6 minute read

Make More Time


Having too much to do can feel overwhelming. It can seem like other people are brilliantly organised and have much more time. In reality there is no more time, the secret is being organised and staying focused on what your priorities are.


Words by: Jayne Bratton

Write a To Do List

It may feel like you have not got time to write a list, but it will probably only take ten minutes and has the added advantage of decluttering your mind.

Next to each task write an A, B or C depending on how soon they need to be completed, you could even add a star to a few tasks which are urgent!

Then start working through your To Do List in order.

Delegate, Diary, Ditch and Do

Look through your To Do List and decide who else can do the task. E.g. Why are YOU going to the supermarket – who else in your home could you delegate to? Could you order online? Do you even need to go, or could you cope for another few days from the stocks you already have?

If something does not need to be done now, then plan it into your diary for a future date. This takes the pressure off now and you have planned quality time to complete the task in the future.

If you have had something on your To Do List for a long time, does it still need to be done – really? If not, then cross it off the list. Be realistic with how much you can achieve in a day. On your To Do List, add the length of time each task will take and then decide which tasks are achievable today. Plan to fill a maximum of 80% of your time.

Plan an hour a day where you do tasks which often do not make it to a To Do List but getting them done really helps us to feel more in control of our lives, e.g. book a medical appointment, chase an order, reschedule a lunch date.

Or an alternative style of bits hour is to complete tasks from your To Do List which take no more than 10 minutes each and do these. This can give a strong sense of achievement and it can feel great to see things coming off the list.

Consider setting a timer so that it really is only an hour.

How much can you really achieve

Bits hour


When we make a dozen muffins, we don’t make them one at a time as that would be a really illogical and wasteful use of time, instead we make them all in one go. Plan tasks on your To Do List in batches. E.g. If you go out to the supermarket, also pop in to the bank and drop a card in to the post box. If you are buying birthday cards buy the next three months’ worth of cards in one go.

Prepare early

Packing bags, sending meeting reminders and planning meals etc the day before helps you to feel ready and organised. It also gives time to remember items we need to take with us, batch tasks better and manage the expectations of others.

Add a checklist to the door or on your phone which you can update as you remember things. If you have a busy day ahead, leave all the bags and items you need in the hall the night before.

Try having a ‘shoes on time’ about ten minutes before you actually need to leave so that you do not need to rush when you suddenly remember things or get caught up. Also build in contingency to every journey to take the pressure off when you encounter the unexpected.

Complete what you start

Whenever you can, ‘touch it once.’ When you pick something up, put it away, and when you start a task complete it before moving on to something else. This will save time and bring a bigger sense of satisfaction as you will complete your tasks quicker. Procrastination

Knowing you want to achieve something and completing it are often two different things. A common reason for this is that we procrastinate and find almost anything else to do. Common techniques to overcome procrastination include:

• Decide when you are going to do the task and plan it in to your diary

• Make a task you are avoiding your first task of the day

• Focus on how amazing it will feel when the task is complete

• Once the task is completed treat yourself. Ideas include lunch with a friend or 20 minutes of TV

• Break the task down. E.g. doing a tax return can be a huge task but just finding your log in information is much easier to achieve.

Time suckers

Social media is a massive time sucker, especially as the more we write comments the more others reply. Try turning off social media and email notifications, the constant pinging is distracting and can lead us away from our priorities.

Television is a great way for many people to relax. It can also suck our time away so try limiting yourself to an episode, or to half an hour at a time. Turn the TV off and think what you would be able to achieve if you don’t watch it for the next hour.

For both social media and watching TV, plan dedicated time slots e.g. half-an-hour over morning coffee and again when you are winding down in the evening.

Take breaks

You will probably get more done if you take regular breaks as they enable us to re-energise and mentally process. Have a drink, take a walk, sit in the fresh air.

Say no - nicely

It is so easy to take on tasks to help others because in the moment it seemed like a great idea, or it felt the right thing to do. Busy people tend to say yes to doing things for others which then leaves them under even more pressure.

Consider why you are doing it and does this really fit with the rest of your own priorities.

Saying no can be hard and so try using phrases such as ‘I don’t have capacity to take this on.’ It might be received with resistance to start with but then eventually people who regularly ask will find other ways to get the help they need. Meal plan

Planning your key meals for the week can take just a few minutes including looking through the cupboards and adding items to a shopping list, but it can save a lot of time from wondering what to eat, improve the healthiness of the meals and also save money. A chalkboard can be a useful tool for writing your meal plan on.

Plan fun events into your diary

Life can sometimes feel like an ongoing treadmill, so plan in some fun things. E.g. Book up to go away for a weekend or even a holiday. Plan a meal out with someone you have not seen for a long time. You can book months ahead and it is wonderful how quickly these events come around.

Choose the best time for you

You may have noticed that you are better doing different things at different times of the day. You will achieve more by doing tasks when they best fit to your natural rhythm.

Though we cannot magic more actual time into our day, planning effectively gives the feeling of having more time. We have 24 hours each day, and it is up to us how we use them.

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