January 2023 • Vol. 65 No. 5
Parish Notes
Jeanne Leinbach, Rector jleinbach@stpauls-church.org
Jessie Dodson, Associate Rector jdodson@stpauls-church.org
Brandon Ashcraft, Assistant Rector bashcraft@stpauls-church.org
John Kennedy, Assistant Rector jkennedy@stpauls-church.org
Lois Bell
Handbell Choir Director
Brenda Burton, Controller
Lauren Dockery
Director of Children’s & Youth Min.
Kelsey Ferguson Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs
Ethan Greenberg, Sexton
Steve Halasz, Sexton
Kevin Jones, Director of Music
Lysa Kenney
Administrative Assistant
Paul McCuen, Sexton
Pam O’Halloran Director of Operations
David Osburn Carillonneur Karel Paukert, Organist
Nathaniel Powell Director of Communications
Jenni Thomas Administrative Coordinator
Fred Tucker, Sexton
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
2747 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106 (216) 932-5815 www.stpauls-church.org info@stpauls-church.org
Pastoral Care Line: (216) 238-4001
Join us for the St. Paul’s Chili Cook-Off, on Friday, January 20, from 6:30 to 9 p.m., in Tucker Hall. The Chili Cook-Off is a fun event with warm fellowship and friendly competition to ease your January chill. Attendees will be able to sample all chilis and serve as judges. Prizes will be awarded!
The chefs will supply the chili, and the Parish Fellowship Committee will provide toppings, appetizers, cornbread, salad, desserts, and all beverages (beer, wine, and non-alcoholic).
Registration is free for chili chefs and $20 for each attendee. Please note that this is an adult event. If you need childcare, please note that in your registration by January 16. We will provide adult sitters in the toddler room. Registration is now open on our website for both chili contestants and attendees: www.stpauls-church.org/chili2023.
Cover Photos
This month’s cover photos are from Christmas Eve. Do you have a photo to share? Send them to Nathaniel, and you just might see them here, on social media, or around the building: npowell@stpauls-church.org
2 Parish Notes | January 2023
Holy Graffiti
The Rev. Brandon Ashcraft
One of my favorite liturgies in our tradition is the Blessing of a Home. While it’s not terribly well known, there is an entire liturgy for asking God’s blessing on our dwelling places, complete with blessings for each room of the house! It can be used any time but is often celebrated after moving into a new home.
The January 6 Feast of the Epiphany recalls the arrival of the magi in Bethlehem and is a particularly appropriate time for a house blessing. Indeed, there is an ancient custom of ‘Chalking the Doors’ at Epiphany, which has been popular in Europe for centuries. This ritual invokes Christ’s blessing on our homes, those who live there, and all who visit us in the year ahead.
In this ritual, the following is written in chalk on the door as special prayers are said: 20+C+M+B+23. It leaves the impression of what some have called “holy graffiti.” The numbers correspond to the year, and the letters correspond to the traditional names of the magi, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, which also recalls the Latin phrase “Christus Mansionem Benedicat,” which means “May Christ bless this dwelling.”
At our Epiphany service on January 6, we will chalk the doors of the church, celebrate the Holy Eucharist, and send home chalk and a short liturgy that can be used in your own homes. And the clergy are happy to lead a more formal home blessing at any time!
May the Lord Jesus Christ, the Light of the nations, bless our homes in the year ahead, that they may be havens of peace and health. Amen.
January 2023 | Parish Notes 3
Rev. Brandon & Rev. John lead a Blessing of the Home liturgy for parishioner Sarah-Theresa Murakami.
Welcome to the Hajek Family
Submitted by Stacey Souther
The Hajek family moved to Pepper Pike in August 2017, relocating for Jimmy’s job. Jimmy, however, was not new to the area, growing up in Brooklyn Heights, Ohio, while Shauna grew up in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Jimmy, Shauna, their son, Lou, adopted from Guatemala, and furry family members, beagles Rudy and Posey, lived in Chaska, Minnesota, before calling Northeast Ohio home.
Jimmy earned his undergraduate degree in Accounting from St. John’s University and his MBA in finance from the University of St. Thomas. He has a financial background helping distressed companies and enjoys sports and cooking.
Shauna earned undergraduate degrees in International Relations and Scandinavian Studies from the University of Minnesota and an MBA in finance from the University of St. Thomas. A retired finance analyst, Shauna is now an artist in graphite drawing, watercolor, and ceramics.
St. Paul’s 101
All newcomers (those who’ve joined the parish in the past two years or so) are invited to attend a series of interactive lunches on Sunday afternoons in February. These gatherings are specifically designed for those who are new to St. Paul’s and those who want to learn more about the ministries and operations of St. Paul’s. Each week will focus on a different aspect of our church. Contact Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson to RSVP: jdodson@stpauls-church.org
Jimmy was raised Roman Catholic at St. Leo’s Parish in Cleveland, and Shauna grew up in the Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis. Their son, Lou, has been raised as an Episcopalian — previously attending Trinity Episcopal Church of Excelsior, Minnesota. The Hajek family searched for an Episcopal faith community once they moved to the area and have felt comfortable at St. Paul’s, jumping right into many ministries! Shauna is part of the altar guild, assists with tutoring at Roxboro, and is a reading camp volunteer. They also participated in the recent Bindover conference sponsored by the Greater Cleveland Congregation and were excited to participate in their first Loaves and Fishes Christmas Dinner Ministry on December 14.
When asked to describe their experience at St. Paul’s, they said, “We’re in the right place.” Be sure to welcome Jimmy, Shauna, and Lou to the St. Paul’s family the next time you see them!
All times are 12:30 to 2:15 p.m.
February 5 | Worship and Music
February 12 | Communications, Administration, and a Building Tour
February 19 | Christian Formation and Introduction to Lent
February 26 | Outreach
4 Parish Notes | January 2023
Survey Results
The Rev. Jeanne Leinbach and Pam O’Halloran
For the past two years, a Longterm Financial Planning Committee has developed models to project the parish’s financial health. Aware that our oldest members have been our most generous age demographic on average, the committee’s budget calculations projected rising expenses and falling income over time. While the finances of St. Paul’s have been very healthy in recent years, the forecast was for the parish to begin seeing budget deficits if income and expense trends continued.
To better forecast the church infrastructure’s capital maintenance and improvement needs, the committee engaged a consultant to conduct a Capital Reserve Study. This study identified critical deferred maintenance projects, and estimated costs, needed over the next ten years to assure our church facilities remain in good condition well into the future.
Recognizing the parish’s financial needs, the Vestry of St. Paul’s engaged CCS Fundraising to conduct a feasibility study to help determine whether the time was right to move forward with a capital campaign. We are grateful to the 233 parishioners and staff who read the background paper prepared by the planning committee and participated in conversations and a survey to offer their feedback.
Here is a quick overview of what you said:
• An overwhelming majority of respondents currently hold “very positive” or “positive” perceptions of St. Paul’s.
• The strengths most often mentioned were the clergy, the music program, the parish community, and the education programs.
• Thinking about a possible campaign, the great majority of respondents felt that now was the right time to move forward.
• 93% of those who participated said they would be willing to support a campaign financially. Many also indicated an interest in serving on a committee or inviting their fellow parishioners to join them in supporting a campaign.
• While much more information is needed, respondents expressed support for the outlined goals of the campaign, including restoration of the organs, infrastructure needs like roofs, windows, the elevator, and masonry repairs, growing the endowment to help ensure future financial health, and setting aside 10% of all monies raised for our outreach ministries through a tithe.
• Concerns expressed by respondents included worries about the economy and a need for more information to decide the validity of a campaign.
Based on the study’s results, the Vestry voted in November to move forward with a campaign. We are delighted to announce that Liz Patterson and Chris Smythe have agreed to serve as Co-Chairs of the campaign, and Bill Conway and Cathy Lewis have accepted roles as Honorary Chairs. The congregation will learn more about this as plans unfold in the coming months, including at the annual meeting on January 22.
January 2023 | Parish Notes 5
The Christmas Story
6 Parish Notes | January 2023
Christmas Pageant
January 2023 | Parish Notes 7
Festival Holy Eucharist
8 Parish Notes | January 2023
Around the Parish
Parish News
Parish Notes Event Submissions
Submissions may be emailed to Nathaniel Powell, Director of Communications: npowell@stpaulschurch.org. • Submissions must include: Title (max 50 to 60 characters); date; and a description (max 500 characters, links are exempt). For additional information, we will set up a page on our website (max 250 to 300 words). • Photos: a photo or graphic or suggestions for a photo or graphic. Only photo files with a minimum pixel dimension of 1080 x 1080 will be published. • Submissions are due by the fifteenth of each month.
Annual Meeting Sunday, January 22, 11 a.m.
On Sunday, January 22, following our combined worship service at 10 a.m., we will gather as a parish to reflect and look ahead to the coming year. We’ll hear updates on current ministries and projects and learn about programming. In addition, the 2023 Budget will be presented, and we will give thanks to outgoing Vestry members and elect new members. Our vestry nominees are Bob Fox, Brian Murphy, Amia Wheatley, Andrea Turner, and Joan Sancho.
The Feast of the Epiphany Friday, January 6, 2023, 6 p.m.
We’ll mark the arrival of the magi with the ancient Epiphany custom of the ‘chalking of the doors’ and a service of the Holy Eucharist. ‘Chalking the doors’ is a ritual to ask God’s blessing on our homes and our lives. We’ll send everyone home with chalk and special prayers to observe this custom in their own homes.
Choral Evensong for the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle Sunday, January 29, 4 p.m.
The Youth and Senior Choirs join forces to sing Choral Evensong for the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, our patron saint, on Sunday, January 29, at 4 p.m. Responses by Richard Ayleward; Evening Canticles in G by Stanford; and “The Spirit of the Lord” by Edward Elgar.
Christian Formation
The Forum
Returning Sunday, January 8, 10:15 a.m.
Forums in January will continue our exploration of the sacramental way with special guests Alan Kolp, recently retired Professor of Religion at Baldwin Wallace, and the Very Rev. Andrew McGowan, Dean of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.
January 8 | The Sacraments History, Theology, and Spirituality, Part I Alan Kolp, Ph.D., & Rev. John Kennedy
January 15 | The Sacraments History, Theology, and Spirituality, Part II Alan Kolp, Ph.D., & Rev. John Kennedy
January 29 | The Eucharist Meal, Ritual, and Sacrifice The Very Rev. Andrew McGowan, Ph.D.
Archive Work Session
Saturday, January 14, 10 a.m.
Come join the fun at the next work session of the Archives Team on Saturday, January 14, 2023, at 10 a.m. Learn how the artifacts of our history are archived by helping to review and verify the documents in one of our archival boxes. Contact David Sloan to RSVP and with any questions: sloan.david@yahoo.com
January 2023 | Parish Notes 9 PARISH CALENDAR
Around the Parish
Spirituality on the Silver Screen Cinema and the Sacramental Imagination
Wednesdays, from January 11 to February 15, 6:30 p.m.
Spirituality on the Silver Screen returns!
St. Paul’s parishioners will host movies and discussions on Wednesdays, at 6:30 p.m., in the Brooks Room. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. The selections have thematic resonance with the sacraments, our theme for the program year. The sacramental way reminds us of— and draws us into — our identity as embodied creatures. We commune with God not just through our minds but through our senses and stories. Senses, story, and symbols come together in cinema in a powerful combination ideal for enriching our exploration of the sacraments. To sign up or learn more, contact Rev. John: jkennedy@stpaulschurch.org. Hybrid or virtual participation is an option.
January 11 | O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Chris Chance, host
January 18 | Big Fish William Vodrey, host
January 25 | The Tree of Life Liz Richmond, host
February 1 | Dead Man Walking Barbara Hoekstra, host
February 8 | Babette’s Feast
Pat Azouri, host
February 15 | Katharina Luther Tim Wutrich, host
Knitting Circle Resumes First and Third Tuesdays
The Knitting Circle will meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. and on the third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. Knitting circles will take place in the Coventry house.
SAGES Book Group
Wednesday, February 15, 10 a.m.
On Wednesday, February 15, the Rev. Jeanne Leinbach will lead a guided discussion of Will Schwalbe’s The End of Your Life Book Club, a memoir of the author’s mother which highlights the relevance of literature in our everyday lives. The book is available in both hard and digital copies through Amazon, and most libraries. We will meet at 10 a.m., in the Brooks Room for coffee and bagels; the discussion will begin at 10:30 a.m. and end by noon. Please register with Jenni Thomas at (216) 952-5815 or jthomas@stpauls-church.org. Questions? Contact Lael Carter (laelbill66@gmail. com) or Sara Cutting (sgcutting916@gmail.com).
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Dinner
Tuesday, February 21, 5:30 p.m. Be sure to save the date for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, February 21, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the dining room. Shrove Tuesday is a traditional day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. More details are coming soon!
10 Parish Notes | January 2023
Around the Parish
Music and Art
Organ Recital of Messiaen’s
La Nativité du Seigneur
Sunday, January 8, 4 p.m.
Karel Paukert plays Olivier Messiaen’s La Nativité du Seigneur in its entirety on January 8 at 4 p.m. in the Nave. This 1935 masterpiece is a series of nine meditations on the birth of Jesus, from the crêche to the Word made flesh. Don’t miss our local maestro exercise his artistry on the Holtkamp organ.
Member Art Show
Now through March 5, 2023
The Nicholson B. White Gallery is excited to host the Member Show!
See the fantastic talent of 27 current members of St. Paul’s. Artwork includes watercolors, textiles, photography, ceramics, jewelry, woodwork, metalwork, and more.
Join the Handbell Choir
Have you ever wanted to ring bells in a handbell choir? If so, you are lucky because we, the Handbell Choir, are looking for new members to join us.
Playing handbells is a skill that requires coordination and good rhythm, but as we each improve, we manage to have lots of fun, too.
Previous handbell experience is always welcome, but the willingness to commit to learning and attend rehearsals are the main prerequisites.
Currently, we rehearse on Mondays from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. If this interests you, we’d love to have you join us. For more details, get in touch with director Lois Bell: loismusic@hotmail.com or (440) 479-4645.
Gun Violence in America Sunday, January 29, 12:30 p.m.
Join parishioner Rosie Craig for a forum on Gun Violence in America. Rosie will focus her talk on the movement to change the culture of acceptance and will elaborate on the new partnership between the Ohio Council of Churches and Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence (OCAGV). Rosie is a 20-year advocate and current board member of OCAGV. She continues to be the Gun Safety Representative for the League of Women Voters of Ohio. Light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Rev. Brandon Ashcraft: bashcraft@stpauls-church.org
In the Diocese
The 2023 Winter Convocation February 3–4, 2023
The Diocese of Ohio will host the 2023 Winter Convocation at Kalahari Convention Center in Sandusky on February 3 to 4. As always, we’ll have a great set of workshops led by our Keynote Leader, Joy Skjegstad, and many members of our diocese. We’re also excited to welcome Bishop-elect Anne Jolly to the Convocation! She will be with us to preach at the Eucharist and meet as many people as possible on her first visit to the diocese since her election. To learn more, including the registration link, visit our website: www.stpauls-church.org/ Convocation2023
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 11 a.m.
The Reverend Anne B. Jolly will be ordained and consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio on Saturday, April 29, at 11 a.m. in the Cleveland Public Auditorium.
January 2023 | Parish Notes 11
@stpaulscle • (216) 932-5815