5 minute read

News from Etonbury Academy

Etonbury Academy News

We are delighted to start the year with some brilliant news from our Junior School who have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark. This prestigious award recognises the excellence in our Science teaching and learning. Congratulations to our Primary Science Lead, Mr Gary Gotham, for his work to embed such excellent practice in our school. We have also received excellent feedback following a visit from the School Improvement Advisor, highlighting the many strengths of our school, as well as areas for us to continue to develop.


Our Year 5s have had a tremendous first term at Etonbury, and our Year 7s are enjoying the secondary facilities having moved up from the Junior School in September. The Year 11s had a Sixth Form Taster week, where they heard from the Secondary KS5 teachers about the different subjects to help them with their decision making for Year 12. This was followed by our Sixth Form Information Evening for parents and carers to find out more about the exciting plans we have been working on. The Sixth Form is the final development for the school and the plans are well underway. The students have had significant input into the shaping of this new facility and we are really excited to be delivering this much needed Sixth Form opening in September 2023.

Mr Evason and Mrs Young were delighted to attend the Roecroft Lower School Open Evening. It was good to see some familiar faces of parents whose children currently attend Etonbury, as well as many new members of the community. Another partnership that is really important to the school is with The NEED Project who support so many of our local families with food parcels. Before Christmas, we supported their campaign for donations of Christmas selection boxes and Christmas puddings and collected over 900 donated from Etonbury staff, students and their families!

Our Debate Club did a brilliant job reaching the Semi-finals in the International Debate Competition, with one Etonbury group volunteering to change sides at the last minute after a ‘no-show’ from another school. They did an amazing job having had no time to prepare their arguments, and to reach the semi-finals was so commendable.

Dawn Hollyoaks, our local Stotfold hero from the Great British Bake Off, came in for a tour of the school. Dawn will be returning again this year to share more of her own stories of attending Etonbury as a child, and pass on her baking expertise to our children.

Mrs Brahmachari-Limb has been running auditions for our whole school production - The Culture Festival. It is another great Etonbury community event for every year group in our school to get involved. Prospective parents continue to contact us for personal tours around the school. We encourage anyone to visit during the day, to see us in action. Please call us on 01462 730391 to arrange, we would be delighted to welcome you.

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Local Slimmer awarded Miss Slinky for Stotfold.

January is traditionally the time we all start to ponder on our life choices and make better decisions for the year stretched out ahead of us. If you plan to make weight loss part of that plan theen we thought some inspiration may help you to get into the right frame of mind and set you on the right track.

Stotfold slimmer Colette joined Slimming World on 26th April 2022 with a mission to reduce her blood pressure by dropping some 'lard' (in her words) which pound by pound, she managed to do. Slow and steady - she achieved her 2 stone 3lb award to become a Target Member in October and was so, so happy with the results. Not only is Colette now a Target member of Slimming World, she also received confirmation that she had just joined one of the most exclusive weight loss groups ever...as a winner of the coveted Miss Slinky award for 2022.

Colette told us "It was a wonderful feeling to have been nominated by my fellow group members, let alone to win. ” Colette has continued with her new eating habits and now has no feelings at all of being a slave to a diet, just sensible food optimising and better lifestyle choices.

“Being part of Dawn's group and catching up with everyone's highs and lows of their week, keeps me motivated to keep going, enables me to be supportive and most importantly feel supported by them all” she continued. "I love seeing people every week and I always come away feeling ready to conquer another week (along with new recipe ideas to try too)"

Colette is now learning to maintain her weight, she has learnt to relax around food. Her journey will continue by attending as a Target member for FREE each week. As inspiration to everyone Colette shared with us her typical days meals: Breakfast is Bran Flakes with added berries/fruit. Lunch is Mixed veg and cheese omelette. Dinner is Salmon fillet, baked with cherry tomatoes, lemon and dill with homemade potato wedges, garlicky (frylight and crushed garlic) green beans and brocolli. Dessert would be a sugar free jelly and yogurt mousse.

To find out how you can make better choices this year by joining Dawn's Slimming World Group in Stotfold on Tuesdays then just pop along at either 4pm, 5.30pm or 7pm at the Memorial Hall, Hallworth Drive, Stotfold where you will be assured of a very warm welcome.

Colette before and now after!

Alternatively you can call Dawn on 07515 557803 for more details.

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