September 2023 - Parish Notes

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September 2023 • Vol. 66 No. 1
Parish Notes


Jeanne Leinbach, Rector

Brandon Ashcraft, Associate Rector

Patricia Rose, Assistant Rector


Lois Bell

Handbell Choir Director

Brenda Burton, Controller

Daniel Colaner, Organ Scholar

Lauren Dockery

Director of Children’s & Youth Min.

Kelsey Ferguson

Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs

Ethan Greenberg, Sexton

Steve Halasz, Sexton

Kevin Jones, Director of Music

Paul McCuen, Sexton

Pam O’Halloran

Director of Operations

David Osburn


Amber Patton

Administrative Assistant

Karel Paukert, Artist-in-Residence

Nathaniel Powell

Director of Communications

Jenni Thomas

Administrative Coordinator

On July 30, St. Paul’s entered the public phase of the Walking in Love capital campaign. At worship services that day, Jeanne announced that over $4 million had already been committed to the campaign, two-thirds of our goal of $6 million. We are now seeking to engage the whole congregation in conversation about the goals of the campaign and to encourage your participation.

The Walking in Love campaign is the culmination of over five years of strategic and financial planning work by parish leaders. During that time, parishioners were invited to participate through focus groups, surveys, and forum presentations. Amid this work, the COVID pandemic reinforced our belief in the importance of community and that spiritual homes like St. Paul’s must remain strong and vital.

The Walking in Love Campaign seeks to meet a variety of facility, program, and financial goals identified over the past several years, including:

• Addressing various critical infrastructure needs, including replacing roofs and windows, repairing facade and masonry, and refurbishing the elevators.

• Refurbishing the organs to preserve music quality, and improving the nave’s sound system so that all may hear and enjoy the service.

• Enhancing St. Martin’s chapel to create a flexible space for our evolving worship needs.

• Directing $500,000 of campaign receipts to our outreach ministries for St. Paul’s to have an even greater impact in the community.

• Strengthening the endowment to sustain strong ministries and the staff supporting them.

This is an exciting opportunity for us to unite as a congregation to ensure that St. Paul’s continues to be an active, thriving faith home in the Cleveland community for generations to come. We invite you to read the campaign materials that have been, or will be, sent to you. We also encourage you to attend the forum on September 10 at 10:15 a.m. in Tucker Hall, where the campaign committee chairs will offer more details of the campaign and provide an opportunity for your questions.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

2747 Fairmount Boulevard

Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106

(216) 932-5815

Pastoral Care Line: (216) 238-4001

Your gifts in support of the Walking in Love campaign will have a significant impact on the lives of the families who find their way to St. Paul’s and on those reached through parish outreach and advocacy efforts. We hope that you will give generously.

2 Parish Notes | September 2023

Meet Rev. Patricia Rose

Dear People of St. Paul’s,

Thank you all for the warm welcome, kindness, humor, and support I’ve been receiving since arriving on August 1! If you’ve ever changed jobs and moved to a totally unfamiliar city, you know how helpful that is. It’s great to meet so many people and learn about the many ministries of love here. There’s a lot to learn and do, but it’s a graced and good abundance, and I’m happy to be here!

I’ve lived most of my life in Baltimore, Maryland — part of the huge metropolitan area that stretches to Washington, D.C., where I’ve also lived, worked, and played. More recently, I’ve lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Berkeley, California. Before coming here, I was in Columbus for two years serving as a priest at two churches. I'd never been to Cleveland until my interview here, and I am really excited to get to know this city!

My spiritual background includes being raised Catholic. I enjoyed numerous things about my 12 years of Catholic school, including learning about the

saints, attending Mass weekly, and sometimes getting to discuss deeper meanings of life in religion class. I still remember (and have!) a booklet I made in 8th grade, which contained a prayer that said in part, “O God, beyond all the stars, what is there?” That really had an impact on me and sparked my awareness of a powerful longing to live in the Truth and goodness of life no matter what it took. After high school, I wandered away from Christianity for a long time and began a journey of deep immersion with many different faith traditions from around the world. Each tradition has become

a living, ongoing part of me and has helped me to become a better disciple of Christ. I’m so grateful!

On a personal note, one of my greatest joys are my three children, who are spread out in Cincinnati, Boulder, and San Francisco. I’m looking forward to finding a house here soon where they can visit often!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all more!

With gratitude and joy,

The Rev. Patricia Rose
September 2023 | Parish Notes 3
Cover Photos: This issues cover photos are some of our favorite moments this summer. From our Ice Cream Social (top row), the Newcomer Garden Tour (middle left), Jeanne with guest preacher Leah Romanelli DeJesus and Patricia Rose on her first day (middle right), and Bellwether Together (bottom row). Do you have a photo to share? Send them to Nathaniel, and you just might see them on social media, or around the church:

Music Notes

As we begin another program year in the life of St. Paul’s, please consider getting involved in the ministry of music. Our choirs function only through active participation and membership, and all of the choirs of St. Paul’s welcome new members.

For children in first and second grades, St. Catherine’s Choir; for boys and girls in third through sixth grades, the St. David and St. Cecilia choirs; and for youth in grades seven through twelve, the St. Paul’s Youth Choir. Kelsey Ferguson directs these ensembles which are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in America. Contact Kelsey ( for more information.

For adults who have musical interest but maybe don’t consider themselves singers, check out the St. Paul’s Ringers - a handbell choir led by Lois Bell ( They rehearse on Monday afternoons and add to worship once per month.

For adults, join the Senior Choir. This mixed ensemble rehearses on Thursday evenings and leads music at the Sunday 11:15 a.m. service, Choral Evensong on the third Sunday of each month (October through May), and various holy days throughout the program year. Repertoire spans seven centuries of sacred music. Contact Kevin Jones for more information (

Summer Music

Our thanks to the musicians during summer 9 a.m. services: pianists Lois Bell, Cindy Gamble, Kathy Jo Gutgsell, Jocelyn Keck, and Karel Paukert; and song leaders Jason Chance, Lauren Dockery, Kelsey Ferguson, and Jim Pintner. Thank you for leading our summer outdoor singing.

Karel Paukert Named Artist-in-Residence

To recognize Karel Paukert’s 45 years of musical service to St. Paul’s, we have named him our Artist-inResidence. While some of his weekly duties will be reduced slightly, he will continue to be a guiding presence in the life of St. Paul’s. He will be freed up to continue working on his evolving memoirs, chronicling his many years at St. Paul’s and his many years as Curator of Musical Arts at the Cleveland Museum of Art, international concert artist, master teacher, and musician. Congratulations, maestro!

Organ Scholar

Welcome Organ Scholar Daniel Colaner to St. Paul’s. Daniel will begin his work with us on September 17. Daniel captured international media attention at the age of 12 with his same-day performance on piano at Carnegie Hall and on organ at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Since then, his talents have been showcased on ABC, BBC, NPR and PBS. In 2021, he was chosen for The Diapason magazine’s “20 Under 30,” a select group of young adults at the forefront of the organ field. Most recently, he won First Prize and Audience Prize Winner at the 2023 Arthur Poister Organ Competition and the 2023 L. Cameron Johnson Memorial Organ Competition. As the winner of this year’s Cleveland Chapter RCYO Quimby Competition, Daniel will be competing at the Great Lakes Regional American Guild of Organists Convention in Evanston, Illinois. Daniel is currently a student of Todd Wilson. We look forward to welcoming Daniel Colaner to our staff for the 2023–2024 program year.

4 Parish Notes | September 2023

Created. Called. Connected.

As part of being human, we long to feel God with us and to feel deep connections with one another. We long to feel nourished physically and spiritually by the beauty and gifts of our precious home, planet Earth. And we long to give the best of who we are back to life, to shine, and to contribute.

We have been fashioned by God to have these longings. Like homing beams or lighthouses, they lead us to live into the freedom and love that God has given us to know. When we move toward fulfilling these divinelyplanted longings, we become physically healthier and feel calmer, stronger, and more alive. As St. Augustine put it, we are restless until we rest in God.

This year’s formation programming theme is “ Created. Called. Connected .” and centers around learning ways to follow these inner beacons to the Way of Love, the Way of Christ.

This theme taps into values and needs that are evident here at St. Paul’s. Programs will focus on how we cultivate being Connected with one another in the parish, in the community, with creation, and with God. We see our hunger

for connection in the growing sense of disconnection, loneliness, and subsequent anxiety in our frenetically paced, media-driven society.

We feel our innate longing and need for connection with our earthly home, this precious gift created for us by God, as we face the mounting crisis of heedless ongoing human destruction of that home. Parishioners have expressed deep concern about this crisis and a desire to address it. Programs will focus on what it means to be Created, to be part of creation and stewards of creation, and to be endowed with gifts to be creative. We are able to endlessly create beauty, art, music, tides of comfort, innovations to protect and enrich life, and words of wisdom. So generous is our Creator as to entrust us with the gifts to be co-creators in the unfolding of God’s love on earth.

This speaks to the final part of this year’s theme: Called. We are called to serve life and love. Each of us is unique: there is only one of us that can give what we have been given to give. We matter. Our gifts are precious, and we feel enlivened when we contribute. It satisfies our heart’s desires like nothing else can.

These themes will be addressed in many ways in our Adult Forums. We will also offer a new small group series called Centered, which is designed to help us experience a deeper, more palpable sense of connection with God and one another, and thus with ourselves. This series will begin in October. There will be 9 sessions in which the same group members proceed together from beginning to end, building trust and depth, yielding plentiful fruit within us. The groups will share food, prayer, watch a short film, and discuss questions about God, belonging, and living a meaningful life. Group members will support one another in committing to intentionally follow Jesus’s Way of Love. It will be a rich opportunity to experience connection with God and one another. More details will follow.

Alongside these programs, there will be Bible study, men’s and women’s spirituality groups, contemplative prayer, and special programs along the way. Come join us to meet your deepest longings and follow Christ’s invitation to abide in love.

September 2023 | Parish Notes 5

Exciting Plans for 2023-2024

As we stand on the cusp of a brand-new program year, we are thrilled to share our plans for the Children and Youth Ministry at St. Paul’s. This year promises to be filled with exploration, growth, and meaningful connections as we continue our mission to nurture young hearts and minds in the embrace of God’s love. Here's a peek into the programs that await our children and youth this year! To learn more, email me at

Church School

A Time of Spiritual Nurturing

Just as the sun rises every Sunday, so does our Church School, providing a dedicated space for our children and youth to deepen their understanding of faith and spirituality. Join us every Sunday morning following the 9 a.m. service, from 10 to 11 a.m., for a time of discovery and growth.

Godly Play Curriculum

Pre-K to 3rd Grade

For our littlest ones in pre-K to 3rd grade, we have something extraordinary in store: the enchanting Godly Play curriculum. Rooted in the idea that God invites us into spiritual experiences through the stories of the Bible, this Montessoristyle curriculum teaches our young ones to listen intently for

God’s voice and respond with authenticity and creativity. With equal parts of joyful play and deep wondering, this curriculum models the worship life, stories, symbols, and rituals that form the core of Christianity.

Workshop Adventures 4th to 6th Grade

Older children in 4th to 6th grade are set to embark on a dynamic journey through Workshop Adventures. This project-based learning curriculum will introduce them to inspiring Christian leaders and essential passages of the Bible in an engaging and hands-on manner. Watch for their informative posters that will grace the Saints Hall of Fame this year and their icon writing of Nativity scenes during the Advent season.

Rite 13 and Re:form Exploring Theology Playfully

Our 7th and 8th graders will engage with theology in a whole new way through two exciting curricula: Rite 13 and Re:form. These programs offer young teenagers a unique avenue to explore their faith with art projects, small group conversations, and plenty of games.

High School Hangouts Bagels, Discussions, and More

High school students, brace yourselves for some delicious bagels and insightful discussions! Join us for freeform discussion time, gently guided by an adult, where they can share thoughts and perspectives in a safe and nurturing environment.

Revamped Youth Group Fun, Games, and New Leaders

Our Youth Group is undergoing a thrilling transformation this year! Led by the dynamic trio of Emma Quill, Jeff Quill, and Morgan Hughes, our youth will meet twice a month on Sunday evenings from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Expect an exciting blend of games, crafts, dinner, and so much more. This promises to be a time of connection, laughter, and personal growth.

As we embark on this journey together, we invite all families to join us with open hearts and eager minds. The coming year promises deepening faith, forming lasting friendships, and creating cherished memories. Let us embrace the spirit of togetherness and growth as we dive into this year’s Children and Youth Ministry programs.

6 Parish Notes | September 2023

Meet the Bahatis

A small group of parishioners has been getting to know and assisting this family of 7, originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are sponsored by the Cleveland field office of USCRI (U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants). Now it’s YOUR turn to meet Simon (dad), Ansira (mom), and their children Penina (19), Sarah (16), Rebecca (14), Esther (12), and Philemon (6)! Join us in giving them a warm welcome at the Parish Picnic on September 17th!

Several folks from the newlyformed St. Paul’s Refugee Ministry have been meeting twice weekly for English practice with Simon and Ansira in their current East Cleveland house. The family has planted an amazing backyard garden with donated tools (Lay Weeders) and plants (OSU Extension). Fun outings to the Museum of Natural History and the West Side Market have been especially important as this recently arrived family makes

Cleveland their new home after spending 12 years in Zambia. Maybe not-so-fun have been a couple of necessary visits to the CWRU School of Dentistry.

We invite you to read Simon’s letter of gratitude (find the link below). He is a pastor in the Pentecostal tradition, and both he and Penina are currently employed as Environmental and Food Services, respectively, at

University Hospital downtown.

If you would like to know more about this outreach ministry, please contact Reverend Patricia ( or another member (Diane Banyard, Lynn Bayer, Bill Carter, Jennie Kaffen, Heather Nelson, Jeff Spero, Tom Wise). We meet the last Wednesday of the month from 7-8 p.m.

Read Simon's Letter

To read Simon's letter, visit our website:

September 2023 | Parish Notes 7

Parish Calendar

Parish Notes Event Submissions

Submissions may be emailed to Nathaniel Powell, Director of Communications: • Submissions must include: Title (max 50 to 60 characters); date; and a description (max 500 characters, links are exempt). For more information, we will set up a page on our website (max 250 to 300 words). • Photos: a photo or graphic or suggestions for a photo or graphic. Only photo files with a minimum pixel dimension of 1080 x 1080 will be published.


Kick-Off Sunday

Sunday, September 10

Welcome to a new Program Year!

The clergy and staff have been busy planning an exciting and engaging new year. On September 10, we’ll kick off the new year by returning to our regular worship schedule: 7:45 in St. Martin’s, and 9 and 11:15 a.m. in the nave. Formation also begins on this Sunday for children, youth, and adults following the 9 a.m. service.

Newcomer Blessing

Sunday, September 24

All newcomers who’ve joined or rejoined the parish in the past 2 years or so are invited to participate in a newcomer blessing on Sunday, September 24, at all three services. Contact the Rev. Jeanne Leinbach for more information (jleinbach@

Christian Formation

The Forum

Beginning Sunday, September 10, 10:15 a.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all forums will take place in the dining room and will be livestreamed to our website:

September 10 • Walking in Love Townhall Tucker Hall

September 17 • A Forum of Fellowship

Meet the Rev. Patricia Rose, our new Assistant Rector

September 24 • No Adult Forum

Celebration of Ministries in Tucker Hall

Newcomer Blessing (page 8)

Formation Opportunities

Contact the Rev. Patricia Rose ( for more information:

Bible Study

Beginning Thursday, September 14, 9 a.m.

Sanders Room

Online Contemplative Prayer

Fridays, 10-11 a.m.

Men’s Spirituality

Thursdays, 7:30 a.m.

Sanders Room

Women’s Spirituality

1st and 3rd Saturdays, 9:30–11 a.m.

Sanders Room

No meeting on Saturday, September 2, due to Labor Day

8 Parish Notes | September 2023

New Small Group Series

Beginning in October 2023

Are you looking for ways to build community at St. Paul’s while growing deeper in your faith? Centered is an intentional series guiding those who gather to experience becoming more rooted in love with God and one another. The series includes nine sessions in which the same committed group meets together to share food, prayer, view a film, and discuss questions about God, belonging, and living a meaningful life. The group will also support one other in committing to intentionally follow Jesus and his Way of Love. Groups begin in late October. To learn more about the series and to RSVP, visit our website: Please contact Rev. Patricia if you have any questions:

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team is available for all parish pastoral needs. If you or someone you love needs pastoral care, call us at (216) 238-4001.

Opportunities to Care for Each Other

Being part of a church community means we’re given a chance to care for one another in times of need. Here are two great ways to seek and offer care: Transportation Ministry: Help parishioners by providing rides to church events, doctor visits, and other appointments.

Meal Ministry: Prepare and deliver a home-cooked meal to a church member experiencing a short-term transition or difficulty.

Contact Rev. Jeanne to sign-up and learn more:


Parish Picnic

Sunday, September 17, 5:30 p.m.

It’s September, so it must be time for the St. Paul’s Oktoberfest Picnic, right? Absolutely! This fun all-parish fellowship event is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the start of the new program year, reconnect with parishioners and staff, and get to know our newer members. Returning again this year are the Euclid Beach Rocket Car, face painting, live music, and the beer tent. Join us in the Coventry parking area behind the church on Sunday, September 17, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Grilled brats, hotdogs, and “not-dogs” beverages, and desserts are provided. All are invited to bring an appetizer, salad, or side dish to share. Friends and neighbors are welcome!

Celebration of Ministries

Sunday, September 24

Our ministry fair offers the opportunity to learn about and engage with the myriad of initiatives and groups within our vibrant community. From gardening to pastoral care, outreach to fellowship, join us to celebrate and discover all the ways we’re Seeking. Serving. Loving. Together. from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Tucker Hall.

Invitation to Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is full initiation into Christ's Body the Church, and all who are interested in baptism for themselves or their children are invited to contact the Rev. Brandon Ashcraft ( ). We will celebrate baptism on the following dates, which are those days in our Church Calendar especially set aside for baptism. We are also happy to explore other possible dates, as necessary:

November 5, 2023 • All Saints’ Sunday

January 7, 2024

• The Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ

March 30, 2024

• The Great Vigil of Easter Diocesan service at Trinity Cathedral

May 19, 2024 • The Day of Pentecost

September 2023 | Parish Notes 9

Music and Art

Concerts at St. Paul’s

A brochure of St. Paul’s musical offerings will be available soon and will be mailed to everyone in the Parish. Please mark your calendars for events you’d like to attend. Choral Evensong will be offered on the third Sunday afternoon of each month beginning in October (replaced in December by Advent Lessons and Carols). Also, Director of Music Kevin Jones will offer an organ recital on Sunday, October 1, at 4 p.m. in the Nave. Jones will highlight music by William Byrd, Nicholas Bruhns, J.S. Bach, and Maurice Duruflé.

N.B. White Gallery Fall Opening

Friday, September 8, 5 p.m.

The N.B. White Gallery committee announces its fall show which runs through November 26. The gallery features paintings by Martha Shiverick, textiles by Helen Murrell, and ceramics by Brian Sarama. The opening reception is Friday, September 8, from 5 to 7 p.m. Join us to welcome the artists and mingle with parishioners, and guests. The Forest City String Band will provide lively music in the courtyard. Refreshments will be served, so come and enjoy.

Carillon Concert and Dedication

Sunday, September 24, 6 p.m.

Family and friends are invited to a carillon concert to dedicate the recently enlarged St. Paul’s carillon. Bring a picnic and enjoy the music on the lawn, or just come and enjoy the beautiful sonorities as they spread over the Heights. Our guest performer that evening will be Tiffany Ng, Associate Professor of Carillon and University Organist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Dr. Ng is a star in her field. She has played at festivals around the globe including the University of

Chicago Rockefeller Carillon New Music Festival, Canberra Carillon Festival, University of Michigan Bicentennial, UC Berkeley Campanile Centennial, Stanford CCRMA anniversary festival, the 23rd International Carillon Festival at Bok Tower Gardens, Florida, and the International Carillon Festival Barcelona.

St. Paul’s carillon was installed in 1929 in the 165-foot tower that was donated by Laura Price Briggs. Originally it was planned as a carillon with 25 bells, but the financial crisis interrupted its completion. It wasn’t until 1953 that the instrument was completed to its original design. It remained that way until late this spring when it was enlarged to standard concert carillon size of 47 bells. A single financial gift, from William and Laurie Buss facilitated this expansion. St. Paul’s is very grateful for their gift that allows our carillon to sing along with only five other concert carillons in the state of Ohio. We are also fortunate and grateful to our own carillonneur since 1990, David Osburn, Jr., for so faithfully climbing the long wooden stairs to the playing chamber each and every Sunday morning regardless of weather or conditions to bring the joyful music of our bells to life.

A Celebration of Karel Paukert

Friday, November 17, 6:30 p.m.

We will honor our very own maestro Karel Paukert with a concert on Friday, November 17, at 6:30 p.m. Paukert, recently named Artist-inResidence at St. Paul’s, has been part of the St. Paul’s community for more than 45 years! The concert will feature former students of Karel’s from around the country and several spoken remembrances. All are invited and welcomed at this milestone celebration of our dear Karel. A dessert reception, party, and general merry making will follow the concert. Please mark your calendar to save time for this especially important event.

10 Parish Notes | September 2023

Planned 2025 Salisbury

Cathedral Trip

July 17-28, 2025

The Youth and Senior Choirs of St. Paul’s are planning a pilgrimage and choral residency to Salisbury Cathedral, U.K., in July 2025. The trip will be open to members and friends of the parish as well as choir members. For a general introduction to the trip, please visit our website: For more information on the trip, please contact Kevin Jones,


Loaves and Fishes

Second Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., and Fourth Mondays, 5:30 p.m.

The Loaves and Fishes ministry serves two meals a month at local homeless shelters. All interested in preparing food or serving our guests may email Jeff and Carol Spero:

Habitat Spruce-up Day

Saturday, September 9

There be a general neighborhood spruce-up day on Saturday, September 9. Please contact Kathy Hogg ( to get on the St. Paul’s Habitat email list or any questions.

St. Martin’s Pews Available for Purchase

As previously announced, we are replacing the pews in St. Martin’s Chapel with chairs to allow for a more versatile worship space. The chairs have been ordered. These chairs are made of heavy wood with upholstered seats, kneelers and hymnal racks, stained to match the existing pews, and connected in rows. They are expected to be delivered in the late fall. In the meantime, plans are underway for repairing the slate floor once the pews are removed and for finding alternative uses for the pews.

Make a Difference in A Child’s Life

Reading and math are critical life skills that empower children for success. Reading skills additionally open up expanded awareness of the world and a lifetime of pleasure. St. Paul’s tutoring program is starting back up at Roxboro Elementary School and more volunteers will help meet the needs of children. Tutors meet with students for one hour weekly to both encourage children and help build skills. Volunteers speak of how uplifting it is to see students improve in skill and confidence. If you’d like to help make a difference in a child’s life, or have questions, contact Cathy Albers (cla2@case. edu) or Rev. Patricia (

In the Diocese

Seating of the Bishop

Saturday, September 9, 11 a.m.

All are invited to attend the seating of the 12th Bishop of Ohio, the Rt. Rev. Anne B. Jolly, on Saturday, September 9 at 11:00 a.m. at Trinity Cathedral. A reception will follow the service. In order to help the diocese adequately prepare, they request that everyone RSVP for the service on our webiste:

Unfortunately, storage of the pews will not be possible. Some of the chapel pews will be repurposed within the building. For the remaining, we are exploring options for selling or donating them to another church, and many will be available to St. Paul’s parishioners to purchase for a small fee. Pews can be shortened to any length and still retain both end caps. If you have interest in purchasing a pew, please contact Pam O’Halloran at pohalloran@ or (216) 238-4008.

September 2023 | Parish Notes 11

@stpaulscle • (216) 932-5815

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