volunteer expenses

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St Pauls Unlimited Community Partnership Expenses All residents are entitled to claim out of pocket expenses relating to the business of SPUCP. Claims can be made for childcare, transport and telephone. 1. All claims must be made monthly by the 7th of the following month and checked by Tracy Edwards-Brown . 2. No late claims will be processed. 3. Record of all meetings/events/activities to the value of 6 hours or more per month, for which a claim is being made, must be recorded on the expenses sheet provided. 4. Receipts for childcare, transport or telephone reimbursement must be kept and attached to the appropriate expenses sheet. 5. All expenses incurred for the month should be claimed on the same sheet. 6. All expenses will be paid by cheque at the end of every month. Arrangements to claim childcare in advance can be made if necessary. Travel

Child and other care costs

People representing SPUCP at meetings outside of the Partnership area will be paid travel/parking expenses. All members/volunteers are expected to travel by the cheapest, most environmentally friendly but practical means possible: Mileage: 43p per mile Bus: Receipt for bus ticket should be attached Taxi costs will be paid if no other suitable mode of transport exists and with the prior agreement of the office. Parking: Parking fees will be paid for the duration of the meeting. Receipts parking ticket must be attached Travel out of the City for one off conferences/events must be agreed in advance with the office Travel within the Partnership area will be reimbursed if car/taxi use is necessary for access requirements. Child or other care costs can be claimed to cover the time spent at meetings including half an hour either at the start and finishing time. The carer must not


be a relative • SPU will reimburse volunteers for child minder costs at a rate of £5.73 (or national minimum wage as of 01/10) per hour for one child. • For two children this rate will increase to a maximum of £7per hour, • For three children this rate will increase to a maximum of £8.50 Personal Assistant/Care Assistant rate will be paid at the rate normally paid by the claimant. Phone

We will reimburse the cost of phone calls on submission of an itemised bill and the relevant calls highlighted. Or a breakdown of calls made supported by ‘pay as you go’ receipts. Where possible calls should be made from the office during the normal working day Resident Reps will be paid up to £30 per month to cover phone calls and internet/email access on submission of a phone bill and having volunteered 6 hours or more to partnership business.

Other out of pocket expenses

In the event you are required to be away from home on partnership business for a day or you leave paid work and are required at a partnership event immediately after and there is no provision for food made at the partnership event we will reimburse the cost of a light snack (e.g. sandwiches) If you are required to travel long distances and you miss key meal times we will cover the cost of a meal up to £10.00. A receipt must be provided In such circumstances the office will be aware that you are attending the event and the likely expenses that will be incurred

To make a claim: 1. Make an appointment on or before the 7th of the following month to see Tracy. Bring along completed claim forms and record sheet which summarises the meetings and hours you have given to SPU business. Add up the totals claimed under each column


(total for travel or childcare) and put the total amount in the box marked ‘TOTAL claimed’.


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