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e-NEWSLETTER 20/17 Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

C ON T E N T IN T HE SP OTL IG H T: ST OU Ho s ted t he In ter n at ion al C on feren ce in Educ at ion


ST OU Ho s ted t he Re gion al A c adem ic Sem in ar an d Wor ks hop




An online newsletter to feature stories, events and interesting information from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University in hope to open another window for all readers to understand more about the university and open and distance education society.


STOU NEWSLETTER |No. 20 September 2017

On 5-6 September 2017, Associate Professor Dr. Ranee Esichaikul, Acting Vice-Pre

presided over the opening ceremony of the International Conference in Education on “Edu the 21st Century� held at STOU, Nonthaburi, Thailand.

The conference was organized by the School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Tham

jectives of this conference are to present and disseminate results of research studies and ne

cation; to exchange and share knowledge in the field of education among graduate stude

and outside Thailand; and to establish cooperation networks involving educational institutio

and outside Thailand. Moreover, this conference provided an engaging forum in the field o per presentations and other sessions.

esident for Financial Affairs and Planning,

ucation for Human Resource Development in

mmathirat Open University (STOU). The ob-

ew body of knowledge in the field of edu-

ents and professional educators both within

ons and related work agencies both within

of education through keynote speeches, pa-




STOU NEWSLETTER |No. 20 September 2017

On 27-30 August 2017, School of Lib

Information Management, Universiti Teknolo

Science (IPCIS 2017) held at STOU, Nonthab

This colloquium provided an engaging

research findings, as well as a forum for s

Moreover, this colloquium strengthen the good



beral Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) in cooperation with Faculty of

ogi MARA (UiTM) hosted the 3rd International Postgraduate Colloquium in Information

buri, Thailand.

g platform for postgraduate students from STOU and UiTM to present and share their

students to gain academic experiences and feedback on their research from lecturers.

d network and smart partnership between STOU and UiTM.


STOU NEWSLETTER |No. 20 September 2017

International Affairs News


On 4 August 2017, Associate Professor Dr. Panumas Kudngaongarm, Acting President of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ranee Esichaikul, Acting Vice-President for Financial Affairs and Planning, Associate Professor Dr. Taweewat Watthanakuljaroen, Dean of School of Educational Studies, and faculty members from School of Educational Studies warmly welcomed Prof. John O'Neill from the Institute of Education, Massey University, New Zealand, on the occasion of his official visit to STOU to discuss academic collaboration and to exchange views and experiences. After the discussion, the delegation had an opportunity to visit Educational Broadcasting Production Center (EBPC) where he exchanged information and experiences with STOU staff.


STOU 2015 2017 STOUNEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER|No. |No.12 20 Sep September

On 10 August 2017, Associate Professor Dr. Panumas Kudngaongarm, Acting President of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ranee Esichaikul, Acting Vice-President for Financial Affairs and Planning, warmly welcomed the delegation from National Open University, Taiwan, led by Prof. Sung Po Chen on the occasion of their official visit to STOU to discuss academic collaboration and to exchange views and experiences. After the discussion, the delegation had an opportunity to visit Educational Broadcasting Production Center (EBPC) where they exchanged information and experiences with STOU staff.

InternationalAffairs AffairsNews News 79 International


STOU STOUNEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER|No. |No.20 10 September March 2015 2017

On 11 August 2017, Associate Professor Dr. Panumas Kudngaongarm, Acting President of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ranee Esichaikul, Acting Vice-President for Financial Affairs and Planning, warmly welcomed Associate Professor Dr. Omar Al Farooque from University of New England, Australia, on the occasion of his visit to STOU to discuss academic collaboration and exchange views and experiences with faculty members from School of Management Science.

STOU e-NEWSLETTER BY I N T E R N A T I O N A L A F F A I R S U N I T , S U K H O T H A I T H A M M A T H I R A T O P E N U N I V E R S I T Y 9 / 9 THANON CHAENG WATTANA | BANGPOOD | PAKKRET | NONTHABURI | 11120 | THAILAND TEL: 662 504 7171 - 7176, 662 982 9710 FAX: 662 503 3556 EMAIL: if.proffice@stou.ac.th Advisor

: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ranee Esichaikul

Chief Editor

: Ms. Rattip Phukkeson

Editorial Staff

: Ms. Siraprapha Ratanaruamkarn


: STOU Photography Production Unit and Public Relations Unit

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