2 minute read

News from St Mary’s Academy

We finished 2021 with another 'different' and hectic Christmas!

We thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas lunch, class parties and pantomime even if we didn't have the atmosphere of everyone together in the hall. As with everything we have had to adapt our Christmas Concert around the COVID regulations by filming each class singing their Christmas song within their bubbles and then finishing with the traditional Reception Class Nativity. This will be available to view via Tapestry, Dojo and our website for our families to enjoy. Once again this year, we have really missed having our families in school at this special time.


Despite lockdowns, restrictions, regulations, separation, isolation and home learning challenges all of our staff and children have worked extremely hard and we are really looking forward to a positive and more consistently ‘normal’ 2022.

In January our Year 4 children will hopefully be participating in the Young Voices Concert involving over 6000 school children within the O2 London. Such an exciting and fulfilling experience.

We will continue to support the many charities that we do each year. Our children took part in Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children. We are part of a very generous and caring community and had a fantastic response to our collections last year which included Children in Need, The Royal British Legion, The Need Project, Save the Children and Comic Relief.

There has also been continued support for the SMSA fundraising events which all goes to benefit the children in school.

Please remember you can still talk to us if you are applying for a place in our school for September 2022! The deadline for applications through Central Bedfordshire admissions is 15th January 2022 so there is still time to view our virtual tour on the website or pop along for an external tour with our Headteacher.

Please look out for our monthly Newsletter here in the Stotfold News Magazine or visit www.stmarysacademystotfold.co.uk for up-coming information and events!


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