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Eugenio Bosco

Curriculum Vitae & Portfolio


Eugenio Bosco Permanent addres Via Amedeo Peyron n.39, 10143 Turin, Italy Phone (+39) 333 34 57 413 E-mail Web stoneugeblindeuge/docs/eugenio_bosco_portfolio_en/0 Date of birth 07 May 1988 Nationality Italian

Education Studies 2010 - 2013

Master’s degree in Architecture: City and Construction (104/110) Politecnico di Torino - Facoltà di Architettura I, Torino (Italy)

2011 - 2012

Master’s degree in Architecture (6/7) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso - Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, Valparaìso (Chile)

2009 - 2010

Bachelor in Architectural sciences (108/110) Politecnico di Torino - Facoltà di Architettura I, Torino (Italy)

2009 - 2010

ERASMUS Middle East Technical University-Faculty of Architecture, Ankara (Tuckie)

2002 -2009

Diploma in Humanities Liceo Classico Statale C.Cavour, Torino (Italy)

Workshop 2014

Introduction to GIS and its application for Natural Disasters Management Open Online Academy and UNAUS Barcelona


Del Barrio a la Ciudad: Construyendo Sostenibilidad Urbana Secretaría Ejecutiva de Desarrollo de Barrios,Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo – MINVU, Valparaìso (Chile)


Workshop Internacional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo: “Taller Valparaíso-Ciudad Abierta” Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso - Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, Valparaìso (Chile)


Vivienda y Ciudad Un Techo para Cile, Valparaiso (Chile)


Workshop 80*120 in the frame of the project “Di pallet in pallet” Izmo, Turin (Italy)


Hands on building Kerkenes Ecocenter, Yozgat (Turkey)

Professional experience Architect Studio PAT, Turin, Italy Design of a canteen fora school complex and an integrated public library for an international competition held in Switzerland. I controlled the design process and coordinate the design team, the work resulted in the submission of the competition documents (drawings and calculations) to the firm.

Architect Oficina de mantenimiento, Departamento de Economía y Hacienda, Consell de Mallorca, Palma of Mallorca,Spain Pilot project for energetic retrofitting of a building of the Consell of Mallorca: design of construction details of a façade insulation system; I also performed energetic analysis and I supervised the execution of the work. Reform of the ‘Oficina del Turismo de Plaza de la Reina’: interior design, cost calculation, verification of the legal standards. Energy certification of the ‘Oficina del Turismo de Plaza de la Reina’ with CE3 (Spanish software for energy certification).

Architectural Intern-Architect TRA srl, Turin, Italy Urban design : an urban master plan for public client (City of Turin), drawing cartography, modelling 3D previews, calculating land use and building ratio and developing some concept for public spaces; The design was based on a inclusive and partecipative strategy that implied an important work of comunication and organization of public events. I designed the refurbishment of an abandoned industrial building trough the insertion of modules for the production of low cost housing to be on the market for new families and students which would count on a minimum private space and shared facilities; the modules are designed for high energetic efficiency. I had almost in full charge, from concept to final presentation, a design for an urban development in Kinshasa for a middle class target, focused on innovative neighbourhood design and low cost building process to achieve high social and environmental standards. I sided Golder Engineering in the development of a methodology for reintegration of industrial brown fields in the city web trough long term environmental control strategies and flexible market management. Redesign of social housing blocks in Kurdistan to improve spatial quality and allow structural prefabrication. Development of supporting tools for new co-housing communities. Architectural and technological detailing for the restoration and retrofitting of a factory from the nineteen century in Belgium.

Architectural assistant Andrew Boffa, Turin, Italy I had to carry out architectural detailing and landscape design for a new intervention in the city centre; I was asked to produce executive drawings, 3D models and investigate technical solutions for green façades. I had also to modify an existing design for some social housing in Russia to improve the prefabricated façade system.

Professional experience

Architectural internship Ambientalia Studio di Ingegneria, Turin, Italy I worked for an international competition of urban design: I had to develop concept from area analysis and interact with several professionals from other urban disciplines. I was asked to produce competition drawings and models.



COMPREHENSION Italian Spanish English* French

C2 C2 B1


*IELTS 7,5/9 plus a basic knowledge of Turkish and Russian

Informatic skills

Autocad Revit Ecotect Sketchup Gem paracloud Vray QuantumGIS Photoshop Indesign Illustrator Muse Word Excel PowerPoint

2D e 3D volumetric 2D e 3D, rendering energetic modeling 3D 3D rendering from sketchup geographic data management image elaboration publishing vectorial image editing web editing

pro average pro pro average average pro pro pro pro beginner pro pro pro

and technical softwares for structural calculation, lighting, acoustics, transmittance.

Driving license car driving license

Academic works

Mixed function skyscraper with innovative structural approach Location: Ivry (PA), France Fields: architectural design, structural design

The design is mixed use skyscraper for the new Universitary campus in Ivry using and exploiting a structural system based on the deep beams. The sculptural potential of the chosen technology combines with distributive and spatial considerations generating a complex infrastructural system. The alternating a of big filled and void fields configures in a spatial topography that has territorial dimension: the macrostructure behave like an artificial hill on which trough a infrastructural system are housed different spacial models and functions , possibles routes, pubblic and private spaces. The design is focused on the overall volumetric distribution, the spatial quality of mayor clusters and the preverification of the structural design.

Urban regeneration of the foundational centre of Valparaiso and design of a services building. Location: Valparaiso, Chile Fields: urban requalification, design, sociology


The core of the project is the design of a services building in the very center of the fundational neighborhood of Valparaiso. The area of intervenction has an high degree of complexity both from a social and topological point of view: the urban fabric is infact composed by valuables historical buildings higly deteriorated, while the inhabitants are a mix of those professionals that are the real essence of the old port of Valparaiso. The will of preserving the local identity and the urban landscape, not trough a mimetic intervention, but trough a organic understanding of it has dictated the function and the form of the intervention.

The investigation has considered how antropic forms relate on the law of nature and how the adapting to the environment could dictate a style: there is a connection between the self organization in nature and in the city of Valparaiso and even his buildings reflect this tie. The final design consist in a market place whit some minor dependant facilities. From the urban point of view it strenghts existing dynamics, developing the network of public spaces and reactivating a recently dismissed centrality, the old fishermans’ market, and devolving to the neighborhood its role in the city.

The intervention is alo though as an economical strater, able to generate incomes for further intervention. The architecture is designed using some constant in Valparaiso buildings: color, selforganization, optimised structural design, lightweight structure, asimmetry. The deep integration of the structural sistem, based on form finding design, the shading system, that sruggle to combine high permeability with comfort standards, and the distribution that stress the public vocation of the building, lead to an architecture that thanks to its complexity respect the feeling of the neighboorhood without denying its originality.

_______...los cerros y la plenitud marina conformaron la ciudad y la hicieron uniforme, no como un cuartel, sino con la disparidad de la primavera, con su contraddiciòn de pinturas, con su energia sonora. Las casas se hicieron colores y en la misma construcciòn se juntaron el amaranto y el amarillo, el carmi y el cobalto, el verde y el purpureo. Asì cumpliò Valparaìso su misòn de puerto verdadero, de navio encallado, pero vivente: de nave con sus banderas al viento. Y el viento del Oceano Mayor merecìa una ciudad de `banderas._____________________________Pablo Neruda

ESTRUCTURA naturaleza


patrimonio VISIBILIDAD



CONTINUIDAD espontaneo

Design and realization of a student cell and landmark in the Ciudad Abierta Location: Ciudad \, Valparaiso, Chile Fields: architectural design, landscape design, poetry, structural design, technologies.

This design has been developed in the frame of a collaboration between the Escuela de Arquitettura de Valparaiso and the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, AHO. The aim of the workshop was the design and the production of some living units to be located in the unique landscape of the Ciudad Abierta (Ritoque), that can merge in the context becoming poetic elements in the space. The project I developed with my team consist with a cellar integrated with a bridge. The bridge itself leads nowhere, it can lead you only in the middle of the dunes, of the sky and the sound of the sea.

El Forestal Alto: a case of informal urbanism e and community design in thecity of Vi単a del Mar Location: Vi単a del Mar, Chile Fields: urban regeneration, architectural design,community planning.

The aim of this thesis is the depiction of the phenomenon of the toma, the illegal occupation of land and the sprout of precarious settlements, through the redefinition of the instruments of analysis in a multidimensional scale. Moreover, this work sought a project approach solution for the case of the Toma del Forestal Alto in Vi単a del Mar, in the region of Valpara狸so, Chile.

settlements, in order to reclaim the right to an adequate standard of living, amongst the right to housing, of the poor part of the population, is an issue all around the world. Notwhitstanding the problems arising from these distorted dynamics, and my personal belief that these processes are expressions and means of propagation of extreme indigence, I consider that it is an overriding duty of the designer to The informal growth of the cities through face it. dynamics of auto-construction of spontaneous The rejection of the phenomenon itself is a void

position that does not account for the social and political stances that enables it and encourages it; hence, the involvement of an architect in this kind of territories becomes crucial in order to generate an urban space worth living and even the chance of enrichment for the urban environment. Due to the complexity of the territory, the project developed many issues in parallel: The issues of knowledge and comprehension;the issue of communication; and the issue of intervenction.

2010 toma

Analisi del sito

Analisi del sito

Parte I

Plan Maestro

espacios publicos comunes

espacios publicos locales

Zonas Plan Maestro

Zonas Plan Maestro


espacios publicos comunes 66

66 0


1 km


1 km



1 km


The first step of the development of the project was the recognition of the milieu. In collaboration with the Department of Geography of the PUCV a territorial monitoring and representation system was developed. The result is a system of unconventional descriptive and cartographic tools capable to adapt to the variations of the represented object, appropriating its mutable nature and reinterpreting it as geographical feature of that specific environment; it is an apparatus of devices that synchronously describe the objective and morphological aspects of the toma with the perceptive and social ones, while diachronically underlines the social or causal relations between territories and operating actors. Thus the system, working both as a reading and communication device, allows the interpretation of different territories and phenomena in their context denying a univocus focus on them. The possibility of description of the territory is capital in order to render an identity: from being a terra nulli it got his positive boundaries and definition legitimating its role in the negotiation of the city.

Piano d'intervento locale


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Parte II

Parte II

Partelocale II Piano d'intervento

Pian Maest

Piano d'intervento locale


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1 km 110


Parte II

Il progetto partecipato

The possibility of description of the territory is capital in order to render an identity: from being a terra nulli it got his positive boundaries and definition legitimating its role in the negotiation of the city. The discussion took place much to the outward with the institutions of the city office, as inward between the different stakeholders of the territory The confrontation with the institution allowed the recognition of an emergency state affecting an important share of the urban territory and the beginning of a public debate for the solution of the conflict. The inward communication raised awareness on the inhabitants role on the territory they were occupying and of the part they play as elements of an urban complex, setting the bases for the development of a participatory and shared project. Thereby, the project consists in a master

Participaci贸n relaciones non oficiales

relaciones non oficiales

en tramites por otras parcelas


plan and in a set of rules and policies of integrated territorial management. The design of the limits, infrastructure, public space and networks sets models of growth and governable development from inside the same territory and able to fit to the mutable nature of the context, whose global coherence is assured by a shared strategic plan. Furthermore, this project also developed an action plan regarding access roads and public space of one of the central sectors of the toma that can work as a reference of best practices of implementation of the master plan: the first step of realization of those interventions has been the conclusive step of this thesis that remained as a reference and a verification tool for the NGO CEMPROD that is operating in the area.

Professional works

CASAzera_feaseability study for the reuse of an abandoned industrial building Italy 2013 Location: Turin, Italy Fields: architectural project, technologies, real estate. With: TRA studio

CasaZera, an eco-sustainable low-cost industrialised building system for social housing and the residential market, delivering high environmental performance. The outcome of the Ecostruendo project, CasaZera is a lightweight energy-sustainable construction system designed to meet the growing demand for new life styles and new types of configuration, consistently with the increasingly pressing need for conservation of industrial buildings, rapid construction and swift permitting. The name CasaZera refers to the “five zeroes� promised by the system: zero soil use, zero wastage of resources, zero time, zero energy, zero project errors.

Masterplan Variante 200

Italy 2013 Location: Turin, Italy Field:s urban design, urban mangement, real estate, communication With: TRA studio The masterplan affects about one million of sqm of dimissed industrial and railways areas of mixed public and private property and rapresents the most strategic urban intrvention for the City of Turin in the next twenty years. V200 is the result of a multi-disciplinary integrated design effort that merges urban architecture, sustainable design (accessibility, energy management, smart usability), finance and governance design in a coherent and organic approach. The plan is flexible, open to initiatives of all types, of various scales and timelines; Open investment opportunities range from 200

to 200.000 sqm scheduled to be activated, starting from already infrastructered sites, over a timeline of 15 years designed to maximise public value capture and minimise private investors’ risk. V200 ensures solid development framework for both private building initiatives and communal interest. Development has been designed starting from existing urban structure and local resources, in a bottom-up strategy that progressively builds up location attractivity for users and investors through placemaking events and temporary uses.

























Captu Value

Existing property






Temporary use

Existing property + Events

5 - 15 years


Growth + Exploitation

traverso la costruzione di miradores* o di interventi unitari sui Design Charette

Elaborato del tavolo Regio Parco

It is a design based, accelerated, collaborative project management system that spans the entire preconstruction period. It is a three-phase, holistic, collaborative planning process during which a multiple-day charrette is held as the central transformative event. The process commences with the Charrette Preparation Phase, followed by the Charrette acting as a fulcrum at the middle phase, and closes with the Plan Implementation Phase. Its collaborative framework can: -Reduce rework via short design feedback loops -Create broad support from community members, professionals, and staff -Create meaningful public involvement and education in which input may effect the outcome -Result in a design based on shared guiding principles


pedestrian benches



green bicycle path


parallel parking


lane 12.00






bus stop



bicycle pedestrian path


1+1 lanes, 1+1 parking lane, 1 bus dedicated lanes in the intersections

Feaseability study for a urbaniztion system in Kinshasa Italy 2013 Location: Kinshasa, D.R. Congo Fields: urban design, architectural project With: TRA studio

The design consist in a real estate developement of an industrial brownfield on the Congo River in Kinshasa for a private promoter. The urbanization model is based on a succesion of court centered buildings that reinterpretate the traditional central-african walled house generating a dense pattern of entrelaced private and semi-public spaces that act as a extension of the housing unit. The construction method hybridize traditional technologies and steel components, capitalising on the know-how of the workers of the boatyards of our client. The result is a low cost developing model with high environmental and social quality affordable for the emerging middle class of Kinshasa.


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Call for ideas MALAGROTTA Landfill Initiative Italy 2014 Location:Rome, Italy Field:s urban design, urban valorization Competition Winner Often history is a dirty job and it is written from the landfills, where the ruins of entire societies, describes, illustrates and show us the most intimate aspects of an era, because no one cares of conterfeiting the junk. And this is Rome, historical city, hysterical city, where the ages had left the witness of their greatness, dreams, and nightmers, their ruins and monuments; Here from the ‘80s Malagrotta has seen the physical and moral wastes of the Eternal City, eternally stifled by the mismanagement and waste emergency, being dropped in its ground side by side

with mafia witnesses; those can’t tell us anything anymore, the others testify the taste of half a century. I know that it is not the glory of the Cesars or the refinement of the papal patronage, but how valuable would be for the posterity the monument, ab aeterno, of our era? An age of consumption and show, overflowing of ruins when at its apogee, that wants to be remembered as it was! Thus beliving that history is a living thing I’d like to propose an Amusement Archeological Park, the monument of an era in the spirit of that era.





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