BROADWAY July 18 / $171 Oct. 13 / $177
Aug. 15 / $182
Aug. 15 / $192
Aug. 15 / $192
Aug. 15 / $213
ONE-DAY Friday, Nov. 30 ............................ $149/Dbl Saturdays, Dec. 1 & Dec. 15 ........ $213/Dbl Wednesdays, Dec. 5 & Dec. 19.... $149/Dbl TWO-DAY* Saturday - Sunday, Dec. 1 - 2 ...... $385/Dbl
Aug. 15 / $213
Sept. 19 / $207
CELEBRATING 85 MAGICAL YEARS OF THE ROCKETTES! Radio City Music Hall® transforms into a giant, magical canvas before your very eyes! Extending beyond the stage, onto the ceiling and walls, you will be amazed as the magic of Christmas surrounds you. Features a 3D live scene, dazzling special eīects, new RockeƩe numbers, and beloved favorites.
*Two-day trip includes 2-1/2 hour Brooklyn Christmas Lights tour and dinner. AccommodaƟons: Holiday Inn Hasbrouck Heights, 283 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 1.800.252.3893
Table of Contents on
Tour & Cruise Reserva ons:
Contact Informa
Broadway Shows ........................................................... 2 Radio City Christmas Spectacular ................................. 2 Fullington Mission & Vision .......................................... 4 Fullington Tour Protec on Plan .................................... 4 Tour Pickup Loca ons ................................................... 4 Tour Schedule by Date .................................................. 5 Tour Policies .................................................................. 7 Trailways Daily Departures ........................................... 8 Group Charters ............................................................. 8 New York City................................................................ 9 Washington, DC .......................................................... 12 Theatre & Shows ......................................................... 15 Sports .......................................................................... 18 Penn State Football..................................................... 19 Gaming ........................................................................ 20 Holiday Tours .............................................................. 23 One-day Tours by Date ............................................... 25 Mul -day Tours by Date ............................................. 31 Ocean City, Maryland ................................................. 34 Interna onal Balloon Fiesta ........................................ 34 Branson Reunion Trip ................................................. 35 Cruises......................................................................... 35 Alphabe cal Tour Index .............................................. 37 VIP Limousine ............................................................. 38 Unique Bou que Trips ................................................ 39
Toll Free PA: 800.252.3893
Group Charters: Toll Free: 800.385.5464
Trailways Daily Departures: Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287
Trailways Casino Departures: Seneca Allegany Casino Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287
Trailways Casino Departures: Hollywood Casino 814.238.1100
VIP Limousine: Toll Free PA: 800.435.6556
814.765.8046 PUC #A-00009329
The Fullington Mission The mission of The Fullington Auto Bus Company is to transport people and their goods safely and comfortably.
The Fullington Vision The Fullington Family of Companies is the leading and most recognized transportaƟon service provider to our customers. Our highest priority is the safe passage of the families, friends, and employees who uƟlize our services. No other objecƟve in our business shall take precedent over the safety of the people and communiƟes served by our company. As a result of our eīorts, we have become the most valued transportaƟon provider to our customers. For our customers, we provide high quality in everything we do. They must be serviced professionally and promptly with courtesy and an emphasis on their comfort and needs. Our fees are fair. Our equipment is modern, clean, and well maintained. For our employees, we provide a safe and peaceful working environment that values the respect, dignity, and recogniƟon of individuals and the team. We are just and ethical in decisions involving employment, compensaƟon, promoƟon, and working condiƟons. Each employee’s family responsibiliƟes and commitments are considered in balance with business and customer needs. For the communiƟes we serve, we are ethical in the treatment of the property we are privileged to use, including protecƟng the environment, wisely using natural resources, and respecƟng the value of community assets. Our relaƟonships with business associates are honest, and we have reliable working relaƟonships to enhance our mutual producƟvity and eīecƟveness. For our shareholders, we provide fair and consistent proĮts while reinvesƟng appropriate surplus to maintain a qualiĮed workforce and modern equipment and faciliƟes. Our management is competent and is focused on delivering high quality service to all of our customers. We evaluate business risks and ensure that all major decisions adequately consider the eīect on all stakeholders. We humbly serve, knowing that our greatest rewards will come from enthusiasƟc and loyal customers.
EīecƟve July 1, 2012 Fullington Tours will include the new Fullington Tour ProtecƟon Plan for all of our bus tours. This plan will enable our tour customers to receive a refund of the trip cost in the event you cancel up to 24 hours prior to the trip departure date and Ɵme. The following are acceptable reasons for cancellaƟon: • Death of immediate family member or travel companion • Personal illness or illness of travel companion SupporƟng documentaƟon will be required. Does not apply to AtlanƟc City oneday trips, Fullington private charters, ColleƩe VacaƟons, or Voyager VIP Cruises. Fullington reserves the right to make modiĮcaƟons to this plan at their sole discreƟon.
Tour Pickup LocaƟons All of our public tours have pickups in the following locaƟons: ♦ DuBois DuBois Mall, Sears parking across from CNB & Hampton Inn ♦ ClearĮeld WalMart, lower parking lot on food side of store ♦ Philipsburg Peebles Plaza, in front of Goodwill store ♦ State College Fullington’s garage, near University Park Airport In the event we have ten or more passengers requesƟng a pickup locaƟon other than the above, we will do a special pickup for an addiƟonal $10 per person over the tour cost. Special pickups may be in a school bus or van, and passengers will be taken to a regular pickup locaƟon to board the motorcoach that is compleƟng the trip. 1.800.252.3893
T O U R S C H E D U L E B Y D AT E JUNE, 2012 June 22 AtlanƟc City, NJ.............................................. 21 June 23 New York City Do As You Please ...................... 9 June 23 Washington, DC Zoo & Smithsonian .............. 12 June 24 Pgh Pirates vs. Detroit Tigers ......................... 18 June 30 NY Yankees vs. Chicago White Sox ................ 18 JULY, 2012 July 4 AtlanƟc City, NJ Firecracker Special ............... 20 July 7 AtlanƟc City, NJ.............................................. 20 July 7 Phil. Phillies vs. Atlanta Braves ...................... 18 July 9-14 Mississippi River Cruise & Chicago ................ 31 July 10 WDC Smithsonian or Sightseeing .................. 12 July 12-15 Ocean City, MD .............................................. 34 July 14 Finger Lakes Wine FesƟval............................. 25 July 16 Hersheypark & Chocolate World ................... 25 July 18 AtlanƟc City, NJ.............................................. 20 July 18 NYC “Heroes - World Trade Center" ................ 9 July 18 New York City Broadway "Phantom"............... 2 July 18 New York City Do As You Please ...................... 9 July 20 QVC Studio & Rockvale Square Mall .............. 25 July 23 Pgh Zoo/Aquarium & Wildwood................... 25 July 23-25 New York Sail, Rail & Cooperstown ............... 31 July 25 Washington, DC Tour & Dandy Cruise ........... 12 July 27 AtlanƟc City, NJ.............................................. 21 Jul 31-Aug. 1 Taste of Lancaster.......................................... 31 AUGUST, 2012 Aug. 1 Sugar Babies/Broadway Classics.................... 16 Aug. 4 AtlanƟc City, NJ.............................................. 20 Aug. 6 PiƩsburgh Steelers Training Camp ................ 25 Aug. 9 Fallingwater & Polymath Park Resort ............ 26 Aug. 11 PiƩsburgh “The Addams Family" ................... 15 Aug. 11 Pgh Pirates vs. San Diego Padres .................. 18 Aug. 11 Sight & Sound "Jonah" ................................... 17 Aug. 15 AtlanƟc City, NJ.............................................. 20 Aug. 15 New York City – Spy Exhibit ........................... 10 Aug. 15 New York City - Terra CoƩa Warriors ............ 10 Aug. 15 Broadway "Anything Goes" ............................. 2 Aug. 15 Broadway "Ghost" ........................................... 2 Aug. 15 Broadway "Newsies" ....................................... 2 Aug. 15 Broadway "Nice Work" .................................... 2 Aug. 15 Broadway "Sister Act" ..................................... 2 Aug. 15 New York City Do As You Please ...................... 9 Aug. 16-18 AtlanƟc City, NJ "Thunder" ............................ 21 Aug. 16-20 Ocean City, MD .............................................. 34 Aug. 17 AtlanƟc City, NJ “Thunder” ............................ 21 Aug. 18 Maryland Zoo & NaƟonal Aquarium.............. 26 Aug. 18 NY Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox ..................... 18 Aug. 24-25 NASCAR @ Bristol .......................................... 18 Aug. 25 Pgh Pirates vs. Milwaukee Brewers ............... 18 Aug. 25 Washington, DC Zoo & Smithsonian .............. 12 Aug. 25-26 New York City SS/OYO ................................... 11 Aug. 29 Pgh Pirates vs. St. Louis Cardinals .................. 18 SEPTEMBER, 2012 Sept. 1 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................ 20 Sept. 1 Cleveland NaƟonal Air Show ............................ 26 Sept. 3-6 Block Island & Newport .................................... 31 Sept. 8 Penn State vs. Virginia ...................................... 19 Sept. 8 WDC Smithsonian or Sightseeing ..................... 12 Sept. 9 PiƩsburgh “Jersey Boys”................................... 15
Sept. 11 Flight 93 & Quecreek Memorials ...................... 26 Sept. 11 Sight & Sound "Jonah" ...................................... 17 Sept. 16-18 Shenandoah Valley Fall Foliage......................... 32 Sept. 19 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................. 20 Sept. 19 NYC "Heroes - World Trade Center" ................... 9 Sept. 19 Broadway "Wicked" ............................................ 2 Sept. 19 New York City Do As You Please ......................... 9 Sept. 19 Babushkas & Hard Hats – Pgh ........................... 26 Sept. 24 Bloomsburg Fair ................................................ 27 Sept. 27 Patsy Cline Tribute ............................................ 16 Sept. 28 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................. 21 Sept. 28-30 Penn State vs. Illinois ........................................ 19 Sept. 29 NaƟonal Air & Space/Udvar-Hazy Center ......... 13 Sept. 30 NASCAR @ Dover .............................................. 18 Sept. 30 Pennsylvania Grand Canyon ............................. 27 OCTOBER, 2012 Oct. 3-4 AtlanƟc City, NJ Trump & Tropicana ................ 21 Oct. 3-12 InternaƟonal Balloon Fiesta .............................. 34 Oct. 4 Allenberry “Smokey Joe's Café” ........................ 16 Oct. 6 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................. 20 Oct. 7 Applefest........................................................... 27 Oct. 7-8 Niagara Falls, NY ............................................... 32 Oct. 7 Wine, Chocolate, and Menopause.................... 39 Oct. 8-12 New England Fall Rail & Sail .............................. 32 Oct. 10 GeƩysburg Meet & Mingle ............................... 27 Oct. 12-13 Treasures of the Ohio River .............................. 33 Oct. 13 New York City "Brooklyn Pizza Tour" .................. 9 Oct. 13 Broadway "Phantom of the Opera" .................... 2 Oct. 13 New York City Do As You Please ......................... 9 Oct. 13 Washington, DC Civil War Tour ......................... 13 Oct. 13-14 Lancaster - Not Just Amish................................ 39 Oct. 15-18 Virginia Beach "Thanks for the Memories" ....... 33 Oct. 17 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................. 20 Oct. 17 Gateway Clipper Fall Foliage ............................. 28 Oct. 19-21 New York City SS/OYO ...................................... 11 Oct. 19-22 Penn State vs. Iowa ........................................... 19 Oct. 20 Maya 2012 - Penn Museum .............................. 27 Oct. 20 Sight & Sound "Jonah" ...................................... 17 Oct. 20 Splash Lagoon ................................................... 28 Oct. 20 WDC Zoo, Smithsonian or SS ............................ 12 Oct. 21 Strasburg Railroad Great Train Robbery ........... 28 Oct. 26 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................. 21 NOVEMBER, 2012 Nov. 2-4 Italian FesƟval at Villa Roma Resort.................. 33 Nov. 2-4 Penn State vs. Purdue ....................................... 19 Nov. 3 AtlanƟc City....................................................... 20 Nov. 3-4 Finger Lakes Wine Trail ..................................... 39 Nov. 3 Metropolitan Cooking Show ............................. 28 Nov. 8-12 Penn State vs. Nebraska ................................... 19 Nov. 8-14 Reunion Trip - Branson, MO ............................. 35 Nov. 10 New York City Do As You Please ......................... 9 Nov. 17 Sight & Sound "Jonah" ...................................... 17 Nov. 18-19 AtlanƟc City Resorts .......................................... 21 Nov. 21 AtlanƟc City....................................................... 20 Nov.22 New York City Macy's Parade ........................... 10 Nov. 23 AtlanƟc City, NJ ................................................. 21 Nov. 27 Overly's Country Christmas............................... 23 Nov. 27-28 Oakridge Boys/FesƟval of Lights ....................... 23 Nov. 30 NYC Radio City Music Hall ................................... 2 Nov.30-Dec. 2 Big Ten Championship Game ............................ 19
T O U R S C H E D U L E B Y D AT E DECEMBER, 2012 Dec. 1 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 Dec. 1 Dickens of a Christmas ................................ 24 Dec. 1 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 Dec. 1-2 NYC Radio City and Brooklyn Lights .............. 2 Dec. 1 New York City Radio City Music Hall ............. 2 Dec. 1 Phineas & Ferb Live Tour............................. 16 Dec. 5 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 Dec. 5 New York City Radio City Music Hall ............. 2 Dec. 6 Big Band Christmas...................................... 23 Dec. 7-10 Nashville Holiday Spectacular ..................... 23 Dec. 8 Longwood Gardens Christmas..................... 24 Dec. 8 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 Dec. 8 Sight & Sound "Jonah" ................................ 17 Dec. 9 Lakemont Park Holiday Lights ..................... 24 Dec. 15 Christkindl Market - Lewisburg ................... 24 Dec. 15 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 Dec. 15 New York City Radio City Music Hall ............. 2 Dec. 16 Lakemont Park Holiday Lights ..................... 24 Dec. 19 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 Dec. 19 New York City Radio City Music Hall ............. 2 Dec. 28 AtlanƟc City, NJ ........................................... 21 Dec. 31 NYC New Year’s Eve .................................... 10 JANUARY, 2013 Jan. 5 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 Jan. 9 Pennsylvania Farm Show............................. 29 Jan. 16 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 Jan. 27 PiƩsburgh “Les Miserables” ........................ 15 FEBRUARY, 2013 Feb. 2 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 Feb. 9 Splash Lagoon.............................................. 28 Feb. 9 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show ................. 29 Feb. 12 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show ........... 29 Feb. 20 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 MARCH, 2013 March 2 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 March 2 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 March 2 NYC – World Trade Center ............................ 9 March 2 New York City – Brooklyn Pizza Tour ............. 9 March 2 WDC Smithsonian or Sightseeing ................ 12 March 6 Philadelphia Flower Show ........................... 29 March 9 Philadelphia Flower Show ........................... 29 March 13 Sight & Sound "Noah" ................................. 17 March 17 New York City St. Patrick's Day...................... 9 March 20 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 March 27 WDC Cherry Blossom FesƟval ..................... 14 March 30 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 APRIL, 2013 April 3 WDC Cherry Blossom / Odyssey .................. 14 April 4 Dandelion Lunch.......................................... 29 April 6 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 April 6 WDC Cherry Blossom FesƟval ..................... 14 April 12-13 WDC Cherry Blossom FesƟval ..................... 14 April 13 WDC Cherry Blossom FesƟval ..................... 14 April 16 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 April 20 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9
April 21 Boo-Ɵque - Paranormal Experience............. 39 April 24 NaƟonal Air & Space/Udvar-Hazy................ 13 April 27 PiƩsburgh Steelers Fan Blitz ........................ 30 April 28 Kennedy Center "Shear Madness" .............. 16 MAY, 2013 May 3 New Orleans ................................................ 36 May 4 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 May 4 Peddler's Village Strawberry FesƟval........... 30 May 4 WDC Civil War Tour ..................................... 13 May 4 WDC Zoo, Smithsonian or Sightseeing ........ 12 May 15 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 May 18 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 May 18 Sight & Sound "Noah" ................................. 17 May 25 BalƟmore Aquarium & Inner Harbor ........... 30 JUNE, 2013 June 1 Barnes FoundaƟon & Phil Art Museum ....... 30 June 1 Philadelphia Do As You Please..................... 30 June 6 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 June 7-9 New York City SS/OYO ................................. 11 June 15 Washington, DC Presidents at Home .......... 13 June 19 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 June 20 Sight & Sound "Noah” ................................. 17 June 22 New York City Do As You Please .................... 9 JULY, 2013 July 6 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 July 10 WDC Smithsonian or Sightseeing ................ 12 July 17 AtlanƟc City ................................................. 20 AUGUST, 2013 Aug. 14 Sight & Sound "Noah" ................................. 17 SEPTEMBER, 2013 Sept. TBA
Reunion Trip - Southern History & Charm ............ 36
Sept. 17 Sight & Sound "Noah" ................................. 17 Sept. 22-Oct.1 Shades of Ireland ......................................... 36 OCTOBER, 2013 Oct. 18-20 New York City SS/OYO ................................... 9 Oct. 19 Sight & Sound “Noah” ................................. 17 NOVEMBER, 2013 Nov. 2 Sight & Sound “Noah” ................................. 17 Nov. 30 Sight & Sound “Miracle of Christmas: ......... 17 DECEMBER, 2013 Dec. 14 Sight & Sound “Miracle of Christmas: ......... 17 Dec. 17 Sight & Sound “Miracle of Christmas: ......... 17
N o te ! Make reservations early to be assured of the trip of your choice! Trips that include hotel accommodations, tickets to attractions, etc., are often only available up to 30 days before the departure date. Deciding to go at the last minute? We will do everything we can to add you!
RESERVATIONS • Call 800-252-3893; or in person at any of our oĸces • Request a reservaƟon at and we will
contact you with conĮrmaƟon
DEPOSITS & PAYMENTS • One-day tours require payment in full within 1 week from • •
date of reservaƟon MulƟple-day tours require a $150 deposit per person deposit, due 1 week from date of reservaƟon; and payment in full is due 1 month prior to departure date All reservaƟons not paid by due date will be cancelled. ReservaƟons made within 1 week of trip will be accepted on a seats-available basis and payment in full must be received with reservaƟon Payments may be made by cash, check, money order, Visa, Mastercard, or Discover
Effective July 1, 2012 Fullington Tours will include the new Fullington Tour Protection Plan for all of our bus tours. This plan will enable our tour customers to receive a refund of the trip cost in the event you cancel up to 24 hours prior to the trip departure date and time. The following are acceptable reasons for cancellation: • Death of immediate family member or travel companion • Personal illness or illness of travel companion Supporting documentation will be required. Does not apply to Atlantic City one-day casino trips, Fullington private charters, Collette Vacations or Voyager VIP Cruises. Fullington reserves the right to make modifications to this plan at its sole discretion.
• •
the designated pickup Ɵme We advise that you remain at pickup locaƟon 30 minutes from the designated pickup Ɵme prior to calling us or leaving the pickup point
Fullington Trailways, LLC acts solely as selling agent for transportaƟon (whether by motorcoach, rail, boat, air or other means) and non-transportaƟon services (including but not limited to hotel/motel, restaurants, sightseeing, and amusements) sold or arranged by it; and Fullington Trailways, LLC does not assume responsibility for any damage, loss, delay, injury, or accident due to any act or default on the part of any company or persons engaged in providing transportaƟon, lodging, sightseeing, or other services which are a part of these tours. In addiƟon, Fullington Trailways, LLC will not be responsible for (i) mechanical breakdowns, government acƟons, weather, acts of God, or other circumstances beyond its control, (ii) passengers’ failure to obtain required documentaƟon, including passports, visas, and health cerƟĮcates, (iii) overbooking by the hotel and hotel imposed surcharges, (iv) passengers’ failure to follow instrucƟons, including but not limited to check in and out Ɵmes and baggage handling, and (v) inconvenience generated by strike or other work stoppage involving the heretofore referenced independent Įrms. We anƟcipate no changes in the published tours, but reserve the right to withdraw, alter the schedule, change the rouƟng and tariīs at the Ɵme of prinƟng, and are subject to change before departure. The right is reserved to cancel any tour prior to departure and in such case all payment will be refunded. Fullington Trailways, LLC is NOT responsible for items leŌ on the bus.
Large coolers will be stowed in the luggage compartment Small coolers must be stowed under your seat ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE NOT PERMITTED. The driver and/or escort may inspect any or all coolers and dispose of alcoholic beverages. Passengers under the age of 21 may not have alcoholic beverages at any Ɵme during the trip duraƟon
Seats are not assigned or reserved. On mulƟ-day trips seats may be rotated at the discreƟon of the driver and/or escort Due to the double seat conĮguraƟon, you may be required to sit with another solo passenger in order to accommodate passengers traveling together
Ticketed venues retain the right to cancel or reschedule their events. If the event does not occur on the originallyscheduled date DO NOT DISPOSE OF YOUR TICKET. This Ɵcket is your property and going to any escheduled event or obtaining the refund is your responsibility If the event is cancelled aŌer the bus arrives, there will be no refunds for the transportaƟon porƟon of the tour as the transportaƟon has been provided As a courtesy we will try, but not guarantee, to provide transportaƟon for the rescheduled event at an addiƟonal charge
62” combined length, width, height, and should not weigh more than 50 pounds Two pieces per passenger for 8 or more days; must pack 1 bag for Įrst half of trip; 1 for second half One carry-on bag (14 x 8 x 12) per passenger Hotels will handle only one piece of luggage per passenger
Proof of U.S. CiƟzenship is mandatory and must be carried with you when deparƟng the U.S. This applies to all passengers ages 15 and older Visit or for the latest immigraƟon/passport requirements for the country you are visiƟng
LUGGAGE • One piece per passenger for 2 - 7 days. Should not exceed
• •
We reserve the right to refuse to transport a person who is considered objecƟonable, such as: I. A person believed to be under the inŇuence of intoxicaƟng liquor or drugs II. Exhibits an incapability to take care of him/herself III. Causes public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk such as ĮghƟng, unreasonable noise, obscene language or gestures IV. Exhibits hazardous or oīensive acƟon or behavior V. Refuse to comply with any lawful rul e or regulaƟon of Fullington Trailways, LLC
DEPARTURE TIMES • Passengers should arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to
All individual passengers must be 18 years old or older. Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult
A “No Smoking” policy has been adopted on all tours. Rest and meal stops occur frequently and should accommodate smokers
Fullington Trailways Your passage to the United States & Canada ♦ Daily scheduled service to: PiƩsburgh/PiƩsburgh Airport Buīalo Wilkes-Barre Harrisburg (with connecƟons to any U.S. desƟnaƟon) ♦ Casino departures: See Page 26 ♦ Package Express: Send and receive packages at rates much lower than other package delivery services
800-942-8287 or check your Yellow Pages under “Bus Lines”
Penn State Express Runs 814-238-1100 ♦ From State College* to: East Stroudsburg / Dover, NJ / New York City King of Prussia / Philadelphia Altoona / Monroeville / PiƩsburgh York / BalƟmore / Washington, DC Reading / Allentown / Newark, NJ
Please go to Ɵ for schedules and fares. *Thursday, Friday, Sunday departures only while Penn State is in session. They do not run over the summer months.
Returns to State College same day.
FULLINGTON CUSTOM GROUP PACKAGES Do you have a group ouƟng in mind?
800-385-5464 Let Fullington plan your next . . . . . . . • Senior Group Tour • Military Reunion • Cruise VacaƟons • Church OuƟng • School Groups • Sports Groups
• Red Hats Trip • Private Clubs • Any group ouƟng!
Our experienced professional travel planners can arrange transportaƟon, hotels, meals, Ɵckets to aƩracƟons, etc. All of our vehicles are safe, reliable, and clean; and all of our drivers are professional, courteous, and most importantly safe. 1.800.252.3893
N E W YO R K C I T Y “Do As You Please”
$87 per person
Spend the day in the “Big Apple.” Drop oī points are at Gray Line New York Visitors Center* between 48th and 49th Streets on 8th Avenue and at BaƩery Park for Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island (you must purchase your own ferry Ɵckets).
2012 Dates Saturday, June 23 Wednesday, July 18 Wednesday, August 15 Wednesday, September 19 Saturday, October 13
Saturday, November 10 Saturday, December 1 Wednesday, December 5 Saturday, December 8 Saturday, December 15
2013 Dates
See Opposite Page for Trailways Expresses to NEW YORK CITY
Saturday, March 2 - Spring Break Special - $70 Sunday, March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade - $60 Saturday, March 30 Saturday, May 18 Saturday, April 20 Saturday, June 22
Statue of Liberty and Broadway Ɵcket informaƟon: PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT WE DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT A TRIP WILL GO TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO THE TRAVEL DATE. PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AND MAKE CERTAIN YOUR SCHEDULED DATE IS DEFINITELY GOING BEFORE PURCHASING TICKETS. You may purchase Statue of Liberty Ɵckets at 866-782-8834 or online at www.statueoŇibertyƟ When you purchase Ɵckets, let them know you will arrive at BaƩery Park at approximately 11:30 a.m. You may purchase Broadway Ɵckets online, or purchase same-day discounted Ɵckets at TKTS, 45th and Broadway. ALL Ɵckets are NON-REFUNDABLE once you purchase them. *At Gray Line New York you may purchase Ɵckets for a number of tours including bus tours, helicopter rides, harbor cruises, as well as obtain maps, pamphlets, and other informaƟon. The Times Square InformaƟon Center is another resource for informaƟon and is located in Times Square on 7th Avenue between 46th and 47th Streets. For more informaƟon, go to or www.Ɵ
“A Slice of Brooklyn Pizza” Tour Saturday, October 13 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Saturday, March 2, 2013
$138 per person
The only tour that covers Brooklyn from one end to the other! From it's favorite food, neighborhoods, landmarks and famous movie locaƟons Pizza stops include Grimaldi's for award-winning Neapolitan, brick oven pizza, and Margherita style pizza; L&B Spumoni Gardens for award-winning Sicilian style pizza. Two slices and a soŌ drink are included at each stop! Visit areas like DUMBO, Red Hook, Bay Ridge, Bath Beach; stroll along the famous Coney Island Boardwalk, and see locaƟons from Saturday Night Fever, Goodfellas, The French ConnecƟon, Annie Hall, and more! As seen on NBC's Today, Travel Channel, the Food Network, and voted the #1 Tour of Brooklyn by Tripadvisor OUR JUNE, 2012 PASSENGERS LOVED THIS TOUR!!
Heroes of the World Trade Center Wednesday, July 18 Wednesday, September 19
$119 per person Saturday, March 2, 2013
Four-hour guided tour including : ♦ One-hour walking tour of the World Trade Center site with admission to the 9/11 Memorial ♦ Three-hour driving tour of the Big Apple’s highlights, including Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Bryant Park, Empire State Building, LiƩle Italy, Chinatown, Brooklyn Bridge, and more
N E W YO R K C I T Y Terra CoƩa Warriors Exhibit
$99 per person
Wednesday, August 15 Discovery Times Square ♦ ♦ ♦
Nearly 2,000 years ago, thousands of life-size clay Įgures including soldiers, charioteers, archers, musicians, generals, and acrobats were buried in massive underground pits to accompany China's Įrst emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, into the aŌerlife One of the greatest archaeological Įnds of the 20th century Largest collecƟon of signiĮcant arƟfacts from China ever to travel to the United States
Spy: The Secret World of Espionage
$99 per person
Wednesday, August 15 Discovery Times Square ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
InteracƟve new exhibit takes you beyond the ĮcƟon and Hollywood drama and puts you face to face with the fascinaƟng truth behind the scenes Encounter real stories and actual gadgets revealed for the Įrst Ɵme ever from the vaults of US Intelligence Agencies Become a spy by creaƟng your own disguises, altering your voice, and navigaƟng laser beams Learn how intelligence really works
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
$105 per adult*
Thursday, November 22 ♦ ♦
Famous parade includes giant balloons, galloons, marching bands, Ňoats, celebriƟes, clowns, costumed characters,and of course Santa Claus Includes Thanksgiving meal at Cracker Barrel Restaurant
*90 per child 12 and under.
New Year’s Eve at Times Square
$89 per person
Monday, December 31 ♦ ♦
New Year's Eve at Times Square, the symbolic center of New York City, has become more than just a celebraƟon - it's a universal tradiƟon welcoming the New Year Be among the one million plus who witness this event in person bidding farewell to 2012 and making wishes for 2013
FULLINGTON TOUR PROTECTION PLAN Effective July 1, 2012 Fullington Tours will include the new Fullington Tour Protection Plan for all of our bus tours. This plan will enable our tour customers to receive a refund of the trip cost in the event you cancel up to 24 hours prior to the trip departure date and time. The following are acceptable reasons for cancellation: • Death of immediate family member or travel companion • Personal illness or illness of travel companion Supporting documentation will be required. Does not apply to Atlantic City one-day trips, Fullington private charters, Collette Vacations, or Voyager VIP Cruises.
N E W YO R K C I T Y New York City On Your Own or Sightseeing TWO-DAY ON YOUR OWN
Saturday - Sunday, Aug. 25 - 26 ................... $296
Saturday - Sunday, Aug. 25 - 26 ................... $433
Friday - Sunday, Oct. 19 - 21 ......................... $481 Friday - Sunday, June 7 - 9, 2013 ................... $399 Friday - Sunday, Oct. 18 - 20, 2013 ................ $497
Friday - Sunday, Oct. 19 - 21 ......................... $614 Friday - Sunday, June 7 - 9, 2013 ................... $538 Friday - Sunday, Oct. 18 - 20, 2013 ................ $635 Prices are per person double occupancy. ♦ ♦
On your own includes accommodaƟons at the Skyline Hotel, 725 Tenth Avenue in ManhaƩen Sightseeing includes accommodaƟons at the Skyline Hotel , two- or three-day “Hop-on Hop-oī” pass on Grayline Sightseeing Double Decker bus, dinner at Tony DiNapoli’s Restaurant, and admission to Top of the Rock Travel Ɵp: Please be advised that we are required to pay in full for hotel rooms a minimum of 30 days in advance of the departure date. Therefore please make your reservaƟons as early as possible so we may secure your accommodaƟons.
Coming Soon on New York City Trips!! We want you to have the best possible Ɵme when you travel with us to New York City! Therefore we will be oīering vouchers to various aƩracƟons such as Top of the Rock, Discovery Times Square, Circle-Line Sightseeing cruises, The Ride, and others. These vouchers will give you the opportunity to visit these aƩracƟons at the discounted rate that we receive as a tour operator. We are currently working out the details of this program; please call us at 800-252-3893 for further discounts and available aƩracƟons.
Thank You - all of our passengers - for choosing to travel with us. You are very important to us, and we value your opinion. Please complete the Tour Evaluation that is provided on your trip, or call us at any time if we may improve our service to you. Best regards from everyone at The Fullington Auto Bus Company 1.800.252.3893
WA S H I N G TO N , D C Open-Top Sightseeing
Smithsonian InsƟtuƟon 2012 Dates Tuesday, July 10 Saturday, September 8 Saturday, October 20 ♦
2012 Dates Tuesday, July 10 Saturday, September 8 Saturday, October 20
2013 Dates Saturday, March 2 Saturday, May 4 Wednesday, July 10
2013 Dates Saturday, March 2 Saturday, May 4 Wednesday, July 10
Open-top deck of a double-decker bus is the best way to see Washington. Narrated shuƩle tours to the historic locaƟons you choose to see ♦ Indoor seaƟng also available ♦ Free all-day reboarding $109 Per adult; $88 per child 12 and under Spring Break Special: Take $10 oī!
NaƟonal Museum of American History, NaƟonal Air and Space Museum, NaƟonal Museum of Natural History among the 19 museums at this locaƟon
$74 Per person Spring Break Special: Take $10 oī!
NaƟonal Zoological Park & Smithsonian InsƟtuƟon 2012 Dates Saturday, June 23 Saturday, August 25 Saturday, October 20 ♦ ♦
$74 per adult
2013 Dates Saturday, May 4 Wednesday, July 10
Zoo has animals in a natural and peaceful seƫng World’s largest museum complex and research facility
Dandy Lunch Cruise, Air Force Memorial, Pentagon Memorial, & Mount Vernon
$129 per person
Wednesday, July 25 ♦ Watch as the Washington Monument, Jeīerson and Lincoln Memorials, Kennedy Center, and the sights of Georgetown glide past your window as you feast on delectable entrees on the Dandy ♦ Visit the Pentagon Memorial honoring those who perished on September 11, 2001 ♦ Visit the Air Force Memorial, a national place of pride, reverence, and remembrance dedicated to the men and women of the United States Air Force ♦ Visit Mount Vernon, the home of George and Martha Washington and the most popular historic estate in America The Pentagon Memorial and Mount Vernon
WA S H I N G TO N , D C Smithsonian NaƟonal Air & Space Museum & See the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center Washington, DC & ChanƟlly, VA 2012 Saturday, September 29 ♦ ♦ ♦
$74 per person
Space ShuƩle Discovery! 2013 Wednesday, April 24
The two faciliƟes maintain the largest collecƟon of historic air and spacecraŌ in the world The NaƟonal Mall building has hundreds of arƟfacts on display including the original Wright 1903 Flyer, the Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 command module, and a lunar rock sample that visitors can touch The Space ShuƩle Discovery is now on display at The Steven F. UdvarHazy Center along with the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird and the Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay
The ShuƩle Carrier AircraŌ carrying Space ShuƩle Discovery at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida
Washington, DC Civil War Tour
$86 per person
Saturday, October 13 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Drive by the Capitol Building while hearing its history of being a Civil War hospital and barracks Visit Ford’s Theatre where Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth and the Peterson House where he later died Eastern Market, built in 1870, for lunch (on own) and free Ɵme Guided tour of Tudor Place, where owners, boarders, servants, and enslaved laborers worked together to survive in warƟme Tram tour of Arlington NaƟonal Cemetery and Arlington House, former home of Confederate General Robert E. Lee
Presidents at Home
$116 per person
Saturday, June 15, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Tour of Woodrow Wilson’s home Lunch (on own) and free Ɵme at Ronald Reagan Building & InternaƟonal Trade Center Drive by White House Visit St. John’s Church, aka Church of Presidents, where all presidents since James Madison have worshipped See the Įrst memorial to FDR, which many do not know about; then visit the newer, “four-room” memorial - one for each term he served - that depicts his likeness and that of his dog, Fala Drive by Georgetown home that JFK purchased for Jackie aŌer Caroline’s birth and where they lived unƟl he became President Stop at Georgetown Cupcake, seen on Martha Stewart and Today for a sweet treat Dinner (included) at Cozy Restaurant with Ɵme to explore Camp David Museum
Sell 10 seats on any one-day public tour and receive one free! Sell 20 seats on any mulƟ-day public tour and receive one free! 1.800.252.3893
WA S H I N G TO N , D C NaƟonal Cherry Blossom FesƟval Friday - Saturday, April 12 - 13, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦
Premium grandstand seaƟng for the massive Cherry Blossom FesƟval Parade The Capitol Visitor’s Center Tour of the United States Capitol Building United States Library of Congress Tour Supreme Court Building (pending length of line) Memorial tour including The NaƟonal World War II Memorial, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, The Korean War Veterans Memorial, The Marine Corps War Memorial, The Jeīerson Memorial, Air Force Memorial, and the Pentagon Dinner at Buca di Beppo Free Ɵme at your choice of the Smithsonian InsƟtuƟon museums
2 Days Price TBD Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 1 breakfast, 1 dinner
NaƟonal Cherry Blossom FesƟval Day Trips Wednesday, March 27, 2013 Saturday, April 6, 2013 Saturday, April 13, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦
$68 per person* $82 per person $82 per person
Guided tour of Washington’s historic monuments Visit Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials Take a riding tour around the Tidal Basin to Hanes Point
*Supersaver Wednesday, April 3, 2013 - Odyssey Lunch Cruise ♦ ♦ ♦
$139 per person
View the cherry blossoms while dining aboard the sleek and sophisƟcated all-glass vessel A fantasƟc fusion of dining, entertainment, sightseeing, and views Free Ɵme at the NaƟonal Mall and Smithsonian InsƟtuƟon
Note: The Odyssey recommends business casual aƫre for the luncheon cruises. AthleƟc shoes or jeans are not allowed.
T H E AT R E & S H O W S
“The Addams Family”
$114 per person Saturday, August 11, 2012 Benedum Center, PiƩsburgh, PA Gomez and Mor cia find themselves living every parent's nightmare. Their daughter Wednesday has suddenly become a young woman, and what's worse, has fallen deliriously in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. See how they deal with their house turning upside down when they are forced to host a dinner for the young man and his parents.
“Jersey Boys”
$125 per person
Sunday, September 9, 2012 Benedum Center, PiƩsburgh, PA The story of how Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons went from being unknown New Jersey kids to interna onal pop superstars. Features over 30 beau fully sung tunes, including “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry” and “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.”
“Les Miserables”
$114 per person
Sunday, January 27, 2013 Benedum Center, PiƩsburgh, PA Based on the Victor Hugo novel widely considered one of the greatest of the nineteenth century, the plot follows the stories of many characters as they struggle for redemp on and revolu on in 19th century France.
“The Book of Mormon”
$134 per person
Saturday, April 6, 2013 Benedum Center, PiƩsburgh, PA Nine 2011 Tony Awards say it's the Best Musical of the Year. Vogue says, “It's the funniest musical of all me.” And The New York Times says, “It's the best musical of this century.” This blockbuster show features several big song-and-dance numbers accompanied by some old-fashioned Broadway bel ng. An equal opportunity offender, the show playfully pokes fun at religion, sexuality, poverty, and race. Contains explicit language.
T H E AT R E & S H O W S “Sugar Babies”
$76 per person
Wednesday, August 1 Broadway Classics Theatre, Harrisburg, PA Riotously funny, nostalgic trip to the days of burlesque, that irreverent form of American entertainment. All the classic shƟcks are here, along with wonderful songs, chorus girls, tap dancing, and double takes - pure entertainment!
“The Sweet Sounds of Patsy Cline”
$99 per person
Thursday, September 27 Pennsylvania Opry, Mercersburg, PA Back at the Opry by popular demand, Joanne SƟŋer and the Opry Cast perform Patsy Cline favorites that carved an everlasƟng place in the world of country and pop music.
“Smokey Joe’s Cafe”
$99 per person
Thursday, October 4 Allenberry Theatre, Boiling Springs, PA The longest running Broadway Revue in history! Featuring hits like "On Broadway," "Fools Fall in Love," "Jailhouse Rock," "Poison Ivy," "Hound Dog," "Stand By Me," and more presented in various combinaƟons with no dialogue in this musical revue style dance and song celebraƟon of Rock & Roll.
“Disney’s Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever! “
$107 per adult*
Saturday, December 1 Hershey Theatre, Hershey, PA Phineas, Ferb, and the whole tri-state area gang embark on a bold escape jumping out from behind your TV and onto the stage in a live acƟon adventure! You will see Perry, the pet platypus – or Agent P? – Dr. Doofenshmirtzk, and Candace in the escapade of hilarious hijinks.
*$93 per child 12 and under.
“Shear Madness”
$149 per person
Sunday, April 28 Kennedy Center, Washington, DC ♦ ♦ ♦
Set in present-day Georgetown, Shear Madness engages locals and visitors alike as armchair detectives helping solve the scissor-stabbing murder of a famed concert pianist who lives above the unisex hairstyling salon Includes dinner in Georgetown area Visit Georgetown Cupcake, as seen on Oprah, Today, Martha Stewart, and more Second longest running play in the history of American Theater only behind Shear Madness in Boston!
Includes Show Ticket & Meal
Lancaster County, PA
“Jonah” Saturday, August 11 Tuesday, September 11 Saturday, October 20 Saturday, November 17 Saturday, December 8
$134* $126 $134 $134 $134
Get ready for Sight and Sound’s most extreme fun Įlled adventure yet. Jonah disobeys God and runs away, then encounters a TERRIBLE storm, an ENORMOUS Įsh, a TINY worm, a MIGHTY wind, a BLAZING sun, a WICKED empire in the GREATEST revival in history.
All of our previous shows have sold out! Don’t miss the *Price per person; adult. chance to see this fabulous performance!
Call for youth and child prices.
“Noah - The Musical” - 2013 Wednesday, March 13 Saturday, May 18 Thursday, June 20 Wednesday, August 14 Tuesday, September 17 Saturday, October 19 Saturday, November 2
$122* $146 $122 $122 $122 $146 $146
Noah and his family embark on a journey as they uphold the call of God to build a boat in a land that has never seen rain! Hundreds of animals enter and live inside the great ark that surrounds the audience on three sides. 40-foot-tall sets, toe-tapping songs, professional actors and a Ɵmely message of hope bring this beloved story to life on stage. *Price per person; adult. Call for youth and child prices.
“Miracle of Christmas” - 2013 Saturday, November 30 Saturday, December 14 Tuesday, December 17
$141* $141 $122
Stunning sets in this live naƟvity of Wise Men, shepherds, camels, horses, donkeys, and angels as they witness the miraculous truth of the Savior’s birth! A Sight & Sound favorite for years, this show returns aŌer its 2012 hiatus. *Price per person; adult. Call for youth and child prices.
SPORTS NaƟonal Hockey League PiƩsburgh Penguins We are your Ɵcket to see the Pens! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Consol Energy Center, PiƩsburgh Madison Square Garden, New York Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia First Niagara Center, Buīalo Verizon Center, Washington
Please call or check our website for updates and prices.
Major League Baseball New York Yankees Yankee Stadium, New York, NY Saturday, June 30 .................................. Chicago White Sox ..........................................$152 Saturday, August 18 .............................. Boston Red Sox...............................................$152
PiƩsburgh Pirates PNC Park, PiƩsburgh, PA Sunday, June 24 .................................... Detroit Tigers .................................................. $78 Saturday, August 11 .............................. San Diego Padres (Skyblast) ............................. $78 Saturday, August 25 .............................. Milwaukee Brewers ......................................... $78 Wednesday, August 29 .......................... St. Louis Cardinals............................................ $68 Home-town kid special!! See MATT ADAMS - Philipsburg Osceola Grad!
Philadelphia Phillies CiƟzens Bank Park, Philadelphia, PA Saturday, July 7..................................... Atlanta Braves ................................................ $120
NASCAR Racing Bristol Motor Speedway Bristol, TN
Friday - Saturday, August 24 - 25 ........................................................................... $367/Dbl
Dover InternaƟonal Raceway Dover, DE Sunday, September 30 .................................................................................................$125
SPORTS Includes TransportaƟon, AccommodaƟons, Game Ticket, and Tailgate
Penn State Football University of Virginia Cavaliers CharloƩesville, VA, ScoƩ Stadium Saturday, September 8 ....................................... $175 (1 Day) Also 2 or 3 Day Trip ........................................................ $TBD
University of Illinois FighƟng Illini Urbana - Champaign, IL, Memorial Stadium Friday - Sunday, September 28 - 30 ..................... $TBD/Dbl (3 Days)
University of Iowa Hawkeyes Iowa City, IA, Kinnick Stadium Friday - Monday, October 19 - 22 ............... $TBD/Dbl (4 Days)
Purdue University Boilermakers West LafayeƩe, IN, Ross-Ade Stadium Friday - Sunday, November 2 - 4 ......................... $TBD/Dbl (3 Days)
University of Nebraska Cornhuskers Lincoln, NE, Memorial Stadium Thursday - Monday, November 8 - 12 ........ $TBD/Dbl (5 Days)
Big 10 Championship Game Indianapolis, IN, Lucas Oil Stadium Friday, November 30 - Sunday, December 2 .................................$TBD/Dbl (3 Days)
GAMING All casino bonuses are at the discreƟon of each casino. Bonuses vary and cannot be guaranteed by Fullington Trailways, LLC. Minimum age to enter casinos in the United States and Canada is 21 years old. Casinos require photo idenƟĮcaƟon of all guests.
AtlanƟc City, NJ Casino Trips Tropicana Casino ♦
$25 on Players AcƟon Card; One buīet per person
Duncansville Pickup*
State College & Lewistown Pickup*
2012 Dates
2012 Dates
Saturday, July 7 Wednesday, August 15 Saturday, September 1 Wednesday, October 17 Saturday, November 3 Wednesday, December 19
Wednesday, July 18 Saturday, August 4 Wednesday, September 19 Saturday, October 6 Wednesday, November 21 Saturday, December 1
2013 Dates
2013 Dates
Wednesday, January 16 Saturday, February 2 Wednesday, March 20 Saturday, April 6 Wenesday, May 15 Saturday, June 1 Wednesday, July 17
Saturday, January 5 Wednesday, February 20 Saturday, March 2 Wednesday, April 17 Saturday, May 4 Wednesday, June 19 Saturday, July 6
Customer AppreciaƟon Specials: Take $10 oī!
*All dates have DuBois, ClearĮeld, and Philipsburg pickups available. Price per person. DuBois pickup ........................... $70 ClearĮeld & Philipsburg pickup ............. $65 State College pickup .................. $60 Tyrone & Duncansville pickup .............. $55 Lewistown pickup..................................................................................................... $55
Resorts Casino Firecracker Special Wednesday, July 4 ♦ $25 Slot ♦ One buīet per person
$50 Per person
DuBois, ClearĮeld, Philipsburg, Tyrone & Duncansville pickups
GAMING AtlanƟc City, NJ Casino Trips Resorts Casino ♦ ♦
$30 Slot One buīet per person
2012 Dates Friday, June 22 Friday, July 27 Friday, August 17 Friday, September 28
Friday, October 26 Friday, November 23 Friday, December 28
Customer AppreciaƟon Specials: Take $10 oī!
Price per person. DuBois pickup ..................................................................................................................... $70 ClearĮeld & Philipsburg pickup ........................................................................................... $65 Duncansville pickup ............................................................................................................ $55
Thunder Over The Boardwalk Resorts Casino Thursday - Saturday, August 16 - 18 ♦ ♦
Exclusive seaƟng on the Steel Pier for one of the most popular events in AtlanƟc City, and one of the very best air shows in the country U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team, U.S. Navy Super Hornet, and more
3 Days
$332 pp/dbl
Bonus: $25 slot; two buīets per person
2 Days
Trump Plaza & Tropicana
$150 pp/dbl
Wednesday - Thursday, October 3 - 4
Bonus: $15 slot at both casinos Includes lunch at Carmine’s restaurant
Resorts Casino
2 Days
Bonus: $15 slot, one buīet per person Resorts Revue Show (if available)
Sunday - Monday, November 18 - 19
$131 pp/dbl
$25 per person
$25 per person
(Round trip only)
(Round trip only)
Incentive: $25 Slot; $10 Food
Incentive: $30 Slot; $5 Food
Arrive 11:05 am - Depart 3:30 pm (Required stay to receive bonus)
Arrive 12:30 pm - Depart 7:15 pm (Required stay to receive bonus)
Pickup Return 6:00 am .... St. College Garage ..............8:25 pm 6:15 am .... St. College Term*.................8:10 pm 6:45 am .... Philipsburg ...........................7:40 pm 7:15 am .... Clearfield ..............................7:15 pm 7:20 am .... Punxsutawney......................7:10 pm 7:30 am .... Big Run ................................7:00 pm 7:40 am .... Sykesville .............................6:50 pm 8:05 am .... DuBois .................................6:25 pm 8:50 am .... St. Marys ..............................5:40 pm 9:00 am .... Johnsonburg ........................5:30 pm 9:10 am .... Wilcox ..................................5:20 pm 9:25 am .... Kane .....................................5:05 pm 9:35 am .... Lantz Corners ......................4:55 pm 10:05 am .. Bradford ...............................4:30 pm 11:05 ........ Seneca Allegany Casino ... 3:30 pm Call Fullington
Pickup Return 10:40 am.... St. College Garage ............ 9:30 pm 11:15 am.... St. College Term*............... 9:15 pm 12:00 am.... Lewisburg Library............... 8:30 pm 12:05 am.... Lewistown Laskaris Rest*. . 8:25 pm 12:20 am.... Mifflintown Econolodge ...... 8:15 pm 1:30 pm ..... Hollywood Casino ........... 7:00 pm Call Fullington
Trailways at
814-238-1100 For information and pickup locations *Limited parking available
Trailways at
800-942-8287 For information and pickup locations *Limited parking available
COMING SOON: MONTHLY DEPARTURES TO RIVERS CASINO PITTSBURGH, PA NOTE: ONE-DAY CASINO TRIPS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE FULLINGTON TOUR PROTECTION PLAN. Bonuses are at discreĆ&#x;on of each casino and are subject to change. Fullington Trailways, LLC cannot guarantee bonuses. Must be 21 years of age with valid photo ID to enter all casinos. 1.800.252.3893
2012 GREAT HOLIDAY TOURS! Oakridge Boys and Winter FesƟval of Lights Tuesday - Wednesday, November 27 - 28 Niagara Falls, ON ♦ ♦ ♦
Oakridge Boys concert - a high energy stage show of four-part harmonies and upbeat songs from one of the most disƟncƟve and recognizable sounds in music Niagara Falls Winter FesƟval of Lights - an ABA Top 100 event BuƩerŇy Conservatory pp/dbl
2 Days
Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 1 breakfast, 1 dinner
Proof of CiƟzenship Required
Nashville Holiday Spectacular Friday - Monday, December 7 - 10 Nashville, TN ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Radio City RockeƩes Show Tour of Fontanel, Barbara Mandrell’s amazing log home Dinner & Christmas Show at the Studio Gallery at Fontanel Opryland Arts and CraŌs Show Ice! ice sculpture display Shopping at Opry Mills Mall
4 Days
Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 3 breakfasts, 1 dinner
Overly’s Country Christmas
$44 per person*
Greensburg, PA Tuesday, November 27 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Sing carols ‘round the bonĮre, revel in the model train display Shop for giŌs in the C. Edgar & Sons General Store Experience the beauty of this illuminated winter wonderland Impressive holiday light display has a walk-through Christmas Village Įlled with old-fashioned tradiƟons and treats
*Customer appreciaƟon special - take $10 oī!
“Big Band Christmas”
$92 per person*
Thursday, December 6 King Concert Hall - Rockefeller Arts Center, Fredonia, NY The LiƩle Apple Big Band with Bruce Johnstone and eight of SUNY Fredonia music school’s most talented singers and dancers in what is sure to be an incredibly entertaining aŌernoon of Christmas classics from the Big Band era. Includes lunch.
*Customer appreciaƟon special - take $10 oī!
Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular New York, NY See Page 2 for details 1.800.252.3893
2012 GREAT HOLIDAY TOURS! Dickens of a Christmas
$47 per person
Wellsboro, PA Saturday, December 1 ♦ ♦
Take a step back in Ɵme and celebrate the community's 29th annual "Dickens of a Christmas" as Wellsboro becomes an early Victorian marketplace Delectable wares for eaƟng and drinking, as well as delighƞul giŌ items for wearing or enjoying. Food and craŌ vendors, strolling musicians and singers, dancers, and street-corner thespians
Longwood Gardens Christmas
$104 per person
KenneƩ Square, PA Saturday, December 8 ♦ Elegantly decorated trees and thousands of poinseƫas, amaryllis, narcissus, cyclamen, and tulips adorn the indoor heated conservatory ♦ More than 500,000 lights transform the grounds into a fesƟve, night-blooming garden, while colorful dancing fountains perform to holiday music ♦ Luncheon voucher included at café
Lakemont Park “Holiday Lights on the Lake”
$27 per person
Altoona, PA Sunday, December 9 & Sunday, December 16 ♦ Travel in vintage style and begin a new family tradiƟon of “an oldfashioned holiday” ♦ Visit Santa’s Village where you can get a photo taken with Santa, enjoy refreshments, and shop at the giŌ shop
Christkindl Market
$55 per person
Lewisburg, PA Saturday, December 15 ♦ A holiday shopping treat with many high quality craŌ vendors oīering wood, silver, glass, fabric products, German nutcrackers, Russian nesƟng dolls ♦ Enjoy the aroma of tradiƟonal German sausages and potato pancakes, roasted chestnuts and almonds, Glühwein, a tradiƟonal German hot mulled wine, gourmet coīees, and German Lebkuchen (spiced cookies) ♦ Glorious holiday music performances ♦ Visit Country Farm & Home to see seasonal giŌs, collecƟbles, and plants in a one-of-a-kind shopping experience ♦ Includes hearty country cooked dinner at Country Cupboard
Fullington Gift Cards make great Stocking Stuffers! 1.800.252.3893
2012 ONE-DAY TOURS Finger Lakes Wine Festival
$89 per person
Watkins Glen, NY Saturday, July 14 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
More than 600 varieƟes of New York State wines from more than 90 wineries Brewer’s Garden Free cooking classes, demonstraƟons Arts, craŌs, and jewelry vendors Musical entertainment
Fullington Day at Hersheypark
$59 per adult*
Hershey, PA Monday, July 16 ♦ ♦ ♦
Free Ɵme at Hersheypark® to enjoy the family rides and roller coasters Water rides at The Boardwalk at Hersheypark® ZooAmerica at Hersheypark®
*Ages 3 - 8 and 55 - 69, $46; Ages 70+, $41
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium and Wildwood Highlands Kids of every age will this trip!
PiƩsburgh, PA Tuesday, July 23
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
$69 per adult*
MANY things to see at the zoo, including the new sea oƩer pup! Lions, Ɵgers, bears - and penguins! One Įsh, two Įsh, red Įsh, blue Įsh - sharks too! Wildwood Highlands for exciƟng aƩracƟons for everyone: rides, laser tag, mini golf, arcade, and MORE! All-you-can-eat pizza & wing buīet included!
Customer AppreciaƟon Special take $10 oī adult price!
*$40 per child 12 & under
QVC Studio & Rockvale Square Mall
$75 per person
West Chester & Lancaster, PA Friday, July 20 ♦ ♦
Tour of QVC Studio - the state-of-the-art broadcasting facility
Rockvale Outlets, with more than 100 outlet stores including the QVC Outlet Store
PiƩsburgh Steelers Training Camp
$61 per person
Latrobe, PA Monday, August 6 ♦ ♦ ♦
Watch the Steelers pracƟce at St. Vincent’s College ParƟcipate in “The Steelers Experience” Includes lunch at DiSalvo’s Restaurant
“Most fan-friendly training camp in the NFL” 1.800.252.3893
2012 ONE-DAY TOURS Fallingwater & Polymath Park Resort
$89 per person
Mill Run & Acme, PA Thursday, August 9 ♦ ♦ ♦
Duncan House
Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, the home that stretches out over a 30-foot waterfall Tour Wright’s Duncan House and Peter Berndtson’s Balter and Blum Houses at Polymath Park Includes lunch
Maryland Zoo & NaƟonal Aquarium
$102 per adult*
BalƟmore, MD Saturday, August 18 ♦
Visit the Giraīe Feeding StaƟon, the Kid Zone, and Creature Encounters at the zoo; take the Zoo Scavenger Hunt along with you Experience a showcase of more than 16,000 animals including sharks, birds, frogs, turtles, dolphins, and jellies at the aquarium
* $75 per child 12 & under
Cleveland NaƟonal Air Show
$99 per person
Cleveland, OH Saturday, September 1 ♦
The U.S. Navy Blue Angels take the sky for a special, thrilling air show commemoraƟng the Bicentennial of the War of 1812 and the Star-Spangled Banner For many families, the sight of high-speed aircraŌ jeƫng in Ɵght formaƟon against a bright blue sky is as exciƟng as Įreworks on the 4th of July...
Flight 93 & Quecreek Memorial
$62 per person
Shanksville and Somerset, PA Tuesday, September 11 ♦ ♦
Flight 93 Memorial is dedicated to the 40 passengers and crew aboard Flight 93; the heroes who thwarted the aƩack on the U.S. Capitol on 9/11 Quecreek Mine where you can walk right up to the rescue shaŌ where the miners emerged from the dark, cold mine 240 feet below aŌer 77 hours of frigid darkness
Babushkas & Hard Hats: The Big Steel Tour PiƩsburgh, PA Wednesday, September 19 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
$99 per person Rivers of Steel NaƟonal Heritage Area
Duquesne Incline The Bost Building/Steel Heritage Museum and the Historic Pump House for the story of the “1892 BaƩle of Homestead,” one of the biggest events in U.S. Labor history Bulgarian Macedonia NaƟonal EducaƟonal and Cultural Center for a tradiƟonal Bulgarian lunch with Ɵme to browse the museum, archives, and giŌ shop Explore PiƩsburgh’s steel heritage on-site at Carrie Furnace Complex, one of the last standing pre-World War I blast furnaces
2012 ONE-DAY TOURS Senior CiƟzen Day
Bloomsburg Fair
Bloomsburg, PA Monday, September 24 ♦ ♦
$51 per person* *Customer appreciaƟon special - take $10 oī!
Everything a fair should have - livestock, horse racing, tractor pull, shows, midway Hopefully no rain and Ňoods
Pennsylvania’s “LiƩle” Grand Canyon
$89 per adult*
Wellsboro, PA Sunday, September 30 ♦ Enjoy a rail excursion on the Tioga Central Railroad ♦ View the dynamic topography and scenic wonders of the Pine Creek Gorge, aka Pennsylvania Grand Canyon ♦ Stop for delicious dinner at Fry’s Turkey Ranch
Get the kids - get the grandkids This is a great family trip! *$50 per child *Customer appreciaƟon special - take $10 oī adult cost!
$32 per person
Franklin, PA Sunday, October 7 ♦ ♦
The best three days of the year are during the Įrst October weekend in beauƟful Victorian Downtown Franklin!! Arts and craŌs, anƟque and classic car show, farmers’ market, free entertainment, and food, food, food, and food
Gettysburg Meet & Mingle
$143 per person*
GeƩysburg, PA Wednesday, October 10 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Tour of GeƩysburg with living historians whose portrayals of Lincoln, General & Mrs. Lee, and Jennie Wade will entertain and enlighten you GeƩysburg NaƟonal Military Park & BaƩleĮeld Historic FairĮeld Inn for lunch Jennie Wade and Shriver Houses NaƟonal Cemetery
*Customer appreciaƟon special - take $10 oī!
Maya 2012 Lords of Time Philadelphia, PA ANCIENT PROPHECY OR MODERN MYTH?
$89 per person
Saturday, October 20 ♦ Explore the origins of “2012 End of World PredicƟons” at the world premier of this major new exhibiƟon ♦ Visitors have a rare opportunity to view spectacular examples of Classic Maya art - some of which have never before been seen outside Honduras - and delve into the Maya people’s extraordinary, layered, and shiŌing concepts about Ɵme
2012 ONE-DAY TOURS Gateway Clipper Fall Foliage Cruise
$104 per person*
Pi sburgh, PA Wednesday, October 17 ♦ ♦ ♦
See the rich and vibrant colors of autumn and the scenes and personality of Pi sburgh from the deck of a Gateway Clipper riverboat Scrump ous buffet Viva Las Vegas Revue
*Customer apprecia on special - take $10 off!
Splash Lagoon
$59 per person
Erie, PA Saturday, October 20 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Recognized as one of the Top Ten Water Park Resorts Indoor facility with fun for land and water lovers alike Wild Waters Wave Pool is the largest indoor wave pool in the Eastern United States Tree Tops Ropes Course, all new dry a rac on; a great test of balance and bravery Many water slides and lazy river Treasure Island Arcade Lazer Tag
Strasburg Railroad “Great Train Robbery”
$95 per person
Strasburg, PA Sunday, October 21 ♦ ♦ ♦
Visit the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania to discover a fascina ng, world-class collec on of more than 100 historic locomo ves and rail cars, art, ar facts, and cap va ng personal stories of Pennsylvania’s rich railroad heritage See this year’s special exhibit commemora ng the American Civil War as Pennsylvania's railroads were an integral part of the Union's eventual victory Enjoy a fun and comical train ride featuring adventuresome robbers, lots of "loot," a meal (included), and even entertainment!
Metropolitan Cooking Show
$149 per person
Washington, DC Saturday, November 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
A foodie’s DREAM event! See Giada De Lauren is live on stage at the Celebrity Theater See other celebrity chefs, cooking demos, tas ngs, entertaining workshops, and a fabulous marketplace of exhibitors You DON’T want to miss it!
Sell 10 seats on any one-day public tour and receive one free! Sell 20 seats on any mulƟ-day public tour and receive one free! 1.800.252.3893
2013 ONE-DAY TOURS Pennsylvania Farm Show
$46 per person
Harrisburg, PA Wednesday, January 9, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦
The largest indoor agricultural exposiƟon in the country Nearly 6,000 animals, 10,000 compeƟƟve exhibits, and 300 commercial exhibits A celebraƟon of agriculture – from farm gate to dinner plate
Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show
$60 per person
Harrisburg, PA Saturday, February 9, 2013 Calling all outdoor sports enthusiasts! ♦ Largest event of its kind in North America ♦ Test the latest hunƟng and Įshing products ♦ Plan outdoor sport and camping vacaƟons ♦ Shopping, Įshing boats, RVs, SUVs, and ATVs ♦ Meet your favorite outdoor celebriƟes ♦ Test your skills with a variety of outdoor sport-related contests based on skill and talent
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
$155 per person
New York, NY Tuesday, February 12, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦
First held on May 8, 1877, this event is the second-longest conƟnuously held sporƟng event in the United States behind only the Kentucky Derby One of USA Network’s highest-rated sports specials Winning dog becomes "America's Dog" for the next year
Westminster is, undisputedly, America’s Dog Show
Philadelphia Flower Show - “Brilliant!” Philadelphia, PA Wednesday, March 6, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦
$98 per adult*
Saturday, March 9, 2013
A celebraƟon of the contemporary culture, design, gardens, and landscapes of Great Britain Focus will be on London and how it has inŇuenced the modern world Other exhibits will be inspired by both the historical and contemporary landscapes and Ňoral designs of Great Britain and liŌ up the extraordinary passion the English have for gardening *$93 Per student, ages 17 - 24 with valid Student ID; $90 per child, ages 2 - 16
Dandelion Lunch
*Customer appreciaƟon special - take $10 oī!
$57 per person*
Lewisburg, PA Thursday, April 4 ♦ ♦ ♦
Visit Old Turnpike Restaurant for their version of a down-home lunch yes, including dandelion greens Visit Country Farm & Home GiŌ and Garden Center to see the beauƟful seasonal garden displays and supplies, latest giŌs and collecƟbles. A spring gardening demonstraƟon is included Shop Country Cupboard for a variety second to none when looking for that unique giŌ, country collecƟble, or home décor item
2013 ONE-DAY TOURS Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Blitz
$55 per person
PiƩsburgh, PA Saturday, April 27, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Get autographs of former and current Steelers players Youth Skill Sessions for grades 1-8 on the playing Įeld AƩempt kicking Įeld goals throughout the day Register to win great prizes including game Ɵckets Visit the Steelers Lock Room ♦ Meet Steely McBeam
Peddler’s Village Strawberry Festival
$75 per person
Lahaska, PA Saturday, May 4, 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Discover merchandise from all over the globe and many handmade wares from local craftspeople Fashion apparel, accessories, toys, hobbies, gifts, specialty foods, children's clothes, and home accessories Strawberries served up in various forms - dipped in chocolate, in assorted pastries and shortcake, jams, fritters, or fresh and unadorned Live entertainment Tired of shopping? Enter a pie-eating contest or relax at one of the many restaurants
Baltimore Harbor/Aquarium
$95 per adult*
BalƟmore, MD Saturday, May 25, 2013 ♦ ♦
Experience a 3-hour showcase of more than 16,000 animals including sharks, birds, frogs, turtles, dolphins, and jellies The centerpiece BalƟmore is the Inner Harbor, the vibrant and beauƟful waterfront that boasts the best of BalƟmore aƩracƟons all within walking distance
* $90 per child, ages 12 - 18; $85 per child, ages 3 - 11
Barnes Foundation & Philadelphia Museum of Art - or Philadelphia Do As You Please
$99 per person $68 per person
Philadelphia, PA Saturday, June 1, 2013 ♦ ♦
One of the world's Įnest holdings of impressionist, post-impressionist, and early modern painƟngs, African sculpture, metalwork, and more at the Barnes FoundaƟon The Museum is home to over 227,000 objects, spanning the creaƟve achievements of the Western World since the Įrst century AD and those of Asia since the third millennium BC; including American collecƟons that are among the Įnest in the country Do As You Please has drop-oī in Independence Mall area for free Ɵme to explore Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, NaƟonal ConsiƟtuƟon Center, Philadelphia Bourse Building (shops & foodcourt), U. S. Mint, Jewish History Museum, Federal Reserve Bank
2012 MULTI-DAY TOURS Mississippi River Cruise & Chicago Monday - Saturday, July 9 - 14 Dubuque, IA and Chicago, IL ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Chicago’s Navy Pier Skydeck Chicago at Willis (formerly Sears) Tower The NaƟonal Farm Toy Museum Lansing family farm, the site where “Field of Dreams” was Įlmed Dyer-Botsford House & Doll Museum Basilica of St. Francis Xavier NaƟonal Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium World-class gambling Mystery Dinner Theater at the Stone Cliī Winery Cruise the Mississippi River on CelebraƟon Belle. Includes full breakfast buīet, lunch buīet, snack, and full prime rib dinner buīet, entertainment, acƟviƟes, and Captain’s narraƟon throughout the day
6 Days $780 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 5 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners
Upstate New York Sail, Rail & Cooperstown Monday - Wednesday, July 23 - 25 (3 Days) Herkimer and Cooperstown, NY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Erie Canal Lock 18 cruise in the beauƟful Mohawk Valley Gems Along the Mohawk, 70 mini stores of New York’s “best” Herkimer Diamond Mines to mine for quartz crystals that mimic diamonds Historic Fly Creek Cider Mill for tour and tasƟng Farmers’ Museum Luncheon train ride on The Rip Van Winkle Flyer through the beauƟful Catskill Mountains The NaƟonal Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
3 Days $458 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners
Taste of Lancaster Tuesday - Wednesday, July 31 - August 1 Lancaster, PA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Family-style dinner in an Amish home, prepared and hosted by the family ♦ Landis Valley Village & Farm Market Amish Experience Theater Wilbur Chocolate Company ♦ Lancaster’s Central Market Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery ♦ Turkey Hill Experience at Turkey Hill Dairy
2 Days $238 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 1 breakfast, 1 dinner
Block Island & Newport, RI Monday - Thursday, September 3 - 6 ♦ ♦
Cruise from Port Judith to Block Island, known as the “Bermuda of the North” for guided tour of the 17-mile stretch of prisƟne beaches protected by lighthouses and spectacular bluīs Guided tour of Newport along the magniĮcent Ten-Mile Drive for a step back in Ɵme to the opulent era of the Gilded age where elite families such as the Vanderbilt’s and Astors built their “summer coƩages” Visit Marble House, one of the island’s magniĮcent mansions, and The Breakers, the grand dame of all the mansions
4 Days $685 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 3 breakfasts, 2 dinners
2012 MULTI-DAY TOURS Shendoah Valley Fall Foliage Sunday - Tuesday, September 16 - 18 West Virginia & Virginia ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Guided walking tour of Lower Town in Harper’s Ferry, WV Luray Caverns, Car & Carriage Caravan exhibit, Luray Valley Museum, and Garden Maze with dinner Tour of George Washington’s Oĸce Museum and Stonewall Jackson’s Headquarters in Winchester, VA Scenic journey along Skyline Drive with tour guide. Picnic lunch Tour of Belle Grove PlantaƟon in Middletown, VA Veramar Vineyard for wine tasƟng ♦ SunŇower CoƩage Museum of the Shenandoah Valley ♦ Front Royal, WV for dinner
3 Days
$485 pp/dbl
Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 1 breakfast, 2 lunches, 2 dinners
Niagara Falls, NY Sunday - Monday, October 7 - 8 ♦
♦ ♦ ♦
Delighƞully guided tour to the best vantage points for viewing the Falls including the ObservaƟon Deck, Goat Island, Luna Island, Terrapin Point, Prospect Point and ObservaƟon Tower, Whirlpool State Park, and New York Power Authority “Power Vista” Dinner cruise aboard Grand Lady Cruises Old Fort Niagara Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruise
2 Days
$193 pp/dbl
Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 1 breakfast, 1 dinner cruise
New England Fall Rail & Sail Monday - Friday, October 8 - 12 New Hampshire, Maine, and MassachuseƩs ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Travel Kanckamangus Highway (a Top 50 scenic drive) in New Hampshire’s White Mountains to North Conway Journey along the Saco River aboard the Conway Scenic Railroad Valley Train Mount Washington Cog Railway Museum to see Cog trains ascend and descend on Mount Washington Franconia Notch at Cannon Mountain to ride their passenger tram to the 4100’ summit Café LafayeƩe Dinner Train for dinner in anƟque Pullman Car Cruise on M/S Mount Washington from Weirs Beach at Lake Winnipesaukee to charming Wolfeboro (known as America’s Įrst resort) Picture stop at Portland Headlight on way to Brunswick and the Maine Eastern Railroad for a spectacular right along the coast to Rockland Guided tour of Boston to see Boston Common, State House, and Cheer’s Pub, where everybody knows your name Stop at Yankee Candle Flagship Store Free Ɵme at Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market Free Ɵme for shopping in Freeport, home of LL Bean
Save $ when you make reservations early!
5 Days $1,068 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 5 breakfasts, 5 dinners
Be an “Early Bird” and get a 5% Discount! Just make your reservaƟons and pay in full by cash or check 45 days prior to the departure date. Valid only on trips of three or more days Excludes VIP Voyager Cruises & Tours and ColleƩe VacaƟons
2012 MULTI-DAY TOURS Treasures of the Ohio River Friday - Saturday, October 12 - 13 Marietta, OH ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Glimpse into the past aboard the Valley Gem Sternwheeler while cruising the locks from the Muskingum River to Devol’s Dam Visit the Ohio River Museum where the extensive collecƟon of the Sons & Daughters of Pioneer Rivermen is exhibited Trolley tour of Historic MarieƩa with free Ɵme to browse the quaint shops Look into the past of the second oldest seƩlement at the Belpre Farmer’s Castle Museum At the Toy & Doll Museum see toys from the late 19th and early 20th centuries MarieƩa's biggest secret! The MarieƩa Soda Museum, check out their giant Coca Cola collecƟon, try one of the ultra fresh pepperoni rolls or a foot-long hot dog
2 Days $199 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 1 breakfast, 2 lunches, 1 dinner
Virginia Beach “Thanks for the Memories” Monday - Thursday, October 15 - 18 Virginia Beach, VA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Tommy Dorsey Orchestra performance following a candlelight seafood buffet The Sinatra Legacy, a special tribute to the music of Frank Sinatra Dancing at the Cabaret Ballroom to everyone’s favorite oldies Tour Norfolk Naval Station, the world’s largest naval installation Tour of preserved historic homes from the 1907 Jamestown Exposition Sandler Center Performance Hall of King Neptune’s USO Show featuring tributes to Bob Hope, Andrews Sisters, and Glenn Miller AAF Band 1960’s Beach Party with the movies and music of Frankie & Annette, Elvis, The Beach Boys, and others Tour the Douglas MacArthur Memorial Tour the Nauticus, The National Maritime Center Visit Virginia Beach Military Aviation Museum pp/dbl “Swing Time in the Skies” Air-Show Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons Virginia Air & Space Center, the birthplace of America’s space program 3 breakfast, 3 dinners The Casemate Museum at Fort Monroe, the nation’s oldest stone fort Free time at The Power Plant of Hampton Roads, offering high-quality retail shopping and themed restaurants Visit the United States Army Transportation Museum featuring horse-drawn wagons, all-terrain armored vehicles, vessels and amphibious craft, and locomotives from WWII, Korea, and the Cold War
4 Days $722
Italian FesƟval at Villa Roma Resort Friday - Sunday, November 2 - 4 Callicoon, NY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
A celebraƟon of all things Italian - culture, food, drinks, entertainment, ambience, and aƫtude Benvenuto “Welcome” party with cocktails, snacks, and live music San Gennaro Street Feast with sights, tastes, and smells of LiƩle Italy Italian cooking classes Dinner dance with live music Wine and cheese party with tasƟng of a variety of Italian wines Cannoli eaƟng contest Entertainment by Vito Picone and the Elegants and the I’Liguri Band Use of all resort ameniƟes
3 Days $482 pp/dbl Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 3 breakfast, 3 dinners
DAYS INN OCEANFRONT Thursday, July 12 Sunday, July 15 (4 days) $443 double, $347 triple, $299 quad, $270 quint, $251 sextuple ♦
Thursday, August 16 Monday, August 20 (5 days) $582 double, $447 triple, $380 quad, $340 quint, $313 sextuple ♦
Photos courtesy of Maryland Oĸce of Tourism
INTERNATIONAL BALLOON FIESTA Albuquerque • Santa Fe •Acoma Pueblo New Mexico Wednesday, October 3 - Friday, October 12 (Ten Days) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Note Only seat 12 s Call leŌ! Soon !
Travel through the Ozarks of Missouri to Branson for dinner and spectacular Branson Show Albuquerque’s Old Town area and guided city tour Balloon Fiesta Park for the astronomical “Mass Ascension” of more than 500 balloons Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and Sandia Peak Tram Travel to Santa Fe via The Turquoise Trail for guided walking and motorcoach city tour including San Miguel Mission and LoreƩo Chapel’s “Miraculous Staircase” Acoma “Sky City” Pueblo guided walking tour Oklahoma City Memorial
800-252-3893 10 Days
$1,526 pp/dbl
Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons 5 welcome recepƟons, 9 breakfasts, and 4 dinners
Fullington’s Fourth Annual Reunion Trip BRANSON, MISSOURI Thursday - Wednesday, November 8 - 14 ♦
Eight of Branson’s favorite HOLIDAY shows! George Jones Daniel O’Donnell Andy Williams Yakov Smirnoī The Presleys Allen Edwards Barry Williams Showboat Branson Belle
♦ ♦ ♦
Titanic Museum “100th Year” CommemoraƟve Tour Veteran’s Day Parade FantasƟc Caverns Unique Riding Tour in SpringĮeld
THE BEST OF BRANSON!! Bus #3 is selling out fast!
7 Days
$1,174 pp/dbl
Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, six breakfasts, one brunch, and four dinners.
VOYAGER VIP CRUISES & TOURS DIVISION OF THE FULLINGTON AUTO BUS COMPANY Fully escorted by Joyce Williams Boone, our cruise partner Western Mediterranean Cruise
(10 Days)
Thursday - Sunday, September 20 - 30, 2012 Barcelona, Rome, Florence, Naples, Provence (Toulon)
Panama Canal Sunfarer Cruise
(12 Days)
Monday - Friday, January 14 - 25, 2013 Panama Canal locks at Gatum, Costa Rican rainforest, Aruba’s beaches, history of Cartagena
Hawaii Cruise & San Francisco
(11 Days)
Thursday - Sunday, March 7 - 17, 2013 Hawaiian Islands with overnight in San Francisco
SpringƟme on the River
(10 Days)
April, 2013 American Queen Steamboat on the Mississippi River from Memphis to New Orleans
Cruise without Flying
(8 Days)
June, 2013 Port Canaveral, Nassau, Bahamas & Coco Cay
2013 MULTI-DAY TOURS SpringƟme in the South Friday - Sunday, May 3 - 12, 2013 New Orleans & Memphis ♦ ♦
Bellingrath Gardens and Home, a 65 acre estate of year-round beauty Two-hour driving/walking tour of New Orleans, including St. Louis Cathedral, Café Du Monde for beignets and more ♦ Visit the NaƟonal World War II Museum ♦ Free Ɵme in French Quarter, with so much culture, history, and entertainment, you’ll Įnd a unique and exciƟng experience around every corner ♦ Tour a Ɵdewater cypress swamp; a dynamic ecosystem supporƟng a diverse wildlife populaƟon and beauƟful scenery ♦ Tour Antebellum South plantaƟon homes - where the architecture and pp/dbl beauty alone is impressive - but the stories you will hear about famous Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons local families that owned them are even beƩer 9 breakfasts, 1 lunch, dinners ♦ Explore Avery Island and learn about McIlhenny Company, the people who perfected the legendary TABASCO® sauce ♦ Visit Vicksburg NaƟonal Military Park and learn its signiĮcance as a criƟcal turning point of the Civil War ♦ Visit Memphis for free Ɵme on Beale Street, and tours of Elvis Presley’s Graceland and the Danny Thomas/ ALSAC Pavilion at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital
10 Days $1,399
Fullington’s FiŌh Annual Reunion Tour “Southern History & Charm” September, 2013 Charleston, SC & Savannah, GA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Tour Charleston’s Historic District with stops at The Citadel, The BaƩery, White Point Garden, Fort Sumter, and more Tour Magnolia PlantaƟon and Magnolia Gardens, the country’s oldest garden, and Middleton Place PlantaƟon, one of South Carolina’s most enduring icons and home of the oldest formal garden in America Tour Savannah, the Hostess City of the South credited with charm and beauty that is unsurpassed in America Shiver to the legends, myths, and haunƟngs during a frighƞully fun trolley tour of Savannah’s “spirited side” Tour the Lowcountry seeing Fort Pulaski, Fort Screven, and Tybee Lighthouse, to the Victorian District and Ardsley Park Bull River Eco-Adventure narrated cruise through salt marshes to the barrier islands; watch dolphins at play and egrets stalking the oyster beds
8 Days $TBD pp/dbl
InternaƟonal travel with Fullington & ColleƩe VacaƟons
SHADES OF IRELAND Saturday - Tuesday, Sept. 22 - Oct. 1 ♦
Travel to Dublin, Kilkenny, Waterford, Blarney Stone, Killarney, Ring of Kerry, Limerick, Cliīs of Moher, Galway, Tullamore, Kingscourt
10 Days $3,374 pp/dbl Includes round-trip motorcoach transportaƟon to Newark Airport, round-trip air, air taxes and fees/surcharges, accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons.
AlphabeƟcal Tour Index The Addams Family .....................................................15 Applefest .....................................................................27 AtlanƟc City Casino ......................................................21 BalƟmore NaƟonal Aquarium & Inner Harbor ............30 Barnes FoundaƟon & Phil. Museum of Art..................30 Big Band Christmas ......................................................23 Block Island & Newport ...............................................31 Bloomsburg Fair ..........................................................27 Boo-Ɵque Paranormal Experience ..............................39 Branson, MO Reunion Trip 2012 .................................35 Broadway Shows ...........................................................2 Charleston & Savannah Reunion Trip 2013 .................36 Christkindl Market – Lewisburg ...................................24 Cleveland NaƟonal Air Show .......................................26 Cruises .........................................................................35 Dandelion Lunch ..........................................................29 Dickens of a Christmas ................................................24 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show .................................29 Fallingwater & Polymath Park Resort..........................26 Finger Lakes Wine FesƟval ..........................................25 Finger Lakes Wine Trail................................................39 Flight 93 & Quecreek Mine Memorials .......................26 Gaming ........................................................................20 Gateway Clipper Fall Foliage .......................................28 GeƩysburg Meet & Mingle ..........................................27 Hersheypark & Chocolate World .................................25 Holiday Tours...............................................................23 Hollywood Casino ........................................................22 InternaƟonal Balloon Fiesta ........................................34 Shades of Ireland .........................................................36 Italian FesƟval at Villa Roma Resort ............................33 Jersey Boys ..................................................................15 Lakemont Park.............................................................24 Lancaster - Much More Than Amish ...........................39 Les Miserables .............................................................15 Longwood Gardens Christmas.....................................24 Major League Baseball ................................................18 Maryland Zoo & NaƟonal Aquarium ...........................26 Maya 2012 - Penn Museum ........................................27 Metropolitan Cooking Show........................................28 Mississippi River Cruise & Chicago ..............................31 NASCAR .......................................................................18 Nashville Holiday Spectacular .....................................23 NaƟonal Air & Space / Udvar-Hazy Center ..................13 New England Fall Rail & Sail ........................................32
! Not e 1.800.252.3893
New Orleans ................................................................ 36 New York City ................................................................ 9 New York Yankees ....................................................... 18 Niagara Falls, NY.......................................................... 32 Oakridge Boys & Winter FesƟval of Lights .................. 23 Ocean City MD ............................................................ 34 Overly's Country Christmas ......................................... 34 Patsy Cline ................................................................... 99 Peddler's Village Strawberry FesƟval .......................... 30 Penn State Football ..................................................... 19 Pennsylvania Farm Show ............................................ 29 Pennsylvania Grand Canyon........................................ 27 PiƩsburgh - Babushkas & Hard Hats ........................... 26 PiƩsburgh Zoo ............................................................. 25 PiƩsburgh Penguins .................................................... 18 PiƩsburgh Pirates ........................................................ 18 PiƩsburgh Steelers Fan Blitz........................................ 30 PiƩsburgh Steelers Training Camp .............................. 25 Philadelphia Do As You Please .................................... 30 Philadelphia Flower Show ........................................... 29 Philadelphia Phillies .................................................... 18 Phineas & Ferb Live Tour ............................................ 16 QVC Studio & Rockvale Square Mall ........................... 25 Radio City Music Hall..................................................... 2 Reunion Trip 2012 - Branson, MO ............................... 35 Reunion Trip 2013 - Southern History & Charm ......... 36 Rivers Casino ............................................................... 22 Seneca Allegany Casino ............................................... 22 Shear Madness ............................................................ 16 Shenandoah Valley Fall Foliage ................................... 32 Sight & Sound Theatre ................................................ 17 Smokey Joe’s Café ....................................................... 16 Splash Lagoon ............................................................. 28 Sports .......................................................................... 19 Strasburg Railroad Great Train Robbery ..................... 28 Sugar Babies ................................................................ 16 Taste of Lancaster ....................................................... 31 Theatre & Shows ......................................................... 15 Treasures of the Ohio River ........................................ 33 Unique BouƟque Trips ................................................ 39 Upstate New York Sail, Rail & Cooperstown ............... 31 Virginia Beach "Thanks for the Memories" ................. 33 Washington, DC........................................................... 12 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show........................... 29 Wine, Chocolate, and Menopause .............................. 39
Make reservations early to be assured of the trip of your choice! Trips that include hotel accommodations, tickets to attractions, etc., are often only available up to 30 days before the departure date. Deciding to go at the last minute? We will do everything we can to add you!
Make any day extra special! Luxury Stretch Limousines Chauffeured by Uniformed Drivers!
Services Including But Not Limited To: ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡
Weddings Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties Proms Anniversaries “Night Out on the Town” Birthdays New York City Casino Trips Sporting Events Wine Country Tours Day at the Spa Major airport transfers
Need assistance planning your event? Call our Charter Coordinators See Page 8
814-765-8046 1.800.252.3893
“UNIQUE BOUTIQUE” Specialty Limousine Trips Designed for the Uniqueness in All of Us Starring our sleek, elegant motorcoach limousine* and you!
$260 Dbl
Wine, Chocolate, & Menopause $145
Finger Lakes Wine Trail
winning wines at Oak Spring Winery • “Menopause, the Musical,” laugh hysterically as the all-female cast commiserates in song and dance about their woeful hot flashes, for getfulness, mood swings, wrinkles, nights sweats and chocolate binges - a true celebration of “The Change” • Ride the Incline Plane to the City View Bar & Grill for dinner
with time for shopping at the unique gift shop • Wine tastings at Hazlitt, Glenora, Belhurst, Bully Hill Wineries and more • Dinner amidst the unmatched beauty of the century-old Belhurst Castle • Accommodations at Ramada Geneva Lakefront
Altoona & Johnstown, PA Sunday, October 7 • Diversify and delight your palette with award
Lancaster - Much More than Amish Lancaster, PA $260 Saturday - Sunday, October 13 - 14 • Lancaster Downtown District for exclusive Dbl
• • • •
shopping opportunities at one-of-a-kind retail specialty shops including antiques, collectibles, children’s and women’s boutiques, jewelers, to name just a few Accommodations at the chic, luxury boutique Cork Factory Hotel Dinner with choice of entre with wine pairing and exclusive entertainment by Amy Banks, a local jazz musician ( Sunday brunch Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire at Mount Hope Estate where a cast of hundreds of colorfully costumed characters fill the Shire with music and dancing, and scores of artisan merchants offer their handcrafted wares. Imbibe in fresh microbrewed Swashbuckler Ales, Mount Hope Wines, and delight in an endless array of savory 16th Century foods and delicious traditional favorites that will surely satisfy the heartiest of appetites
Finger Lakes, NY Saturday - Sunday, November 3 - 4 • Self-guided tour of Corning Museum of Glass
Boo-Tique - Paranormal Experience Middletown, PA $137 Sunday, April 21 • An expert paranormal will relay a message
from everyone’s “personal guide or angel” in a spirit circle encounter • Visit Alfred’s Victorian Restaurant - located in a haunted mansion - for a delicious meal consisting of three flambé courses prepared at tableside - by a chef or a ghost? • Tour the public library, housed in an old fire house, and hear the spooky tales of paranormal happenings that occurred, resulting in recent visits by A&E’s Morbid Curiosity series experts
*Tours limited to 26 passengers make reservations early! Call 800-252-3893
More than typical bus trips! Unique Boutique trips offer disctinctive, one-of-a-kind experiences to even the most independent-minded, discriminate travelers. These tours can be planned for your own small group on a convenient date for you,or make new friends as you mingle with passengers having like interests. Have an idea for your own destination? Call us and we will make the plans for you! 1.800.252.3893 1.800.252.3893 392
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Fullington Trailways, LLC P.O. Box 211 ClearĮeld, PA 16830
Fullington GiŌ Cards! Perfect for any occasion Available in any amount Never the wrong size or color
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Someone Special
Travel Memories Last a Lifetime!
Tour & Cruise ReservaƟons:
Trailways Daily Departures:
814.765.7871 Toll Free PA: 800.252.3893
Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287
Fullington Group Charters:
VIP Limousine:
814.355.4900 Toll Free: 800.385.5464