May 2023 - Parish Notes

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Parish Notes

May 2023 • Vol. 65 No. 7


Jeanne Leinbach, Rector

Jessie Dodson, Associate Rector

Brandon Ashcraft, Assistant Rector


Lois Bell

Handbell Choir Director

Brenda Burton, Controller

Lauren Dockery

Director of Children’s & Youth Min.

Kelsey Ferguson

Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs

Ethan Greenberg, Sexton

Steve Halasz, Sexton

Kevin Jones, Director of Music

Lysa Kenney

Administrative Assistant

Paul McCuen, Sexton

Pam O’Halloran

Director of Operations

David Osburn Carillonneur

Karel Paukert, Organist

Nathaniel Powell Director of Communications

Jenni Thomas

Administrative Coordinator

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

2747 Fairmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106 (216) 932-5815

Pastoral Care Line: (216) 238-4001


Combined Worship

Sunday, May 28, 10 a.m.

We will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism at our festive combined 10 a.m. worship service on the Day of Pentecost — one of the four feasts of the Church Year when Holy Baptism is commended by the Prayer Book. If you are interested in baptism for you or your child, please email Rev. Brandon:

Pentecost Party

11 a.m., Front Lawn

Celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit with us on Pentecost Sunday! Following the combined service at 10 a.m., we’ll gather on the front lawn for food, fellowship, and fun. Join us for crafts, bubbles, a photo booth, and more.

Cover Photos

This month’s cover photos are some of our favorite photos from Easter Day. Check out more photos from our Easter Egg Hunt on page 6. Do you have a photo to share? Send them to Nathaniel, and you just might see them here, on social media, or around the building:

2 Parish Notes | May 2023

Signs of Easter Everywhere

It warmed my heart on Easter Day when a young acolyte, upon being asked to identify the length of the Easter season, confidently responded: “Fifty days!”

And how right he is. The lilies and brass of Easter Day may be a distant memory, but our Easter feast continues all the way to May 28, the Day of Pentecost. Can you name the signs and symbols that distinguish our Eastertide worship, serving to prolong our Easter joy? Here are just a few.

The Reading of Acts

Our First Lesson in worship is normally taken from the Old Testament. In Easter, we hear instead from the Acts of the Apostles, the book that recounts how the very first Christians proclaimed the Good News of Christ’s resurrection and were empowered by the Holy Spirit to build the church. What better way to celebrate the resurrection than to hear the story of how it was first proclaimed?

The Lighting of the Paschal Candle

The Paschal Candle is an ancient symbol that remains lit in every worship service from the Easter Vigil until the Day of Pentecost. This flame serves as an image of the resurrection, reminding us of Christ’s victory over death and the promise of eternal life which lies at the heart of the Easter season.

The Omission of the Confession of Sin

During the season of Lent, the Confession of Sin features more prominently and is placed at the beginning of our worship. In the season of Easter, we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin by omitting the Confession entirely. This liturgical nuance helps us to anticipate the day when God’s reign is fulfilled, and the powers of sin and darkness have been vanquished forever.

The "Double Alleluia" at the Dismissal

For centuries it has been the tradition of the church to add two "Alleluias" at the Dismissal – both to the deacon’s words and the People’s response. The word Alleluia literally means, “Praise the Lord.” This bursting-forth-of-praise sends us out into the world to share the joy of Easter with others.

Let us go forth in Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia!

April 2023 | Parish Notes 3 CLERGY REFLECTION

Reimagining St. Martin’s Chapel

May 2023

The project to reimagine St. Martin's Chapel is well on its way to completion. See below for an update and answers to your frequently asked questions. Contact the Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson for more information:

Process and Timeline

November 2022 • Clergy and staff discuss renovations to the space

January 2023

• Group meetings of 7:45 a.m. congregation representatives, house committee members, parish architects, clergy, and staff to receive input and feedback on the project

• Presentation to Vestry — Proposal unanimously approved

• Presentation to Annual Meeting

March 2023 • Conversation with the congregation (open to all)

January-July 2023 • Fundraise for an estimated $50,000 in fees via the Capital Campaign

Summer 2023 • Order chairs

August-September 2023 • Remove pews, repair floors, and “install” new chairs; Bless the space


What are the reasons for removing the pews?

Removing and replacing the pews with highquality, sturdy, stackable, wooden chairs will enhance our worship offerings in this beautiful sacred space. The chairs will have kneelers and space on the back for books. The changes to this space will allow for increased flexibility of use,

including, but not limited to:

• Preservation of our traditional worship setup for our Sunday 7:45 a.m. and Wednesday 6 p.m. services

• Worshipping in the round for contemplative worship services, such as Taizé prayer services or Sung Compline

• Potential incorporation of our canvas labyrinth in the space

• Allowing space for musicians at special 9 and 11:15 a.m. services — e.g., Mozart’s Coronation Mass from November 2022

Will the 7:45 a.m. service remain a regular worship offering?

Yes, there are no plans to alter or cancel the 7:45 service. It remains a cherished weekly worship offering with a steady attendance of approximately 30 people per Sunday

Will the altar remain as it is?

Yes, the historic altar will remain untouched. The only change to the space will be the removal of the pews

What will we do with the pews once removed?

• At least two pews will remain, directly in front of the columbarium, to provide additional seating

• Pews will be made available to parishioners and members of the diocese who may desire to have one in their home

• Some pews may be donated to other churches if a need exists.

• Several pews can be used to create keepsake art, such as custom-made pens and Christmas ornaments, which would be made available to all

4 Parish Notes | May 2023 UPDATE TO THE CONGREGATION

Will cushioned chairs diminish the acoustics of the space?

Our Director of Music, Kevin Jones, believes the cushions will not significantly change the acoustics of the space.

Where will chairs be stored when not in use?

We anticipate the chairs will remain in a traditional seating arrangement most of the time. For instances when we need to move some of the chairs, we’ll store them:

• At the ends of pews in the Nave

• In the nursery/infant space

April 2023 | Parish Notes 5
The photos above show Sauder Worship Seating chairs similar to what we will purchase. Our chairs will be stained to match our current pews. The seat cushions will be made of green fabric, complementary to the tile flooring of the space. The chairs we purchase will not have cushions on the back. The photos above depict St. Martin’s Chapel in its original state, without pews.

Easter Egg Hunt

6 Parish Notes | May 2023

Parish Calendar

Parish Notes Event Submissions

Submissions may be emailed to Nathaniel Powell, Director of Communications: • Submissions must include: Title (max 50 to 60 characters); date; and a description (max 500 characters, links are exempt). For more information, we will set up a page on our website (max 250 to 300 words). • Photos: a photo or graphic or suggestions for a photo or graphic. Only photo files with a minimum pixel dimension of 1080 x 1080 will be published.


Baccalaureate Sunday

Sunday, May 14

We love to celebrate our high school seniors. This year we’ll honor the class of 2023 with a Baccalaureate Breakfast. We will also hear sermons from the seniors at all three services! If you are graduating high school this year, please email Lauren ( to get all the information about the celebration. Congratulations, class of 2023!


Sunday, May 21

The Rt. Rev. Anne Jolly will visit St. Paul’s on Sunday, May 21, and administer the sacrament of Confirmation at the 9 and 11:15 a.m. services. Contact Rev. Brandon (bashcraft@ if you or someone in your family is ready to be confirmed. Adults who have not taken a Confirmation class can sign up for Episcopal 101, a three-course offering that meets at 7 p.m. on April 26, May 3, and May 10.

Choral Evensong

Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m.

Join us for the final Choral Evensong of the program year on Sunday, May 21, at 4 p.m. The Senior Choir leads us in this prayer and meditation service and features the music of Gerald Finzi, Lee Hoiby, Peter Philips, and Kevin Jones. May 21 is the Seventh Sunday of Easter, also known as the Sunday after the Ascension. The liturgy features guest organist Todd Wilson. A reception follows.

Summer Worship

Beginning June 4

Our summer worship schedule begins on Trinity Sunday, June 4.

7:45 a.m. | Our service in St. Martin’s Chapel will continue.

9 a.m. | Our service moves outdoors to the East lawn, weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, worship will take place in the Nave.

10:30 a.m. | Our late morning service in the nave moves from 11:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and will be livestreamed at

April 2023 | Parish Notes 7

The Forum

All forums are livestreamed to our website: www. To find a previous forum, visit our YouTube channel: stpaulscle.

The Altar of Intersections

A Forum with the Very Rev. Tracey Lind

May 7, 10:15 a.m.

What is an altar? It is a place where we experience the sacred and the holy, often in community but sometimes in solitude. Altars are places of ritual, sacrifice, and even violence. While traditionally found in houses of worship, they can also be discovered in the middle of cities and towns, on the beach, in the woods, along a lonely path, or on a well-traveled highway. Often we don’t even notice them. Join The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, Retired Dean of Trinity Cathedral, on May 7 at 10:15 a.m. in the Dining Room for a Forum conversation that will explore the significance of altars and altar art in religious, civic and individual life, and how we might create altars as part of our spiritual practice. She will also discuss her new interactive multimedia altar installation, now on exhibit in the Nicholson B. White Gallery.

A Forum With

Our New Bishop Coadjutor

Sunday, May 21, 10:15 a.m.

Join our newly ordained Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Anne Jolly, for a conversation at the Forum on May 21 at 10:15 a.m. in Tucker Hall. Please bring your questions and come to get to know our Bishop Coadjutor as she shares more of her hopes and vision for our diocese.

Christian Formation



Wednesdays, 7 p.m.

Haven’t been confirmed or baptized yet? Or perhaps you find yourself wondering what, exactly, it means to be an Episcopalian. Join us for Episcopal 101, a three-session inquirer’s course designed to help adults discern and prepare for Baptism and Confirmation, the rites of initiation in The Episcopal Church. Classes are on April 26, May 3, and May 10, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Additionally, participants are invited to meet with our new Bishop Coadjutor, the Rt. Rev. Anne Jolly, on May 15 at 7 p.m. Contact Rev. Brandon to sign up and learn more:

Contemplative Prayer

Join fellow seekers and spiritual pilgrims at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Chapel of the Cross for a holy hour of Contemplative Prayer (also called Christian Meditation) and reflection. The virtual group will continue to meet on Friday mornings at 10 a.m. on Zoom. To express interest or learn more, contact Dave Rodney ( or Laurie Rodney (

Bible Study

Thursdays, 9 a.m.

Join the preacher-on-deck at 9 a.m. on Thursdays in the Sanders Room for a deep dive into the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. Drop in anytime; no RSVP is needed.

8 Parish Notes | May 2023

Children and Youth

TotalChaos! Ice Cream Party

Saturday, May 13, 2 p.m.

Let’s end the year as we began with an ice cream party! 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to come to the Coventry House at 2 p.m. for ice cream and games (outside if the weather is nice). RSVP by Wednesday, May 10, on our website:


Guns to Gardens

Saturday, June 10, 11 a.m.

Church of the Epiphany in Euclid is holding its second annual “Guns to Garden” event on June 10. Guns to Gardens is a movement among faithbased organizations to intervene in gun violence by providing safe-surrender gun buyback events that dismantle surrendered firearms and inspire alternatives to violence through the transformation of those guns into garden tools and similar, lifegiving items. As part of our commitment to gun violence prevention, St. Paul’s is inviting volunteers to support the success of Epiphany’s event. Some advanced training may be required. Please RSVP by Sunday, May 7. To RSVP or learn more, contact Rev. Brandon at

Volunteers Needed

Day Reading Camp

Come enjoy reading with children this summer at our St. Paul’s Mini Reading Camp during the weeks of July 10 and 17 at Monticello Middle School in Cleveland Heights. We bring a shortened literacy program to Open Doors Academy Summer Camp Monday to Thursday mornings for rising fourth graders. Volunteers encourage readers one on one in pleasure reading. For more information or to volunteer, contact Julie Micheletti at

Used Medical Item Donations

Spring cleaning? Do you have gently used medical equipment or devices that are no longer needed? Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO) will gratefully accept donations of walkers, wheelchairs, knee scooters, crutches, canes, orthopedic braces/boots, CPAP machines, elevated toilet seats, adult-sized disposable underwear (open bags are okay), medical tubing, Chux disposable bed pads, hospital gowns, hospital socks, bandages, and other medical/home health care items. Please place small items in the CAMO donation drawers under the information center in the foyer. To arrange pickup or delivery of large items, call or text Sally Bosley at (216) 832-1817.

Cleveland Pride and Pride Eucharist

June 3 and June 25

Join your fellow St. Paul’s parishioners and parishes across the diocese to celebrate our LGBTQ+ siblings at the Pride in the CLE March. The Young Adult Group will host fellowship time in the Coventry House at 10 a.m. before heading downtown. The march begins at noon should you like to meet us downtown or watch. Friends and neighbors are absolutely welcome! If you’d like a t-shirt for the event, or just to have, you may order one and/or register to march by going to our website: We’ll continue our Pride celebration on Sunday, June 25, at the 9 a.m. service with a Pride Eucharist. This service will celebrate the full inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the life of our parish, with readings and prayers especially chosen to highlight the diversity and goodness of all God’s creation.

April 2023 | Parish Notes 9

Loaves and Fishes

Second Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., and Fourth Mondays, 5:30 p.m.

The Loaves and Fishes ministry serves two meals a month at local homeless shelters. All interested in preparing food or serving our guests may email Jeff and Carol Spero:


Senior Saints Luncheon

Sunday, May 7, 12:15 p.m.

All St. Paul’s parishioners 75 and over are invited to join the clergy in Tucker Hall for the annual Senior Saints lunch on Sunday, May 7, at 12:15 p.m., hosted by the Vestry and Parish Fellowship Committee. A hot plated lunch will be served, followed by musical entertainment. Please RSVP to the Parish Office and let us know if you can attend and if you have any dietary restrictions: (216) 932-5815 or email Lysa at

Bellwether Together

August 18-20

Be sure to save the date for our annual all-parish fellowship retreat, Bellwether Together! Relax with your family and church friends. Participate in an epic cooking competition, ride the tractor wagon for a farm tour, hike along the Vermillion River, and swim in the pond! Get creative and take an art workshop or make a family-friendly craft inspired by the natural beauty of the grounds. Spend quality time around the campfire with s’mores and enjoy a camp-style sing-along. You will love the farm-fresh meals and cozy accommodations, which range from hotel-style single and double retreat rooms to cabins with comfortable bunk beds that can house up to ten people. Our Diocesan camp and retreat center, Bellwether Farm, is fully accessible, and program options are designed for all ages and stages of life. Mark your calendars now and look for more information soon in Saint Paul's Weekly, Sunday Notes, and on our website:

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team is available for all parish pastoral needs. If you or someone you love needs pastoral care, call us at (216) 238-4001.

Opportunities to Care for Each Other

Being part of a church community means we’re given a chance to offer care to one another in times of need. Here are two great ways to both seek and offer care:

Transportation Ministry: Help parishioners by providing rides to church events, doctor visits, and other appointments.

Meal Ministry: Prepare and deliver a home-cooked meal to a church member experiencing a short-term transition or difficulty.

Contact Rev. Jessie to sign-up and learn more:

Knitting Circle First and Third Tuesdays

The Knitting Circle will meet in the Coventry House on Tuesday, May 2, from 1 to 3 p.m., and on Thursday, May 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. They will then be on summer break. All abilities are welcome — including new knitters. There’s always someone available to teach and help with knitting ideas and projects. If you have any questions, please contact Terrilee Petrey at (216) 721-9615 or terrileemp@, or Janet Reuter at (216) 308-9717 or

10 Parish Notes | May 2023

Music and Art

Heights Chamber Orchestra

Sunday, May 7, 3:30 p.m.

The Heights Chamber Orchestra will offer a concert at St. Paul’s on Sunday, May 7, at 3:30 p.m. Frank Wiley, guest conductor, will lead the orchestra as they play Rossini’s Barber of Seville Overture, Ravel’s Pavane for a Dead Princess, Holst’s A Fugal Concerto (parishioner Susan Blackwell, oboe), and Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 1 in C Minor.

A Return to Bach’s Coffeehouse

Friday, May 12, 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 13, 8 p.m.

A famous coffeehouse in 18th-c.

Leipzig was the scene of lively orchestra concerts led by J.S. Bach. This year’s version features Vivaldi’s mysterious concerto La Notte (“Night”), and musical fencing matches, including Telemann’s Concerto for Flute & Recorder and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto no.

6. To learn more or purchase tickets, visit our website: www.stpauls-church. org/BachsCoffee.

Gallery Spring Show

Now until Sunday, June 4

The N. B. White Gallery committee invites you to view their Spring Show! Observe and ponder prints and drawings by Alyssa Lizzini, watercolor pencil compositions by Marianne Wilham, and blown glass vessels and decorative works by Shayna Roth Pentecost. Photography and a mixed media installation, “The Altar of Intersections,” created by Tracey Lind, debuted in the gallery. The show runs until June 4.

In the Diocese

Diocesan ECW Retreat

May 19-20

Come to a women’s retreat to rediscover and reconnect to yourself, each other, and nature at beautiful Bellwether Farm. Connie Schultz will be the keynote speaker. Originally from Ashtabula, Ohio, Connie is a writer and journalist who wrote for Cleveland’s daily newspaper, The Plain Dealer, for over 15 years, winning the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, and author of the New York Times bestselling novel, The Daughters of Erietown. Schultz is married to Sherrod Brown, a Democratic U.S. Senator from Ohio. Overnight stays include Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and lunch. Saturday attendees will receive lunch. Can only join us on Saturday? Reception re-opens on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Join us for fellowship, introspection, and delicious meals provided in the beautiful surroundings of Bellwether Farm. For more information and links to registration, visit our website: www. Retreat23.

Celebration of Bishop Mark, Assisting Bishops, and Staff Saturday, June 17, 2 p.m.

Please mark your calendars for a diocesan-wide celebration of Bishop Mark Hollingsworth, our Assisting Bishops during these past twenty years and our bishops’ staff. The party, hosted by the Bishop Transition Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, will be held at Hathaway Brown on Saturday, June 17, from 2 to 6 p.m. Contact Rev. Jessie with any questions and if you would like to help:

April 2023 | Parish Notes 11

@stpaulscle • (216) 932-5815

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