September 2015 Volume V Number 6
Date, e h t e Sav 15 0, 20 2 r e mb Septe day e Sun m o c l We ent
the T r e d un ip Services Lunch Worsh after
Saint Paul’s Monthly Newsletter
Worship services at 8:00, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. & NEW 5:00 p.m.
Bring it, Give it, Grow it: Working Together to Change Lives
Families in the World
In September Pope Francis will join tens of thousands of people from around the globe in Philadelphia for the 8th annual World Meeting of Families. Both families and religion are relational. Pope Francis has said the “truth is relational” as well. It has to do with God’s love for us in relation to Jesus Christ and one another. We cannot have a faith relationship without a human relationship. It all begins with the basic trust that a child experiences with caring parents. It is what psychologists call “mirroring.” The parents “mirror” joy and appreciation back at the child. This wellbeing and trust are what builds the foundation for a later trusting in God. continued next page
“All In”
Bring it! Give it! Grow it! “Bring it! Give it! Grow it!” is our theme for the year. To “give it” means to be all in. Jesus ends the Gospel of Matthew saying “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Not only does Jesus want us to be all in, he wants all of us, that is everyone, to be in his body, the church. He wants us to invite all into our community. So in both senses let’s be all in. Let’s give to Saint Paul’s without holding anything back and give invitations wholeheartedly to everyone else to join us! What a way to begin the fall!
God the Giver: Stewardship at Saint Paul’s
“God’s love is freely given,” writes Desmond Tutu. “It is grace. It is not earned; it cannot be earned. It does not need to be earned.” God is the Giver, the ultimate lover of all God has created. Jeff and Helen Lew look at all God is giving through Saint Paul’s Church. “We enjoy the strong community, engaging worship services, and beautiful choral music found at Saint Paul’s. They have made us feel very welcome as the parish has so much to offer everyone. The buildings and grounds are historically significant, beautifully kept and highly cherished. Contributing to Saint Paul’s not only provides for the present needs but also helps preserve the ministry and parish for generations to come.” At the end of September the Rector will send out pledge cards for 2016. They are the way we signal our contributions for the year to come. This year we are going to have some fun with this. Everyone who submits a pledge by November 8 will be entered into a raffle! Our thematic goal for 2015-2016 is: “Bring it! Give it! Grow it!” but before we can do any of that, God has already encountered us as “the Giver.” God went “all in” for us – created us, renews us, and guides us. God came among us to show us what love looks like. Jesus gave of himself in love for the life of you and me and the world we live in. God is truly the Giver. So if we are to live in God’s love, we too need to “Give it!”
New On-Line Giving and More at Saint Paul’s We are very excited to be updating our operating systems. Below is a link to St. Paul’s data base. You will be able to view/change personal profile information, make contributions and view your statement of contributions. Also you will be able to view a member directory. Creating your first log in is simple and can be done from your computer or phone. You will be able to pledge, make recurring payments, or a one-time payment all by using your credit/debit cards or a link to your checking or saving accounts. Access your membership sign in by clicking here: TRY IT NOW! Welcome to Saint Paul’s Membership Log In
Saint Paul’s Families in the World continued from page 1 The imagery we often use for God is that of a protective and caring parent; one who is always reliable and available in need. God who is the source of all being has the strength to be absolutely dependable. Our families prepare us for this relationship.
The shape of families has widened, though Roman Catholic doctrine insists that marriage must be between one man and one woman. In the Episcopal Church at our General Convention in Salt Lake City this summer the marriage canons were revised to include same sex couples. This came 27 years after Saint Paul’s parishioner John Harrison proposed to the national church that all stable, loving, and committed relationships be affirmed. Our church did not arrive at its decision overnight. A week before the Salt Lake City decision the Supreme of the U.S. ruled by a 5-4 vote that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. Some prominent Roman Catholics in Philadelphia now insist that their church’s doctrinal adherence is clashing with what the Holy Spirit is doing in the world (Inquirer, 7/22/15) .The movement of the Spirit is the right place to look. When the Apostle Paul had to deal with the sexuality issues of his own time he invoked the Holy Spirit when he did not have a specific word of the Lord, that is, a teaching from Jesus. He declared, “I say – I and not the Lord, but I give my opinion…” (1 Corinthians 7: 25). Then he ends the chapter by saying, “And I think that I too have the Spirit of God.” Jesus said nothing about homosexuality. We have no word of the Lord. When we do not have such certainty or new situations present themselves we, like Paul, need to invoke the Spirit. So as the World Meeting of Families is held in Philadelphia, there are many different families in the world. The Holy Spirit is on the move. Truth is expressed in relationships irrespective of gender. The trust discovered in our various families prepares for a faith relationship with God who like the ultimate parent is reliable always and available in need.
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Welcome Sunday A special Welcome Sunday on September 20 will provide a terrific opportunity to introduce a friend to Saint Paul’s. The 9 a.m. worship will be followed by the first day of Church School. The 10:30 a.m. worship will mark the return of the choir for the fall. At noon there will be lunch on the campus grounds under our tents, and tables with information about the faith practices and ministries of Saint Paul’s. Learn how we care for others and for one another.
Worship Services
8 a.m. Spoken Service 9 a.m. Informal Eucharist Service 10:30 a.m. Principal Holy Eucharist with Choir 5:00 p.m. Mindful Worship / Evensong
Sundays at 5 p.m.
Another Opportunity for Worship
Evensongs are a staple of Sunday afternoon worship. On Sundays when there are no evensongs we have created a 5 p.m. service called “Mindful Worship.” Our first service will take place on September 20. Thus, when Sunday mornings are taken up with work or sports, there is always an alternative. Mindful Worship is based on the Prayer Book and uses mindfulness training that is being introduced in schools and places of healing. Mindful Worship then (as is true for all our services) is accessible to both children and adults. It finds its scriptural basis in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus” (2:5). Mindful Worship includes listening and feeling music with all the senses. Readings are taken from poetry, the mystics, and from the Gospels. There is the wisdom that comes from silence, loving kindness meditation, prayers and communion. Some may wish to sit on mats and cushions, others on chairs. The worship takes place around the labyrinth. Mindful worship is open and curious, graceful and accepting of the present moment. Self-awareness attunes to place, others, and the wisdom of God in Jesus.
Saint Paul’s Faith Forums Beginning September 20 Enrich our Understanding
Education for Ministry(EfM) Classes Begin Wednesday, September 23
Dr. Roger Allen, retired Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature at UPenn for 43 years will explore the meanings of peace in Arabic and Hebrew – salaam and shalom - on Sunday, September 20 at 9:15 a.m. in the Dixon House Library. If both words come from the same root, why isn’t there peace in the Middle East?
Every baptized person is called to ministry. The Education for Ministry (EfM) program at Saint Paul’s provides parishioners with valuable education to carry out that ministry. EfM offers an opportunity to discover more about Christian practices and the history, theology and scriptural study that shapes them. The course fee is $350 and that provides four years of materials and training. If you are interested in finding out more, contact Doug Anderson at or Emmanuel Mercer at
Peace in Church and Personal Life, September 27 The Rector, who has studied the role of peace in the history of Saint Paul’s, will reflect upon the study of Walter Brueggemann, the Old Testament scholar, who elucidates what it means for the church and its people to be a community of shalom, that is, of peace.
Saint Francis and Peace, October 4 Frank Griswold, the 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will speak of Saint Francis and peace. The prayer attributed to Francis begins, “Lord, make us instruments of your peace.” October 4 is the day on which the church commemorates Saint Francis. Before beginning his ministry as presiding bishop, Bishop Griswold asked, “What did the crucifix say to Francis?” Christ had said, ‘Francesco, va ripara la mia chiesa - Francis, go rebuild my Church.’ The Bishop’s talk will come just a week after the visit of Pope Francis to Philadelphia. Be sure to be with us.
Angel Labyrinth Walk On Tuesday September 29 as the Church celebrates Saint Michael and All Angels, we will open the labyrinth from 5 to 7 p.m. so all can “walk with the angels.” As we quiet our minds and breathe deeply, it is as though we can feel the peace of the angels who accompany us. At the center there will be a pocket angel to pick up and hold. Finally, walkers carry out the pocket angel symbolizing the labyrinth’s gift that each one takes out into the world.
Morning Prayer & Blessing of the Animals Our annual blessing of animals will take place Sunday, October 4 during worship. For this special day our worship will be a service of Morning Prayer. Communion for those who wish will be celebrated following Morning Prayer. We always bless animals on the Sunday nearest St. Francis Day (October 4) which this year falls on a Sunday! Francis wrote: “Let creatures all give thanks to thee, and serve in great humility” (Hymn 406). Bring your pet for a special blessing.
Faith Forums are at 9:15 in the Dixon House every Sunday Morning; please see the attached Adult Education Brochure.
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Saint Paul’s Rummage Recycles old Treasures to Combat Hunger and Homelessness The Saint Paul’s Rummage Sale will take place on Saturday, September 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is a great assortment of clothing, antiques, opportunity (you can find almost anything there), linens, books, jewelry and of course, the French Room. Admission is only $2. Spread the word to all of your friends, neighbors and colleagues so they can come too. There will be a pre-sale party on Friday, September 11 from 6 until 9 p.m. Admission is $10; there will be lots of good food, and a 20% mark-up in selected departments. It is your chance to make that special find first! A wide assortment of refreshments is included. Proceeds from the Rummage Sale go toward the Mission Outreach of Saint Paul’s. The focus of this outreach is the hungry and homeless. The Sale is fun. There are treasures to be found, and lives will be changed for the better. The Outreach Committee also makes a concerted effort to ensure that the goods that are left at the end of the sale go to other charities for resale.
Come and enjoy great fun, fellowship and “buys.” Please volunteer your time to help out at the Rummage Sale Friday September 11 from 6-9 pm or Saturday September 12 from 9am-3pm
Together we can change lives!
Family Pot Luck BBQ & Back-to-School Supplies Drive The first Family Pot Luck of the year will be hosted by Myron Manternach, Tabitha Oman and son Teddy at 4:30 p.m. on September 26, 2015. The Manternach family live at 122 Bethlehem Pike, Philadelphia. We will also use this opportunity to gather school supplies to benefit the children at St. James School, Philadelphia. All are invited to bring both school supplies for donation and either an appetizer, entrée, dessert or beverage of any kind to share. St. Paul’s will provide beer and BBQ.
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Bring it, Give it, Grow it: Working Together to Change Lives
C h i l d r e n & Y o u t h at Saint Paul’s Church School Hike, Brunch and Registration The Church School will embark on its annual hike in the Wissahickon on Sunday, September 13 after the 9 a.m. worship with Church School registration to follow. At the Wissahickon the children will meet with a Trail Ambassador who will educate them about the park’s history and geology. The Wissahickon Valley has been carved out by the creek of the same name over the past 125 million years. As a result of a fault line that runs nearby, the area has shifted significantly over the millennia. The rock we see today was once more than 10 miles below the surface! The tectonic plates lifted and convoluted the strata of rock with pressure and heat so great that the nature of the rock changed from a granite bedrock formation into a waving and blistered schist. It can be seen everywhere along the creek. The children will hike to the15-foot statue of an Indian on the east side of the Wissahickon Valley, high above the creek. He was placed there in 1900 to memorialize the Lenni-Lenape tribe, who were the first people to walk the steep trails of the Wissahickon. Our friends from the Standing Rock Reservation smile because the Lenni-Lenape chief is incongruously dressed like a Plains Indian. Children and families won’t want to miss this informative and fun hike. Registration for Godly Play and church school takes place in the meeting room of the church school wing after children return from their Wissahickon hike.
This past spring, we began our confirmation class and then took a break during the summer. Confirmation class resumes on September 20, 2015 at noon in the Swift Bird Room. We have been studying “I Will with God’s Help, Letters to a Young Doubter and My Faith, My Life.” Apart from huddling every Sunday afternoon, we also engage in the community by serving lunch at Face to Face. We also plan to visit different places of worship, and hold a retreat this fall. We offer lunch during our Confirmation class and all are welcome to join us on any given afternoon. Confirmation service has been scheduled at 10:30 a.m. worship on December 6, 2015 with Bishop Clifton Daniel presiding.
Classroom Preparation & Lunch Meeting
On Saturday September 19, teachers will gather in the morning to prepare our Godly Play classrooms for Welcome Sunday, September 20 the first day of Church School. At our lunch meeting we will welcome two new teachers to our program; they bring a wealth of experience to this important part of our life together. All teachers will be introduced and honored at the 9 a.m. service on September 20.
Acolyte Training An acolyte training session has been scheduled for September 19, 2015 at 11 a.m. This will be an opportunity for all of us to brush up on what we have learned so far and to welcome new recruits. We will meet in the chancel of the Church and lunch will be served.
Rite 13 St. Paul’s will continue to offer Rite 13 for eleven and twelve year olds. Rite 13 is a two-year component of a six-year Journey to Adulthood program. In addition to affirming the journey toward manhood and womanhood of our young ones, it celebrates the creativity and individuality of young teenagers by exploring four key areas of discovery-society, self, sexuality and spirituality. Rite 13 also assists young people as they begin to take steps of passage away from their own families and into their own lives. Within the two-year duration, when they turn thirteen, this event will be celebrated in church with a service loosely modeled on the Jewish bar mitzvah. Rite 13 is designed to build a foundation of principles and memories. And since our Christian faith is rooted in a heritage of shared memories, Rite 13 provides a slow and steady exploration of the development of personality and faith. Within the course of this two-year program, our young people will be charged with the responsibility to wisely use their creative power realized through adolescence in all aspects of their lives for their own good and in greater service to the wider community. Candidates for Rite 13 will be introduced and presented with the gift of a Bible at the 10:30 a.m. service on September 20, 2015.
Youth Opportunity Serving Lunch at Face to Face September 26 Please call the church office if you would like to join in 215.242.2055 page 5
Saint Paul’s The Center for Contemporary Mysticism
Presents “Expanding the Presence”
Former undercover narcotics agent Rich Braconi will share his life's journey and the transformations which led to his current work as a life coach, spirit medium and medical intuitive. Rich says, "There is a 'divine presence' that was created within all people. It encourages us and guides us to act with sincerity and true meaning; its presence is the foundation for the life we all seek to live.” The presentation will take place on Sunday, September 20 at 2 p.m. in the Parish Hall; all are welcome.
Course on the Enneagram The Center for Contemporary Mysticism will offer a three-session course on the Enneagram beginning on September 27 at 7:30 p.m., led by longtime Enneagram teacher and practitioner, Jean Hurd, in the Dixon House Library. The Enneagram is a tool for self-knowledge, and it can help us discover the higher spiritual and psychological qualities of our true nature. Its roots go back to Babylonia and Greece, and it has been used extensively by The Jesuits.
Weekly Meditation
Resumes on September 16 Weekly meditation classes resumes on Wednesday, September 16 at 9 a.m. in the Chapel. The classes are open to all. Uninstructed, quiet meditation takes place at 7 a.m. in the Chapel followed by a labyrinth walk, and a trip to Cake for a muffin before the meditation class begins at 9 a.m. Join us to experience the various styles of “guided” meditation. Each session lasts about one hour, and you need not attend all sessions to benefit. Anyone new to meditation will find these sessions helpful, as will experienced meditators. You may bring a pen and journal or notebook for journaling if you wish. There is no cost, but donations help support the work of the Center. page 6
Five Fridays Five Seasons Five Reasons Somehow the time has flown by, and we are already embarking on the fifth season of Saint Paul’s well-received concert series. If you have not yet attended a Five Fridays concert, definitely make plans to do so. You are in for a treat – and here’s why: each performance represents a unique opportunity [1] to hear a short concert by very talented young professionals in the music world, [2] to watch them performing up close on the intimate setting of the labyrinth, [3] to hear from and meet the artists personally, [4] to enjoy a convivial reception with fellow concert-goers, and [5] to support two of Saint Paul’s favorite outreach partners, Face to Face Germantown and Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network, “IHN”. The 2015-16 season has an exciting line-up! Be sure to mark these dates in your calendar; all concerts begin at 7:30 p.m., last about an hour, and are followed by a reception. More details will be available at as soon as Saint Paul’s new website is launched in September. Season passes (5 for 4) are available online, and tickets can be obtained online or at the door. All proceeds go directly to our beneficiaries. In 2014-15 they received $4,000 from the Five Fridays series. Your support will help us to do better! October 2: Gabriel Cabezas, cello November 13: Gala concert to celebrate *Five Seasons* and acknowledge our generous sponsors. Prometheus Chamber Orchestra with Saint Paul’s staff singer Rebecca Myers Hoke, Soprano February 5: Henry Kramer, piano March 4: Dover String Quartet April 22: Project Fusion, saxophone quartet
Music at Saint Paul’s The People’s Work: Our Worship Together The word liturgy literally means “the work of the people” (from the Greek words laos, ‘people’, and ergon, ‘work’), which at the very least suggests that liturgy is not primarily about following a prayer book, but rather our participation in worship, both said and sung. Therefore, liturgy that is vital and relevant calls us to a full and active participation as a community in our worship life together. To participate fully on Sunday mornings is no small task. When we come to church on Sunday, we each bring with us the cares, toils, stresses, and joys of our daily life: each of us offering praise to God through our own worldview. If we are all participating together, isn’t it wonderful that each prayer and hymn is created through the needs and thanksgivings of the entire community? Though worship is first and foremost a communal act, it is intentionally designed to allow the word and love of God to speak to us both as individuals and as a community. Full, conscious, and active participation in worship is then both outward and inward looking. Outward participation is our physical act of praise. This includes proclaiming spoken prayers in a full voice, hearty hymn singing, and other liturgical action such as making the sign of the cross, or reverencing the altar. In these actions, we become one in worship. Hymn 51 in The Hymnal 1982 starts: “We the Lord’s People, heart and voice uniting, praise him who calls us out of sin and darkness.” When we unite in voice and heart through physically visible and audible action, we are in a way working to fulfill Christ’s own wish that “they may all be one.” Inward participation would refer to personal meditation. During the sermon, we translate the gospel to have relevance in our daily life. During a choir anthem, we use the texts that the choir is singing to aid us in our prayer. Sermons, hymns, and anthems are written to help illumine the message of the gospel for us, and the whole liturgy works as a whole to bring us closer to God. Therefore, it is important that we take each text, both sung and spoken, to heart. One could make an argument that focused inward participation will lead to vital outward participation. If we put true intention behind the people’s work, then our worship together cannot help but be an exciting and transcending experience. We all bring different skills, and more importantly, experiences with us on Sundays. If we each individually commit to full participation, then we are the voice for those who for any reason cannot do so. As we begin a new program year, let us commit to offering vibrant worship that is indeed an offering of the whole community.~ Zach
Choral Evensong, Organ Recital & Installation of Choristers Saint Paul’s Choir will kick off the program year with a service of Choral Evensong on September 13. Evensong will begin at 5:00 p.m., with an organ prelude recital at 4:30 p.m. by organist Rich Spotts. During Evensong, new choristers will be installed as full members of the choir, and the entire choir will be commissioned for a year of music ministry at Saint Paul’s Church. The choir will sing works by Herbert Howells, T. Tertius Noble, Kinley Lange, and Richard Ayleward, and the hymns will feature texts pertaining to the role of sacred music in our community.
Clergy The Rev. E. Clifford Cutler, Rector, ext. 28 The Rev. Emmanuel A. Mercer,Assistant Rector, ext. 24 The Rev. Robert M. Davidson, Deacon Staff Zachary Fritsch-Hemenway, Director of Music and Organist, ext. 35 Virginia A. Emlen, Administrator, ext. 25 Kristin Deissler, Parish Bookkeeper, ext. 27 Shara Dunham, Outreach Volunteer Coordinator Kirstyn Veneziale, Comunications Coordinator Joseph Russell, Organ Scholar Karen Richter, 9 a.m. Musician Dale Lower, Administrative Assistant Sonam Dhawo, Sexton & Dolma Dhawo, Custodian Anne Klinger, Pastoral Counselor 215.247.6077-
Vestry 2015-2016
Richard Kolb, Rector’s Warden, Stephen Camp-Landis, Accounting Warden John Faggotti, Parishioners’ Warden, Diana Moro, Secretary Charlotte Biddle, Valerie Chikwendu, Cindy Clowery, Joe Fafara, Bill Fikioris, Joyce Klinefelter, Chesley Lightsey, Michael Latini, Tom O’Rourke, Rebecca Southwell, Stephen Stone, Nicole Tullo