The question before the first question is, what is gold trading? It is the practice of speculating on the price of the gold markets in order to make a profit, usually via futures, options, spot prices or shares and exchange traded funds (ETFs). More often than not, physical gold bars or coins are not handled during the transaction; instead they are settled in cash, which brings us to, what is a gold transaction? It is investing the funds it takes to get the gold trade documents completed and then everyone in the transaction paid out. Now for the remainder question, what is a government gold transaction? It is when you have a family who decides to monetize their assets in this example their gold with a government and or country. In simple terms it is when a family decides to sell their gold bars to a government and be able to receive paper money for their gold bars.
The Term Nowadays: The term “Monetize” was later adopted and arguably misused by business people. They liked the word so much they used it to refer to the legal process of commercializing components of traditionally non cash generating assets into additional sources of revenue. What? It is a mouthful, so we understand why “Monetizing [something]” is a lot easier to say. To put more simply, “Monetizing” is usually intended to mean the process of converting an aspect of any asset into cash. Example: (1) Commercializing Components Of: (2) Traditionally Non Cash Generating Assets; (3) Into Additional Sources Of Revenue. To gain a better understanding of how business people use the word “Monetizing”, let us use a person’s home as an example. The term nowadays most people think of is, owning real estate as a physical thing which belongs to them, usually the land, concrete foundation, studs, drywall, plumbing, roof, and other parts. But there is another
The First Question Is; What Is A Government Gold Transaction:
In modern history, societies moved to fiat currencies, which are printed pieces of paper such as dollar bills. Money always needs a societally acceptable measurement system (called currency or legal tender). The word “Monetize” has deep ties to economic theory. As such, modern economists used the term to refer to the system of creating currency (a/k/a legal tender), starting around the mid 1900’s. Monetization referred to the process of converting specific financial instruments, such as treasury notes, bills and bonds, into legal tender. This coincidentally occurred around the time the U.S. left the gold standard. Thus, as applied to the current system of creating money in the United States, it basically meant converting government issued debt (an asset to the holder and/or family) into cash.
How To Invest In Government Gold Transactions
The word “Monetization” is used with increasing frequency in the news and in business circles. Most people have a hazy notion of what it means “to make money”. But most people have not had the opportunity to understand the world’s history of the word, let alone how to understand the process of how to “monetize something.”
So let us begin First A History Lesson: At its core, the term relates to what society recognizes as a unit of money and/or a unit of value. The system of creating currency and accounting for money has changed over time. Circa 3000 BC it also started with shells and grains (image the conversation: “Want a haircut? It costs 40 shells or half a bail of barley”). Around 1000 BC societies used standardized coins, usually made with precious metals. Around the 11th century societies began using a combination of coins and paper money (often exchangeable for precious metals at a fixed rate).
What Does Monetize And/Or Monetization Mean:

Successfully and sustainably monetizing a copyright, trademark, patent or trade secret requires careful consideration. Converting intellectual property into maximum revenue requires a deep understanding of the many, many factors. Monetization requires careful planning to develop a successful, overarching strategy which is specifically tailored to your business sector(s). Though the concept of monetization is simple, the successful conversion of one or more asset rights into revenue requires the calculated employment of the precise tools at the appropriate time. Proper understanding of the utility, strength and scope of each type of IP, and how each or all can be incorporated into your businesses overall IP strategy is the key.
way to look at owning real estate: If you own and live in your home, then you have the right to be in it (the right to possess), to paint it a different color (the right to control), invite some people over but not others (the right to exclude), and of course to watch TV in the family room (the right to enjoy). This is also the way the law looks at it. Under the law, “Owning” an asset is really just ownership of one or more rights (called a bundle of rights). Yes, with these rights, the law recognizes “Ownership” as a set of rights specific to an asset (e.g., the right to possess, control, exclude, enjoy, use, etc.) and not the physical thing itself. Let us use our example to merge the law and the business transaction to explain it. As a home owner, you can sell or rent away some or all of those rights. For example, you may rent out a spare bedroom. In which case, you have: Commercialized a component of the home by renting out a room (i.e., given the right to possess the portion of your home). It is a traditionally non cash generating asset because people usually buy homes to live in and not for the purpose of renting out rooms. It is an additional source of revenue, because one collects rent checks which they would not ordinarily receive.
The Devil is in the Details:
What Else Can Be Monetized: The idea of “Monetizing” has become very popular. Just about everything can be monetized in theory. Other assets, like machinery, vehicles, intellectual property (an intangible asset), or even a logical business unit can be monetized. One can sell or rent any divisible part of the bundle of rights Instead of using terms like “Sell” or “Rent,” the vernacular might change (e.g., assign, license, etc.), but the basic concept remains.
What Is The Catch: The more unique the item, the more one must be concerned about the implications. Contract term, laws, regulations, and other factors can affect an owner’s rights. In more extreme cases, a lack of understanding of how one’s rights function can have a devastating effect. In the context of intellectual property, monetization means converting one or more rights to a copyright, patent, trademark, or trade secret into a source of revenue. However, missteps can cause the permanent loss of rights and revenue. For some entities, particularly those which rely on technological innovation, monetization of intellectual property is their primary source of revenue. It is carefully integrated into their business model and is crucial for their success. For other entities, monetization of intellectual property serves as a secondary stream of revenue to strengthen overall profits and diversify risk. Handled correctly, monetization of intellectual property can be a powerful and lucrative tool to facilitate the growth of an entity. Whether pursued as a primary or ancillary source of revenue, monetizing intellectual property hinges on a proper strategy.

Types of Monetization In The World Of Intellectual Property:
Intellectual property (IP) can have commercial value. In order to properly commercial value of IP, one must understand the options to do so. Maximizing monetization hinges on developing, protecting, and leveraging your IP. We explore each of these facets in turn:
Acquiring A Presumption Of Rights: While not a strict requirement for obtaining intellectual property rights (except patents which require registration), the most expedient way to have a court recognize those rights is to register them with the government. A registration creates a presumption of rights. A presumption of rights basically means a court must assume you have rights, unless shown otherwise. A registration is often looked upon by most business people except perhaps those with litigation experience as an absolute right. And most investors and other market participants tend to look very favorably upon registered intellectual property. Why? Because in order to obtain a registration one must pass the government’s fairly rigorous tests. It is important to remember when a government tests a piece of intellectual property this means it has been examined by the government’s scientists and/or attorneys. In other words, the intellectual property has already been under a round of scrutiny and has been proved it is worthy of the presumption of rights.
Monetizing Strategies: Successful monetization allows you to leverage your intangible assets to generate additional streams of revenue. But the monetization of intellectual property is not a static uniform process. Developing a successful monetization strategy requires considering various factors including: Type of intellectual property held, legal requirements of monetizing specific intellectual property, industry norms, developing a proper valuation of the IP, consistency, or lack thereof, of revenue which may be generated, term and geographic limitations, auditing rights, exclusivity, limiting risk in special circumstances, and other factors could be just unique to your situation.
Developing Intellectual Property: Ideas cannot be protected. Partially completed works usually cannot be either. Instead, and subject to certain limitations, the U.S. government recognizes and rewards “progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries” (U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §8). In some states, like California, they recognize rights to a company’s valuable confidential information (called trade secrets) which cover a “formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process[es].” Cal. Civ. §3426.1 In other words, the first step in monetizing your intellectual property is to develop it. A minimum threshold of completion of your invention, brand, art, or know how is a necessary first step to maximizing the value of intellectual property (intellectual property is an intangible asset). For example, a new technology has to be shown to actually work. A brand must at least be in the advertised marketplace. An artwork requires a minimum level of creativity and should be considered finished to the artist, at least for that particular round of presentation. These rules apply irrespective of whether you are a business or an individual. Once you meet the minimum threshold of completion, there are various types of legal protection available (as further described in copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secret law). Determining which protection is available, practical, and necessary depends on your business and entrepreneurial goals and this varies for each individual client.

Monetizing Mistakes: There are strategic considerations needed for planning and implementing the monetization of Intellectual Property (IP). Any misstep in the process of developing, protecting, and leveraging your IP can have negative effects to the bottom line. Below are the most common mistakes.
Below is and/or are the most common monetizing strategies: Asset sales (Assignments): As its name implies, an asset sale is simply the purchase/sale of all rights to a piece of intellectual property. This usually results in a single lump sum cash payment and/or a stream of payments. Licensing: This is a fancy term for “Renting” your intellectual property to another. The difference is that many people can “Rent” your IP rights at the same time. Litigation and enforcement: This was originally intended to prevent unauthorized use of intellectual property. But some IP holders use litigation and enforcement to “Recoup” lost licensing fees from third parties, who would have otherwise had to pay to use the IP. It is effectively a way to collect royalties from involuntary customers that may not have known they were using your IP.
Below is a short (non comprehensive) list of specialized monetizing strategies: Acquisitions: This is a strategy more commonly used to purchase complimentary IP to make products and/or sell services which competitors would not be able to produce or market. There are other, less favorable, reasons to do so as well. Aggregation: This is the act of pooling your IP with others to create more effective offensive or defensive litigation and enforcement strategies. Financing IP: Most people do not realize IP can be financed, here are two examples: You can use IP as collateral for a loan, just like taking a real estate loan against a building. Another example is a sale and lease back, where a company “Sells” it’s IP for a large sum of money and then “Rents” it back for a monthly payment. There are other forms of IP financing as well. Holding Companies and NPE’s: Entities created to “Hold” IP. These entities are used to limit risk when pursuing litigation against third parties. For example, a manufacturing company may not wish to risk its building, equipment, and operations when enforcing intellectual property (especially if someone is fearful of a counter lawsuit). These companies “Send” their IP to a holding company which does the enforcing. Sometimes there are tax benefits as well. Spin Outs: Joint Ventures and Special Purpose Entities: At certain times, IP has such strong potential value, keeping it with the original owner creates an artificial limitation. In such cases, a whole new business (or business unit) may be created by taking the IP and placing it into a new entity to grow on its own accord. It is also possible the IP market potential could benefit by joining a specific IP with effective partners. For example, a company which specializes in developing IP might “Partner” with company that specializes in marketing and distribution.
Special Types Of Monetizing (Commercializing):
Failing To Develop A Proper Strategy: One of our favorite clichés is “it’s easy to make a mistake, but hard to clean it up.” The challenge for those who rush to market, without vetting a strategy for the best chances of success, is the unintended consequences which often occur. The range of problems runs the gambit from minor to major Some examples are as followed. One of your licensees is using your trademarks in an objectionable manner hurting the brand’s reputation. Other licensees are threatening to cancel their licenses and/or a joint venture is threatening dissolution. Your IP licensee is not placing sufficient marketing dollars behind a product and royalty revenues are down. There is a great opportunity, but your contracts preclude you from acting, and the window will
Common Types Of Monetizing (Commercializing):

Licensing Agreements Create Revenue And Business Opportunity: A licensing agreement is a legal contract between the licensor (IP Owner) and licensee (IP “Borrower” Or “Renter”). It typically spells out the exact conditions how another may use a patented technology, trademark (Brand), copyright, or trade secret. In practicality, licensing agreements enable others to “Make, Produce And/Or Sell” certain types of goods and services. We quoted “Make, Produce And/Or Sell” because it may not be the most accurate definition of IP rights, but it is what most people commonly think of. Positioned well, licensing can evolve to become a new or strategic business unit, or whole new business, containing a portfolio
The DIY Approach: Using Forms Found on the Internet. Perhaps it is a cynical viewpoint, but in our experience the Internet has a few good examples and just as many bad examples. The challenge for most people is distinguishing between what is good and what is not More importantly, the common user does not understand how or why samples found on the Internet were created in the first place. We would suggest before using a form on the Internet, perhaps it is wise to ask these questions at minimum: Why was this agreement created? Can I point to a place where it was successfully used? Is it still being used? Has this agreement been tested in Court? Will this contract be upheld in my jurisdiction? Are the provisions of the agreement still valid under current law? What is missing from this agreement? Does this agreement really meet my needs?
Intellectual Property Licensing: Licensing is arguably the most common intellectual property monetization strategy. This is because it is often the fastest and least complex method to unlock additional sources of revenue. IP owners usually start by licensing some IP to get comfortable with the process, and follow up with more advanced strategies as opportunities present themselves.
Failing To Consult With An Experienced IP Firm Early-On: Monetization is hard to do by yourself. It is a complicated process which requires knowledge in many areas including marketing, finance, legal, and sometimes other disciplines. Having experienced counsel in your corner provides a stronger foundation and helps turn optimistic vision into an effectual strategy.
close before you have a chance to capitalize. You suspect your joint venture partner is providing false sales reports, but forgot the right to audit the books. Your partner is stuck in bankruptcy court, along with a set of rights to your IP which there is no chance to use it for the next several years. While the bankruptcy is pending (not to mention, your royalties will be zero until the restructure is complete). Irrespective of the problem (really the symptom) the cause is most often…incomplete planning.
Failing To Properly Market The IP: This issue requires strong coordination between business analysis and legal. Additional considerations include: Your Strengths: Identifying certain aspects of your IP that differentiate it from other alternatives available. Your Weaknesses: Identifying issues with your IP that might affect its marketability. Assessing Your Opportunities: Not analyzing the market potential, applicable industry, or the right targets. Your Threats: Not properly assessing threats to your brand and/or technologies. Developing A Pricing Strategy: Not performing an IP valuation Your Trends: Not considering existing markets and leaving open the option to exploit future markets (trends). Your Competitors: Not considering alternative technologies or brands available.

of intellectual property. Whether you are considering granting access to your intellectual property or gaining access to the intellectual property of another company, having an agreement in place can be a great revenue generating opportunity. Licensing agreements help you control your competitive environment, by limiting or easing entry into new markets. And, they can promote valuable business relationships with strategic partners, vendors, and even your competitors, by helping to smooth industry challenges and minimize conflicts.
Have You Ever Thought About Investing In Gold: Because of the amount of gold scams out there in today’s world, one has to learn how to be extremely careful when learning how to invest in good, legitimate, gold programs verses investing in spurious, gold programs. Seeking to answer a question in a lot more detail, we discovered there are different types of gold programs out there. We also found out there is what is referred to as, Heritage Trade Platform Gold Monetization Programs, and there are several different types of these Programs out there, such as Government Gold Transactions. So all of this being said, because of the many different types of Programs good and bad out there, we have figured out that finding good, legitimate Programs can be a daunting task; a task a lot harder than one might think or imagine. To help us to stay away from the many different counterfeit Programs out there, we looked at several different attributes, including what different types of Programs the USA and other countries tend to use when they choose to invest in these different types of Programs themselves. Answering this question could lead us to different types of Programs such as Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Programs. One might ask, why did we look at Programs the USA and other countries use when they invest in gold? The answer is simple. In our opinion, more often than not, when governments choose to invest in gold Programs, they have the funds to do their due diligence to vet any type of Program they want to, and different types of Programs such as these and many others are the ones in which they invest in.
So all of this information brings us to the following next four questions:
Key Considerations: Licensing agreements for patents, trademarks (Brand Identities), copyrights, and trade secrets (secret knowledge of how to do something) are mission critical in industries where intellectual property is the key to competitive advantage. A simple misstep, like missing quality control procedures or limiting auditing rights, could cause the loss of your hard earned rights and/or eliminate any potential recovery. This is why it is important to partner with legal experts who know how to craft licensing agreements which will help you achieve your overall business goals. Among other many benefits it provides, a well prepared license agreement will: Control how your intellectual property is used, marketed, and sold. Positively affect your recovery of royalties and license fees. Establish your rights in the event of a breach of agreement. Harmonize your rights and obligations with licensee. Mitigate a risk of loss in known worst case scenarios and as well as ones which are unanticipated. In order to effectively license, an attorney should evaluate your business strategy, consider the anti competitive risks, help determine what regulations may affect the license, and take painstaking care in drafting and negotiating your licensing agreements. These steps provide utmost clarity and protection and minimize administration. This gives you an organized approach to your IP rights, minimizes risks, and gets everyone on the same page, especially with critical terms, like royalty rates. Today’s global economy brings a whole host of issues to already complex licensing agreements. But with key considerations on your side, you can be assured of meeting all your IP needs.

What Is A Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Program:
Heritage Trade Platforms are Trust Funds and/or Bank Accounts with a long history or pedigree which have been obtained or secured through Inheritance. Often the original Heritage Trade Platform source is hundreds of years old and their enormous wealth has been passed down from generation to generation. Also, many Heritage Trade Platform accounts originally contained hard assets like real estate, businesses, rare coins, gold, silver, jewelry, art, oil leases, and many, many other different types of valuable commodities.
In our option we have found more often than not, for example in a regular Heritage Trade Platform through a government and remember there are several different types, your positioning is what they refer to as a “Tertiary Position”, meaning you are not in a primary or secondary position, you would be in a third position investor in a Heritage Trade Platform through a government transaction. The funds that would be made in this type of program would be due to the fund raising efforts of the ones involved who would be in the secondary investor position and working directly with the primary parties in these types of Program. These types of Programs are classified as a minimal, high risk program. No one could legally ever offer any guarantees at all and if the primary transaction is unable to payout for any reason, all dollars invested from all investors would be unrecoverable. However, due to the minimal high risk classification on these types of Programs, the investors scheduled payouts would be on a high level magnitude payout of return and the investors who are in these types of Programs would be able to expect high level returns. Also, because of the nature of these different types of government transactions, to invest in these same types of Programs many different governments and many other countries invest in, is extremely intelligent. As you continue throughout this e book, you will see for yourself there are several different circumstances which make the different investor positions worthy of consideration and these different types of Programs worthy of investing in.
What Is Your Positioning In This Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Program’s:
The Primary Parties In These Different Types Of Program’s Are:
The heirs of different estates created by different families passed down through the generations from one generation to the next and then finally to the generation which puts the family’s assets into trade. These different types of Programs are at that point on the other side of both probated estates. The sale of assets, gold for example, let’s say the US government would be a direct result of a settlement and those distributions of that generation’s estate would have proceeded.
Today a significant amount of Heritage Trade Platform accounts have been converted into cash. It is these cash accounts which secure Platform Trading, which in turn, accelerates the owner’s wealth and gives them a safe, robust, consistently healthy monthly return off their Heritage Trade Platform assets.
As we all know, a lot in life is not about what you know, it is all about who you know. Also with these different types of Programs, it is all about who you know. In our opinion, more often than not, many generation estate owners find themselves in a position due to the situation needing to find private investors, to raise the funds necessary to pay for these different types of Program’s documents for the sale of the assets, such as gold for example to be finalized and completed, so the funds on the sale to the government’s involved with this sale can be released into the head paymasters bank account. So at this point, the funds can be released into all the different private investors and the estate owner’s bank accounts. So everyone involved in the government transaction would at this point be paid out. In our opinion generally speaking a lot of the times these different types of Program’s take people with the expertise and the connections to facilitate a multijurisdictional and multi country government transaction, especially when a government transaction is of an exorbitant size. I am sure as you can imagine as complicated as these types of Program’s are they take an
How Do Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Program’s Work:

The Breakdown Regarding The Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Program’s:
The Secondary Parties (The Investors) In These Different Types Of Program’s Are:
You can have many different individual private investors who support in the raising of the funds for these different types of Program’s. You can also have many different types of Companies who invest in these different types of Program’s as well, help to complete these different types of Program’s payouts as soon as possible to everyone invested in these different types of Program’s. You can also have different types of Companies who invest in these different types of Program’s they create various businesses domestic and global so they can generate domestic and global funds, for domestic and global sustainable, green energy, and green agricultural goals. So these different types of Companies get permitted to participate in these different types of Program’s by and with the members of the primary parties. This also allows different types of Companies to be able to raise funds independently, to find additional private investors who will benefit from the completion of these different types of Program’s. Also generate and create mutually beneficial agreements and terms independently of the primary parties.
enormous amount of people working together as a team to get these types of Program’s completed and paid out which includes different types of people such as Attorney’s who represents all the different partners all over the world who are working with everyone directly. In Program’s like this also includes well known and a well respected United State Global Attorney Paymasters who are in good standings in not just the USA but Globally. Generally speaking these different types of Program’s also require a domestic and even Global banking element and or banking partner to help with the transaction part of the Millions, Billions and a lot of the times even Trillions which are needed to be transferred throughout the completion in these different types of Program’s.
These different types of Program’s need key individuals who can provide the diplomatic services necessary to assist in the completion of these different types of Program’s. These different types of Program’s more often than not can exhaust the heir’s personal estates in the process of resolving the generally speaking multinational probate and international inquests into the asset backed Heritage Trade Platforms held in the different domestic and global banks the heir’s generally speaking families have established. The multifaceted difficulties being resolved are crucial in helping the heir’s clear the many, many difficult hurdles.
In our opinion most of the time, heir’s family members own asset’s like a gold mine for an example, establish a gold asset backed by the way of a Heritage Trade Platform through a bank. The eventual ending heir to the Platform decides to monetize the assets and or sale the assets, which in this example is gold. History has proven to us these different types of gold Platforms, and or the reason for these different types of gold Platforms are established because generally speaking of invasion and the family wants to keep their assets from being stolen. So the family wants to move the assets beyond the reach of whoever is invading into the country. A lot of different types of Platform’s and Program’s where established throughout the mid range to mid range of the 1800’s to the 1900’s. Before 1971, when Nixon closed the gold window and after WWII, “The Bretton Woods Accord of 1944” was adopted. One of the many things The Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 Program did was help families not lose their assets in an invasion. Until WW I, most countries were on the gold standard. However, they cut the tie to gold so they could print the currency needed to pay for the war costs. This inflow of currency caused hyperinflation as the supply of money overwhelmed the demand. After the war, most countries returned back to the safety net of the gold standard. However, in 1971, the United States suffered from massive stagflation, a combination of inflation and recession, which caused unemployment and low economic growth. In response to a dangerous dip in value caused by too much currency in circulation, President Nixon started to deflate the dollar’s value in gold. Nixon devalued the dollar
Why Are Funds Needed To Be Raised For These Different Types Of Program’s:

to 1/38 of an ounce of gold and then to 1/42 of an ounce of gold. The devaluation plan backfired. It created a run on the United States gold reserves at Fort Knox as people redeemed their quickly devaluing dollars for gold. Also in 1971, Nixon unhooked the value of the dollar from gold altogether. Without price controls, gold quickly shot up to $120 USD per ounce in the free market, ending The Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 Program. There were many families who had war time losses of physical gold and ownership of their gold. These gold bars were not accounted for in the normal banking system. Several of these different families had an immense amount of difficulty in being able to claim and reintegrate offshore or non reported gold bars which were placed into The Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 Program. A lot of gold had been locked into what is now known as “The Shadow Banking World”. Several different countries and several different offshore entities have held many different families gold on several different types of Trade Platforms. For several of these families to even be able to have the chance to receive their amounts due to them from the many different countries which used their gold bars throughout and during The Shadow Banking World timeframe, had to create multinational treaties with the United States and several other different countries so it would allow those families to be paid out from those countries for using those families gold bars so those countries could print out new dollars which went into regular banking and lifted those gold bars out of The Shadow Banking World. Lots of times this would also include several different NGO’s and several very large significant offerings to different global charities as a condition of these families due amounts being reentered into the regular banking system, so these families could even receive their amounts due to them into their personal bank accounts. To accomplish all of this, the length of time for a lot of these families to receive their amounts due have been decades and some of these families still to this day have not received even any of their due amounts. And consequently during all of this time, the gold bars being in The Shadow Banking World in different trade platforms have amassed great wealth. This is the reason the financial distributions (the payouts) for the different countries and a lot of the times also the families involved are so sizable. The methods of the reintroduction of the gold bars were established by gold backed Heritage Trade Platforms. Through these Heritage Trade Platforms the families gold bars were able to be reincorporated from The Shadow Banking Wealth Assets of The Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 Program, back into The World Money Supply, The IMF, The World Banking System.
A Classic Scam Scenario: Unfortunately, there are a lot of different types of gold Platform scams out there and those scammers use these different types of gold Platform’s to try to scam people. Because of the process in getting these different types of gold Platforms completed and everyone paid out, unfortunately there are a lot of similarities in the process
The Journey From Beginning To Payout: If you are not working with the best in this type of field, the journey of these different types of Trade Platforms getting completed from beginning to payout can be something out of a novel. Generally speaking they include many, many different court cases in several different countries of individual person’s and companies, laying claim to some of the family’s asset’s; depending on what the assets are. In this example of gold being the asset, you could also have banks who have possession of the gold could try to create an excuse to try to hold claim of the gold, so the country could foreclose on the gold or some countries could just out right try to say the gold belongs to them so extensive proof of ownership of the gold would have to be litigated. On the lawsuits litigated in these different types of Trade Platforms, for the family to be able to finally lay claim as rightful heir’s to all of the family’s different gold asset backed trade platforms held in all of the different foreign countries can be an extremely daunting task. So I am sure, as you can certainly imagine this entire process can really put a huge drain on a family’s personal wealth. So the family’s usually end up having to borrow funds to get the entire process completed from private individual investors or different company’s or even the countries involved with the Trade Platform.

As we know, Heritage Trade Platforms are about moving funds from The Shadow Banking World into legitimate banking. The fact is when you are working with a Program which has no countries being paid out in the Program and the Program is just with some individuals not with any countries, that Program has more of a possibility of being a scam. Because countries do not work with Program’s which are scams because when countries get involved in a Program they expect to be paid out so they do a tremendous amount of due diligence on the Programs they get involved with because the countries know they will heavily benefit from the completion of the payout of these different types of Program’s and so they also help to push the Program to be completed as soon as possible, which obviously means, it is great for all who are involved in a Program that countries are involved with.
Simply Looking At The Fact’s About Legitimate Program’s:
What Does Monetizing Gold Bars Mean:
However, another fact is generally speaking what the investors are privy to is the banks involved have to do their own due diligence on the Program’s they get in because of legal ramifications. Because more often than not a lot of the banks who get involved with these different types of Program’s are Investment Bank subject to FINRA and SEC regulation and money laundering rules. Because of regulation, when they are involved in these different types of Program’s they have to repeatedly verify the Program’s they are in. Also when USA gold backed Programs are involved the Program is a legitimate Program. So the banks involved are allowed under regulations to open and to maintain as many accounts as are needed for the distribution from USA gold backed Program. Another fact is generally speaking a lot of these Programs are verified by other outside parties with security clearances required for such accesses to view the sensitive information which an Investment Bank like Merrill Lynch for example would need to be able to see, to even be willing to have opened and maintained a lot of different investor’s accounts.
of getting the legitimate gold Platforms completed and everyone paid out and the scam Platforms. However, there are several facts and circumstances which make the legitimate Platforms worthy of people’s consideration, of being a program a person would choose to invest in. Here are just some of the different facts that separate good legitimate gold Platforms from all of the scams which are out there.
Another fact is legitimate Programs have very well known global Attorney’s and have very well known global Paymaster’s involved the Programs. One can simply Google for themselves the head people involved in a Program to see all the many projects those people have been involved with in the past years. When you are involved with a Program which has legal binding documented letter’s which are signed, dated, and sealed from the head people involved in the Program, who have personally viewed and verified the authenticity of that Program They have also verified all the required documents with and from the USA Treasury Department on those types of Programs which they also viewed and verified all gold bar receipts. Those Attorneys will not risk their impeccable reputation, or their Attorney license, or risk going to prison for some kind of scam.
At this point, all of this being said, the family involved is trying to simply monetize their gold bars which simply means they are trying to turn their gold bars into paper dollars. Generally speaking these types of Programs that work with countries are accomplished. At this point, the family just needs the funds to finalize and complete the final documents which are required for the Program to be completed. The fact is, a lot of the
Another fact is when you get in a gold Program the United States is in as well automatically makes the Program a USA gold backed Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Program, however unfortunately generally speaking means most of the investors will not be provided with a lot of desired documents they would like to be privy to but it does mean you have the security blanket of it being a USA gold backed Heritage Trade Platform, Gold Monetization Program.

This Is Where A Lot Of Investors Come In: The investors who come in at this point are all together. Altogether we are simply a bank. We are simply loaning the family involved the funds which are needed to get the Program processed and finalized. When the process is completed, everyone will at the same time all be paid out on their individual interest on the amount of funds the investor had individually loaned the Program to be completed.
times at this point the family involved is in the position of what they call asset rich but cash poor. The long process usually puts the family involved in need of a simple loan from private investors, who have the ability to loan the family involved the funds needed to get the process completed. Basically, what this means is, over the past several years, the ones involved at this point have done all the heavy lifting and they just need the rest of the funds to get the Program across the finish line so the Program can be completed and pay everyone involved out.
We Are Here To Help In Any Way We Can: We are committed to helping our Investors achieve their business objectives and maximize their returns on their talent, know how and investment strategies. Consulting with experienced companies can help you through the process of navigating the complexities of monetizing your existing assets. If you decide to invest in a monetizing strategy of investing in government gold transactions, it is important to do all the necessary preparations to ensure your investing in good Programs and your business is protected under the law. We are
In Closing, Here Are Four Final Different Points To Think About: Point Number One: The bank side of this investment opportunity is the fact they have to open up all of the different accounts and it cost the bank a lot of money to do so. The bank is legally responsible for all of the accounts which are opened up. If the bank did not know the Program was a USA gold backed Program and was not 100% real for a fact, the bank would not be willing to open up all of the different bank accounts which would be required.
Point Number Two: The Paymaster’s who are involved are usually very well known and are very well respected global Attorney’s and they have many years of impeccable reputation all around the world. Plus when having legal binding letter’s from the Attorney’s which are signed, dated, and sealed states the Attorney has personally verified the authenticity of the USA gold backed Program and has personally verified all the gold bar receipts. The Attorney would not risk their reputation, their license, being disbarred, or risk going to prison over some scam.
Point Number Three: Generally speaking by the time investors come in the Program there have been several different people, different companies and different countries which have done extensive due diligence on USA gold backed Program. With the information which has been received from everyone’s due diligence, the information by this point has proven the fact this Program is a real legitimate USA gold backed Program!
Point Number Four: Throughout the entire process, there is going to have been a lot of different examples of what I would call common sense deduction. For example, there are usually court cases involved in the Program’s which are real and legitimate. Which means the Program is real and legitimate because if it was not a real and legitimate Program there would be no reason for any court cases to be filed. This is just one example but there are always several examples of “Common Sense Deduction” along the way throughout these types of Programs.

For Any Potential Investor Who Is Interested:
here to help you every step of the way and we are committed to helping our clients achieve their objectives. We can be reached anytime at 1 800 Welcome To The Millionaire Club.
Disclaimer: The information provided by this eBook is for general informational purposes only. All information in this eBook is provided in good faith and all data is from publicly available sources only However, we make no representation or warranty or guarantee of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information in this eBook. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of this eBook or reliance on any information provided in this eBook or any information given verbally at any time Your use of this eBook and your reliance on any information in this eBook is solely at your own risk.
We have a government gold transaction opportunity we have been working on for the last two and half years. Unfortunately for us, covid really slowed down our process of completion on one of our closest to being paid out US government gold transactions However, we are now about to be in our final 90 day stage of completion payout on this transaction. Because of the covid situation it has created a very unique final opportunity for any potential investor(s) that decides to invest in this transaction to be able to capitalize on this very unique situation of payout completion we are in. We have already raised Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00 USD) for this transaction, which has now put us in our final payout stage of completion. This means, we only have room for our final payout stage of completion investor(s), however, we only have but twenty slots of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00 USD) available, although, the investments can be paid in Ten Thousand Dollar ($10,000.00 USD) increment’s. For more information including rate of return on investment amounts invested email us anytime. We are here to help you every step of the way and we are committed to helping our clients achieve their financial objectives. We can be reached anytime at CommonSenseEBooks@OutLook.com. When you have invested, we will at that time welcome you into our Millionaire Club!