Volume 102 Issue 10 | Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012 stoutonia.com
In This Issue Budget cuts 足-Page 8 Alternative spring break ideas -Page 11 Grocery store street smarts 足 -Page 14 Five gold medals and new records 足 -Page 19
PHONE: 232-2272 FAX: 232-1773 URL: stoutonia.com E-MAIL: stoutonia@my.uwstout.edu ADS: stoutoniaads@uwstout.edu
Vol. 102 Issue 10
Jerad Maplethorpe
interim editor-in-chief opinions editor
Jamie Olson
production manager olsonjami@my.uwstout.edu
Poverty simulation event...........................3
Grocery store street smarts.................... 14
Branching News/Smooth Criminals..........4
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance review.... 15
Innovative new program that promotes whole health wellness to all UW-Stout students....................................................5
Adventures embark on three-day dog sledding trip............................................ 16
Hunger banquet........................................6 Bike incident trial......................................7 KarisaSchroeder
advertising manager
Laura Larsen
chief copy editor larsenl7748@my.uwstout.edu
Budget cuts...............................................8 Harvey Hall renovation.............................9
10 OPINIONS Is Google the next Big Brother?............. 10 Chelsey Kosmatka
ad design manager kosmatkac@uwstout.edu
Jessica Vaysberg
news editor vaysbergj22923@my.uwstout.edu
Could professors leverage social media to their advantage?..................................... 10 Alternative spring break ideas................ 11
Kony 2012............................................... 16 F.A.B.ulous magazine............................. 17 P.S. Vista review..................................... 18
19 SPORTS Five gold medals and new records for three Blue Devils at WIAC indoor track and field championships........................................... 19 Gymnast profile: Katherine Prouty..........20 Wisconsin hockey teams to leave the NCHA..................................................... 21 Stout batters up the baseball season with two new staff additions........................... 21
23 CALENDAR Morgan Pfaller
sports editor pfallerm@my.uwstout.edu
Katrina Nelson
business manager
entertainment editor meierr@my.uwstout.edu
Hassan Javaid
online manager javaidh@my.uwstout.edu
Layout Designers
Nate Eul
digital imaging editor Tonya Lynn Bridges euln@my.uwstout.edu Megan Robotka Kerstin Johnson David Tank adviser tankd@uwstout.edu
Ad Designers
ON THE COVER Cover photo by Nate Eul It already feels like spring break weather, yet, officially, spring break doesn’t start for another week. With the peculiar weather lately, will March bring temperatures in the eighties, or will we see record snowfall? Either way, UW-Stout students are anticipating the break from classes. If you’re going somewhere exciting for spring break, grab a Stoutonia and snap a photo of you reading it. Then, tag the Stoutonia in your photo on Facebook for a chance to be published in our postbreak issue!
news: Peter J. VanDusartz IV opinions: Casey Cornell entertainment: Mackenzie Owens sports: Jason Pfitzer
Copy Editors
Calendar of Events
Roseanne Meier
Jillian Ellison Cartoonist Mackenzie Bellich Lenn Soderlund
The Stoutonia is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University of Wisconsin-Stout, and they are solely responsible for its editorial policy and content.
Advertising considered to be fraudulent, misleading, offensive, or detrimental to the public, the newspaper or its advertisers may be refused.
The Stoutonia is printed bi-weekly during the academic year except for vacations and holidays by Leader Printing, a division of Eau Claire Press Co., Eau Claire, WI 54701.
© Copyright 2012 Stoutonia. Written permission is required to reprint any portion of the Stoutonia’s content. All correspondence should be addressed to: Stoutonia, Room 149 Memorial Student Center UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI 54751.
Advertising for publication must be submitted to the Stoutonia office 149 Memorial Student Center, by 5 p.m. on Mondays before the run date. The Stoutonia reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at its discretion. Justification does not have to be given if an advertisement is refused.
Each student is entitled to one free copy of the Stoutonia. Each additional copy may be purchased at the Stoutonia office. Equal opportunity employer.
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Opening Thoughts from the Editorial Staff “I’d love to get down to the Southwest and soak in the warmth. Mmm.”
– Interim Editor-in-Chief/Opinions Editor, Jerad Maplethorpe
“Build a blanket fort and drink expresso all day long.”
– Chief Copy Editor, Laura Larsen
“Celebrating the last week of my 21st year.”
– Production Manager, Jamie Olson
“Balls...what? I’m the sports editor..”
– Sports Editor, Morgan Pfaller
“My ideal spring break... go somewhere tropical that is not raining slushies.”
Po v e r t y
– News Editor, Jessica Vaysberg
“Carving the slopes of Granite Peak while rocking to some rad tunes.”
– Entertainment Editor, Rose Meier
simulation event
“I’m going to live off the fat of the land.”
– Digital Imaging Editor, Nate Eul
“I’m going to teach my dogs some tricks.”
Jessica Vaysberg News Editor
– Entertainment Layout Designer, Kenzie Owens
Ally Initiatives and University of Wisconsin-Extension are hosting a Poverty Simu“I’m going to read through all of the old Stoutonias lation event this Sunday, March 4 at 4 p.m. over my spring break!” in the Great Hall of the Memorial Student – News Layout Designer, Peter J. VanDusartz IV Center. The event—a part of the “6th Annual Issues of Humanity, Focus on Poverty” program will be split up into 15 to 20 minute segments, each representing a week. Students will have to decide how they are going to spend each week and fend for their families in poverty-related situations. The event put on every couple of years and anyone can particiZIPPO LIGHTERS CIG CASES HOOKA SUPPLIES pate, as long as they register for the event on OrgSync. PIPES CHEWING TOBACCO ROLLING MACHINES “Things will happen in each 99 Box of 190-200 $mokes- $29. Premium Cigars 10% Off of the weeks that will parallel the actual poverty level,” said AssisRosetta Special 50 gram Tins- $4.99 250 gram Tins- $15.99 tant Director in the Involvement
Menomonie Discount
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Students enjoy your vacation and be safe!
Center Mary McManus. According to McManus, the simulation has two goals: To point out some of the things that people have to go through on a daily basis to survive and to realize what resources are available for those in need. “Dunn County is the second poorest county in Wisconsin,” said Ally Specialist Fitzie Heimdahl. “I don’t think a lot of people, especially college students, know this. The biggest thing is raising awareness.” “It’s not a game, it’s a role-playing, learning situation. It’s not supposed to be fun. Usually by about the fourth week, people are awestruck,” said McManus. “We hope to open students’ understanding,” said Heimdahl. “We feel like people are ignorant and don’t know what it’s like to live in poverty. We want to educate people and break misconceptions.” “I hope it will make students more civicminded and more conscience of how they can move into action” said McManus. “Information is power.” Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia
Mar.1 1- February - Mar. 14, 2012 February 14
A new bill in California may allow nurses and midwives to perform early abortions.
stoutonia.com stoutonia.com
60 50
A man in California showed up to a job interview naked and high on meth.
Seven people have died as a result of the storms in Kansas, Missouri and Illinois.
Jessica Vaysberg News Editor
Citations Issued
reported to be claustrophobic. People must have been wondering what all the yelling and pounding was about three buildings down.
Feb. 10 - Feb. 26, 2012
Two dating websites are being sued for using the photo of a dead soldier in their advertisements. North Korea has agreed to stop nuclear activity in exchange for food from the U.S.
K 8972947 02-11-06
Ta l e s o f s t u p i d i t y from Menomonie
A Wisconsin man is on death row in Florida for killing two people 12 years ago.
Branching News Visit us online for the full story.
Underage first offense: 9 Underage second offense: 4 Possession of Marijuana: 4 Possession of drug paraphernalia: 3 Vandalism: 1 Disorderly conduct: 1 DWI (first): 1 Smoking in residence halls: 1
Balls to the Walls 2/13/12 A student called to report that they were harassed by another student and were struck in the genitals. The accused said they were not on campus at the reported time of the incident. Neither party decided to press charges. Nobody is that big, no matter what they may claim.
Furniture Shopping 2/15/12 Someone took a coffee table and a black leather chair from an academic building. It must have been a busy day—they needed a place to take a load off and put their feet up.
Claustrophobic Problems 2/20/12 A person, later freed, became trapped in an on-campus elevator. They were later
Free Money 2/23/12 A student received a check for nearly $3000 from another college. Along with the check, the student was told to cash it and then wire the money to someone in Washington DC. Obviously, the check was real.
Hide Yo’ Kids, Hide Yo’ Door Decs 2/24/12 Someone keeps coming and pounding on a hall resident’s door between 3 and 4 a.m. and then running away. They also have been taking the decorations off the door. This has been going on since last semester, even after the victim switched rooms. Stalker much?
Kind Soul 2/25/12 Someone left their backpack in a building on campus. It was later turned in with the cell phone and the wallet missing. What a thoughtful person to return the backpack after they stole the cell phone and wallet from it.
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Alcohol news from the Counseling Center During the month of “March 4 The Health Of It” is providing information regarding healthy drinking and anti-violence. In response to new restrictions on-campus, we are providing some common questions and responses we see in our office. If you have more questions or are interested in a presentation or activity, please feel free to contact Grant Bauste or any of the Counseling Center staff.
Before you drink, know the facts.
Q: “If you get two underage citations do you lose your license for a year automatically?” A: That depends. In most cases, you have the option of completing an educational component. If you take elect to take this educational component, then you keep your license. If you elect to not take the educational component and are found guilty, you would lose your license for one.
Q: “Can you get a Public intoxication citation for just being drunk in public?” A: The intent of the ordinance is to ensure the safety, health and welfare of public. The Public Intoxication citations are not issued for individuals consuming safe amounts of alcohol. A typical case of a Public Intoxication citation is issued to someone who is incapacitated as a result of an extremely high blood alcohol level.
Contributed Photo
Mar.1 1- February - Mar. 14, 2012 February 14
stoutonia.com stoutonia.com
Oxfam Hunger Banquet Claire Mathiowetz Staff Writer Students from the International Meeting and Convention Planning class at the University of Wisconsin–Stout are working together to help the local community. The students of this class, who are part of the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism major, are throwing a banquet to raise money for those who are less fortunate. Each year, those who are enrolled in the International Meeting and Convention Planning class plan a fundraiser to help many different organizations. This year, the students decided to put on an Oxfam Hunger Banquet to help fight hunger in the Menomonie/Eau Claire area. Oxfam America is an “international relief and development organization that creates lasting solutions, that fight to end the crisis of poverty, hunger, and social injustice. Together with individuals and local groups in more than 90 countries,” according to the organization’s website. This is the second year that the Oxfam Hunger Banquet has been hosted, but this year all proceeds are going to the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association (HMAA) to help reduce poverty and hunger locally, instead of just to Oxfam directly. “The Eau Claire Area HMAA helps first and second generation Hmong families with hunger locally, and the organization also helps with employment options and education and language barriers,” said Kelsey Penrod, who is taking part in the event this year. The banquet will be held Tuesday, March 6 at 2:30 p.m. in Micheels Hall, room 184. The tickets are $5 and can be purchased from anyone in the class or at the door. At the banquet, people will be divided into three different types of tables: high income, who receive a full meal; middle income, who receive half of that meal; and low income, who receive only a little bowl of rice. This is to get everyone to experience what hunger could be like. There are also activities based around world hunger, video clips and speakers there to share about poverty and hunger in the area. “I’m looking forward to helping this great cause, especially since we’re going to be helping locally. It really makes an impact, so everyone should come and help out.” said Penrod.
UW-Stout students are helping to collect bountiful funds for community members in need.
Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Bike incident trial
Jessica Christiansen Staff Writer
On Feb. 17, McGlasson was sentenced by Dunn County Judge Rod Smeltzer to serve 90 It’s been nearly a year and a half since for- days of jail time, one year of probation, 200 mer student Bradley Simon was involved in an hours of community service, pay court costs incident at the Menomonie Log Jam tavern, of $243 and participate with the Simons famwhich resulted ily in the county’s in his death. Forrestorative justice mer University of program. “I would “The most emotional part of the Wisconsin-Stout have thought sentencing was when Kathy Sihockey players more years in jail, Jared Britton and I know there are mon (Bradley Simons Mother) Jedidiah R. Mcpeople that spend Glasson found addressed Jedidiah and shared longer times in themselves in for having that Brad’s death had turned her jail an unanticipated DUI’s or people situation in the life upside down and talked about go to prison for beginning of the of the last memories of her son in the possession 2010 school year: drugs and they they were facing didn’t kill anyhospital.” charges of beone,” said Chrising party to the topher Schuelke, a crimes of aggrafriend of Bradley -Barbara Lyon vated battery and Simon. “Whether felony murder of you meant to kill Bradley Simon. someone or not, you still did.” If McGlasson Due to an altercation that occurred inside serves 30 days of jail time and completes his of the Log Jam tavern in the early morning of community service hours along with the Sept. 18, 2010, Simon, McGlasson and Britton restorative justice by Nov. 30, were asked to leave the premises. After leav- he will not be required to ing the premises, McGlasson and Britton were serve the remaining jail accused of chasing and pushing Simon off a time. “It was very emostolen bicycle, which in result caused Simon tional for the Simon famto crash into a concrete wall in the 200 block ily because there was the of West Main Street. Simon suffered traumatic trial for Jerad Britton, head injuries from the collision and was air- where he was acquitted lifted from the Red Cedar Medical Center in previously so they alMenomonie to Luther Hospital in Eau Claire, ready started suffering Wis. where he died five days later on Sept. 23. the anguish and I don’t Britton was acquitted of all charges in July think this was much of 2011 and McGlasson’s murder charges were easier,” said Editor dropped in November in an agreement of a plea of the Dunn Counand pleaded no contest to criminal disorderly ty News, Barbara content, a Class B misdemeanor. Lyon, who attended
Bradley Simon’s case finally comes to rest.
the sentencing. “The most emotional part of ditionally, the judge sided that Simon’s injuries the sentencing was when Kathy Simon (Brad- took place off the premises so they could not be held liable. ley Simons MothMcGlasson and er) addressed Je“I would have thought more years Britton will be didiah and shared facing a civil suit that Brad’s death in jail, I know there are people in beginning of had turned her that spend longer times in jail March 2012 for life upside down hospital costs. “I and talked about for having DUI’s or people go think they should the last memories to prison for possession of drugs pay the hospiof her son in the bills,” said hospital.” and they didn’t kill anyone,” said tal Schuelke. SchuelIn Nov. 2011, ke was invited to a Dunn County Christopher Schuelke, a friend out with Simon judge dismissed a of Bradley Simon. “Whether you go the night the alterlawsuit the Simon family filed for meant to kill someone or not, you cation occurred. “I didn’t go out the Log Jam tavstill did.” because I had too ern, because Log much homework, Jam tavern embut sometimes ployees did their -Christopher Schuelke I wonder what part to stop the would have hapaltercation and offered assistance to get Simon home safely. Ad- pened if I was with him,” said Schuelke.
Jessica Christiansen/Contributed Photo
1 - Mar. 14,14 2012stoutonia.com stoutonia.com FebruaryMar. 1 - February
Budget Cuts
with officials from the city on downtown redevelopment plans and this may have to be curtailed.” Collaboration with other UW System universities was discussed as another possible coping strategy. “We have been meeting with the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for several months to cooperate in several areas or possible areas: surplus materials, printing, safety, perhaps IT and purchasing,” said Sorensen. “We have not finalized anything, but there is work in progress.” Meeting the budget cuts is not optional for UW-Stout’s administrators, and minimizing effects to students is necessary. “First and foremost, we are protecting the instructional mission of the university – stu-
According to Doug Mell, UW-Stout’s Executive Director of Communications and External Relations, campus departments have been notified of their lapse requirements and have submitted plans for addressing these amounts. A budget lapse is generally considered a one-time reduction; funding is removed from the budget for a specific period of time, and at the end of the lapse the funding is restored to the previous level. According to Chancellor Sorensen, it should be anticipated that some of these lapses will become base cuts. The Department of Administration does have a proposed lapse for the 2012-2013 fiscal year, and UW-Stout is facing a proposed cut of approximately $755,200.
Susan LoRusso Staff Writer On Wednesday, Feb. 15 the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee approved $123 million in additional budget cuts for the current fiscal year. The University of Wisconsin System is responsible for the largest portion of cuts, approximately $46 million, and the University of Wisconsin-Stout’s share of the budget lapse is just under $1.8 million. UW-Stout held a budget forum on Tuesday, Feb. 21, where Chancellor Sorensen addressed Stout’s current budget issues and possible new approaches to handling the lapse. One of the biggest issues facing UW-Stout is faculty retention, which also effects recruiting top students. “We are losing some excellent faculty and staff because there has been no pay increase for four years and a freeze for two more years,” said Sorensen. At the forum, a few alternatives were proposed to cope with the recent budget cuts. This includes reducing UW-Stout’s involvement in community activities. Chancellor Sorensen said, “We have worked
dents are the first priority,” said Sorensen. “It is important that students understand that this is our constant goal.” Budget cuts are generally thought of as negative, but the Chancellor did say that the cuts are forcing UW-Stout to have very clear priorities and to continue to work on efficiencies of the institution. These cuts do not come as a surprise. In October of 2011, the Secretary of Administration submitted a lapse plan to the Joint Finance Committee, and state executive branch agencies sent their lapse plans to the Department of Administration in November.
The UW-System is facing tough up coming budget cuts.
Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Jennifer Huynh Staff Writer
Harvey Hall renovation
Built in 1916, Harvey Hall is the second oldest building at University of Wisconsin-Stout and it is scheduled for renovation beginning in January of 2014. This is the second renovation phase of Harvey Hall that started off with the Harvey Hall Theater revamp. The budget for the project is set at $28.3 million, but depends on the finalized design. Unlike the Memorial Student Center (MSC) which was student funded, this project will be paid for by tax dollars. Interim Dean Ray Hayes said, “The state came up with a new building; they thought we were a good candidate for it.” The Division of State Facilities is the one that came up with the idea for the new building. According to the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the Division of State Facilities “is responsible for managing the state’s real estate portfolio, staffing the State of Wisconsin Building Commission, and providing facilities for all state programs through capital projects and leased space.” The design calls for minimal changes on the exterior, mostly new windows and roof repair. With the interior, there will be a change of space: updated classrooms, offices, as well
as an addition of conference rooms, a cafe and another elevator. Another update is the air handler that moves the air in the building as the one in Harvey Hall right now is the original from 1916. Currently, there is one elevator in Harvey Hall, but there used to be two. “The elevator shaft where the old elevator used to be is still there,” said Hayes. This original elevator shaft will be used to house the second elevator again. So far, architectural teams have been narrowed to four - and they are working to narrow it down to one. Ray Hayes hopes to keep many of the historical aspects of the building throughout this renovation. “Harvey Hall is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a contributing building to this Downtown Menomonie area—we will have to work with the Historical Society,” said Hayes. Stout has been a place of historical significance. Hayes presented a picture of John F. Kennedy with the Stout Student Association (SSA) President and Stoutonia editor during his visit in 1960, during his visit for the Wisconsin primary campaign speech. In addition to keeping its historical signifi-
cance, the renovation project is required to build towards the LEED standards-Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. According to LEED.net, “It is a nationally accepted organization for design, operation and construction of high performance green buildings. This ensures the buildings are environmentally compatible, provide a healthy work environment and are profitable.” “We won’t necessarily qualify towards all of the standards because that will go beyond the budget,” said Hayes. In addition, the SSA and the LEAN group
are adding the new disposal bins—similar to the ones seen in the MSC—in every building that allow students the option of composting or recycling instead of simply disposing of everything. The construction is scheduled to end in July of 2016, depending on the sequence of construction. The goals are to either renovate floor-by-floor or expedite the construction by renovating everything simultaneously. This is still being discussed because twenty-five percent of the general classes are located in Harvey Hall.
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Harvey Hall: The bathrooms are one of the nicest places in the building.
Peter VanDusartz IV/Stoutonia
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Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Is Google the next Big Brother? Jerad Maplethorpe Interim Editor-in-Chief Opinions Editor Access to information is essential to our modern lives. Our society thrives because we can almost instantly find answers to any of our questions. One company, more so than any other, lead us fingertips-first into this new era: Google. In 2010, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said, “Every two days humans create as much information as we did from the dawn of man through 2003.” That is a prodigious amount of information, and Google is the gatekeeper. Besides being a search engine, Google also offers phones, email services, a social network, document sharing software, YouTube and a number of other subsidiary services. So, what would happen if Google abruptly shutdown? Modern life itself would change. We, the people, depend on Google. On March 1, 2012, Google is enacting its new privacy policy. It claims that it is doing this to unify all of its services under one document, instead of having a different document for each (service). Great, they’re trying to make it simple for us. The problem, however, is that simplicity often leads to ambiguity; ambiguity isn’t necessarily ideal when it comes to legal documents. For example, Google likes to emphasize the word “may” in its privacy policy. In regards to location information, their policy states, “When you use a location-enabled Google service, we may collect and process information about your actual location, like GPS signals sent by a mobile device. We may also use various technologies to determine location, such as sensor data from
your device that may, for example, provide information on nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.” To sum it up, Google “may” track you. What other information can they collect? Their privacy policy mentions quite a few things: your search queries, your phone number, the phone number of people who have called you, time and dates of
won’t share any “sensitive personal information” with “companies, organizations or individuals outside of Google” without your consent. It defines “sensitive personal information” as “a particular category of personal information relating to confidential
calls, duration of calls, SMS routLenn Soderlund/Stoutonia ing information, types of calls, medical facts, your IP address, device event racial or ethnic oriinformation (such as system acgins, political or religious tivity and hardware settings) and the beliefs or sexuality.” Oddly enough, this list goes on. doesn’t include any of the personal informaGoogle does state, however, that they tion included in the previous paragraph.
The privacy policy also provides a statement about accessing and updating your personal information. Ready for some more ambiguity? “Whenever you use our services, we aim to provide you with access to your personal information. If that information is wrong, we strive to give you ways to update it quickly or to delete it – unless we have to keep that information for legitimate business or legal purposes.” The question here is, what qualifies as a legitimate business purpose? Google is an information-collecting company, so it would seem like a legitimate business practice to collect as much information as possible. Anyway, the document doesn’t elaborate on a “legitimate business purpose” but it does comment on legal reasons. These are fairly straightforward and common in privacy policies. Google is our generation’s Gutenberg Printing Press. It allows us to share and discover information in a revolutionary new way. Because we’re living during this revolution, we don’t readily see how it is affecting the long-term impact on humanity and how we communicate. It’s hard to overstate its significance. Really. With something this momentous, however, it is important to monitor the details. There’s no reason to be paranoid, but everyone should have a basic understanding of the company’s policies that is fundamentally changing everything. What will Google do with all of this information that they plan to collect? We have yet to find out…
Could professors leverage social media to their advantage?
Jerad Maplethorpe Interim Editor-in-Chief Opinions Editor
It’s becoming quite apparent that social media websites like Facebook and Twitter aren’t only being used for socializing. If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world. Because of this, has become an essential tool for businesses to interact with their customers. In fact, some businesses are more concerned about having a Facebook page than an actual website. This makes sense, though; it allows them to interact with their customers in a nonintrusive, comfortable environment. If social media can do this for business, what could it do for education? The first assumption that I’d like to throw out is that you would have to “friend” your professor in order for this to work. While we
might all retain some type of casual relationships with our professors, we probably don’t want them snooping around our photos or reading our complaint-heavy status updates; they just wouldn’t get it. Fortunately, Facebook has a solution- an underutilized solution, in my opinion. They’re called “Groups,” and they’re really easy to setup. A Facebook group consists of a group of users that have the ability to share information with one another on a closed wall or feedthe ideal space for classmates to interact (unless you have a crush on those D2L discussion boards). Plus, you can elect to turn on notifications to prompt you whenever someone shares
something with the group. I’m curious though, how many University of Wisconsin-Stout professors have Facebook profiles? I know of a few that do, but I imagine many might be intimidated by it. But, if UWStout is going to bolster that infamous “polytechnic” title, it might want to lead the way in the Facebook-facilitated classroom experience. The benefits of this concept are, one, students are on Facebook a lot and, two, students will receive notifications whenever someone interacts with the group. So, if a professor is tired of hearing students complain about not knowing when things are due, they could simply write daily or weekly updates on the group
wall. The students would be notified of an update and could then ask questions directly on the post. This idea, of course, wouldn’t replace D2L, but it would be a useful tool for announcing updates and assisting students in getting to know their classmates, especially in the online classroom setting. Additionally, Facebook groups can create events, upload pictures and share simple documents. The real advantage, however, is improved communication. It’s not a perfect idea, nor am I sure students or professors would really ever be into it, but it might have the potential to relieve a lot of stress– both for students and professors. After all, D2L is great for some things, but Facebook definitely excels in the ease-of-communication category. Oh, and it’s free.
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Alternative spring break ideas We may have just had a big snowstorm, but Spring will be here soon.
Jerad Maplethorpe Interim Editor-in-Chief Opinions Editor
If you’re too broke to go on a wild spring break adventure this year, don’t fret! Below are a bunch of other options to consider, some of which you’ll find practical and useful, whereas others will be highly unproductive but entertaining.
Conduct three 64-hour Skyrim binge sessions, which will allow for eight hours of sleep after each session.
I’m not exactly sure how long it takes to beat Skyrim (I don’t personally play the game), but 192 hours should be enough, right? Here’s how it works. At 12:01 a.m. on March 10, you begin your first 64-hour binge. After the 64 hours are up, rest for eight hours. Repeat this process two more times and you will have successfully completed the Skyrim Spring Break challenge. (If possible, try to setup your gaming station somewhere between the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.)
Read two books.
A few of you will be like, “Only two books? I can do that in an hour.” Most of you, however, probably don’t read books unless they’re assigned to you by a professor, in which case you probably just browse over the bolded headings. But really, if you’re not a reader, spring break gives you a good excuse to start. Pick out two books and calculate how many pages you’ll need to read per day to complete both of them by the end of break. If the math turns out to be too difficult for you, then reading is probably the least of your concerns.
Think up a 30-day challenge, and begin.
We’re all busy people. So, how do busy people learn new, interesting things when they’re short on time? By conducting a 30-day challenge. Think of something that you want to learn but that you haven’t had time to pursue. For example, learning HTML. This might seem like an intimidating task, but if you break it up over the time span of 30 days, it becomes very manageable. Spend a half an hour every day concentrated solely on learning one thing. Spring break is a good time to start because you can get into the daily habit of working on your 30-day challenge.
Turn off the technology.
Can you turn off your phone, computer and iPod for two, three or four days? It sounds simple, but most of us would probably give up in frustration. But, if you do try it, you’ll probably realize how intimately connected our generation is with technology. It might even concern you a bit.
Volunteer for something.
Volunteering helps people and looks great on a resume. It’ll probably help alleviate some boredom, too!
Prepare your 2012 Doomsday Bunker.
Don’t wait until summer to build your bunker. By then, supplies will be limited and you may not have enough time to complete construction. Once you have committed to building your bunker, stop shaving and stop bathing. This will indicate to your friends and family members that you are serious about this project, which will make it easier to recruit their help. You can also entice them by saying things like, “Hey, if nothing happens, at least we have a nice potato cellar.” Nate Eul/Stoutonia
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Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Grocery store street smarts
Rose Meier Entertainment Edior A series of guided tours will begin on March 6 at the Menomonie Market Food Co-op aimed to teach about the healthiest and most nutritional food options that are available locally. The “Walk the Grocery Store” program is offered by the Mayo Clinic Health System – Red Cedar in Menomonie and is open to patients and the community free of charge. The guided tour of the Menomonie Market Food Co-op will feature several samples and recipes for people to take home. “[Attendees] will learn about food sources, organic options, finding the healthiest foods and tips on how to pick out more nutritional options,” said Tanya Young, Membership and Marketing Manager at the Menomonie Market Food Coop. “The Menomonie Market Food Co-op wants people to learn how it differs from other grocery stores.” According to Young, the costs of eating healthy depend on a person’s lifestyle, and she suggests that buying in bulk can be cost effective. “When people want to eat healthier, they should try the bulk section of the Co-
op,” said Young. “In that section, they can find lots of items they can prepare and use throughout the week.” Eating healthy does not always mean taking more time to prepare food. The Menomonie Market Food Co-op offers plenty of products that only require adding hot water. “If you plan your week and eating, you will find that you can actually get your food done quicker, for less money and much healthier than a traditional grocery store fare or fast food,” said Young. Young says that focusing on healthy snacks, such as pita bread with hummus or an organic apple with almond butter, is one thing that you can do now to encourage healthy eating habits. “Incorporating healthy snacks with water throughout the day will fight the temptation to snack on items that are not healthy for you and the water will give you a feeling of fullness,” said Young. The Menomonie Market Food Co-op tours begin at 4:30, 5:00, and 5:30 p.m. on March 6. Other guided tours take place at Lammer’s Food Fest (March 8), Walmart (March 27), and Marketplace Foods (March 29). To attend a tour, register by calling 715-233-7464 and leaving a voicemail with your contact information.
Do you frequent the on-campus dining options? University Dining Service offers an online weekly menu with nutritional information at http://plateanalysis. uwstout.edu/. Director of Dining Service Ann Thies says that it is possible for students to make healthy food choices on campus. “At the stations [in the cafeterias] there are so many options,” said Thies. “If you want to eat healthy, you can.” There are many food stations that allow variety, such as the stir-fry station, the deli, the taco area, and the salad bar. There’s also a variety of beverage choices besides pop at no extra cost, including real juices, milk and soymilk. There are also plenty of healthy food options in the Memorial Student Center. “I think that’s one thing that’s an advantage to people in the student center – we have a lot of build-to-order stations,” said Thies. Registered Dietician at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Lisa Eierman, says that balance is key to eating healthy. “Getting a variety of food choices from all of the different food groups [is important],” said Eierman.
Menomonie Market Food Co-op offers daily lunches for dine in or take out from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Customer Favorites:
black bean burritos, spinach pie, four cheeses ‘n’ mac, and meatloaf with smashed taters
Nate Eul/Stoutonia
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Ghost Rider:
Spirit of Vengeance
Jeff Gebert Staff Writer “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” is the unwanted sequel to 2007’s mediocre “Ghost Rider.” If you were hopeful that this movie would make up for the 2007 movie, then prepare to have those hopes crushed. The film is directed by Mark Neveldine and Bryan Taylor. Neveldine and Taylor are known for their work on the movie “Crank,” a fast paced action packed thrill ride, and the crazy lengths they go to in order to get the right camera shot. While filming this particular movie, they literally strapped on roller-blades and sped down the street chasing cars while holding a camera. The dedication pays off because the action scenes are pretty entertaining, but are not entertaining enough to make up for the movie’s script. The plot centers around Johnny Blaze (Nicholas Cage), currently in self-exile in Romania, who is trying to try contain the curse that turns him into flaming skull-headed demon that seeks out the guilty. After he learns that the devil is trying to take human form through a child named Danny, Johnny must use his curse to stop the devil. As if the su-
per generic plot wasn’t bad enough, “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” has lame jokes and one-liners littered throughout. Like the phrase “road kill” uttered after a guy gets run over by a car. Nicholas Cage is a “love him or hate him” kind of guy, and I consider myself to be on the “love him” side of the spectrum. True, he stars in nothing but bad movies nowadays, but his craziness earns my approval. When Cage starts freaking out trying to hold in the Ghost Rider, it’s pretty entertaining. The first 30 minutes or so of the movie is pretty decent, but afterwards, the movie slams on the brakes, and becomes incredibly boring. Believe it or not, this movie manages to be even worse than the 2007 original. I’m a fan of “Ghost Rider;” after seeing the trailer for this movie, I thought it looked great, and couldn’t wait to see it. I don’t remember the last time I was this disappointed with a movie. It’s one of those movies that shows all the good parts in the trailer. If you’ve seen the trailer, you might as well give this movie a pass. Hell, even if you haven’t seen the trailer, give this a pass.
out of
Rose Meier/Stoutonia
Spot this classic landmark in person. Let us know the REAL colors at
Spotted in Menom
February 1 - February 114 -19 Mar.stoutonia.com 14, 2012 stoutonia.com stoutonia.com May 6 Mar. - May
Adventurers embark on threeday dog sledding trip Jeff Gebert Staff Writer On Feb. 17, a group of University of Wisconsin-Stout adventurers went to Bayfield, Wis. for a three-day dog sledding trip. Stout Adventures, part of University Recreation, hosts trips and outdoor based outings such as canoeing or hiking. Previously, the group has gone rock climbing, backpacking and skiing. They have also taken a kayaking trip to New Zealand. During their trip to Wolfsong Adventures in Mushing, a dog sledding organization in Bayfield, Wis., the group also went hiking, walked above sea caves, went snowshoeing, and had a bonfire. Bayfield is about a three and a half hour drive north of Menomonie, and overlooks Lake Superior. The dogs were all Siberian Huskies. There were six students and one leader mushing through the hilly frigid landscape. The students learned how to lead a team of dogs through the trail. Kari Parks was one of the six women lucky enough to go on the trip. “We didn’t go that fast because we were in a line,” said Parks. “My dogs wanted to keep going fast, but you couldn’t go fast be-
cause there’s people and dogs in front.” Parks doubts that she would have ever gone dog sledding if it wasn’t for the group. “With Stout Adventures, you can try new things that you thought you could never do,” said Parks. After sledding on the trail, the adventurers fed the dogs and put them back into their kennels. Over spring break, Stout Adventures will be offering a kayaking trip to Lake Powell, Utah for a 10-day trip filled with adventure. For adventure opportunities in the great beyond, Stout Adventures is definitely worth a look.
To find out more, visit their site at http://www.uwstout. edu/urec/adventures/
Kony 2012 Andrew Schneider Staff Writer
On the night of Feb. 27, three campus organizations hosted an event, showing students the harsh reality of the conflict in central Africa. The Social Science Society, Black Student Union, and the Ally Initiatives for Civil Rights and Civic Responsibility informed over 90 students about Invisible Children’s campaign to bring an end to one of the worst human rights violators of our time: Joseph Kony. Oyella Jane, a guest speaker from Uganda and witness to the atrocities done by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), spoke to the group. Joseph Kony, the leader of the LRA, is listed number one on the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. His crimes include abduction, murder and slavery. What he is most known for is abducting children at a young age and forcing them to be soldiers. He has been doing this since the 1980s and Invisible Children wants to make 2012 the year he is stopped. So far, Invisible Children has raised money to help efforts to build schools and give remote villages in central Africa the ability to communicate activity of the LRA and warn other villages of their presence. They have already been instrumental in getting the United States government to send military advisors to help the Ugandan Military catch Kony in the jungle. Now the biggest thing Invisible Children has to do is keep the United States interested in helping Uganda so our military advisors stay there. They plan to do this is by making Kony a household name. On April 20, Invisible Children is organizing an event
where posters with Kony’s name will be put up all over the nation. When everyone knows his name and what he has done, then justice will be demanded. Jane came with Invisible Children to the University of Wisconsin-Stout to give students a first hand account of the violence going on in central Africa. “I’ve come to talk on behalf of these people,” said Jane. “There is no peace and yet we believe that peace is a fundamental human right.” Jane lost many family members to the war going in Uganda, but was able to confidently share her story and motivate the students to get involved. “Kony always came to look for the youth,” said Jane. “The youth are a target to so much destruction and if we get the youth acting, the world is going to be changed to a better place.” Kony saw the usefulness of the young, exploited them and has remained in power for too many years. Only by the youth can he be stopped. Invisible Children wants to make that happen in the year 2012.
Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia Oyella Jane, guest speaker from Uganda.
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
F.A.B.ulous magazine
Who? Fashion Art Beauty (F.A.B. magazine) What? Produce and distribute a fashion magazine, including writing, photography, layout and design Where? Meetings are held in the Birchwood Room in the MSC at 6 p.m. Learn more? Contact the magazine at fab@uwstout.edu Rachel Policano Staff Writer You don’t have to be a student in the Apparel, Design and Development or the Retail Merchandising and Management program to enjoy everything the fashion and beauty industries have to offer. A relatively new organization on campus, Fashion Art Beauty (F.A.B.), allows students from all backgrounds and majors, with these interests (in fashion, art, and beauty) to come together to assemble publications similar to the periodicals we currently read today. “[It] started out as an outlet for fashion students to be engaged in developing their skills and knowledge of fashion into a publication,” explains Editor-in-Chief Abrianna Thao. “But the more we explored with the idea of having a publication, we wanted (more than just all fashion students) to have the opportunity to share their passions. That’s when we decided to incorporate art and beauty, giving it a broader perspective.” This year, F.A.B. magazine has been revamping the organization after some minor dilemmas threatened its existence. With a new editor-in-chief, the group is deciding to take a new direction for the publication including the overall look and layout of the magazine, and adding a range of activities throughout the school year to help members better understand the process of magazine production. An example of their activities includes having faculty members teach short workshops about a specific subject that every member will benefit from. As with many organizations on campus, F.A.B. magazine also wishes to incorporate numerous team building activities to bring the group together. It’s an opportunity to gain not only magazine building experience, but create lasting friendships with people that share enthusiasm towards fashion, art, and beauty. “We will also be finding opportunities to volunteer and promote the magazine to the community,” said Thao. Promotion will include fundraising and advertising Menomonie businesses within the magazine. Amidst the renovation of the organization, F.A.B. members are currently working hard to put together their spring issue, which should be distributed near the end of April. “We just hosted our first model call and will be having a photo shoot on Tuesday March 6 for our first fashion spread in our magazine,” said Thao.
A new aspect of the magazine is that each issue will be themed as far as the cover and the photo spread. The theme for the upcoming issue is “Modern Disney Princesses,” putting a modern twist on a girl’s favorite tales, including Jasmine, Tiana, Mulan, and Cinderella. “Each princess has something to teach us,” said Thao, “And we want to relay those things to our readers through our photo spread.” Thao is really excited about how far the magazine has come and hopes that it will become a legacy in the future. “It was just an idea that a group of friends had and now it is a student organization. It has been great to be a part of creating it, but it would be even better to see the magazine, continued to be used as a creative tool. I hope that F.A.B. will become something that everyone reads and knows about. ”
Anna LeVahn/Photo Contributed Back row L to R: Carly Williamson, Abrianna Thao, and Jessica Vaysberg Front: Amanda Soine and Rachel Policano
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P.S. Vista Review Hassan Javaid Staff Writer
In terms of battery life, considering its impressive visuals and features, the PlayStation Unlike nearly any portable console be- Vita can sustain itself for an impressive five fore it, the PlayStation Vita has every feature hours of run time, provided you have features you could wish to have: graphical power to like 3G turned off. The PlayStation Vita comes stand up close to home HD consoles, a button in models which includes, the 3G version and scheme that features two analog sticks and all the Wi-Fi version. The 3G version is locked to AT&T and dethe buttons, a touch mands a blanscreen, a rear “It’s easy to recommend the PS Vita as ket fee of $15 touch-pad, a gyroscope and even a stellar system that any gamer wanting a month with a Augmented Realto play console level game experiences 250 megabyte bandwidth limity features. on the go.” it. The limited If there’s a feaamount of data, ture that’s been coupled with used before, in either the portable or home console space, the PlayStation Vita has that a data plan fee to rival most smart phones in functionality and feature. It’s simply put, one price, makes the 3G version the less desirable of the most technologically advanced portable of the two. The 3G version is also slightly more expensive, edging in at around $300, systems we have today. The size of the system is a lot bigger than the $450 more than the $250 Wi-Fi model. The PlayStation Portable, and features a glorious wireless works great with both models, so organic light-emitting diode screen to provide from a price stand point the Wi-Fi version is some truly amazing visuals. The PlayStation the easy choice. Capability wise, it’s easy to recommend the Vita feels surprisingly light in the hand and is extremely comfortable to hold regardless of PlayStation Vita as a stellar system that any your hand size. The dual analog sticks work gamer wanting to play console level game exbeautifully and the buttons are extremely re- periences on the go should get. The important sponsive and easy to use. Control and comfort thing though, is the games that launch with the was definitely one of the key features stressed PlayStation Vita. To this end, Sony has done what very few if any console manufacturers upon in the design of the PlayStation Vita.
have done before, and created a launch lineup of around 26 games with another 9 titles to follow and around 50 more titles confirmed to be in production for the system. Enough said, the launch lineup for the system is impressive, made even more so with heavy hitters like “Uncharted: Uncharted Golden Abyss,” “Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3,” “Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus,” all ranging in price from $45-50. Smaller but equally impressive titles like “Super StarDust Delta” and “Escape Plan” at $10 each. All in all, there’s something for every type of gamer in the launch lineup for the system, which is beyond
4.5 5 out of
impressive when compared to its competitor the Nintendo 3DS. With all that said, your interest in purchasing a PlayStation Vita largely depends on what kind of a gamer you are. If you enjoy the sorts of games that Sony makes for its other systems, and if you even remotely liked the PSP, then this system is a sure buy for you. However, if you are not interested in the launch lineup of games, then its best to take a wait and see approach given the expensive barrier of entry. Whatever you may end up doing, it’s safe to say that the PlayStation Vita is dedicated portable gaming’s biggest weapon against the impending competition from smart phones.
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Five gold medals and new records
for three Blue Devils at WIAC indoor track and field championships
One of UW-Stout’s vaulters makes a gold medal attempt.
Kou Yang Staff Writer Several individual performances gave fans something to cheer about at the 2012 Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) Indoor Track and Field Championships, hosted by the University of WisconsinStout on Feb. 24-25. Daniel Drewek, a senior from Athens, Wis., and Jessika Smith, a sophomore from Onalaska, Wis., got things started on Friday with two individual titles. Drewek captured the pole vault title with a leap of 16-10 3/4, and Smith captured the long jump title with a mark of 18-1/2. With the win, Drewek became the fourth individual to claim three conference pole vault titles. “I am very proud to be on the short list of names to win three indoor conference championships,” said Drewek. “I couldn’t have done this without hard work and a lot of luck. Also, I have to give credit to the great coaching staff that helped me along the way.” Drewek and Smith continued their streak on Saturday and were joined by Tim Nelson, a senior from Augusta, Wis., to give the Blue Devils five gold medals and five new inscriptions in the record books. Drewek finished with 5021 points in the heptathlon (an event featuring seven events), setting a new fieldhouse record, and breaking the mark of 4283 points. Drewek also received the Max Sparger Scholar-Athlete Award. Smith added the pentathlon title, breaking the school record set by Anne Guthrie last year. She finished with 3265 points, breaking Guth-
Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia
rie’s mark by two points. “I was more concerned with my competitors than the record. Everyday I go to a meet with the mindset ‘I have to win’ and I had that as my priority throughout. The record was the icing on the cake, but not the priority,” said Smith. “I’m not quite satisfied with where it is at, though. It was definitely a great experience to have Anne Guthrie there to cheer me on as I broke her record; she and I joked about it afterwards. My goal at Nationals is to re-break the record,” Smith said. Nelson broke the fieldhouse, conference and school records when he captured the 3000-meter title. Nelson broke the record held by Blue Devil Hall of Famer Jeff Wachter, setting the new mark with a time of 8 minutes, 15.47 seconds. “It’s great to be mentioned with the great Jeff Wachter, who I regard the greatest Stout runner of all time,” said Nelson. “To run my last race at home was sad, but the crowd, and my teammates were the loudest and wildest I have ever experienced, which made it special. I was very happy with my race and to finally win a conference championship in track was a moment I’ll never forget,” said Nelson. “However, I want to give credit to our whole team. We had the best conference meet we’ve had in years, and my distance teammates Justus Bibeau and Mitch Easker finally established themselves as elite conference runners. As a whole, the team is really moving forward,” said Nelson. Look for the Blue Devils to continue their run in the outdoor season.
An athlete makes their way over the high bar in the pole vault event.
Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia
The Blue Devils race to the finish.
Andrew Schneider/Stoutonia
W h at 2 Watch 4 upcoming sporting events March 3rd:
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Gymnast profile: Katherine Prouty One University of Wisconsin-Stout freshman has made a huge “f lip” into the Blue Devils gymnastics team. Recruited from Oregon, Wash., Katherine Prouty took no time in becoming acclimated to her new Wisconsin environment. “I came to Stout because of gymnastics,” said Prouty. Along with studying packaging,
37.975 at the four-team Harley Davidson Invitational in Milwaukee, Wis. Her other personal bests were recorded in all of her individual events: f irst on vault (9.675), four th on bars (9.225), third on balance beam (9.425) and seventh on f loor (9.650). As well as participating in the Harley Davidson Invitational, Prouty was named Gymnastics Specialist of the week during the Jan. 31 meet. On this occasion she beat three of
relies on her coach to come up with a tailored routine so she can focus on the sport’s skill. “The judges look for many things dealing with your routine,” said Prouty, “They look for confidence, technique and are very knitpicky. Gymnastics has definitely helped me grow in this way. I have learned how to deal with struggles in a positive way and appreciate the detail.” To Prouty, gymnastics is not just an individual sport; a lot of it comes down to team
prouty has started her college career juggling school and gymnastics. Prouty has an enormous amount of gymnastics experience that she brings to meets. “I started gymnastics when I was four years old,” said Prouty, “My parents got me into the spor t and my mom was a gymnast herself.” Prouty was named Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Gymnastics All-Around of the week during the Feb. 17 gymnastics meet, where Prouty beat f ive of her personal best scores. She received her best collegiate-best score of
her personal bests: winning vault (9.525), receiving third in floor (9.3) and received second in the all-around (36.975). Prouty is also a four time Level 10 National Participate, a part of the All-Regional Level 10 Team and has received a High AllAround Level score of 37.10. “I love the thrill of it,” said Prouty. “The thrill of competing and the adrenaline you get. It is awesome.” Each member of the team completes and practices routines for each of their individual events. Some gymnasts create their own unique routines, while others look toward their coaches for support. Prouty
effort. “If you’re using your efforts toward the team, then you are doing it for yourself too. My team really keeps me going and the Stout team has become a family to me,” said Prouty. The Blue Devils rigorously practice Monday through Thursday in preparation for meets. Team bonding is also promoted within the group to create a sense of community. With teamwork and dedication, Prouty is a positive addition to this year’s UW-Stout gymnastics team. As a college freshman, she will be continue the program in future seasons.
Kelsey Penrod Staff Writer
• Men’s Track and Field at Pointer Qualifier @ 10:30 a.m. • Women’s Track and Field at Pointer Qualifier @ 10:30 a.m. • Women’s Gymnastics at WIAC Championships/NCGA West Regional @ 4 p.m.
March 7th: • Softball vs St. Olaf College (DH) in Rosemount, MN @ 10 a.m.
March 10th: • Women’s Track and Field at NCAA DIII Indoor Championships @ 9 a.m. • Softball vs. Washington University in St. Louis in Clermont, FL @ 3 p.m. (ET) • Softball vs John Carroll University in Clermont, FL @ 5 p.m. (ET)
March 11th: • Baseball vs. Marian University (DH) in Phoenix, AZ @ 11 a.m. (PT) • Softball vs Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (DH) in Clermont, FL @ 1 p.m. (ET)
March 12th: • Baseball vs Dordt College (DH) in Phoenix, AZ @ 11 a.m. (PT) • Softball vs Ithaca College in Clermont, FL @ 3 p.m. (ET) • Softball vs Lesley University in Clermont, FL @ 5 p.m. (ET)
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
Wisconsin hockey teams to leave the NCHA Kou Yang Staff Writer Conference realignment has been one of the major stories in all of college athletics the last couple of years. Most of the discussions, were concerning Division I athletics. However, it is affecting Division III teams as well, schools that do not offer athletic scholarships. The Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) has announced that its mens’ and womens’ ice hockey teams, five schools within the University of Wisconsin System, will be leaving the Northern Collegiate Hockey Association to compete within the WIAC starting in the 2014-15 academic year, leaving St. Scholastica and the defending Division III men’s champions, St. Norbert, as the only two
schools left in the NCHA. WIAC made the announcement at this time to give all current NCHA institutions the opportunity to seek out future conference alignments. “The decision to leave the NCHA was difficult because of the history and success of the league,” said WIAC Commissioner Gary Karner, adding that financial challenges and the composition of the NCHA were among the main concerns that led to the decision. “We (WIAC) recognize that our decision to withdraw from the NCHA will have a profound impact on the future of that conference. Out of respect for the non-WIAC member institutions of the NCHA, we had no interest in leaving the conference without providing sufficient notice and it is our intention to engage in a dialogue over the next two years that will ensure the vi-
ability of Division III men’s and women’s ice hockey in the upper Midwest for many years to come,” said Karner. In an interview with Fox 11 of Green Bay, Karner said that travel costs, combined with having to manage two conferences, led to the unanimous vote to withdraw from the NCHA. “The NCHA has a long history of being a strong and formidable college hockey conference,” said NCHA Commissioner Bill Kronschnabel. “The withdrawal of the WIAC teams from the NCHA in 2014 will definitely alter the landscape for DIII Men’s hockey in the West. I would expect the remaining members to fully explore all options during the next two years and proceed in a manner consistent with their own institutional best interests and the best interests of DIII hockey (Men’s and Women’s) in the West.”
The WIAC allows private schools to be affiliated members. Finlandia currently plays in the WIAC for men’s soccer, and several women’s gymnastics teams are affiliate members. Karner said that no such offers have been extended, but the WIAC would consider applications from any teams that wanted to join the WIAC for hockey. One major problem facing the WIAC hockey league is that it will not have an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament; five schools aren’t enough to qualify. Even if it adds two more members, a two-year waiting period may apply without a waiver. The league has not discussed how it might create a schedule come the 2014-15 season. Karner does not expect the rest of the WIAC schools to add hockey.
Stout batters up the baseball season with two new staff additions Kelsey Penrod Staff Writer The Blue Devils’ baseball team add two new members to their coaching staff for the 2012 season. From Roseville, Minn., Toby Gardenhire, became Stout’s new head baseball coach. The team also gained Webster, N.Y. native, Adam Curynski as the new assistant/ pitching coach. Toby Gardenhire, son of the manager for the Minnesota Twins, Rob Gardenhire, officially received his title as Stout’s baseball head coach on Jan. 17. With an intense baseball background, Toby Gardenhire is more than fit to fill this position for the Blue Devils. A graduate from the University of Illinois in 2005, Gardenhire played ball continuously during his college career. Beginning at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith Junior College, Gardenhire began his baseball college career as the team’s infielder. He then transferred to Southwest Missouri State, followed by the conclusion of his college career in Illinois. Once receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Community Health from Illinois, Gardenhire continued on the path of his baseball dreams. In 2002 and 2005, Gardenhire was drafted by the Minnesota Twins. Here he played with the organization’s minor league teams for seven years from 2005-2011. During his play time for the minors, Gardenhire began his aspirations for coaching. “I really like college baseball,” says Gardenhire, “I’ve always wanted to get back into it. When the chance finally came, I thought it would be a great opportunity.” Gardenhire began his coaching pedigree as a defensive fielding instructor with LPA
Baseball in Roseville, Minn. from 20052009. Then from 2009-2001, he became a hitting and fielding instructor with the Twins Training Academy located in Blaine, Minn. Now, Gardenhire is the 28th coach within the Stout baseball program which f irst began in 1909. “I’ve always wanted to give back to the younger guys,” says Gardenhire, “I feel that I have gained a lot of k nowledge about the spor t and feel that I could help others. If I can help someone be a better person and player then that’s what I’m excited about.” The Blue Devils’ new head coach is eager for this year’s season and realizes Stout’s great potential and talent. Gardenhire expresses how the players are extremely hard workers, good students, and have quickly adapted to his coaching style. “I want the opportunity to help the baseball program improve. You want to ultimately win, but sometimes it’s not all about that. I want us [Stout] to be better than the year before.” Along with the team’s new head coach, Stout’s new assistant coach, Adam Curynski additionally has not been a stranger to the baseball field. For two years Curynski was the pitcher for NCAA Division I, Southern Illinois University. He then set off to play a season of pro baseball with the Texarkana Gunslingers of the Independent Continental League. Like Gardenhire, Curynski’s passion for the sport translated into coaching. In 2009 he began coaching at Southern Illinois as an assistant coach, and then as head coach in 2010 at Bishop Kearney High School based in his hometown of Webster, NY. From here, Curynski continued as the
pitching coach for two different baseball leagues up until 2011. He then became Director of Baseball Operations in 2011 for the Pro Sports Academy in Punta Gorda, Fla. The gained experience, passion and love for coaching subsequently brought Curynski to Stout. “My goal here is to get the team 1% better each day. We want our guys to be better players, students, athletes, and ultimately better human beings,”
Gardenhire (left) and Curynski (right).
says Curynski, “Today is the only day that counts so we can only focus on that.” These two new coaches are an immense asset to Stout’s baseball coaching staff this season. With the new staff’s drive, passion and knowledge, the Blue Devils team will be lead by some of the best in the sport today. The team will soon be able to show off their new-gained knowledge, skill and Blue Devil horns during the 2012 season’s first home game on March 31.
Contributed Photo
stoutonia.com February 1 - February 14 Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012 stoutonia.com
The University of Wisconsin-Stout had a double header against Bethel College and Concordia University Wisconsin on Saturday, Feb. 25 at the Sports Bubble in Rochester, Minn. The Blue Devils won 12-3 in five innings against Bethel and lost 5-3 against Concordia. Alison Gray, a junior from St. Cloud, Minn., led the Blue Devils with four runs batted in against Bethel.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout had two players named to the first team of the All-Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) hockey team and two named as honorable mention. Branden Gay, a senior from Calgary, Alberta, repeated as a first team choice and Jordan Tredinnick, from Onalaska, Wis., made his first appearance on the honors team. Forward Kevin O’Donnell, a sophomore from Stoughton, Wis., was a repeat honorable mention choice and forward Zach Vierling, a freshman from Coon Rapids, Minn., was also an honorable mention selection.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout women’s basketball team faced the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in their final game that resulted in a victory for the Blue Devils on Feb. 18 at Titan Stadium. Shelby Sterba, a freshman from Tony, Wis., and Katelynne Folkers, a freshmen from Fall Creek, Wis., led the team to a 65-60 win with a free throw.
The Blue Devils play St. Olaf College in a double header on Wednesday, March 7.
The Blue Devils will participate in the Northern Collegiate Hockey Association Finals Saturday, March 3.
The Blue Devils will return to the court next year in the 2012-2013 basketball season.
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Contributed Photo
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 BDP Presents The Muppets @ 6/9 p.m. Applied Arts 210
Men & Womens Track vs Pointer Qualifier Stevens Point, WI @ 10:30 a.m.
Mar. 1 - Mar. 14, 2012
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BDP Presents Comedian Jacob Williams @ 8 p.m. Terrace - MSC
Stout Womens Softball vs St. Olaf College @ Rosemount, MN 10 a.m.
BDP Presents Open Mic @ 8 p.m. Terrace - MSC Sign ups @ 7 p.m.
Mens/Women Track vs. NCAA DIII Indoor Championships NCAA DIII Indoor Championships TBA Grinnell, IA
Stout Womens Softball vs. Washington University @ St. Louis Washington University 3 pm (ET) Clermont, FL
Spring Break Starts @ 5 p.m. Mar. 9 - Mar. 19th
11 12 13 14
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