Parish Notes March 2022 • Vol. 64 No. 7

To offer “intercessory prayer” means to offer prayer for another. Distinct from our parish prayer list, the Intercessory Prayer Chain is focused on offering daily intercessory prayer for individuals in need. Clergy populate this prayer list with the first names of individuals in our community who are seeking healing from an acute situation. Operated through our Realm database, the clergy send out regular updates to this group bidding their prayers. If prayer is one of your spiritual gifts, or something you’d like to consider exploring more deeply, please contact the Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson to discuss joining the prayer team:
Cover Photos Top: On Sunday, February 13, we hosted the Wilma Ruth Combs Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians for the annual Absalom Jones service.
Middle: Julia Kaesberg and Keith Dye celebrated their marriage on January 29 (left). This was the second generation of Kaesbergs to marry at St. Paul’s. Muffy and Jim Kaesberg married on August 27, 1988 (right). Bottom: During her sabbatical, our Rector, Jeanne, celebrated Holy Eucharist by the Sea of Galilee (right) and visited St. Philip’s Anglican Church in the West Bank (left). Clergy Jeanne Leinbach, jkennedy@stpauls-church.orgJohnbashcraft@stpauls-church.orgBrandonjdodson@stpauls-church.orgJessiejleinbach@stpauls-church.orgRectorDodson,AssociateRectorAshcraft,AssistantRectorKennedy,AssistantRector Staff Karel Paukert Organist Steven Plank, Ph.D. Choirmaster Kelsey Ferguson Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs Lois Bell Handbell Choir Director David Osburn Carillonneur Lauren Dockery Director of Children’s Ministries Nathaniel Powell Director of Communications Pam O’Halloran Director of Operations Brenda Burton Controller Jenni Thomas Administrative Coordinator Gail Emmet Receptionist Paul EthanFredSteveMcCuenHalaszTuckerGreenberg Sextons St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 2747 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 (216) 932-5815
Intercessory Prayer Chain
Transportation Ministry
Pastoralinfo@stpauls-church.orgwww.stpauls-church.orgCareLine: (216) 238-4001
We are in the process of revamping our transportation ministry. This exists to help parishioners get rides to church events, doctor visits, and other appointments. Please contact Denise Wells at (216) 347-9697 or to add yourself to the list of those seeking a ride or to serve as a volunteer driver.
Pastoral Care is one of those ministries of the church that often goes unmentioned. It’s difficult to discuss, because so often it involves confidential conversations shared between the clergy and parishioners. But we’re all entrusted to one another in this community, and pastoral care is the work of each person in our community. With this in mind, we have a few ways you can seek out or offer care to one another: Parish Prayer List Members can add themselves or their loved ones to our parish-wide prayer list at any time. Prayer lists are printed each week in our Sunday bulletin. Contact the parish office for more information: (216) 932-5815.
• To eat…when COVID permits! (“…In the breaking of the bread”)
Jesus companioned with people and communities all throughout his ministry. From the beginning he gathered fishers at work and pledged to make them “fishers of people” (Matthew 4:18-22). In the “Road to Emmaus” story (Luke 24:13-17), Jesus companions with two individuals as they leave Jerusalem after the traumatizing days of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus companions beside them in their grief, eating with them and bidding them to share their stories. As Christians, we model this kind of companionship through our care of one another. We live this out at St. Paul’s through our various Outreach and Pastoral Care ministries. We are, as many often say, “companions on the way,” just as Jesus modeled for us.
This entire program year has been devoted to exploring our new identity statement ‘Seeking. Serving. Loving. Together.’ Each week at our Adult Forum, we’ve dived deep into these words, approaching them through the lens of our Anglican sources of authority: Scripture, tradition, and reason. As the calendar turns to February and March, we turn to an exploration of the final word of this statement: Together. As I began to explore the lessons Scripture can teach us about ‘togetherness,’ I sought first to define what it was we meant by ‘together.’ I circled around words like ‘companionship’ and ‘community.’ Breaking the word down even more, we see that ‘together’ quite literally means ‘to gather.’
• Continue learning the traditions of our faith (“Will you continue in the Apostles’ teaching?”)
Finally, I continue to return to a central question, which is “what makes Christian community unique?” We have so many choices on how to be “together” in this world, through school groups, social clubs, virtual gatherings, book groups, and more. What makes our Christian togetherness unique? For this I look to the words of our patron Saint Paul (words we’ve heard recently in worship). Throughout his writings, he points again and again to the concept of the “Body of Christ.” “You are the Body of Christ,” Paul affirms for the early Christian congregations, and for us (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). We are the body of Christ. No member is more important than another, no member better than another. In this body, all members are needed and valued in their diversity. We suffer together. We rejoice together. We exist to serve one another as Christ taught us. We exist to love another. The uniqueness of our gathering is that we’re centered on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are the Body of Christ. And we will forever be seeking, serving, and loving together.
• Enjoy each other’s company (“…and fellowship”)
So why do we as Christians gather? To answer this, I realized our Baptismal Covenant points the way for us. In our Covenant we’re asked, “Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?” (BCP 304-5). This question outlines our motivations and purposes in gathering, in being together. In other words, we gather to:
• And to worship (“…and in the prayers.”) As we explore the components of what makes a community, we see that companionship is a fundamental building block. And we have no better model for this companionship than Jesus Christ.
March 2022 | Parish Notes 3
The Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson

Brent is a first grader at Hawken School and Etienne attends the preschool at Hawken. Their household also includes a nanny, Raquel Rodriquez, who is with the family Sunday through Friday (she goes back to New York on the weekends). They have a dog, Dexter, who is a Norwich terrier and 13 years old, as well as 4 chickens (who live in the backyard). Peter and Luis are looking forward to being able to fully participate in St. Paul’s when COVID restrictions are lifted. They are excited to get to know more parishioners, as they already feel warmly welcomed in their new church home.
4 Parish Notes | March 2022
Submitted by Ginger Ratcliffe
Every St. Paul’s newcomer is offered an EpiscoPAL for their first year here. Existing parishioner Pals get to know the newcomer, invite them to events, and welcome them into our parish life. To learn more, contact Rev. Jessie at
Luis Tollinche, Peter Meyer, and family Luis Tollinche and Peter Meyer, along with their two sons, Brentage 7 and Etienne - age 3, moved to Cleveland Heights in the summer of 2021. After living in an apartment in New York City, they found a large house in the neighborhood near St. Paul’s Church. They saw banners for St. Paul’s and decided to explore joining our parish. Luis was raised a Roman Catholic and Peter came from a background of various churches, including Presbyterian, Baptist, and Congregational. He converted to the Catholic Church in recent years. Both Luis and Peter decided that the Episcopal Church was a good place to continue their religious life. Luis was born in Zaragoza, Spain. His father joined the US military, and as a result, Luis also lived in various other locations, primarily in Germany and Florida. His undergraduate education was at Harvard University. He attended medical school at Case Western Reserve University and did further work at Harvard. Metro Health Systems recruited him to Cleveland as the Chair of Anesthesiology. In his spare time, he likes scuba diving, travel, and fitness. He also has an interest in fine dining and wine. Peter grew up in northern Connecticut in the town of Winsted. He was always involved in singing with choirs and was the choir director of his high school. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and currently is employed as Vice President of Business Development and Strategies with the JOANN Stores. Peter enjoys singing with choirs. (perhaps he will join St. Paul’s choir, when we’re back?)

March 2022 | Parish Notes 5
Michael and Sonja also enjoy backpacking, in addition to performing music. They recently returned from a vigorous backpacking trip in Maine and have enjoyed backpacking with their daughters in the summertime. The family is currently fostering and raising their 3rd seeing-eye dog. They became involved in this program through another St. Paul’s member. They have also made many good friends through the Village program, which was very active for families with young children, before the COVID restrictions. St. Paul’s is a major part of their lives.
Mike Lyford, Sonja Rajki, and family Sonja Rajki and Michael Lyford have been members at St. Paul’s ever since they moved back to Cleveland, as a young married couple. Sonja grew up in Cleveland Heights and Michael grew up in Des Moines, Iowa. They met at Lawrence University in Wisconsin. After their marriage at St. Paul’s (Sonja’s parents are Steve and Joyce Rajki), Sonja and Michael moved to Minneapolis and then to Iowa. When they decided to move back to Cleveland it was because family was here. In addition to Sonja’s parents, her sister, Eva Johnson and her family live here. Although Sonja was raised in the Catholic faith and attended the Hallinan Center at Case Western Reserve University, she was attracted to St. Paul’s because it is in her neighborhood. Michael grew up in a mostly Unitarian background. Michael was a musician after college, while Sonja attended law school at Case Western Reserve University. Later Michael also went to law school at the University of Iowa. Sonja is the General Counsel for Metro Health and Michael is an attorney with Liberty Mutual. The three Lyford daughters, Clara, age 15, Celia, age 14 and Julia, age 11 are very active in the music programs at St. Paul’s and attend the Cleveland Heights schools. They have all sung in the choirs and have been involved in youth programs and plays. They are currently working with the group that is going to be performing Murder with Tomato Sauce, which will be premiering the second weekend in March. St. Paul’s has been like a second home to the girls, especially with their involvement in the music programs. Karel Paukert and Rick Nelson have had quite a positive influence in their lives. Because they live just down the street from the church, it has been easy for them to be involved in Sunday school and many of the youth activities.
March Newcomer Event
The Newcomer Council invites all recent Newcomers and their families to the upcoming performances by St. Paul’s youth theatre group C.A.S.T. The production will be a hilarious murder mystery titled Murder with Tomato Sauce (see page 11). Tickets for Newcomers and their families are compliments of the Newcomer Council, and all performances will be in Tucker Hall. RSVP not necessary. We hope to see you at the show!

Dave Urban, pictured
I enjoy the direct interaction with the congregation. We offer hospitality, greeting people as they enter worship services, and offering a welcoming smile (even behind a mask). This greeting alone can enrich a worshiper’s experience. Ushers help visitors and direct people in finding bathrooms, first aid, and other parts of the building. I believe that ushers are a true reflection of a friendly, welcoming, and loving church.
Ushers also have the privilege of actually participating in the service by collecting the offering and guiding parishioners to receive Holy Communion. In addition, ushers provide a count of service attendees, hand out bulletins to people entering the church, provide church information to visitors and newcomers, and generally do everything possible to make everyone feel welcome. We also tidy the pews following services, keeping our beautiful worship space in good order.
It’s a wonderful ministry for all— young adults, families, individuals, couples, youth, retirees, newcomers. Being an usher is a great way to meet people and support worship services at St. Paul’s. To volunteer as an usher or to find out more, please contact me at or Rev. Brandon Ashcraft at bashcraft@ I hope you’ll join a once-a-month ushering team!
UsheringSPOTLIGHTYou Submitted by Susan Vodrey
At St. Paul’s, we have ushers at three services each Sunday: 7:45, 9, and 11:15 a.m. Each usher is part of a team that serves one Sunday a month. I find ushering is a joyful way to serve the church. Our family began ushering about twenty years ago, when our sons were young. Long before they were old enough to lector or acolyte, they felt valued as participants in worship services. And what parishioner can resist smiling when handed a bulletin by a fiveAsyear-old?anusher,
St. Paul’s is looking for more people to participate in the ushering ministry and you are invited to join!
When you name the participants in a worship service, you might think of the priests, the acolytes, the choir, and the lectors. Ushers might not spring to mind, but they’re an integral part of the service, too.
6 Parish Notes | March 2022 MINISTRY

Last summer, St. Paul’s contracted Cresco Playhouse Square Management to conduct a Capital Reserve Study of the church facility to assess maintenance and repair needs over the next 10 years. A report outlining the current condition of building infrastructure, projected maintenance requirements, and estimated costs was presented to members of the House Committee, Vestry, and Long-Range Planning Committee. While much good work has been accomplished to address deferred maintenance items over the last several years, there is more work to be done including adopting recommended preventive maintenance strategies. Over the next few months, the House Committee will be establishing project priorities and drafting a schedule and budget for the initiation of this work.
• The repairing and replacement of degraded stonework on the north and south faces of the building, • Stripping and refinishing of the terrazzo floors in the Dining Room and Tucker Hall.
• The repair of the roofs above the Sanders Room and St. Martin’s Chapel, both of which were showing signs of significant water intrusion, • Re-laying of the stone walk south of Tucker Hall along the Gates Garden,
Pam O’Halloran
The House Committee and facilities team have been busy assessing the condition of all aspects of the church infrastructure, and planning and launching several projects to address some of the needed maintenance and repair.
Projects underway include:
• An Eagle Scout project in the playground which included a thorough clean-up, repairing, and repainting the playhouse, and adding wood chips below the play equipment.
March 2022 | Parish Notes 7
Projects completed in 2021 include:
• The replacement of rotting windows in the south wing classrooms, • Replacement of several degraded windows in Coventry House, • Repair of the stone wall around the terrace, • Resurfacing of all church drives and parking lots, • Resetting the stones in the courtyard to return them to a safe and level condition.
Facilities Report
Projects approved and under contract for the winter and spring include:

Join us for the service that best fits your schedule. Imposition of ashes at all services. Lauren Dockery, our Director of Children and Youth Ministries, preaches.
Devotionals Available If you are looking for a way to enhance your prayer practice this Lent, check out the table in the foyer!
8 Parish Notes | March 2022
Each year our Ash Wednesday service includes an invitation to a holy Lent. Just before we smear our foreheads with ash, we’re invited into a season of preparation for Easter. We’re called to observe a “holy Lent,” with “self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, self-denial, and reading and meditating on God’s word.” We at St. Paul’s have created a host of opportunities for you to journey into these holy days. Whether through serving in various outreach ministries, worshiping on Wednesday, Fridays, or Sundays, meditating on God’s word on Wednesdays, we hope that you’ll join us on the journey to the Cross. Then, after a faithful observance of a holy Lent, may we find ourselves filled with new life on Easter morning. As details develop and for links to all things linkable, be sure to visit the Lent page on our website:
Beginning Wednesday, March 9, 6 p.m. We’re excited to lift up several new voices at our Wednesday evening service of Holy Eucharist in St. Martin’s Chapel. During Lent, beginning on March 9, parishioners will offer reflections in the place of the clergy homily, bringing diverse perspectives on the biblical readings and the themes of the Lenten season. Our lay preachers will include Chris Chance, Kari Collier, Kaneala Nelson, Bill Powel, and Liz Richmond.
Beginning Friday, March 4, 12 p.m.
Ash Wednesday March 2
Lent at St. Paul’s Wednesday, March 2
There’s a selection of devotionals for individuals, families, and youth. Find the right one for you, and dive into a new spiritual discipline for the season.
Take a respite on Fridays in Lent to join us for a brief online Way of the Cross service. Also known as Stations of the Cross, this beloved Christian devotion invites us to follow the path Jesus walked to his crucifixion. It draws on the experience of ancient Jerusalem pilgrims who prayed at sites associated with the passion narrative. During this time of prayer, music, and meditation, we’ll reflect on the profound love that led Jesus to walk the way of the cross for our salvation. You can register on Zoom or email Rev. Brandon:
Way of the Cross Service
All are welcome!
Lay Preaching Series
Lenten Adult Forum Series
After an enthusiastically received Advent series, the Adult Forum will continue exploring Handel’s oratorio, Messiah, during Lent, this time with the benefit of the teaching and musical expertise of some of our parishioners. We will discover more of the musical riches of this masterpiece as well as gain insight into the biblical texts on which it is based. These forums are inspired by the Kerygma program Hallelujah: The Bible and Handel’s Messiah, written by Carol M. Bechtel and will be led by members of the congregation. Join us in the dining room or online:
7:30 a.m. | St. Martin’s Chapel 10:30 a.m. | Judson Park 12 p.m. | Nave 5:30 p.m. | Tucker Hall A Service for Children & Families 7:30 p.m. | Nave (livestream)
Beginning Sunday, March 6, 10 a.m.

A Portal to Easter Sunday, March 27, 4 p.m. Mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Frey and tenor Brian Skoog will perform a program of Bach, Dvorak, and Mendelssohn. Organist Karel Paukert will accompany and provide meditative organ works.
A Glimpse at Holy Week
Monday, April 11 to Sunday, April 17 Monday & Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Zoom Evening Prayer Wednesday 11 a.m. Judson Park Holy Eucharist 6 p.m. Holy Eucharist Maundy Thursday 5:30 p.m. Family Service with Agape Meal 7:30 p.m. Proper Liturgy with Foot-Washing Good Friday 12 p.m. Ecumenical Service 5:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross Family Service 7:30 p.m. Proper Liturgy Holy Saturday 10 a.m. Proper Liturgy 8 p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland Easter Day 7:30, 9, and 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt
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Palm Sunday Concert Sunday, April 10, 4 p.m. Soprano Anna Rathbun joins Karel Paukert, resident organist, for a Palm Sunday Concert in the Nave — the second in his series, A Portal to Easter Rathbun will sing Hendrik Andriessen’s Mirroir de Peine, Rachmaninoff’s “Vocalise,” and works of Bach.
Throughout the season of Lent
The Lenten season calls us to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others in a spirit of self-denial. During our first-ever ‘Lenten Acts of Love,’ we’re offering a series of outreach and service projects to help us live more fully into this spirit of the season. Join with members of the St. Paul’s community to experience the joy that is to be found when we heed Christ’s call to love and serve our neighbor together! You can find more information and sign up to volunteer by visiting our Lenten webpage:
Weekday Virtual Pilgrimage Beginning Wednesday, March 9, 7 p.m. Deepen your Lenten experience with this virtual pilgrimage along the Way of the Cross. The Way of the Cross, or Stations of the Cross, is an ancient spiritual exercise that follows the path Jesus took to his crucifixion. This practice, which traces its origins to early Christian pilgrims who visited the scenes of the events in Jerusalem and walked Jesus’ traditional route to Calvary, has been brilliantly and creatively adapted for the digital space as a multimedia experience. We will gather weekly for prayer, scripture, poetry, art, music, and discussion. Visit our website for a schedule of meetings, and contact Rev. John to sign up or learn more:
Lenten Acts of Love
EDWINS Fish Fry Friday, April 8, 5 p.m. We’ve all been hungering to regather for food, fun and fellowship. Let’s celebrate the arrival of that long awaited moment with a traditional Lenten Fish Fry in the dining room! Our friends from EDWINS will serve up beerbattered fish & chips, shrimp & chips and fresh coleslaw in our dining room, all lovingly prepared on-site in our kitchen. Stay tuned for more details in an upcoming edition of Saint Paul’s Weekly, including ticket information and a link to reserve seats or pre-order togo meals. All proceeds will benefit EDWINS.

Around the Parish
Wednesday, March 23, 10 a.m. The first SAGES event of 2022 will take place in the Brooks Room Wednesday, March 23 from 10 a.m. to noon. Coffee and bagels will be served. Fellow parishioner Valerie Weaver will lead us in a discussion of The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. The book tells the story of Belle de Costa Greene, librarian to J.P. Morgan, and her personal conflicts related to gender and race. This work of historical fiction has been called one of the best books of 2021 and is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and on several library apps for reading on electronic devices. Please register by March 21 by contacting Jenni Thomas: or (216) 9325815. Questions? Contact Lael Carter (laelbill66@ or Sara Cutting (
We’re delighted to welcome two guest preachers to the pulpit in Lent.On Sunday, March 6, our very own Leah Romanelli DeJesus returns home to preach at all three services. Leah is now officially a Candidate for the Priesthood in the Diocese of Ohio, sponsored by St. Paul’s, and is completing her final year of seminary. On Sunday, March 20, our guest preacher will be The Rev. Lizbeth Tulloch, Chair, Companion Relations Development Committee for the Diocese of Belize. She and her colleague Mr. Jeffrey Locke, Interim Diocesan Secretary, will lead the Adult Forum along with the Rev. Margaret D’Anieri, the Diocese of Ohio’s Canon for Mission. They will discuss the Diocese of Belize and our companion relationship with them.
10 Parish Notes | March 2022
The Sages visit to the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court had is rescheduled for Wednesday, May 4. Semler Live in Concert Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m. St. Paul’s and Fairmount Presbyterian Churches partner to host Queer Christian rock artist Grace “Semler” Baldridge for an unplugged concert followed by an intimate audience Q&A session. For LGBTQ+ folk and allies who are seekers, have been abandoned or hurt by the church, are spiritual-but-non-religious, deconstructing, Christian, or somewhere in between: this is a show you won’t want to miss. Grace “Semler” Baldridge has been featured on NPR, The Washington Post, and Apple Radio. With song titles like “Jesus from Texas” and “Hallelujah (In Your Arms)” that Baldridge calls “an anthem of queer joy,” they explore faith through an LGBTQ+ lens, offering critique to mainstream Western Christianity and authenticity about their lived experience as a queer person seeking God. The concert will support local non-profit LGBTQ+ organizations. The event takes place at Fairmount Presbyterian Church, just on the adjacent corner. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID text, and masks are required. Visit The Young Adult Group page on our website under “Learn” or go to to find the registration link. 100% of proceeds will go to LGBTQ+ partner organizations. Registration will be a give-asyou-can donation via Eventbrite.

Architectural Tours Offered Sunday, April 3 and May 22, 12:30 p.m. Do you know where the four Diocesan seals are in St. Paul’s? How about the movie projection booth? Where can you find the image of a German World War II soldier? And just what did Dr. Albert Schweitzer have to say about our organ? William Vodrey (April) and Dave Loomis (May) will lead a free, hour long tour of the church, beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 3 and May 22 in the Narthex (just behind the Nave or main worship space), so you can find out. Whether you’ve been at St. Paul’s for many years or even just a few months, there’s always more to discover about the wonderful space in which we all gather. Learn more about the art and architecture of St. Paul’s! Big Provincial Gathering April 28 to 30, South Bend, Indiana The Big Provincial Gathering is an opportunity to meet new people and connect with others who share your ministry passions. There will be trainings on Thursday, an informational plenary session on Friday, and workshops on Saturday. All are invited to come to this event. Our keynote speaker is Gay Clark Jennings, President of the House of Deputies. Registration is only $50 for the Friday-Saturday portion and the trainings on Thursday can be added for $25. (All of the programming is subsidized through sponsorships. Scholarships are available.) Check out all of the details here:
The St. Paul’s Handbell Choir is taking its show on the road! Hundreds of bell ringers from five states will gather in downtown Cleveland on March 18th and 19th for the Handbell Musicians of America Area 5 Festival. The St. Paul’s ringers are excited to spend a weekend honing their skills and trying new repertoire that includes, in addition to traditional hymn tunes, compositions by the Beatles and Coldplay. The final concert on Saturday the 19th is at 5 p.m. at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel and is free of charge to the public. Come support our Bell Choir and enjoy an evening of festive music!
Children and Youth Teach Godly Play
We’re looking for more teachers for our Godly Play classrooms. This is a fantastic way to deepen your own spirituality and spend quality time with the amazing children in our community. If you’re interested in learning more about the Godly Play program and church school at St. Paul’s, contact Lauren: ldockery@
March 11, 12, and 13, 6:30 p.m. This hysterically funny murder mystery is co-directed by Avery Bandy-Zalatoris and Clara Lyford and stars Linnea Koops as Detective Rathbone. Laugh along as Rathbone invites the world’s greatest detectives to a dinner party, where a murder was committed! Find out who did it on March 11th, 12th, or 13th at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $12 per person and all proceeds support St. Paul’s youth theater program CAST (Christian Action Student Theater).
. Contact Heather Barta with any questions: (989) 413-3229 or Reading Camp Book Fair Sunday, March 13, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The annual Reading Camp Book Fair will be held March 13 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Rotunda. This year we will again join forces with Appletree Books of the Cleveland Heights Cedar/Fairmount neighborhood. We will have books available to purchase for your home library, for our Reading Camp library, and for our campers to take home. If you’re unable to make it, you can shop online: Books purchased online will be shipped directly to your home at a reduced rate. All purchases benefit St. Paul’s Reading Camps and the children we serve. Thank you!
Choir Regional Festival
Murder with Tomato Sauce
March 2022 | Parish Notes 11
Saturday, March 19, 5 p.m., Renaissance Hotel @stpaulscle • (216) 932-5815 2747 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106