Starter’s Guide To Create A Multi-Vendor Website
Why Create A Multi-Vendor Website Multi-Vendor marketplace is the most successful ecommerce model. 95% of all online buyers have already used a marketplace for their purchase and will keep buying more The marketplace model is popular because
A-Z Guide to To Create A Multi-Vendor Website Here is a simple 10 step guide to get your marketplace started in no time
Choose a relevant domain name
Choose a beautiful theme
Decide your ecommerce platform
Ensure site security with SSL
Build Mobile Apps
Add multiple payment gateways
Add vendors and set up rules for payments, tax and commission
SEO Optimize your marketplace
Start marketing activities
Test and go live
That’s it, start counting your cash with every order!
Create your B2B Multi-Vendor website easily with StoreHippo StoreHippo offers a comprehensive B2B module to help create complex B2B multi-vendor marketplaces. Here is all you need to do to take your enterprise business online
Explore new markets for your B2B business with your marketplace
Create Your Multi-Vendor Website With StoreHippo
Niche Vertical Marketplace A marketplace of sellers selling a niche product or services
Horizontal Marketplace Brings together sellers selling multiple product lines
Service Aggregation Marketplaces (B2C) Brings together various sellers selling their services
Have a custom requirement? Want to build a disruptive marketplace website model? Don’t wait to roll out your dream project right away!
Offering feature-rich solutions for a variety of Marketplace Websites Start your 14-days FREE Trial OR Book a Demo
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