The Prophet and the President A Record of Prophetic Messages Delivered to President Barack Obama During His Eight Years in Office Regarding the Direction he Was Taking the Nation
The Prophet and the President A Record of Prophetic Messages Delivered to President Barack Obama During His Eight Years in Office Regarding the Direction he Was Taking the Nation Editors, BCNN1.com Black Christian News Network One
The Prophet and the President: A Record of Prophetic Messages Delivered to President Barack Obama During His Eight Years in Office Regarding the Direction he Was Taking the Nation Cover Design by Atinad Designs. Š Copyright 2017, Black Christian News Network One All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner, except for brief quotations included in a review of the book. All Bible quotations in this volume are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Contents ● Introduction 11 ● President Obama is Smart, but is he Wise?
● Before President Obama Fully Embraced Homosexuality and Homosexual Marriage Publicly, We Had Reason to Believe the Obama Administration Along with Homosexual Groups and Allies Attempted to Break Down the Black Church’s Opposition to Homosexuality by Discrediting Prominent Black Preachers by Accusing Them of Being Homosexuals 23 ● A Call for President Obama to Repent of his Disobedience and to Reverse the Ungodly Decisions that he has made for the Good of his Presidency and the Good of the Nation 31 ● Why President Obama Should Provide an Exemption for Religious Organizations in his Executive Order Banning Discrimination Against Homosexuals 35 ● If ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are Not Going to Hell, Please Tell Me Where They are Going (Part 1) 39 ● If ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are Not Going to Hell, Please Tell Me Where They are Going (Part 2) 49 7
● If ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are Not Going to Hell, Please Tell Me Where They are Going (Part 3) 57 ● President Obama, We are Pulling for You to Succeed Against ISIS, but God May Not Be with You 67 ● President Obama’s Administration has Failed and has Been Defeated Because he Has Endorsed, Promoted, and has Caused the Federal Government of the United States to Sanction Homosexuality, Homosexual Marriage, and the Homosexual Agenda as Well as Trampled on Religious Freedom and Supports and Funds Abortion 81 ● Okay, Christians, Give God His Due Regarding the Outcome of this Election 83 ● What President Obama, his Administration, and Other Leaders of Nations Ought to Do Now, Part 1 85 ● What President Obama, his Administration, and Other Leaders of Nations Ought to Do Now, Part 2 95 ● What President Obama, his Administration, and Other Leaders of Nations Ought to Do Now, Part 3 103 ● What Young People and Their Parents Can Do to 8
Prevent Another Michael Brown Situation
● Why We Ought to Thank God for and Pray for the Government and Law Enforcement Even When We Don’t Agree With Them 115 ● Statement on Protests & Rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Other Major Cities 127 ● BCNN1 Urges Pastors to Help Lead Dallas and the Nation Through a Horrific Time Before a Race War Begins 129 ● At the End of his Presidency, Obama says America Still Has Not Overcome Slavery, Jim Crow, and Racism 131 ● Just Jesus Evangelistic Campaign ● How You Can Help America
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Introduction Being a black, Christian news organization, we were fully aware of the historical significance of Barack Obama being elected President of the United States. A black man who claimed to be a follower of Jesus Christ had ascended to the highest office in a land that has had a complicated and tortured history on race and an increasingly complicated present climate on religious influence in politics. We were well aware that many African-Americans counted this a victory for our people. And we, too, rejoice in how President Obama, First Lady Michelle, and their daughters, Malia and Sasha, have represented the nation with dignity, class, and respect. However, during the 2008 presidential campaign, God led us to warn the nation that if President Obama did not follow biblical principles and God's direction during his administration, his presidency would not be a blessing, but a curse to the nation. BCNN1 is more than a news organization. We are more than historians and record-keepers. We are ‘watchmen on the wall,’ ‘voices crying in the wilderness.’ We care deeply about our country and desire for the United States of America to live up to 11
her designation as a “shining city on a hill.” The Bible says that “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). We earnestly desire for the U.S.A. to be a God-fearing nation and for her to return to the Judeo-Christian values and principles of our founding fathers. However, we must say that during President Obama's eight years in office, he has done and said things that have set America back in terms of her Judeo-Christian standing. He has made decisions that oppose what God has clearly stated in His Holy Word. From the outset of his first term, we did not get caught up in the celebration that many AfricanAmericans and many African-American Christians got caught up in. We knew that there were more important things than having a black man in office. As we watched and recorded President Obama's actions, we were led of the Lord to repeatedly publish a series of prophetic messages warning President Obama against doing things that oppose God's Word and warning Christian leaders not to remain silent when the President did something that goes against what God has clearly stated. This book is a collection of those prophetic 12
pronouncements. We hope that they will serve as a record that there were some in this nation who remained loyal to God despite prevailing political winds. We hope that it will serve as an encouragement and inspiration to Christians across the nation who are tempted to succumb to societal pressure. Finally, we hope that it will serve as a warning to future presidential administrations that God will not tolerate the defiance of His Word, and He will destroy and render ineffective those who oppose Him. —Daniel Whyte III President, GLM Omnimedia Group LLC Parent Company of Black Christian News Network One (BCNN1.com)
President Obama is Smart, but is he Wise? by Alonzo Brooklyn First published in early 2009 within the first 100 days of President Barack Obama’s first term. The article below was published early in the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency after it became apparent that he was not abiding by biblical principles in his decisions. Within his first 100 days, President Obama reversed a policy that prevented funds from going to abortion groups and approved the UN Declaration which supports homosexual marriage. It was re-published periodically in the months thereafter. "...Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding" (Daniel 2:20-21). "...the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will" (Daniel 4:32). "...till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it 15
whomsoever he will" (Daniel 5:21). The mark of a wise ruler, prime minister, king, or president is that he or she understands that there is an "Invisible hand" which rules this world, and that they, whether they are a believer in God or not, are placed in the position of leadership by God to do what He wants done in the earth. That leader must understand that God rules in the affairs of men. The governmental leaders who fail to recognize and obey this "invisible hand" will do so at their peril, no matter how smart and gifted they may be. Like so many others in our world, I am impressed with the gifts that God has bestowed upon Barack Obama. It is true that President Obama is smart, shrewd, charming, and he knocks people dead with that million dollar smile. I often told my wife and children during the presidential campaign that he was probably going to win, if for no other reason, because of that great smile. Be that as it may, even though Barack Obama is apparently well-equipped for the job of President of the United States and the leader of the world, humanly speaking, he can have all of those gifts and abilities and not truly recognize or obey the "invisible hand" of God as it relates to our country, our world, our economy, and in the social realm. Recognizing and obeying this "invisible hand" 16
is the true mark of a great leader. Right now, President Obama is showing himself to be smart, capable, and even presidential, but I am afraid he is not showing himself to be wise. Let me show you what I mean using some examples from the Holy Scriptures: Pharaoh was smart, built great works, and ruled a mighty empire, but when God said "Let my people go," Pharaoh did not recognize the "invisible hand" of God, and he did not take heed to what the invisible, Almighty God was doing in his nation, thus bringing upon himself and his country devastating consequences. Saul was a smart, tall, and good-looking king, but he did not recognize the "invisible hand" of God. While he thought he was doing good and that everything would work out alright, he was actually disobeying God's direct commands, and thus he brought on himself, his family, and the nation devastating consequences. King Nebuchadnezzar was smart, powerful, a great leader, and he knew about God's power, but he ignored the "invisible hand" of God to his peril and was found eating grass like an animal to permanently 17
help him to realize Who was truly in control. King Belshazzar, just like his father, was smart and powerful, and he definitely knew about God's power because he saw how God made his father eat grass like an animal. But he, too, chose to ignore the "invisible hand" of God, and thus brought on devastating consequences—his death and the overthrowing of his empire. In President Obama, we apparently have another shining, charismatic, gifted, and smart governmental leader, who is very capable and shows great judgment in certain areas, but I am afraid he does not understand the important principle of the "invisible hand" of God. Like rulers of the past, either he does not truly recognize the "invisible hand" of God or he chooses to ignore the "invisible hand" of God as Nebuchadnezzar did. Either way, it will be devastating for this country, sometimes referred to as a shining "city on a hill," if he does not begin to recognize, acknowledge, and obey the "invisible hand" of God. Let me show you why I say that. Notice with me what he has done in his first 100 days that says to me he is not allowing God to guide his decisions and that he lacks wisdom: On January 23, 2009, President Obama reversed the 18
former president's abortion funds policy and lifted the global abortion gag rule. This policy restored funds to the groups who kill millions of innocent babies around the world. Dr. Frank Page said in a CBN report that "what is striking here is not only that he did such things, but that he did it so quickly." In my opinion, this shows a gross lack of wisdom. On March 9, 2009, President Obama overturned the former president's policy on stem cell research. This decision allows federal taxpayer dollars to fund significantly broader research on embryonic stem cells. On March 18, 2009, President Obama announced his support of the U.N. Declaration which supports homosexual marriage, just three months after the former president's administration refused to endorse it. And little by little, homosexual marriage is being legalized. Whether Barack Obama knows homosexuality is against biblical principles or not, I do not know, but he certainly, personally believes that there is something wrong with it, because at the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency when he was a candidate, he said he believes marriage should be between a man and woman. Or was he lying? Even though this article is not really about the 19
economic situation, anybody with common sense knows that you cannot spend and borrow your way out of debt. The Bible says very clearly that "The borrower is servant to the lender." Unless the President and the rest of us are willing to learn Chinese and eat with chopsticks, we better stop this borrowing and spending real fast. It has never worked in the past and it never will work. Allow me to repeat a simple truth here that I have shared with many people in the past: if you had to borrow money to get it, you don't own it; somebody else does. These are all things that go against the eternal, moral, and biblical principles of God. Throughout history, we have seen time and time again, how that when governments, leaders of governments, and the people under these governments reject eternal laws and principles of God, the nation crumbles. Sodom and Gomorrah crumbled because of homosexuality. Israel and Judah fell because of idolatry. Babylon was destroyed because of their disrespect of God. Rome destroyed itself because of greed and immorality. And remember, God destroyed the entire world because of sin during Noah's time. God's Word says, "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
Here's What the President, Ministers, and You Need To Do What President Obama needs to do to prevent God's judgment upon this country is repent and reverse these ungodly acts, by humbling himself before the Lord and rising above his personal feelings, politics, and popularity and do what is biblically and morally right. Not only does his Christian faith that he claims he has go against these things, but even his Muslim upbringing goes against these things. Because, even though he may think we are not a "Christian country," we are certainly a country built upon the principles laid out in the Hebrew and Christian Bible. Even the Koran, which is a part of his life background, is against these things. What God-honoring pastors and ministers need to do, and this includes the following: Joel Hunter, T.D. Jakes, Frank Page, and Kirbyjon Caldwell, is stop pussy-footing around with Obama, and as the prophets of old did, stand flat-footed, and "cry aloud and spare not," and tell President Obama "Thus saith the Lord" and warn him that he is treading on dangerous ground, and if he does not reverse his ways, the "invisible hand" of God will begin to work against him. I perceive Barack Obama to be a young man who not too many people have said "no" to 21
down through the years. One of these men of God or a group of men of God ought to come to him and tell him, face-to-face and eyeball-to-eyeball, to reverse these things, get on a path that is compatible with the Scriptures, or we will cease advising you and the Titanic will finish sinking. What God-fearing Christians, such as you, ought to do are the following three things: 1. Get right with God yourself. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). 2. Pray for the president and his family. "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (1 Timothy 2:1-2). 3. "Pray without ceasing" for only God can help us now. May God truly bless America.
Before President Obama Fully Embraced Homosexuality and Homosexual Marriage Publicly, We Had Reason to Believe the Obama Administration Along with Homosexual Groups and Allies Attempted to Break Down the Black Church’s Opposition to Homosexuality by Discrediting Prominent Black Preachers by Accusing Them of Being Homosexuals Published in September 2010 The responses below were published after allegations that two prominent black ministers were caught up in sexual misconduct involving homosexuality in 2010 and 2011.
We believe President Obama and his allies in the homosexual community wanted to break down the black church's opposition to homosexuality and homosexual marriage by trying to get a prominent 23
black pastor caught up in some kind of scandal involving homosexuality. BCNN1 exposed this effort in response to allegations against two prominent black ministers: Bishop Eddie Long and Rev. Jesse Jackson. In September 2010, allegations arose that Eddie Long had been sexually involved with four young men. When the media began reporting on this story, we wrote the following editorial statement: We do not know Eddie Long personally. We have never met him. We are not fans of his, in any way, shape, form or fashion. We have never gotten anything from any of the messages that we have heard from him as he is not our kind of preacher. And there are many things we can find fault with Eddie Long about (for example, we think he needs to get rid of the curly gel in his hair and just be baldheaded like so many of the other men in his church and he needs to stop saying “watch this”, “watch this”, “watch this” and then not saying anything), but, as far as we know, being a homosexual is not one of his faults. Of course, we don’t know who did what. Only God and Eddie Long know what he has done. However, 24
we found it hard to believe that Eddie Long had done these things based upon the following reasons: 1. Eddie Long was the only preacher we have heard of at that time who led a march against homosexuality. We have never heard of homosexuals marching against themselves. From what we have witnessed about that demonic spirit, they normally do not fight against themselves even if they are closeted homosexuals. 2. Eddie Long’s wife is a real black woman and a good woman. Women like that normally do not stay with a man who they think is a closet homosexual or an out-of-the-closet homosexual. Good, strong, black women like Mrs. Long just don’t do that. 3. If Eddie Long was a homosexual, we doubt very seriously if his family would have turned out as well as it did. 4. Godly black men and women in the church
would not have followed a man who they thought was a closet homosexual or an out-ofthe-closet homosexual and that many people would not have stayed in the church even after 25
the allegations broke if they believed that he was a homosexual in any way, shape, form, or fashion. 5. These so-called teenagers or boys were basically grown men. When similar allegations arose against Jesse Jackson, BCNN1 responded with the following editorial statement: Even though we appreciate Jesse Jackson’s role in the civil rights movement, BCNN1.com is not a fan of Jesse Jackson. However, if someone accused him of having sex with a woman besides his wife, we would believe that immediately without question because he has done that before (and, of course, that action would be wrong again). But, before you go running and believing that this man has been sexually interested in another man, you need to ask yourself the question: is this another attempt by supporters of Obama’s homosexual agenda to try to discredit key figures connected to the black church who firmly stand against Obama’s ungodly push of the homosexual agenda in an attempt to soften up the church by suggesting that church leaders are a bunch of hypocrites who say one thing against 26
homosexuality, but are actually practicing homosexuality? Now, only God knows who did what, but we doubt if this is true. Again, only God knows what Eddie Long did and what Jesse Jackson did. But based upon the observations above, we believe supporters of Obama’s homosexual agenda had something to do with these allegations. In order to help people refocus their attention on God and Jesus Christ, the Lord led us to write the following tract to provide context and perspective and to help people focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and not the foolishness going on in our society. The title of the gospel tract is as follows:
Even if Eddie Long is Wrong, God is Still Strong "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10). "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9). 27
We have all heard by now about the disturbing allegations brought against Bishop Eddie Long by four young men. Like so many other people, I find these allegations hard to believe due to the way Bishop Long has carried himself down through the years, and due to his genuinely compassionate and loving heart for people. The truth of the matter is, only God, Eddie Long, and his four accusers know what really happened, and God will reveal the truth in the way He sees fit to do so. The main lesson that we can learn from this unfortunate situation is that, even if Eddie Long is wrong, God is still strong. God is still strong to save! God is still strong to forgive! God is still strong to give us victory! Please don't get it twisted. Eddie Long and no other minister, including the Pope, is God. God is the only perfect Being in this universe. The rest of us, as the old saints used to say, are "wretched, undone, no good sinners." And the old saints are right. Therefore, let us refocus our attention on our strong God Who can do no wrong and Who has provided the way of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Do you know Jesus Christ as your Saviour today? Are you sure that you will go to Heaven when you die? If not, here is how you can know Him for yourself right now: 28
1. Accept the fact that you are a sinner, and that you have broken God's law. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7:20: "For there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good, and sinneth not." Romans 3:23 states: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." 2. Accept the fact that there is a penalty for sin. The Bible states in Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death..." 3. Accept the fact that you are on the road to hell. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:28: "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." The Bible says in Revelation 21:8: "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." 4. Accept the fact that you cannot do anything to save yourself! The Bible states in Ephesians 2: 8,9: "For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast." 5. Accept the fact that God loves you more than you 29
love yourself, and that He wants to save you from hell. Jesus Christ said in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.� 6. With these facts in mind, please repent of your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and pray and ask Him to come into your heart and save you this very moment. The Bible states in the book of Romans 10:9, 13: "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." 7. If you are willing to trust Christ as your Saviour, please pray with me the following prayer: Heavenly Father, I realize that I am a sinner. For Jesus Christ's sake, please forgive me of my sins. I now believe with all of my heart that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again. Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and save my soul and change my life. Amen.
A Call for President Obama to Repent of his Disobedience and to Reverse the Ungodly Decisions that he has made for the Good of his Presidency and the Good of the Nation BCNN1 Editors March 21, 2013 This article was published after President Obama stated that he no longer supported the Defense of Marriage Act which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996 and defined marriage, for the purposes of the federal government, as being between one man and one woman. On February 23, 2013, the Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder said it would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act. Shortly thereafter, on June 26, 2013, it was struck down by the Supreme Court.
Based upon the Word of God, it is our strong conviction that if President Obama would correct his positions on the issues below, his presidency would be blessed by God, and we would see the return of God’s favor on this nation. Specifically, we believe that President Obama should do the following:
1) Order the Department of Justice to resume defending the Defense of Marriage Act and to not try to push the recognition of homosexual marriage on a national, federal level. The President should also renounce his support for homosexual marriage as it is detrimental to society and it goes against the President’s own statements and belief that children should have their father and their mother in their lives. 2) Cease trying to get religious organizations to violate their consciences and their stated beliefs by making them pay for contraception and other policies that they do not agree with. Even organizations such as Hobby Lobby and Domino's Pizza, which are owned by Christians, should not be forced to do something they strongly believe is wrong. America was founded by people who fled from countries that did not allow them to worship and practice their religion as they wished and live their lives according to their religious beliefs. Quite frankly, there will be hell to pay if those basic rights continue to be threatened. 3) Push Congress to pass legislation ceasing the federal funding of abortion (via Planned Parenthood and other organizations), and then sign that legislation into law. Taxpayers who oppose abortion 32
should not have their money used to kill innocent babies. Let those who wish to have abortions and those who support abortion pay for it on their own. 4) Do more to highlight the issue of Christian persecution around the world. Just as the President speaks out strongly about violence against Muslims, we want the President and the State Department to do all that they can to protest and prevent Christian persecution in countries such as Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia, China, Pakistan, and Iran. We truly hate to bring this up, but if President Obama does not choose to repent of these issues and continues to push these issues on this nation, as we celebrate the end of the Civil War this year and the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, ironically, he will be bringing upon the country a new civil war that would be far more devastating than the first Civil War and it would last for years to come. Yes, we know that some would say that we are being alarmists and overreacting. But that is what they said before the last Civil War. A president who may be smart but is not wise can lead us down this path and may not even know he is doing so.
Why President Obama Should Provide an Exemption for Religious Organizations in his Executive Order Banning Discrimination Against Homosexuals BCNN1 Editors July 21, 2014 The article below was published ahead of President Obama’s signing of Executive Order 13672 on July 21, 2014. This order made it illegal for federal contractors to fire or refuse to hire people based on their sexual lifestyle.
On Monday, President Obama will sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discrimination against homosexuals in their hiring practices. Obama has decided to issue the executive order because his efforts to get ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act) passed in Congress have failed thus far. According to the Associated Press, the executive order will affect about 24,000 companies with 28 million employees or about 20% of the nation’s workforce. The “federal contractors” affected by the order happen to include religious and faith-based aid organizations and charities which receive a portion of 35
their funding from the government. On Tuesday, July 1, 2014, fourteen religious leaders sent a letter to President Obama asking him to include an exemption for religious organizations who wish to hire workers who share their religious beliefs and practices. The letter was signed by: Rick Warren, the California megachurch pastor who prayed at Obama’s inauguration; Joel Hunter, one of Obama’s “spiritual advisers”; Michael Wear, Obama’s 2012 campaign faith outreach director; as well as other Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders. The letter argues quite reasonably that because “we still live in a nation with different beliefs about sexuality, we must find a way to respect diversity of opinion.” It goes on to state that “An executive order that does not include a religious exemption will significantly and substantively hamper the work of some religious organizations that are best equipped to serve in common purpose with the federal government.” Hobby Lobby’s victory in the recent Supreme Court case shows that the rights and consciences of religious-based organizations and their owners must be respected in a free and democratic society. The government runs the risk of shooting itself in the foot by forcing religious organizations who oppose the 36
homosexual lifestyle to hire homosexuals or transgendered individuals. This will cause problems for both sides. For the government, many religious organizations may decide to reject federal funding so that they are not obligated to abide by President Obama’s executive order. Thus, the government will lose its cooperation with organizations that can do and have done a much better job at meeting the needs of various communities throughout the country. Even if an organization does not choose to opt out of government funding, that organization’s supporters may demand that the entity abide by the religious principles it espouses. Don’t think that it can’t happen. World Vision, a huge Christian aid group that received $179 million from the government in 2013, announced a few months back that it would open the door to hiring people who were in same-sex marriages. However, World Vision’s donors protested loudly and the organization reversed that ill-conceived decision within a couple of days. Religious organizations which continue to receive federal funding after Obama signs his order face an even greater threat of litigation. If a group declines to 37
hire someone or fire someone based on their “sexual orientation” or “gender identity”, they will be at risk of a lawsuit. Undoubtedly, homosexual rights groups will deliberately target religious-based organizations in order to launch test cases that would force those organizations to pay enormous fines, be shut down for failure to comply with the order, or cease to receive government funding. In their letter to the President, the fourteen faith leaders used Obama’s own words to show that there is no need to force charity organizations to hire in violation of their values. When he launched the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, President Obama said, “Instead of driving us apart, our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted…to lift up those who have fallen on hard times.” If that is President Obama’s true goal (and the goal of the government), there is no need to try to use this executive order banning discrimination in hiring to push the homosexual agenda on organizations that wish to operate in accordance with their long-held biblical beliefs and values.
If ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are Not Going to Hell, Please Tell Me Where They are Going (Part 1) This series of messages was preached shortly after the Islamic State (ISIS) began their bloody reign of terror across Syria and Iraq and nations such as America seemed powerless to stop them. Many were asking, How could God let something like this happen? How could such atrocities go unpunished?
Daniel Whyte III August 31, 2014 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and
death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. —Revelation 20:11-15 Hundreds of years ago, the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant asked the question, “What does it take for justice to be truly real?” Like many philosophers, Kant had observed that justice does not always prevail in this world. So Kant surmised that for justice to be real, there must be life after death where true justice is meted out. Kant went on to reason that for that justice to be perfect, there would have to be a perfect judge, one who knew all the facts of every case, so that nothing would escape his scrutiny. Further, that judge must be righteous because if the judge were corrupt, justice may not be done. However, according to Kant, that is still not enough to have true justice. The all-knowing and righteous 40
judge must also be all-powerful so that no force can oppose the carrying out of his ruling in order for him to ensure that justice is done. Although Kant’s religious views were ambiguous, he paints the picture of a judgment which takes place at the end of the world in which an omniscient, omnipotent, righteous, and perfect judge examines the deeds of every person and ensures that justice is done. Without knowing it, Kant described the Great White Throne Judgment. Let's ask three simple questions about this very important future event. 1. Where is the throne? John, the writer of Revelation, says, “I saw a great white throne.” Of course, some things in the book of Revelation are symbolic. However, this throne is not. John describes it in plain, unambiguous language — it is a great, white throne. The greatness of the throne symbolizes kingly power and authority. The whiteness of the throne symbolizes purity and righteousness. The throne is meant to be the seat of a powerful being who will pass judgment on millions of people. But, where is this throne? Where will the Great White Throne Judgment take place? Well, to answer that question, we must look, first at when this judgment 41
takes place. The Bible Knowledge Commentary states that the events described in our passage “clearly follow the thousand years of verses 1- 6.” So, the Great White Throne Judgment takes place at the very end of time and human history and before the beginning of the new eternal age in which God will bring into creation a New Heaven and a New Earth. The authors of the Bible Knowledge Commentary go on to state, “it apparently is located neither in heaven nor earth but in space, as suggested by the statement, ‘from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.'” Second Peter 3:10 reveals to us that at the end of time, “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” In fact, the opening statement of Revelation 21 inform us that “the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.” Thus, this Great White Throne Judgment takes place after this present world has been destroyed because it is no longer necessary as the dead of all ages will be resurrected and taken to meet God. Again, I ask, if ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are not going to hell, please tell me where are they going?
2. Who sits on the throne? In verse 11, John refers to “him who sat on [the throne]” without clearly stating who sits on the throne. However, if we compare Scripture with Scripture, we come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ will sit on the great white throne and judge the millions who will stand trial. In John 5:22, Jesus Christ said, “The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Yes, the same Jesus, who died on the cross to save us from eternal punishment for sin, will sit in judgment of those who have condemned themselves to Hell by refusing to believe on Him for their salvation. In Romans 14:11, we find these words, “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Philippians 2:10-11 also says, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” As the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary points out, Jesus Christ will be sitting in judgment as the representative of God. Jesus’ “reign is with a view to prepare the kingdom for the Father’s acceptance. 43
When He has done that, He shall give it up to the Father, [as the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:28,] ‘that God may be all in all.’” When Jesus finishes His mediatorial work as judge — ‘mediatorial’ refers to Jesus’ position as a mediator between God and man — God the Father will come into direct communion with His creatures for the first time since the Fall. Everyone who appears before the Great White Throne will bow to Jesus Christ as the Lord and Master of the universe. Of course, all Christians will have already bowed to Christ willingly. So, this judgment is for those who refused to bow to Christ while they were alive. Every God-hater, every agnostic, every atheist, every terrorist, every humanist, every person who worshiped some other god, will bow before Christ and confess that He is King of kings and Lord of lords. Again, I ask, if ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are not going to hell, please tell me where are they going? 3. What is the purpose of the throne? In verse 12, John states, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God.” That is the simple purpose of the Great White Throne Judgment — for all the dead to stand before God. Who are these dead? These dead are the millions of 44
unsaved folk who are dead and lay buried in the earth or in the sea. Yes, even those who had their bodies cremated will, by the power of God, be resurrected to stand before the Great White Throne. Those who thought they could escape this life by committing suicide will be brought to stand before God. Those terrorists, who are driven by the devil to strap bombs to themselves, walk into public places, blow themselves up and take as many people as they can with them, will be at the Great White Throne Judgment. Google executive Ray Kurzweil is on a mission to cheat death. He is 65-years-old and takes 150 vitamins a day. He is investing in biotechnology and nanotechnology that he believes will allow humans to eradicate the effects of viruses and diseases within the body and effectively, in his words, “reprogram biology.” I have news for Mr. Kurzweil. He can take all the vitamins he wants. He can inject himself with all kinds of technology to regulate how his body acts. But, one day, he will die and he will have to face God. Notice how John says he saw “small and great” at the Great White Throne Judgment. Rich people and poor people will be there, presidents and ordinary citizens will be there, the educated and the ignorant will be there, the famous and the unknown will be there. People of every race, ethnicity, language, and belief 45
system will be there. The only common denominator among this vast throng of diverse people will be that they did not accept Christ as their Savior while they lived, and they died in their sins. From other Scriptures, we know that all of the righteous dead, including Old Testament saints, the believers of the Great Tribulation, and the believers of the church age, were raised in the “first resurrection.” This second resurrection is only for those who did not accept Christ. And the purpose of their appearance at the Great White Throne Judgment is for them to be sentenced for their sins. At this judgment, John tells us that “the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” The text does not clearly state what these books contain, but the first opened books likely refer to a record of human works. Of course, the second book, “the book of life”, is the record of those who are saved. The dead who are raised for this judgment do not have eternal life, and their judgment is based on their own works instead of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. It may indeed seem at times that there is no justice in 46
this world. In the news, we constantly hear about evil groups of people such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram and others carrying out heinous crimes against innocent people. We ask, Where is the justice? Where is the fairness? We know that God is a God of justice. And, just as the philosopher Immanuel Kant theorized, if there will be justice in the world, there must be life after death in which a perfect, righteous, all-knowing, and all-powerful Being will judge every person who ever lived. That is the purpose of the Great White Throne Judgment.
If ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are Not Going to Hell, Please Tell Me Where They are Going (Part 2) Daniel Whyte III September 7th, 2014 Revelation 20:11-15 To the families of James Foley and Stephen Sotloff, I want to say that our prayers and the prayers of Christians around the world are for you and for the thousands of others who have been affected by the actions of such groups as ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram. If President Obama cannot get some justice against these terrorists on earth, you can rest assured that God will get justice because He said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.� Some years ago, a man in Spain raped a thirteenyear-old girl at knifepoint. He was caught and sentenced to prison, however, he was let out on a three-day pass. While he was out, he returned to his hometown and happened to pass by the mother of the girl he had raped in the street. He allegedly taunted the woman before going into a crowded bar. Shortly after, the girl's mother followed him into the 49
bar with a bottle of gas. She poured the gas on him, struck a match, and set him on fire. The rapist suffered 60% burns and later died at a hospital. Why did this mother feel the need to react in such a way when she saw her daughter's rapist out on the street, enjoying his freedom, going to get a drink at a bar like any other ordinary citizen? Perhaps she felt as if justice had been lacking in that particular case. Perhaps she felt that the man who violated her daughter should be subjected to much harsher punishment than what he had been subjected to. I can imagine her saying with Abraham, "Will not the judge of all the earth do right?" Today, we are witnessing gross atrocities around the world. Violent terror groups such as ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are ravaging innocent people in Africa and the Middle East. They are not just slaughtering those who dare to oppose them, but they are hunting down and going after those who disagree with their diabolical ideology. In recent days, they have tortured and slaughtered Christians and other minorities, men, women, and children. They raped the wife and daughter of a Christian man in front of him, and that man later committed suicide. They have beheaded two American citizens, videotaped it, and broadcast it to the world. They 50
have executed hundreds of Syrian and Iraqi soldiers and left their bodies to rot in the desert. Some reports say that they have hoisted the severed heads of their victims on poles in celebration. One member of the minority Yazidi group said 2,000 of his people were killed by ISIS in one day. When we look at these events, perhaps some people are asking, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" I am here to tell you that the answer to that question is "yes." God, the Judge of all the Earth, will ensure that those who seemingly get away with their crimes will receive just punishment according to their deeds at the Great White Throne Judgment. Let's continue looking at the Great White Throne Judgment. 1. What is the nature of this judgment? John says, "I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God." All of these dead are the unsaved people who did not accept Christ as their Savior while they were alive. So, we already know the fate that awaits them based on other passages of Scripture. For example, the latter part of John 3:16 tells us that "whosoever believeth in him [Jesus Christ] should not perish, but have everlasting life." Thus, those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will perish and will not 51
enjoy eternal life. The Great White Throne Judgment is not a chance for a person to argue their case before God. It is not an opportunity for someone to explain or justify their actions. No, if someone is at this judgment, it is because they are condemned already. As John 3:18 says, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." This judgment is not a trial, it is merely a sentencing procedure where the charges against those gathered will be read, they will plead guilty, and their punishment will be handed down. If a person wants to change what happens to them in eternity, they must do so while they are alive. John Tillotson said, "He that provides for this life, but takes no care for eternity, is wise for a moment, but a fool forever." At the Great White Throne Judgment, there will be many people who were wise for a moment, but fools for eternity because they did not take the opportunity they had to ensure that they would partake of eternal life. 2. What is the purpose of the Book of Life? John says that as these condemned dead are standing before God, "the books were opened: and another 52
book was opened, which is the book of life." The opening of the book of life is a bright spot in this passage for us as Christians. According to Scripture, the book of life contains the names of all those who have trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation. Those who have their names written in the book of life will not have to face the severity of the Great White Throne Judgment. Believers escape the Great White Throne Judgment because their sin debt has been paid by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Paul writes in Colossians 2:13-14, "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." Instead of having our sins recorded in Heaven, our sins are washed out by the blood and only our names are written down in the book of life. So we have no fear of the Great White Throne Judgment because the judgment for our sins was poured out on Jesus Christ on the cross. However, the Book of Life is not the only book that will be opened at the Great White Throne Judgment. 53
3. What is the purpose of the other books? John writes, "the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." The other books that are opened at this judgment apparently contain a record of the works of those who died in their sins. These records of human deeds are the evidence of sins that have not been paid for. It is not that they could not have been paid for, but that the people who committed these sins did not do what was necessary to have them paid for. God did His part, but man did not do his part. For example, if you walk to my house in a rainstorm, when you arrive, I will give you a towel to dry off with and some clean clothes to put on. However, I cannot make you put on the clean clothes and dry off with the towel. I have done my part, but you have not done yours. It is the same way with Christ. Each of us are clothed in sin-soaked rags. God sacrificed His Only Son in order that we could be delivered from our sins. However, if we do not accept that free gift, then we will remain in our sins. All of those at the Great White Throne Judgment are people who remained in their sins. Perhaps they thought they could get to 54
Heaven their own way. Perhaps they thought that salvation was simply a matter of their good deeds outweighing their bad deeds. Perhaps they foolishly thought that they would have an opportunity to reason with God. However, they will tragically find that none of those scenarios are the case. When we look at the world, it is easy to adopt a spirit of hopelessness. It seems as though atrocities go unpunished and sometimes unnoticed. But, the Bible assures us that every atrocity, every beheading, every murder, every rape, every lie, every sin is recorded in the books of Heaven. Not one crime escapes the eyes or the knowledge of God. He will ensure that justice is done. Romans 12:19 says, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.� Again, I ask, if ISIS, AlQaeda, and Boko Haram are not going to hell, please tell me where are they going?
If ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are Not Going to Hell, Please Tell Me Where They are Going (Part 3) Daniel Whyte III September 14th, 2014 Revelation 20:11-15 This past week, acting partly in response to international demands and domestic critics, President Obama announced that he was expanding U.S. efforts to defeat the terrorist group known as ISIS or the Islamic State. I believe we all would agree that it is the right thing for our nation to do, and we support all other nations who are confronting this terrorist army, which the CIA has stated could be made up of as many as 31,000 fighters. Right now, it seems almost as though they cannot be stopped. In fact, just a few hours ago, they released the video of a third beheading — this time of a British aid worker. The governments of the world may not be able to deliver the complete justice that ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram deserve, but perhaps they can give these criminals a taste of the justice that is coming their way.
Other events, such as the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, have placed a spotlight on the issue of how much trust Americans have in their government. Many in our society don’t believe that the government is truly committed to justice for all people. In a TIME Magazine article, basketball great, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, wrote, “Today, our belief that the government wants to help us achieve justice is lower than ever. Politicians make predictable flag-waving speeches about the bravery and sacrifice of our troops in order to get themselves elected, but allow the Veterans Administration to let vets die through deliberate paper shuffling inaction… As of June 2014, a Gallup Poll showed only 7% of Americans had confidence in Congress, the lowest of 17 institutions measured and down from 42% in 1973… The criminal justice system only got the support of 23%.” He goes on to suggest that this perception Americans have about their government is shown in our pop culture and entertainment choices. Some of the most popular movies and television series of our day, including Dexter, Luther, Jack Reacher, The Dark Knight trilogy, House, Ray Donovan, Persons of Interest, Sons of Anarchy, and Sherlock, feature characters who are vigilante heroes. “What these vigilantes have in 58
common is that they take the law into their own hands, sometimes coldly executing those people they decide are too evil to live.” Yes, there often seems to be a lack of fair punishment of evil in our society. But, as we have seen from God’s Word in the previous two messages in this series, there will come a day when every evil deed that was ever committed that was not washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ will be brought to the light, and the person who committed that deed will receive the punishment they deserve. “Vengeance is mine,” saith the Lord, “I will repay.” This event is known as The Great White Throne Judgment. Jesus is the Judge. And every person who did not receive Christ as their Savior while they were alive will be there. Some years ago, there was a popular Chick gospel pamphlet called “This Was Your Life.” It told the story of a man who died, went to the Great White Throne Judgment, and was confronted with video recordings of every evil thing he had ever done: every lustful glance, every unethical business deal, every time he had shrugged off the preacher’s invitation to get saved. That’s what it will be like when the books are opened at the Great White 59
Throne Judgment. While this judgment is described in terms of a courtroom, there will be no trial. Instead, there will simply be the sentencing of individuals to their punishment, and that is what we will look at right now. 1. First, we see that death and hell are eradicated. The Bible says, “death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.” To understand what this verse is saying, we must look at the Greek words used for death and hell. The word for death is “thanatos.” It refers to the death of the body, or physical decay. At the Great White Throne Judgment, the punishment that has plagued the human race since the Garden of Eden — physical death — will finally be removed. There will be no more death in the universe after this judgment because death itself will die. The Greek word which is translated “hell” in the King James Version is “hades.” It refers to the world of the dead. You might recall from the story of Lazarus and the rich man which Jesus told — and which many scholars believe to be an actual historical event, not just a parable — when the rich man and Lazarus died, they both went to the realm of the 60
dead, or Hades. While Hades was divided into two compartments — Paradise, which was a place of peace, and the other side, which was a place of torment, Hades was not the final resting place of the dead. After Jesus Christ died on the cross, He went to Hades to announce his triumph over death and to take the righteous dead (such as Lazarus) from the Paradise side of Hades to Heaven. The dead who had rejected Christ would end up in the lake of fire. At the Great White Throne Judgment, death and the realm of the dead will be removed from the universe because they will no longer be needed, and the world will no longer be under that curse. 2. Second, we see the final death. Our passage goes on to state, “This is the second death.” For those who have accepted Christ as their Savior, there is a life after this life and that is eternal life in Heaven with God. For those who do not accept Christ as their Savior, there is also a life after this life and that is eternal death and separation from God in the Lake of Fire. British theologian Henry Alford said, “As there is a second and higher life, so there is also a second and deeper death. And as after that life there is no more death, so after that death there is no more life.” 61
What the Bible calls the “second death” is synonymous with eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. There is no escape from this death. There is no purgatory. There are no second chances. There is no atonement. And atheists will get their greatest wish — an existence that is truly without God. God is a merciful God. God is a loving God. God is indeed a God of second, third, and fourth chances. However, if you do not take those chances while the blood is running warm in your veins, you will face the second death from which there is no deliverance. 3. Third, we see the lake of fire. The Bible says, “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” When we speak of hell today, what we are really referring to is the lake of fire. The Bible speaks clearly that this is a place of eternal punishment for the devil, the rebellious angels, the antichrist, the false prophet, and all of those who die without accepting Christ as their Savior. This is the place where justice for heinous crimes and atrocities will be meted out. This is the place where groups of people such as ISIS, Boko Haram, alQaeda, and other unrepentant, violent terrorists will receive retribution for the pain, suffering, and 62
persecution that they perpetrated on others. Tyrants who caused endless grief on earth will suffer endless punishment in the lake of fire. Many Christians have tried to get around Holy Scriptures which indicate that the Lake of Fire is a place of eternal punishment. Some find it difficult to reconcile a loving God with a place of eternal torment. However, we must not look at the Lake of Fire in a vacuum. We must always bring into the picture that there is an alternative. God has also provided a place of eternal bliss for those who turn to Him. But, those who reject Him, have chosen their own fate. They have sealed their own destiny. When the unrepentant dead are resurrected, they, too, will receive resurrection bodies, however, as one commentary notes, they will “continue to be sinful but will be indestructible and will exist forever in the lake of fire.” The 17th century English theologian John Trapp said, “The devil and the damned have punishment without pity, misery without mercy, sorrow without succor, crying without comfort, mischief without measure, torments without end and past imagination.” Now, some would raise the question, will everyone be subject to the same intensity of punishment in the Lake of Fire? Well, the Bible tells us only that the 63
Lake of Fire is eternal. However, because we serve a just and fair God, we can rest assured that each person’s punishment in the Lake of Fire will fit their crimes. Perhaps, John Milton, the author of Paradise Lost, was on to something when he described Hell as a place with seven levels, each of them horrible, terrible, painful, and eternal, but the vilest of sinners went to the lowest levels while those who had committed less heinous crimes were condemned to higher levels. Tim Lahaye writes, “Isaiah 45:21 tells us that God is a just God, and Hebrews 2:2 advises us that ‘every transgression and disobedience’ will receive ‘a just reward.’ Because God is just, we can be certain that He will not treat the heathen—those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ—with the same judgment as the person who has listened to the message before and rejected it. Neither will He recompense the so-called ‘moral citizen’ (doctor, teacher, or good neighbor) who has lived a comparatively decent life (though still short of the standard of God) in exactly the same way as He will Adolf Hitler, under whose regime six million of God’s chosen people were slain.” So, friend, we have no need to worry about God’s fairness. God is more than fair. He provided a way of 64
salvation for us when He did not have to. But, God is also just. The feeble, human-run governments of this world may not be able to carry out justice on this Earth. But, the Bible assures us that every atrocity, every beheading, every murder, every rape, every lie, every sin that is not washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ will be judged. Every violent extremist who participates in the actions of ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and others will receive just retribution for their deeds. God will ensure that justice is done. Again, I ask, if ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram are not going to hell, please tell me where are they going. God said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.�
President Obama, We are Pulling for You to Succeed Against ISIS, but God May Not Be with You Daniel Whyte III September 23, 2014 This sermon was preached shortly after President Obama made several announcements in August and September 2014 regarding the commencement of military operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
13 And the messenger that was gone to call Micaiah spake unto him, saying, Behold now, the words of the prophets declare good unto the king with one mouth: let thy word, I pray thee, be like the word of one of them, and speak that which is good. 14 And Micaiah said, As the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak. 15 So he came to the king. And the king said unto him, Micaiah, shall we go against Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall we forbear? And he answered him, Go, and prosper: for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king. 67
16 And the king said unto him, How many times shall I adjure thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord? 17 And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd: and the Lord said, These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace. 18 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil? —1 Kings 22:13-18 During the Old Testament era in which God allowed judges and kings to rule His people, Israel, it was traditional for the king or military leader to enquire of the Lord before going to war. In response to such prayers, God would send one of His prophets to the kings to tell him yea or nay. Sometimes, the prophet would say something similar to, ‘Yes, you can go to war because the Lord is with you and you will be victorious.’ However, at other times, the prophet would say, ‘No, do not go to war because the Lord is not with you, and you will not be victorious.’ We see 68
these types of scenarios in the lives of Moses, Joshua, David, Saul, Hezekiah, and the kings mentioned in the passage, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, and Ahab, the king of Israel. In Exodus 33:15, when Moses is instructed by God regarding leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land, Moses tells God, “If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.” In 2 Samuel 5:18-19, when David was the king of Israel, we read: “The Philistines also came and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim. And David enquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up to the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the Lord said unto David, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand.“ In Numbers 14, when the children of Israel prepared to take the Promised Land after their initial disobedience and refusal to do so, Moses tells them, “Wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of the Lord? but it shall not prosper. Go not up, for the Lord is not among you; that ye be not smitten before your enemies. For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you, and ye shall fall by the sword: because ye are turned away from the Lord, therefore the Lord will not be with you.” 69
In 1 Samuel 28, when Saul was faced with the Philistine army, the Bible reads, “And when Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart greatly trembled. And when Saul enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by prophets.” Now, at the beginning of 1 Kings 22, we are informed that there were three years of peace between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and Syria. However, in a previous war, the Syrians had seized the Israeli city called Ramoth-gilead. Israel had never retaken the city, and so Ahab, the king of Israel, goes to Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, and proposes that they go to war together in order to take the city back from the Syrians. Jehoshaphat wisely suggests that they go to God before going to war. He tells Ahab, “Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the Lord today.” So, King Ahab gathers 400 prophets and says, “Shall I go against Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up; for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king.” Jehoshaphat did not trust Ahab’s 400 prophets who claimed to speak the word of the Lord, so he asks for another prophet. King Ahab begrudgingly tells him that there indeed is another prophet in Israel, the prophet Micaiah, but says, “I hate him; for he doth 70
not prophesy good concerning me, but evil.� Jehoshaphat has Ahab to call for him anyway. Micaiah comes and delivers a message that is truly from the Lord, and, just as he suspected, it is not a message that Ahab likes. Ahab learns that although Jehoshaphat has agreed to go to war with him, and although 400 prophets have predicted that he will be victorious, the most important ally that he could have, and the only ally he really needs is not on his side. Micaiah delivers a message that is truly from God — that the joint armies of Israel and Judah will be defeated by the Syrians and scattered across the land. In light of this background from Scripture, and in light of events that are going on in our world today, the Lord has given me a very specific message for such a time as this. President Obama announced this past week that he along with a coalition of European and Middle Eastern nations will be expanding the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (also known as ISIS). I am led to say to President Obama that I support what you have chosen to do to combat the Islamic State which is slaughtering Christians and other minorities indiscriminately in Syria and Iraq. Many Christians support you; the American people support you; it is the right thing to do. In fact, last week, I did a podcast showing the Biblical basis for 71
such action against these evildoers. Mr. President, let me say that I am a biblically conservative Christian and because of your position on homosexuality and abortion, I did not vote for you in either of the past presidential elections. However, as a biblical Christian, I could not vote for Romney last time either because of his Mormon cult religion that would not allow blacks into the priesthood for years. Plus, one of the first persons he hired on his staff was an openly homosexual individual. Also, I respect Dr. Ben Carson, however, based upon our Christian tradition of respecting governmental authority, I believe that he was disrespectful in using the National Prayer Breakfast to confront you. There are some things that I can commend you on. You seem to be a good husband and father. You appointed Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook as the international ambassador for religious freedom after urging from Christian groups; you have also recently appointed Rabbi David Saperstein to that position. I also commend you on allowing American doctors who were stricken with Ebola to come back to the country to be treated. And, I commend you on your program to help young black and Hispanic men, as long as you do not promote homosexuality. However, I believe that God is leading me to say that 72
He is not with you because of other things that you have done that are displeasing to Him — particularly what you have done to support and promote homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and the homosexual agenda in this country causing the federal government to sanction and endorse the abomination of homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and the homosexual agenda, therefore, putting the whole country under a curse. I am afraid to say that although there is no reason why the United States and its allies should not prevail against the terrorists of the Islamic State, this could turn out to be another debacle in a long line of debacles that have happened throughout your presidency. In fact, I believe that a part of the reason why the world is facing this crisis is because you have chosen to promote homosexuality in this country and around the world and you have chosen to not only support abortion but to fund abortion through your signature healthcare program. You have committed moral atrocities by promoting the homosexual agenda at the United Nations, by withholding medical and financial aid to the people of Uganda when their government decided to enact laws punishing homosexual offenders, and by not taking the opportunity you had to solidify a measure that protects Christian organizations from being sued 73
because they refuse to hire those whose lifestyles are contrary to the Bible. As you already are well aware, the Islamic world sees America as “the Great Satan.” Part of this is because of America’s unyielding support of Israel. But another part of it is because of the immorality in this country. Although we claim to be a “Christian nation” much of what goes on in our society not only contradicts the Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, but also contradicts the Jewish Torah and the Muslim Quran. When you publicly support homosexuality — something which is condemned by the Jewish faith, the Muslim faith, and the Christian faith, two of which you have ties to due to your upbringing — you only further entrench in the minds of many Muslims in the Middle East the view that America is the enemy. That is part of the reason why ISIS is beheading our citizens in Syria. They feel that they are doing the right thing (according to their holy book) by punishing our people whom they see as infidels, unbelievers, and apostates. Mr. President, the truth is many in the faith of Islam have lost all respect for you because of what you have done. Some will recall that in 2007, the then-president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, spoke at Columbia University in New York City and mocked Americans 74
by saying, “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like you do in your country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon.” The more the president and others in our society promote this abomination, the more enmity will fester between the West and the Muslim world. The beheadings of Americans and Britons that we have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. The Islamic State is aiming for another 9/11. They have already declared that one day an Islamic State flag will fly over the White House. Although you naively and untruthfully suggested that the Islamic State is not Islamic, we cannot deny that the roots of this conflict are religious — even if the religious nature of the sides engaged in this fight can be traced back to the same figure — Abraham. In response to your comments, Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, stated: It is “an indisputable fact that the terrorist organizations that have most targeted the West, and the United States in particular, are specifically driven by an Islamic ideology and by the unquestioned ambition to further the reach of Islam not only throughout the Middle East but also in the rest of the world.” Mr. President, the world will not be able to bear another defeat on your watch. What are some of 75
those defeats? 1. The complete pull-out from Iraq, which many believe was the wrong thing to do. In fact, what President Bush predicted would happen if we pulled out in 2007 is now happening. Bush said, “It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to Al Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.” That is precisely what we are doing today. 2. The attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, which left four U.S. officials dead. 3. The current failure of the state of Libya despite your decision to militarily support rebels’ efforts to overthrow the government. 4. The fallout from Edward Snowden’s leaking of
massive amounts of data concerning the U.S. National Security Agency’s surveillance and 76
intelligence practices. Many now believe that America’s enemies, including ISIS, are using this information against us. 5. Russia’s wrongful seizing of Crimea and its incursion into Ukraine, which led to the restarting of Cold War tensions between the former Soviet Union and the United States. 6. The ongoing U.S.-led nuclear talks with Iran, which have bore no fruit. 7. The prisoner swap that the United States government made to bring Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl home in exchange for five Taliban leaders. Mr. President, I say again, the world cannot bear another failure of foreign policy on your watch, much less a defeat at the hands of the ruthless Islamic State who will seize any chance they can to perpetrate terror against not only their own people, but against Israel, Europe, and the United States. More than ever before, you need God on your side. Mr. President, here are three principles that you can apply to help turn this situation around for yourself, for America, and for the world:
1. God will not allow victory if there is sin in the camp. Throughout Scripture, we see that many of the military victories of the Israelites were directly tied to the spiritual condition of the nation. Often, God would allow the king to be defeated at the hands of his enemies because of his own disobedience. King Saul is an example of that. He would not submit to the Lord and to the Prophet Samuel, and God allowed him to suffer defeat repeatedly at the hands of the Philistines before he killed himself in battle. Another example of that is Joshua at Ai. When the Israelites were defeated at Ai, God informed Joshua that it was because someone in the Israelite camp had sinned. As soon as Joshua dealt with the sin and the sinner, the Israelites were victorious over their enemies. 2. God’s approval is necessary for victory. Right now, Mr. President, you have the secretary of state flying around the Middle East seeking promises of support from Arab nations in the region. However, I want to remind you, Mr. President, of Solomon’s words in Proverbs 21:31: “The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord.” In other words, you can have all the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, but if God is not on your side, you will not win. Or, as the Prophet Isaiah puts it: “Woe 78
to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD.” Mr. President, I encourage you to follow the example of King Jehoshaphat and seek the Lord before you go to battle. 3. Repentance is the only way to true blessing. Right now, America has many needs. Not only do we need victory over ISIS in the Middle East, but we need economic and financial stability here at home. The government is coming up with all kinds of plans. Politicians are making all kinds of promises. But all of it is futile if we continue on the path of spiritual and moral decline. We don’t need another plan or another promise. What we really need in this nation is repentance. President Obama, you need to repent of promoting homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and the homosexual agenda. Others in this nation need to do the same. All of us, Christians included, need to repent of our sins and our lack of trust in God. We need to turn back to God and turn back to the spiritual and moral principles of the Bible. When we turn from our wicked ways and seek God’s 79
face, we can be assured that God will be on our side because we are on His side. As Psalm 37:39 says, “The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.�
President Obama’s Administration has Failed and has Been Defeated Because he Has Endorsed, Promoted, and has Caused the Federal Government of the United States to Sanction Homosexuality, Homosexual Marriage, and the Homosexual Agenda as Well as Trampled on Religious Freedom and Supports and Funds Abortion BCNN1 Editors November 5, 2014 This statement was published after the outcome of the 2014 midterm elections. Political scientist Gary C. Jacobson stated that voters treated the election as a referendum on President Obama's administration. The Republicans gained control of the Senate for the first time since 2006, increased their majority in the House, and also gained two governorships. Once it was all said and done, Republicans held their largest majority in the entire country in nearly 100 years.
As we have said for the past six years, President Obama is smart, but he is not wise.
It is sad that he, his administration, and even many Republicans and some Christians cannot make the connection between the President doing what no other American President has done before, and that is having the federal government to endorse, promote, and sanction homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and the homosexual agenda, and his presidency has failed and has been defeated because of it. He has also trampled on religious freedom and supported abortion. If conservatives and Christians don’t make this connection with the quickness and start repealing and rolling back the homosexual agenda, and not just Obamacare, they will be repudiated soon as well.
Okay, Christians, Give God His Due Regarding the Outcome of this Election This statement was also published after the outcome of the 2014 midterm elections. Political scientist Gary C. Jacobson stated that voters treated the election as a referendum on President Obama's administration. The Republicans gained control of the Senate for the first time since 2006, increased their majority in the House, and also gained two governorships. Once it was all said and done, Republicans held their largest majority in the entire country in nearly 100 years.
BCNN1 Editors November 9, 2014 Dear friend, give God His due. If you think for one minute that this overwhelming, thorough repudiation and rebuke of a president who has supported and sanctioned the homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage didn’t have anything to do with the emphasis on prayer over these past two years and God’s people praying — black, white, Hispanic, and others — then you are woefully deceived.
What President Obama, his Administration, and Other Leaders of Nations Ought to Do Now, Part 1 Daniel Whyte III November 8, 2014 After six years of President Obama, the nation was adrift. Many in government acted as if they did not know what to do about the major issues the world was facing including battling ISIS, the conflict in the Middle East, and homegrown terror. The purpose of this series of messages was to provide direction for the leaders of the nation and the world at this time. 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 85
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. —Psalm 2 What should the nations do in this present day? In light of what God has already stated will happen to 86
rebellious nations, what should the people of earth concern themselves with right now? The nations should repent and begin obeying God’s laws. The Psalmist says, “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” David is calling on the heathen nations surrounding Israel to voluntarily submit to the laws of God. He tells them that this is the “wise” thing to do. The nations are advised to abandon their foolish rebellion and begin serving the Lord. This week, due to the outcome of the recent election, Americans experienced a shift in the political direction of the country. New senators, new representatives, and new governors will be taking over from old ones in about two months’ time. These new leaders will attempt to correct what they consider is wrong in the country. They will attempt to implement new plans, new agendas, and new laws that they believe will help the country or their state or the people in the districts that they represent. Sadly, however, while I am sure that their ideas are noble and well-intentioned, many of these leaders will overlook the main thing that our nation and every nation needs to have in mind, and that is to repent and return to the laws of God. 87
Recently, Billy Graham said, “Even though America is just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah ever were, and as deserving of the judgment of God, God would spare us if we were earnestly praying, with hearts that had been cleansed and washed by the blood of Christ. The problems of the world will never be settled unless our national leaders go to God in prayer. If only they would discover the power and wisdom that there is in reliance upon God, we could soon see the solution to the grave problems that face the world!” Tony Evans said, “America is in trouble. From sea to shining sea we are witnessing the devolution of a nation. The United States is quickly becoming the divided states. Disunity and conflict abound. Family breakdown, the immigration crisis, the threat of terrorism, an abiding racial divide and political dysfunction all point to a deeper problem. Regardless of which side of the political aisle you sit on, it is clear: Things are unraveling at warp speed. Like never before, we must pray for our nation and her leaders.” A few weeks ago, an admitted Satanist drove a car into the Ten Commandments monument on the property of the Oklahoma State Capitol, smashing it 88
to pieces. Symbolically speaking, many in our nation have done the very same thing — trampled the Word of God and the laws of God underfoot. And it is not just the people — it is the government also. The governments of America and many other nations have sanctioned, promoted, and defended activities such as homosexuality, the killing of innocent babies, and the suppression of people who hold Biblical views. They have endorsed acts of rebellion against God, and because of it, as we have seen, judgment is coming. God will judge the nations. Right now, that judgment is still future, and David says that a wise ruler, a wise king, a wise judge (or president, or prime minister) will listen to instruction, will repent, and will begin serving the Lord and obeying His laws. In light of that, I would like to say that if America is to avoid God’s judgment, President Obama must repent of his pride and arrogance, as shown this past week in his response to the election results which showed that voters had repudiated him and his policies. With a humble spirit and attitude before God and man, President Obama should also lead the nation and the world in repenting of the following three things:
1. Either seeking to suppress and certainly not doing enough to stop people from suppressing the first amendment rights of Christians to live according to Biblical principles, to worship as they please, and to speak as they please. Within the past two years, we have seen Christian churches, schools, and business owners sued, fined, and denounced because they refuse to go along with providing contraception for their employees or they refuse to go along with the homosexual agenda. As you might recall, Hobby Lobby went to the Supreme Court to defend their right to refuse to offer contraception coverage in health care plans for employees due to religious objections. More recently, the lesbian mayor of Houston, Texas, subpoenaed the sermons and other communications of pastors who opposed a city ordinance that would allow men who feel like they are women to use female bathrooms and women who feel like they are men to use male bathrooms. Situations like that are happening all across this country and President Obama should lead the nation in repenting of such foolishness. 2. President Obama should lead the nation and the world in repenting of the sin of abortion — the murder of innocent babies. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Guttmacher Institute, there are approximately 1.21 million abortions in America 90
each year. How can God bless a nation where innocent blood is shed so frequently? How can God bless a nation where so many people decide they have the right to kill an innocent baby that they had nothing to do with creating? President Obama ought to lead the nation and the world in repenting of this atrocity. 3. President Obama should lead the nation and the world in repenting of sanctioning and promoting homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and the homosexual agenda on the federal government level. God condemned homosexuality as an abomination in His Word, and He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the homosexuality that went on in those cities. America is on the same path of destruction if she does not repent while she has a chance. Billy Graham said, “Some years ago, my wife, Ruth, was reading the draft of a book I was writing. When she finished a section describing the terrible downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshiping false gods such as technology and sex, she startled me by exclaiming, ‘If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.'” If President Obama is wise, if our other governmental leaders are wise, if the leaders of countries around 91
the world are wise, we will repent of our sins, and do as King David said, “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” There are two key words involved in this verse. The first one is “serve”. According to the Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, the Hebrew word for “serve” combines two ideas — action and obedience. It means obedience in action. We need people in this country who will not just talk about obeying the Lord, but who will be about obeying the Lord. The second key word is “fear.” This word involves “emotional foreboding or dread of impending misfortune.” David wants the heathen nations to use the previous decree of God’s coming judgment as an incentive that would spur them on to obedience. According to John Calvin’s Commentary on the Book of Psalms, by opening this verse with the adverb “now”, David “signifies the necessity of their speedy repentance, since they will not always be favoured with such an opportunity. Meanwhile, he tacitly leads them to understand that it was for their advantage that he warned them, as there was yet room for repentance, provided they made haste.” In other words, the fear of coming judgment should be a motivating factor in our repentance. 92
If you were to ask the man on the street, what is the solution to the world’s problems, you would get various answers. Some would say we need equal distribution of wealth, others would say we need more education, still, others would say we need less government or more government. However, the truth of the matter is that all of those suggestions are merely bandages; they will bind up the wound and stop the bleeding for a little while, but they will never heal the infection. In 1863, while the nation was in the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation for a national day of fasting. He said, “It is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions yet with [the] assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” The solution to the world’s problems is for the 93
nations to repent of their rebellion against God, to turn back to God, and to begin obeying His law.
What President Obama, his Administration, and Other Leaders of Nations Ought to Do Now, Part 2 Daniel Whyte III November 15, 2014 After six years of President Obama, the nation was adrift. Many in government acted as if they did not know what to do about the major issues the world was facing including battling ISIS, the conflict in the Middle East, and homegrown terror. The purpose of this series of messages was to provide direction for the leaders of the nation and the world at this time. 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 95
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. —Psalm 2 We have looked at three specific things that President Obama should lead our nation and the world in 96
repenting of: 1. Seeking to suppress and certainly not doing enough to stop people from suppressing the first amendment rights of Christians to live according to Biblical principles, to worship as they please, and to speak as they please. 2. The sin of abortion — the murder of innocent babies. 3. The sanctioning and promoting of homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and the homosexual agenda on the federal government level. Not only does America need to repent of these and other sins, but many nations need to repent of these sins. The first part of the solution to the problems that the world faces is for the nations to turn back to God and to begin obeying His commandments. We want to look at the second part of that solution, and that is that the nation and the world should turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. The Psalmist says, “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.” This verse may seem a bit difficult to understand at first. What does it mean to “kiss the Son”? Well, commentators have noted that while the rest of the psalm is written 97
in Hebrew, the phrase, “Kiss the Son,” is written in Aramaic. Clearly, when this psalm was written, David was speaking directly to the foreign nations surrounding Israel. Not only does “Son” refer to David himself as God’s anointed, but it also refers to Jesus Christ, the descendant of David and the Son of God. During the Old Testament period, the nations were encouraged to show respect and reverence for God’s people and God’s anointed king. As we look forward to the second coming of Jesus Christ, the phrase, “kiss the Son”, is an invitation for the Gentile nations to come and join in the reverence of God’s Son who is Israel’s Messiah and the Savior of the world. The Bible Knowledge Commentary states that “it is clear that the psalmist is telling the earth’s kings to submit to the Lord and to His anointed son, Israel’s king.” The term connotes the paying of homage as one would do to a king — to bow down to the king, to kiss his scepter, or to kiss the ring on his hand. Paying homage is an act of surrender; it is a way of saying, ‘You are Lord and I am not.’ That is what the nations are encouraged to do. As we have already discussed, the world needs a moral revival in which all of the nations turn back to 98
God and begin obeying His commandments. However, not only do we need a moral revival, but we need a spiritual revival. The sick and sinful hearts and souls of mankind need to be healed and made whole. And the only way that can be done is through Jesus Christ. Not only must the nations turn back to obeying God and doing good, but they must also turn to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is more than just a moral change or a shift in our behavior. As Dr. Harry Ironside explained, “The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place, but they do not constitute the Gospel; for the Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed. Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the Gospel is a call to duty or a call to reformation, a call to better your condition, to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past… Nor is the Gospel a demand that you… give up your sins, that you break off bad habits, and try to cultivate good ones. You may do all these things, and yet never believe the Gospel and consequently never be saved at all.” You’ve probably heard the song, “Jesus is the 99
Answer.” Well, that is more than just a saying. Jesus truly is the answer for the world today. It is fine for us as Christians to hold rallies and demonstrations against the various issues of moral decline in our country, but we ought to spend even more time going out and telling people about Jesus Christ. A law can change people’s behavior, but only the Lord can change their hearts. This nation and every nation needs the Lord Jesus Christ. As the song says: Jesus is the answer, for the world today, Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way. If you have some questions In the corners of your mind, Traces of discouragement, The peace you cannot find, Reflections of your past, Seem to face you everyday, But this one thing I do know, That Jesus is the way. Jesus is the answer, for the world today, Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way.
Once again, David applies a sense of urgency to this command for the people of the Gentile nations to bow down, to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. He says, do it now “lest he [the King] be angry and ye perish from the way.� If our nation or any nation is to survive and flourish in these tumultuous times, we must as a people turn to Jesus Christ now while there is still time, while the judgment spoken of in this passage is still future.
What President Obama, his Administration, and Other Leaders of Nations Ought to Do Now, Part 3 Daniel Whyte III November 22, 2014 After six years of President Obama, the nation was adrift. Many in government acted as if they did not know what to do about the major issues the world was facing including battling ISIS, the conflict in the Middle East, and homegrown terror. The purpose of this series of messages was to provide direction for the leaders of the nation and the world at this time. 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 103
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. —Psalm 2 Psalm 2 is a messianic psalm based on historical reality. It is divided into four three-verse stanzas. 104
David speaks in the first stanza, God the Father speaks in the second stanza, Jesus Christ speaks in the third stanza, and the Holy Spirit speaks in the fourth stanza. In the first message, we began looking at what God would have the nations to do in light of the punishment that will come down on them because of their disobedience to Him. David urges the leaders of the world to “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” The nations are encouraged to confess their sins, repent, and return to the laws of God. Wise leaders will lead their nations to listen to this instruction and turn back to God. In the second message, we looked at the second part of God’s solution for the nations, and that is that the nations should turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. The world indeed needs a moral revival in which all of the nations turn back to God and begin obeying His commandments. However, not only do we need a moral revival, but we need a spiritual revival. The sick and sinful hearts and souls of mankind need to be healed and made whole. And the only way that can be done is through Jesus Christ. Now, let's look at God’s promise to bestow blessing 105
and favor upon the nations if they turn to Jesus Christ for salvation, repent of their sins, and start obeying God’s commandments. The Psalmist concludes this passage on a hopeful note by saying, “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” Not only those people, but those nations, who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ will experience God’s blessings. Allow me to share with you what Charles Spurgeon said about this last phrase in verse 12 from his classic Treasury of David. He said, “Note the benediction with which the Psalm closes: ‘Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.’ Have we a share in this blessedness? Do we trust in Him? Our faith may be slender as a spider’s thread; but if it be real, we are in our measure blessed. The more we trust, the more fully shall we know this blessedness. We may therefore close the Psalm with the prayer of the apostles: ‘Lord, increase our faith.’” According to the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, a blessing is “the authoritative pronouncement of God’s favor.” Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” If the people of the Gentile nations begin following God’s laws and place their trust in Jesus Christ, they will experience God’s blessings and favor. Israel was 106
blessed as long as its people worshiped God and followed His law in their hearts. When they ceased doing that, they were cursed and they began to suffer God’s judgment. Every nation should strive to be in a position to receive God’s favor. Samuel Adams, an American statesman and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence said, “The name of the Lord (says the Scripture) is a strong tower; thither the righteous flee and are safe. Let us secure His favor and He will lead us through the journey of this life and at length receive us to a better [life].” This past week, President Obama quoted Scripture to support his immigration policy. He quoted God’s command to the Israelites in Exodus 22:21 which says, “Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” Although some people didn’t like him doing that, it was good that he acknowledged the Lord and His Word. However, he needs to do more than just quote Scripture. He needs to confess his sins of leading the nation down the wrong path, and he needs to lead the nation in repenting of its sins, turning back to God, and trusting in God once again. In this passage, the phrase “trust in him” bears the 107
meaning of taking refuge or taking shelter. Those who trust in God will find that they are under God’s protection. God will protect and provide for those nations that trust in Him. The only way to be safe from the wrath of God is to be under God’s favor. The message of Psalm 2 is largely futuristic. It speaks of a future king and a future judgment. However, it is also a message for the nations today. While God has seen fit to declare that the rebellious nations will suffer under His wrath, He has also provided a way of hope for those who wish to turn back to Him. The question has been raised for six years: President Obama is smart but is he wise? If President Obama is wise he will confess his sins and repent, and he will lead the nation in prayer and repentance. And every wise head of state and nation will take advantage of this opportunity and turn back to God before it is too late.
What Young People and Their Parents Can Do to Prevent Another Michael Brown Situation Daniel Whyte III December 2, 2014 The article below was published as a podcast at the height of the protests and riots in Ferguson, MO, after a grand jury's decision not to charge white police officer Darren Wilson in the death of black teenager Michael Brown. Here’s what the Bible has to say about law enforcement. Romans 13:3-7 says, “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.” Over the past few days, we all have observed the turmoil that erupted across the country following the 109
decision of a Missouri grand jury not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Our hearts sympathize with the parents and family members of Michael Brown, and we pray that they will be able to heal from this tragedy and the difficult days that follow. As many commentators have said, the tensions in Ferguson have laid bare much larger issues in the United States that need to be confronted. From President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to community activists and religious leaders, many have discussed how changes can be made in how law enforcement and the justice system relates to the black community. But the tragic situation in Ferguson also laid bare a reality that I am sure many have noticed, but few have said anything about, and that is that there is something fundamentally wrong with how young people in our communities are being raised. The fact of the matter is, if Michael Brown had not gone into that convenience store to steal some cigars, it is highly likely that he would still be alive today simply because he would not have been in the way when a police officer came through. Now, some are trying to make Michael Brown into 110
some kind of hero or martyr — and I am all for making the best out of a bad situation — however, I believe Michael Brown died over foolishness, over something that could have been prevented. He died over his own foolishness, perhaps some foolishness on the part of the police officer, and some foolishness on the part of his parents who probably let him get away with things that he should not have gotten away with. Michael Brown had just done something he had no business doing, and he probably reacted the wrong way when he came in contact with a police officer. Now, I am a black man who has dealt with these issues for 40 years. I dealt with it when I bought my first brand new car. As I was driving to a friend’s house to show him the car, the police pulled me over thinking that I had stolen the car. (At that time, I was a full-time minister of the Gospel.) Without verifying any information, they took me off to jail and left my new car on the side of the road. Another time, when I was serving as a pastor, I went to a Subway. Even though I was dressed in my suit, and driving the church van with the church name on it, a police officer followed me into the restaurant and said that I had said something “fresh” to the lady at the counter when I had not said anything to her at all. 111
It seemed to me like the lady was in on it because she didn’t say anything to deny what the policeman had suggested. Even as an older black man who lives in a quiet, predominantly white neighborhood, I am still watched and harassed even when I am just going to Walmart. While I support those who are speaking out about the racial issues that have been brought to the forefront by this situation, I urge everyone to not neglect other lessons that are just as glaring. Parents, you need to take a deep look at how you are raising your children. Do you know where your children are this very moment? Do you have a son who feels like he can bully and intimidate others to get what he wants? Are your teenagers out robbing convenience stores like Michael Brown was doing on that fateful night and like I did with my buddies when I was a teenager? Are you doing your job as a parent? Are you teaching your children and raising them with principles, manners, and values? If you are, then you will have your children engaged in education, family, church and pursuing something worthwhile with their lives. You won’t have to worry about them being in the street robbing and 112
intimidating others. Young people, are you creating problems for yourself by doing things you have no business doing and running with the wrong crowd? As a young black man, you can’t get mad at a police officer for automatically suspecting you of doing something wrong if all he sees and hears about are young black men robbing people, killing one another, raping women, and selling drugs. Yes, it’s called stereotyping. And, it’s up to you to begin changing the stereotype. When you come into contact with a police officer, act calmly and respectfully, and don’t immediately accuse him of racial profiling. If you behave in a way he does not expect, you are beginning to change the stereotype of what a young black man is like in his mind. And the next time that officer comes across a young black man, he will be less likely to jump to conclusions or to act in a harsh manner.
Why We Ought to Thank God for and Pray for the Government and Law Enforcement Even When We Don’t Agree With Them Daniel Whyte III December 9, 2014 The sermon below was preached during the height of the protests and riots in Ferguson, MO, after a grand jury's decision not to charge white police officer Darren Wilson in the death of black teenager Michael Brown.
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 115
6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. --Romans 13:1-6 In recent months, all the way up until today, the issue of police officers indiscriminately harassing, arresting, and/or killing young black men has been at the top of our news cycle repeatedly. Last week, the ruling of the Ferguson grand jury in the case of Police Officer Darren Wilson shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown came down. Many in the community there reacted negatively to what they believed was an unfair decision. Some said it was a man getting away with murder just because he happened to be a police officer. The angst of that community boiled over, not only in Ferguson, but across the nation, and led to two days of marches, protests, and in some places, violence, looting, and rioting. Our hearts go out to the family of Michael Brown, as well as the families of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Akai Gurley, and especially Tamir Rice, the 12-yearold boy who was shot by police in Cleveland. These families and many others had an empty seat at the 116
Thanksgiving table last week because of tragic circumstances involving law enforcement officials. We cannot begin to understand the depth of their pain. Now, in light of all of the protests and debates that are going on about race in this country, including in the Christian community, let me say that I love being black; I love how God made me. I am not one of these blacks who strangely want to be white, or who do not feel validated unless they are approved by whites, or who feel like they have to have a white wife to be somebody. We have too many black people like that in the church today. I have jokingly said in the past that I love being black so much that I married a black woman (although she is from Jamaica), I have black children, my bedroom and bathroom are blackthemed, I only wear black suits, I don’t own any other colored suit, and if I had the money, I would blacktop my driveway. So, I love being black and I love black people. When God called me to preach, He gave me a burden to reach black people. Even though I was raised in the black church, I was saved outside of the church. The church that I grew up in was steeped in religion, but did not have true salvation. They had “a form of godliness, but denied the power thereof.” So, as Paul 117
said, God gave me a burden “for my brethren according to the flesh.� And I have been preaching and ministering to all people, but especially to black people, for thirty-five years. However, I thank God for white people, brown people, and all people, and the unique gifts and talents God has given to each of us. Just the other day, a white couple did something for me and my family that my parents nor my in-laws have ever done for us. And, all of you black people who are running around, claiming that white people are the problem, you know you have some white friends who will stick with you and support you quicker than your own family members. With that being said, I do identify with the racial issues that many are raising in our community as I am a black man who has dealt with these issues for 40 years. I dealt with it when I bought my first brand new car. As I was driving to a friend’s house to show him the car, the police pulled me over thinking that I had stolen the car. (At that time, I was a full-time minister of the Gospel.) Without verifying any information, they took me off to jail and left my new car on the side of the road. Another time, when I was serving as a pastor, I went 118
to a Subway. Even though I was dressed in my suit, and driving the church van with the church name on it, a police officer followed me into the restaurant and said that I had said something “fresh� to the white lady at the counter when I had not said anything to her at all. It seemed to me like the lady was in on it because she didn’t say anything to deny what the policeman had suggested. Even as an older black man who lives in a quiet, predominantly white neighborhood and area, I am still watched and harassed even when I am just going to Walmart. So I understand where the frustration of many in the black community is coming from. Not only have we been hearing repeatedly of police shooting and killing young men of color, but we hear of how the justice system often seems to be skewed against certain groups of people, and those people feel that they will never get a fair shake. Some people feel that taxes are too high. Some say that the government is infringing on religious liberty, the right to free speech, and the right to own guns. And while some feel that the government is doing too much, there are those who say the government is not doing enough. They want the government to do more about immigration or poverty or education.
In the midst of this discontent with government and law enforcement, we often find ourselves grumbling and complaining about what the government is or is not doing, and we lose sight of the biblical command to be thankful for all things, including the government. Paul writes in his letter to Timothy, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Today, I want to share with you from the Word of God three reasons why we ought to be grateful and thankful for the government and law enforcement. 1. We ought to be thankful for the government and law enforcement because they are ministers ordained by God. Paul writes in Romans, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Paul is writing to Christians living in Rome — the center of the empire’s power in the first century. Just as many who live and work in Washington D.C. see the rotunda of the Capitol each day, these Christian citizens saw the signs of Roman imperial power all around them as they lived, worked, and worshipped 120
God. Paul explains that governmental power or authority is ordained by God. The Greek word for “ordained” means to appoint, to order to a certain place, or to assign someone responsibility or authority. It is the same word used in the book of Acts when Paul and Barnabas were “appointed” or ordained to go to Jerusalem to meet with other Christian leaders. Paul also used this word when describing his conversion experience. He said that Jesus told him that he should go to Damascus where he would be told what had been “appointed” or ordained for him to do. In most Christian traditions, a man must be ordained by other, older, wiser church leaders before he can preach. So, just as God has set up a leadership structure in the family — with the husband and father being a minister (or priest) in the home; and just as God has set up a leadership structure in the church — with a pastor being the leader or “shepherd” of the flock; He has set up a leadership structure in the realm of human government, and those leaders are ordained as “ministers of God” as well. The Bible tells us that God only gives “good and perfect” gifts. So, governmental authority and those 121
who represent that authority are not bad in and of themselves. However, they are not perfect. As one writer for Religion News Service said this past week in response to the Ferguson grand jury decision: ‘Christians should know better than anyone: as long as there are sinful, flawed people running the justice system, the system itself will always be flawed.’ Husbands and fathers make mistakes. Pastors make mistakes. Politicians make mistakes. And government leaders make mistakes. However, the Bible encourages us to still show gratitude for each of them and to give them the respect they deserve, not because of who they are, but because of the Godordained position of authority that they are in. 2. We ought to be thankful for the government and law enforcement because they allow us to live quiet and peaceable lives. Paul writes, “Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good.” You have heard the phrase: ‘when the cat’s away, the mice will play.’ Well, some people are a lot like mice. In the absence of visible or perceived authority, they will act according to their sinful impulses. And some people will even act criminally in the face of 122
authority. We saw this in Ferguson with people looting stores and burning down places of business. Well, imagine if that kind of activity were an everyday occurrence. Those of us who are law abiding citizens would not be able to live our lives in a peaceful and quiet way. That is why we need laws, governments, and law enforcement. Without laws and law enforcers, you would have reckless drivers and careful drivers on the highways at the same time, and that would result in higher instances of road rage and car accidents. However, because we have laws and law enforcement, everyone has to obey the speed limit and the same rules of the road. That is why our highways are places of order. We may not like the amount of taxes we have to pay, but the money that we give to the government helps fund our police forces and our military so that we can live safe here at home. Our money also goes to pay those who keep the various aspects of government running. We rarely think of them when tax time comes, but they, too, are part of the reason why we can live peaceful, quiet lives in the United States. So, we ought to be grateful for the government and law enforcement because we are able to live and 123
work peacefully for the most part in this nation. 3. We ought to be thankful for the government and law enforcement because they act against evildoers. The Bible says, “If thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” Most of us do not have the time, patience, or skill to chase down and mete out punishment on those who do wrong in our society. Do we grieve internally when we hear about the tragic things that happen in our society each day? Yes, we do. But I, for one, am also glad that there are those who are trained, talented, and gifted in the area of criminal justice. And, I am glad to know that my tax dollars go to pay their salary so they can keep people who harm others off the streets. James Madison, one of the founding fathers of this nation, famously said, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” Because of the fallen world we live in, both government and controls on government are necessary. When we see the government doing wrong — from the president on 124
down to the local city council — we have a responsibility to speak out about it, especially if the government is doing something that is in opposition to God’s word. But, we can be grateful that, for the most part, our communities are not overrun by rapists, murderers, thieves, and child abductors. In a nation such as ours, the government has done a pretty good job keeping evildoers at bay. Peter writes in his first epistle, “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.” In 2011, when President Obama authorized the U.S. military to carry out the killing of Osama bin Laden, that was a government punishing an evildoer. Recently, when President Obama awarded several Americans the Medal of Freedom, that was the government praising those citizens who had done well. We ought to be thankful that we have government officials who are in the business of punishing those who do wrong and applauding those who do good. As I said before, government is not perfect. However, as Leon Morris writes, “Ordered government is not a 125
human device, but something of divine origin.� Even though our government and law enforcement officials are flawed and sometimes make mistakes, God saw fit to ordain this human authority structure for the keeping of order in earthly society. The opposite to this orderliness is chaos and rampant crime. We don’t have such a situation today. And for that, we can be grateful.
Statement on Protests & Rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Other Major Cities BCNN1 Editors Statements such as the one below were published during the protests, riots, and looting in Ferguson, Baltimore, and other major cities over the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray during encounters with police.
Okay, Black Baltimore Leadership, All This Attacking Police, Looting, and Burning is Totally Uncalled for and You Need to Stop it Immediately This foolishness is proving more and more to Americans with cooler heads that some of this protesting is not done by people from Baltimore but by outside forces trying to start a race war. Some are saying that violent protesters are being paid to start a race riot in order to distract Americans from other issues.
BCNN1 Urges Pastors to Help Lead Dallas and the Nation Through a Horrific Time Before a Race War Begins BCNN1 Editors July 7, 2016 The following statement was published after five Dallas police officers were shot and killed by a lone gunman during a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration.
Terrorism Hits Dallas: 12 Officers Shot, 5 Dead; BCNN1 Is Calling on National Pastors Tony Evans, T. D. Jakes, and Jack Graham to Get In Front of This by Getting on Television, Tapping Into Their Social Media Sites and Email Lists to Get People Praying, and Help Lead Dallas and the Nation Through This Horrific Time Before the Powers That Be are Successful In Turning This Into a National Race War As you know, BCNN1.com has been warning the nation for nearly three years that there are people, both black and white, in this country who are trying to start a race war, and they are determined to make the re-occurring police shootings of black men a flashpoint. We are calling on black and white national 129
Christian leaders to use their influence and their platforms to keep people calm and not to respond in a violent or negative way, for that is what they want you to do. The best thing we can do is pray. And if you march, pray while you march, and march peacefully. We are asking Dallas, Texas, and the nation to respond like Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC.
At the End of his Presidency, Obama says America Still Has Not Overcome Slavery, Jim Crow, and Racism BCNN1 Editors December 13, 2016 This statement was published after the 2016 election results in which the nation rejected President Obama’s hand-picked successor, Hillary Clinton, and elected Donald Trump.
Mr. President, we have lovingly and respectfully warned you for years not to bring up racism and the things you’re saying right now when it was mostly good-hearted white folks who voted you in as president twice. The truth of the matter is, many white people who voted for you, and who now, in a repudiation of your two-term presidency, voted for Trump, voted for you in hopes that you were going to do some things to rectify the history of this country regarding race. But you chose not to do that in two terms. Most of the good-hearted white folks who voted you in office would have rather for you to spend your eight years trying to help black people get to where they need to be in this country than spending eight years promoting homosexuality, 131
homosexual marriage and defending the rights of grown men masquerading as women who want to go to little girls’ bathrooms. As it stands now, you are leaving black people, the nation and the world in shambles. By the way, President Obama, contrary to what you are saying now, it is not white people, racism, the Russians, the Chinese, or the voters paying too much attention to Wikileaks that have destroyed your dreams of being a transformative president and destroyed your legacy that you spoke so much about. We can say without any fear of successful contradiction that God destroyed all of that as Daniel Whyte III, who did not vote for any candidate in the last three general elections, repeatedly warned you would happen through his preaching and in other ways. For example, one such warning is in this message titled “President Obama, We are Pulling for You to Succeed Against ISIS, but God May Not Be with You” that he preached over two years ago on September 21, 2014. And Mr. President, you don’t have to worry about black folks anymore, but before you leave office, please go and try to save those children who are being bombed and killed in Syria. If you can’t bring them into America because of red tape at least go and 132
airlift those mothers and children out of there and take them to Jordan or somewhere to save those innocent civilians — for almost 100 were hunted down like animals and killed today. Black folks, white folks, and brown folks will be fine in America.
Just Jesus Evangelistic Campaign Daniel Whyte III Throughout the controversial 2016 election year, Daniel Whyte III, president of Gospel Light Society International, and president of GLM Omnimedia Group LLC, parent company of Black Christian News Network One (BCNN1.com) preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Just Jesus Evangelistic Campaign each day throughout the unprecedented and tumultuous election year. Below is the introductory statement that lays out the purpose of that campaign.
The daily Just Jesus Evangelistic Campaign sermon series is aimed at sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with unbelievers and reminding Christians, in this important election year, to keep the main thing the main thing -- and that is reaching unbelievers with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and praying for their salvation, for the problem in America is not only disobedient presidents, politicians, and people, but disobedient pastors, preachers, and parishioners who have refused to obey the Lord's Great Commission which is to, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." and who have refused to obey God's repeated commands to "pray without ceasing" for unbelievers, believers, and political leaders. Yes, you should pray for the right candidate to win; yes, you should vote for the 135
candidate that the Lord gives you peace about voting for. But, don't get caught up in it like the world does. Nothing much is going to change until people get saved and get their hearts right with the Lord. This campaign is inspired by the following three verses: 1 Corinthians 2:2 which says, "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified." Acts 5:42 which says, "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." And 2 Timothy 2:4 which says, "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." This series is not for Christians necessarily. However, I do hope you are one of those saints who still loves to hear the "Old, old story of Jesus and His love" -- As another hymn says, "For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest." This series is primarily for unbelievers, so they can hear and understand the Gospel and be saved from sin and the punishment of sin which is hell.
How You Can Help America Many people have the view that the only way America’s problems can be solved is through the government. These people place their hope and trust in the government for solutions to the difficulties that our country faces and that they themselves personally face. However, there is Someone else who we should look to for the solutions to all of our problems. His name is Jesus Christ. He is God’s Son who came to this earth two thousand years ago. He came to die on the cross for our sins, so that we would not have to suffer eternal punishment in Hell. Billy Graham once said, “I do not believe that any man can solve the problems of life without Jesus Christ.” No matter what problems you are facing, you can only find the solution for your problems in Jesus Christ. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please read the following to find out how you can accept Him as your Savior today: 1. Accept the fact that you are a sinner, and that you have broken God’s law. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7: 20: “For there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good, and sinneth not.” Romans 3:23: “For all 137
have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” 2. Accept the fact that there is a penalty for sin. The Bible states in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death…” 3. Accept the fact that you are on the road to hell. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” The Bible says in Revelation 21:8: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” 4. Accept the fact that you cannot do anything to save yourself! The Bible states in Ephesians 2: 8, 9: “For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.” 5. Accept the fact that God loves you more than you love yourself, and that He wants to save you from hell. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Jesus 138
Christ, John 3:16). With these facts in mind, please repent of your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and pray and ask Him to come into your heart and save you this very moment. The Bible states in the book of Romans 10:9, 13: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” If you are willing to trust Christ as your Saviour, please pray the following prayer: Heavenly Father, I realize that I am a sinner. For Jesus Christ sake, please forgive me of my sins. I now believe with all of my heart that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again. Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and save my soul and change my life. Amen. If you just trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and you prayed that prayer and meant it from your heart, you are now saved from Hell and you are on your way to Heaven. For more information to help you grow in your new found faith in Christ, go to GospelLightSociety.com and read "What To Do After You Enter Through the Door". 139