Functional training courses continuing professional education
Join The Functional Movement
Continuing Education Courses:
Functional Training Course | propedeutic course Ballistic Training Specialist | kettelbell & clubbell Suspension Training Specialist | TRX, Jungle Gym, gym rings, parallels Primitive Functional Movement™ | bodyweight training Balls & Bags Specialist | sandbag, bulgarian bag, aqua bag, medicine ball Bands & Ropes Specialist | battle rope, speed rope, various elastic bands Barbells & Dumbbells Specialist | barbells, dumbbells Functional Screening Course
Join The Functional Movement!
Continuing education... Functional Training Course Two days education course that aims to explain the origins of functional training, its basic principles and the trainable physical qualities. Through the series of functional training exercises the participants are introduced to leading functional training tools such as: kettlebells, clubbells, TRX Suspension Trainer, bags (sandbag, bulgarian bag, aquabag), medicine balls (classic, double grip, tornado ball), ropes and speed bands. Basic joint mobility body weight exercises from the Primitive Functional Movement™ training system are also covered during the course. The objective is to train instructors for efficient and safe use of these functional training tools, in order to apply them to the demands of athletes of various disciplines (development of specific physical qualities) and the demands of common gym user (health and beauty golas). Ballistic Training Specialist Kettlebell & Clubbell: an ancient tools for the modern athletes! Divided in two levels (each level lasts two days), this course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the primary functional training tools: kettlebell and clubbell. Because of their shape, the kettlebell and clubbell allow the development of ballistic movements by safely engaging all muscle chains on all planes of movement, thereby improving the health of joints and posture, as well as rapidly increasing coordination, speed and power of the athlete! Maneuvering a kettlebell or a clubbell, also rapidly develops
Join The Functional Movement grip strength, strength, endurance and muscle quality. The participans will also learn how to structure training protocols that combine these two training tools and how to integrate them seamlessly in functional training circuits. The objective is to train instructors for efficient and safe use of these two extraordinary tools, in order to apply them to the demands of athletes of various disciplines (development of specific physical qualities) and the demands of common gym user (health and beauty goals). Suspension Training Specialist Two-days hands on training course designed to give you an in-depth understanding of the use of body weight suspension training. The participants will master the use of traditional suspension training tools such as bars, parallels and gym rings and the more recent ones such as TRX Suspension Trainer and Jungle Gym.
The idea behind suspension training is to use “our body“ as a functional training tool par excellence with the benefits of a stable suspension (bars) or unstable (belts), which provides all the basic features of Functional Training: mobility and joint stabilization, core training and multiplanar movements. The participants will learn how to structure more complex training protocols and how to use suspension training tools in safe and efficient manner. Primitive Functional Movement™ The motto of PFM is “We don’t use machines we build them!” Structured in 2 levels (two days course for each level), the Primitive Functional Movement™ is a body weight training system performed mostly on the ground. This training system involves not only muscles but also joints, tendons, ligaments and the connective tissue that makes up muscle chains.
The PFM comes from Maestro Emilio Troiano’s studies on biomechanics of the human body movement, also taking a cue from disciplines such as Yoga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Break-Dance, and the observation of instinctive movements of children and animals. The result is not only an improvement of joint mobility and proprioception, but also of coordination, reactivity, strength, speed ​​and power. Doing the exercises in the proper sequences, allows obtain excellent results in terms of improvement of both aerobic and muscular strength. The course objective is to train participants for efficient (properly structured sequences) and safe use of this tool, in order to apply it to the demands of an athlete or a common person. Balls & Bags Specialist Two-days in-depth course designed to master the use of different types of medicine balls (classic, double grip, tornado ball, smash ball) and bags (sandbag, bulgarian bag, aquabag) that are used as integral part of Functional Training. Medicine balls and bags are very practical and versatile functional training tools, great for training different physical qualities such as strength, endurance, speed, strength and joint mobility. The participants will learn how to structure complex training protocols and use medicine balls and bags in safe and efficient manner in order to reach different training goals.
Join The Functional Movement Bands & Ropes Specialist Become a specialist in ropes and bands training with this two-days hands-on course. Battling ropes, jump ropes, speed ropes and all kinds of elastic bands are greatly used in Rehabilitation and Functional Training. Master the techniques to accomplish any goal your athlete or client may have such as gaining strength, endurance, power endurance, mental discipline and fat loss. Barbell & Dumbell Specialist Two levels course, two days each!
The Barbell & Dumbell Specialist course re-evaluates the use of these two classic tools not only in traditional exercises such as deadlift and squat but also in applications specific to Functional Training. Ample space is dedicated to mastering the techniques of Deadlift and Clean. Functional Screening Course Starting with the basics of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics this three days course aims to provide the participants with the technical means for rapid and effective initial screening and subsequent assessment of individual client. This course is extremely useful to the trainers not only to deepen the knowledge underlying the Functional Training, but also to choose the most appropriate training strategy for their clients, (and subsequently to assess the progress of the program), customizing it to client‘s limits and potentials in order to reach set objectives in a given time period.
Vist our website for the upcoming courses. You can also find us on social media to stay updated with what’s new!
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Thank you! See you soon!
7 Via Carvina 2 _6807 Taverne_Switzerland Tel.+41 91 921 43