoosa Azizi .....................................................Maia Fendig Dakota Dorsey..................................................Red Smawley Emma Person .............................................Sabrina Feldberg Giovanna Ingoglia ............................................Taryn Ryan Katherine Montgomery ....................................Zoe Turnball

Editors Erin Shannon (Co-Editor in Chief) Roxana Azizi (Co-Editor in Chief) Julia Vaughan (Copy Editor) Ellie Wright (Art Editor)

Teacher Advisor Katya Balaban

Table of Contents


Atoosa Azizi ..........................1, 10, 14, 26 Charlotte Weimer.........................7, 11 Dakota Dorsey...........4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21 Ellie Wright................................22, 23 Emma Person.........................15, 17 Erin Shannon.........................6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18 Julia Vaughan.........................20, 21


Anonymous...................8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 20 Atoosa Azizi......................... 12 Dakota Dorsey.........................17, 18, 19 Erin Shannon.........................6 Maddy Piklington................22, 23





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Image: Erin Shannon ‘23 Poem: Anonymous

One Way Out

Escapism is the only way: With a life, already so far down the drain With nothing left: to give or say Every day feels futile and fleeting, Every action so pointless, Escapism is the only way: Constantly thinking to the future, The present, never good enough Any alternate reality, A memory Of what once was. -anonymous

Image: A. Azizi ‘24 M. Pilkington ‘23 E. Person ‘24


W Dorsey ‘23



Somewhere. Diamonds beat, heat under pressure As sunday comes and goes with the rest of them; Tides making their way across uncertain borders. Under doorsteps crawl the mysteries of a world unseen. Untouched, it grows and dies. As is the way of life and lies. Here. There, Temperatures rise, crystals detach From the safety of the stone crevices, Wandering from their motherland, For adventures that lie in store they know not where. I wish I knew where. And yet all I know is the crackle of an egg, The skritch-skratch of graphite on dead trees, The rise and fall of the moon sun pair. Cucumbers could never be taller than skyscrapers.

By D


orsey ‘23

And yet they must be.

Person ‘24 , Shannon ‘23 , Azizi ‘24

Where Somewhere. Diamonds beat, heat under pressure As Sunday comes and goes with the rest of them; Tides making their way across uncertain borders. Under doorsteps crawl the mysteries of a world unseen. Untouched, it grows and dies. As is the way of life and lies. Here. There, Temperatures rise, crystals detach From the safety of their stone crevices, Wandering from their motherland, For adventures that lie in store they know not where. I wish I knew where. And yet all I know is the crackle of an egg, The skritch-skratch of graphite on dead trees, The rise and fall of the moon-sun pair. Cucumbers could never be taller than skyscrapers.

Image: Dakota Dorsey 23’ and Erin Shannon 23’

And yet they must be. Somewhere...

Poem: Dakota Dorsey 23’

So you don’t forget me. The words I stutter when I hand you Ryan the Tulip. A tangible reminder of myself to put in your dorm, on your bed, in your arms. Where I wish I could be. We hug. I break. The unspoken words of “don’t leave me” make my vision swim as tears cascade down my face. Unwillingly, the unbearable thought of leaving you in August resurfaces. The gutting fear I’ve been suppressing for years. My other half halfway across the world in college. I plead, say you won’t forget me. You tear up and say, I won’t Image: Julia Vaughan ‘23 and Dakota Dorsey ‘23 Poem: Anonymous

Staffer Credits Ashwin Whig..............16, 17 Atoosa Azizi................18, 19 Emma Person..............20, 21 Giovanna Ingoglia.........14, 15 Maddy Pilkington...........12, 13 Maia Fendig.....................16, 17 Red Smawley..................10, 11 Taryn Ryan.......................6, 7 Zoe Turnball...................8, 9

Editor’s Credits

Roxana Azizi..................4, 5, 24, 25, 26 Erin Shannon...............1, 2, 3 Ellie Wright.................22, 23

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