02-17-12 Centre County Gazette

Page 1

Sports Section, pages 17-19


February 17 - February 23, 2012

20th Anniversary Celebration page 21

Little Ones Learn Firsthand

ot he rN

page 6




Kechline Legacy for Lease

page 11



Valentine’s Serenade

Volume 4, Issue 7

atu re’s Gallery

page 4

Schools ............................. 4-5 Park’s View .......................... 6 Sports ........................... 17-19 Entertainment ............... 20-22 Centre County Libraries .... 23



A Weis New Choice page 13

The New SPCA What’s Happening ............. 24 Group Meetings ................. 25 Community Announcements ............ 26 Classifieds ......................... 26

Check Out Our Website at www.centrecountygazette.com

page 10




FEBRUARY 17, 2012

On The Cover

This photo of Spring Creek’s ducks in winter was taken by Brian Baney, exclusive to The Gazette.

Exceptional Craft Beers

Join The Brewers Club And Receive Discounts On Drinks Merchandise and Growler Fills

Bellefonte’s 2nd Annual

Volunteer Fair

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FEBRUARY 17, 2012


Editor’s Prologue By Sandie Biddle, managing editor Editor@CentreCountyGazette.com CCGazette@Hughes.net

College at Fraser Slowdown for Signal Work Contributed by State College Borough STATE COLLEGE – Stone Valley Construction and Tel-Power, Inc. will begin installation of the new traďŹƒc signal pole beginning Tuesday, Feb. 21 or Wednesday, Feb. 22. To permit the pole removal/installation, etc., the contractor anticipates that one or the other of the lanes on College Avenue (at Fraser Street) will be closed intermittently for about one week. At most, one lane will be closed for about two days. Motorists are advised to expect delays. Pedestrians are urged to use caution. Any questions or concerns, please contact the Borough Public Works Department at (814) 234-7140.

While reecting on Presidents Day and our special feature about Bellefonte: Home of Governors, the state’s rich American history and heritage came to mind. In 1681, 331 years ago, King Charles II granted the state’s land charter to William Penn, thus repaying a debt to Penn’s father (close to $2.1 million in today’s money). Pennsylvania is the origin of many of America’s important events and innovations – General Washington crossing the Delaware to battle the Hessians in December 1776, the drafting and signing of the declaration of Independence, the ďŹ rst U.S. capital, the ďŹ rst American currency, the ďŹ rst American college (Dickenson), the Horseshoe Curve (an engineering feat that facilitated westward expansion), the Battle of Gettysburg, the ďŹ rst oil well (Titusville), and the ďŹ rst steel mill (Harrisburg). Here’s a Centre County ďŹ rst: in 1881, Philipsburg was the ďŹ rst electrically illuminated community. We can even celebrate entertaining ďŹ rsts like the nation’s ďŹ rst zoo (Philadelphia), ďŹ rst roller coaster (Jim Thorpe), ďŹ rst pretzel factory, ďŹ rst World Series (against the Boston Red Sox), ďŹ rst Thanksgiving Day Parade (Philly), ďŹ rst department store (Wannamaker’s) and ďŹ rst commercial radio station (KDKA Pittsburgh). Known as the Quaker State, The Oil State, and the Coal State (a vast source of the Last Week’s Results country’s fuel for centuries), our greatest nicknames are The Keystone State and The Independence State. William Penn’s original ideas for county commissions and freedom of religious conviction spread across the land, and the ďŹ rst protestation against slavery, and ratiďŹ cation of the ďŹ rst abolition law took place in Pennsylvania. Washington fought here. Lincoln spoke here. In many ways, America began here. There many local museums, where you can ďŹ nd out more about the history that made central Pennsylvania Mark your preference: www.centrecountygazette.com an all-American region of which we can be very proud: The Bellefonte Museum for Centre County, Columbus Chapel and Boal Museum, Milesburg Museum, Penns Valley Historical Society, Bellefonte Historical Railroad, Pennsylvania Military Museum, Boalsburg Look for the ‘This or That’ logo in the bottom Heritage Museum, Centre Furnace Mansion, Curtin left of the Home Page to cast your vote online. Village, and the Simler House in Philipsburg, to name a few. (I feel a Gazette Centre County History series coming on.) You’ll also ďŹ nd new beginnings in this issue. Amy shares news of her visit to the new Bellefonte Weis Market, set to open Feb. 26. Karen reports on the ribbon cutting at Pets Come First, the new SPCA in Centre Hall. Sam comments on the new Northwest Expert Saw Chain Savings Bank in Old Fort, and the heritage of 100Sharpening year-old building they vacated. We Sell Propane This issue includes details on important coming One Mile West of Millheim on Route 45 814-349-5007 events including the State College Volunteer Weekend, +RXUV 0RQ )UL SP 6DW SP &ORVHG 6XQ (Leave Message) Feb. 24-26; Bellefonte’s Volunteer Fair, March 3; ‡ &KDLQ 6DZV ‡ *HQHUDWRUV Acoustic Brew’s 20th Anniversary concert, Feb. 25; the ‡ 7ULPPHUV ‡ /HDI %ORZHUV ďŹ rst Oscar and I sing-along at The State Theatre, Feb. ‡ /RJ 6SOLWWHUV ‡ 6QRZ %ORZHUV 24-26; the Golden Eagle Weekend at Bald Eagle State ‡ +DUGZDUH ‡ 5LGLQJ 0RZHUV ‡ 3XVK 0RZHUV ‡ )HQFLQJ 6XSSOLHV ‡ 'DLU\ 6XSSOLHV Park, March 3-5; and the Lady Lions’ Pink Zone game, ‡ 3RUWDEOH +HDWHUV ‡ 7RROV ‡ $LU +RVH ‡ 7DUSV ‡ :HOGLQJ Feb. 26; prompting next week’s feature on cancer, sup6XSSOLHV ‡ *DV &DQV ‡ )DUP *DWHV ‡ *ORYHV ‡ /DQWHUQV port groups and services, and the quest for the cure. 6XSSOLHV ‡ 6ZDV ‡ +DPPHUV ‡ 2LO In the meantime, be on the lookout for local his‡ *UHDVH ‡ 'ULOOV ‡ 6PRNH *DV toric tidbits. They’re everywhere in town and country 'HWHFWRUV ‡ *DUGHQLQJ 7RROV – telling the story of our beginnings, providing sources 6XSSOLHV ‡ /RJJHU %RRWV ‡ -DFNHWV ‡ )RRWZDUH 0XFK PRUH of great pride. 8F 4UPDL " $PNQMFUF -JOF PG 1BSUT "DDFTTPSJFT GPS 4UJIM )VTRWBSOB $IBJO 4BXT 5SJNNFST

Washington or Lincoln?


UPCOMING FEATURES IN The Gazette February 24 –

The Pink Zone game & focus on the cure

March 2 –

Home Show Preview

March 9 –

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The Gazette P.O. Box 129 Warriors Mark, PA 16877 Tel.: 814-632-6700 Fax: 814-632-6699 www.CentreCountyGazette.com PUBLISHER Arnie Stott GENERAL MANAGER Don Bedell MANAGING EDITOR Sandie Biddle BUSINESS MANAGER Susan Stott PENNS VALLEY BUREAU CHIEF Sam Stitzer PennsValley@CentreCountyGazette.com STATE COLLEGE NEWS StateCollege@CentreCountyGazette.com SPORTS Les Barnhart, Editor Matt Masullo sports@centrecountygazette.com OFFICE MANAGER Patti Marshall

Gazette Editorial Policy We invite comment, rebuttal, or the expression of your own thoughts about matters you deem of public importance. We invite stories and photos about our community and its people. All submissions must be of the writers own creation and include contact information (which may be withheld upon request) The Gazette reserves the right to reject or edit any submission. Att: Editor, The Gazette, P.O. Box 129, Warriors Mark, PA 16877

PRODUCTION MANAGER Michael Malicki GRAPHIC DESIGN Ralph Boldin Brandy Ritchey Rose Ann Hoover Sharen Kuhn ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Tom Orr Vicki Gillette SUBMIT YOUR NEWS: editor@centrecountygazette.com ADVERTISING sales@centrecountygazette.com

The Gazette is a weekly newspaper seving Centre County and is published by Stott Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 129, Warriors Mark, PA 16877. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is not permitted without written permission from Stott Publications, Inc. Publisher reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement for any reason.



FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Centre County Schools Students Enjoy Catholic Schools Week By Kristina Tice, Principal BELLEFONTE – On Monday, Jan. 30, as part of their Catholic Schools Week celebration, students at St. John Catholic School spent the day spreading the spirit of St. John through a variety of service projects. After delivering a basket of goodies to some of our local ‘lifesavers’ at the Undines Fire Company, the Kindergarten class was treated to a tour of the station. When the volunteer fireman giving the tour turned on the flashing lights he asked the children, “Who knows what you do when you see these flashing lights?” One young boy immediately raised his hand. Without hesitation he stated simply, “You say a prayer.” That is why parents choose Catholic education. The week was filled with great moments that reinforced this year’s theme of faith, academics and service. Each class participated in a similar service project.

Our Pre-K and fourth grades were focused on serving local nursing homes, while first and fifth grades helped both the Faith Centre and Food Bank. Centre County PAWS came to visit our second graders, who had collected much needed items for their facility, to educate the class on their mission and animal safety. Third grade spent time collecting and carefully assembling items for Jared Boxes, which will be used at Mount Nittany Medical Center to help entertain children who are admitted for extended stays. They also were visited by educators who talked to them about what to expect if they should ever have to visit the hospital. Later in the week, after a prayer service to celebrate our faith led by Father Neil Dadey, students from St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy surprised each class as guest readers. Students also took time during the week to show their appreciation to their parents, teachers, and school volunteers. On Friday, members of the Penn State Blue Band came to end the weeklong celebration with a pep rally, complete with a touching rendition of our school song, This is St. John. It was another great week at St. John Catholic School!

PAWS visited and received donations.

BEA School District Kindergarten Registration

They learned about medical emergencies and being hospitalized.

2012-2013 School Year If your child will be five years old on or before August 31, 2012 he or she is eligible to register for kindergarten. Bald Eagle Area School District no longer has an Early Entrance policy. Registration packets will be available in all BEA Elementary Schools beginning March 5, 2012. You can also contact the District Elementary Office at 355-3737 to obtain a packet. Registrations are schedule to be held on the following dates at the elementary schools indicated: Date Location Time Tuesday, April 17 Wingate School 5 p.m. Thursday, April 19 Howard School 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 24 Mountaintop School 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 25 Port Matilda School 6 p.m. Please be sure to bring the following items with you to registration: ◆ Your child’s Birth Certificate ◆ Your child’s Immunization Records ◆ Custody Papers (if applicable) ◆ Completed physical form from your child’s doctor or appointment date for your child’s physical Questions regarding the immunizations or physical requirement for your child to attend school should be directed to the Mrs. Allison Snyder, the Elementary School Nurse, at 355-4872. If you have any questions or are unable to attend one of the registration sessions please contact Mrs. Nancy Fisher in the District Elementary Office (814) 355-3737.

The Penn State Blue Band sent members for a school pep rally.

Students enjoyed inspirational story telling.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



Centre County Schools American History Month Celebrated by Essay Contest Winners By Judy Black and Cheri Banks. Here was the challenge for fifth through eighth graders entering this year’s Bellefonte Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution American History Contest: “Pretend you were alive during the War of 1812 and had a friend who has become famous in history because of standing up for America during that exciting but dangerous time. Describe the person and how he or she stood up for America. Explain why it is important to honor such heroes when we celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812.” Elizabeth Ann Traband, an eighth grader from Penns Valley Jr. Sr. High School wrote the winning essay. A letter has been sent to her congratulating her and she received Chapter Winner certificate, medal, and Barnes and Noble gift card. In 1996 the DAR joined with the National Italian American Foundation to sponsor an annual national essay contest on Christopher Columbus. The contest

is open to students in grades nine through 12. This year’s challenge, write about Christopher Columbus “in his own time, in history, and today.” What did 15th century people think about his accomplishments? How did 19th century historians view him? How did Columbus, who had primitive ships and no computers or modern navigation equipment, affect our lives today? The top three winners were first place, Rachel Wasbotten of State College High School, second place, Tatyanna Gonzalez of Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy in Boalsburg, and third place, Page Barnett of Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy. They attended the DAR program February 11 and received a certificate of participation and a Barnes and Noble gift certificate from American History Month Chairman Gwen Carusone. The DAR members enjoyed the writers reading their. All entrants received a certificate of participation. The first place essays will compete at the state level and winners move on to division then national level.

DAR District Director Presents Alaska Program

(photo by Sue Kellerman)

The essay winners were presented with certificates. (L to R): Page Barnett, DAR Regent Ritter, Rachel Wasbotten, American History Month Chairman Carusone, and Tatyanna Gonzalez.

100 Days at GLPK Contributed by Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten STATE COLLEGE – Grace Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten recently celebrated the 100th Day of School with a variety of activities, including a display of art made by using the digits in the number 100. The kindergarten class assembled a "museum" showing creative collections of 100 items the children brought to school. Displays ranged from buttons on a string to vegetables in a garden, soda pull tabs in the shape of a pyramid, painted pasta shells, pennies, and more.

The February 11 program featured the DAR North Central District Director Diane Whitaker. Diane received a travel grant from Delta Kappa Gamma, an honor society, to study the Native Americans in Alaska. Diane presented her study of native cultures, comparing the past to the present. Her slide show was enhanced with beautiful pictures of the Alaskan landscape and the people she met, including at Eskimo towns in northern Alaska, above the Arctic Circle. Like their ancestors, they rely on natural resources for much of their existence and to maintain their culture. There are many small communities, each with its own kinship structure, art, music, stories, practices, and tools for hunting, fishing, and gathering. They also rely on canned food, building supplies, and heating fuel that are flown in; there are no roads. Permafrost is two feet below the surface and summer is short, so gardening isn’t possible. Regular flights bring in specialists in modern medicine, and Medivac is available for emergencies. Igloos are a part of the past, so the oldest homes still in use are made of sod. Since the 1950s, many new structures have been built using modern building materials. Unemployment is high, and most jobs are part-time. There is employment in the police force, borough building, school and tribal council. Television is provided via satellite dish. There are youth sports leagues and other activities much like our own children enjoy. The dominant religion is Presbyterian. After leaving the north, Diane went to the interior of Alaska, home of the Athabascan tribes. The tribal elders work at maintaining traditions and values and make major decisions for the community. Diane found Athabascan Values posted in many public buildings, based on family unity, hard work, honesty, responsibility and respect for the land and culture. The Alaskan Native Language Center was founded in 1972 for the purpose of saving the 20 native Alaskan languages. Diane brought books that told traditional stories in both native language and English translation. The center offers bilingual programs and oral history, encouraging youth to learn the native languages of their ancestors. Like their northern neighbors, the Athabascan’s rely on hunting, fishing and gathering. Caribou and moose make up most of their clothing, while salmon are caught in a water wheel and preserved by drying. Women are employed as teachers, clerks, and health aides, but many practice traditional crafts for the tourist trade. Diane learned that, as in the past, the Alaskan Native Americans’ way of life is tied to the land. They work at maintaining ties to their past, even as modern civilization has brought them new challenges and improvements like modern medicine, transportation such as snowmobiles, and money, thanks to the oil industry which subsidizes every Alaskan native. The balance between maintaining tribal cultural identity and enjoying 21st century advantages was evident. The National Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 in part to perpetuate the memory of the spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence – to record, preserve, and recall their accomplishments. Centre County has approximately 207 Revolutionary War soldiers and patriots buried here. Could your ancestor be one? For information about Bellefonte Chapter of the DAR please contact Regent Dolores Ritter at dolly814@aol.com.



FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Centre Hall Bank Leaves Century-old Building Article & photos by Sam Stitzer CENTRE HALL – The Centre Hall branch of the Northwest Savings Bank began operations in a brand new facility on February 13. The new building is at 104 Winfield Drive, just off Rte. 45 at Old Fort. Bank Office Manager, Glenn Fultz and District Manager Ed Kifer are both excited about the move into the new building, and look forward to serving their customers’ financial needs. The new structure is a bright, roomy, and attractive contemporary design. The bank’s previous building on North Pennsylvania Avenue in Centre Hall is celebrating its 100th year, having been built in 1912 as a home for the printing plant for the long defunct Centre Reporter newspaper. This publication began in Aaronsburg in 1827 as a two-page paper printed in German on one side and English on the other. It moved to Centre Hall in 1868, and continued to publish (in English only) until February 29, 1940. Sometime after the Centre Reporter’s demise, the First National Bank of Centre Hall (later bought by Northwest Savings

Bank) moved into the building, and remained there until now. The old bank building was designed by architect Anna Wagner Keichline (1889-1943), a Bellefonte native who became the first female architect to be registered in the state of Pennsylvania. She earned a degree in architecture from Cornell University. Her first design was for a schoolhouse in Milesburg. She also designed several buildings in Bellefonte, including the Plaza Theater, the Cadillac Garage and Apartments, the Harvey Apartments, and some private homes. The Centre Reporter described their new facility in a 1912 issue as being “modern, built of light Roman brick. There will be no effort to be extravagant, but nothing will be omitted to make the structure of a most substantial character.” The 100-year longevity of Ms. Keichline’s design is a testament to her skill as an architect. During construction of the building in 1912, the Centre Reporter said “The foundation walls for the Reporter block are about completed and an effort will be made to lay the sills and first floor before workmen lay off for the Grange Encampment and

The bank’s former building is 100 years old. The Centre Hall Post Office occupied the right half of the building for many years.

Northwest Savings Bank’s new facility at Old Fort.

PennDOT Centers Closed for Presidents Day Licensing, Vehicle Services Available Online The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced that all driver license and photo centers, including its full-service center in Harrisburg, will be closed Saturday, Feb. 18 through Monday, Feb. 20 in observance of Presidents Day. Customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services online through PennDOT’s Driver and Vehicle Services website, www.dmv.state.pa.us.





Fair.” I guess some things haven’t changed in 100 years! My thanks go to retired school teacher and local historian, Ruth Rishel, for providing the historical information regarding the former bank building and Anna Wagner Keichline for this article. Now the question is: will the new bank building last 100 years?

The new building features a spacious lobby.

Office manager, Glenn Fultz works in his office in the bank’s new building.

The Sign by Raymond Khoury is a fast moving thriller that might not be for everyone. If you have read Khoury before, you know that he is not afraid to cover controversial subjects. Journalist Grace Logan is in Antarctica with a scientific expedition. They are there to witness the melting of the large ice shelves for a live television piece on Global warming. As they are filming a spectacularly large chunk falling into the ocean, a massive, shimmering sphere of light suddenly appears above them. Thanks to Grace’s live report this mysterious light is seen all over the world. After a second sphere appears at the North Pole, Grace is sent to Egypt to investigate the sphere’s third appearance. In Egypt, Grace meets Father Jerome. Father Jerome has left his well known work with orphanages in the poorest of poor areas to live in a cave in the desert. The media grabs hold of the idea that the mysterious light is a sign from God that Father Jerome is the new prophet with the message to stop killing the earth, to put an end to global warming. Meanwhile, back in Boston, Matt Sherwood has been mourning his scientist brother Danny’s death. Danny had been working on a secret project in a remote area in South America when his helicopter crashed and all on board were killed. Now Matt finds evidence that Danny might be alive, but this information puts Matt and those around him in danger. The book switches locations chapter by chapter and in the beginning the introduction to so many characters was a little confusing and slowed the book down. Once each character became clear, the booked moved rapidly. This book is definitely a thriller, but it is also a chance for the author to express his personal views on global warming, religion in politics, how easy it is to start a religious war, and some other controversial subjects. At first, I found myself in agreement with many of the philosophies of the bad guys until they showed how even things that start out well can be corrupted. If you have read Raymond Khoury’s The Last Templar, you will find The Sign equally fascinating for its subject matter alone. I am ready for his next publication.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



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Handsome young orange male seeks family who will focus on the fact that he is a sweetheart and not the FeLV+ label that is attached to his name. FeLV+ indicates that Jingles has Feline Leukemia Virus, which leads to a weakened immune system. Jingles still loves to play, proving that he will not let this disease slow him down. He will then sometimes curl up on a lap when it is time to recharge! If you want to read more about Jingles and FeLV, please visit http://www.centrecountypaws.org/cats/ or come meet him in person at PAWS (1401 Trout Rd., State College).



FEBRUARY 17, 2012

How YOU Can Help February 24 – February 26: Community Volunteer Weekend By Ebun Adewumi Out of trouble times, good things will arise. The Community Volunteer Weekend is one of them. Scheduled over the weekend of Feb. 24 to Feb. 26 it falls in the same weekend that State Patty’s Day occurs. State Patty’s Day, Saturday, Feb. 25, is a recent Penn State tradition that draws thousands of students, both from in town and out of town, and encourages them to drink alcohol all day. Last year, Community Volunteer Day organizers established, through post-event focus groups that maintaining unity between Penn State and the State College community was essential to making future progress in response to State Patty’s Day. Many participants shared their belief that working together versus against each other would achieve desirable outcomes. This year the goal for Community Volunteer Weekend (Feb. 24 to 26) is to expand activities to include more community groups and make the information about the activities easily accessible to all. Therefore, in addition to providing a sober presence on the day of (Saturday), further community building activities throughout the weekend will be offered to increase opportunities for continuous engagement. There are three volunteer-based initiatives in partnership with Penn State students and additional support from AmeriCorps and community members: Neighborhood Dialogues, Community Walk, State Sweep. To get involved or get more information the Community Volunteer Weekend organizers have a website: www.peacelovestatecollege.com. You can also contact Kate Doe by e-mail organizers@peacelovestatecollege.com or phone (814) 234-7110.

Schedule (Registration is encouraged and can be done on their web site www.peacelovestatecollege.com)

Bellefonte Woman Appointed Associate Provost Contributed by Lock Haven University LOCK HAVEN - Dr. Marianne Hazel, interim dean of the Lock Haven University Clearfield Campus, was appointed as LHU associate provost. Dr. Hazel commented, “I’m ecstatic about this opportunity. I believe that by working together with our quality LHU faculty and students, our capable administrative team can creatively find solutions to the challenges that our university will be facing next year. I will continue to strive to build bridges between our two campuses, and I’m delighted to once again be working with and learning from Dr. David White, our interim provost.” Hazel, who has been at Lock Haven since 2002, has administrative and teaching Dr. Marianne Hazel, LHU assistant provost experience. She provides the overall leadership and administration for the LHU Clearfield Campus and is proud of the numerous ways that the campus has moved forward. Recently, Dr. Hazel was keynote speaker for the Clearfield Area United Way 2012 Kickoff Campaign and co-writer of a ShaleNET grant, which has named LHU as a ShaleNET training provider for natural gas and oil industries. She divides her time between both campuses. Dr. Hazel earned her B.S. in Elementary and Kindergarten Education and M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Penn State, her M.S. in Administration from McDaniel College, and her D.Ed. from Immaculata University. She resides in Bellefonte, is the owner and operator of a bed and breakfast, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hazel.

Friday, Feb. 24 - Neighborhood Dialogues Who: Off-Campus Student Union & State College Borough Neighborhood Services. When: Friday, Feb. 24, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Where: Community Room, 2nd Floor of the Municipal Building, 243 South Allen Street, State College, PA 16801. What: This program is designed to foster positive communication between students and non-students. With guidance from Peter Block’s “Six Conversations That Matter” participants have the chance to open the doors to the possibility of increasing communication and effective interactions with each other. Through conversation participants have the ability to find common ground, create their own positive interactions, help reframe perceptions, and work towards a sense of community and civility. Registration: Registration is limited to 50 participants.

Saturday, Feb. 25 – Community Walk Who: State College Neighborhood Services in partnership with Council of LION Hearts. When: Saturday, Feb. 25, from 10 a.m. to midnight. Where: Throughout State College, meeting locations TBA. What: This State Day of Service event is a proactive and collaborative program to promote safety, pride, and respect in the State College community. Students and residents will sign up as teams or individuals to walk through-out the area maintaining a sober and friendly presence. Two hour time slots will be made available at a variety of start times. Upon registration, participants will receive their designated starting point for the day of to sign in and get started. Registration: Registration is unlimited. Participants are asked to form teams for 4, with someone designated as the team leader.

Sunday, Feb. 26 – State Sweep Who: Penn State Marketing Club, Interfraternity Council (IFC), and Panhellenic Council. When: Sunday, Feb. 26, from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m. Where: Participants will meet outside of the State College Municipal Building at 243 South Allen Street to receive materials and group/route assignments. What: A beautification event in the downtown areas of State College designed to clean excess trash and recycle any containers from the weekend. Registration: Registration for this event is limited to 100 participants.

Colwell Joins Rahal Auto Group LEWISTOWN – Craig Colwell, a State College resident with a 36-year history in automobile sales, has joined the sales staff at Bobby Rahal of Lewistown (Lexus, Toyota, Scion). Colwell previously owned and operated Colwell Motorcars and Colwell-Dix Daewoo in State College before serving as the Director of Operations for Sutliff BuickGMC-Cadillac on North Atherton Street. “I am thrilled to be part of the Bobby Rahal Auto Group, one of the most progressive and respected dealer groups in the country,” said Colwell. “My services will be available to clients in central Pennsylvania and beyond. I believe some of those services Craig Colwell joined Rahal Auto Group are unique. For example, anyone who purchases a new or used Lexus from our facility, and lives or works within 60 miles of Lewistown, can take advantage of our Complimentary Pickup and Delivery Plan when their vehicle needs to be serviced.” Customer service always has been a top priority for Colwell. One client recently noted, “I have purchased two cars from Craig. He was very helpful during and after the process.”

Send Your Story Ideas To The Gazette!!!

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



Women Anglers Love Flyfishing By Amy Debach Confer In the depths of the winter, one may feel that spring is too far off to begin thinking of the clear waters that flow through Centre County – and the beautiful fish that inhabit them. However, fishing local streams can be good all year long. For the Women Anglers group, who meet once a month to talk about trout season or the perfect fishing rendezvous, it’s always a good time to think about fly fishing. The Women Anglers group, based in State College, was started approximately in September 2007 by Chris Bracken-Piper a women angler, skilled fisherwoman, and occasional guide who was interested in having company while fishing as well as being able to share knowledge and meet new friends with a common fly-fishing interest. The group has grown since their inception and now sends out approximately 100 e-mails to interested individuals regarding the group’s monthly meetings, workshops, and outings. While that many emails are sent out, there is a core group of about seven or eight women who actively participate each month. Sometimes the meetings consist of gathering by a stream and actually fishing, while other meetings take place to discuss favorite fishing spots in Centre County such as Fisherman’s Paradise, the Spring Creek Canyon, Penns Creek, and Fishing Creek. This month the group will meet Feb. 19 with a theme meeting called the The Second Annual Joe Humphreys Film Festival. The group will bring a snack and watch Joe Humphreys DVD’s. Joe is a local author, educator, and conservationist (among other noteworthy accomplishments) who is avid fly fisherman, himself. As well as monthly meetings, the Women Anglers group also participates in workshops and outings. Workshop topics have included fly tying or casting while an exciting outing was a weekend retreat at a local resort along the Little Juniata River. Here, Erick Stroup, a local guide and fisherman showed the women knot and fly tying techniques, explained the best fishing attire and equipment for women, and suggested how to maintain balance and stay hydrated. The weekend also included great food, a fly casting demo, and time on the river with personal guides to practice their skills, in hopes of catching a beautiful fish. I spoke with Judi Sittler about the Women Anglers group and the waters of Spring Creek. Judi is a member of the Women Anglers club and president of the Spring Creek Chapter of the Trout Unlimited, a national organization (where Pennsylvania holds the most chapters). Judi spoke of TCO and Fly-fisher’s Paradise, two fly-fishing based businesses in State College, who have been extremely supportive of the Women Anglers

Mark Belden, who teaches the Penn State classes on fly fishing, gave the Women Anglers a lesson in fly tying and the next day, met Mark at Fisherman's Paradise for instruction on how to use those flies.

club. Fly-fishers Paradise offered an afternoon fly-tying workshop for the club, while TCO offered an empty room for the group to hold meetings. Judi also acknowledged George Daniel, who works at TCO and is a fly fishing champion, for meeting the club on the stream and teaching fishing tactics and tips. The Women Anglers club mostly chooses to fish on Spring Creek because, hence the name, the stream is spring fed, very strong, and stays a fairly even temperature throughout the year. Spring Creek bubbles over limestone which creates perfect conditions for trout and a great environment for the bugs such as Mayflies and the Green Drake that the fish eat. Because Spring Creek is a Class A stream, it is appealing for fisherman all over the country and world. Even former President Jimmy Carter and actor, Liam Neeson, among others, have fished these local waters. Another reason for the draw may be that the Spring Creek is not a stocked stream. Instead, it is a catch-and-release stream whose wild trout have been able to spawn and reproduce naturally. Most who fish these streams are interested in the beauty around them, being in nature, and being careful not to harm the fish so they can return to the stream for the sport of fishing. If you are a novice or advanced fly fisher-woman or would simply like to learn more about the beauty and sport of fly fishing, please contact Jean Brenchley at jeb7@psu.edu, to be added to the e-mail list for upcoming Women Angler meetings, workshops, and outings. Fly fishing, especially in this well-known nook of the country, is truly a way to connect with nature and yourself. Here is a funny blog I found about the political correctness of the term “Fly fisherman”: http://www.outdooress.com/2009/10/fly-fishing-identity-flyladyflychick-flygirl/ Amy Debach-Confer is a Photographer and Picture Framing Professional who obtained training in Wilderness Rescue, Beekeeping, and Natural Health. Her hobbies include hiking, art, gardening, cooking, and traveling. Amy can be reached via email at amosd14@yahoo.com or through her Web site at www. amyruthphotography.com.

The CPWA took a week-end field trip to Erie for steelhead fishing. Guided by Dick Stevenson, women could bring a spouse or friend. (L to R): Stu Silver, Judi Sittler, Jean Brenchley. Alec Peltier, Fran Stevenson, Casey Peltier, and Dick Stevenson.

Here the ladies are at the women's week-end retreat along the Little Juniata, Frankstown Branch for a weekend of casting demos, knot tying, gear made for women, information on how to maintain balance and stay hydrated, an afternoon of fishing with a guide, and lots of good food.

Valentine Chocolate Could Be Good for You! Contributed by Mount Nittany Medical Center STATE COLLEGE – If your valentine gave you a box of chocolate, eat your heart out! Emerging research investigating the benefits of chocolate is promising for chocoholics, according to Joeleen Stocker, MS, RD, LDN, Clinical Dietitian, Mount Nittany Medical Center. “PubMed, a reputable online resource comprised of more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books, offers a body of mounting evidence on the benefits of chocolate,” says Stocker. Stocker summarized some of the more recent articles, of which there are hundreds. Over the last few years, the evidence of many studies are now supporting that natural cocoa and chocolate may have beneficial effects for those at risk for cardiovascular disease, she says. Here is the research, in a nutshell, or, shall we say, a cocoa bean: The cocoa bean contains a nutrient called flavonoids. Flavoniods have an antioxidant effect and can protect against cell damage and environmental toxins. Flavanols are the main type of flavonoid found in cocoa and chocolate. In addition to having antioxidant qualities, research shows that flavanols have other potential health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow to the brain and heart, and making blood platelets less sticky. It's important to know that not all forms of chocolate contain high levels of

flavanols. Cocoa naturally has a very strong, bitter taste, which comes from the flavanols. When cocoa is processed into your favorite chocolate products, it goes through several steps to reduce this taste. The more chocolate is processed, the more flavanols are lost. Most store-bought chocolates are highly processed. It was once believed that dark chocolate contained the highest levels of flavanols, however now we know this may not be true. The processing method determines how much flavanols remain in the chocolate. The good news is that most major chocolate manufacturers are developing ways to keep the flavanols in their processed chocolates. But for now, your best choices are likely dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate. Stocker’s advice is, “For now, enjoy moderate portions of chocolate, a one-ounce serving, a few times per week, and don't forget to eat other flavonoid-rich foods like apples, berries, grapes, teas, onions, and other colorful fruits and vegetables.”



FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Pets Come First: The New SPCA! Grand Opening Article & photos by Karen Dabney CENTRE HALL – The former SPCA animal shelter in Center Hall is now officially Pets Come First. The transfer of administration occurred on Jan. 1, 2012. In February, Pets Come First celebrated their Grand Opening with several fund-raising events, culminating with the official Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 12. "Sixty animals were adopted since we opened," said Cheryl Sharer, Pets Come First board member and former SPCA staff member. "Thirty-four dogs and 26 cats. Three animals were returned to their owners, and a pot-bellied pig was sent to an appropriate rescue organization. Right now we have 51 animals, including a bunny and two blind horses." During the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting, the all-volunteer, no-kill shelter attracted a sizable crowd of supporters, well-wishers, and potential adopters. Visitors had the opportunity to meet an adoptable white rabbit, the dogs in the kennels, and the cats in the beautifully refurbished cat room. The volunteer staff and foster parents answered questions about the pets, and counseled people about which animal might be a good match. For the ribbon cutting, Pets Come First president

Deb Warner was joined by 11 volunteers and board members at the red ribbon stretched over the front sidewalk. As Warner cut the ribbon, the group rejoiced. Inside, the staff offered refreshments, and packages of free catnip and dog treats. Visitors could purchase Pets Come First T-shirts, benefit raffle tickets for Sheetz gas cards, and specially labeled bottles of Seven Mountains wines. Through Feb. 29, the shelter will receive $5 for each bottle sold, with a choice of three wines: All Razzed Up, a sweet wine; Tickled Pink, a blush wine; and Ten Point, a dry red wine. The Sheetz raffle will continue into May, with prizes of $350, $100, and $50 gas cards. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. Pets Come First is also raising funds by recycling ink and toner cartridges, earning $100 so far. The guests included two of the vets who work with the shelter, Dr. Fred Metzger and Dr. Bob Rider. Dr. Rider said, "I think that Pets Come First has done a great job of redoing the place and working with the animals. We at Metzger Animal Hospital are happy to work with them to adopt all these great animals. It's fun, too." Pets Come First, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organiza-

Pets Come First secretary Cathy O'Connell, volunteer Marie Ritchey; and Pets Come First treasurer Rose Fetters

A young animal lover pets a young cat in the cat room.

tion, seeks community support to help them meet the needs of stray and abandoned pets. They are actively fund-raising and recruiting volunteers to ensure the ongoing success of the shelter's services, which include adoptions of abandoned pets, and a new program of spay/neuter discount certificates for approved low-income pet owners. "Our biggest need is to have funds to pay a staff," said Sharer. "Our volunteers are awesome and wonderful, but we need to have a core staff that is able to be here regularly and is dependable." To help pay expenses, Pets Come First increased the adoption fees. "Some people think we're a little high, but you get about $400 of vet care," said Sharer. "When animals leave here they have microchips, current vaccines including rabies, spay/neuter or an appointment, and a feline leukemia check." She said they were actively seeking volunteers. "We have a waiting list of animals but don't have enough help to take care of them." Pets Come First is located on Route 322 in Centre Hall. For more information, visit www.petscomefirst.com, their Facebook page, or call 814-3641725.

Pets Come First Adoption Center's Grand Opening was well attended.

The new sign at the Pets Come First Adoption Center on Rte. 322 in Centre Hall.

Veterinarians Dr. Fred Metzger (left) and Dr. Bob Rider (right) talk with Deb Warner (center), president of Pets Come First. Metzger Animal Hospital is one of the veterinary practices that is working with Pets Come First.

For the ribbon cutting, Pets Come First president Deb Warnerwas joined by eleven volunteers and board members, and by Izzy, an adoptable Standard Poodle.


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FEBRUARY 17, 2012


Practical Pet


By Toni Duchi

Show Us That Smile! By Toni Duchi February is Pet Dental Health Month. My dad always used to make fun of me when I talked about "newfangled" pet care, including brushing my dogs' teeth, because in the "olden" days, dogs never had teeth issues. Well Dad, they do today. Modern dog food is not like it used to be – it's over-processed and gets soft and mushy when left in the bowl. The oils in it can go rancid and there can be mold and other nasty things in it. Some of it actually gets sticky and stays on your dog's teeth until you, or your vet, takes it off. Believe me, dog food does not promote good dental health. So, how can you avoid a $1,000 vet bill for teeth extraction? Take care of your kids' teeth from day one. Here's a quick checklist to help you do this. ◆ Partner with your vet and get accurate information about how to take care of your dog's teeth. Develop an at-home treatment regimen, including teeth cleaning and crunchy, chewable items that work. I absolutely promote raw beef bones as a way to keep teeth clean. The bones will not hurt your dog as long as you don't cook them and long bones with marrow and beef rib bones are the best. Some people use raw chicken wings--they're good too, but they usually end up on my bed with my dog happily chewing and slurping through them. Beef bones are cheap and they don't typically have a lot of gunk left on them (that's a scientific term for tendons, meat and cartilage). ◆ Explore the new dental products that include dental rinses and rubs. There are some now that you can add to your dog's food that retards food from sticking. They are worth the money. Dr. Miller in Stormstown promotes Perio Support and it seems to really work well. There are dental chews and other products that say they will stop tartar – even some toys like rope toys and the like that will help some too. I say, do it all and avoid a big vet bill later. ◆ Take a look regularly examine your dog's teeth and gums, noting any changes in color, redness, or sensitivity. If your dog doesn't want to eat or stops chewing, that could be a sign that it hurts to do so. If your dog's gums are bright red, especially where the teeth meet the gums, that could mean serious gingivitis or infections. See your vet for an evaluation of the condition. ◆ Check for odor – lots of people think their dogs just have bad breath and that "green" biscuits will take care of it. WRONG....if there's an odor coming out of your dog's mouth, a dental check may be in order or at the very least, a vet visit to check for infections or rotten teeth. Dental issues are very painful for your dog and can make him very cranky. It's important to practice preventive care and to have your dog's teeth cleaned once a year. An issue with teeth can cause problems throughout the body. Teeth issues can even affect the heart...don't let that happen to your kids. Take care of their teeth and their teeth will take care of them.


Young Violinists Entertain at Valentine Dinner for Library Article & photos by Sam Stitzer AARONSBURG – On Saturday evening, Feb. 11, a spaghetti dinner fundraiser was held at the Aaronsburg Civic Center to benefit the East Penns Valley Library. The menu included spaghetti and meatballs, as well as salad, numerous appetizers, and desserts. The desserts and salad ingredients were donated by local residents, and the spaghetti was prepared by a staff of volunteers from the community. The dinner followed a Valentine’s Day theme, with red placemats, paper hearts, and candles on the tables. Diners were entertained by some very young strolling violinists. Eight-yearold Gus Tritsch; his six-year-old brother, Huck; nine-year-old Katie LoomisAdams; and her brother, seven-year-old Levi played songs ranging from a Bach Minuet to some good old Bluegrass fiddlin’! The patrons loved the music, and applauded for each number. Those kids are really talented, and they enjoyed playing for the dinner. This dinner is a major annual fundraiser for the East Penns Valley Library, and was put on by a dedicated group of volunteers headed by Marsha Bierly. It was a great time for all who attended, and no one left hungry!

Strolling violinists (L to R), Levi Loomis-Adams, Katie Loomis-Adams, Huck Tritsch, and Gus Tritsch entertained the dinner patrons.

Toni Duchi is a volunteer with Nittany Greyhounds and author of The Practical Hound: Better Choices for a Healthier Dog. If you have a question for her, e-mail her directly at tjduchi@aol.com, or if you'd like more information about greyhound adoption, visit www.nittanygreys.org.

RECIPE: BEEF CAKE 1-1/2 c. flour 1-1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 c. soft butter 1/2 c. corn oil 1 small jar beef flavored baby food 4 eggs 2-3 strips of beef jerky Grease/flour 8" baking pan. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cream butter until smooth. Add corn oil, baby food and eggs, mix until smooth. Mix dry ingredients and then mix into wet mixture, mix until smooth. Crumble beef jerky and fold into batter, pour into pan and bake for 70 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before frosting. FROSTING 1-1/2 c. unflavored super yogurt 1/2 c. peanut butter 2 tbsp honey Mix together, cool, then frost the cake. Garnish with blueberries or dried fruit (not raisins), crushed doggie biscuits, or even Cheerios or granola.

Joel and Kathryn Myers from Spring Mills enjoyed a great meal.

The crowd filed in for plenty of good food.



FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Valentine’s Craft Show Has a Big Heart Article & photos by Sam Stitzer SPRING MILLS – Nittany Shop With Heart sponsored its fourth annual Valentine’s Day Craft Show on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Old Gregg School Community Center in Spring Mills. This event is a fundraiser for the Penns Valley HOPE Fund, which assists families in the Penns Valley area facing severe financial crises. About 35 vendors took part in this event, filling the school gymnasium. Live music was provided by Dave Walton, formerly with The Silver Hawks of Lancaster, along with current SilverHawks musicians, Mike Book and Bob Miller, who performed several original songs from their new CD titled Oblivious Bob. Dave is the husband of Nittany Shop With Heart's founder Cathy Walton. Food was provided for sale by The Sustainable Kitchen, which served many delicious choices. Throughout the event, a large crowd of shoppers was seen browsing and buying items of all kinds from the vendors present. I spoke to Cheryl Crook, whose business is called Family Jewels. Cheryl came up from the Harrisburg area with her line of handmade pendants. She attends about 25 craft shows per year all around the state. Cheryl’s pendants are made from attractive multi-colored ribbons and jewels. Many came with matching earrings. They were all high quality items. Hannah Black, from Spring Mills showed a line of stuffed animals and hearts which she made. Hannah said she “has made things all her life.” Her company is called the Ryaven Design Company, and

includes toy design, painting, sculpting, illustration, and other artistic media. Liz Spielvogel of Spirit of the Season, in Lemont displayed many potted plants, whose colors provided an oasis of summer on a cold, wintry day. Besides vendors, two authors were present to sign books at the craft fair. Hannah Grace from Waynesboro wrote books titled Heavenly Hugs, and Held in Heaven’s Arms, both nicely illustrated books aimed at children with serious or terminal illnesses. Hannah said she portrays heaven as a “wonderland” to help children to prepare for what, sadly, sometimes becomes their fate. She donates a portion of the proceeds from her book sales to pay for counseling for seriously ill children and their families. Nancy Shoap, from Walnut Bottom had copies of her book, His Everyday Promises. In 1999, Nancy was diagnosed with a rare eye disease called uveitis, and was told she would go blind. While gardening, she received visits from a stray black cat, and began caring for it. Then the cat disappeared, leaving Nancy with a new and positive attitude about her life. She wrote a story about her experiences, which was published in Guideposts magazine in 2006. She collected similar stories of what she considered to be divine intervention, and assembled them into her book. Her vision today is still good. Meeting these authors was inspirational. It was good to see people writing about what are often sad and depressing situations in such positive ways. Down the hall, the Paws and Tails Thrift Store was open for business. Colleen Begley and her niece,

Nikki Rae Wagenseller, were making sales to benefit local animal-oriented non-profit groups. The store has donated a total of $2,000 to PAWS, Pets Come First, and other animal rescue groups in the past year. Valentine’s Day Craft Show organizer, Cathy Walton said she was pleased with the vendor participation as well as the large crowd of shoppers that day. She was glad to be able to host this event to benefit the Penns Valley HOPE Fund. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who worked to make this an enjoyable event.

Nancy Shoap had her book of inspirational short stories of divine intervention.

Hannah Grace had copies of her books for children and families dealing with serious illnesses.

Plants from Spirit of the Season added some green to a snowy winter day.

Shoppers and vendors filled the gym at the Old Gregg School.

Cheryl Crook sold a nice line of handmade pendants.

Tom Stoner (left) and T.J. Coursen manned the HOPE Fund table.

A SMOOTHIE RESEARCH STUDY Penn State’s Nutrition department is seeking participants! Women ages 18-45 and men ages 18-55, with a body mass index between 27-33 (http://www.bmi-calculator.net). Smoothies and Compensation will be provided. Please call 814-863-7269 for more information. Penn State IRB#35068.


Brunch Sunday, February 26th 11:00AM to 1:30PM Adults - $8; Children Under 12 - $5 Eggs, Home Fries, Pancakes, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Sweet Rolls, Coffee, Tea; Walk-ins Welcome... For Advance Tickets, Call 814-364-9625 Benefits Centre Hall Food Bank

Nikki Rae Wagenseller (left) and Colleen Begley worked at the Thrift Store, raising money for local animal rescue organizations.

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FEBRUARY 17, 2012



Weis Market Unveils New Store Feb. 26 62,000 sq ft, Third with New Design Article and photos by Amy Debach Confer BELLEFONTE – The Weis market on Bishop Street in Bellefonte has outgrown the old building due to new product, customer demand, and expanded offers. On Feb. 26 at 6:45 a.m., there will be a ribboncutting ceremony in honor of the grand opening of the brand new 62,000-square-foot Weis Superstore, near Bellefonte. The new store is approximately 40 percent larger than the current store and is the third store in the chain of 161 stores located in Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, and West Virginia with the new design. The current Weis store will be open for its last day of business on February 25 until 6 p.m. As part of the grand opening, Weis will donate $23,000 to 13 local charities; some of the charities include Centre Volunteers for Medicine, Faith Centre Food Bank, and local volunteer fire companies. Based in Sunbury, Weis markets were originally founded in 1912, marking this year as the supermarkets’ 100th year of service. The construction of the new building began in 2010 and will be located only minutes from the current store on route 550/ Zion Road. The new location is great for the store as it is just off Interstate 99’s exit 83, at a convenient intersection, and close enough to Bellefonte and the “old” location that consumers won’t need to travel farther than they were used to. The construction and location didn’t come without cost though. The entire project cost is beyond $20 million. As well as the general construction of the building and its components, the company was responsible for road widening, installing traffic lights and turning lanes off Interstate 99, installing an improved storm water management system, and general improvements and repairs of the roadway. When I first entered the new store, I was pleasantly surprised and in awe of the new building. It had a beautiful floor plan, wide and organized aisles, and many bustling employees excited themselves for the new store to open. The general feel of the store

made for a happy morale of the employees, delivery persons, and management. People are so excited for the opening of the store that the two job fairs that were offered brought in over 200 people interested in positions. The original store employed approximately 120 people while the new store will be hiring about 110 more employees. Approximately 40 of these jobs will be full time and 70 will be part-time positions. Some of the full-time positions will include three professional meat cutters for custom cut meat selections (something the current store doesn’t offer), two full-time cake decorators, and a floral manager to name a few. For those interested, management said they are still taking applications for certain positions. With the additional space, everything is larger and essentially, Weis will be a one-stop-shop. For instance, the pet and baby department has expanded dramatically, there will be a fresh fruit cutting service on site, a pharmacy, fresh floral arrangement station, a gas station, full-service seafood including fried seafood and items such as brick oven pizza, chicken, subs, and sushi (which only two other stores in the company offer). There will also be a soup cart and coffee/slushy station. Another interesting addition to the store is a 35seat cafe outdoor seating area where patrons can purchase and consume a maximum of two beers on the premise as well as any of the ready-to-eat food options. By entering a separate entrance to the store and paying at a specific register, patrons will be able to pick from a variety of six-pack beer options, including local Otto’s micro brews, who may also be offering a sampling during one of the opening days. “This is just another convenient option for our customers,” says Dennis Curtin, director of public relations for Weis. There has been a lot of positive feedback about the upcoming store from local businesses. Throughout the store there will be local options for consumers including Bonfatto’s wing sauce, local dairy products, and Hog’s Galore products, a family

owned pork producer. The new Weis store is definitely a “locally focused retailer,” says Dennis Curtin. “We were local before local was cool!” he added. One of the largest expansions in the store can be seen in the perishable sections especially produce and organic products. Each year there are approximately 24 million pounds of local produce purchased for the store and about 20 million of that will actually come from Pennsylvania, as opposed to neighboring states. The expansion and new set-up allows Weis to offer more produce. Environmentally speaking, the new Weis store will incorporate advanced refrigeration technologies to reduce refrigerant emissions by 60 percent, decreasing its impact on the ozone layer and climate change. For instance, if no one is in the dairy aisle, the lights in the cases will be off until someone passes by, when they will then turn on. Looking up, there are several skylights installed. On sunny days, a limited amount of lights will need to be used but, if it’s a cloudy or dark day, the lights will automatically turn on. This is sustainability! I was honored to get a sneak peak at the new Weis Market in Bellefonte but, now it’s even harder to contain my excitement for the grand opening. The new store is a wonderful, classy, and needed addition to the community and one will not be disappointed with its offerings and services.

An employee straightening products.

Stocking a seasonal aisle.

Indoor cafe and seating area.

The new Weis Store!

The hot food counter where sushi, chicken, pizza, and hoagies can be made to order.

Beer take-out coolers.



FEBRUARY 17, 2012

A Salute to Bellefonte Governors The memorial to the Bellefonte governors was erected in 1995 by the Bellefonte Jaycees. It’s in Talleyrand Park just off West High Street

Bellefonte, The Home of Governors some of these names on highways, streets, and buildings in Centre County. Two were brothers, two were appointed as ambassadors by President James Buchanan, one married a great granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin, four were Democrats, two were Republicans, and one was a Whig, a Republican, and later a Democrat. Four were editors of local newspapers – the Bellefonte Patriot, Bellefonte Republican, and Centre Democrat – precursors to the Bellefonte Gazette, now the Centre County Gazette. James Addams Beaver 1837-1914 Governor of Pennsylvania: 1887-1891 Beaver was born in Millerstown, Pennsylvania, and attended school at Pine Grove Academy in Cen-

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tre County. He graduated in 1856 from Jeerson College in Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania (now Washington and Jeerson College). He went on to study law with Hugh McAllister in Bellefonte. He lived in Bellefonte from before the Civil War until his death in 1914. As governor, Beaver was a pioneer advocate of using state revenues to promote industrial education, good highways, and forest conservation. Beaver was a Republican. He served in the Union Army and was promoted to Brigadier General. He was wounded four times. Following the Civil War, Beaver practiced law, was a member of the Bellefonte Borough Council, and served as president of Penn State’s Board of Trustees for 24 years (1874-82, 18981914).

• Experience Counts • Over 23,000 Procedures Performed • Experience Counts •

\Experience Counts • Over 23,000 Procedures Performed • Experience Counts • Over 23,000 Procedures Performed

By Sandie Biddle with help from Bellefonte historians Since Presidents Day is upon us, we decided to honor some of the ďŹ ne political leaders who came from Centre County. Here’s a quick history lesson that many will ďŹ nd interesting. These seven men were involved in local public service – from school boards to borough councils, Penn State trustees to Union soldiers in the Civil War – then went on to serve their states as governors, and their country under Presidents Lincoln, Buchanan, Polk and others. Bellefonte, our Centre County seat, has a long and prestigious history. Named in honor of the town’s central spring ("la belle fonte") by the French statesman Talleyrand, Bellefonte has been home to seven governors from three states. You’ll recognize

• Experience Counts • Over 23,000 Procedures Performed • Experience Counts •

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



A Salute to Bellefonte Governors The memorial to the Bellefonte governors was erected in 1995 by the Bellefonte Jaycees. It’s in Talleyrand Park just off West High Street

John Bigler 1805-1871 Governor of California: 1852-1856 A native of Cumberland County, Bigler attended Dickinson College at Carlisle, but had to leave when the family moved to Mercer County. First an apprenticed printer, Bigler eventually bought the Centre Democrat newspaper in Bellefonte. He was named by General Philip Benner as editor of the paper in 1830. At the age of 14, his younger brother, William (see below), worked for him. John Bigler later sold the Centre Democrat and studied law. He lived in Bellefonte from 1828 to 1834, when he sold the newspaper. He was a member of the Bellefonte Borough Council and chaired on the committee to rebuild the waterworks in 1831. In 1849, at the time of the California gold rush, Bigler moved with his family to Sacramento, California, where he was elected governor as a Democrat. After two terms, President Buchanan* appointed him Minister to Chile. In 1854, the California legislature honored Bigler by naming a lake after him, since renamed Lake Tahoe. William Bigler 1814-1880 Governor of Pennsylvania: 1852-1855 The younger brother of John Bigler, William Bigler worked at Bellefonte’s Centre Democrat until he was 19 years old, and lived here until 1833. He headed the Andrew Jackson Fourth of July Celebration in Bellefonte July 4, 1832. He later published the Clearfield Democrat, selling it in 1836 to enter into the lumber business where he accumulated considerable wealth. In 1842, he was elected to the state Senate and served two three-year terms, was U.S. Senator from PA, and in 1851 he was elected governor as a Democrat. While in office, Bigler oversaw reforms in state finances and curtailed much of the corruption that plagued the state’s system of public works. He secured the Democratic presidential nomination for General George McClellan in 1864, who lost to Republican Abraham Lincoln. Andrew Gregg Curtin 1817-1894 Governor of Pennsylvania: 1861-1867 Born in Bellefonte, and remained a lifetime resident, Curtin started in politics as a Whig and served as Governor Pollock’s Commonwealth Secretary and Superintendent of Public Schools. He also served on the Bellefonte school board and as a member of the Centre County Bar Association. An early supporter of President Abraham Lincoln,

Curtin was among the most prominent leaders of the new Republican Party and rallied the Northern "war governors" in support of Lincoln’s policies. Curtin served as Minister to Russia from 1869 to 1872 and as a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1872-1873. He eventually switched to the Democratic party and served in Congress from 1881 to 1887. Daniel Hastings 1849-1903 Governor of Pennsylvania: 1895-1899 Hastings was born in Clinton County. He started his career in teaching when he was 14 years old, working at his father’s farm over the summer. In 1867, he became principal of the Bellefonte High School. He lived here from 1867 until his death in 1903. He was principal of the Bellefonte High School, superintendent of Bellefonte Schools, editor of the Bellefonte Republican, and a member of the Centre County Bar, Bellefonte School Board, and the Penn State Board of Trustees. By 1887, he had worked his way up to adjutant general of Pennsylvania. Hastings won the governorship largely on the popularity he gained as head of the state commission that brought relief to Johnstown after the great flood of 1889. However, he was unable to implement his platform of social and political reforms because of strong machine politics that dominated the state at that time. William F. Packer 1807-1870 Governor of Pennsylvania: 1858-1861 Packer grew up in Howard, Centre County, and at the age of 13, went to work for an uncle’s newspaper in Sunbury. After the paper failed, Packer got a job at the Bellefonte Patriot, and by 1825 he was working at another newspaper in Harrisburg. In 1827, Packer moved to Williamsport to study

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Robert J. Walker 1801-1869 Governor of the Territory of Kansas: 1857-1861 Walker was the son of Jonathan Hoge Walker, who was one of the first men approved to practice law in Centre County after it had been created in 1800. Robert attended the Bellefonte Academy and went on to the University of Pennsylvania from which he graduated in 1819. He lived here from 1806 to 1814. His father was the president judge of this judicial district and the family lived in a home across from the Court House on East High Street and then later at the Linn Home on North Allegheny. In 1825, he married Mary Bache, a great grand daughter of Benjamin Franklin. They sought wider opportunities in Mississippi, where Robert practiced law with his brother, Duncan. Walker, a Democrat, was elected from Mississippi to the U.S. Senate in 1836. In 1845, President Polk appointed him Secretary of the Treasury, and in 1857 President Buchanan* appointed him governor of the Territory of Kansas, a position he held until Kansas became a state in 1861. He spent the last years of his life practicing law in Washington, D.C. *President James Buchanan was the only U.S. President from Pennsylvania and also the only unmarried President.

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law, but instead bought the Lycoming Gazette, eventually transferring the paper to Harrisburg and changing its name to The Keystone. There he became widely known and was elected to the state House of Representatives. After one term as a Democratic governor, he retired to Williamsport. Packer governed in difficult times, trying in vain to keep the state Democratic party from being torn apart by states rights, the extension of slavery into the West, and other divisive issues on the eve of the Civil War.

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FEBRUARY 17, 2012

“Nature in Focus” by Sarina Bower By Wendy Klimek STATE COLLEGE – Step into a richly colorful contrast to our wintry days at the Betsy Rodgers Allen Gallery at Schlow Centre Region Library. Local artist and business owner Sarina Bower displays her beautifully detailed flower portraits, as well as handsome depictions of special Pennsylvania artifacts, throughout the month of February. Ms. Bower strives to capture the beauty in everything. When not photographing families or special

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events, she enjoys retreating to nature with her camera, which encourages her to slow down and take her time with her subjects. Bower enjoys showcasing rich, saturated colors in her work, and is equally gifted with black-and-white imagery. Ms. Bower offers photography services for families, senior portraits, engagement sessions, weddings, and more. Her specialty is newborn photography. The exhibit is free and open to the public.

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Bower’s speciality is nature – flowers like this Stargazer lily.

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Bower also enjoys capturing butterflies in her art photography.


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FEBRUARY 17, 2012


Bald Eagle Area Drops Juniata with Strong Second Half

Lady Rams Earn Season Sweep as Winning Streak Starts

By Les Barnhart Bald Eagle Area got 21 points from Marissa Ward to lead the team to a 54-47 victory on the road against Juniata last week. After the teams played to a 25-25 tie at the break, the Lady Eagles defense allowed just six points to their opponents in the third quarter as they opened a lead they would not give back. Lexi JoseďŹ k added 11 points as Bald Eagle Area rebounded from last Saturdays’ home loss to Bishop McCort to improve to 14-4 on the season.

By Les Barnhart The Penns Valley Lady Rams came into the Bellefonte gymnasium last Tuesday looking for something they haven’t had all season; a winning streak. After a hard fought game in which the teams tallied single digit scoring in each quarter. After the Lady Raiders jumped out to a lead in the fourth quarter, Penns Valley rallied behind Cassie Hazel and pulled away for a 26-22 win and in the process improved to 4-14 on the season. It also marked their second straight win and second over Bellefonte as they swept the season series with their neighbor. Hazel drilled four straight from the free throw line down the stretch as she ďŹ nished 5 of 6 from the charity stripe. Kelsey Boone led all scorers with 9 points while pulling down 13 rebounds for the Lady Rams. Lexi Wetzler led the Lady Raiders in scoring with seven points in the loss.

Eagles Pin Their Way Past the Bulldogs for Comeback Win By Les Barnhart WINGATE - There are moments that last a lifetime in the memories of athletes as well as fans. One of them could be last Tuesday in the dual meet between Bald Eagle Area and the visiting Jersey Shore Bulldogs. The Eagles saved their best for last in their 4036 win over the District 4 team dual champions as they got ďŹ ve straight falls and a forfeit to close out their come from behind victory. Trailing 36-10 with six weights remaining, the Eagles knew they would be getting six points with a forfeit coming at 220lbs. What they would do before that would determine whether those points would even matter. Jake Taylor got things started for the Eagles at 170lbs as he recorded a ďŹ rst period fall. At 182, Jimmer Grieb followed him with a fall that took one second longer than Taylor’s with it coming in 1:05. Aaron Varner took a little longer to get his fall but he would and it came at the 2:53 mark at 195lbs to cut the score to 36-28. Coach Steve Millward used the forfeit at 220lbs to move Nate Sharkey up to 285lbs from his normal spot at 220. With the forfeit cutting the score to 36-34 with Sharkey’s bout with the Bulldogs’ Nate Lorson remaining, the balance of the dual meet hung on the outcome of the ďŹ nal bout. Sharkey capped o the win for the Eagles in the second period when he recorded a fall over Lorson at the 3:09 mark. Earlier in the meet, Travis Giedroc received a forfeit at 106lbs. At 138lbs, Matt Dillon gave the Eagles their last win until Taylor’s fall at 170 when he majored Kaiden Brungard, 10-1.

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ATTENTION: Wingate Softball Parents and Players Jillian Musser, the lone senior for the Lady Raiders, works the ball down the court against Penns Valley.

SEND YOUR STORY IDEAS TO THE GAZETTE!!! editor@centrecountygazette.com Stay Informed with C-NET On TV and Online! Channels 7 and 98 on the Comcast and Windstream Cable Systems Watch C-NET Online, On Demand!! Visit cnet1.org for coverage of‌. s #ENTRE 2EGION -UNICIPALITIES AND "ELLEFONTE "OROUGH s 3TATE #OLLEGE AND "ELLEFONTE !REA 3CHOOL "OARDS s #ENTRE 2EGION #OUNCIL OF 'OVERNMENTS s #ENTRE #OUNTY #OMMISSIONERS s ,OCAL 3PORTS #ONCERTS AND #OMMUNITY %VENTS

The Wingate Association of Bald Eagle Area Little League Softball will be holding their regular monthly meeting at 5pm on MARCH 11th at the Bald Eagle Area High School. It is held prior to the league meeting. All parents are encouraged to attend.

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Local Sports Fans, Parents and Athletes!! Just a reminder that with the all the sports going on in the county, its especially important that I get the input of all of you as I am bound to miss many of those who are deserving of recognition in their respective sports. No sport should go unnoticed or worse yet, unplayed. You can even submit your own name and deny it to your friends and teammates. Please feel free to contact me at my email address: sports@centrecountygazette.com regarding your sports story as well as a phone number where you can be reached if needed. You can also post your ideas for a story or a recap of your game on the Centre County Sports page on Facebook. In order to make the Centre County Gazette the paper of the people, I need you, the people to provide the best sports coverage around. Good luck to all you in your respective sports. Hopefully I will run into you at a sporting event sometime and it will be you I will be covering. Les Barnhart Sports Editor

FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Little Lions Thump Visiting Hollidaysburg

Penns Valley Defense Key in Win Over Bellefonte

By Les Barnhart STATE COLLEGE - The Little Lions improved to 14-3 on the season after picking up an easy 73-40 win at home over the Hollidaysburg Golden Tigers last Tuesday. Kyle Kanaskie led the scoring attack as the junior tallied 22 points as State College posted its sixth straight win. Bryan Sekunda added 12 points in the win for the Little Lions.

By Les Barnhart SPRING MILLS - The Rams continued their strong play at home Tuesday evening as they defeated their neighbor, Bellefonte, by a score of 4630. Penns Valley used a balance of strong defense to limit Bellefonte to just ten first half points including a long basket by Skylor Wian in the second quarter. That second quarter wasn’t productive for either team as the Rams put four points on the board. Penns Valley silenced the big guns for Bellefonte (7-14) with Jason Jarvis scoring 7 points while John Kowalchuk hit on one three-pointer to comprise his total for the game. Dylan Moerschbacher was also limited to a single three-pointer in the loss for the Red Raiders. Bellefonte did get 10 points from Wian which led the team. Offensively, the Rams (9-8) got 17 points from Sam Snyder and 12 from Austin Auman. The pair combined for all of Penns Valley’s outside scoring with Snyder connecting on two of teams’ threepointers and Auman the other. The win for the Rams avenged an earlier loss to Bellefonte as each team successfully defended their home floor.

Bald Eagle Area Little League Softball Meeting The Bald Eagle Area Little League Softball will be holding their regular monthly meeting on SUNDAY, MARCH 11th starting at 6pm at the BALD EAGLE AREA HIGH SCHOOL. Regular monthly meetings are held the second Sunday of each month at the Bald Eagle Area High School. “This will never be our league unless you are a part of it”

Steelers Hire Haley to Guide Offense Volunteer Opportunity Centre County Child Access Center Providing a safe and supportive environment for monitored custody exchanges and supervised visitation. The Centre County Chid Access Center is looking for individuals interested in helping children and families. As a CAC volunteer, you will have the opportunity to meet new people and make a difference in our community. The Child Access Center offers a variety of flexible volunteer opportunities. For more information, give us a call or visit our website! Training classes will begin soon! Contact Jamie or Lilly at the CCCAC: 814.548.0034, www.childaccesscenter.com

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By Matt Masullo For the first time in Mike Tomlin’s career as the Steelers head coach, he had to replace a coordinator on his coaching staff. With the tumultuous severing of ties with former offensive coordinator Bruce Arians (who “retired” then was hired by the Indianapolis Colts as their offensive coordinator), the Steelers will feature a new play caller for the first time since 2007. That man is Todd Haley, the son of former Steelers director of personnel Dick Haley (19711990). As a young boy, Haley was one of the team’s ball boy. In 2012, he will be the guy calling plays for a Steeler offense that ranked in the bottom third of the Todd Haley league in scoring. Haley has had his share of ups and downs during his career as an NFL coach. He was last employed as the Head Coach of the Kansas City Chiefs, guiding them to the playoffs during the 2010 season and losing the his teams new rival, the Baltimore Ravens. As an assistant coach, Haley has worked with the

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New York Jets, Chicago Bears, Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals, where he was the offensive coordinator during the Cardinals 27-23 loss to the Steelers in Super Bowl XLIII. That season, the Cardinals tied for third in the league in scoring, averaging 27 points per game and were fourth in total offense (366 yards per game). Haley has stated that he is not a “system guy”, meaning that he is not going to come in and shake things up too much and install his own offensive system. If success on offense means running the football, he will run the ball. If it means having Ben Roethlisberger throw the ball all over the park, Haley has proved that he is not afraid to throw the ball (see Warner, Kurt –2008). In 2010, the year the Chiefs won the AFC West, they were a run heavy offense behind the emergence of Jamaal Charles. Roethlisberger and Arians had a very close relationship, and golf often in the offseason. They are even neighbors in a gated community in Georgia. How Haley, who has been noted as having a fiery personality, and Roethlisberger get along is yet to be seen. If he can do with Big Ben what he did with Kurt Warner, the Steelers should like their odds on offense in 2012.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



Raise the Jolly Roger in 2012 By Matt Masullo On February 18, pitchers and catchers for the Pittsburgh Pirates will report to Bradenton Florida to get the upcoming Major League baseball season underway. On February 23, the remaining position players will report as the 2012 Pirate roster is formed. Last year, the Pirates completed their 19th consecutive losing season, albeit after a promising start to the season under ďŹ rst year manager Clint Hurdle. On July 15th, the Pirates found themselves in ďŹ rst place in the NL Central division after sending three players to the All-Star game earlier in the month. On July 26th in a game against the Atlanta Braves, a controversial call at home plate deemed to be too much to overcome for a young Pirate squad, as the downward spiral followed with a season high ten-game losing streak from July 26-August 8, and ultimately, another losing season. Last season is last season though, and the Pirates enter Spring Training this year with more hope than in years past. With a roster sprinkled with young talent, the Pirates will look to end nearly two decades of losing baseball this season in a division that lost its biggest stars (Albert Pujols signed with the Los Angeles Angels this past oseason and Prince Fielder signed with the Detroit Tigers). Andrew McCutchen headlines the Pirates roster, along with fellow outďŹ elders Jose Tabita and Alex Presley. Also back in the outďŹ eld mix will be Nate McLouth, who was traded from the Pirates to the Braves during the 2009 sea-

son. Mclouth was signed as a free agent this oseason. With four talented outďŹ elders to go along with Garret Jones (who also plays ďŹ rst base) and youngster Gorkys Hernandez, the Buccos have a talented group of players to pull from when it comes to covering the ďŹ eld at PNC Park. In the inďŹ eld, Neil Walker leads the charge at second base. He will be joined by a mixture of shortstop Chase d’Arnaud, utility man Josh Harrison and former second overall pick Pedro Alvarez, who has been up and down to say the least in his two seasons in Pittsburgh. Behind the dish, the Pirates face their biggest question mark; who will call the shots for the pitching sta? Michael McKenry is a solid defensive catcher, but lacks much pop from his bat. Tony Sanchez, the Pirates top pick in the 2009 draft is an up and comer, but suered a broken jaw in an oseason incident. Last season in AA Altoona, Sanchez hit .241 with ďŹ ve home runs and 44 RBI’s in 402 at-bats. If he can turn the corner during Spring Training and make the roster, the Pirates could ďŹ nd a long-term solution behind the plate. The pitching sta was a pleasant surprise last season. Kevin Correia was the lead dog on the sta before an injury shortened his season. The Pirates also got several good outings from Charlie Morton, Je Karstens and James McDonald. Brad Lincoln also has an opportunity to contribute to the sta after being seleceted fourth overall in the 2006 draft. The brightest star on the sta however, lies in the bullpen

in Joel “the hammerâ€? Hanrahan. Selected to his ďŹ rst All-Star game last season, he notched 40 saves and ďŹ nished with an ERA of 1.83. He is signed through this season and next, but locking up the back end of the bullpen for more than two seasons will be a key for the Pirates this season. In the minor leagues, the Pirates have 2011 ďŹ rst overall selection Gerrit Cole who is slated to start his career in High Class A ball, along with 2010 2nd overall pick Jameson Taillon and 2010 2nd round pick Stetson Allie. Dating back to the 2000 MLB draft, the Pirates have spent nine of their 11 picks on pitchers in the ďŹ rst round of the amateur draft. The Pirates open their season at home with their in-state rival Philadelphia Phillies on April 5th at 1:35 PM.

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SEND YOUR STORY IDEAS TO THE GAZETTE!!! editor@centrecountygazette.com

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2/17/12 – 2/23/12 American Ale House – Toftrees/State College 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/22 2/23

Tommy Wareham, 6pm-8pm & 9pm-12am Tommy Wareham, 8pm Ted and Molly, 8pm Tommy Wareham, 7:30pm Scott Mangene, 8pm-12am

The Arena – Martin Street/State College 2/17 2/18

Giants of Science Hitchcock

The Autoport – S. Atherton St., State College 2/17 2/18 2/21 2/22 2/23

John Chad Caprio and Special Guests, 9pm Natascha and the Spy Boys, 8:30pm Open Mic Night Stressbusters Karaoke Dance Pary, 8pm Kate and Natalie of Pure Cane Sugar, 7:0pm

Bar Bleu – Downtown State College 2/17 2/23

Ted McClosky & The Hi-Fi’s, 10:30pm Royal Benson, 10:30pm

The Brewery – Downtown State College 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/21 2/23

Brew Devils, 10pm Lowjack, 10:30pm Karaoke, 9:30pm Ken Volz, 10:30pm Emily’s Toybox

Café 210 West – Downtown State College 2/17 2/18

Table Ten, 6pm My Hero Zero, 10:30pm Hounds of Soul, 7pm JR Mangan Band, 10:30pm

The Darkhorse Tavern – Downtown State College 2/17 2/18

AKA Total Whiteout, 10pm Saturday Groove, 9pm

Elk Creek Café & Ale Works – Millheim 2/18 2/23


DJ Boner, 10pm-2am DJ Cup Cake, 10pm-2am DJ Bobby V, 10pm-2am DJ Boner, 10pm-2am Team Trivia, 9pm-11pm Karaoke, 11pm-2am DJ Cup Cake, 10pm-2am

Governor’s Pub – Bellefonte 2/22 2/23

Bisquit Jam JT Blues

Inferno Brick Oven & Bar – Downtown State College 2/17

DJ Cashous

Mountain Valley Diner – Wingate 2/23

Parlor Pickers

Otto’s Pub & Brewery – N. Atherton St., State College 2/17 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23

Miss Melanie and the Valley Rats, 9pm-11pm Wild Game Night Pizza & Beer Trivia, 8pm-10pm Acoustic Music, 8pm-10pm Acoustic Thursdays with 18 Strings, 8pm-10pm

The Phyrst – Downtown State College 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23

Dom and The Fig, 8pm-10pm Ted and The Hi’ Fi’s, 10:30pm- 2am Phyrst Phamily, 7:30pm-9;30pm Velveeta, 10:30pm-2am 2Twenty2 Open Mic Night, 10pm- Midnight Lowjack, Midnight- 2am Table Ten The Nightcrawlers, 10:30pm Jason & Dan, 8pm- 10pm Maxwell Strait, 10:30pm

Pizza Mia – Bellefonte 2/17

Karaoke with Ken Yeany, 6:30pm- 9pm

The Rathskeller – Downtown State College 2/17 2/18 2/23

Mr. Hand, 10:30pm Table Ten, 10:30pm Team Trivia, 7pm

The Saloon – Downtown State College 2/16 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23

Wee ek kl ly ly Ent nt tert rta tainm nm ment Ladies, let’s be honest with each other. We have read the books and the main reason that we went to see the movie One for the Money was to see Ranger and Morelli. Ever since Janet Evanivich first introduced us to Stephanie Plum with her bizarre family and friends, the question has been, “Ranger or Morelli?” It took me several scenes to accept Jason O’Mara as Joseph Morelli. Come on, an Italian stud with blue eyes? That was not how I pictured him. Soon I was convinced. This is a fairly new actor but I am sure that we will see more of him. Ranger had to have been difficult to cast. Every woman I talked to had her own fantasy of the mysterious Ranger. Daniel Sunjata was a good choice. He certainly met the physical qualifications and the possibilities were there. Time did not allow for much development of the character. I know that it is hard for a book to be condensed into a movie and many things have to be dropped, but I missed the humor that Grandma Mazur brought to the books. Debbie Reynolds could have taken this role and run with it. Three short scenes were not enough. We never got to see her at a funeral, but seeing the turkey get shot almost made up for that oversight. Sherri Shepherd was a good choice as Lulu. I was afraid that they would go “Hollywood” on us and cast Halle Berry. Katherine Heigl was better casting as Stephanie Plum than I expected. Seeing her learn to shoot and watching the spunk it took to deal with the men in her life made it believable that she could save the day at the end. I enjoyed the movie One for the Money. I understand that it is impossible to live up to what a person sees when reading a book. I should not compare, but is hard not to – especially when the books are special. I am always interested in hearing from those who see the movie and have not read the book. Now to get back to the original question: Ranger or Morelli? I took a very informal poll as I was leaving the lobby after the show. The majority had the same problem as Stephanie – They would find it hard to say “no” to either.

Stage & Screen

Acoustic Marah, 8pm Pub Hang, 7:30pm

Gman – Downtown State College 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/21 2/22

FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Velveeta, 10:30pm Atomic Supersonic, 10:30pm Smokin’ Karaoke, 10;30pm Broken, 10:30pm Table Ten, 10:30pm My Hero Zero, 10:30pm

Compiled by Abigail Miller

Schedules subject to change. Call the venue for details. The Gazette is committed to providing you with a complete listing of upcoming live entertainment in Centre County. If your establishment provides live entertainment and would like to have your entertainment listed FREE in The Gazette, just e-mail your entertainment to ccgazette@hughes.net.

Gospel Music Fills Historic Georges Valley Church Article & photo by Sam Stitzer The Fellowship Bible Church, located on Lower Georges Valley Road, sponsored a gospel music concert by the gospel singing group Victory Express on the evening of Saturday, Feb. 11. A pot-luck dinner preceded the concert. About 50 church members and friends enjoyed a delicious meal of home cooked food and desserts. Following the meal, the Covalts, a Penns Valley gospel group performed, and then introduced Victory Express, who presented their concert. Victory Express is a family gospel singing group, originally from Nashville, Tennessee, is now located in Mount Joy. The group consists of Ron Cornell, his wife of 49 years, Bonnie, and their teenage granddaughters, Kayla and Maria. They have been entertaining and ministering throughout the United States and abroad in churches, concert halls, county fairs, and other venues. Victory Express features the closeness of the family harmonies in all of their singing performances. Their singing style is southern gospel, and their repertoire features old time favorites, as well as some more modern songs. Ron Cornell joked about traveling with three females. He said their camper has two electric generators: one to run the air conditioner, and another one just to run the blow dryers and curling irons! This brought a big laugh from the audience. Victory Express’s music ran the gamut from slow, sacred songs to rousing, hand-clapping numbers to the delight of the audience. The Fellowship Bible Church (aka Locust Grove Church) building has a long history. It was built 130 years ago, in 1882, and was used by the Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) church. The church was closed in 1960, and sat unused for several years. The EUB church merged with the Methodist church nationwide in 1968. Neighboring property owner, Bob Steiger, purchased the church property from the United Methodist Conference in the 1970s to save the old church from destruction. He maintained the church building until 1979, when a new, independ-

ent congregation was formed, which continues to this day, pastored by Mike Covalt, a member of the Covalts gospel group. The original building was a log structure, but was covered with white siding many years ago. Bob Steiger and other members built a small addition to the building, which included a small dining area, a nursery, and a Sunday school room. Bob added a touch of humor by labeling the rest rooms Adam and Eve, instead of the conventional men and women. A corner where a portion of the old log wall was removed retains the exposed log ends as a reminder of the original construction, and of the long history of the church. The Steiger family also has a long history with the church. Bob’s mother, born in 1903, was the church organist, beginning when she was just 12 years old. She played organ and piano until the church closed in1960, and returned to play for the new congregation in the 1980s. Feb. 11 was a cold, blustery winter night. The wind was blowing snow which was stinging my face as I walked from my truck to the door. But inside, the church was filled with warmth – not just the warmth of heaters, but the warmth of a congregation of people gathered for a night of fellowship and great gospel music. It was the perfect way to spend a winter evening.

Victory Express members Ron and Bonnie Cornell, and their granddaughters Kayla and Maria.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



Free Classical Music Series at Schlow Library Article & photos by Karen Dabney STATE COLLEGE – Schlow Centre Region Library is hosting a free chamber music concert series this winter and spring to promote the June 2012 Music at Penn's Woods concerts at Penn State. The first Schlow concert on Thursday, Feb. 2 featured the Lyon Family Ensemble and flutist Cathy Herrera playing three works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Joseph Hayden. Dr. Herrera, who teaches flute at Juniata College, said the musicians offered the short chamber music concerts to "whet your taste buds" and encourage people to attend the Music at Penns' Woods concerts, which will be held at Esber Recital Hall in Penn State's Music Building I, University Park. The Lyon Family Ensemble performed the first piece, Mozart's Prelude and Fugue in F Major, K. 404a. The violinist, James Lyon, is professor of music in violin at Penn State and concertmaster for the Pennsylvania Centre Orchestra. Carol Lyon, his wife, is the principal cello for Pennsylvania Centre Orchestra. Their son Nicolas Lyon, a State College Area High School senior, played the viola. The Prelude and Fugue was an unusual collaborative piece, according to Professor Lyon. He told the audience that Mozart had not heard the music of J. S. Bach until his middle or late twenties when he attended Baron von Swieten's Sunday gatherings of antique music in Vienna, Austria. Mozart was so inspired by Bach's compositions that he wrote his own arrangement of one of Bach's fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier then added it to a prelude Mozart wrote, creating the Prelude and Fugue in F

Major. Mozart's arrangement helped to unite the two stylistically different halves, but each retained a distinct personality. Perhaps Mozart relished the contrast. Herrera introduced the Hayden Trio #4 in F Major, Opus 11, for flute, violin, and cello, which she played with James and Carol Lyon. She said that Hayden was considered the father of the symphony and the string quartet because he standardized their forms. The music was bright, sweet, and upbeat. In the third movement, the quick notes of the flute reminded the listener of birdsong, a welcome taste of spring. All four musicians played the last piece, Mozart's Flute Quartet in D Major, K. 285. Professor Lyon said the piece was commissioned as a Christmas gift, and was finished on Christmas Day, 1777. The acoustics of the community room were surprisingly well suited for chamber music. "It sounds

good. It's clear but there's a little warmth to it," said Lyon. The next concert in the chamber music series on Thursday, April 26 at 7 p.m. will feature the Easterly Chamber Players: Diane Toulson on flute, Smith Toulson on clarinet, and Anne Sullivan on harp. For the final performance in the series, the Allegria Ensemble will offer a concert especially for children, but everyone is welcome to attend. Dr. Cathy Herrera, on flute, will be joined by cellist Claudia Koide and violinist Debbie Trudeau for the Saturday, May 19 concert at 11 a.m. The concerts will be in Schlow Centre Region Library's Downsbrough Community Room, 211 S. Allen St., State College. The performances are free and open to the public. For more information, call (814) 237-6236 or visit http://www. schlowlibrary.org.

Cathy Herrera, James Lyon, Carol Lyon, and Nicolas Lyon take a final bow.

Carol Lyon plays cello and Nicholas Lyon plays viola during Mozart's Prelude and Fugue in F Major.

Acoustic Brew Hosts Free 20th Anniversary Music Festival Saturday, Feb. 25 Featuring Simple Gifts By Karen Dabney STATE COLLEGE - The Acoustic Brew Concert Series will celebrate a major milestone by hosting a 20th Anniversary Music Festival on Saturday, Feb. 25 at WPSU Studios, 100 Innovation Park, State College. This free event is Acoustic Brew's first festival, and will feature many of Centre County's best bluegrass, folk, old-time, and Americana musicians, including special guest, award-winning ethnic folk band, Simple Gifts. The festival will begin at 1 p.m. with an afternoon of concerts showcasing the talents of ten local bands. Musicians will lead open jam sessions from 1 to 5 p.m. Evening events include a pot luck dinner at 5:30 p.m., the Simple Gifts concert at 7 p.m., and an 8:30 p.m. jam session led by Simple Gifts for everyone who wishes to participate. During the afternoon, seven bands will perform half-hour concerts on the Brew Stage. While each band sets up, two singer-songwriters and a guitar and banjo duo will give 10-minute mini-concerts on the Coffee Stage. The concerts include bluegrass, old-time, and folk by the Tussey Mountain Moonshiners; Americana Rural Music by Chicken Tractor; Irish tunes by Callanish; harmonica player Richard Sleigh and friends; Americana music with beautiful harmonies by Pure Cane Sugar; old-time American roots music

by Mountain Fire; and bluegrass and more by Andy Tolins & Friends. The mini-concerts feature singer-songwriters Doug Irwin and Jim Colbert, and Picker and Papa, with Jim Kehrin on banjo and Gary Brubaker on guitar. The afternoon jam sessions include blues and American roots music led by Max Spiegel, folk singing with Michelle Katz, old-time music with Mark Ralston, and British Isles tunes led by John Collins and Mary Brown. All instruments and levels of musical ability are welcome. "Simple Gifts is the guest of honor since they played at the first Acoustic Brew concert, and have performed at every anniversary show since," said Sally Driscoll, festival coordinator and Acoustic Brew board member. "We never dreamed we’d end up with a mini-festival! It just happened that everyone we contacted the first day responded positively, which indicates the high level of support for the Acoustic Brew." Multi-instrumentalists Linda Littleton, Karen Hirshorn, and Rachel Hall of Simple Gifts draw their musical inspiration from many sources: American reels, Balkan dances, Scandinavian hambos, Irish jigs, Klezmer, and more. They write original tunes based on traditional music, and create their

Tussey Mountain Moonshiners

Pure Cane Sugar

own arrangements of traditional tunes, sometimes adding creative elements from other styles of music. The result is lively, engaging, and often danceable. For this performance, Simple Gifts will perform as the duo of Littleton and Hirshon, bringing nearly a dozen instruments to the stage, along with their sense of humor. "We want people to have a good time," said Littleton. "Acoustic Brew is one of our favorite places to play. It's really wonderful to play for a home audience where so many of the people in the audience know us." Littleton said that the music and the venue were donated by the musicians and WPSU. CDs by the performers will be available for purchase at the festival. A free ticket is required for the Simple Gifts concert. All other events are open and free to the public. Tickets for the Simple Gifts concert are available through www.acousticbrew.org, or by calling (814) 571-5182.

(photo by Emily Burns)

Simple Gifts



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NVS: A Musical Feast Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. Eisenhower Auditorium Nittany Valley Symphony presents Beethoven & Shostakovich Saturday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 .m. at the Eisenhower Auditorium on campus. The program features Beethoven’s Overture to Egmont, Op.84; Beethhoven’s Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61, featuring Max Zorin, Violin; and Shoshtakovich’s Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 54.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Centre County Parks & Recreation – This Week’s Events Youth Swimming Lessons – Session II starts this week: CRPR offers swimming lessons for toddlers through age 14 at the High School Natatorium. Check out an Active Guide to find skill levels and registration forms. Fees depend upon class level. Register online at www.crpr.org call (814) 231-3071. Sun., Feb. 19 Adult Marsh Exploration - Walk the full loop around Millbrook Marsh Nature Center with a naturalist and learn about this dynamic ecosystem. This calm, non-strenuous walk is designed for adults, not for children, and is a great way to learn more about Millbrook Marsh! Advance registration required. Meet at 2 p.m. at MMNC. Fee: $6 Residents/$9 Nonresidents. Register online at www.crpr.org or call (814) 231-3071.

District 4 Jazz Festivals - free Concerts Feb. 17 & 18 Bellefonte High School


Bellefonte High School is hosting the PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association) District 4 Jazz Festival Feb. 16 to 18. Fifty students from 15 school districts in central PA (Bellefonte, Bald Eagle, and State College have students involved this year) will come together to rehearse, learn about jazz, and give an afternoon concert performance on Saturday, Feb. 18. Guest conductors are Dan Yoder from Penn State and Dr. Eddie Severn from Lock Haven University. There will also be a free concert on Friday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. by Zeropoint, a local jazz band.

Tue., Feb. 21 Seniors Hiking Group – meets at 10 a.m. to begin a moderate hike in the great outdoors – various locations in and around State College. Register online at www.crpr.org or call the Senior Center (814) 231-3076.

Oscar and I Feb. 24, 25 & 26 The State Theatre Oscar and I: A Rodgers and Hammerstein Sing-Along will be presented Friday, Feb. 24 and Saturday Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday Feb. 26 at 1 p.m. in the Upper Studio of the State Theatre, State College. Cost: $15. Oscar and I is a celebration of the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein where the audience performs in the show. Mrs. Anna, from the King and I, will lead the audience in singing the best songs from Oklahoma!, Carousel, South Pacific, The King and I, and The Sound of Music. At the end of Act II, the audience is the show! The performance was cowritten by former State College resident and State High choral director, Jessie Barth, and Singing Onstage’s Richard Biever.

Acoustic Brew 20th Anniversary Feb. 25 at 1 p.m. through the evening WPSU Studios, University Park The Acoustic Brew Concert Series celebrates its 20th anniversary with a mini festival of local bands and artists, capped off with a performance by Simple Gifts, the series’ first performer in 1992. The event begins at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 with a performance by local bluegrass band, Tussey Mountain Moonshiners. Other acts on the main “brew” stage include Chicken Tractor, Pure Cane Sugar, and Calanish. A second “coffee” stage features local singer-songwriters, and a third stage will be an open jam session; all instruments and musical abilities are welcome. All are invited to a potluck dinner at 5:30 p.m. before Simple Gifts takes the main stage at 7 p.m. The entire event is free, but tickets must be obtained for the Simple Gifts performance. Tickets are available online at http://acousticbrew.org, at Nature’s Pantry in State College or at the door.

Nittany Wind Quartet – free Sunday, Feb. 26 at 2:30 p.m. Centre County Library & Museum, Bellefonte The Sunday Afternoons at the Library concerts continue, with Nittany Wind Quartet appearing Sunday, Feb. 26, featuring Judy Moore, flute; Barry Kroeker, oboe; Mark Weaver, clarinet; James Dunne, horn; and Trina Gallup, bassoon.

Christian Band Concert - free Sunday, Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. Runville Methodist Church The No Back Road Christian band will play Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. at the Runville United Methodist Church. The band performs classic gospel music blending country, bluegrass and southern gospel harmonies – making a unique sound. The church is at 1204 Runville Road, on Rte 144, approx. 2.5 miles north of the Sheetz Store in Wingate. Contact Pastor Doug Mellott (814) 353-8380

Wed., Feb. 22 & Fri., Feb 24 Line Dancing – no experience necessary or partners needed! Join the FUN in the Sr. Center’s dance room on Mon, Wed, & Fri. at 10:50 a.m. FREE! Call the Senior Center (814) 231-3076. Fri., Feb. 24 Healthy Steps in Motion Exercise Program – This low-impact exercise will help improve balance, flexibility, strength and reduce the risk of falling – can be done in a chair or standing. Participants will use hand-held weights and exercise bands, provided. Mondays & Fridays, 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. FREE! Register online at www.crpr.org or call (814) 231-3076. Sat., Feb. 25 Puppet Shows at the Marsh – Puppeteer Adam Swartz will put on an interactive, family-friendly puppet show at Millbrook Marsh Nature Center! Join us in the new Spring Creek Education Building to watch, learn, and enjoy – one hour long, for all ages. Advanced registration not required. Show begins at 2 p.m. Fee: $5 per person at the door, children under four free. Register online at www.crpr.org or call (814) 231-3071.

This Week at Bald Eagle State Park Please call the Bald Eagle State Park Office for more information at (814) 625-2775! Saturday, February 18 Nature Inn Green Building Tour and Discussion Join the Innkeeper for a tour of the Nature Inn including a detailed explanation of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and the major green building systems. Learn about geothermal heating and cooling, solar hotwater heat generation, rainwater harvesting, native habitat restoration, and the use of rain gardens during this behind-the-scenes visit. Meet at the Nature Inn lobby. Tour is from 11 a.m. to noon. Sunday, February 19 Birds of Centre County This presentation by Bob Snyder provides participants with an introduction to the diversity of birds that breed or pass through Centre County in the spring and fall. You will get to see beautiful photographs taken at Bald Eagle State Park. Program is free, but requires pre-registration by calling the Park Office. Meet at the Nature Inn Multi-purpose room. Program is from 7 to 8 p.m. March 2, 3, & 4 Golden Eagle Voyage Package at the Nature Inn During the peak of the annual Golden Eagle northern migration, spend an early spring weekend in central Pennsylvania viewing these majestic birds soaring overhead. Enjoy the comforts and accommodations of the Nature Inn while experiencing the natural beauty of the surrounding forests and fields of Bald Eagle State Park. This is an exclusive package where participants can stay at the Inn and participate in a variety of programs. Please call the Nature Inn for more information (814) 625-2879.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012



This Week’s

CENTRE COUNTY LIBRARY ACTIVITIES Centre County Library/Bellefonte, Centre Hall, East Penns Valley, Holt/Philipsburg & Bookmobile CENTRE COUNTY LIBRARY ACTIVITIES Centre County Library/Bellefonte, Centre Hall, East Penns Valley, Holt/Philipsburg & Bookmobile CENTRE COUNTY LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE — Fully accessible library on wheels! Check out our website for locations and winter hours. The Bookmobile travels to many communities reaching thousands of visitors each month. Look for it in your community. Hall’s Market, Snow Shoe – Story time, songs and fun! February 21 from 11 a.m. to noon Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education Centre County Library/Bellefonte—call (814) 355-1516 for more information: Facebook: Centre-County-Library-and-Historical Museum Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education AFTER SCHOOL ADVENTURES—Educational and fun crafts for kids 5 and over. Thursday afternoons, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

rhythms, rhymes, music, and interaction between baby and adult. Mother Goose on the Loose aides in the development of both pre-reading and social skills. The program runs about 30 minutes. Stay after for fun with friends and educational playthings. Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. February 21 & 28 LEGO COLLECTING—Donate your gently used Lego blocks and figures, for a new program for K – 5, starting in the Spring. ADULT WINTER READING CLUB—Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff! East Penns Valley Branch Library at 225 E. Main Street in Millheim (Millheim Borough Building)—call (814) 349-5328 for more information: Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education NEEDLES NIGHT AT THE LIBRARY – Bring any portable needles project you are working on and share ideas and tips with others. Thursdays at 6 p.m.

HOOKS AND NEEDLES—Bring your projects to share ideas and tips with others who love to knit! Every Thursday 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

AFTER SCHOOL DROP IN CRAFT—Meet us for crafts and/or science experiments! Cool fun for everyone. Mondays in February, 3:30 to 5 p.m.

PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME—Stories and crafts especially for children under 5 years old with an adult. Monday & Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.

PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME—Stories and crafts especially for children under five years old with an adult. Monday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday mornings at 1:30 p.m.

BOOK BABY STORYTIMES—Stories for the “littlest ears” 0 to two years old with an adult. Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

ADULT WINTER READING CLUB—Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff!

USED BOOK SALE—Visit during regular operating hours for used books, video and music. Friday, February 24 & Saturday, February 25 LEGO COLLECTING—Donate your gently used Lego blocks and figures, for a new program for K – 5, starting in the spring. ADULT WINTER READING CLUB—Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff! HISTORICAL MUSEUM—Discover history, indoors… on a cold winter’s day. Weekdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. AND third Saturday of the month 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Holt Memorial Library/Philipsburg—call (814) 342-1987 for more information: Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education MOTHER GOOSE ON THE LOOSE—For children aged three and under and a favorite adult. Join us for a musical, rhyming adventure through the world of Mother Goose. This is a form of a baby lap-sit, with the focus being on

Centre Hall Area Branch Library—call (814) 364-2580 for more information: Storytime programs meet Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood Education PENNS VALLEY KNITTERS—Enjoy an evening at the library sharing your ideas and tips with others who love to knit! February 23 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. AFTER SCHOOL DROP-IN CRAFT—Perfect after school educational science experiment and fun activities. Wednesday afternoons at 3 p.m. PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME—Stories and crafts especially for children under five years old with an adult. Thursday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. LEGO COLLECTING—Donate your gently used Lego blocks and figures, for a new program for K – 5, starting in the Spring. ADULT WINTER READING CLUB– Book Your Escape! Now through March, Read books, Get free stuff!

Death Notices and Obituaries John P. Fidler April 27, 1965 - February 9, 2012 John P. Fidler, 46, of Bellefonte, passed away Thursday, February 9, 2012, at his home. Born on April 27, 1965, in Lebanon, he was the son of Clarence Fidler and Dorothy Falmer Fidler, who survive in Lebanon. On July 4, 2005, he married Rachele Stewart, who survives at home. He attended the Lebanon School System and earned his GED. He attended Faith United Methodist Church in Bellefonte. Along with his parents and wife, John is survived by his son, John Fidler, Jr. of Lebanon, one brother, Scott Fidler of Reading, and his grandmother, Mary Falmer of Lebanon. A memorial service was held Thursday, February 16, 2012, at 2 p.m., at Faith United Methodist Church, 512 Hughes St., Bellefonte, PA 16823, with Reverend Andrew Morgan officiating. Burial will be private at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are under the direction of Wetzler Funeral Service, Inc., Bellefonte.

John O. Perryman, Sr. August 24, 1934 - February 10, 2012 John O. Perryman, 77, of Pleasant Gap, passed away Friday, February 10, 2012, at Mount Nittany Medical Center in College Township. Born on August 24, 1934, in Linden Hall, he was the son of the late David E. Perryman and Lois (McClintic) Perryman. On April 9, 1955, he married Kathryn Emeigh who survives at home. He attended the State College School System. John retired as a Heavy Equipment Operator. He was a member of the American Legion Post #33 of Bellefonte. Along with his wife, John is survived by two daughters: Wanda Watson of Bellefonte, Donna Miller of Pleasant Gap, by four sons: Gary Perryman of Pleasant Gap, John Perryman, Jr. of Bellefonte, Michael Perryman of Howard and Scott Perryman of Centre Hall. Also surviving are four brothers: Lynn Perryman of Milesburg, Lee Perryman of Bellefonte, Terry Perryman of Pleasant Gap and David, Jr. of Somerset, by thirteen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one sister, Shirley, one brother, Barry, by two granddaughters: Dana Miller and Racheal Perryman. Services and burial will be private at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are under the direction of Wetzler Funeral Service, Inc. in Bellefonte.



WHAT’S HAPPENING? E-mail your organization’s events to editor@centrecountygazette.com. Please have them in by Wednesday noon in order to be included in Friday’s edition. Please see our Web site for the complete What’s Happening calendar, including additional future events. March 3 – Volunteer Fair Seeks Non-profits, Volunteers Looking for a way to help your neighbors? Attend the second annual Volunteer Fair March 3 in Bellefonte. There are dozens of organizations who need your talent. Also, if your non-profit organization needs more helping hands, exhibit at the fair. It’s absolutely free to exhibitors and the public. It’s Saturday, March 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Undine Fire Company's Lambert Hall, Blanchard Street and Forge Road, Bellefonte. Contact The Bellefonte Intervalley Area Chamber of Commerce: e-mail bellefontecoc@aol.com or (814) 355-2917 to reserve booth space.

Arts, Crafts & Sales Feb. 25 – Indoor Yard Sale You’re invited to Mother Hubbard's Indoor Yard Sale at New Hope Lutheran Church (119 Cobblestone Court, Spring Mills) Saturday, Feb. 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will also be a soup, sandwich, and bake sale. Food is available, eat in or take out. Want to participate? Table cost is $5. Contact Jeanne at (814) 364-1245. All proceeds support the food pantry!

Dining & Take Out Feb. 25 – Spaghetti Dinner The Mountain Top Activity Center will sponsor a public spaghetti dinner on Saturday, Feb. 25 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Moshannon Community Center. The menu includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, dinner rolls, desserts, and hot and cold beverages. Tickets $7 adults and $3 children under 12, are available at the door. Take-outs are available. Proceeds benefit the Mountain Top Activity Center. Feb. 27 – Ham & Chicken Pot Pie There will be a dinner to benefit the Bald Eagle Valley Community UM church Feb. 27 from 5 to 7 p.m. Homemade Ham and Chicken Pot Pie, Soup & Bread Dinner, includes homemade breads and dessert, salad and beverage. $8 adults, $6 students, $3 children. The church is behind Sheetz in Wingate, next to elementary the school. March 1 – Chicken BBQ Logan Fire Company No. 1 is hosting a Chicken Bar B Q Saturday March 10 with sales starting at 10 a.m. until sold out. Meals are $8 each; halves $6 each. All proceeds go to the Logan Fire Company No. 1. Additional BBQs are April 14, May 12, and Sept. 8.

Education & Life Matters Feb. 15 – Free Soup-making Class Learn how to make chicken noodle soup from scratch. It's easier than you think – nutritious and inexpensive. The free class starts at noon Feb. 15 at FaithCentre Teaching Kitchen, 110 W. High St., Bellefonte. Call (814) 355-0880 to register – space limited to 12. Feb. 16 – Family Medicine Seminar There will be free a Family Medicine Seminar, “Invisible Wounds of War: Meeting the Psychological Health Needs for Returning Warriors” Thursday, Feb. 16, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Galen and Nancy Dreibelbis Auditorium, Mount Nittany Medical Center. To register or for info, contact Jessica Bird jbird@mountnittany.org or (814) 234-6738. Feb. 22 & 23 – Housing & Land Development Conference The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center at Penn State presents the annual PA Housing & Land Development Conference Feb. 22 and 23 at University Park. There are training sessions and daily topics for builders, developers, planners, code officials, remodelers, and others in the industry. Visit www.engr.psu.edu/phrc for information and registration. Feb. 23 or February 28 – Retirement Planning Course Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology presents Retirement Planning Today, an educational planning course for ages 50 to 70, two sessions, starting Feb. 23 or Feb. 28. Learn 11 strategies to save on taxes, info on planning for income, estate, expenses, retirement plan distribution, and more. Tuition is $49, with one spouse or guest at no additional charge. Call (814) 359-2793 to register or for info.

FEBRUARY 17, 2012

Feb. 25 – Vietnam Military Movie The next in the Cabin Fever Film Series is Go Tell the Spartans. Based on the 1967 novel Incident at Muc Wa by Daniel Ford, this 1978 HBO production stars Burt Lancaster as a career army officer serving as an advisor within the Military Assistance Command in Vietnam (114 minutes R rating for strong language) Donation requested. The film is shown at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 at The Pennsylvania Military Museum, Business Route 322; Boalsburg. Call (814) 466-6263 Feb. 26 – Family Enrichment Church Program Join members of the First Baptist Church in Bellefonte for a special day of Family Emphasis Enrichment Sunday, Feb. 26. Guest speaker, Sam Wood, from Family Fortress Ministries, will speak at Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship at 10:45 a.m., and Evening Worship at 6 p.m. Children’s classes and Nursery provided. The church is at 539 Jacksonville Road, Bellefonte. For more info, (814) 355-5678. March 6 – Free Business Start-up Seminar The Penn State Small Business Development Center presents “The First Step of Starting a Small Business” March 6 from 9 a.m. too noon at 200 Tech Center, Room 221, University Park. For more info, visit www.sbdc.psu.edu/calendar.htm. Register and pay for all Penn State SBDC seminars on-line at www.sbdc.psu.edu/seminar-registration.asp or call (814) 8634293 or (717) 247-1280.

Fundraisers & Social Events Feb. 25 – Dinner Dance There is a dinner/dance at the Columbia Fire Hall in Osceola Mills at 5:30 p.m., Sat. Feb. 25. Cost of $12 includes Salisbury Steak dinner and DJ dance to follow. There will be a cakewalk and door prizes. Wear red for National Heart Month and Valentine's Day! Reservations needed by Monday, Feb. 20 by calling one of the following: Alberta (814) 684-4542, Sybal (814) 765-4374, Ruby (814) 378-7530, Dorothy (814) 342-5172 or Imgard (814) 238-7152. Benefits Moshannon Valley Widow / Widowers and Friends Support Group. March 21 – Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction There will be a Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction hosted by the State College Downtown Rotary Club, March 21 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church, 1500 E. Branch Road, State College. Tickets $8 (adult), $4 (child) at the door or at Moyer Jewelers, Sepich Eye Care, and the main office of CATA in State College. Carryout available. Call (814) 231-0445 for details.

Kids’ Stuff Through February – Grace Lutheran Reservations The 2012-2013 preschool / kindergarten and 2012 summer camp registrations are being accepted now at Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten. Call (814) 238-8110 or visit www.glcpa.org for details. March 1 – Nature Program for Small Children Bring your youngster to Bald Eagle State Park for an interactive program designed for children aged three to five. Each month a new topic will be explored via basic crafts, stories, short walks, and nature games – inside or outside. Dress for the weather! The year-long series will be on the first Thursday of each month (except May) through December. Each will start at 10 a.m. and conclude at 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required each month by calling the Park Office (814) 625-2775. Meet at the Environmental Learning Center.

Competitions for Charity March 25 – Run Around Egg Hill The Rodney Myers Memorial Run Around Egg Hill is Sunday, March 25 at 2:30 p.m.; registration opens at 1 p.m. The race begins at the Old Gregg School Community Center in Spring Mills, follows country roads around the mountain known as Egg Hill for of 10 miles, ending at the school. Runners may register to run the full course as a solo race or as a three-person medley relay team. Twoperson teams may also compete in the three-person category. All proceeds benefit the Penns Valley High School Track and Field and Cross Country teams. To register, e-mail rodneymyersegghill@gmail.com or call Scott or Jodi Butler (814) 880-5104. Or visit http://keleitzel.com/egghill/ for more information. April 1 – April Fools 5K 2nd Annual April Fools 5K Medlar Field at Lubrano Park Sunday, April 1. Registration begins at 10 a.m. The race is hosted by the Centre County Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association. Proceeds go to a scholarship fund for Penn State students from Centre County high schools. The course is on the Penn State Campus and is mostly flat. Race begins at noon. Visit http://www.facebook.com/psucentre?sk=events Compiled by Sandie Biddle

FEBRUARY 17, 2012


WWW.CENTRECOUNTYGAZETTE.COM PAGE 25 The Gazette will publish the regular meeting dates Circle of Hope, a support group for special-needs children and families, meets the & times for all Centre County social & service second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Tyrone Public Library. For info, contact groups, organizations, clubs, etc. that have Angie (814) 386-1826 or alavanish@live.com. membership open to the public. To have yours Diabetes Support Group meets for diabetes self-management classes, “Life with Dilisted send to editor@centrecountygazette.com abetes,” on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Mount Nittany Medical Center. or Stott Publications, PO Box 129, Warriors For more info, contact Amy Leffard aleffard@mountnittany.org or (814) 231-7095. Mark, Pa. 16877

Adult Bible Study & Kids Program is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m., offering practical help from the Bible and a fun and productive time for kids. For more info, visit nittanybaptist.org or call (814) 360-1601. Alzheimer’s Support Group is held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Mount Nittany Dining Room at The Inn, Brookline. For more information, contact Anne Campbell (814) 234-3141 or Janie Provan (814) 235-2000. Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans meet the fourth Thursday every month at 7:30 p.m. at I.O.O.F. Hall, 756 N. Main St., Pleasant Gap. AWANA Club is every Sunday at 6 p.m. by the First Baptist Church in Bellefonte. Fun activities and Bible lessons for ages three to sixth grade. Materials provided. ALIVE Teens club meets Sunday nights. For info, call (814) 355-5678 or visit www.fbcbellefonte.org. Baileyville Grange #1991 will host the first quarter meeting of Centre County Pomona Grange #13 on Saturday February 18 at 9 a.m. at the Baileyville Community Center. All members are encouraged to attend. Bald Eagle Grange #151 meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Grange Hall in Runville. Bald Eagle Watershed Association meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Milesburg Borough Building. Visit www.baldeaglewatershed.com BEA Class of 1962 meets for breakfast monthly on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Mountain Valley Diner at Wingate. Questions, please call Sandy (814) 387-4218. BEA Class of 1964 holds its monthly breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Mt. Valley Diner in Wingate. Call Sue at (814) 625-2132. BEA Class of 1965 holds its monthly dinner on the last Friday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Bellefonte Moose. Any questions call Bob at (814) 383-2151. BEA Class of 1966 will meet at the Mt. Valley Diner in Wingate on Saturday, Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. for breakfast. For more information contact Joyce at (814) 355-1807. BHS Class of 1956 holds a monthly dinner on the second Friday of each month at the Bellefonte Moose at 6 p.m. Any questions call Kay (814) 359-2738. BHS Class 1967 holds monthly breakfast on first Saturday of each month at Sunset West at 8:30 a.m. Location subject to change. For information call Vic (814) 360-1948. Bellefonte Elks Lodge meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bellefonte Elks. Bellefonte Encampment #72 and Ridgeley Canton #8 meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Windmere Hall, 454 Rolling Ridge Drive, State College. Bellefonte Garden Club meets Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 6:30 for a Winter Garden Dreaming Potluck gathering with garden friends, including Bill Lamont, professor of vegetable crops at Penn State, at the First Presbyterian Church, 203 N. Spring St. in Bellefonte. Bring your dreams, plans, and questions. Beverage and table service will be provided. Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society meets the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Train Station in Talleyrand Park, Bellefonte. All are open to the public. Check out bellefontetrain.org or leave a message (814) 355-1053. Bellefonte Kiwanis Club meets every Tuesday at the Moose Club on Spring Street at noon. For information on Kiwanis, contact Richard King, (814) 355-9606. Bellefonte Sunrise Rotary Club meets every Friday at 7:30 a.m. at Diamond Deli on North Allegheny Street. Guests and visitors welcome. For information, contact Debbie Rowley (814) 880-9453. Bellefonte VFW Post 1600 will hold their monthly post meeting the second Thursday of every month at 8 p.m. at the Post Home on Spring Street, Bellefonte. Bellefonte VFW Post 1600 Ladies Auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. the Post Home on Spring Street, Bellefonte. Better Breathers Support Group does not have a meeting in January or February, but normally meets the third Thursday of every month from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Pleasant Gap. Call (814) 359-3421. BNI (Business Networking International) meets weekly on Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at Celebration Hall. $10 fee for room and breakfast. Members share ideas, contacts, and business referrals. Contact Kelly Swisher (814) 280-1656. Brain Injury Support Group meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. – No meetings Jan. or Feb. – at HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Pleasant Gap. Call (814) 359-3421. The Business of Art workshops will be held on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Sozo Institute of the Arts, in the KeyCentre building, 1224 N. Atherton Street, State College. Free workshops for writers, artists, and other creative people. For info, contact Will Snyder at (814) 880-9933 or info@sozoart.org. The Cancer Survivors' Association Support Group meeting is Monday, Feb. 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the United Way Office in State College. This meeting will be an open session to discuss whatever is on your mind. For more information call (814) 237-2120 visit www.cancersurvive.org. Centre County Real Estate Investment Club meets the third Thursday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 1609 N Atherton St. State College. For info, call (814) 280-5839. Centre Hall Lions Club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Centre Hall Lions Club Building, 153 E. Church St., Centre Hall. Centre Region Model Investment Club meets monthly in the Mazza Room at South Hills Business School, State College from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Monday. This interactive educational stock model investment club is open to the public. Call (814) 234-8775 or e-mail cr20mic@aol.com. The Compassionate Friends Group meets the second Monday of each month at Bellefonte Middle School from 7 to 9 p.m. TCF is a support organization for families following the death of a child of any age, any cause. Bereaved parents and adult family members welcome, no charge. For info, call Amanda (814) 321-4258 or Peg (814) 3559829.

The East Penns Valley Women’s Club will be meeting Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. at the St. John Lutheran church at 100 Mill Street, Millheim. For more information contact Lesa Boone at 422-8179 or lesaboone@verizon.net. Grief Support Group at Centre Crest meets at 6 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month. For info, contact Anne Boal, Centre Crest, 502 East Howard Street, Bellefonte, (814) 548-1140 H.L.A.A (Hearing Lost Association of America) meets the second Monday of each month at Foxdale at 7 p.m. Learn the latest technology available for hearing loss. Halfmoon Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month. Membership is open to Halfmoon Township residents. Contact Alice McGregor (814) 692-7396 / almcgregor@comcast.net or Susan Kennedy (814) 692-5556 / susank81@gmail.com. I.O.O.F. Centre Lodge #153 meets the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at I.O.O.F. Lodge Hall 756 North Main Street, Pleasant Gap. Keystone Guild of the Watchmakers Association of Pa. meets the second Tuesday of each month 1 p.m. at the Bull Pen Restaurant, Tyrone. Call George at (814) 238-1668. The Milesburg Lions Club invites the public to their meetings at the Milesburg center across from Uni-mart on the first Tuesday and the third Wednesday every month at 7 p.m. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Outpatient Entrance, Pleasant Gap. Affiliated with the National MS Society. Call (814) 359-3421. Nittany Knights Barbershop Chorus meets every Monday evening at 7:15 p.m. at South Hills School, State College. Men who like to sing are welcome. For info, visit www.nittanyknights.org, or call Bill (814) 355-3557. Nittany Mineral Society meets the third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Room 114 Auditorium of the Earth & Engineering Sciences (EES) Bldg on the Penn State campus. Junior Rockhounds also meet third Wednesdays, 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. in Room 116 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building. Call (814) 867-6263 or visit nittanymineral.org. Nittany Valley Woodturners meet on the first Thursday of every month in the woodworking shop at State College High School, South Building. For info, contact Reg@MarketValueSolutions.com or visit www.NittanyValleyWoodturners.org. The Nittany Valley Writers Network holds an Early-Risers Breakfast every third Wednesday from 7 to 8 a.m. at The Waffle Shop, 1610 W College Ave, State College. The Writers Social is the fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at The Autoport. Parent Support Group for Children with Eating Disorders meets the second Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m., at Mount Nittany Medical Center. For info, contact Kristie Kaufman (814) 466-7921. Penns Valley Class of 1962 committee is planning their 50th class reunion from Penns Valley High School. The date is Sept. 29, 2012. They would like interested class members to contact Ruth Ann Williams, Carol Colestock, Jean Brown, Tom and Lois Runkle, Susan Foster, or Carol Billett. Penns Valley Grange #158 meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall on Railroad Street in Spring Mills. Pleasant Gap Rotary Club meets every Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Oaks. The Ruffed Grouse Society, Red Brush Chapter, will hold their 25th Anniversary banquet Saturday, March 24 at the Penn Stater Conference Center. They will also honor the legacy of Jim and Sylvia Bashline. Cocktails begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner to follow at 7:15 p.m. Join them for a great night of celebration with good friends, food, drinks, raffles and auctions! Sacred Harp Singing meets the second and fourth Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the University Mennonite Church, State College. Visit www.StateCollegeSacredHarp.com. The Spring Creek Watershed Association will host R. John Dawes for a presentation about the Chesapeake Commons, a web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and data management tool developed for the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort. Feb. 21, from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Patton Township Municipal Building. State College Downtown Rotary Club meets Thursdays at noon at Damon’s, East College Avenue, State College. State College Elks Lodge holds its meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the State College Elks Country Club. State College Lions Club meets the first and third Thursday of the month at Damon’s of State College at 6 p.m. State College Rotary Club meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at the Nittany Lion Inn, Faculty Staff Lounge, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. State College Sunrise Rotary Club meets weekly on Wednesdays at Hotel State College (above The Corner Room, behind The Allen Street Grill) from 7:15 to 8 a.m. Stroke Support Group meets the last Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m. No meetings Aug. or Dec. Location is HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehab Hospital, Pleasant Gap. Call (814) 359-3421. TRIAD, a public safety group for senior citizens, meets the second Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. in various locations Call Helen Evans, chair, (814) 237-8932. The March 8 meeting, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Centre Hall Senior Center, is titled “Personal Safety: Managing Aggressive Behavior” presented by Ron Millward, probation officer. Trout Unlimited, a non-profit conservation organization, meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Comfort Suites Hotel just off North Atherton. All meetings are open to the public. The Women’s Welcome Club of State College offers women of all ages – newcomers or long-time residents – the opportunity to meet new people. General meetings; social events; special interest groups. Meetings second Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Oakwood Presbyterian Church, State College. Call Kathi (814) 466-6641. Zion MOPS & Beyond meets the first Thursday of each month from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and the third Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. 3261 Zion Road Bellefonte. This group is for moms with children of all ages! Childcare is provided. Call (814) 383-4161. Compiled by Sandie Biddle



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BALD EAGLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT is accepting applications for a Full-Time Custodian. Work schedule is Wednesday Sunday, 2nd shift. See District website www.beasd. org for more informations. EOE

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2BR APARTMENTS: Governor’s Gate Apartments, Bellefonte. Rent based on income. All utilities included. Off-street assigned parking. Located next to public park. Call 355-3682, TTY 711. Professionally managed by Housing Development Corp. MidAtlantic. EOH.

WANTED WANTED TO BUY: CASH PAID for old men’s and women’s clothing and accessories, including shoes, hats, purses and costume jewelry from the 1800’s to 1980’s. Please call Lisa: (814) 353-8586.


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FEBRUARY 17, 2012





FEBRUARY 17, 2012

MOUNT NITTANY IT TANY M OUNT N PHYSICIAN P HYSICIAN GROUP GROUP WELCOMES W ELCOMES DR. WHITELOCK. D R. W HITELOCK. Mount Nittany Physician Group is pleased to announce the addition of Kerry Anne Whitelock, DO. She joins our internal medicine practice in Bellefonte to offer expanded care in our region. A graduate of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Whitelock completed her internship and residency at UPMC – Mercy. Boardcertified in internal medicine, Dr. Whitelock provides primary medical care for adults, from regular health maintenance and health screenings, to treatments for common ailments.

Schedule your of fice visit today at 8 814.355.7322 14.3 55.732 2 , or visit mountnittany.org for more information.

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