Parish Notes
Lent 2023 • Vol. 65 No. 5
Clergy Jeanne Leinbach, Rector Jessie Dodson, Associate Rector Brandon Ashcraft, Assistant Rector John Kennedy, Assistant Rector
Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday
Staff Lois Bell Handbell Choir Director Brenda Burton, Controller Lauren Dockery Director of Children’s & Youth Min. Kelsey Ferguson Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs Ethan Greenberg, Sexton Steve Halasz, Sexton Kevin Jones, Director of Music Lysa Kenney Administrative Assistant Paul McCuen, Sexton Pam O’Halloran Director of Operations David Osburn Carillonneur Karel Paukert, Organist Nathaniel Powell Director of Communications Jenni Thomas Administrative Coordinator Fred Tucker, Sexton
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Tuesday, February 21, 5:30 p.m.
Shrove Tuesday is a traditional day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Join us on Shrove Tuesday for a pancake dinner on Tuesday, February 21. The Men’s Council will be flipping and serving pancakes from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the dining room. Suggested donation is $10 per person and $25 for families. At 6:30 p.m., we will hold a Burning of the Palms liturgy in the courtyard in preparation for Ash Wednesday the next day. Ash Wednesday Services Wednesday, February 22
Join us for the service that best fits your schedule. Imposition of ashes at all services. All are welcome! 7:30 a.m. | Ash Wednesday Liturgy St. Martin’s Chapel Noon | Ash Wednesday Liturgy Nave 5:30 p.m. | Ash Wednesday Liturgy for Children & Families Tucker Hall 7:30 p.m. | Ash Wednesday Liturgy with Holy Eucharist Nave (Livestreamed) Ash Wednesday at Judson Park
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 2747 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106
Wednesday, February 22, 10:30 a.m.
Judson residents and St. Paul’s clergy will gather for the Ash Wednesday liturgy in the Auditorium at Judson Park.
(216) 932-5815 Pastoral Care Line: (216) 238-4001
Parish Notes | Lent 2023
Cover Photos This month’s cover photos are some of our favorite #SundaySightings in January. Do you have a photo to share? Send them to Nathaniel, and you just might see them here, on social media, or around the building:
Bread in the Wilderness The Rev. John Kennedy
Are you hungry? I don’t just mean physically; I mean existentially, spiritually. Now seems to be a time when, perhaps not unlike other times, so many of us are hungry — feeling a little empty. The poet Christian Wiman said nihilism is the cultural atmosphere; the air we breathe nowadays. This simply does not nourish the soul; the spirit; the heart. Bruce Springsteen (another great poet) sang “everybody’s got a hungry heart.” A common metaphor for the Christian life has been that of a pilgrimage. As Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert between their slavery in Egypt and their freedom in the Promised Land, so do we live — and wander — in an inbetween time; the already and the not-yet of the kingdom of God. In the words of our patron Saint Paul, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we shall see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). To satisfy their hunger, the Israelites were given manna, a mysterious “bread from heaven” in their desert wanderings. Christians have long drawn a connection between manna and Holy Communion, the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood. Jesus talked about himself as “the true bread from heaven” (John 6:32). The Eucharist is spiritual food for our earthly pilgrimage, given to satisfy our hungry hearts.
After all, the 40-day season of Lent is based on — and meant to draw us into solidarity with— Jesus’ 40 days in the desert before his public ministry. A deeper engagement with the Eucharist can open new horizons in our faith and in our lives. As the Very Rev. Andrew McGowan, Dean of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, recently shared during his forum at St. Paul’s, the Eucharist connects us with creation and labor; enacts our relationship of giving and gratitude with God; forms the Church as community; and inspires us to meet human need. Wherever you are on your pilgrimage, I invite you to the Altar of Christ’s presence with renewed intention during the season of Lent. In particular, I invite you to make a Lenten discipline of joining us for worship both on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, where we will celebrate and be fed by the bread of heaven and cup of salvation. Following Wednesday worship, we will break bread together and discuss Thomas Merton’s book The Living Bread, in which he plumbs the depths of the Eucharist. Through this great sacrament of Christ’s abiding love and presence, may know in the depths of your being that God is with you — and with us — always.
The season of Lent is upon us, and what better time to deepen our devotion to what Thomas Merton called “the greatest of all the sacraments… in which Christ not only gives us grace but actually gives us Himself”?
Lent 2023 | Parish Notes
Lent at St. Paul’s
Each year our Ash Wednesday service includes an invitation to a holy Lent. Just before we smear our foreheads with ash, we’re invited into a season of preparation for Easter. We’re called to observe a “Holy Lent,” with “self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, self-denial, and reading and meditating on God’s word.” We've created a host of opportunities for you to journey into these holy days and hope that you’ll join us on the journey to the Cross. Then, after a faithful observance of a holy Lent, may we find ourselves filled with new life on Easter morning. For more details and for links to all things linkable, be sure to visit the Lent Hub on our website:
The Forum Holy Living, Holy Dying
Sundays, February 26, and March 5, 10:15 a.m.
Join the clergy of St. Paul’s for a twopart series of faithful and life-giving conversations about the end of life. Over the course of two forums, we will provide a safe space to break the silence and denial around death and dying by together examining our personal and cultural beliefs about mortality. As Christians, we will reflect on and explore a theological understanding of death grounded in scripture, sacraments, and tradition. We will also review the Book of Common Prayer funeral liturgy and begin planning our funerals. Join us in this journey of discussing the mystery of death as a means of affirming God’s precious gift of life.
Parish Notes | Lent 2023
The Tapestry of Imagination Medieval Drama in Lent
Beginning Sun., March 12, 10:15 a.m.
Three hundred years before Shakespeare, the mystery plays were a cycle of forty-eight short dramas that — in the course of a single day — would present the whole history of the universe from the creation of Heaven and Earth to the Last Judgement, as an outdoor pageant of vernacular religious performances in some of the larger cities in England. What made these plays unique was their being performed and produced by tradesman guilds, with each guild taking responsibility for a particular piece of scriptural history. March 12 | Medieval Mystery Plays in Lent, Part 1 John Orlock, PhD March 19 | Medieval Mystery Plays in Lent, Part 2 John Orlock, PhD March 26 | Medieval Morality Plays and Dr. Faust Timothy Wutrich, PhD
Holy Week at a Glance For an overview of Holy Week or Easter, check out page 12 or our website:
Christian Formation Contemplative Prayer Scripture and Meditations for Lent from Richard Rohr Tuesdays in Lent, 5:30 p.m.
Deepen your devotion this Lent with the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. Using Lenten scripture and meditations from Richard Rohr as our guide, we will listen, meditate, and pray in the hope that God will lead us through the interior desert of Lent into new life in Christ. Meetings are in the Chapel of the Cross. If you’d like to learn more, please contact Rev. John: Bible Study The Sundays of Lent Thursdays, 9 a.m.
Explore the riches of the scriptures and stories of Lent with the preacher on deck. Meetings are in the Sanders Room. Drop in anytime; no RSVP is needed. Lent Book Group The Living Bread
Wednesdays, Beginning March 1, 7 p.m.
When we receive Holy Communion, we are given its inward and spiritual grace even if we don’t know it or feel it. However, the power of this sacrament — the very life of Christ in us — becomes all the more real to us when we study, reflect, pray, and meditate on it. Our formation book for this season of Lent is The Living Bread by Thomas Merton, in which one of the foremost spiritual thinkers of the past century considers the mystery of the Eucharist in its fullness: as a sign of Christ’s love for us; as a sacrifice; as Christ’s presence with us; as food for our journey to God; as a foretaste of the perfect communion we will know with God in heaven and in the world to come. The book can be bought online from the publisher (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux), Amazon, or your preferred bookseller. Each session will meet in the Brooks Room and be led by one of the clergy. A light Lenten meal will be
provided by participants. Virtual participation is an option, and a Zoom link will be provided upon request by contacting John Kennedy: jkennedy@ March 1 | Unto the End Rev. John Kennedy March 8 | Do This in Memory of Me Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson March 15 | Behold I Am With You Rev. John Kennedy March 22 | I Am the Way Rev. Brandon Ashcraft March 29 | The Sacred Banquet Rev. Jeanne Leinbach
Outreach Lenten Acts of Love The Lenten season calls us to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others in a spirit of self-denial. The ‘Lenten Acts of Love’ program offers a series of outreach and service projects to help us live more fully into the spirit of the season. Join St. Paul’s community members to experience the joy of loving and serving our neighbors together. Stay tuned for more information about these outreach opportunities in upcoming Saint Paul’s Weekly emails or on our website: Lenten Fish Fry
Friday, March 31, 5 p.m.
Please join us on Friday, March 31, between 5 and 7:30 p.m. for our second annual Fish Fry. Our EDWINS friends will again prepare their famous beer-battered fish and shrimp on site, and will include coleslaw and fries. All proceeds benefit EDWINS. Table service will be offered in the Dining Room, and to-go orders may also be placed. Beer and wine will be available for purchase. Online orders may be made on our website: Lent 2023 | Parish Notes
Meet Another EpiscoPAL Pair Submitted by Suzanne Smythe
Every St. Paul’s newcomer is offered an EpiscoPAL for their first year here. Existing parishioner Pals get to know the newcomer, invite them to events, and welcome them into our parish life. To learn more, contact Rev. Jessie at
Bonnie Gunzenhauser (left) Cleveland baseball fans might recognize the name of newcomer Bonnie Gunzenhauser’s hometown. She grew up in Van Meter, Iowa, which happens to be the hometown of famed Cleveland Indians pitcher Bob Feller. Bonnie left Iowa and went to Chicago for graduate school, 6
Parish Notes | Lent 2023
where she stayed for most of her adult life. In June 2020, Bonnie moved to Cleveland when she accepted the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at John Carroll University. With the pandemic keeping us all isolated, moving to a new city was not an easy time. After getting settled, she was interested in finding a church. Bonnie was raised in the United Methodist Church and attended Lutheran (ELCA) congregations for most of her life. Bonnie decided to try the virtual services St. Paul’s was offering.
She appreciated the preaching, the music, and the variety of virtual outreach at St. Paul’s and knew it would be her first church to visit once worship resumed in person. Bonnie is an English professor by training, having received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Chicago. Her undergraduate degree is in English and philosophy from Luther College. She is a lifelong singer and calls herself an early music geek. Bonnie enjoys hiking, reading, and traveling. She’s also a fan of state fairs and offbeat museums. She shares her home
with her “exceptional” cats, Sammy and Olaf. St. Paul’s has benefitted from Bonnie’s singing talents. She is an alto in the senior choir, making her a regular at the 11:15 service. Bonnie enjoys the adult formation offerings, and loved participating in the Bellwether Together weekend last summer. She describes her St. Paul’s experience as being “very welcoming — the people, the worship services, and all of the opportunities to get involved have made it feel like a real spiritual home for me.” Bonnie has been matched with parishioner Michele Smolin as her EpiscoPAL. We are delighted she has decided to call Cleveland and St. Paul’s her home. Michele Smolin (center) has lived in Cleveland for over thirty years. She moved to the area from her hometown of Pittsburgh to attend law school at CWRU. Before that, she graduated from Carlow University with an undergraduate degree in organ performance and a minor in liturgical music. Her first St. Paul’s 101
residence in Cleveland was the big convent on the grounds of Beaumont School for Girls. She entered the Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy convent in 1982 and lived in the beautiful convent at Beaumont School while in law school. She remembers first coming to St. Paul’s for Evensong and other musical events and worship. In 2015 Michele and her son became members at St. Paul’s and attended worship weekly — Michele joined the choir, and Xavier joined the acolytes. Michele has been practicing law for 30+ years. Initially a trial lawyer for 17 years, she moved into in-house and general counsel positions. She is currently the General Counsel for a biotech company in Solon. She is an empty nester and shares her home with her Bernese Mountain dog, Artie. Michele enjoys reading, movies, and keeping up with politics. She loves to travel, ski, and vacation in lake houses. She’s also a Pittsburgh Steelers fan (but don’t hold that against her).
All newcomers (those who’ve joined the parish in the past two years or so) are invited to attend a series of interactive lunches on Sunday afternoons in February. These gatherings are specifically designed for those who are new to St. Paul’s and those who want to learn more about the ministries and operations of St. Paul’s. Each week will focus on a different aspect of our church. Contact Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson to RSVP:
Being a member of the Senior Choir brings Michele “immeasurable joy.” She’s very proud that her son, Xavier, was a regular acolyte. She enjoys all St. Paul’s has to offer and is exploring new ways to get involved. The music first attracted Michele to St. Paul’s, but the progressive theological philosophy and community are why she calls the church her home. In her words, “The clergy and the community here are like none other in the best way.” Michele enjoys her role as an EpiscoPAL to Bonnie. With their shared love of music, bonding as altos, and similar humor, they’re a great match. Michele is grateful for how she was welcomed to the church from the minute she stepped foot in the building. And in turn, St. Paul’s is grateful to have Michele as an engaged and faithful parishioner. Photo: Bonnie Gunzenhauser, Michele Smolin, and Meg Weingart share a laugh following the All Saints’ service on November 6.
All times are 12:30 to 2:15 p.m. February 5 | Worship and Music February 12 | Communications, Administration, and a Building Tour February 19 | Christian Formation and Introduction to Lent February 26 | Outreach
Lent 2023 | Parish Notes
Around the Parish Parish Notes Event Submissions Submissions may be emailed to Nathaniel Powell, Director of Communications: • Submissions must include: Title (max 50 to 60 characters); date; and a description (max 500 characters, links are exempt). For more information, we will set up a page on our website (max 250 to 300 words). • Photos: a photo or graphic or suggestions for a photo or graphic. Only photo files with a minimum pixel dimension of 1080 x 1080 will be published.
Christian Formation Archives Work Sessions
Saturday, February 18, 10 a.m. Saturday, March 25, 10 a.m.
New and improved! Streamlined! Join us at the next work sessions of the Archives Team on Saturdays, February 18 and March 25, at 10 a.m. Learn how the artifacts of our history are archived by reviewing and verifying the documents in one of our archival boxes. Contact David Sloan to RSVP and with questions: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land March 4-15, 2024
Look for Jesus in the Holy Land in March of 2024. Our rector, Jeanne Leinbach, will lead a pilgrimage. Full details will be available shortly after Easter 2023. Register your interest by April 1, and you will receive a $200 per person discount off the pilgrimage price. Fill out the form found in the information centers in the lobby and narthex or online:
Parish Notes | Lent 2023
Outreach Loaves and Fishes
Second Wednesdays 11:30 a.m., and Fourth Mondays, 5:30 p.m.
The Loaves and Fishes ministry serves two meals a month at local homeless shelters. All interested in preparing food or serving our guests may email Jeff and Carol Spero: Greater Cleveland Congregations
Tuesday, February 28, 7:30 p.m.
Join the monthly GCC Core Team meeting to learn about GCC’s current work around criminal justice reform and how you can support it. Contact Julie Micheletti for the Zoom link:
Fellowship SAGES Book Group
Wednesday, February 15, 10 a.m.
On Wednesday, February 15, the Rev. Jeanne Leinbach will lead a guided discussion of Will Schwalbe’s The End of Your Life Book Club, a memoir of the author’s mother highlighting the relevance of literature in our everyday lives. The book is available in hard and digital copies through Amazon and most libraries. We will meet at 10 a.m. in the Brooks Room for coffee and bagels; the discussion will begin at 10:30 a.m. and end by noon. Please register with Jenni Thomas at (216) 932-5815 or Questions? Contact Lael Carter (laelbill66@gmail. com) or Sara Cutting (
Young Adult Outing
Saturday, March 11, 8 p.m.
The Young Adult Group will attend the Cleveland Orchestra’s performance of Mozart’s Requiem on Saturday, March 11, at 8 p.m. Please RSVP via email to Allison Paetz at We’ve finalized our group ticket order, but we may have extras available, or you are welcome to purchase a ticket on your own and join us for dinner before the performance. Returning and new/prospective members and friends are welcome! Women’s Fellowship Retreat April 14-15, at Bellwether Farm
Women of St. Paul’s are invited for a fellowship retreat at Bellwether Farm from 5 p.m. on Friday, April 14, to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 15. Hosted by the Parish Fellowship Committee, this retreat focuses on building relationships in the congregation and providing an opportunity for personal nourishment and rejuvenation. We’ll have shared group activities, wine and cheese, farm-to-table family-style meals, sunrise yoga, nature walks, crafts, and lay-led closing worship. The fee for three meals, all activities, and sharing a double room is $118 or $145 for a single room. Please register on our website by Tuesday, March 14: Please get in touch with Pam O’Halloran with any questions: (216) 238-4008 or Foyer Groups Are you looking for ways to get to know more people at St. Paul’s? Then consider joining a Foyer Group. These are groups of about ten St. Paul’s members who gather regularly for potlucks in each other’s homes throughout the program year (October-June). Some groups are looking for new members, so here is your opportunity to sign-up. Contact Rev. Jessie to express your interest and get connected: jdodson@
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Team is available for all parish pastoral needs. If you or someone you love needs pastoral care, call us at (216) 238-4001. Opportunities to Care for Each Other Being part of a church community means we’re given the chance to offer care to one another in times of need. Here are two great ways to both seek and offer care: Transportation Ministry: Help parishioners by providing rides to church events, doctor visits, and other appointments. Meal Ministry: Prepare and deliver a home-cooked meal to a church member experiencing a short-term transition or difficulty. Contact Rev. Jessie to sign-up and learn more: Knitting Circle
First and Third Tuesdays
The Knitting Circle will meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. and on the third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m., in the Coventry house. All abilities are welcome — including new knitters. There’s always someone available to teach and help with knitting ideas and projects. If you have any questions, please contact Terrilee Petrey (216-721-9615 or terrileemp@gmail. com) or Janet Reuter (216-308-9717 or jfreuter@
Lent 2023 | Parish Notes
Children and Youth The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee March 10-12
The children and youth are preparing to take the stage with their musical performance of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Directed by Shaker Heights High School senior Nora von der Heydt, this heartwarming show promises to be a hit with audiences of all ages. The musical, which follows six quirky adolescents as they compete in a spelling bee, is a hilarious and touching tribute to the joys and challenges of growing up. Performances are on March 10 and 11 at 7 p.m. and March 12 at 3 p.m. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to see these talented young performers in action and to support the arts at St. Paul’s. Don’t miss your chance to see this unforgettable performance! Tickets are on sale now and may be bought through Realm using this link: Dinner for Youth Pilgrimage and Youth Sunday Sunday, April 16, 5:30 p.m.
We are excited to announce that the youth are embarking on a pilgrimage to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where they will serve the local community and learn about the history and culture of the area. Like many urban areas, Albuquerque faces significant challenges such as poverty, hunger, and homelessness. It also has a unique history of oppression of Indigenous People and immigrants. During our trip, we will work with organizations such as Mandy’s Farm, Rio Grande Food Project, The Acoma Pueblo Nation, and The New Mexico Ramp Project to positively impact the lives of those in need. We will host a dinner on Sunday, March 5 (time TBA) to support our trip. All are welcome to attend, and we suggest a donation of $50 per person. Your generosity will help us reach our goal and make a difference in Albuquerque. We hope you will join us in this exciting journey and help us positively impact the lives of those in need. Let us come together to show the love and compassion of our faith in action. 10
Parish Notes | Lent 2023
Music and Art Treblefest Choral Evensong Saturday, February 25, 3 p.m.
Chorister from St. Paul’s and Christ Church (Hudson) will lead Choral Evensong at Trinity Cathedral on Saturday, February 25, at 3 p.m. Led by guest Kevin Kwan, Director of Music at Christ and St. Luke’s in Norfolk, Virginia, the service will include works by George Dyson, David Hogan, Richard Webster, Mendelssohn, and Will Todd. Bishop Hollingsworth will officiate. In addition, Kwan will lead the choristers and our music at the 9 a.m. worship service on Sunday, February 26. Treblefest, sponsored by St. Paul’s through the generous support of the Petrey Family Foundation, is a day-long workshop for choristers in the Diocese of Ohio. Kevin Kwan is the Organist and Director of Music at Christ and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Norfolk, Virginia. A native of San Francisco, Kwan received his degrees from the University of California, San Diego, and the Cleveland Institute of Music, where he studied with Todd Wilson. Upon completing his studies, Kwan served as Organ Scholar at Gloucester Cathedral. After a successful year in England, Kwan became Assistant Organist at Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue in New York City, where he worked daily with the renowned Choir of Men and Boys under the direction of the late John Scott. Choral Evensong and Requiem Sunday, March 19, 4 p.m.
The Senior Choir sings Choral Evensong for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, traditionally known as Laetare Sunday. Music by Thomas Morley, Herbert Howells, and others highlight this Evensong. Immediately following, the Choir sings John Rutter’s Requiem, accompanied by flute, oboe, cello, harp, percussion, and organ. This Requiem employs texts from Psalms 130 and 23, as well as scriptural citations from both the Old and New Testaments. Its melodies soar, and its harmonies give us pause to meditate during this holy season of Lent.
Member Art Show
A Glimpse at Holy Week April 2-9
Now through March 5, 2023
The Nicholson B. White Gallery is excited to host the Member Show! See the fantastic talent of 27 current members of St. Paul’s. Artwork includes watercolors, textiles, photography, ceramics, jewelry, woodwork, metalwork, and more. Heights Chamber Orchestra Sunday, March 26, 3:30 p.m.
The Heights Chamber Orchestra will offer a concert at St. Paul’s on Sunday, March 26, at 3:30 p.m. Dean Buck, guest conductor, will lead the orchestra as they play Coleridge-Taylor’s Hiawatha Overture, Debussy’s Première rhapsodie (Jaye Benjamin, clarinet), and Schumann’s Symphony No. 3 ‘Rhenish’ in E-flat Major, Op. 97.
In the Diocese Ordination and Consecration of the 12th Bishop of Ohio
Saturday, April 29, 11 a.m.
Please mark your calendars for the Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Anne B. Jolly as Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio by The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church. The service and celebration following will be held on Saturday, April 29, at 11 a.m. at Public Auditorium in Cleveland. For more information, visit the Diocese’s website: www.
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday 7 p.m. | Holy Eucharist Maundy Thursday, April 6 5:30 p.m. | Family Service with Agape Meal 7 p.m. | Proper Liturgy with Foot-Washing Good Friday, April 7 Noon | Ecumenical Service 5:30 p.m. | Stations of the Cross Family Service 7 p.m. | Prayer Book Liturgy Holy Saturday, April 8 10 a.m. | Prayer Book Liturgy 8 p.m. | The Great Vigil of Easter Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland Easter Day, April 9 7:30 a.m. | Holy Eucharist 9 a.m. | Holy Eucharist 11:15 a.m. | Holy Eucharist
Lent 2023 | Parish Notes
@stpaulscle • (216) 932-5815
Lent and Ash Wednesday Learn more on pages 2 and 4