2013 - 2014
Clean Stove Initiative
6,800,000 65%
Rural Population
Population using solid fuels for cooking
Rural population using solid fuels
3% 5,716
Access to clean fuels (% of population with access to electricity and gas) Number of deaths per year from Household Air Pollution
ICS SECTOR The supply of ICS is limited due to a lack of labor capacities, standardized tools, low mechanization and difficulty in supplying raw materials Distribution is confined to larger urban and peri-urban areas, limiting rural users’ access to stove technologies Over 90% of end-users we asked are interested in purchasing a cleaner and more durable fuel saving stove
STOVEPLUS ANSWERS Specific and detailed baseline to assess utilization and devices to be improved
Pilot production and commercialization of a woodburning clay stove known in Cambodia as NKS to be implemented
A standard & product labelling
National governance of the Improved Cookstove Sector is to be built
scheme is validated by the local
A new low-tech product is researched, to be produced locally with baked clay. This includes testing for performance and acceptance by the final users
authorities and presented for
A Baseline situation of the
cooking sector, habits and economics is assessed, to inform
A monitoring and evaluation
future intervention and enable
process is presented to ensure
impact assessment
product quality is respected and maintained in the long-term
PARTNERS OWNER World Bank Lao Institute for Renewable Energy (LIRE) GERES-Biomass Energy Lab AusAid
CONTACT info@stoveplus.org www.stoveplus.org