How do we express our faith?

We worship!

2747 Fairmount Boulevard
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106
How do we express our faith?
We express our faith in many ways: by caring for those in need, by deepening our understanding of scripture, by giving of our financial blessings, and through communal worship.
Communal worship provides us the opportunity to joyously affirm our beliefs and our commitment to our life in Christ. This collective celebration of God and affirmation of faith strengthens and nourishes us as we go forth in our daily lives.
During the isolated months of the COVID pandemic, we learned that many of the things we were accustomed to doing in community, we could do remotely, including work, committee meetings, and even shopping. But worship felt different. The COVID pandemic helped us appreciate the importance of expressing and celebrating our faith in community. We were grateful for the opportunity to remain connected through livestreamed services, yet are rejoicing to be reunited in prayer and music, expressing our faith as the community of Christ.
How do we express our faith?

2747 Fairmount Boulevard
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106
How do we express our faith?
We express our faith in many ways: through communal worship and prayer, by deepening our understanding of Christ’s teachings, by giving of our financial blessings, and by actively serving and caring for those in need.
At St. Paul’s, service to others is integral to our communal life. Loving and serving God means loving our neighbors — those within our parish, our local community, and the wider world. Together, we care for those in need by sharing our abundance, not only of our financial resources but also of our time and our talents.
In community, we support students at EDWINS seeking a second chance; we serve warm, healthy meals to homeless residents of Haven Home and 2100 Lakeside men’s shelter; we help young students improve their reading skills; we build houses for homeless families; and we assemble care kits for the homeless of Cleveland and baby bundles for young mothers in Honduras.
How do we express our faith?
We give!

2747 Fairmount Boulevard
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106
How do we express our faith?
We express our faith in many ways: through worship, by caring for those in need, by deepening our understanding of God in our lives, and by giving of our financial blessings.
Our budgetary priorities and spending choices are a reflection of our faith.
We invite you to make an offering of your treasure in support of the St. Paul’s 2023 Annual Stewardship Fund. It is through your gifts that the myriad programs and ministries of the church are possible.
Please complete your pledge form and return it on or before Commitment Sunday, November 6, or pledge online by going to
Thank you for your participation in the life of St. Paul’s!