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News from Roecroft Lower School
This month we have an update from our leaders in Year 3 and Year 4. Spring is always a busy term of teaching and learning and as the weather turns to spring we are able to move lots of our learning outside. Year 3 returned to school in January after the Christmas break full of enthusiasm and looking forward to the Spring term. We started the term by reading some classic myths and legends, such as Robin Hood, and the children enjoyed writing their own story based on the key themes found in many myths.
Our Science topic this term has been ‘Forces and Magnets’ . We identified different forces used in everyday reactions and spent time studying gravity and air resistance. The children created different parachutes to test air resistance and had great fun dropping them from the classroom balcony!
In Art, our topic has been based on the work of artist Georgia O’Keeffe. We studied how she used shape, tone and shading in her drawings and the children started using these skills in their own sketches. They then developed their watercolour skills to create their final piece of artwork.
In Computing, the children have been learning to code using computer software such as ‘Scratch’ and ‘Turtle Logo’ . Using the basics of coding, the children were able to program computer avatars to move and complete tasks. Creating their moving characters was a real highlight for the children!
Year 4 have had an exciting start to the Spring term as they have started swimming lessons; the children are really enjoying the opportunity to swim at Saxon Pool and develop this important life skill alongside their friends. They are also starting to put their sporting knowledge into action in PE lessons by applying their skills in netball and basketball games this term.
In the classroom, we have started a new History topic exploring the Romans’ impact on Britain and especially what changes they bought about in our local area. We are learning about the discovery of Dicket Mead which is now known as the Welwyn Romans Baths and are even getting to visit soon to see them first hand. We will then use our newfound knowledge to write persuasive leaflets and newspapers about the Baths in our English lessons.
Another highlight of Spring term is our new Art topic; we are exploring the work of William Morris and designing and making our own printing blocks. Once made, we will then use them to create repeated pattern wallpaper with multiple layers and colours.
An example of some of Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year, Mrs Cross and the Roecroft Family.