e-NEWSLETTER 16/16 Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
C O N T EN T IN T HE SP OTL IG H T: ST OU Ce le brate s 38t h Ann ive rs ary
An online newsletter to feature stories, events and interesting information from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University in hope to open another window for all readers to understand more about the university and open and distance education society.
STOU NEWSLETTER |No. 16 September 2016
On the occasion of the 38th Anniversar a “Khon” performance, performed by the
Aneknithat Building, STOU in Nonthaburi Pro
and music. It included dance of benediction
“Kaew Na Ma Presents the Royal Baby” and
In the evening, STOU held a reception
Ongkan Indrambarya, Chairman of the Univ Plaques of Honor to certain individuals who
Associate Professor Dr. Ninnat Olanvoravuth
Dr. Somsok Teerapijit, Former Secretary-Gen
turer in Language Education and Research M
bers and representatives from international o
ry of the Founding of the University, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) held Office of Performing Arts, the Fine Art Department of Thailand at Phrapokklao Hall,
ovince. This Thai classical masked performance involved traditional singing, dancing, acting
n, shadow play, martial arts demonstration and spectacular “Khon” performance entitled
d “Ramakien” on Monday, 5 September 2016.
n dinner for commemorating the 38th anniversary of its founding. Associate Professor Dr.
versity Council of STOU, presided over the ceremony and featured the awarding of STOU
have made valuable contributions to the work of the university. The event was attended by
h, Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning,
neral of the Council of University Presidents of Thailand, and Dr. Karen Ashton, Senior Lec-
Methodology at Massey University, New Zealand, university administrators, faculty mem-
organizations, governmental and private sectors.
STOU NEWSLETTER |No. 16 September 2016
School of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) hosted Phase II Face-to-Face Intensive Seminar on “Leadership Development and Change Management for Nurse Executives in ASEAN Countries� during 16-18 August 2016 at Room 5209, Seminar Building I, STOU. On 16 August 2016, Assistant Professor Dr. Thawee Surarittikul, Acting Vice-President for Administration, and Associate Professor Dr. Tassana Boontong, President of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council, presided over the opening ceremony of the seminar. The participants around ASEAN joined this event.
International Affairs News
On 7-9 September 2016, STOU warmly welcomed Tan Sri Dato’ Emeritus Professor Dr. Gajaraj Dhanarajan, Chairman of Board of Governors, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia to conduct a research on “Trends in the Governance of Asian Open Universities: A Study of both Public and Privately Sponsored Open Universities in Asia” by in-depth interview the senior management team and administrators at all levels of STOU. The objective of this research is to look at governance arrangements and obligations amongst a randomly selected open universities in Asia. This research is a comparative analysis of critical issues concerning governance in an institution where both academic interests and those other stakeholders have an equal value in open educational institutions.
STOU 2015 2016 STOU NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER |No. |No. 12 16 Sep September
On 12 July 2016, Associate Professor Dr. Somporn Puttapithakporn, Acting Vice-President for Information Technology, warmly welcomes the delegation from Department of Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership, Oklahoma State University, led by Professor Dwayne Cartmell on the occasion of their visit to Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. After discussing and exchanging knowledge about agricultural in the educational institution, led by Associate Professor Dr. Monticha Putsakum, Dean of STOU School of Agriculture and Cooperatives and Associate Professor Dr. Sineenuch Khrutmuang Sanserm, faculty member of STOU School of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The delegation had an opportunity to visit the Educational Broadcasting Production Center and the Office of the University Press.
International InternationalAffairs AffairsNews News 7
On 20 July 2016, Assistant Professor Dr. Ratana Daungkaew, faculty member of STOU School of Educational Studies, and Mrs. Rattip Phukkeson, Acting Head of STOU International Affairs, warmly welcomed the delegation from Ohio University, United States. The delegation had an opportunity to visit Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall and "Art of the Kingdom VI" exhibition at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall.
In order to celebrate the 38th Anniversary of the Founding of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), School of Educational Studies invited Dr. Karen Ashton, Senior Lecturer in Language Education and Research Methodology at Massey University, New Zealand to give a lecture on “Teaching and learning in the 21st century: New directions, challenges and opportunities – a New Zealand perspective” at Room 1608, Administration Building, STOU on 5 September 2016.
STOU STOUNEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER|No. |No.16 10 September March 20152016
STOU e-NEWSLETTER BY I N T E R N A T I O N A L A F F A I R S U N I T , S U K H O T H A I T H A M M A T H I R A T O P E N U N I V E R S I T Y 9 / 9 THANON CHAENG WATTANA | BANGPOOD | PAKKRET | NONTHABURI | 11120 | THAILAND TEL: 662 504 7171 - 7176, 662 982 9710 FAX: 662 503 3556 EMAIL: Advisor
: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somporn Puttapithakporn
Chief Editor
: Ms. Rattip Phukkeson
Editorial Staff
: Ms. Siraprapha Ratanaruamkarn
: STOU Photography Production Unit and Public Relations Unit