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Rossmann, one of the biggest health-store chains in Europe, is testing a new form of payment. The creator of the health and beauty market is launching shopreme Scan & Go, a mobile self-scanning solution, in selected branches. It is implemented into the existing Rossmann app, which has been well received by customers. Customers scan their products with their smartphone directly at the shelf and can then place them straight into their shopping bag. At the cash desk or self-checkout all you then have to do is pay with the customer card. That saves the staff work and speeds up the payment process. In principle there are four simple steps with your smartphone and a few more in the market, without having to pay cash or place the products on the checkout band. This new app function is being tested in three branches in North Germany, so that after the proof of concept they can move on to a rollout across the country. Scan & Go interacts with other features of the Rossmann app, including the shopping list or available coupons in the digital shopping basket. This new module in the customer journey can be used intuitively, saves time and is fun to use.
Shopreme Scan & Go is part of umdasch. Umdasch Group Ventures, the group’s innovation hub, holds shares in the Graz-based start-up shopreme GmbH. Together they are launching digital solutions for the retail sector on the market.