01-06-12 Centre County Gazette

Page 1

& How to Keep Them, Pages 14-17

January 6 - January 12, 2011



Volume 4, Issue 1

Better clean your plate page 6 The herald angels sang. page 4

A Hoppy Cast page 22

Up on the roof page 9

2012 Takes Wing page 13

Art for Conservation page 10


Schools ............................. 4-5 Park’s View .......................... 7 Sports ........................... 18-21 Entertainment ............... 22-23 What’s Happening ............. 24

Group Meetings ................. 25 Centre County Libraries .... 26 Community Announcements ............ 26 Classifieds ......................... 27

Check Out Our Website at www.centrecountygazette.com




JANUARY 6, 2012

On The Cover

This photo of the Emmanuel United Church of Christ in Jacksonville was taken by Tim Weight for The Gazette. It was built in1875 and recently remodeled to its present state by cleaning up the brick and adding fresh coat of paint. The church remains virtually unchanged from when it was built.




State College




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JANUARY 6, 2012


Editor’s Prologue

Letters to the Editor

By Sandi Biddle, managing editor Editora@CentreCountyGazette.com CCGazette@Hughes.net We begin 2012 with high hopes and a strong resolve to continue to provide you with the community news you need to help you manage, enjoy, and improve your lives. What are your resolutions? In this issue, we explore ways to lose weight, get fit, stop smoking, relax, and prepare for natural disasters. There are so many ways to improve our lives, and help others, through local educational, charitable, and social organizations. You’ll find them in every issue – not just this one – because The Gazette’s community involvement dictates that with each issue, we positively affect and enhance your lives. You’ll find the last of the holiday glitter in this issue, as we recap some of the events that took place since our December 23 issue. Karen Dabney shares her thoughts and photos from First Night and Sam Stitzer describes a stirring Christmas concert. The children of St. John the Evangelist Catholic School and Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten star in our school news this week, along with twin brother-and-sister scouts, and high achievers at Penns Valley Jr.-Sr. High School. We’re proud of each and every one of them! New opportunities in this issue include taking your kids to a Schlow Library series about foreign languages, getting tickets for ClearWater Conservancy’s For the Love of Art and Chocolate event, and signing up for the YMCA’s WEIGH TO GO challenge. There are two fine high-school theatre productions coming up – State High’s A Year With Frog And Toad this weekend and Penns Valley’s presentation of Romeo, You Idiot! on the 21st. Hungry for home cooking and neighborly company? The fire companies, churches, and service clubs, and VSOs plan to fire up their stoves to serve you – pork chops, ham pot pie, roast beef, spaghetti, meatloaf, and even a chili cook-off tomorrow, January 7, at the Bellefonte Elks. I’m always searching for more fine columns like Amy Confer’s Fresh Life, Toni Duchi’s Practical Pet, Tammy Miller’s From the Heart, and Ken Hull’s going LOCAL! Ken has a column about Herwig’s in this issue and will help us to highlight Made in Centre County, U.S.A., January 13. I’ve also lined up an outdoorsman to write about hunting, fishing, and other woodsy pursuits – you’ll get to meet him soon. Do you have expert advice to benefit our readers once or twice a month? I’d love to hear from you. Stay warm, be well, and keep the good news coming! The Gazette is all about you!

Burden Bellefonte Taxpayers I have been a small-business owner located in Bellefonte for the past 19 years, and have been a resident for the past 36 years. I have appreciated the opportunity to have started and run my business in the borough of Bellefonte. I rent property in the Historic Preservation area of Bellefonte, centrally located with ready access to the surrounding communities of Centre County. The Bellefonte Borough Council and the Bellefonte Area Industrial Development Association have been working on plans to re-develop the waterfront along Spring Creek since the tragic demise of the Bush House hotel in 2006. This June, it was announced that Governor Corbett approved a grant for $3 million specifically to build a riverwall and riverwalk along Spring Creek, utilizing 15 to 18 feet of property which contains the site of my business and the former Bush House and Cerro buildings. One of the provisions of the $3 million grant is that the borough of Bellefonte must providing matching funds. The borough has taken out a $3.5 million loan in order to fulfill that provision. While the owners of the site of my business are willing to provide the borough with the land necessary to build the riverwall and riverwalk, they want to maintain the rest of the property so that I can continue to operate my business. The borough is currently involved in legal action to take the entire piece of property through eminent domain. Previously, the borough was planning to take the property to sell to a developer for commercial business. Now, in order for the borough to have a chance to win the eminent domain fight, they are, instead, proposing to create more parkland on that property. Through the borough’s actions, I will have to move my business and possibly close it, the tax-paying property owners will lose their property, and the borough and all its taxpayers are in debt for a $3.5 million loan. Please let borough council members know that you oppose the borough putting the community in debt for $3.5 million in these difficult economic times. Sincerely, Jim Bowersox, Owner, Victorian Signs SEND YOUR STORY IDEAS TO

Mark your preference: www.centrecountygazette.com

Ice Skating or Snow Boarding? Look for the ‘This or That’ logo in the bottom left of the Home Page to cast your vote online.

UPCOMING FEATURES IN The Gazette January 13 – Buying Locally Spotlighting neighbors’ unique products and services January 20 – Your Money, You Bet! Tax tips, investments, and more about earning it and keeping it! January 27 – Winter Outdoor Sports + Senior Citizens Special Advertisers, choose the features that suit your business best Sales@centrecountygazette.com

Last Week’s Results

92% Merry Christmas 8% Happy Holidays

Gazette Editorial Policy We invite comment, rebuttal, or the expression of your own thoughts about matters you deem of public importance. We invite stories and photos about our community and its people. All submissions must be of the writers own creation and include contact information (which may be withheld upon request) The Gazette reserves the right to reject or edit any submission. Att: Editor, The Gazette, P.O. Box 129, Warriors Mark, PA 16877

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The Gazette P.O. Box 129 Warriors Mark, PA 16877 Tel.: 814-632-6700 Fax: 814-632-6699 www.CentreCountyGazette.com PUBLISHER Arnie Stott GENERAL MANAGER Don Bedell MANAGING EDITOR Sandie Biddle BUSINESS MANAGER Susan Stott PENNS VALLEY BUREAU CHIEF Sam Stitzer PennsValley@CentreCountyGazette.com STATE COLLEGE NEWS StateCollege@CentreCountyGazette.com SPORTS Les Barnhart, Editor Matt Masullo sports@centrecountygazette.com OFFICE MANAGER Patti Marshall PRODUCTION MANAGER Michael Malicki GRAPHIC DESIGN Ralph Boldin Brandy Ritchey Rose Ann Hoover Sharen Kuhn ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Tom Orr Vicki Gillette SUBMIT YOUR NEWS: editor@centrecountygazette.com ADVERTISING sales@centrecountygazette.com

The Gazette is a weekly newspaper seving Centre County and is published by Stott Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 129, Warriors Mark, PA 16877. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is not permitted without written permission from Stott Publications, Inc. Publisher reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement for any reason.



JANUARY 6, 2012

Centre County Schools Little Hands Make a Big Difference By Laurel Sanders

STATE COLLEGE – The little hands of a preschool or kindergarten child may not have the same strength as larger and more experienced hands. Yet a lot of little hands together – joined by children’s inspiration, the wide-eyed discovery that a string of efforts adds up, and the dedication to follow through – can make a big difference. Students at Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten (GLPK) had ample opportunity to demonstrate this as they worked to improve the lives of those around them this season, collecting and distributing food, toys, and other necessities at home and abroad. As a Christian school, Bible verses and their teachings are threaded throughout the school’s curriculum, helping children to value their own uniqueness, care about others, and take positive actions to share life’s many blessings with others whenever they can. In November the school bases some of its teachings on Psalm 103:5, where students learn, “God fills my life with good things.” They learn to respond to God’s blessings by giving thanks (and showing their thanks through positive actions that benefit others). Although the school regularly engages in community-service projects, between Advent and Christmas the focus on helping others in need is especially strong. Students and their families have been generous supporters of others in need this season, 212 pounds of food was collected for the State College Area Food Bank in late November, 20 boxes were filled by the school’s students for Operation Christmas Child, and two large barrels of Teachers, students, and volunteers are shown placing their hands on toys were amassed for one of the wrapped shoeboxes destined for Operation Christmas Child as the local Toys for Tots they prayed for the recipients of the boxes as part of the annual shoebox campaign. collection. Students filled 20 shoeboxes to contribute to the Centre County regional collection. Little hands can change the world for those in need. We thank our 134 preschool and kindergarten students and their families for helping to lighten life’s burdens for others who are less fortunate so that they, too, can experience more of life’s goodness.

Story Times, Art & Fun in Many Languages! Ages 3 to 8 invited with families By Wendy Klimek

Curious about Korean? Puzzled by Persian? Baffled by Bengali? These and nine other languages are the stars of the new story time series, World Stories Alive: Tales in Many Tongues, at Schlow Centre Region Library starting Saturday, January 21. Designed for children aged three to eight and their families, the World Stories Alive series will appeal to both native speakers of the language as well as native English speakers. Each Saturday morning gathering will include a read-aloud story in the original language with English translation, as well as a lively extended art activity. Related language activities may include songs, finger rhymes, Simon Says, or color, shape, or number games. Taking advantage of the international vibrancy of the State College area, the 12 story times will be conducted by native speakers of each language. Drawing upon teachers, international scholars, students, and members of the community, this is a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn about a host of languages and cultures. World Stories Alive: Tales in Many Tongues will take place Saturday mornings from 11 a.m. to noon at Schlow Centre Region Library, 211 S. Allen Street. Free to the public, no registration is necessary. The schedule is: January 21 Chinese January 28 Spanish February 4 Turkish February 11 Arabic February 18 French February 25 Hindi/Urdu March 3 No Story Time March 10 No Story Time March 17 Russian March 24 Bengali March 31 Yiddish/Hebrew April 7 Korean April 14 Persian April 21 Japanese The series was spearheaded by Corey Whitesell, Foreign Language Assistance Program Grant.

The True Meaning of Christmas By Kristina V. Tice, Principal, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School

BELLEFONTE – The last week of school in 2011 was a busy one for spreading cheer and the true meaning of Christmas for students at St. John Catholic School. On Tuesday, December 20, students presented a beautiful version of the Nativity Story in the church for all of their loved ones. An honor reserved for our fifthgrade students is to portray the main

roles in the Nativity story. They entered the scene at the appropriate times throughout the evening. Our fourth-grade students began the night by singing O Little Town of Bethlehem and Away in a Manager dressed as the townspeople of Bethlehem. They were followed by Pre-K and Kindergarten children filling the stable dressed as doves, donkeys, sheep, and cows singing The Friendly Beasts. Next, legions of angels and shep-

The students also shared their spirit by caroling in the streets of Bellefonte.

Students of St. John Catholic School presented the Biblical meaning of Christmas with costumes and song.

herds (third- and fourth-grade students) filled the room with the sounds of Hark the Herald Angels Sing and The First Noel. The Three Kings entered escorted by the King’s Attendants (first grade) singing We Three Kings. The performance ended with the fifthgrade students singing Silent Night, all of the students singing Joy to the World, and the audience joining in to sing the final song, O Come All Ye Faithful. Following the performance, everyone was invited to the auditorium for

a birthday party for Baby Jesus. Two days later, the students took to the streets of Bellefonte to share the gift of song. They caroled throughout the town to show their appreciation to local businesses that do so much for them throughout the year. Merry Christmas and wishes for many blessings in 2012 from everyone at St. John Catholic School! See our Facebook Page for all the photos provided by St. Johns Catholic School.

JANUARY 6, 2012



Centre County Schools Penns Valley Jr.-Sr. High School Honor Roll First Nine-week Grading Period SPRING MILLS – The Penns Valley Jr.-Sr. High School honor roll for the first nine-week grading period ending November 8, 2011 was announced by Jacquelyn M. Martin, Secondary Principal. Students must achieve a 3.25 to 3.74 grade point average for the honor roll and 3.75 to 4.0 for the distinguished honor roll. DISTINGUISHED HONOR ROLL Grade 12 Tess P. Arthur, Madison J. Bastress, Martin D. Black, James R. Brown, Ryan D. Brown, Dane S. Bussard, Dakota J. Butler, Kelsen W. Case, Alissa D. Cogan, Julia E. Dawson, F. Austine Decker, Courtney R. Done, Matthew S. Fuller, Tory A. Glossner, Nigel T. Grandy, Evan A. Heiser, Clarissa D. Keller, Miranda N. Kline, Megan Kuhlman, Bryan R. Masullo, Joseph A. McNitt, Ryan W. Miller, Mikayla M. Paolini, Ashley N. Pinamonti, Andrew L. Seely, Teresa L. Shook, Lindsay M. Stover, Spencer C. Weaver, Gregory W. Witherite, Lyndsey E. Witherite, Hannah M. Yearick, Sarah A. Zerby, Haley R. Zubler. Grade 11 Kelsey E. Boone, Jennifer C. Gallup, Sarah J. Haas, Zachary C. Harter, Rachel L. Hill, Paige G. Hockenberry, Kyle C. Houser, David E. Leedy, Tess E. Linton, Henry J. Lush, Maggie M. Lynch, Leigh A. Martin, Cameron Mothersbaugh, Madisyn O. Sharer, Kasandra L. Smoyer, Kayla M. Snyder, Thomas Ventura, Derek M. Zettle. Grade 10 Sara A. Batdorf, Nicole L. Bienert, Adalea R. Brindel, Taylor M. Collison, Seth W. Cooke, Andrew R. Deardorff, Lindsey E. Dix, Lauren F. Eberly, Emma L. Federinko, Abigail L. Henning, Courtney T. Ironside, Casey O. Kuhlman, Susanna L. Mills, Anthony L. Montresor, Michael C. Mundt, Lindsay N. Murphy, Kyle M. Myers, John A. Ott, Melina J. Pinamonti, Kara E. Smith, Marchelle R. Smucker, Ashley D. Struble, Cameron Y. Tobias, Kaelyn S. Yoder. Grade 9 Samantha L. Bastress, Lucas J. Bitsko, Augustus P. Black, Kayla N. Bracken, Nakisha M. Breon, Tyler M. Breon, Haley A. Brown, Jordan E. Brown, Isaac W. DuVall, Megan I. Duck, Collin J. Egelhoff, Garrett R. Evans, Nicholas M. Fuller, Troy M. Green, Linsey M. Guisewhite, Katrina E. Heckman, Marissa L. Hettinger, Rachel E. Hodgson, Torrey M. Johnson, Valerie L. Kubalak, Benjamin M. Kupp, Nichole E. Leiby, Alyssa M. Limbaugh, Jacob M. Lundy, Amber L. May, Maria E. McQuaide, Grace R. Monroe, Adam G. Mothersbaugh, Gino P. Nicosia, Kylie N. Orndorf, Dylan C. Orndorf-Ronk, Abigail L. Pierce, Ryan J. Riegel, Alyssa D. Rote, Allison M. Schuster, Wyatt S. Sharp, Katie J. Smith, Robert R. Stattel, James A. Steffen, Mackenzie S. Wenrick. Grade 8 Benjamin C. J. Alexander, Raven C. Althouse, Destiny F. Andrus, Emily K. Batdorf, Tara J. Besecker, Allen J. Cain, Brinley J. Decker, Margaret S. Dunkelberger, Keith R. Griffith, Dylan L. Homan, Logan F. Johnson, Burton W. Peese, Karli E. Ripka, Amelia E. Seely, Jeremy R. Shawley, Taylor N. Shook, Reba M. Smith, Darian F. Stapleton, John T. Statham, Ezekiel R. Warren, Justice T. Welshans, Joseph L. Whitmer, Corbin D. Woodring, Dustin M. Zettle, Layne P. Zettle. Grade 7 Ryan S. Barber, Kourtney M. Beamesderfer, Payton D. Bell, Grace L. Bussard, Keith D. Butts, Stephanie A. Clouser, Alyssa M. Denger, Connor J. Dix, Joy S. Done, Martha G. Dunkelberger, Minmay S. Duplanty, Alexis M. Feidler, Katherine E. Haines, Taylor E. Hettinger, Alicia M. Houser, Paige M. Kerstetter, Jane L. Kistler, David F. Krum, Emalee S. Kubalak, Ayva V. Kunes, Howard R. Lowe, Emma M. Lundy, Paige M. Myers, Katherine A. Ott, Derek M. Rishel, Hannah I. Schuster, Lucas M. Sharer, Cassie N. Shook, Luke T. Snyder, Hunter L. Spicer, Virginia M. Stattel, Dillon R. Steiger, Kelsey V. Sweitzer, Abigail A. Thom, Colton R. Wenrick, Rachel A. Wert, Jaclyn A. Wertz, Hailee E. Wingard, Matthew D. Wolfe, McKinley S. Yarrington, Allison M. Zerby. HONOR ROLL Grade 12 Austin P. Auman, Christopher T. Belko, Kathleen C. Bowes, Nate A. Brown, Derek E. Dashem, Justin T. Dashem, Alexis DeHass-Ewing, Cassandra M. Hazel, Ian S. Henderson, T. Hensley, Neil M. Hosterman,

Robbie T. Johnson, Corey King, Lilly-Ann H. Kline, Bridget M. Kocher, Cody A. Kresen, Andria M. Lamey, Brooke A. Lindsay, Caleb J. Luse, Gabrielle E. Maylock, Richard P. Robson, Jr., Tiarra A. Rossman, Tyler A. S. Shawver, Toby L. Smoyer, Samuel T. Snyder, Megan E. Stitzer, Jessica B. Stover, Nathan D. Strouse, Matthew J. Swartz, Jordan R. Walizer, Shannon G. Wolfe, Adam R. Yarger, Mason A. Younker, Hali M. Zerbe. Grade 11 Tracey S. Bierly, Jenna M. Bishop, Benjamin R. Blaszczak, Mikayla L. Castellano, Jordan L. Cole, Cole J. Confer, Logan M. Coursen, Carolyn R. Darr, Hannah E. Done, Morgan J. Geesey, Grace E. Gover, Brandilyn L. Heckman, Marisa A. Heiser, Matthew N. Hodgson, Dallas W. Homan, Dominique B. Hook, Christopher N. Houtz, Macee E. Kensinger, Janelle R. Kline, Kelsey A. Kocher, Hannah E. Krammes, Heather M. Leigey, Joel K. McClintic, Andrew J. Myers, Teresa R. Nicosia, Kurtis J. Packer, Tanner W. Potter, Jacob A. Robinson-Hughes, Kelsey J. Rossman, Vincent Rowles, Morgan L. Royer, Ayla R. Russell, Elizabeth R. Shutt, Corby J. Smith, Rachel E. Sterner, Erik M. Winter, Aaron W. Wolfe, David P. Young, Joshua M. Zook. Grade 10 Rachel S. Auman, Lindsey M. Bell, Liam I. Benfer, Jessica M. Bickle, David L. Bierly, Staci L. Bowersox, Devin S. Boyles, Tiffany E. Breon, Steven T. Brown, Jr., Alyssa L. Brungart, Courtney D. Cain, Kyler R. Confer, Michael C. Confer, Benjamin S. Curran, Seth E. Decker, Margaret C. Dobell, Jacob K. Eck, Angelica M. Emel, Benjamin P. Engle, Shawn M. Foreman, David T. Fox, Megan A. Franklin, Joshua R. Getz, Andrew T. Hankinson, Nicole R. Harbaugh, Melinda L. Hicks, Lucas C. Kneller, Drew A. Krammes, Andrew M. Long, Rachel M. Long, Tangie M. Lyons, Helen R. Melville, Lharizza F. Metz, Brooke L. Miller, Elizabeth K. Moyer, Madison N. Murphy, Jared K. Muthersbaugh, Angelo C. Nicosia, Taylor L. Noll, Ayla M. Olsen-Zelman, Dekota H. Ronk, Haley M. Sasserman, Mitchell D. Shuey, Andrew C. Slavinsky, Zachary D. Smith, Levi W. Spicer, Cody W. Stoner, Jason R. Thoms, Dalton C. Ulmanic, Lakotah S. Waltz, Bryan M. Wasson, Nadia T. Webb, Charles B. Wingard, Nicholas L. Witherite, Andrew C. Wolfe,Tyler Zimmerman. Grade 9 Devin T. Andrus, Zachary W. Auker, Charlotte E. Auman, Christopher S. Beamesderfer, Cassidy L. Brown, Lucie C. Case, Makayla A. Dreibelbis, Ethan L. Dunlap, Tyler J. Eberly, Joshua A. Farwell, Gabe B. Gensimore, Jordan L. Greenland, Eliza L. Gretok, Coleton L. Harter, Trevor R. Heckman, Natalie M. Hoffman, Megan E. Hughes, Hunter D. Ilgen, Logan J. Johnson, David J. Keller, Samantha M. Kelly, Daniel J. Kozar, Kiley N. Lubinski, Makayla E. Luse, Carranda J. McCool, Ryan M. McElwee, Dylan R. Michna, Brandi C. Owens, Haylie R. Smiles, Lydia K. Smith, Kortnie M. Starr, Kevin T. Sweeley, Colton A. Treaster, Olivia K. VanHeyst, Caleb D. Wallingford, Kylee J. Wasson, Tiger A. Welch, Micah J. Wheland, Tanner J. Zaffuto. Grade 8 Kearston L. Andrus, Benjamin M. Bienert, Chloe N. Brungart, Owen R. Carper, Chase A. Collison, Katarina G. Covalt, Curtis E. Decker, Zachariah K. Engle, Gustavo Garcia, Chase L. Hart, Seth T. Hensley, Jordan E. Holsopple, Zachary D. Homan, Amanda F. Huey, Mackenzi A. Ironside, Kira R. Krape, Caitlyn R. Lundy, Rebekah L. McClellan, Olivia K. Meyer, Hunter C. Meyers, Olivia A. Miller, Jonathan R. Montresor, Wyatt K. Moore, Naomi J. Olsen-Zelman, Kayla E. Palm, Daytona C. Ronk, Hanna M. Sasserman, Taylor K. Smith, Jonas P. Smucker, Curtis L. Sones, Elizabeth A. Traband, Melinda G. Vavrick, Trevor A. Vonada, Walter I. White. Grade 7 Christine J. Addis, Nathan D. Auman, Thomas G. Bierly, Timothy D. Breon, Jared Q. Bressler, Ira J. Brown, IV, Takoda V. Bubb, Maxton S. Case, Olivia D. Corman, Makayla L. Dreibelbis, Garrett R. Fleck, Trevor J. Fleck, Stephen G. Gover, Cole M. Hess, Harley J. Hess, Maci N. Ilgen, Leah S. Johnson, Brock A. Johnstonbaugh, Ryan P. Kensinger, Ariana N. Krammes, Elizabeth P. Lingle-Brooks, Brittany M. Long, Ryan P. Long, Mikenna L. Lyons, Tanner D. McCool, Isaiah E. Niedermyer, Kyle D. Orndorf-Ronk, Isabella R. Peterson, Trevor W. Rhoades, Cory D. Rimmey, Taran K. Rowles, Mikaela D. Royer, Christian R. Rudolph, Ivie M. Russell, Hayden P. Smith, Logan D. Smith, Hannah E. Spotts, Braden M. Stodart, Kenneth A. Stolicker, Cassidy N. Stover, Andrew H. Tobias, Bennett W. Vanlandingham, Michaela K. Wallingford, Celena J. Ward, Devon M. Wasson, Kyndra B. Weaver, Darren E. Yearick.

Twins Receive Highest Scout Awards Contributed by Dave Wasson

STATE COLLEGE – Alek Donato Masters and Sarah Renee Masters, twin brother and sister, received their Eagle Scout and Gold Award in a joint Court of Honor on December 3. Alek Donato Masters of Troop 380 of Boalsburg capped his Eagle Scout award with his service project of cleaning up and re-landscaping the Boalsburg Limestone Kiln located in Country Place Park, Harris Township. The effort included removing weeds and ivy from the kiln, removing a fallen tree, repair-

L to R: David Wasson from the State College Elks presents Scouting certificates to Boalsburg twins, Alek and Sarah Masters.

ing a section of fence damaged by the fallen tree, cleaning and resealing the sign, and planting thorn bushes to keep visitors from falling into the kiln. Alek organized more than 100 hours of effort by 25 volunteers. Alek joined Cub Scout Pack 380 in September of 2000 and completed the Eagle requirements in March 2011 while also earning the Arrow of Light in January 2005. Sarah Renee Masters of Troop 1213 of Boalsburg capped her Gold Award by her service project of creating and installing trail marker signs for trails at the Penn State University Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center. The center has many trails, however, they were marked only with painted blazers and were not easy to follow. Sarah made signs to go on three different trails in place of the painted blazers. She created unique designs for each trail so that hikers could tell exactly what trail they were following. The new cedar trail markers are routed designs, painted and treated for weather. In total, more than 350 signs were created and installed. Sarah worked more than 100 hours on this project and involved more than 25 volunteers. Sarah joined Brownie Troop 1213 in September of 2000 and completed the Gold Award in August

2011 while also earning the Bronze Award in June 2006 and the Silver Award in June 2009. Dave Wasson of SC Elks Lodge #1600 presented Alek and Sarah with a certificate and flag. Other presenters were U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson, County Commissioner Jon Eich, and Sheriff Denny Nau. Other organizations presenting certificates and gifts included the Nittany Leathernecks and the Sons of the American Revolution.


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JANUARY 6, 2012

going LOCAL! an Adventure Eaters Guide By Ken Hull

Happy New Year Gazette Readers! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoyed bringing in 2012. I for one had a great Christmas spent with family and friends. We gathered at my sister Kathy’s house and enjoyed a feast fit for a king! My sister is without a doubt, one of the finest non-pro cooks around. Unfortunately she only cooks for family and friends so you’re out of luck. However my dear fans, there is a place you can go that’s even better than my sister’s (no, not my mom’s) where they serve you like family – they even have a designated table called the Stammtisch (Family Table). Along with their “entertaining” style of customer service, they are true professionals with international experience. And, no one, I mean no one, leaves hungry! The following is a re-worked excerpt from my first book going LOCAL! An Adventurer’s Guide to Unique Eats, Cool Pubs & Cozy Cafés of Central Pennsylvania. And believe me, this place is very “Unique.” HERWIG’S AUSTRIAN BISTRO I first met Herwig Brandstatter in 1982. He and his wife Gundi had just

purchased a house and settled here in State College while passing through on their way to Australia. They had come from a beautiful mountain village in the south of Austria where “Brandy,” as his friends call him, owned and operated a grand chalet/hotel with a five-star restaurant inside. European dignitaries, as well as U.S. and other world figures, frequented his place. While on holiday, he and his family decided to visit a friend here in State College. When they arrived, they fell in love with the area and the opportunities it provided. Shortly after their decision to settle here, he and Gundi decided to bring the tastes of Austria here, and in 1982 they opened Herwig’s Edelweiss in the Lodge at Tussey Mountain. When Brandy first arrived in Happy Valley, along with his culinary traditions he also brought another tradition. Back home, folks used snuff. This isn’t the crap we have here that goes in your mouth, this is of a much higher and finer grade that’s inhaled. Bandy kept his in a little antique silver container that he always had in his pocket. Every hour or so he would take it from his pocket, tap it a few times, turn it to expose the opening, then carefully tap out a very tiny amount on the side of his hand. Then with a short, very quick sniff, would inhale the tobacco into his nostrils. I thought this was really cool! Wanting to be as cool as Bandy, I went to a local tobacco shop, bought some, and convinced some friends to give it a try with me. I had to go first, of course. I took the can and tapped it against my palm and twisted it to expose the opening. I pointed it at the side of my


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hand and gently bumped the container – all just like Brandy. However, unlike Brandy’s tin, nothing came out of mine. I closed it and tapped again – nothing! So much for trying to be cool in front of my friends. Trying to save face, I thought I’d just sniff directly from the can. So I tapped it again, turned it open, tilted my head back, and put the hole to my nose and inhaled as hard as I could. Unbeknownst to me, there had been a ball of tobacco forming inside the container and growing larger and larger with each tapping. Like an as-

cooked Austrian delights as well as soups, salads, and some amazing homemade desserts. Here’s a tiny sampling: Wienerschnitzel, Tyrolean Grostl (Home Style Hash – Assorted Meats Pan-Sauteed w/Potatoes and onions), and Krabbenkrapferl (Thee Most Delicious Crab Cake Ever!). On occasion they even serve Pig Legs! Oh, if you haven’t figured this out, it’s not a place for someone on a diet. Their motto at Herwig’s is “Where Bacon is an Herb.” From a grand chalet in the Austrian Alps, to a hillside restaurant at Tussey

teroid, this immense ball of pure tobacco broke loose and launched itself into my sinuses! The looks on my friend’s faces were nothing compared to mine. I jumped, spun, and flailed myself around as my “so-called” friends laughing their butts off! Needless to say, none of them wanted to try it, and as soon as I regained consciousness and the blood receded from my head, I walked over to a nearby dumpster and tossed my snuff away and never touched it again. True story! Herwig’s Edelweiss eventually closed because I honestly think Brandy was way ahead of his time and folks around here just didn’t get it. With time, all things change and now with their very talented son Bernd, Brandy and Gundi have revived their passion and desire to bring the taste of their home country to Central Pennsylvania once again as Herwig’s Austrian Bistro. These days their place is packed every lunch and dinner. They now cook for a generation that not only gets it, but also loves and supports it. The food here is amazing! Unlike the chains where everything is shipped in frozen, everything at Herwig’s is prepared fresh for that day and evening (Brandy even makes every bratwurst from scratch, using meat from a local butcher). At Herwig’s you will find a near endless amount of yummy home-

Mountain, and now a street-side bistro in State College, the Brandstatter family has proven their worth in the world of great cuisine. Herwig’s Austrian Bistro offers amazing food at very fair prices and they’re BYOB too! So pack up your favorite wine or beer, dress in your lederhosen if you like, but be sure and take a sense of humor – they love to joke and tease, but it’s all in good fun. But be sure you finish your meal, otherwise… Well, you’ll find out. Enjoy! HERWIG’S AUSTRIAN BISTRO – State College, Centre County Locally Owned By: Herwig, Gundi, and son Bernd Brandstatter Cuisine: Original and Authentic Austrian Price Range: $5.00 to $18.00 Hours: Open 11:30 a.m. Close Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday & Saturday at 9 p.m. Location: 132 W. College Ave. Wi-Fi: No Contact Info: (814) 238-0200 Find them on Facebook Vegetarian Offerings: Yes Supports Local Farmers: Yes Ken Hull is a local artist, author, biker, and “adventure eater” living the life in historic Boalsburg Village. His books are available locally and at www.goingLOCALpa.com. E-mail him at ken@kenhull.com.

JANUARY 6, 2012


Finding Home:

The Mail Lady By Cheryl Edwards

As a youngster, I loved Mr. Rogers. I was especially fond of the mailman with his “Speedy Deliveryâ€? greeting. I’ve had my share of residential mailfolk over the years, but living in Bellefonte is the ďŹ rst time I’d ever found my own mail delivery star. The regular mail lady for our block is the epitome of small town life and I couldn’t reect on Centre County without including her. I ďŹ rst spoke to her shortly after moving here. I’d never had a door-side mailbox and was at a loss as to how to best post outgoing mail without the little red ag that’s standard on driveway boxes. She was friendly and helpful and had a smile and a wave every time we crossed paths after that. The friendliness alone was stellar, but she went beyond that. In August, I had major back surgery and in the early weeks at home it was important that I walk a bit. My boyfriend and I set out one day (I joked that he had to walk me like a puppy!) when the mail truck was a few doors before our house. The mail lady spotted us, hopped out of the truck, and hustled after us. She knew me by sight, knew from the brace I had surgery, and had spotted a package needing a signature. She made sure she got me to sign, noting she didn’t want me

to miss something important and have to journey to the post oďŹƒce. After I signed, she oered to drop the package at our door so we could continue on our walk. As I’ve healed and been home, I’ve continued to see her often. She has always asked how I’m feeling and following the stages of my progress like shedding my brace and starting physical therapy. If she has anything remotely heavy, she’ll always knock and oer to bring inside. She’s even knocked for lighter items that might not ďŹ t in the box since she spotted me struggling to bend for a package on the stoop once. I have to admit that I don’t know her name, though maybe that will keep me from embarrassing her with this column. I do plan to clip a copy to our mailbox when it runs so she’s knows her kindness is appreciated. I believe that the simplest acts are sometimes the most appreciated but that they also go unrecognized. So, to ďŹ ght the trend of overlooking the people who make our days brighter – Thank you, mail lady. You are part of the spirit that makes me love living in Central PA. I know for a fact that I’m not alone in appreciating the extra cheer you always bring.


PAW PA AW WS S Pu Pu urr rr-sonal rr Black and brown male tabby seeks to start the New Year with a new forever family. Jules is a very smart guy, learning how to use a human toilet at his former home and demonstrating excellent litter box habits at PAWS. But the best characteristic of Jules is his loving attitude. He is great with kids, letting them hold him and carry him. The only reason Jules came to PAWS is because he loved to follow his former siblings outside and the family feared for Jules’ safety since they lived along State College’s Atherton Street. You can read more about Jules at http://www.centrecountypaws.org/cats or visit him at PAWS (1401 Trout Rd., State College) when they reopen to the public on January 7.

Bestwick Foundation Hosts Children’s Holiday Party Contributed by CVIM

STATE COLLEGE – The Bestwick Foundation held its inaugural Holiday Children’s Party for area families in need. Members from 10 families were invited to Ye Olde College Diner in State College for festivities including a family-style dinner, carolers, a visit with Santa, and presents for each child. Family baskets were also given consisting of games, food items, and gift cards. The families, located through Centre Volunteers in Medicine, appreciated this extra support and help through the holiday season. The Bestwick Foundation was created by area businessmen Steve Greer, Dan Rallis, and Jamie Bestwick in 2011 with the purpose of supporting families dealing with cancer and other medical issues. Bestwick, a ďŹ ve-time gold medal winner and eight-time overall champion in BMX Vertical at the X Games, resides in State College with his family. Most recently, Bestwick was nominated for a prestigious Laureus award in the category of World Action Sportsperson of the Year. Sponsors contributing donations and funds to help underwrite the event in partnership with the Bestwick Foundation were Ye Olde College Diner, the Avedisian and Rallis Families, and Hoss’s Steak and Sea House.

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve has always been a time for me to pamper me! Not that I do that much anymore to get ready for the Holidays; it just seems that I don’t feel guilty taking time to do what I want to do.In my case that means reading. One of my favorite authors is Sharon Sala and because her books tend to be very dierent, I feel that I can get away with reviewing her now and again. The Chosen may sound like an odd choice for this festive time of year, but maybe that is why I enjoyed it so much. The last thing that pimp Jay Carpenter remembered was slapping one of his girls for holding out money on him. In the hospital the medical team removed part of a brain tumor and successfully brought Jay back from death twice. The near death experience was so shattering to Jay that when he returned to the street he took his ďŹ rst step in what he believed was the perfect redemption. He would live as Jesus Christ lived. January Delena’s job as a well-known journalist has not made her many friends on the police force. The police feel that her on-site reporting interferes with their ability to solve the crimes. Doing research for a piece on near-death experiences, she hears of a man called The Sinner who claims to have been to Hell and back. Through Mother Mary, the nun who runs a homeless shelter, January learns that a series of street people have gone missing and several bizarre murders have taken place. January feels that they are somehow connected. First a street preacher known as Bother John is found beheaded. Then a man named Matt, one named Mark, and Jude, a bouncer at a strip club have disappeared. Later, the police ďŹ nd that the body of recently deceased Walter Leopold Lazarus has been dug up and arranged seated on the bench near his grave. The book races to a ďŹ nish as the “connectionâ€? includes Mother Mary and January Delena herself. Sala is not your typical sweet little, comfortable murder mystery writer. This book has some horriďŹ c scenes in it and a very tense conclusion. The author has a knack for creating such good side characters that the reader gets caught up in their stories, both good and evil. This is an author that goes on every vacation trip with me. Fortunately, she is proliďŹ c and I am able to have a “stashâ€? waiting for the future.

Harry Shaw

Santa’s sleigh was ďŹ lled to capacity with presents for children attending the Bestwick Foundation Kid’s Party.

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JANUARY 6, 2012

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Recycle Your Old Electronics By Amy Schirf, Centre County Solid Recycling & Refuse Authority Zip It or Cinch It TWO styles to choose from!

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Recycling Tip from CCSWA Due to a new Pennsylvania law (Act 108 of 2010 - The Covered Device Recycling Act), certain electronic devices must now be recycled and should not be placed in the trash. The electronic devices that fall under this law include: desktop computers, monitors, laptops, computer peripherals, and televisions. Residents may recycle these electronics (free of charge) at the Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority’s Electronic Recycling Drop-Off Site, located at 253 Transfer Road in Bellefonte. Please call me at (814) 238-7005, or send me an e-mail at amyschirf@uplink.net for questions or further information on the new electronics recycling law. Happy New Year to all and thanks for recycling!

JANUARY 6, 2012



Landmark Round Barn Receives a Facelift Article & photos by Sam Stitzer

POTTER TOWNSHIP – The famous round barn along Route 45 in Potter Township is getting a facelift in the form of a new roof. The cedar-shake roof was last replaced in 1993, and was supposed to last 40 years, but has been leaking for several years. According to Dave Shuey, who maintains the round barn property, Lee Cowan, a Bellefonte roofing contractor began replacing the roof beginning in July, 2011, and is still not completely finished. All the cedar shakes are in place, but repair work is still in progress on the dormer windows and trim strips. Shuey said that the weather has caused the project to take much longer than expected. The extreme heat of the summer and a rainy autumn combined to delay the completion. The roof required about 80 squares of shingles. A square equals 100 square feet, so this translates to 8,000 square feet, or the equivalent of about five average size houses – not a small task! Many of the purlins, the wooden strips to which the shingles are attached,

Roofing work is nearly complete in this December, 2011 photo. Dormer windows were removed to be repaired and refurbished.

Scaffolding and supports allowed workers access to the roof.

were rotted and had to be replaced as the work progressed. Some of the secondlevel floorboards, having rotted due to the leaking roof, were replaced in 2010. The shakes are natural cedar tan color now, but will weather in time, and return the roof to its familiar grey. The round barn was designed by Calvin R. Neff (1860-1920) and was built by a local carpenter, Aaron Thomas (1848-1926) in 1910, supposedly without using plans or drawings. The story goes that Mr. Neff was inspired to build a round barn after seeing similar structures from a train window on a trip to the Midwest in 1892.The two-level round barn measures 88 feet in diameter, enclosing 6,000 square feet, and stands 56 feet high at the center cupola. The barn celebrated its centennial in October of 2010 with a birthday party which drew a crowd of nearly 2,500 people. It is one of Centre County’s most famous landmarks, and this new roof promises to preserve the structure’s integrity for decades to come.





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JANUARY 6, 2012

Night of Arts, Chocolate & Conservation Contributed by ClearWater Conservancy

STATE COLLEGE – ClearWater Conservancy will once again offer its delicious blend of chocolate, art, and music at the 13th annual For the Love of Art & Chocolate from 7 to 9:30 p.m. January 27 at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel in State College. All proceeds go to further ClearWater’s land and water conservation efforts in central Pennsylvania. Tickets are $30 per person and are available by calling (814) 237-0400 or e-mailing sarah@clearwaterconservancy.org. Tickets will also be sold at the door. ClearWater Conservancy executive director Jennifer Shuey hopes that people’s love of chocolate and art will bring them out to the event. “For the Love of Art & Chocolate is ClearWater’s signature winter fundraising event,” said Shuey. “I personally believe that artistry and beauty is a wonderful way to reach out to people that complements the science of conservation.” Guests can sample many locally-made chocolate delicacies while taking part in the silent auction of nature-inspired art by local artists. Music will be provided by Jazza-Ma-Phone. More than 65 items will be featured in the nature-themed art silent auction. Oil paintings, pastels, watercolors, mixed media, photography, wood and clay sculpture and bowls, pottery, baskets, jewelry, quilting, felting, and much more were generously donated by talented local artists. The event catalogue featuring photos of the silent auction items will be posted online at www.clearwaterconservancy.org/chocolate.htm approximately one week before the event. There will be a raffle drawing for a 24”x32” stretched canvas giclee print by local landscape artist Jennifer Kane. Kane created a 30”x40” commemorative oil painting of the 152-acre property that ClearWater recently acquired in Galbraith Gap. In a new twist from past years, the original will be sold by the artist to benefit ClearWater Conservancy and the giclee print will be raffled. This is the fifth painting in a commemorative series of works by Jennifer Kane based on ClearWater’s conserved lands. Raffle tickets may be purchased for $5 each through January 27 at ClearWater’s office, at Appalachian Outdoors in downtown State College, and at Contempo Artisan Boutique, 109 S. Church Street, Boalsburg. The winner need not be present to win. Also to be raffled is a retreat package to the C. Barton McCann School of Art in Petersburg. Included is a two-day, one night stay and weekend workshop for two. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at ClearWater’s offices and at the event.

900 Pennsylvania Ave, T YRONE, PA Phone: 814-684-4424 Toll Free: 866-788-4424 To 57721@aooll.com E-Mail: demoo57 Mon.–Fri. 8 – 5, Saturday, 8 –1

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More than 65 items will be featured in the nature-themed art silent auction January 27 at For The Love of Art & Chocolate.


JANUARY 6, 2012


Penns Valley Musicians Celebrate Christmas Article & Photos by Sam Stitzer

SPRING MILLS – The Penns Valley High School band and chorus wrapped up the 2011 Christmas season with their Holiday Concert December 21 at the high school auditorium. The 55-member chorus, led by choral director Phil Stattel, began the program with Mozart’s Alleluia. Three more songs followed, including Ubi Caritas, a haunting, chant-like tune whose origins date back to somewhere between the fourth and tenth centuries. The Chamber choir subgroup sang three numbers including Jingle Bells Calypso, which put a Latin spin on the old favorite. The full chorus returned with two sleigh-themed songs titled The Sleigh, and Sleigh Ride. Between them was Betelehemu, a Nigerian folk song with percussion accompaniment. All the songs were very well done. After an intermission, the concert band, directed by Darris De Remer, took the stage for a fivesong program. Two of the five songs were the work of composer Leroy Anderson. The trumpet sec-

tion was featured in Bugler’s Holiday (they were great!), and the iconic holiday favorite Sleigh Ride was also a crowd pleaser. For the grand finale, the band and chorus combined, and invited audience members and alumni to join them in performing G. F. Handel’s Halleluiah Chorus from his Messiah oratorio. Their invitation filled the stage with singers of all ages from the audience. Their performance was spectacular, with the final “Hal-laaay-u-ia” bringing spine tingles and some tears to the enthralled audience. It was a great concert which showcased the talent of the Penns Valley High School students, and the community spirit of the entire valley. At the concert’s end, band director Darris DeRemer referred to a quote by Leo Tolstoy, which said that “music is the shorthand of emotion.” DeRemer remarked that the students added the emotion to the music. “It’s just notes without emotion,” he said. Emotion certainly filled the auditorium that night, thanks to the talented singers and musicians of Penns Valley.


Elks Spread Holiday Cheer Caroling for an Ailing Member

STATE COLLEGE – ’Tis truly the season for giving, and members of the State College Elks demonstrated this in true Christmas fashion. Members recently gathered for an evening of Christmas caroling at the home of a member who is battling a very serious illness. In addition, the members donated gift cards to be used by the family as they travel to and from the treatment center. Nearly thirty carolers turned out for the event, which took place on a very cold evening.

Gifts for Centre Crest Veterans

BELLEFONTE – Over the Christmas holidays, members of the Bellefonte Elks Lodge 1094 visited 15 veterans residing at Centre Crest Nursing Home. Mick Lose was in charge of the project. He and his wife, Pat, assembled a Christmas gift bag for each veteran. The bags contained a throw blanket, various toiletries, a Christmas card, and ornament. Each veteran was given a gift bags and thanked for his or her service to our country. Bellefonte Elks volunteers who assisted Mick with the project were, L to R: Dale Moore (ER), Steve McCulley, Pudge Smith, Donna Eckley, Helen Williams, Linda Nau, Ron Chubb, Richard Steele, shown with Mick Lose, chairman. Also assisting was Nina King, (PER).

Trumpets were featured in Leroy Anderson’s Bugler’s Holiday.


www.centrecountygazette.com or Centre County Gazette Phil Stattel directed the High School Chorus to begin the concert.



2012 Dog Licenses Now Available Contributed by Centre County Treasurer

Richard A. Fornicola, Centre County Treasurer, announced the 2012 dog licenses are now available for purchase at the following locations: CENTRE COUNTY TREASURER’S OFFICE Bellefonte LYONS KENNELS Bellefonte MT NITTANY GENERAL STORE Lemont VALLEY HOME SUPPLY Milesburg HOSTERMAN & STOVER HARDWARE Millheim KEPHART’S HARDWARE Philipsburg ADRIAN’S DOG HOUSE Pleasant Gap PORT MATILDA BORO BUILDING Port Matilda MOUNTAINTOP TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Snow Shoe E&L SUPPLIES Spring Mills CENTRE ANIMAL HOSPITAL State College PATTON TOWNSHIP BUILDING State College STATE COLLEGE BORO BUILDING State College WISCOY PET FOOD CO State College HALFMOON TOWNSHIP OFFICE BLDG Stormstown NITTANY VALLEY HARDWARE Zion Mr. Fornicola said all types of dog licenses, including senior citizen, may be purchased at the outlets. However, arrangements for lifetime licenses must be made at the Treasurer’s Office and owners must be prepared to go to a veterinarian to have the dog tattooed or micro-chipped. State Law requires all dogs, three months or older, must be licensed in the county where they are maintained. New tags should be displayed beginning January 1, 2012. Owners of dogs without licenses could be subject to penalties. A license serves a very important purpose in helping to return a dog to its owner if it should happen to stray or become lost. License prices for 2012: productive males or females are $8.45 while the fee for unproductive males or females is $6.45. Senior citizens may purchase a license for a productive male or female for $6.45 and an unproductive male or female for $4.45. For additional information, call the Centre County Treasurer’s Office (814) 355-6810.

State College Borough Residents Snow Removal on Sidewalks Sidewalks must be cleared of all snow and ice within 24 hours after a snowfall has ceased. Contributed by State College Borough

Keeping the sidewalks clear is critical for both public safety and accessibility. It is especially important to clear ramps at corners so that full access is maintained. Snow and ice must be removed from the entire surface of the sidewalk over its entire length and width. Failure to clear sidewalks will result in violations and costs to the property owner when the Borough has to contract for the sidewalks to be cleared. (Please remember that residents are required to make arrangements for keeping their sidewalks clear when they are out of town.) The full ordinance can be found online by visiting www.statecollegepa.us clicking on Borough Codes and then on Chapter XVI, Part G. Questions may be directed to the State College Department of Ordinance.


JANUARY 6, 2012

Miller Earns Highest Honor

MILLHEIM – John Miller of the Millheim Lions Club was awarded Lions Club International’s highest honor, a Melvin Jones Fellowship. The award was given at the Millheim Lions Club Annual Christmas meeting. Standing L to R: presenting the award is president Dennis Beckenbaugh, John Miller with award in hand, and prior recipients of the Melvin Jones Award – Wendell Royer, Ralph Musick, and Dean Rishel.

Downtown Rotary Club Offers Dining & Entertainment Book Contributed by State College Downtown Rotary

STATE COLLEGE – The State College Downtown Rotary Club’s 2012 Dining and Entertainment Books are now available. The club’s 25th anniversary books contain two-for-one vouchers from a record 62 venues, offering more than $600 in savings to regional restaurants and attractions for the cost of $20 per book. Proceeds benefit local non-profit organizations such as the State College Area Food Bank, YMCA, high school scholarships, and other Rotarysupported projects. This year the book offers a broadened regional array of vendors from State College, Boalsburg, Bellefonte, and Pleasant Gap. Whether you would like to try a new venue in fine or family dining, play golf or mini golf, go skating, or attend a movie, theatre attraction, or sporting event, there is something for everyone. 2012 Dining & Entertainment books can be purchased from any member of the State College Downtown Rotary Club or at the following State College locations during regular business hours: • Centre Area Transportation Authority (CATA) – 2081 West Whitehall Road, (814) 238-2282 • Moyer Jewelers – 100 East College Avenue, (800) 648-8494 • Sepich Eye Care – Oakwood Centre, 100 Oakwood Avenue, Suite 300, (814) 272-0262 Dining & Entertainment Book sales typically generate more than half of the monies raised by the State College Downtown Rotary Club to support area projects. Although a January purchase of the books enables customers to take full advantage of the more than $600 in values, the books, which are valid throughout all of 2012, can be purchased at any time during the year.

New Elks Members

As we begin a new year, it is a great time to take advantage of Mount Nittany’s community health events. Because part of being healthy, getting well or managing a disease is staying informed. Register now for support groups for breast cancer, diabetes and eating disorders. Plus, join us for our joint replacement discussion, “A Joint Venture,” and for our prenatal discussion night. Starting off 2012 by promoting wellness in our community – that’s L I F E F O R WA R D. For a full schedule of January’s community events, visit mountnittany.org/events. © 2012 Mount Nittany Health System

BELLEFONTE – Ten new members were recently initiated into the Bellefonte Elks Lodge. Shown are: Joseph Jozefick, Michael B. Danneker, Daniel Womeldorf, David G. McKinley, Kara Krebs, Gene Brinkman, Ryan Golas, Shelby Maynard, Jason Brower and Randall Kilmer, with Exalted Ruler, Dale Moore.

JANUARY 6, 2012



A Festive First Night in State College Article & photos by Karen Dabney

STATE COLLEGE – Taking advantage of the mild weather, festive crowds of all ages welcomed the new year during 2012 First Night State College. Music, magic, and workshops ďŹ lled venues throughout downtown State College on December 31 from 1 to 11:15 pm. First Night oered an abundance of children's activities. The crafts workshops in the State College Presbyterian Church inspired toddlers through preteens to string beads for jewelry and to decorate cotton gym sacks with colorful fabric shapes and letters. They created badges in the the State College Municipal Building Community Room, and spun the wheels of fate in Mayor Welch Plaza to get their new year's fortunes. Budding thespians enjoyed The Gypsy Princess, an audience-interactive storytelling show oered by Middle Earth Studios. For those who preferred to watch, The Puppet Factory staged a puppet show, The Precious Pearl. The young and the young at heart laughed and applauded during Chuck Flayhart's humorous magic show, and the Amazing Feats of Comedy by Michael Rosman. Flayhart gave his own droll twist to traditional magic like the cups and balls trick, and to balancing tricks, but also added an escape from two straightjackets that were fastened on him by a child from the audience. Rosman, a graduate of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus Clown College, treated his audiences to the humorous side of juggling and unicycling, with physical comedy, jokes, and some circus stunts mixed in. He juggled balls, blocks, knives, and clubs, sometimes while on precarious footing, such as a wooden board balanced on a bowling ball. His two talented teenagers, Ethan and Sophia, joined him for many of the acts. For their

grand ďŹ nale, the trio juggled clubs, passing them from person to person, while Rosman rode a unicycle, Ethan stood on a board balanced on a PVC pipe, and Sophia stood on a balance ball. For those who wanted to get a head start on their resolution to exercise more, First Night oered a Zumba class, an introductory belly dance workshop, and an aerobic, foot-stomping evening of contra dancing with live music by local band Smash the Windows, and calling by Bob Nicholson. The belly dance performance at the University Baptist and Brethren Church showcased Shannon Bishop and Kristal Watrous of the local Pepper Lotus Tribal Dancers, and Anahata Tribal Belly Dance Troupe from Lewisburg. The dancers performed graceful Egyptian dances, high-energy Turkish dances, and group-improvised American Tribal dances. The First Night concerts oered something for everyone. Rich Hirsch's newest band, the Hexagon Jazz Sextet, presented one of several jazz performances. Rockfest at the Fairmont School featured eight high-energy high school bands. The Nittany Highland Pipe Band, Callanish, and the duo of Bruce Foley and Mary Cooley oered various avors of Celtic music. Music lovers could also hear Dixieland, classical, folk, bluegrass, barbershop, and improvisational percussion music. Part of the fun of the glittering ice sculptures throughout Sidney Friedman Park, South Allen Street, and vicinity was watching the sculptors carve them with chainsaws. People enjoyed sitting in the

icy Angel Chair, but even more lined up to ride the ever-popular ice slide. Throughout the day, attendees wrote down old resolutions and regrets and pinned them to the Burning Man Sculpture. At 11:15 p.m., the sculpture was burned in Sidney Friedman Park to mark the end of the old year and welcome the new one.

A family rings in the new year by striking a gong in Sidney Friedman Park.

At one of the craft workshops, a young girl decorated a fabric gym bag.

An ice sculptor shapes one of the ice sculptures on South Allen Street.

Chuck Flayhart delighted audiences with his mix of magic and comedy.

MILLHEIM SMALL ENGINE and HARDWARE A boy on the Angel Chair ice sculpture

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JANUARY 6, 2012

Knock Off Unwanted Pounds & Keep Them Off By Brian E. Bassett

Losing weight ultimately comes down to one key principle: Burn more calories than you consume. No weight-loss plan will work if you have a thousand more calories coming into your body on a daily basis than you have going out. It is a good idea to count calories, keep a diary; and burn calories – running, walking, and even exercising while sitting in front of a computer. Following a weight-loss plan requires willpower – and old habits die hard. Here are some drastically edited excerpts from wikiHow, along with my own thoughts, which may help you to knock o unwanted pounds – and keep them o. Use smaller bowls, plates, and containers to subconsciously inuence how much you serve yourself. Put utensils down after every bite. Take a sip of water between bites. Give your stomach enough time to feel full and reduce the likelihood that you'll opt for seconds. Eat slowly and you’ll eat less. Make a list of the “badâ€? as well as healthful foods that are your weaknesses. Too much of anything is bad. Whatever your weakness may be, cut down on it.

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Cutting it out completely might make you more likely to binge. Of course, if cutting down doesn't work you might have to go “cold turkey.â€? Replace reďŹ ned-grain food (white bread, food made with white our) for whole-grain food (oatmeal, whole-grain cereal, whole-grain pasta, brown rice, and barley). You may not lose weight, but you will lose “waist,â€? by reducing belly fat. Limit the amount of cash you carry in your wallet, especially if you're subject to spontaneous fast-food indulgences. When grocery shopping, prepare a list and bring just enough money to purchase those items. The possibility of not having enough money at the register will keep you from throwing extra items in the cart. Set an alarm to go o every two hours. Eat only then. Eliminate spontaneous eating sessions. Avoid skipping meals. If you eat a little bit every two hours, you won't be so hungry that you gorge yourself. You’ll ďŹ nd it easier to maintain self-control and stick to your diet without hunger pangs clouding your judgment. This will increase your metabolism. Extending the time between meals will send your body into "starvation mode," and slow down your metabolism. Fasting and skipping meals only makes things worse. Set reasonable goals for weight loss, devise a plan to realize those goals, and then stick to it. The easiest way I’ve found for losing weight without invoking any immediate, major life-style change was to slightly decrease intake of all food and drink; and to eat or drink nothing but water after 7 p.m. After a couple weeks, cut out second helpings and stop eating and drinking at 6 p.m. Give this a month or so, then slightly reduce food and drink intake again. Eventually, move the time to stop eating and drinking back to 5 p.m. if you can. This isn’t easy – but it’s simple; and it works. If you really want to jump-start the process, cut out all alcohol and incorporate an aerobic-exercise program that lasts at least 20 minutes a day, three days a week. Good luck and Happy New Year.



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JANUARY 6, 2012


In 2012, Resolve to be Ready for Disasters By MaryAnn Tierney, Regional Administrator FEMA Region III

2011 has been an important reminder to all of us that disasters strike anytime, anyplace. Regionally, we have felt those devastating effects first hand. As we recovery from 2011's disasters we prepare to continually protect our communities for future emergency events in 2012. Our goal is to empower all residents to become their own emergency manager through simple steps such as getting a kit, making a plan, and staying informed. Last summer our region experienced disasters of significant proportion. The severe impact of Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm Lee, and the Mid-Atlantic earthquake thrust our recovery efforts into motion in record volume. However, each disaster was met head on by local, state, and federal partners ready to work together with the public's safety and best interest in our minds and hearts. Ultimately this year proved that we all are vulnerable to these hazards, no matter where we live. And preparing for them at the last minute can often be too little, too late. We all want the peace of mind of knowing that our families, our homes and our businesses are safe and protected from threats of any kind. While we can't control where or when the next flood, tornado, earthquake or other disaster will hit, we can take responsibility for preparing our loved ones and properties for emergencies. As we reflect on the past year and get ready for a new beginning, we're encouraging all Americans to do their part to be prepared by Resolving to be Ready for disasters in 2012. It's a New Year's resolution that is easy to keep – and could save your life. First, make a family emergency communications plan. How would you contact your child if the school was locked down? Where would you meet your family if cell phone towers were down? Simply take a moment to sit down with your family and come up with a communication plan to deal with these kinds of scenarios. Second, build an emergency kit for your home, office, and car. What if the roads were so bad, that you had to stay in your office overnight? It would be helpful to have spare food, clothes, and medications at your office desk. In the New Year, treat yourself to a shopping trip dedicated to building a few emergency kits. You can find a list of suggested items on Ready.gov. Third, stay informed of risks in your community. In this region in particular, we experience events such as floods, hurricanes, tropical storms and snow. Additionally, recognizing that it takes the whole community to implement all-inclusive emergency management, kind acts such as checking in on friends and neighbors that might need extra assistance could make a world of difference. So, if you haven't yet taken the steps to keep you and your family prepared for emergencies, please take some time this holiday season and resolve to be ready. Take the pledge or learn more information at www.ready.gov/pledge - and encourage the rest of your neighbors to join you. MaryAnn Tierney is the Regional Administrator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Region III office, which covers Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.


Free Yourself through Hypnosis By Amy Debach Confer

’Twas the season of overindulgence and gluttony. Now, in the new year, it's time for many to reverse the effects of the holiday season by setting a New Year’s resolution. While becoming motivated simply because the calendar shows it's a new year is a worthy gesture, it's important to set goals, whether big or small, year round. In the past, I have set the typical New Year’s resolutions such as to become healthier or to get organized. This year, I have decided not to make any specific resolutions and simply try to be the best person I can be – all year, all the time, every day. This encompasses everything from eating healthy, exercising, and being organized to going to church, climbing mountains, and being a good mamma, to name a few. Statistics show that approximately 40 to 45 percent of all Americans make at least one New Year’s resolution but, the following, from ProactiveChange.com, shows how many of these resolutions are maintained as time goes on: • past the first week: 75 percent • past two weeks: 71 percent • after one month: 64 percent • after six months: 46 percent While it has been proven that those who set goals are 10 times more likely to attain them, many break these goals and actually feel disappointment and failure after not reaching them. If you have stated a resolution or want to set a goal, conquer a fear, or stop a bad habit any time of the year but can't seem to stay on track, hypnosis could be the answer. I spoke with Lynn Ralston of Changes Hypnotherapy, whose main location is in Spring Mills. She also works in State College, Harrisburg, and New Cumberland. Lynn, who is also a Registered Nurse, has helped people to quit smoking, lose weight, overcome the fear of an upcoming surgery, control or eliminate pain, heal quicker after a surgery, and control stress, anxiety, fear, nail biting, dentistry, and even birthing. The list is seemingly endless. If one needs assistance keeping resolutions, hypnosis is truly a safe, natural, and effective way to make positive changes. Lynn explained that the biggest obstacle in the public’s choice to utilize hypnotherapy is the lack of understanding, resulting in unnecessary fear. Even professionals have been completely fooled by Hollywood’s swinging watches and stage hypnotist’s illusions. Hypnosis is not brainwashing or mind control! So many people don't know what it really is and Lynn said that her goal is to educate people, so that they will feel good about using this altered state of consciousness in which we naturally find

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ourselves many times a day. In that state you can resolve to accomplish far more than you ever thought possible, and with enough practice, you can continue to make positive changes through self hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is simply a state of relaxation and concentration. It is an applied, altered, safe state of consciousness that is natural and familiar. We are in this state when we daydream, often when we are driving a car or watching a movie or TV. We have been known to refer to it as “automatic pilot” when we are driving. This state of mind is natural to us and virtually impossible to avoid. This is why hypnosis could never be outlawed – it's unpreventable! Some believe that hypnotists brainwash or gain control of one’s mind but that is completely false. We are the only ones who decide our own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Lynn explained that the person has to want the change before it can work. We function on "files" that are stored in the subconscious and unconscious mind. These files can be changed any time, just as we "change our mind" about things in life. Lynn explained how we change attitudes and behaviors in our mind using this analogy. If, when we were a child, tried spinach and hated it, we save that hatred for its taste in a file in our subconscious mind. Then, every time we are offered it, we go to the file and pass up the spinach, subconsciously knowing that we don't like it. But then we're invited to a dinner party as an adult, where it would be rude to pass up the spinach. We try the spinach and then may realize it's actually good and we like it. We now go to the "hate spinach" file in our brain and change our mind about it. So next time we are offered spinach our subconscious tells us to eat it up! Now, take smoking for instance. You can use hypnosis to access the subconscious mind to deliberately make a change at a determined time and change your attitude and behavior about smoking. You would change your attitude from “smoking is ok” to “smoking is completely unacceptable” as one part of the change and simply quit. Once a person understands how hypnosis works and that they are always in complete control, they can be confident of using it deliberately. One is not asleep during this process, but instead aware. We can only make these positive changes such as stopping smoking or binge eating if we truly want the change to take place. So, in this New Year, 2012, we can make a resolution, set a goal, or simply be a better person but, if we need help to do this, know that hypnotherapy is a safe, natural, and effective way to change our mind and attitude. Happy New Year!

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JANUARY 6, 2012

New Year’s (Financial) Resolutions By Daniel J. Nestlerode

There is a lot of financial and economic stuff going on all around the world and much of it is rather serious. It is easy find yourself resigned to do nothing financially because it might not work anyway. Rather than slipping into resignation about financial matters, you should first sort the economic and financial events of the day into two piles: those you can do something about and those that are beyond your personal control. First let’s work on the ones that you can do something about. When pondering your personal financial New Years’ resolutions, make some goals that are readily attainable within the coming year. For example, winning the lottery is probably not going to happen, so don’t make resolutions that are akin to shooting for the moon. The first thing to resolve is to get professional assistance.

Resolution 1: Get professional assistance. When setting financial goals, be sure to enlist help from someone who is already good at making and keeping financial resolutions. I prefer this resolution

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to any others (e.g. saving more money or paying down credit card outstanding balances) because it puts you on a path, and starts a relationship that supports your commitments in life. Find a financial professional who is fee-based and not one who earns commissions selling you products. Your fee-based financial advisor should be one who is committed to the outcome of your investment efforts, not one who just wants to earn their living selling you stuff.

Resolution 2: Get your financial information together. If you followed Resolution One, you’ve found someone who will assist you in collecting and arranging your financial information so that you can make decisions based on your current situation. If you want to go somewhere, it is usually important to know where you are now.

Resolution 3: Set reasonable, attainable goals. Start your financial goals with baby steps. If you are already good at this, then you can take bigger steps. The really important point here is to start a process of repeated successes. Working with your advisor, start with things that are meaningful to you and your family and set short term goals: one month, three month, half year and full year. Then start achieving these goals with the help and assistance of your chosen advisor. Sir John Templeton (of mutual-fund fame) started his investment portfolio by investing 50 percent of his take-home pay during the Depression and died a few years back as a billionaire. He started with what he had on hand and didn’t worry about the Depression, which he couldn’t control.

Resolution 4: Invest very conservatively. Starting to build an investment reserve and getting out of debt is like building a house. You start with the basement, solid concrete footers and rebar and concrete blocks. This is not the cocktail-party investment conversation stuff, but it is the part that will help support those more aggressive investments that people love to talk about. Nobody talks about the foundation of their investment portfolio, but without it you are on dangerous financial grounds. The point here is to begin to accumulate savings and not to earn large returns, but to avoid losses. As I said when I started this article, there are those things you can do something about and those that are beyond your control. The four resolutions above are well within your control. The ones outside your control are better handled by a good financial advisor. Let them worry about the economic collapse in Europe and what Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke is saying in front of Congress. At the end of 2012, if you have fulfilled these resolutions, you will quite likely be financially better off than you are today. As Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Dan Nestlerode is a co-owner of Nestlerode & Loy, financial advisors in Centre County

JANUARY 6, 2012



WEIGH TO GO YMCA of Centre County’s Activity Challenge By Brian E. Bassett

The YMCA of Centre County is excited to introduce WEIGH TO GO, an eight-week, communitywide challenge designed to encourage weight loss through increased physical activity and proper, practical dietary considerations. The Y’s activity challenge will begin January 16 and run through March 11. Deadline for registration is January 11. Call Dan McKenna in State College at (814) 237-7717 or Rachel Garmon in Bellefonte at (814) 355-5551 – or visit the YMCA Web site and register on-line at: www.ymcaofcentrecounty.org. The first thing to pop up on the Web site will be WEIGH TO GO Challenge – you will then be given registration instructions. The challenge is open to the community; you need not be a YMCA member to join. The cost is only $10 per person – and includes a T-Shirt! Participants – individuals or teams – will be provided with an opportunity to increase physical activity and lose weight. Progress will be tracked on a weekly basis by logging in activity minutes, weight loss, or both. Nutrition and exercise counseling is also available. The YMCA has a registered dietician on staff. Upon completion of the eight-week challenge, prizes will be awarded to the individual or team with the: • Highest total weight loss • Highest percentage of weight loss • Highest total of activity minutes “We offered a similar program last year,” said Dan McKenna, of the State College YMCA. “We hope to attract people who are looking to increase their activity levels – and through this program provide them with an opportunity to stick with it for more than just a couple weeks after the New Year begins. Everyone knows resolutions don’t last; and a couple weeks won’t solve the problem. This will give participants an opportunity to enroll in a structured, eight-week program that can affect a lifestyle change and help them to keep their weight-loss and increased physical-activity resolutions for 2012.”

An Invitation to Learn Yoga Contributed by Howard UMC

HOWARD – The Howard United Methodist Church provides an ongoing opportunity for local adults to participate in yoga classes at a very affordable cost. You will experience a safe and nurturing environment with respect for all individuals, body types, ranges of ability, and needs. The ongoing Basics Level class meets on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. A new class, Gentle Yoga will be offered on Tuesdays as well from 5 to 6 p.m. This class is designed for those who are new to yoga and will focus on breath, stretching, and deep relaxation. The next session just began this week and is $30 for six weeks. Any questions please contact Kathie Baughman kathieb1@comcast.net or (814)625-2852.

YMCA Adopts Silver Sneakers Program YMCA of Centre County is proud to announce it is a Silver Sneakers fitness location. Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. Unlock the door to greater independence and a healthier life at the YMCA of Centre County, with locations in State College, Bellefonte, and Philipsburg.

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Front Row--Coach Brian Stover and Dennis Wakefield. Back Row (Left to Right) Ricky Swatsworth, Dylan Moersbacher, Ethan White, Mike Jabco, Evan Wian, Steve Jabco, Tanner Light, Nick Leiter, Andrew Stover and NuNu Buey.

Red Raiders win Wellsboro Holiday Tournament The Bellefonte Boys JV Basketball team took first place in the Wellsboro Holiday Basketball Tournament held over the Christmas break. They defeated Sayre in the opening game before defeating host Wellsboro in the championship game. Congratulations to all the team members and coaches for a job well done!


Haffner records five falls to highlight tournament

Free Youth Lacrosse Teaching Clinic

By Les Barnhart

Instruction by Penn State Lacrosse Players and Coaches Boys: Sunday, January 15, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Girls: Sunday, January 15, 4:00 - 6:00 PM Holuba Hall, Penn State University Park Campus Open to all youth 3rd grade through high school.

The State College Little Lions were in action on the mat over the holiday break as they participated in the grueling Dale Bock Tournament held in Chambersburg. Over the course of the two day tournament, the Little Lions wrestled ten dual meets and after a disappointing first day that saw the boys drop all five meets, they responded the following day by winning two of the next five meets. Both Jack Haffner and Dan Sills posted five wins in the second day of the tournament. Haffner picked up five falls while wrestling at both 195 and 220lbs. Sills recorded four falls and a major decision to account for his five wins on the second day. Bermudian Springs, who defeated State College 65-16 on the first day of the tournament, would win the event with a 10-0 record. State College is 2-10 on the season.

Lady Little Lions dominate in winning tourney title By Les Barnhart

Marion Walker Little League Baseball and Softball Registrations Marion Walker Little League Baseball and Softball announce 2012 registration dates! Sign-ups will be held January 17 & 18 at the Walker Township building from 6:30-8:00 pm. An additional sign up will be held January 21 at the Walker Township building from 9-11 am. Registration fees are: $35 for T ball players, $50 for the first child, $25 for the second, additional children are free (coach pitch through major and softball ages). A $25 late fee will be assessed for all registration received after January 21.

Bald Eagle Area Little League Softball Meeting The Bald Eagle Area Little League Softball will be holding their regular monthly meeting on SUNDAY, JANUARY 8TH starting at 6pm at the BALD EAGLE AREA HIGH SCHOOL. Regular monthly meetings are held the second Sunday of each month at the Bald Eagle Area High School. “This will never be our league unless you are a part of it”

JANUARY 6, 2012

The State College Lady Little Lions powered past Dallastown in the opening round of the State College Kiwanis Holiday Classic. They were led in scoring by junior Taylor Allison. The talented guard posted a career-high 26 points in the 66-47 victory. Bridget King also posted a career-high in scoring with a 17 point game. They followed up the relatively easy win with another in the finals as they drubbed Strath Haven, 6740. The Panthers had defeated Kittaning 42-35 the day before but had no answer for the Lady Little Lions in the in championship game. State College jumped out to an early lead and never looked back as they improved to 7-1. Carrie Mahon and Ali Treglia each had 12 points in the win.

Red Raiders notch first win; fall in championship game By Les Barnhart

The Bellefonte Red Raiders basketball team notched their first win of the season over the break as they picked up a 42-39 victory over Sayre in the opening round of the Wellsboro Tournament. John Kowalchuk led the offense with 22 points in the win while Jason Jarvis added 16. Bellefonte overcame a 14-3 first quarter deficit to reach the championship game. The Red Raiders (1-5) would meet host Wellsboro in the finals but a 20-4 third quarter in favor of the Green Hornets would prove to be too much to overcome, as Bellefonte would fall 55-31 last Thursday. Wellsboro (5-0) throttled Northeast Bradford, 7231, to reach the finals of their own tournament. Bellefonte was led in their game with Wellsboro by Evan Wian and Dylan Moerschbacher as both chipped in seven points.

Indoor Winter Lacrosse Sundays, January 29 March 11, 2012. Check web site for times. Christ Community Church C3 Sports Facility Indoor Gymnasium. Open to boys and girls age levels U-11, U13, and U-15. Register at www.centrelax.com Spring 2012 Season March 12 through May 19, 2012. Girls and Boys Teams: age levels U-11, U-13, and U-15. Registration opens December 1. Deadline, January 29, 2012 Register at www.centrelax.com All skill and experience levels welcome for all programs. Grab a Stick and Join Us! Contact: Dave Jackson (814) 57401132, drj.lacrosse@gmail.com (boys) or Mary Ann Harvey (814) 933-8749, mharveylax@gmail.com (girls) Visit us online at www.centrelax.com

Rams fall in Shootout championship game By Les Barnhart

Derek Dashem banked in a shot with seven seconds left in the game to upend Fairview in the opening round of the Jim Ellis Memorial Shootout Tournament that was held last Tuesday and Wednesday at Bishop Guilfoyle. The Rams would fall the next day in the finals, 49-37, to host Bishop Guilfoyle. The Marauders reached the championship game by defeating Huntingdon 49-47. Luke Weaver led Penns Valley in their win over Fairview. Weaver posted 20 points to lead his team in the win while Dashem would step up against Bishop Guilfoyle, as the Rams were without the services of Sam Snyder. Dashem had 11 points in the loss as Penns Valley saw their record even at 3-3.

ATTENTION: Wingate Softball Parents and players The Wingate Association of Bald Eagle Area Little League Softball will be holding their regular monthly meeting at 5pm on JANUARY 8TH at the Bald Eagle Area High School. It is held prior to the league meeting. They are looking for coaching candidates for the 2012 season. All interested parties should plan to attend this meeting.

JANUARY 6, 2012


Nittany Lions: “Houston ‌ we have a problemâ€?

Coaching search enters eighth week By Matt Masullo

By Les Barnhart

A season that few Penn State fans or players will not soon forget ended with a game that both tried to forget as soon as it ended. In the second annual TicketCity Bowl (during which we learned that the sponsor company “eats puddingâ€?) the Nittany Lions found themselves playing catch-up to a team with a high octane oense. The problem for Penn State was they were trying to chase them down with a diesel truck. They dug themselves an early hole and despite outscoring (7-6) the Cougars in the second half, the Nittany Lions fell 30-14 in a game played at the Cotton Bowl. The Houston Cougars (13-1) jumped out early on the Nittany Lions with a long touchdown pass from record setting Case Keenam. The senior quarterback was impressive all afternoon as he torched the Nittany Lion defense for a record 227 yards passing in the ďŹ rst quarter alone. That ďŹ rst quarter would end with the Conference USA runner-ups holding a 17-0 lead that left Penn State fans with little doubt that their ďŹ rst bowl game without Joe Paterno would not end well for the boys in blue. Not having the services of Matt McGloin meant that the oensive hopes would be in the hands of quarterback Rob Bolden. The sophomore signal caller that struggled this season when he was on the ďŹ eld was being asked to do something he had not done since October‌play in a game. The Nittany Lions’ oense struggled to ďŹ nd consistency all day and while the Cougars were moving up and down the ďŹ eld and building an early lead, the Bolden-led oense opened the game with four straight three-and-out drives. Add to that, Anthony Fera shanked two punts and it proved to be a tough watch for those who have ESPNU broadcast into their homes. Trailing 17-0 in the second quarter, Penn State looked to get the break they were looking for as Justin Brown returned a punt 96 yards for a touchdown which included some incredible sideline work that ultimately would result in instant replay overturning the score after showing he stepped out of bounds. It would not matter as the Nittany Lions would carry the momentum forward and would cap the drive with a direct snap run to Stephon Green that cut the deďŹ cit to 17-7 just past the midway point of the quarter. Houston leads the nation in scoring drives of less than 2:00 and they would add to that with another one as Keenam connected for his second of third touchdown pass, this one a 75-yard bomb that answered the Nittany Lions’ touchdown and gave the Cougars a 27-7 halftime lead. The Penn State oense struggled to move the ball which made it that much harder on a defensive unit that was on the ďŹ eld a lot and was playing with a short ďŹ eld a great deal in the ďŹ rst half. Despite allowing just two ďŹ eld goals in the second half, they were ineective in getting pressure on Keenum, recording just two sacks with one being a rollout that Keenum gave himself up. Keenum completed 45 of 69 passes for 532 yards and the three ďŹ rst half touchdowns. Not since the 1989 Holiday Bowl when BYU’s Ty Detmer threw for 576 yards had the Nittany Lions allowed a 500 yard passer. While the Nittany Lions won 50-39 in that game, they were not so fortunate this time around. While ďŹ ngers may be pointed for the reasons behind such a poor showing for the Nittany Lions, they will need to be pointed in more directions than most people have ďŹ ngers on their hand. In a season that saw the storied career of Coach Joe Paterno come to an unceremonious end and the state of the program in such ux, it is a credit to the players on the ďŹ eld that they were able to hold it together and play the last two months. It is a shame that the players on the ďŹ eld against Houston, some of which will have played their last games as Nittany Lions, was done so under a dark cloud that none of them had anything to do with.

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On November 9, 2011, Joe Paterno was ďŹ red as the head football coach at Penn State University, amidst the child abuse scandal brought on by Jerry Sandusky, Tim Curley, Gary Shultz, and more than likely, a host of others; arguably one of the, if not the darkest day in University history. That day, Tom Bradley was named the interim head football coach who would lead the team throughout the remainder of their season that ended at the hands of the Houston Cougars with a 30-14 TicketCity Bowl loss. Soon after Coach Paterno was ďŹ red, newly appointed Penn State athletic director David Joyner appointed a six person search committee entrusted with ďŹ nding the programs 15th coach in its 125 year history. The committee features Joyner, Ira Lubert (arguably the heaviest hitter in the lineup), Linda Caldwell, Charmelle Green, John Nichols and Russ Rose. Lubert was instrumental in bringing Cael Sanderson to Penn State to lead the wrestling program (which won a National Title in his second year on the job). Sanderson was one of a few coaches held in the highest regard in the collegiate wrestling ranks. According to Luberts biography, "he has provided ďŹ nancial support for wrestling and Penn State's All- Sports Museum" as well as serving on "the athletics committee of the National Council on Penn State Philanthropy." Needless to say, he appears to be the kind of person who knows what he wants, and when he does, he goes out and gets it. Unfortunately, what he wants may not sit well with the other ďŹ ve committee members, or the potential football coaches on his wish list. The coaching search has now reached its eighth week and depending on what you read or what you believe; Penn State has either botched their situation beyond relief in ďŹ nding a successor for Coach Paterno, or has played the best hand of poker ever played. With several schools looking for and ďŹ nding new leadership heading into the 2012 season, including Ohio State, UCLA and Texas A&M to name a few, Penn State has yet to announce who will be leading their program. National Signing Day is less than a month away and Penn State is said to have only 14 recruits on their commitment list. Having a deďŹ nitive head coach in place is crucial in securing this year’s recruits, bringing in other recruits to build the program and, maybe more importantly, keeping players who are al-

ready on the roster interested in staying in Happy Valley. However, having the “rightâ€? coach in place is more important to the programs longevity. Losing a year of recruiting will hurt, there is no doubt about that, but this program isn’t in position when one recruiting class with have the Nittany Lions playing in the BCS Championship game next season. With each passing day without a head coach a new name is thrown into the rumor mill as the next head coach at Penn State. Be it a current coach on sta, another coach at the collegiate level or perhaps a coach from the professional ranks; the information that is being made public is so tight lipped, that any name out there is based on pure speculation. Reports have conicted on who has interviewed, who is interested or who is even on the list. Selling candidates on coming to Penn State to lead the football program is much like a Realtor trying to sell a house that may have its aws in one of the nicer neighborhoods in town. Sure, the house may need some work, but with the resources that are available to the buyer, the house that was once viewed as unsellable will eventually become one of the nicer houses on the block. Not wanting to speculate on any names, this writer can only make two assumptions: The committee really has no lead candidate and is reaching for anyone who is interested to lead a program that has some of the best facilities in the nation, most rapid fan bases in the country and a solid foundation to build upon, regardless of the scandal that rocked Nittany Nation. Every name that you see scrolling across the bottom of ESPN has already been interviewed or will be interviewed in the coming days. Or: The committee has had the coaching search on lockdown from day one; already has their coach ready to sign a contract and are waiting to announce the hire. Why they would wait to make the announcement could be because the coach was still coaching as of January 2012, will be coaching in the coming days in one of the BCS bowl games, or is still coaching in the NFL playos. Each name that is thrown out there on what seems like a daily basis anymore is just to throw o any potential lead to the actual candidate. Either way, when a coach is oďŹƒcially hired, he will have his work cut out for him. Here’s to hoping Penn State lands the “rightâ€? coach at the “rightâ€? time.


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Red Raiders place two at POWERade Tournament By Les Barnhart

The Bellefonte Red Raiders once again were in action at one of the toughest non-postseason tournaments. The Red Raiders wrestled in the 44-team field at the POWERade Tournament, held at Canon McMillan High School. WrestlingReport ranks the tournament as the toughest in Pennsylvania and the 3rd toughest in the nation. As a team, the Red Raiders finished 31st but had two wrestlers place in their respective weight classes. Tom Traxler finished sixth at 120lbs while Nick Shawley took seventh at 182lbs. Blair Academy, a perennial powerhouse, won the team title.

Eagles’ harmonious in win over Harmony By Les Barnhart

Bald Eagle Area pounded Harmony 66-32 in the consolation game of the Purchase Line Tournament held December 27th and 28th. They had previously dropped a 67-32 decision to host Purchase Line in the opening round of the holiday tournament. In the loss, Bryan Greene had 14 points to lead the Eagles. Against Harmony, the Eagles got balanced scoring with Jeff Koleno leading the attack with 13 points while Brandon Gettig had 10. Ryan Dyke added 9 points as the Eagles improved to 5-2 on the season.

Penns Valley crowns two at Newport Tournament By Les Barnhart

Seth Decker and Matt Swartz each won title for Penns Valley at their respective weight classes in the Newport Tournament held on December 28th. Decker, wrestling at 145lbs, picked up a 6-1 decision over the top seed before recording a fall at 5:29 in the finals. Swartz earned his title with a 6-3 decision in the 170lb finals. The Rams also had a pair of third place finishers with Nate Brown (138) and Michael Rogers (182). Cole Confer finished fourth at 152lbs.


Taylor wins title; team places seventh at Manheim By Les Barnhart

Bald Eagle Area’s Jake Taylor successfully defended his Manheim Holiday Tournament championship after winning his second straight title at the holiday wrestling tournament. Taylor (pictured) won the 170lb final with a 3-1 decision over Craig Cihon of Fort LeBoeuf. Another junior, Nate Sharkey, placed second in the tournament at 220lbs after losing by decision in the finals. Jimmer Grieb fought his way back to take a hard fought third place at 182lbs by earning an 81 decision over Jamar Henry of Reynolds. The Eagles picked up a pair of fourth place finishers with Travis Giedroc (106) and Aaron Varner (195). As a team, Bald Eagle Area finished seventh in the tournament while Easton took the team title.

Assistant Track and Field Coach 2011-2012 Spring Season Bellefonte Area School District is seeking applications for the position of Assistant Track and Field Coach. Prior experience in coaching Track and Field is preferred. Please submit letter of interest, resume, application, and current Criminal Background (Act 34), Child Abuse History (Act 151) clearances along with current TB test result to: Bellefonte Area School District Human Resources Department 318 N. Allegheny Street Bellefonte, PA 16823 Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. BASD - EOE

JANUARY 6, 2012

Volunteer Opportunity Centre County Child Access Center Providing a safe and supportive environment for monitored custody exchanges and supervised visitation. The Centre County Chid Access Center i s looking for individuals interested in helping children and families. As a CAC volunteer, you will have the opportunity to meet new people and make a difference in our community. The Child Access Center offers a variety of flexible volunteer opportunities. For more information, give us a call or visit our website! Training classes will begin soon! Contact Jamie or Lilly at the CCCAC: 814.548.0034, www.childaccesscenter.com


Local Sports Fans, Parents and Athletes!! Just a reminder that with the all the sports going on in the county, its especially important that I get the input of all of you as I am bound to miss many of those who are deserving of recognition in their respective sports. No sport should go unnoticed or worse yet, unplayed. You can even submit your own name and deny it to your friends and teammates. Please feel free to contact me at my email address: sports@centrecountygazette.com regarding your sports story as well as a phone number where you can be reached if needed. You can also post your ideas for a story or a recap of your game on the Centre County Sports page on Facebook. In order to make the Centre County Gazette the paper of the people, I need you, the people to provide the best sports coverage around. Good luck to all you in your respective sports. Hopefully I will run into you at a sporting event sometime and it will be you I will be covering. — Les Barnhart, Sports Editor

Eagles finish season on a high note

Steelers limp by Browns

By Matt Masullo

By Matt Masullo

When the Philadelphia Eagles kicked off the 2011 season, they were thought to be one of, if not the favorite to unseat the Green Bay Packers for NFC supremacy. A bonehead statement from a backup quarterback, injuries to the franchises highest paid player and with a defense that couldn’t stop some high school teams until Week 15, expectations went from Super Bowl to securing a .500 record, which they did on Sunday with a 34-10 victory over the Washington Redskins. The Eagles came out gunning, with Michael Vick tossing for 335 yards, three touchdowns and one interception. Vick hit Chad Hall (7 yards), DeSean Jackson (62 yards) and Brent Celek (4 yards) for touchdowns, on a day when he and the offense hit their stride. Backup running back Dion Lewis stepped up for a dinged up LeSean McCoy and rushed for 58 yards and a touchdown. Jeremy Maclin led all Eagle receivers with eight catches for 105 yards. At the end of the day, The Eagles had set a franchise record with 6,386 total yards on the season. For the Redskins, former Penn State Nittany Lion Evan Royster led the way with 113 yards rushing on the day, while Rex Grossman threw for 256 yards and a touchdown in what could be his final game with the Redskins. The Redskins will be picking 6th in the upcoming NFL Draft following a season where they finished with a 5-11 record. Look for the Redskins to upgrade the quarterback position in April with their first pick, should someone like Robert Griffin III be available. For the Eagles, the win puts a ribbon on a sub-par season for their fan base, finish 8-8. The Eagles will be picking 15th in the NFL Draft. They are in desperate need of help at the linebacker position, after having their linebacking corps get beat up on what seemed to be a weekly basis this past season. Look for them to draft a linebacker early in April’s draft, or possibly in free agency.

As each week passes, the Steelers seemingly lose another key member of their football team to injury. This past week, the injury bug bit running back Rashard Mendenhall, he suffered a torn ACL in his right knee. The injury will cost Mendenhall the remainder of this season, and possibly the beginning of next season, as the injury is typically a 9-month injury, should there be no setbacks. As far as the Steelers are concerned, they got by the Cleveland Browns with a 13-9 victory in Cleveland, the Steelers 16th victory in their last 17 games against the Browns. The game was an ugly one to watch, and an even uglier one to play in. After watching the Browns and Steelers combine for 600 yards of total offense, seeing Case Keenum and the Houston Cougars roll that much total offense on their own against the Nittany Lions had to make the Steeler Nation cringe. I digress. As the Steelers head to the playoffs, they will be limping in to say the least. Ben Roethlisberger is still hobbled with a bum ankle. LaMarr Woodley still won’t be at 100% with a tight hamstring that has kept him off the field for a quarter of the season. Pro Bowl Center Maurkice Pouncey played against the Browns, but has been slowed with a bad ankle as well. Also on the injury list are two cornerbacks; Keenan Lewis with a hamstring and Cortez Allen with a shoulder, as well as Mewelde Moore with a sprained MCL. The Steelers will travel to Denver to take on the Broncos on Sunday in an AFC Wild Care matchup. Adding to the injury list will be starting safety Ryan Clark, who has a sickle cell trait that caused a violent reaction in 2007 that required emergency surgery that nearly took his life. He lost his spleen and gall bladder from the reaction caused by the exertion in the mile-high altitude. He will be on the sidelines as a spectator Sunday, not roaming the secondary for the Black and Gold.

JANUARY 6, 2012



NFL Playoff Previews & Stone-Cold-Lead-Pipe-Locks By Matt Masullo

With the 2011 regular season wrapped up, it’s time to hear the Jim Mora sound bites on a weekly basis (PLAYOFFS?!?!?!). We will preview each game for every weekend, and give our expert picks on each game. “Expert” is a term that columnists loosely use when they feel like they know more than they actually do; so don’t take these picks to Vegas and bet on us. If you do take our picks and win, we’d like half of your winnings. Thanks.

Cincinnati at Houston 4:30 PM Saturday January 7 on NBC When the season started, Houston was a sexy pick to win the AFC South. When Peyton Manning had his second neck surgery, they were virtually handed the division playing the Jaguars and Titans, who did surprise the league and were in contention until the late games last weekend. The Texans are without their best defensive player in Mario Williams, who went on injured reserve earlier this season. They are also on their third quarterback in T.J. Yates, who replaced Matt Leinart, who replaced Matt stump the Schuab. They lean heavily on the running game in Arian Foster and Brandon Tate and have weapons on the outside in Andre Johnson and tight end Owen Daniels. It’s hard to fathom Yates carrying the team on his back through the playoffs, having more fingers on his right hand than he has NFL starts. The Texan defense has their play caller, Wade Phillips, back in the mix after an emergency surgery earlier this season. They have been solid unit on a weekly basis throughout the season. The AFC North figured to have two teams in the playoffs this season and the Bengals weren’t one of them. However, the rookie duo of Andy Dalton and A.J. Green have carried an offense that saw Carson Palmer retire, then unretired to play for the Raiders and had Chad Ochocinco get traded to New England to catch as many passes throughout the season as the Gronk (Tight End Rob Gronkowski) caught in a two week span. Masullo – Bengals. In a game that can go either way, I like the Dalton to Green combo more than I like Yates to Johnson. Dalton has more experience heading into the game, and I like his chances at success more than I like Yates’. Barnhart – Bengals. I will take the Bengals in what could be called an upset. Both teams basically have rookie quarterbacks and talented running backs. The advantage in the running game leans toward the Texans but it tips back to Cincy when it comes to the QB. Andy Dalton has done some great things for the Bengals in his rookie season while TJ Yates has filled in admirably as the third QB for the Texans. Should be close but the Bengals have enough defensively to win their first playoff game since Carson Palmer wore a striped helmet.

Detroit at New Orleans 8 PM Saturday January 7 on NBC The Detroit Lions are in the NFL playoffs for the first time since 1999. The New Orleans Saints are poised to shatter every offensive record the NFL record book has. If you like defense, you might want to find something else to do on Saturday night. In a regular season rematch from Week 13, two high flying offenses will be on the fast track in the Big Easy. Matthew Stafford, Calvin Johnson, Brandon Pettigrew and rookie Titus Young lead an offense that slings the ball around like a game of back yard football. The Lions leading rusher (Jahvid Best) went on the shelf early in the season, and STILL led the team in rushing. Megatron, aka Calvin Johnson, is arguably the best wide out in football and catches anything within a two mile radius of him. The Saints have a guy named Drew Brees, you may have heard of him. He just broke Dan Marino’s 27year old passing record for yards in a single season. He finished the season with an eye-popping 5,476 passing

yards. What’s comical is that is the second time in his career that he has topped the 5,000 yard barrier. He is silly good. He could be the MVP of the league when the votes are tallied. He also set records for completions in a season (468), most 300 plus yard games in a season (13) and most consecutive 300 plus yard games in a season (7). In addition to Brees, the Saints have Darren Sproles, who set the NFL record for all-purpose yards in a season with 2,696 with rushing, receiving and return yards. Needless to say, they have enough weapons on offense to attack some small third-world countries. Masullo – Saints. The Lions are a great story, but the Saints have a team that can hang with the Packers and score on any team in the playoffs right now. The Lions just gave up 40 plus points to a backup quarterback in Matt Flynn in Green Bay. Imagine what Drew Brees and company will do to them. The Saints win a close one, 67-65. Barnhart – Saints. Hello Detroit! Welcome back to the postseason...your reward is trying to slow down the Saints offense. Good luck. Hard to pick against the Lions and all they have done but the Saints are too goo not to pick at home. The Lions defense was shredded by Matt Flynn and the Packers last weekend which leads you to believe that Drew Brees in an MVP season could do the same. In what could be a high scoring affair, the Saints get the nod in this tilt.

Atlanta at New York 1 PM Sunday January 8 on FOX The New York Giants needed a win in Week 17 to get into the playoffs after an up and down season, when one week they looked to be Super Bowl favorite and the next appeared to be destined for a top ten pick in the draft. The Falcons have played second fiddle to the Saints in the NFC South all season long. Atlanta features a young nucleus of talent in Matt Ryan, Roddy White and Julio Jones. Michael Turner has been slumping recently and the running game for the Falcons sets up their play-action pass, so in order for them to get things going offensively, Turner and the afterburners need to get going early and often. For the Giants, Eli Manning has found a new goto-target in the salsa dancing Victor Cruz, who two years ago, broke onto the NFL stage in a preseason game where he caught three touchdown passes. They can’t run the football, but that won’t matter in a game where Eli and Ryan could combine for 80 plus passes. The Giants also boast a trio of talented defensive lineman who pressure the quarterback like no other group in football in Osi Umenyiora, Jason Pierre-Paul and Justin tuck. Masullo – Giants. The pass rush from the Giants front four will be in Matt Ryan’s face all day long. The Falcons had 35 points on the scoreboard last week before some fans got to their seats, but the Giants defense isn’t as bad as Tampa Bay’s was. Eli and the offense will do just enough to sneak out a win. Barnhart – Falcons. The Giants are an interesting team. Three weeks ago they got waxed by the Redskins and that is something I can't get out of my head. The Falcons put 42 points up in the first half against a Tampa Bay team that perhaps quit. I like the Falcons in this game perhaps more for the fact that I don't like the consistency of the Giants. Take Matt Ryan and the Falcons on the road in this NFC clash.

Pittsburgh at Denver 4:30 PM Sunday January 8 on CBS The Steelers limp into Denver to take on one of the most talked about people in all of pro sports in Tim Tebow. The Bronco’s started the season with the “neck beard” in Kyle Orton at quarterback, and looked like a virtual lock to secure a top pick in the NFL Draft in April with their play early on. Tebow Time started and the Broncos went 7-4 down the stretch. The Steelers opened the season with a veteran team with hopes of making one more run at a Lombardi Trophy. Injuries have taken a toll on the Black and Gold, but they still found themselves with the second best record in the

AFC. The Broncos are definitely a run first, second and third team with Tebow at the helm. The Broncos run the ball as well as anyone in the league, featuring a spread option look that most NFL defenders last saw in college. As more film is logged on Tebow and company, it is becoming easier to stop their ground it out running game. Tebow just wins though and betting against him is frowned upon. Their defense has also come on as of late. Elvis Dumervill and potential defensive rookie of the year Von Miller have combined for 21 sacks this year. The Steelers traditionally were a run first, second and third team in the past; then they drafted Ben Roethlisberger. He has morphed the team into a spread the field and chuck the ball around the park offense with playmakers such as Antonio Brown and Mike Wallace at his disposal. Who he won’t have this week, or the rest of the post season should the Steelers advance, will be Rashard Mendenhall, who tore his ACL last week in a win over the Browns. The Steelers will rely on a running-back-by-committee approach for the foreseeable future. They also have one of the best defenses in football with Troy Polomalu, James Harrison and LaMarr Woodley roaming the field. They will be without a defender who has been on the field more than anyone else this season in Ryan Clark, who has a sickle cell disorder that has kept him off of the trips to Denver since 2007, when he had emergency surgery to save his life after a reaction to the altitude in the mile-high city. Masullo – Steelers. Call me Norm Brown (Homer), but I think Tebow and the Broncos offense will struggle to move the ball against the Steelers defense. Ben Roethlisberger has had enough time to heal up his hobbled ankle and can move around in the pocket now. His elusiveness will give him time to find Mike Wallace (who has been missing as of late), Antonio Brown, Heath Miller and the always dangerous playoff receiver and recent member of the 1,000 career reception club, Hines Ward. Barnhart – Steelers. Even without Mendenhall, who the Steelers lost to a torn ACL, this game goes to Pittsburgh and the once brightly burning light of Tim Tebow is snuffed out on what could be a snowy field. The Broncos defense may keep this close for a while but the Steelers simply have too much firepower on BOTH sides of the ball to not advance to next weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS TO Frank Mason of Boalsburg WEEK 14 PIGSKIN PICK 'EM CONTEST WINNER Mark Biega of Pine Grove Mills WEEK 15 PIGSKIN PICK 'EM CONTEST WINNER Every weekly winner will receive a playoff form in the mail to compete for the top spot in the upcoming playoffs. It’s first and goal, winners! Who will be the champion?





1/6/12 – 1/12/12 American Ale House – Toftrees/State College 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/11 1/12

Tommy Wareham, 6-8pm & 9pm-12am Tommy Wareham, 8pm Ted and Molly, 8pm Tommy Wareham, 7:30pm Scott Mangene, 8pm-12am

Bar Bleu – Downtown State College 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12

Sports on 22 HDMI TVs Sports on 22 HDMI TVs Sports on 22 HDMI TVs Sports on 22 HDMI TVs Sports on 22 HDMI TVs Sports on 22 HDMI TVs Royal Benson, 10:30pm

The Brewery – Downtown State College 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/12

The Brew Devils, 10pm Miss Melanie, 7pm; Low Jack, 10:30pm Karaoke, 9:30pm Decepticon, 10pm Ken Volz, 10:30pm Emily’s Toybox, 10pm

Bryce Jordan Center – University Park 1/8

Penn State vs. Indiana,12pm

Café 210 West – Downtown State College 1/6 1/7

My Hero Zero, 10:30pm Atlas’ Soundtrack with Toots Collider, 10:30pm

JANUARY 6, 2012

Wee ek kl ly ly Ent nt tert rta tainm nm ment Family Musical Plays January 7 & 8 STATE COLLEGE – State High Thespians and ARTsmART present the Senior Advanced Performing Arts Seminar students in A Year With Frog And Toad – a delightful musical rendition of the beloved Arnold Lobel books by Robert and Willie Reale. Children of all ages will delight in journeying through a year with fun-loving Frog and slightly grumpy Toad as they plant gardens, swim, rake leaves, sled, and learn valuable life lessons. Geared toward young audiences with bright, catchy tunes, dancing, and fun characters (but loads of fun for older kids and adults too) this musical version of the wildly popular children’s stories makes for a terrific family outing. Meet Frog and Toad on Saturday, January 7 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, January 8 at 2 p.m. in the High

School North Auditorium. General admission tickets are available at the door: $7 adults, $6 students, $5 children under 10 (accompanied by an adult).

This family-style musical will be presented Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon at the State High North Auditorium.

Cool Beans - Downtown Bellefonte 01/16 Appalachian Ramblers (Irish Folk) 7-9pm

The Darkhorse Tavern – Downtown State College 1/6 1/7

Park’s View: Stage & Screen

DMX, Darts, TV, etc. DMX, Darts, TV, etc.

The Deli – Downtown State College 1/8 Jazz Brunch, 11:30am-1:30pm Soup & Chili Fest all month

Elk Creek Café & Ale Works – Millheim 1/7 Doug McMinn Blues Band, 8pm 1/12 Pub Hang, 7:30pm “Blue January”: Blues + Jazz all month!

Gman – Downtown State College 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/10 1/11 1/12

DJ Boner, 10pm-2am DJ Cup Cake, 10pm-2am DJ Bobby V, 10pm-2am DJ Boner, 10pm-2am Team Trivia, 9pm-11pm DJ Cup Cake, 10pm-2am

Governor’s Pub – Bellefonte 1/11 Bisquit Jam 1/12 JT Blues

Inferno Brick Oven & Bar – Downtown State College 1/6 1/7 1/11 1/12

DJ Fuego, 10pm DJ Cashous Greg and Steve Acoustic DJ Remedy

Mountain Valley Diner – Wingate 1/9

Parlor Pickers

Otto’s Pub & Brewery – N. Atherton St., State College 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12

Miss Melanie and the Valley Rats Bloody Sunday Wild Game Night; Pizza & Beer Trivia Acoustic Music, 8pm-10pm Acoustic Thursday s with 18 Strings

The Phyrst – Downtown State College 1/6

Dom and The Fig, 8pm-10pm; Ted and the Hi Fi’s, 10:30pm-2am 1/7 Phyrst Phamily, 7:30pm-9:30pm; Velveeta, 10:30pm-2am 1/8 2Twenty2 1/9 Open Mic Night, 10pm-Midnight; Lowjack, Midnight-2am 1/10 Table Ten 1/11 The Nightcrawlers, 10:30pm 1/12 Maxwell Strait, 10:30pm Jason & Dan, 8pm-10pm

By Pat Park

Of all the choices of entertainment provided on First Night in State College, my yearly tradition has become Under Milk Wood, the play for voices written by Dylan Thomas. Thomas has always been among my favorite poets and to hear this particular play done by talented readers/ actors is a treat. The charm of Under Milk Wood is simply that we, the audience, get a chance to listen to the night-time dreams and day-time thoughts of the inhabitants living in a small Welsh fishing village, Llareggub. After listening for awhile, we recognize the individuals of the little town; we laugh and weep with them. This year’s cast was particularly good. Veteran actors, Helen Manfull and Allan “Oz” Osborne, were the two narrators and as a result had the responsibility of the most beautiful of the lines of poetry. The language rolled out of them so effortlessly. The rest of the cast included Caitlin Osborne, John Austin, Bob Barton. Julia Albertson, and Julia Laplante. If you are counting, that means that the whole town was voiced by seven actors. Each one brought to life very different personalities, and with great ease. I enjoyed this year’s production very much. The stage set allowed for better sight lines than last year, making it a little easier to identify the speaker. The play contains quite a bit of humor, and an audience can miss these lines if the actor is “reciting” poetry. The cast did such an excellent job of timing that the audience was laughing out loud in places. This year’s talented group of actors was directed by Susan Riddiford Shedd and to her goes the credit for the staging and timing of the show. Ms Shedd’s name in a program – no matter if actor, director, or whatever – means that you might want to be part of her audience. I hate to close on a negative and I do know that this yearly production is a fundraiser, but I would suggest a little more information in the program. I am afraid to try to identify actors by part, unless I am absolutely sure that I recognize them. So, instead, I will close with my favorite line: “We are not wholly bad or good, who live our lives under Milk Wood.” That line best illustrates the universality of the show because it applies to each of us, no matter where we live.

Stage & Screen

Pizza Mia – Bellefonte 1/6

Karaoke with Ken Yeaney

The Rathskeller – Downtown State College 1/06 Brian Lubrecht, 10pm 1/7 Dave Joyce, 10pm 1/12 Team Trivia, 7pm

Red Horse Tavern – Pleasant Gap 1/6 Bisquit Jam, 9pm-11pm 1/12 Irish Jam, 7pm-9pm

Winter Rock Camp Concert The Second Annual Winter Rock Camp concluded with a live show at Café 210 West in Downtown State College December 30.

The Saloon – Downtown State College 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/10

Velveeta, 10:30pm Atomic Supersonic, 10pm Smokin’ Karaoke, 10:30pm Broken, 10:30pm; Lotus Live, 10:30pm Ted McCloskey & Molly Acoustic, 10:30pm 1/11 Table Ten, 10:30pm 1/12 My Hero Zero, 10:30pm Compiled by Abigail Miller

Schedules subject to change. Call the venue for details. The Gazette is committed to providing you with a complete listing of upcoming live entertainment in Centre County. If your establishment provides live entertainment and would like to have your entertainment listed FREE in The Gazette, just e-mail your entertainment to ccgazette@hughes.net.

(photo courtesy of Meg Moose)

These young rockers put on a show at Café 210 West at the conclusion of Winter Rock Camp.

Rock Camp helps musicians from beginners to advanced improve their skills and puts musicians together onstage teaching them how to play together as a band. Jeff Gribble and Matt Price started the camp in the summer of 2010 and decided to do one week each month of the summer but due to popularity they had to add a fourth week of camp. Since things went so well over the summer, they added a winter rock camp in 2010. In the summer of 2011 they held rock camp eight separate weeks of the summer and offered beginner through advanced-level classes. This last winter rock camp had four different classes. They are currently planning for summer 2012. Email Matt at mattpriceenterprises@gmail.com to find out more.

JANUARY 6, 2012



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Future items continued on The Gazette Web site, www.centrecountygazette.com. A Year With Frog And Toad January 7 at 7 p.m. January 9 at 2 p.m. State College High North Auditorium State High Thespians and ARTsmART present the Senior Advanced Performing Arts Seminar students in A Year With Frog And Toad, a delightful musical rendition of the beloved Arnold Lobel books by Robert and Willie Reale. Geared toward young audiences with bright, catchy tunes, dancing and fun characters, it’s a musical version of the popular children’s stories. It’s Saturday, January 7 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, January 8 at 2 p.m. in the High School North Auditorium. Tickets at the door; $7 adults, $6 students, $5 children under 10 (accompanied by an adult). Acoustic Brew Concert Jeffrey Foucault January 14 at 7:30 p.m. WPSU Studios, 100 Innovation Blvd. There will be an Acoustic Brew concert featuring Jeffrey Foucault January 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the WPSU studios. Tickets are $16 and can be purchased online at http://acousticbrew.org or at Nature's Pantry in State College. The New York Times calls Jeffrey Foucault a "young man with an old soul. Contemporary and timeless." The Wisconsin native blends rock, country, and folk in a sound honed from years on the road but still true to his Midwestern roots.

Romeo, You Idiot - free January 21 at 8 p.m. Penns Valley High School Auditorium Come and see this production of Romeo, You Idiot presented by the Senior High Drama Students at Penns Valley High School. Take a step back into time to see the mobster love story between two star-crossed lovers. This production is a variation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Heart of Gold The Music of Neil Young January 28 at 7 p.m. The State Theatre The State Theatre presents Heart of Gold, the Music of Neil Young, to benefit Easter Seals and The State Theatre – January 28 at 7 p.m. There will also be a 5:30 p.m. VIP reception. Tickets are $45 Gold Circle, $35 Orchestra, $25 Balcony and $100 VIP, which includes the reception and an event ticket. Heart of Gold is a fundraiser featuring an all-star lineup of local musical talents, performing the music of one of rock 'n roll's most prolific talent, Neil Young. Sunday Afternoons at the Library - free January 29 at 2:30 p.m. Centre County Library & Historical Museum The second in this year’s free concert series features Amanda Silliker, soprano and Svetlana Rodionova, piano. Compiled by Sandie Biddle

Jay Vonada Trio January 18 at 7:30 p.m. Green Drake Gallery, Millheim The Jay Vonada Trio will be performing at The Green Drake Gallery January 18 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The trio will be playing music from their upcoming CD, Red Pajamas. Come out for an evening of great music and wine.

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JANUARY 6, 2012

WHAT’S HAPPENING? E-mail your organization’s events to editor@centrecountygazette.com. Please have them in by Wednesday noon in order to be included in Friday’s edition. Please see our Web site for the complete What’s Happening calendar, including additional future events. www.centrecountygazette.com

Dining & Take Out

Kids’ Stuff

January 7 – Roast Beef Dinner The Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Philipsburg is hosting a roast beef and noodles dinner January 7 from 4 to 6 p.m. Meals include roast beef tips, noodles, gravy, pepper slaw, roll and dessert. Tickets are $8 for reserved seats; $8.50 for tickets sold at the door. Eat-in and take-out is available. For more info, call Linda Garvey (814) 5772824.

January 7 – Bellefonte Hoop Shoot The Bellefonte Elks Lodge will hold its annual Local Lodge Hoop Shoot Contest on Saturday, January 7 at 8 a.m., in the Bellefonte High School gym. Girls and boys ages eight through 13 are eligible to compete in this free-throw contest. Chairman Craig Moore may be reached at (814) 355-2828.

January 7 – Chili Cookoff Bellefonte Elks first Chili Cook-off is Saturday January 7 from 2 to 6 p.m. For more info, contact Doug Linebaugh dwl9@hotmail.com, with chili in the subject line. January 8 – Pork Chop Lunch The Mountain Top Fire Station in Sandy Ridge is having a stuffed pork chop dinner January 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meals are $8 for adults, $4 for children, all-you-can-eat when dining in. January 13 – Spaghetti Dinner There will be a Spaghetti Dinner January 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. to benefit the Mansfield University Marching Band's trip to the Olympic Games in London, of which a local student is a member. The dinner is at Halfmoon Christian Fellowship Church in Stormstown, Route 550. Take available. Donations accepted. January 14 – Ham Pot Pie Supper New Hope Lutheran Church of Spring Mills will serve a Ham PotPie Supper on Saturday, January 14 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Eat in or take-out. Everyone welcome. January 16 – Meatloaf Dinner The State College Knights of Columbus is holding a Meatloaf Dinner at 850 Stratford Drive, State College on Thursday January 19 - serving from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The menu includes: soup, meatloaf, whipped potatoes with gravy, corn O'Brien, tossed salad, rolls & butter, beverage and dessert. Adults $8.75; ages six to 10 $4.25; 5 and under free. Public welcome. Take outs available. January 27 – Spaghetti Dinner Grace Lutheran Church, corner of Garner and Beaver, downtown State College, is holding its fourth-annual Nicaragua Medical Mission Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on January 27 (snow date: January 28) Meal includes fresh bread, side salad, a generous plate of spaghetti topped with meatballs (if desired) and dessert. Dinner is from 5 to 7 p.m. and is eat in or take out. Suggested donation $8 adult and $4 child.

Education & Life Matters January 11 registration – Weigh to Go YMCAs of Centre County introduce Weigh to Go, an activities challenge, from January 16 to March 11. This community-wide challenge encourages weight loss through proper diet and increased physical activity. Individuals or teams will have the opportunity to log weight loss, activity minutes, or both. Registration deadline is January 11. Cost $10 includes T-Shirt. Nutrition & exercise counseling is available. Everyone is welcome. Prizes will be awarded to the individual or team: With Highest Total Weight Loss With Highest % Of Weight Loss With Highest Total Activity Minutes January 14 – WWII Documentary You are invited to view a documentary film, You Enter Germany – Bloody Huertgen and the Siegfried Line which takes place between September 1944 and February 1945 as 13 U.S. Army divisions fought for control of a 50-square-mile area of dense forest along the German border. It was the longest single battle in American history and largest defeat of the U.S. Army in Europe. This 2007 German production tells that story with veterans’ interviews and never-before-seen archival footage. The film starts at 2 p.m. January 14; the museum is open from noon to 4 p.m. Donation requested. The Pennsylvania Military Museum is on Business Route 322, Boalsburg. January 17 – Free Sportsman’s Seminar There is a free seminar about whitetail deer January 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. at IngleBean Coffee House, Millheim. Learn about field-judging of whitetail deer from guest speaker, Sam Derugen. Hear about PA game commission issues and healthy deer populations from PA game commissioner, Dave Putnam. Bid on items at a silent auction to benefit the Millheim Pool's Trout Derby. Seating is limited. For further information, visit the Facebook event page or contact the IngleBean at (814) 349-4898 or inglebeancoffee@gmail.com. January 21 – Family Fun Day The Buffalo Run United Methodist Charge is sponsoring a Family Fun Day at the Bellefonte location of the Centre County YMCA January 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. Bring the whole family and enjoy games, swimming, pizza and lots of fun!! This event is free and open to everyone. More info, call (814) 355-2208.

January 7 – Preschool Open House Friends Schoolhouse, 611 E. Prospect Ave., will host a preschool open house from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. January 7. It’s for parents of preschoolers aged three to five. This is a play-based school with Quaker values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. Visit www.scfriends.org January 14 – Play Day at Friends School State College Friends School, 1900 University Drive, is hosting a free Winter Play Day Saturday, January 14 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. It’s for children aged three to seven. (Parents or guardian required to remain on site.) The school’s Community Room and a K/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play. Refreshments and snacks. All are welcome. For more info, (814) 237-8386 or www.scfriends.org. January 14 – State College Hoop Shoot The State College Elks Lodge # 1600 is holding its Local Lodge Hoop Shoot (free-throw contest) Saturday, January 14 at the Mount Nittany Middle School. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Competition is open to boys and girls ages eight through 13. For additional information, please contact Van Arvin, Local Lodge Hoop Shoot Chairman (814) 574-3265. January 23 – Great Girls program GREAT GIRLS (Girls Respecting Each other And Themselves) is a free six-week program for girls in grades six to eight designed to promote self-esteem and self-respect with a section of physical fitness. Each will have the opportunity to gain positive leadership skills that will help them lead a healthy life. There will be many components such as healthy eating, body image, and how to stay active while having fun. They meet every Monday from 3:30 to 5:15 p.m. starting January 23 at Bellefonte Middle School. For more info, e-mail Cameron cfrantz@ymcaofcentrecounty.org or visit www.ymcaofcentrecounty.org.

January 28 – District Hoop Shoot Contest The Elks North Central District Hoop Shoot will be hosted by the Bellefonte Elks Lodge # 1094 January 28 at the Bellefonte High Gymnasium. Registration and practice from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., followed by the free-thrown contest. Event is open to all winners or substitutes of prior Elks Local Lodge Hoop Shoot contests. The District Hoop Shoot chair is Dick Mulfinger, Bellefonte Elks (814) 355-2828. February 4 – Preschool & K Open House There’s an open house from 9 to 11 a.m. February 4 at Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten, 205 S. Garner Street in downtown State College. Visit www.glcpa.org or call 238-8110 for details. February 6 – Preschool & K Registration Registrations for 2012-13 are being accepted at Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten starting 8:30 a.m. February 6 in the Fireside Room of Grace Lutheran Church. Two-, three-, and five-day morning and afternoon programs are available. Call (814) 238-8110 for registration details or visit www.glcpa.org.

Competitions for Charity January 10 – Texas Hold ’Em The State College Knights of Columbus is having a Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament January 10 starting at 6 p.m. Buy-in is $50 and doors open at 5:30 p.m. Players must be 18 to play. Proceeds will benefit local charities. January 14 – Vera Bradley Bingo for Majorettes The Bald Eagle Area Indoor Majorettes are hosting a Vera Bradley bingo January 14 starting at 1 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. Admission: $20 in advance; $25 at the door. There will be 20 regular games, with additional packs of cards for $5, plus five specials at $10 per pack. The last game, a special, is $1 for individual cards. Kitchen and doors open at noon. For more info, e-mail maryannegilbert@verizon.net. January 14 – Cash Bingo for Boys Basketball The Bellefonte Boys Basketball Booster Club is hosting a Cash Bingo January 14 at Lambert Hall in Bellefonte. Doors open at 5:30; bingo starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance; $25 at the door. Support the Bellefonte Boys Basketball Program. For advance ticket, call John Leiter (814) 280-6006. Compiled by Sandie Biddle

Death Notices and Obituaries Jean B. Confer, 81, of State College, passed away Saturday, December 24, 2011, at The Fairways at Brookline. Born December 8, 1930, in Fiedler, PA, she was a daughter of the late Russell E. Breon and Velvia (Vonada) Breon. She married Dale F. Confer, in 1948, who preceded her in death in 1988. Jean was a graduate of Rebersburg High School and was a homemaker. She was a member of the United Methodist Church, in Rebersburg. She is survived by her two daughters: Vickie C. Van Dop of State College, Lana J. Confer of State College, and her son, Courtney R. Confer of State College. Also surviving Jean is her brother Larry R. Breon of Rebersburg. In addition to her parents Jean was preceded in death by one sister, Maybella Hosterman, and one brother, Dean E. Breon. A memorial service will be held in the spring. Memorial contributions may be made to The ARC of Centre County, 1840 N. Atherton St., State College, PA 16803. Online condolences may be made to the family at www.wetzlerfuneralhome.com. John W. (Jack) Sheckler, Jr., 81, of Bellefonte, passed away Saturday, December 24, 2011 at home. Born on August 21, 1930, in Milesburg, he was the son of the late John W. Sheckler, Sr. and Mary (Flack) Sheckler. He married Joan McKinley Sheckler who preceded him in death on April 22, 2008. He was a 1949 graduate of Bellefonte Area High School. John worked for Titan Metal Company, he also was the lead carpenter at Penn State University, was a lifelong farmer and an inventor of many things. He was a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church. John was an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow. He is survived by one daughter, Susan L. (Eric) Wagner of Mingoville, four sons: William B. (Pam) Sheckler of Milesburg, Joel S. (Linda) Sheckler of Bellefonte, Patrick C. (Michelle) Sheckler of Bellefonte, and Michael R. Sheckler of Clintondale, and by ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. In addition to his parents and wife, he was preceded in death by two sisters, one brother ad one grandson. Funeral services and burial will be private at the convenience of the family with Reverend Alex Dyakiw officiating. Burial will take place at Centre County Memorial Park in College Township. Arrangements are under the direction of Wetzler Funeral Service, Inc. in Bellefonte and online condolences may be made to www.wetzlerfuneralhome.com. Virginia C. Ulrich, 91, of Bellefonte, passed away Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at Mount Nittany Medical Center in College Township. Born on March 12, 1920, in Howard, PA, she was the daughter of the late Russell David Confer and Helen Lucretia Lucas Confer.

On January 13, 1946, she married Richard D. Ulrich who preceded her i death on March 14, 2010, after sharing 64 years of marriage. She was a 1938 graduate of Bellefonte Area High School and also a 1942 graduate of Penn State University with a dual degree in Home Economics and English. Virginia taught school in Houstontown, PA and Bellefonte Area Schools. She was a member of St. John Lutheran Church in Bellefonte, its quilting circle and The Lunch Bunch. Her hobbies included cooking for her family and friends, painting, sewing and playing Bridge. Virginia is survived by two daughters: Linda Grace Ulrich (Paul) Glantz of Mechanicsburg, Karen U. (John E.) Baker of Bellefonte, five grandchildren: Brad (Jackie) Baker of Fredericksburg, VA, John U. Baker of State College, Russell (Kimberly) Glantz of Pottstown, Andrew (Mandi) Glantz of Shiremanstown, Rachael Glantz Lawrence of Mechanicsburg, by four great grandchildren: Christopher, Riley and Payton Baker and Carlee Glantz. Along with her parents and husband she was preceded in death by one sister, Stella Burman and one grandson-in-law, Blake Lawrence. Graveside services will be held at the convenience of the family at Heckman Cemetery, Spring Mills. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to a charity of the donor’s choice. Arrangements are under the direction of Wetzler Funeral Service, Inc. in Bellefonte. Online condolences may be made at www.wetzlerfuneralhome. com. Martha P. Williams, 81, of Bellefonte, passed away Thursday, December 22, 2011 at Mount Nittany Medical Center in College Township. Born on February 10, 1930, in Dix Run, she was the daughter of the late Jesse Irwin and Elizabeth (Hand) Irwin. On May 12, 1951, she married Allen Stewart Williams who survives at home. She was a 1947 graduate of Bellefonte Area High School. Martha was a retired secretary in the Department of Agriculture, retiring in 1982 after over 20 years of service. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Bellefonte. Along with her husband she is survived by one son, Dennis Allen Williams of Tucson, AZ, one daughter, Debra Davis of Huntington, IN, five grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Also surviving is one brother, Williams Parsons. In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by one sister and three brothers. Visitation and funeral services will be private at the convenience of the family. Burial will take place in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Union Township. Memorial contributions to First Baptist Church, 539 Jacksonville Road, Bellefonte, PA 16823.

JANUARY 6, 2012


WWW.CENTRECOUNTYGAZETTE.COM he Gazette will publish the regular meeting dates & times for all Centre County social & service groups, organizations, clubs, etc. that have membership open to the public. To have yours listed send to editor@centrecountygazette.com or Stott Publications, PO Box 129, Warriors Mark, Pa. 16877

Adult Bible Study & Kids Program is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m., offering practical help from the Bible and a fun and productive time for kids. For more info, visit nittanybaptist.org or call (814) 3601601. Alzheimer’s Support Group is held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Mount Nittany Dining Room at The Inn, Brookline. For more information, contact Anne Campbell (814) 234-3141 or Janie Provan (814) 235-2000. Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans meet the fourth Thursday every month at 7:30 p.m. at I.O.O.F. Hall, 756 N. Main St., Pleasant Gap. AWANA Club is every Sunday at 6 p.m. by the First Baptist Church in Bellefonte. Fun activities and Bible lessons for ages three to sixth grade. Materials provided. ALIVE Teens club meets Sunday nights. For info, call (814) 355-5678 or visit www.fbcbellefonte.org. Bald Eagle Watershed Association meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Milesburg Borough Building. Visit www.baldeaglewatershed.com BEA Class of 1962 meets for breakfast monthly on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Mountain Valley Diner at Wingate. Questions, please call Sandy (814) 387-4218. BEA Class of 1964 holds its monthly breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Mt. Valley Diner in Wingate. Call Sue at (814) 625-2132. BEA Class of 1965 holds its monthly dinner on the last Friday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Bellefonte Moose. Any questions call Bob at (814) 383-2151. BHS Class of 1956 holds a monthly dinner on the second Friday of each month at the Bellefonte Moose at 6 p.m. Any questions call Kay (814) 359-2738. BHS Class '67 holds monthly breakfast on first Saturday of each month at Sunset West at 8:30 a.m. Location subject to change. For information call Vic (814) 360-1948. Bellefonte Elks Lodge meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bellefonte Elks. Bellefonte Encampment #72 and Ridgeley Canton #8 meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Windmere Hall, 454 Rolling Ridge Drive, State College. Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society meets the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Train Station in Talleyrand Park, Bellefonte. All are open to the public. Check out bellefontetrain.org or leave a message (814) 355-1053.


Circle of Hope, a support group for special-needs children and families, meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Tyrone Public Library. For info, contact Angie (814) 386-1826 or alavanish@live.com. The Diabetes Support Group meets Thursday, January 12 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Mount Nittany Medical Center, 1800 East Park Avenue, State College. For more information, contact Amy Leffard at aleffard@mountnittany.org or (814) 231-7095. Grief Support Group at Centre Crest meets at 6 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month. For additional info contact Anne Boal, Centre Crest, 502 East Howard Street, Bellefonte, (814) 548-1140 H.L.A.A (Hearing Lost Association of America) meets the second Monday of each month at Foxdale at 7 p.m. Learn the latest technology available for hearing loss. Halfmoon Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month. Membership is open to Halfmoon Township residents. Contact Alice McGregor (814) 692-7396 / almcgregor@comcast.net or Susan Kennedy (814) 692-5556 / susank81@gmail.com. I.O.O.F. Centre Lodge #153 meets the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at I.O.O.F. Lodge Hall 756 North Main Street, Pleasant Gap. Keystone Guild of the Watchmakers Association of Pa. meets the second Tuesday of each month 1 p.m. at the Bull Pen Restaurant, Tyrone. Call George at (814) 238-1668. The Milesburg Lions Club invites the public to their meetings at the Milesburg center across from Unimart on the first Tuesday and the third Wednesday every month at 7 p.m. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Outpatient Entrance, Pleasant Gap. Affiliated with the National MS Society. Call (814) 359-3421. Nittany Knights Barbershop Chorus meets every Monday evening at 7:15 p.m. at South Hills School, State College. Men who like to sing are welcome. For info, visit www.nittanyknights.org, or call Bill (814) 355-3557. Nittany Mineral Society meets the third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Room 114 Auditorium of the Earth & Engineering Sciences (EES) Bldg on the Penn State campus. Junior Rockhounds also meet third Wednesdays, 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. in Room 116 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building. Call (814) 867-6263 or visit nittanymineral.org. Nittany Valley Woodturners meet on the first Thursday of every month in the woodworking shop at the State College Area High School, South Building. For info, contact Reg@MarketValueSolutions.com or visit www.NittanyValleyWoodturners.org. The Nittany Valley Writers Network holds an Early-Risers Breakfast every third Wednesday from 7 to 8 a.m. at The Waffle Shop, 1610 W College Ave, State College. The Writers Social is the fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at The Autoport. NVWN meeting with speaker Rev. Jeff Munnis on "Who Do You Write For? And Why?" is January 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Schlow Centre Region Library's Community Room. Rev. Munnis will talk about the ways we enter into communities of accountability when we ask others to read, or listen to, our work. Jeff has had two collections of poetry published (Next to a River (2007) and Vision (2008) and two more to be published in 2012. Parent Support Group for Children with Eating Disorders meets the second Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m., at Mount Nittany Medical Center. For info, contact Kristie Kaufman (814) 466-7921.

Bellefonte Kiwanis Club meets every Tuesday at the Moose Club on Spring Street at noon. For information on Kiwanis, contact Richard King, (814) 355-9606.

Penns Valley Grange #158 meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall on Railroad Street in Spring Mills.

Bellefonte Sunrise Rotary Club meets every Friday at 7:30 a.m. at Diamond Deli on North Allegheny Street. Guests and visitors welcome. For information, contact Debbie Rowley (814) 880-9453.

Sacred Harp Singing meets the second and fourth Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the University Mennonite Church, State College. Visit www.StateCollegeSacredHarp.com.

Bellefonte VFW Post 1600 will hold their monthly post meeting the second Thursday of every month at 8 p.m. at the Post Home on Spring Street, Bellefonte. Bellefonte VFW Post 1600 Ladies Auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. the Post Home on Spring Street, Bellefonte.

Soroptimist International of Centre County will host a meeting January 9 at 6 p.m. at The Atherton Hotel, 125 South Atherton Street. This month, members should bring three items that are significant to them. At this get-acquainted meeting members will learn about each other from the contents of the bags. Please contact Linda Wilson at (814) 234-0658, or HJLAW11@aol.com for info and dinner reservations.

Better Breathers Support Group does not have a meeting in January or February, but normally meets the third Thursday of every month from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Pleasant Gap. Call (814) 359-3421.

Spring Creek Watershed Association meets the third Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Patton Township Building. Most host a guest speaker with expertise in watershed, water resource, or other conservation issues. Visit springcreekwatershed.org.

BNI (Business Networking International) meets weekly on Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at Celebration Hall. $10 fee for room and breakfast. Members share ideas, contacts, and business referrals. Contact Kelly Swisher (814) 280-1656.

State College Rotary Club meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at the Nittany Lion Inn, Faculty Staff Lounge, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Brain Injury Support Group meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. No meetings Jan. or Feb. Location is HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Pleasant Gap. Call (814) 359-3421. Breast Cancer Support Group meets the first Monday of each month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Conference Room 3, Entrance B, Mt. Nittany Medical Center, State College. For info, contact Cheri Woll (814) 2317005 or cwoll@mountnittany.org. The January 9 meeting features a presentation by Dr. Ari Geselowitz, medical director of the Breast Care Center, on screening and diagnostic testing for breast cancer, and follow-up imaging The Business of Art workshops will be held on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Sozo Institute of the Arts, in the KeyCentre building, 1224 N. Atherton Street, State College. Free workshops for writers, artists, and other creative people. For info, contact Will Snyder at (814) 880-9933 or info@sozoart.org. The Cancer Survivors' Association Support Group meeting is January 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the United Way Office in State College. Diana Berlyand, registered dietician, will speak about "Fighting cancer with food.” Learn how to make healthy food choices while fighting cancer. For more information call (814) 237-2120 or visit www.cancersurvive.org. Centre County Real Estate Investment Club meets the third Thursday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 1609 N Atherton St. State College. For info, call (814) 280-5839.

State College Downtown Rotary Club meets Thursdays at noon at Damon’s, East College Avenue, State College. State College Sunrise Rotary Club meets weekly on Wednesdays at Hotel State College (above The Corner Room, behind The Allen Street Grill) from 7:15 to 8 a.m. State College Elks Lodge holds its meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the State College Elks Country Club. State College Lions Club meets the first and third Thursday of the month at Damon’s of State College at 6 p.m. Stroke Support Group meets the last Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m. No meetings in Aug. or Dec. Location is HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehab Hospital, Pleasant Gap. Call (814) 359-3421. TRIAD, a public safety group for senior citizens, meets the second Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Life-Link Bldg off Puddingtown Rd. Call Helen Evans, chair, (814) 237-8932. The January 12 meeting, from 10 to 11 a.m., is about a Passive Alcohol Sensor Flashlight and DUI, presented by Kelly Ashton, detective. Trout Unlimited, a non-profit conservation organization, meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Comfort Suites Hotel just off North Atherton. All meetings are open to the public.

Centre Hall Lions Club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Centre Hall Lions Club Building, 153 E. Church St., Centre Hall.

Women’s Mid Day Connection luncheon is Tuesday, January 10 at 11:45 a.m. at the Elk’s Country Club, Boalsburg. For reservations and cancellations, call Margo (814) 355-7615. Feature: Annual “Sacks” 5th Avenue

Centre Region Model Investment Club meets monthly in the Mazza Room at South Hills Business School, State College from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Monday. This interactive educational stock model investment club is open to the public. Call (814) 234-8775 or e-mail cr20mic@aol.com.

The Women’s Welcome Club of State College offers women of all ages – newcomers or long-time residents – the opportunity to meet new people. General meetings; social events; special interest groups. Meetings second Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Oakwood Presbyterian Church, State College. Call Kathi (814) 466-6641.

The Compassionate Friends Group meets the second Monday of each month at Bellefonte Middle School from 7 to 9 p.m. TCF is a national non-profit support organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to families following the death of a child of any age, from any cause. All bereaved parents and adult family members welcomed, no charge. For more info, contact Amanda (814) 321-4258 or Peg (814) 355-9829.

Zion MOPS & Beyond meets the first Thursday of each month from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and the third Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. 3261 Zion Road Bellefonte. This group is for moms with children of all ages! Childcare is provided. Call (814) 383-4161. Compiled by Sandie Biddle



JANUARY 6, 2012

This Week’s

CENTRE COUNTY LIBRARY ACTIVITIES Centre County Library/Bellefonte, Centre Hall, East Penns Valley, Holt/Philipsburg & Bookmobile CENTRE COUNTY LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE – Fully accessible library on wheels! The Fall Schedule is now available. Check out our Web site for locations and hours. Stop by the library or your local Post Office for your copy. The Bookmobile travels to many communities reaching thousands of visitors each month. Look for it in your neighborhood. Centre County Library/Bellefonte—call (814) 355-1516 for more information: Facebook: Centre-County-Library-and-Historical Museum Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education HOOKS AND NEEDLES – Bring your projects to share ideas and tips with others who love to knit! Every Thursday 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. ADULT BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP –Join others who love to read and discuss what they liked and didn’t like about the particular book. Check for title on library website. Wednesday, January 18 at 6:30 p.m. ADULT WINTER READING CLUB – Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff! AFTER SCHOOL ADVENTURES –Educational and fun crafts for kids in K to fifth grade. Thursday, January 19, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. “Pirate Scavenger Hunt” Thursday, January 26; 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. “Science Experiment” PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME—Stories and crafts especially for children under 5 years old with an adult. Monday & Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m., starting January 16 Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m., starting January 17 BABY LAP SIT STORYTIMES—Stories for the “littlest ears” 0 to two years old with an adult. Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. beginning January 18 USED BOOK SALE—Visit during regular operating hours for used books, video and music. Friday, January 27 & Saturday, January 28 TEEN HOLIDAY CRAFT—Recycled CD Art for teens in sixth to 12th grade Tuesday, January 17, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. – sign up at service desk FAMILY OVERNIGHT—Pajama Storytime and Stuffed Animal Sleep Over Thursday, January 26, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Holt Memorial Library/Philipsburg—call (814) 342-1987

for more information: Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education MOTHER GOOSE ON THE LOOSE—For children aged three and under and a favorite adult. Join us for a musical, rhyming adventure through the world of Mother Goose. This is a form of a baby lap-sit, with the focus being on rhythms, rhymes, music, and interaction between baby and adult. Mother Goose on the Loose aides in the development of both pre-reading and social skills. The program runs about 30 minutes. Stay after for fun with friends and educational playthings. Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. January 10, 17, 24, 31 STORY-TIME PROGRAMS—For preschool-aged children with their adults. Come enjoy stories followed by related activities and interaction with some of your peers. Some crafts and activities involve parts or directions not suitable for children under three. Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Thursdays at 2 p.m. January 11 & 12: Knees & Toes January 18 & 19: Eyes, Ears January 25 & 26: Mouth & Nose ELEMENTARY PROGRAMS—Activities for children in grades Kindergarten through six. There may be small parts or difficult instructions involved. Thursdays at 6 p.m. January 26: Perler Bead Creations FAMILY PROGRAMS—Presenters or activities geared towards the whole family. Come in and enjoy some quality family time! Thursdays at 6 p.m. January 12: Holt Library’s Time Capsule opening—Stop in to see what was important to the youth of the library in the year 2000. Bring in something you wouldn’t mind missing for a new capsule to show the future what you think is cool now! Pictures, articles, and small trinkets will be accepted; no guarantees will be made for the return of items. January 19: Carey Huber, a ranger from Parker Dam, will bring his specimens of central PA to the library for some serious inspection. Donate Partially Used Gift Cards! Clean out those cards from your wallet. No amount is too small, no card will be refused! We will use the donated cards to help fund the 2012 summer reading program. East Penns Valley Branch Library at 225 E. Main Street in Millheim (Millheim Borough Building)—call (814) 3495328 for more information: Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education

NEEDLES NIGHT AT THE LIBRARY – Bring any portable needles project you are working on and share ideas and tips with others. Thursdays at 6 p.m. ADULT BOOK CLUB – Come together with others who have read and want to discuss A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Tuesday, January 10 at 12:30 p.m. ADULT WINTER READING CLUB – Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff! CHILDREN’S AREA – FIZZ, BANG, EUREKA! Meet us for crafts and/or science experiments! Cool fun for everyone. New drop-in crafts every week! Mondays from 3 to 5 p.m. PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME – Stories and crafts especially for children under five years old with an adult. Monday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday mornings at 1:30 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT—Join us for Family Game Night! Tuesday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m. Donate Partially Used Gift Cards! Clean out those cards from your wallet. No amount is too small, no card will be refused! We will use the donated cards to help fund the 2012 summer reading program. Centre Hall Area Branch Library—call (814) 364-2580 for more information: Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education PENNS VALLEY KNITTERS—Enjoy an evening at the library sharing your ideas and tips with others who love to knit! January 12 & 26 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. AFTER SCHOOL DROP-IN CRAFT—Perfect after school educational science experiment and fun activities. Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 to 5 p.m. ADULT WINTER READING CLUB– Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff! PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME—Stories and crafts especially for children under five years old with an adult. Thursday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. beginning January 12 TEEN NIGHT—Cupcake Decorating! Learn from the best, Heather Luse of Delectable Delights will be in house with icing and cupcakes! Grade 6 and up welcome. Wednesday, January 18 at 6 p.m. Donate Partially Used Gift Cards! Clean out those cards from your wallet. No amount is too small, no card will be refused! We will use the donated cards to help fund the 2012 summer reading program.

This Week at Bald Eagle State Park Please call the Bald Eagle State Park Office for more information at (814) 625-2775!

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Saturday, January 7, 2012 Nature on Snowshoes Explore the winter woods on snowshoes and discover what animals are out and about during this blustery season. A limited number of snowshoes are available for adults and children. Pre-registration is required by Tuesday, January 3; call the park office (814) 625-2775. If there is no snow a hike will be offered. Meet at the Nature Inn Lobby. Event is from 1 to 2 p.m. Cross Country Skiing Basics Learn the fundamentals of cross-country skiing at Bald Eagle State Park. Skis, poles, and instruction are provided for free! Pre-registration is required by Tuesday, January 3; call the park office (814) 625-2775. If there is no snow a hike will be offered. Meet at the Nature Inn Lobby. Program is from 3 to 4 p.m. Environmental Learning Center Open House Stop in at the Environmental Learning Center to look around at various mounts and educational displays. A park volunteer or staff member will be on hand to talk or share general information about Bald Eagle State Park. Open house is from 3 to 6 p.m. Falconry at the Inn First, understand birds and then understand bird extremes – the falcon! Meet a real falcon and experience how birds of prey and people cooperate to hunt wild game. This presentation will be brought to you by the “creature teacher,” Jodi Wallace, from the Blair County Conservation District. Programs are free, but require pre-registration by calling the Park Office. Meet at the Nature Inn Multi-purpose room. Program from 6 to 7 p.m.

JANUARY 6, 2012


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LIONEL TRAIN SET, from 1950’s; metal steam engine, freight cars, track, transformer. Excellent $175. American Flyer set, $155. 814-207-3875

GOVERNOR’S GATE APARTMENTS, Bellefonte, is accepting applications. Rent is based on income. All utilities included. Offstreet assigned parking. Located next to public park. Call 355-3682, TTY 711. Professionally managed by Housing Development Corp. MidAtlantic. EOH.

2000 DODGE DAKOTA, V6, needs body work. $2,000. 814-237-1922, State College.

1995 GMC CONVERSION VAN, fully loaded, TV, VCR, DVD, CD, etc. Low miles, new inspection, very clean. $2,7500 OBO. 814-6927526 or 814-404-3214.

CENTRE COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK - 2 original plots close to Milton Eisenhower and wife, former president of PSU, next to the Bell Tower, $3,100 for both. For more information, 717-637-3312, 5pm-9pm. OAK RIDGE CEMETARY FAMILY PLOT FOR FIVE $600, call 814-355-5206.

FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3 bedroom heated apartment two miles from Milesburg in BEA School District. $700 per month includes all utilities but electric. Security deposit required. Call 814777-4220, leave message.

COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT: 3 bedroom near Centre Hall available immediately. $1050 + utilities. 814-360-8605.

FREE GIVEAWAY Giveaways are listed free of charge as a service to our readers. FREE KITTENS - to good homes. Seven months old. Spayed and neutered with rabies shots. Please call 814-571-8541.





REQUEST FOR BIDS/PROPOSALS The Board of Education of the Bellefonte Area School District is seeking bids for the following: General Supplies (school and office); Art Supplies, Custodial Supplies, Plumbing, Electrical & Hardware Supplies, Physical Education Supplies, Health Room Supplies, Athletic Training Supplies, Band Instruments & Supplies, Music Supplies, Lumber and Accessories, Transportation-Van and Science Supplies. The bid must conform to the description and specifications requested. Specifications may be obtained by contacting: Kenneth G. Bean Jr. Director of Fiscal Affairs/Board Secretary Bellefonte Area School District 318 North Allegheny Street Bellefonte, PA 16823-1613 Telephone 814-355-4814 x3012 E-mail Jripka@basd.net Bids will be received in the Business Office until 2:00 PM on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at the above address. The school district reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposal, and to place orders that are in the best interest of the school district.

CHILDCARE OPENINGS AVAILABLE. Now’s the time to switch to Family Childcare! A newly opened, PA cert. in-home daycare in Bellefonte has immediate openings. Call 814-8833421.

ESTATE NOTICE NILLES, DAVID J., late of State College Borough, Centre County, Pennsylvania, Administratrix - Melissa R. Nilles, 1630 Blue Course Drive, State College, PA 16801, Attorney - Louis T. Glantz of Glantz, Johnson & Associates, 1901 East College Avenue, State College, PA 16801.

SUVS 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 4X4, Very clean, good condition, new inspection, 61K, tow package, 3rd row seat, leather, moon roof. $12,500. 814441-0979.



JANUARY 6, 2012

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