1 minute read
Town Trail #13-14
from STONES Vol.7
Arriving back at the top of the Royston’s picturesque high street on the corner are two of its most iconic pubs. Firstly the grand white building once home to ‘The Chequers’, an ancient inn, thought to be named for the Royal House of Stuart black and white check on the Priory Coat of Arms.

Continuing down a few paces and you arrive at The Bull Inn which has claim to being the oldest inn in the town. Dating all the way back to the 15th century. At the main entrance you will notice the brickwork, where it is possible to see the shape of the archway into the inn yard where stage coaches would have changed horses. At one point there was stabling for over 100 horses here, before they would resume their journeys.
In one of the cottages opposite the entrance, just above eye level you will find a small square cupboard set in the wall. This was the place where the keys to the main gates were kept at night so that the guard on an incoming coach could reach over to retrieve them before jumping off the horse to open the gates.