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Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church Monthly Newsletter
January 2013 Volume VII Number I
“You’re so Kind. You Must Belong to St. Paul’s”! Two parishioners who I have gotten to know fairly well since my arrival at St. Paul’s, shared a remarkable story with me. They related the following: “As we were rushing to our car from a quick lunch at a restaurant in Chestnut Hill, we walked by an older woman who was slowly pushing her way up the hill despite the snow that was collecting on the wheels of her walker. I smiled at her as we rushed passed and asked her how she was doing. She responded, "Fine." As I entered our car, I looked over at her and she was taking a brief reprieve. I looked at the clock knowing that we only had a limited amount of time to prepare our home for the guests who would be arriving in a few short hours. I looked at my partner and we both knew what we needed to do. I jumped out of the car and walked over to her. I asked her how far she was traveling and offered her a ride. After helping her into our car, we engaged in a brief conversation during which we mentioned that we attended a church in the area. She smiled and said, ‘You're so kind. You must belong to St. Paul's.’ These two parishioners were as much surprised by the remark as I was when they first shared the story with me. Here was an older lady who didn’t know them, had not met them before and did not know where they worshipped. All she knew was that they worshipped in a church on the hill. In spite of the little information she had about our two parishioners, she did associate them with St. Paul’s because of their act of kindness. It is incredible that a stranger would associate a person with a particular church because they dared to reach out and offer help. Over the past several years, many parishioners have worked very hard to expand the vision of St. Paul’s as a community of Open Minds, Open Hearts and Open Doors. Beginning with serving meals at Faceto-Face, gathering supplies for The Sager Brown Center and St. James’ School, welcoming the homeless from Interfaith Hospitality Network, donating tons of turkey to Church of the Advocate and St. Vincent’s Food Cupboard, among other outreach opportunities that we support. It is tempting to conclude that no one recognizes the impact of our mission and outreach. But this story informs me that the silent beneficiary of our support does appreciate all that we do. They may not know us or tell us how grateful they are, but deep in their hearts, they know what this church is about. To me, this story reflects not only the character of St. Paul’s and all who worship here week-in and week-out, but it is so full of my hope for St. Paul’s: a wellspring of spiritual nourishment; a river of service in Jesus’ name. Manny.
Happenings Around Saint Paul’s Provisional Bishop Elected The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania met January 12 to elect Diocese of East Carolina, Bishop Clifton Daniel III as its bishop provisional. Daniel, 65, intends to resign from Carolina on February 28 after 15 years of service to accept the Pennsylvania post. “It is an honor to be elected to serve that diocese at a critical point in its continuing life and ministry,” Daniel wrote. The Pennsylvania Standing Committee said Jan. 4 in an e-mailed statement that Daniel was “a deeply Christian person who listens, builds consensus, works with diocesan leadership effectively, and cares about the work and life of the congregations and missions of the church.” “We believe that Bishop Daniel will bring healing and gracious leadership to our diocese,” the committee said. Daniel will serve in place of Bishop Charles Bennison, who retired at the end of 2012 after an at times contentious episcopate. A bishop provisional has all the authority and responsibilities of a diocesan bishop, but typically serves for a set period of time and is meant to be a bridge into the time when the diocese is ready to elect a diocesan bishop or make other decisions about its future. The Pennsylvania Standing Committee predicted that Daniel would serve for two years or until the diocese elects a new bishop diocesan. (from the Episcopal News Service)
Shedding the Light on Palestine/Israel/US Politics Parishioner Bob Busser, a member of Christian-Jewish Allies that meets at Saint Paul’s sends this along from the Episcopal Palestine Israel Network. Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel was nominated as Secretary of Defense by President Barak Obama. He has been under fire from much of the Jewish establishment for his independent views on the state of Israel. Hagel is an active Episcopalian, and attends an Episcopal church in Washington, D.C. On 12 September 2006 the Episcopal News Service ran a story on Hagel lifting up his “extraordinary leadership on the difficult issues surrounding recent developments in the Middle East.” The ENS story quoted Hagel as saying that the “core of all challenges in the Middle East remains the underlying Arab-Israeli conflict.” Hagel noted our “special and historic” relationship with Israel but said that relationship “cannot be at the expense of our Arab and Muslim relationships. ... Achieving a lasting resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict is as much in Israel’s interest as any other country in the world.” Having a high level cabinet member who thinks independently and has a history of not being cowed by AIPAC, and who believes that the “Arab-Israeli conflict” should be at the core of our Mideast policy would be a refreshing voice and an important one for President Obama to hear. The President is getting one good Episcopalian!
Rector on Retreat at Daylesford Abbey Cliff will be on a retreat led by Frank Griswold and Barbara Braver on the theme “Too wonderful for me: Overtaken by Epiphany” from Sunday evening, January13 through Wednesday at noon, January 16. Epiphany is more than a day or a season in the church’s calendar. To celebrate Epiphany is to embrace our lifetime journey of discovery and growth in response to the wondrous love of God revealed in Christ. As God’s love manifests itself in the various seasons of our lives, how might we prepare our hearts to more fully receive the gift we are being given?
Happenings At Saint Paul’s S aint P aul ’ s D ay J anuary 27, 2013 Saint Paul’s has been around for 156 years. For much of that time our parish has played an important role in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. To celebrate the Conversion of Saint Paul (which we know a s Saint Paul’s Day) on Sunday, January 27 ourguest preacher will be one of the author’sof the recently publisheddiocesan history, This Far by Faith. Thomas F. Rzeznik, author of the chapter dealing with the period from 1910 to 1945, will preach at the 10:30 a.m. service and also be available to answer questions at the festive coffee hour and forum in the Parish Hall. Rzeznik, 33, is a native of Conshohocken. He graduated from Kennedy-Kendrick High School in 1996. A history and political science major at Fordham University, he earned his B.A. summa cum laude, in cursu honorum, in 2000. Graduate study took him to Notre Dame where he received his M.A. in history in 2003 and his Ph.D. three years later. His doctoral thesis, entitled Church and
Joining the Journeys of Psychology and Spirituality The Samaritan Counseling Center and Saint Paul’s Church offer Joining the Journeys for all who seek to develop their personal lives, faith and community. The course which begins on Tuesday, January 29, helps participants in understanding the relevance of spirituality to everyday life from a Christian perspective. Psychology and faith are brought into dialogue as we look at the challenges of our daily lives. Therapists Dr. Florence Gelo and Anne Klinger from Samaritan Counseling Center along with Episcopal priest, Cliff Cutler, will lead the course. Eight sessions covering topics such as “relationships and community,” “desires and compulsions,” “forgiveness and freedom,” and “anger and depression” will be held on Tuesdays, January 29 through March 19 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and are held in the Dixon House Library at Saint Paul’s Church. The cost for all eight sessions is $50. Minimum number of students is ten; maximum number is 16. To register or for more information call Saint Paul’s at 215-242-2055.
Estate: Religion and Wealth in Industrial Era Philadelphia, will be published by Penn State Press in the spring of 2013. He is currently an assistant professor of history at Seton Hall University in South Orange, N.J. The period he explored was an important one in Saint Paul’s history. The church was thriving, our influence in the diocese was tremendous, and our current church building was conceived, designed, built, and dedicated. All of that occurred against a background of two world wars, the Roaring ‘20s, and the Great Depression. Rzeznik will focus on that period during his sermon but will be prepared to talk about the rest of our diocese’s long history, one not only of significance to the local church but also to the national church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. For those who would like to get a copy of This Far by Faith, the books will be available at breakfast on Saint Paul’s Day and at the coffee hour. The discounted price is $30, payable by cash or check (made out to the Diocese of Pennsylvania). Saint Paul’s Day is a very special time on our calendar. This year’s celebration should put some of who and what we are into a wider context. It is hoped that there will be a large gathering for what is really our parish’s annual birthday celebration.
Welcome 2013
The New Year is a time of resolve to join others in supporting our church As we begin a new year it is a time to take stock. Believers examine where they have been and where they are going. We consider the identity of Jesus whom we follow – peace, compassion, service. These are qualities we seek to perpetuate and expand upon. One of the ways we do this is by giving to support the body of Christ, the church. As of January 1 we have received 209 pledges for the new year totaling $583,433.00 We are well on our way toward our desired goal of $620,670.00. It is never too late for you to pledged your support Saint Paul’s, all pledges make a difference for our entire community. Please call the church office if you wish to receive a pledge card or have one filled out for you, or if you are interested in making a stock transfer as a pledge. You may even pledge online by going to our website, www.stpaulschestnuthill.org by clicking on Parish Life where you will find our Online Pledge Form.
M artin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service At Saint Paul’s
Saint Paul’s offers two special projects to choose from on Martin Luther King’s Day, Monday, January 21 at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Be part of making 10,000 dry meals. Stop Hunger Now’s meal packaging program provides volunteers the opportunity to package dehydrated, high protein, and highly nutritious meals that are used in crisis situations and in school feeding programs for schools and orphanages in developing countries around the world. Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid around the world. The organization is driven by a vision of a world without hunger and a mission to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-saving aid to the world’s most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.
Saint Paul’s MLK Day 2012
Join others as we contribute and prepare school supplies for St. James School in the West Alleghany neighborhood. St. James School is a faith-based school in the Episcopal tradition, committed to educating traditionally under-resourced students in a nurturing environment. The school is a community that provides a challenging academic program and St. Jam middle encourages the development of the moral, spiritual, intellectual, physical to educ and creative gifts in its students. You a nurtu may donate pencils, erasers, earbuds, that pro belts (size 12 youth or adult small), encoura socks (black or blue) for 5th and 6th intellec grade boys, and Black marble copy- student books, (wide ruled, black only).
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, January 21st, 10 a.m. Saint Paul’s Parish Sponsored by St. Paul's Outreach: RSVP; Cathy Da Tom O'Rourke tbor423@aol.com
in the West Allegheny neighborhood
Happenings At Saint Paul’s An Afternoon with Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate Sonia Sanchez Internationally-acclaimed Philadelphia Poet Laureate Sonia Sanchez will speak and give a poetry reading on Sunday February 3, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. at Saint Paul’s Church. Admission is free and the public invited. The event, An Afternoon with Sonia Sanchez, commemorates the stay of Eleanor Roosevelt at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 64 years ago when Eleanor Roosevelt was presented with the first National Fellowship Award by the Philadelphia Fellowship Commission. Sanchez, one of 20 African American women featured in “Freedom Sisters,” an interactive exhibition created by the Cincinnati Museum Center and the Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition follows in Eleanor Roosevelt’s footsteps with her commitment to activism for peace , justice and social equality. Sanchez, a sponsor for Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom is also a mother and an authority on Black Culture and Literature; Women’s Liberation and Peace and Social Justice. She is the first Presidential Fellow at Temple University and held the Laura Carnell Chair in English at Temple University. In addition to her 20 published books, Sanchez is the inspiration behind the Philadelphia mural project “Peace is a Haiku Song. Recently she has been exploring haiku as a vehicle for engendering peace among youth by encouraging them to listen to each other’s hearts, and write the simple and challenging lines of peace. “Poetry”, she says, “makes us remember the best of ourselves and others.” Following the event, Sanchez will be available for a book signing and her books will be for sale.
Lenten Devotional Needs Volunteers We are planning to develop again this Lenten season in 2013, a Lenten book of casserole recipes and daily reflections written by members of the parish to be used by us all for meditation each day of that season. I am hopeful that you will choose to contribute a reflection on a biblical verse for the day(s) assigned on the list below. The reflection should be one or two paragraph's (less than 500 words) and conclude with an open ended question that can be used as a starting point for meditation for that day. A sample passage is included next: Please do this in your own words (not downloaded from an internet page). This year we are also recognizing those who have been mentors in our spiritual lives. Please incorporate those who supported and encouraged you in your faith journey in the reflection if possible. sample: March 25, 2005 Good Friday, 1 Peter 1: 10-20, John 19: 38-42 “Today we come to the low spot of Holy week, where we witness our Lord betrayed, humiliated, and crucified. In John’s gospel we contemplate the sad task of caring for the dead body and placing it in the tomb. From 1 Peter we look back at the meaning of the momentous Holy week events and the great gift that has been given to all of us. We are called to the high standards of being mindful and self controlled and instructed to await the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. How does Peter’s call to holiness challenge you in your daily activities? Your name” Please call or e-mail to get an assignment. Then e-mail to me your completed work as soon as possible (before Jan. 20th). Thank you in advance for your contribution, it is greatly appreciated by your church family. Deacon Rob rob@4suns.com 215-480-4732
Saint Paul’s at the Sixers Saint Paul’s will go in to the Wells Fargo Center to watch the 76ers basketball team play the Toronto Raptors on Friday, January 18 at 7 p.m. Tickets are only $20. The team has just come off of a long, tough schedule on the road. They are looking forward to playing at home – and we will be there! Contact Cliff or the church office for tickets and more information.
Music At Saint Paul’s Choral Evensong, 5 p.m., January 27 Celebrating Saint Paul’s Day On Sunday, January 27th, Saint Paul's Adult Choir will offer a service of Choral Evensong featuring the music of living Los Angeles composer Byron Adams. The service will take place at 5 p.m. and a reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Here are 6 reasons why you will want to attend the service: 1) The service will feature the world premiere a new piece written especially for Saint Paul's Choir by the composer. The text for the anthem has been chosen in connection with this year's parish-wide theme of praise. 2) All of the music in the service is by the same composer in the same style, which will result in a cohesive and unique experience. 3) The featured composer, Byron Adams, will be present with us for the service! 4) The composer Byron Adams, was a favorite of Ann Stookey, for whom the new maintenance fund for the organ is named. The service will include some great organ music that is appropriate to celebrate of Ann's legacy begun here at Saint Paul's. 5) Delicious food and drink served at the reception. 6) Evensong is an excellent way to gather yourself before the start of a busy week.
FIVE FRIDAYS Returns! On Friday, February 1, the Five Fridays concert series will resume with a chamber concert featuring two rising stars represented by Philadelphia's acclaimed Astral Artists. Cellist Lionel Cottet and Violinist Kristen Lee will combine to present a varied program, accompanied on Saint Paul's Steinway piano. More information and tickets are available by visiting www.fivefridays.org. All proceeds of the Five Fridays series benefit Face-to-Face Germantown and IHN - two organizations that have had a long standing relationship with Saint Paul's and provide invaluable services to the disadvantaged members of our community.
Piano Needed! Saint Paul's Choir Program is in great need of a grand piano of good quality for the choir room. If a suitable instrument were found, it would enable us to have the current piano in the church permanently for concerts and worship. If you know of anyone looking to donate a piano, please contact Zach Hemenway at the church office (215-242-2055).
Christmas Eve 11 p.m. 2012
African Pilgrimage Tour: The Afro-Anglicanism Conference began in Barbados in 2005 as a gathering of Anglicans clergy and lay to celebrate the bonds of affection and renewal. At the first conference, participants resolved to hold a conference every decade. Ghana has thus been selected as the host of the 4th Afro-Anglicanism International Conference in Ghana in 2015. This conference intends to bring together Black Anglicans/Episcopalians from around the world for fellowship, study and the exploration of our unique perspectives as people of many backgrounds but united in our Anglican/Episcopal identity. As a result, a group of clergy (including me) and lay from the Episcopal Church will be traveling to Ghana for a study tour from February 10-18. In addition to evaluating the many prospects for a wonderful experience for the conference attendees, the group will also develop a Lenten Study Resource to be used in the Church in 2014. It is a blessing and an honor for me to be visiting my home country with friends from the Episcopal Church. I intend to use part of my vacation time for this wonderful trip and I am looking forward to sharing all the wonderful stories with you when I return. – Manny.
Our Clergy and Staff Logo_Color_geotag.jpg
Clergy The Very Rev. E. Clifford Cutler Rector ccutler@stpaulschestnuthill.org
Zachary D. Hemenway Director of Music and Organist zhemenway@stpaulschestnuthill.org
The Rev. Emmanuel A. Mercer Assistant Rector Logo_LineArt_geotag.jpg emercer@stpaulschestnuthill.org
Virginia A. Emlen Administrative Assistant vemlen@stpaulschestnuthill.org
The Rev. Robert M. Davidson Deacon rob@4suns.com
Sarah Punderson Communications Coordinator spunderson@stpaulschestnuthill.org
Vestry Dale Lower, Rector’s Warden Rod Gagné, Parishioners’ Warden Logo_Color_address.jpg Pam Prior, Accounting Warden Linda Boggs, Secretary Stephen Camp-Landis, Mark Duckett, Betsy Evans, Joe Fafara, John Faggotti, Steve Heimann, Tom O’Rourke, Allison Romig, Paul Sehnert, Rebecca Southwell, Arthur Stokes, Jill Wemple
Caroline Robinson Organ Scholar crobinson@stpaulschestnuthill.org
Karen Richter Office Assistant krichter@stpaulschestnuthill.org
Brennan & Associates, Bookkeepers Sonam Dhawo, Sexton Dolma Dhawo, Custodian