Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University adheres to the principle of lifelong education and aims to develop the quality of life of the general public by upgrading the level of knowledge of those already in the workforce and expanding the educational opportunities for secondary school graduates through distance learning system.
We would like to give a very special greeting here, in recognition of two important holidays in Thailand this month. Children’s Day is on the 2nd Saturday, and Teachers’ Day is on the 16th of January. So, children, if you are reading this, happy Children’s Day; Teachers, may you be happy, too! In addition, we cannot forget that it’s a new year. IA would thus like to invite you to check out the column to the right to see some interesting conferences coming in 2012. This issue also features more stories about STOU international cooperation. Please do check them out!
International 2012
Theme: Smart Innovation and Life Long Learning
in Education
Venue: Hall 9 Impact Muangthong Thani, Nonthaburi, Thailand Date:
14-15 June 2012
Deadlines Abstract: Full Paper:
28 February 2012 15 May 2012
JC4E 2012 AT JEJU ISLAND The 2nd Journal Conference on eEducation, e-Business, e-Management, and e-Learning
Any comments or suggestions on IA e-News are most welcome. Please email us at
Venue: Jeju Island, Korea
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone 。◕‿◕。
Deadlines Abstracts: 20 April 2012 Registration: 25 May 2012 Final Papers: 25 May 2012
29-30 June 2012
2012 IASIA Annual Conference Theme: Challenges for Local Governance and Development in the 21st Century
VESSANTARA JATAKA SERMON STOU held the ceremony of the ‘Vessantara Jataka Sermon’ or ‘Great Birth Sermon’ on 18-19 January 2012 to celebrate the King’s 84th birthday last 5 December 2011. The sermon, familiar to Theravada Buddhists, talks about one of the Buddha’s past lives — being compassionate prince Vessantara, who was able to give away everything including his children, thus displaying the virtue of perfect charity.
NEW YEAR COLLECTION STOU created its 2012 New Year collection on the theme “Sikha Maha Rajini” which means Queen of Education since this year is Her Majesty the Queen’s 80th Birthday.
Venue: NIDA, Bangkok, Thailand Date:
16-21 July 2012
Deadlines Abstracts: Full Papers:
28 February 2012 31 May 2012
IDIA 2012 IN ISTANBUL The 6th International Development Informatics Association Conference Theme: Alleviating Digital Poverty with ICT innovation in emerging economies. Will ICT Rights make a difference? Venue: Istanbul, Turkey
The collection includes a desk calendar, desk planner, and pocket planner.
STOU’s New Year card also displays 3 beautiful blossoms named after Queen Sirikit, which are rose, don’a, and cattleya.
Deadlines Abstracts: 28 February 2012 Peer Review: 1 May 2012 Early Bird: 1 June 2012 Final papers: 1 August 2012
30th ANNIVERSARY — SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION AND COOPERATIVES On 16-20 January 2012, the School of Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives held an event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the School establishment. An exhibitions of academic achievements was organized as well as a special lecture and academic seminar about the development of agriculture and cooperatives. The School also set up a mini agrimarket during the event. As agriculture is an important part of Thai history, culture, and economics, the School will continue to do its best to improve education on agriculture and cooperatives which have long been coupled for Thai people’s well-being.
education workshop.
The School of Health Science held the 18th workshop of the Higher Education Institutions Network for Traditional Thai Medicine on 25-26 January 2012. More than 20 higher institutions joined together for the
STOU’s School of Health Science offers 4-year and 2-year bachelor’s on Traditional Thai Medicine.
ASAIHL 2011 CANCELED According to the ASAIHL Conference 2011 Organizing Committee, the reason for canceling the previously postponed conference is to avoid causing problems relating to traveling schedules and other arrangements for the participants. Registration fees will be fully refunded.
EeL 2012 IN BALI The 2nd Annual International Conference on Education & e-Learning Theme: Challenges for Local Governance and Development in the 21st Century Venue: Bali, Indonesia Date:
17-18 September 2012
Deadlines Full Papers: Final Papers: Early Bird: Late Registration:
18 29 16 15
May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012
AAOU 2012 IN JAPAN The 26th Annual conference of Asian Association of Open Universities Theme: Expanding the Frontiers of Knowledge through Open and Distance Learning in Changing Societies Venue: The Open Chiba, Japan Date:
16-18 October 2012
Deadlines Abstracts: Full Papers: Early Bird: Registration:
15 31 31 30
June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012
MEDIA & LEARNING 2012 CONFERENCE The 3rd Annual Conference
Venue: Brussels, Belgium Date:
14-15 November 2012
Deadlines Proposals:
Contact the secretariat for more details!
6-8 September 2012
1 June 2012
ver the years STOU has enjoyed a special relationship with Group T International University College Leuven, located in Belgium. The commitment was first made official in 2002 under the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair Program, and has since resulted in many cooperative projects. There have been many administrative meetings, study visits, academic exchanges, resource sharing, and a scholarship program in which Group T graciously funds two years’ study at their university in Belgium for future STOU staff and faculty members. In late December 2011, STOU President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pranee Sungkatavat met with Group T President Dr. Johan De Graeve to find ways to strengthen cooperation for the future. Discussions focused on implementation of proposed joint certificate training programs. The programs would feature a combination of theoretical instruction on strategic management and face-to-face instruction involving STOU faculty members and input from Group T’s partner universities in India, China and Ethiopia. About one month later, Professor Srivinas Kumar Pinjala and Professor Jan Stevens came from Group T to help lead a seminar for approximately 125 graduate students in the STOU School of Management’s MBA program. The professors guided the students through the process of using and learning from a business simulation computer program, which was also provided to STOU by Group T. STOU is very pleased to have such an active program of cooperation with Group T, and we look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration.
STOU and ICET In the previous issue, we talked about institutional and regional groupings of which STOU is a member. STOU takes part in associations concerned with open and distance learning, education and specific subjects as well. We will go into a little more detail about the International Council on Education and Teaching (ICET) in this issue, focusing on the cooperation between STOU and the council. ICET, as an active advising organization in the field of education, strives to achieve global development through education. As STOU’s missions and vision are also in line with this goal, several faculty members have joined ICET boards to support its policies. Prof. Dr. Wichit Srisa-An, the first president of STOU, is on the Emeritus Board. Prof. Dr. NIttaya Passornsiri from the School of Educational Studies has served two terms as Regional Vice-President (Australia/Asia-Pacific) of the ICET Board of Directors Executive Committee. Current STOU President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pranee Sungkatavat, was appointed a member of the Board of Directors. Late in 2011, Prof. Dr. Nittaya informed the university that STOU was chosen by the council to host the ICET World Assembly 2013. We are excited to receive such a great honor and opportunity where teachers, administrators and educational specialists can join together to exchange information and discuss issues on educational development. STOU faculty and staff are trying our best to prepare ourselves to be the conference host. It might be a little early for you, but we eagerly invite you to join the ICET World Assembly 2013.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L A F FA I R S N E W S Prof. Dr. Kamolrat Intaratat was recently appointed to the IDIA board. Prof. Kamolrat is the Dean of the STOU School of Communication Arts, Director of the STOU Research Center of Communication and Development Knowledge Management. Prof. Kamolrat has been a great driving force for both STOU and national academic development.
STOU International Affairs visited Lao PDR in early December. We had opportunities to visit and learn about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, and National University of Laos. IA also shared ideas with Fawattana College of Technology and discussed possible ways to strengthen our relations. Go to gallery!
Laos’ A B C After five days spent in a land of a lovely-sounding language, IA staff had made ourselves familiar with a few Lao words such as: Sabai Dee = Sabai Dee Bo = La Gon = Maen Laew = Jao sue yang = Koi sue Alisa =
Mr. Leslie Richards has been awarded an honorary doctoral degree on Science Education from Ubon Ratchathani University. He f irst involved in Thai education at STOU, adapting computer technology to the STOU learning system. From then on, he has played an important role in educational technology in Thailand and abroad.
Hello Yin di ti hu jug How are you? Khob Jai Good Bye Ko Tod Yes Bo Maen Wha’t’s your name? My name is Alisa.
= = = =
Nice to meet you Thank you I’m sorry No
Apart from the language, we also found Laos people very affable, Lao scenery very serene, and Lao food very good. We hope you will have an opportunity to enjoy a delightful trip as we did on our visit to Lao.
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