June 2023 - Parish Notes

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Parish Notes

June 2023 • Vol. 65 No. 8


Jeanne Leinbach, Rector jleinbach@stpauls-church.org

Jessie Dodson, Associate Rector jdodson@stpauls-church.org

Brandon Ashcraft, Assistant Rector bashcraft@stpauls-church.org


Lois Bell

Handbell Choir Director

Brenda Burton, Controller

Lauren Dockery

Director of Children’s & Youth Min.

Kelsey Ferguson

Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs

Drew Ford, Sexton

Ethan Greenberg, Sexton

Steve Halasz, Sexton

Kevin Jones, Director of Music

Lysa Kenney

Administrative Assistant

Paul McCuen, Sexton

Pam O’Halloran Director of Operations

David Osburn


Karel Paukert, Organist

Nathaniel Powell Director of Communications

Jenni Thomas

Administrative Coordinator

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 2747 Fairmount Boulevard

Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106 (216) 932-5815

www.stpauls-church.org info@stpauls-church.org

Pastoral Care Line: (216) 238-4001

Summer Worship

From Sunday, June 4 to Sunday, September 3

Our summer worship schedule begins on Trinity Sunday, June 4, and ends on September 3

7:45 a.m. | Our service in St. Martin’s Chapel will continue.

9 a.m. | Our service moves outdoors to the East lawn, weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, worship will take place in the nave.

10:30 a.m. | Our late morning service in the nave moves from 11:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and will be livestreamed at www. stpauls-church.org/Live

Bluegrass Holy Eucharist

The Forest City String Band will accompany our 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist services on Sundays, June 4, July 9, and August 13.

Cover Photos

This month’s cover photos are some of our favorite photos from our confirmation services on Sunday, May 21. Do you have a photo to share? Send them to Nathaniel, and you just might see them here, on social media, or around the building: npowell@stpauls-church.org

2 Parish Notes | June 2023

Vestry Report

Some of you may not know that a Vestry is the legal representative in an Episcopal parish responsible for matters pertaining to its corporate property — analogous to the Board of Trustees of a nonprofit.

Your St. Paul’s Vestry meets monthly for fellowship over a supper and a business meeting. We start each meeting with a personal meditation by a member, after which the clergy may lead a short spiritual reflection. We then consider reports from the rector, treasurer, business manager, and assigned Vestry liaisons to the various ministries, committees, and operational functions of the parish, as well as any other business that requires consideration. We approve the budget each year (and review progress against it regularly) and all expenditures over $10,000.

Your Vestry is a diverse group representing the many constituencies we serve. This year we welcomed several new Vestry members: Bob Fox, Brian Murphy, Joan Sancho, Andrea Turner, and Amia Wheatley. Vestry also includes ex officio the Treasurer (Lloyd Bell), the Chancellor (our legal advocate, Michele Smolin), and the Clerk (equivalent to the Secretary, Susan Vodrey), as well as a youth representative (Avery Bandy-Zalatoris). Lloyd and Michele are new to their roles.

At our last meeting, among other business, we reviewed and approved (after much discussion) a motion to use “agreed-upon-procedures” (AUP) in place of an annual audit to be supplemented by a full audit every five years, saving the parish about $10,000 annually. We believe the AUP and our current oversight policies are adequate to ensure financial reporting accuracy and loss prevention.

As your representatives, we always welcome input and feedback from the parish and hope to see all of you at Sunday services or other church events.

June 2023 | Parish Notes 3 UPDATE TO THE CONGREGATION

Serving a Sacred Mystery

As many of you know, I have spent the past 14 months serving as the chair of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio Bishop Coadjutor Transition Committee. Our committee, appointed by the Standing Committee (for which our own Pam O’Halloran is currently the President), was tasked with planning the major events of the transition between bishops. This work picked up where the Search Committee left off, beginning with the Meet and Greet week this past October. It continued with the Electing Convention in November, and then last month with the Ordination and Consecration of our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Anne Jolly. The final task of the committee will be to celebrate our retiring Bishop the Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr. and his fellow retiring staff members, The Revs. Percy Grant and Brad Purdom, Sue Leishman, and our own St. Paul’s member, Bill Powel. You can learn more about that celebration on the next page.

I want to take a moment to reflect on the experience of the ordination and consecration

of Bishop Jolly at Cleveland Public Auditorium last month, on the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, April 29. Months of work culminated as 1,000 people and thirty bishops gathered together to celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit among us. The Presiding Bishop preached with passion and humor, drawing on an inspiring quotation from Catherine of Siena to ground his message: “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” The most moving part of the service for me was watching Bishop Anne “become” a bishop before our eyes. After the bishops laid their hands on her in prayer, she was dressed in all the regalia of her office: A mitre placed atop her head, a jeweled pectoral cross around her neck, a cope adorning her shoulders, and finally a crozier (handmade by her brother) given to her by the Bishops of Ohio, The Rt. Revs. J. Clark Grew II, Arthur Williams, Jr., William (Bill) Persell, and Mark Hollingsworth, Jr. The passing of authority, given with all the visual beauty of the companionship of our bishops, moved me to tears. From there, we shared the peace, Bishop Anne celebrated her first Eucharist

4 Parish Notes | June 2023 CLERGY REFLECTION

as a bishop, and we shared in the foretaste of the heavenly banquet as the music of a 130 massed diocesan choir led us in praise and song. The service was the church as its best: diverse in nearly every way, thoughtfully designed, and

Bishops’ Recognition Fund

Please join us in honoring and celebrating our retiring companion and guide, the Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Eleventh Bishop of Ohio. For nearly 20 years, he has served as our pastor through good times and bad, our friend, and our guide through shifting political landscapes and pandemics. He deserves our gratitude and generosity for the tremendous work he has done with us. Here are some ways to join in the celebration of our shared ministry together.

Diocesan-wide Celebration

The Transition Committee invites everyone to a diocesanwide celebration of Bishop Mark, our assisting bishops, our retiring Bishop’s Staff members (The Revs. Percy Grant and Brad Purdom, Sue Leishman, and Bill Powel), and all their colleagues, on June 17 from 2 to 6 p.m. at Hathaway Brown School in Shaker Heights. This outdoor event, designed for all ages, will feature live music and free food trucks (including

full of thanks and praise for God. The work of this Transition Committee has been nothing short of life-changing for me. I am grateful for the chance to serve not only our Diocese, but

also the larger “wonderful and sacred mystery” that is the whole Church. Through it, we pray God will continue to carry out God’s plan of salvation for the whole world. May we continue to join in that work together, with joy.

the Bellwether Airstream with ice cream!). Please RSVP by using this form: form.jotform. com/231303721960145. Contact the transitioncommittee@dohio. org with questions.

Support the Fund

Contribute to this fund to honor our nearly two decades of companionship, and to further the legacy Bishop Mark has created here in the Diocese of Ohio. This fund will provide resources for two major areas:

• Congregational Vitality: Assist financially struggling parishes with the means to fund fulltime clergy positions.

• Diocesan Youth Programming: Provide new

programming for youth, further support Bellwether Farm’s summer camp and yearround youth offerings, allow continued representation at our denominational triennial Episcopal Youth Event (EYE), and more.

St. Paul’s Vestry voted to contribute $10,000 towards the fund to honor our close partnership with Bishop Mark and Sue Hollingsworth and the Bishop’s Staff of the diocese. We hope you’ll join us in giving generously to this fund and joining in the celebration on June 17. You can read more about all of this on the Diocese's website: dohio.org/the-bishopsrecognition-fund.

June 2023 | Parish Notes 5

Building and Grounds

With enormous help from the Parish Fellowship Committee, the Reception Room (formerly known as the Bride’s Room) received a full makeover this spring. The room, which has been an important space for brides as well as for families before a funeral, had been used as a classroom for many years and was in an unfortunate state of wear and neglect. We are grateful to the Act II Shop for underwriting this much-needed refurbishment. If you have not yet seen the renovated space, please check it out.

Many of you will have noticed the large (and expanding) water stain on the carpet in the south wing. The roof above is original to the 1990 wing, and after several years of playing whack-a-mole with leaks here and there, it has been determined to need a full replacement. We are in the process of getting quotes and hope to have the work completed by fall. We are also aware that the south wing hallway and classroom carpeting is in terrible condition. We will be looking into quotes to replace this as well—not a small undertaking! We will keep you posted on the timing of that project.

Roof repairs were completed above the Brooks Room on the second floor. We are hopeful that these have addressed the issues leading to water intrusion in several spots in this magnificent space.

You may also have observed that the ADA entrance mechanism has been deactivated and the door locked at the north entrance of the church (our primary entrance). The wood frame of the door has been splitting and the lower hinge has come loose. A contractor has been engaged to repair it and we are waiting for their work calendar to clear so that the door may be fully functional again.

We experienced some sexton staff challenges over the winter which unfortunately led to the church being short-staffed and some cleaning and set-up work not being attended to in a timely manner. We are very pleased to announce that we have hired a new weekday sexton, Drew Ford. He is full-time, working Monday through Friday during the day. He joins Paul McCuen, also full-time, who works weekends, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Wednesday and Thursday evenings; Ethan Greenberg works on Sundays and some evenings (and lives in the Coventry House apartment); and Steve Halasz, our Maintenance Manager who works 30 hours during the week.

6 Parish Notes | June 2023 AN UPDATE ON

Welcoming Refugees

and five children ranging in ages from six to nineteen. At our first meeting, pictured left, the Bahatis welcomed us into their home for a time of conversation and prayer. (Mr. Bahati is a Pentecostal pastor!) Right now, twice a week, parishioners meet to provide ESL tutoring support to Mr. and Mrs. Bahati. The younger four children are all enrolled in local schools and the eldest child is currently working and hopes to enroll in college this fall.

…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…

Almost a year ago, a group of parishioners gathered in the Brooks Room to begin discerning a possible new ministry of outreach to refugees. At this meeting, we prayed and read scripture to remind ourselves that, throughout the ages, the people of God have been refugees. From Moses’ leading the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, to the flight

of the Holy Family from Palestine to Egypt to escape the wrath of King Herod, the foundational narratives of the Abrahamic traditions are stories of migration: people on the move and those who welcome or deny them.

After months of prayerful perseverance – and many starts and stops – the Cleveland Field Office of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) matched us with the Bahatis, a family of seven Congolese refugees living in East Cleveland: a father and mother

As this relationship grows, new opportunities to support the family’s community integration will undoubtedly present themselves, and we will share those opportunities with the wider community. For now, we invite you to pray for the Bahati family – that they might find abundant hospitality and safe haven in their new home and community – and that in our relationship, we might see the face of God in each other, and grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord.

June 2023 | Parish Notes 7 A NEW MINISTRY

Parish Calendar

Parish Notes Event Submissions

Submissions may be emailed to Nathaniel Powell, Director of Communications: npowell@stpaulschurch.org. • Submissions must include: Title (max 50 to 60 characters); date; and a description (max 500 characters, links are exempt). For more information, we will set up a page on our website (max 250 to 300 words). • Photos: a photo or graphic or suggestions for a photo or graphic. Only photo files with a minimum pixel dimension of 1080 x 1080 will be published.


Holy Hiking

Beginning Saturday, June 24, 9:30 a.m.

Lace up your hiking boots for an exploration of our local parks with our church community. We’ll pause mid-way through our hike to share in a brief service of Morning Prayer, overlooking God’s creation. Hikes will take place on June 24, July 25, and August 26. For more details and to RSVP, contact Rev. Jessie: jdodson@stpauls-church.org.

All hikes begin at 9:30 a.m.

June 24

• Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve

Trail rating: Easy

July 15 • Cuyahoga County National Park

Ledges Trail

Trail rating: Moderate

August 26 • West Creek Reserve

Skyline Overlook and Lookout Ridge Loop

Trail rating: Moderate (but short!)

Pride Eucharist

Sunday, June 25, 9 a.m.

We’ll continue our Pride celebration on Sunday, June 25, at the 9 a.m. service with a Pride Eucharist. This service will celebrate the full inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the life of our parish, with readings and prayers especially chosen to highlight the diversity and goodness of all God’s creation.

Christian Formation

Contemplative Prayer

Join fellow seekers and spiritual pilgrims at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Chapel of the Cross for a holy hour of Contemplative Prayer (also called Christian Meditation) and reflection. The virtual group will continue to meet on Friday mornings at 10 a.m. on Zoom. To express interest or learn more, contact Dave Rodney (rodney.dave@gmail.com) or Laurie Rodney (lauriewsr@gmail.com).

Bible Study Summer Break

Please note that our Bible Study will observe a summer break beginning May 25. We’ll look forward to resuming our studies together on September 14, at 9 a.m.

8 Parish Notes | June 2023

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team is available for all parish pastoral needs. If you or someone you love needs pastoral care, call us at (216) 238-4001.

Opportunities to Care for Each Other

Being part of a church community means we’re given a chance to offer care to one another in times of need. Here are two great ways to both seek and offer care: Transportation Ministry: Help parishioners by providing rides to church events, doctor visits, and other appointments.

Meal Ministry: Prepare and deliver a home-cooked meal to a church member experiencing a short-term transition or difficulty.

Contact Rev. Jessie to sign-up and learn more: jdodson@stpauls-church.org


Pride in the CLE March

Saturday, June 3

Join your fellow St. Paul’s parishioners and parishes across the diocese to celebrate our LGBTQ+ siblings at the Pride in the CLE March. The Young Adult Group will host fellowship time in the Coventry House at 9 a.m. before heading downtown. The march begins at 11 a.m. should you like to meet us downtown or watch. Friends and neighbors are absolutely welcome! We have extra pride t-shirts available for $25. You may register to march or purchase a t-shirt by going to our website: www.stpauls-church.org/PRIDE23. We’ll continue our Pride celebration on Sunday, June 25, at the 9 a.m. service with a Pride Eucharist. Learn more on page 8.

Guns to Gardens

Saturday, June 10, 11 a.m.

Church of the Epiphany in Euclid is holding its second annual “Guns to Garden” event on June 10. Guns to Gardens is a movement among faith-based organizations to intervene in gun violence by providing safe-surrender gun buyback events that dismantle surrendered firearms and inspire alternatives to violence through the transformation of those guns into garden tools and similar, lifegiving items. As part of our commitment to gun violence prevention, St. Paul’s is inviting volunteers to support the success of Epiphany’s event. Some advanced training may be required. To RSVP or learn more, contact Rev. Brandon at bashcraft@ stpauls-church.org

Summer Habitat Opportunities

St. Paul's is once again participating in the Faith Build with Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity. There are lots of different ways to get involved. First up is the Walk/Run/ Mosey at Edgewater Park on July 8 — it's familyfriendly, donut-friendly, and dog friendly! We'll have work days on July 27 and August 26, and there are jobs for those with no building skills as well as those familiar with power tools. There will also be a general neighborhood spruce-up day on September 9. We hope you can join in on one or more of these dates. Please contact Kathy Hogg (khogg75@gmail.com) to get on the St. Paul's Habitat email list or if you have any questions.

Volunteers Needed Day Reading Camp

Come enjoy reading with children this summer at our St. Paul’s Mini Reading Camp during the weeks of July 10 and 17 at Monticello Middle School in Cleveland Heights. We bring a shortened literacy program to Open Doors Academy Summer Camp Monday to Thursday mornings for rising fourth graders. Volunteers encourage readers one on one in pleasure reading. For more information or to volunteer, contact Julie Micheletti at michelettijulie@gmail.com

June 2023 | Parish Notes 9

Used Medical Item Donations

Spring cleaning? Do you have gently used medical equipment or devices that are no longer needed? Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO) will gratefully accept donations of walkers, wheelchairs, knee scooters, crutches, canes, orthopedic braces/boots, CPAP machines, elevated toilet seats, adult-sized disposable underwear (open bags are okay), medical tubing, Chux disposable bed pads, hospital gowns, hospital socks, bandages, and other medical/home health care items. Please place small items in the CAMO donation drawers under the information center in the foyer. For large items, call or text Sally Bosley at (216) 832-1817.

Loaves and Fishes

Second Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., and Fourth Mondays, 5:30 p.m.

The Loaves and Fishes ministry serves two meals a month at local homeless shelters. All interested in preparing food or serving our guests may email Jeff and Carol Spero: cjmspero@gmail.com.

A New Way to Support EDWINS!

You may have eaten at EDWINS or “edwins, too” on Shaker Square, but have you tried EDWINS Bakery just two blocks south of Shaker Square (SW corner of S. Moreland and Buckeye)?

Enjoying a delicious breakfast at the Bakery and Diner supports the EDWINS mission of helping the formerly incarcerated return to society successfully and supports EDWINS management program students in gaining work experience. Invite a church friend to join you for breakfast – before or after church – a wonderful place to gather! Learn more on their website: www. edwinsrestaurant.org/bakery.


Family Baseball Night Out

Friday, June 9, 7 p.m.

Join us for an unforgettable family baseball night out as the Cleveland Guardians take on the Houston Astros at Progressive Field! Get ready for an evening filled with fun, excitement, and delicious food. It’s Dollar Dog Night, so enjoy mouthwatering hot dogs at an unbeatable price! We’ve secured the perfect spot in the familyfriendly seating area, ensuring everyone has a great view to cheer on the Guardians. After the game, get ready for the dazzling Pride in the CLE fireworks display, lighting up the night sky with a stunning array of colors. It’s a magical way to cap off a fantastic evening of baseball and family fun. Get your tickets in person on Sundays or by visiting www.menofstpauls.org. Children three and under are free. Contact Mike Kechisen (kechisen@gmail.com) or Brian Thompson (cdr1725@gmail.com) with any questions.

Men’s Council Picnic

Tuesday, June 13, 6 p.m.

The Men’s Council invites all adult men to their annual end-of-thechurch-year picnic. They will meet at Dennis Coughlin’s home (34750 Cedar Road, Hunting Valley, Ohio 44040). Food and drinks will be provided. Valet parking is available, but carpooling is encouraged. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Kechisen (216-4967146) or Dennis Coughlin (216-288-2698).

10 Parish Notes | June 2023

Ice Cream Social

Friday, July 21, 6:30 p.m.

The Women’s Council is delighted to invite you, your family, friends, and neighbors to a summer favorite, the Ice Cream Social, held on the front lawn on Friday, July 21, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Enjoy visiting with others while enjoying frozen treats and grilled hot dogs and not dogs with all the fixings. Jungle Terry returns to showcase an interactive menagerie of animals. Music entertainment will feature local talents. Kids, bring your trikes and bikes to decorate for the Bike Parade and peddle around the church in style. The event is free, but a free-will offering will be collected to support the event.

Bellwether Together

August 18-20

Register by July 18

Our annual all-parish fellowship retreat, Bellwether Together, is back. Relax with your family and church friends this August 18-20. Participate in an epic cooking competition, ride the tractor wagon for a farm tour, hike along the Vermillion River, swim in the pond, and make s'mores! You'll love the farm-fresh meals and cozy accommodations, which range from hotel-style single and double retreat rooms, to cabins with comfortable bunk beds that can house up to ten people. Our Diocesan camp and retreat center, Bellwether Farm, is fully accessible, and program options are designed for all ages and stages of life. Learn more and register by visiting our website: www.stpauls-church.org/ retreat23.

Music and Art

Salisbury Cathedral Trip Meeting

Sunday, June 4, 11:45 a.m.

The Youth and Senior Choirs of St. Paul’s are in the beginning stages of planning a choral residency to Salisbury Cathedral in the United Kingdom, slated for July 2025. An informational meeting to describe the trip, talk about opportunities, and determine the level of interest, will be held in the dining room on Sunday, June 4, following the 10:30 a.m. service (approximately 11:45 a.m.). The pilgrimage is open to non-singing travelers and members of the Youth and Senior Choirs. If you want to learn more about the trip, please come to this meeting. All are welcome!

In the Diocese

Celebration of Bishop Mark, Assisting Bishops, and Staff Saturday, June 17, 2 p.m.

The Transition Committee invites everyone to a diocesan-wide celebration of Bishop Mark, our assisting bishops, our retiring Bishop’s Staff members (The Revs. Percy Grant and Brad Purdom, and Sue Leishman and Bill Powel), and all their colleagues, on Saturday, June 17, from 2 to 6 p.m. at Hathaway Brown School in Shaker Heights. This outdoor event, designed for all ages, will feature live music and free food trucks (including the Bellwether Airstream with ice cream!). Please RSVP by June 8 using this link or scanning the QR Code: https:// form.jotform.com/231303721960145

If you have questions, email: transitioncommittee@dohio.org.

June 2023 | Parish Notes 11


@stpaulscle • (216) 932-5815

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