Tuesday, 07 December 2010 Dear Resident, Re: Junction re-development on Brighton St & Argyle Rd, Drummond Rd & City Rd, Drummond Rd & Ashley Rd St Pauls Unlimited recently conducted a community consultation to ask residents how they would like to see the junctions of Brighton St & Argyle Rd, Drummond Rd. & City Rd, and Drummond Rd & Ashley Rd re-developed. Please find attached the results of those consultations, including visuals of the options preferred by the majority of residents. The proposed time frame for this work is as follows: • January 2011 - Statutory four-week public consultation carried out by the Government of the North East (flyers will be posted on poles and trees in the local area. If you would like to feedback on the plans you will need to follow the instructions on these flyers). • February – March 2011 (subject to consultation results)– the Government of the North East will need to consider any concerns raised during the consultation. • March – May 2011 – Work will begin (and end) during this time. The group is aware of the impact this work could have on Carnival and are mindful of trying to complete the work before this time. These timings are our ‘best guess’ and may vary depending on the various bits of consultation, planning and development work involved. With Love and Respect, Maryanne Kempf Chair St Pauls Unlimited
Summary of Consultations and Results Consultation 1: We did a door-to-door consultation asking residents if they would prefer a tabled junction* or a road level junction. Residents were also able to express if they wished to see the junction remain closed. Consultation 1 Responses: • We spoke to 72 households • Over 50% selected one of the two junctions offered (road level or tabled) • Between 28% - 44% requested keeping the junctions closed. • Residents were concerned about children’s safety, speeding & rat running *A tabled junction is raised above the level of the road with ramps up and down on either side to allow access for cars.
How Consultation 1 information was used: Because of the concerns raised during consultation 1, we worked with project partners to develop options that would allow cars to access the junctions but would stop them speeding. A tabled junction was the most supported option by residents during Consultation 1, on all three junctions, and also offered the most potential for further ‘road calming’ measures. This led us to develop further consultation material using the idea of a tabled junction. Consultation 2: On the 9th and 10th of November we spent three hours on each junction in a van consulting with residents. We also held two front room meetings and conducted door-to-door surveys to try to reach every resident possible. We asked people for their preferences on a tabled junction options including: • Surface types and colours • Restrictions on the junctions (a space on the junction where a car can’t drive that creates a ‘give way’ situation) • Road calming’ objects (trees, bollards or cycle racks) • Double yellow lines Consultation 2 Responses: • We consulted 156 households. • 123, or 83% of those surveyed lived on Ashley, City, Grosvenor, Brighton, Argyle, Drummond or Gwyn. We specifically targeted homes that were very close to these junctions. • Around 80% of those consulted agreed with one of the re-development options. • Around 20% of respondents preferred to have the junctions left closed
Below are visuals of how residents told us they would like to see these junctions developed. Please note that these are artistic drawings and some of the detail will change during the development. *For example the restricted areas (the grey areas on the junction) and trees may not be located in these exact locations!
Drummond Rd & Ashley Rd • Restricted Table • Red herringbone brick nd • With a tree (bollards in 2 place) • Yes to double yellow lines
Drummond Rd & City Rd • Restricted Table • Herringbone brick (The majority of residents who chose a colour, chose yellow/grey) • With a tree (bollards and bollards w/cycle stands in 2nd place) • Yes to double yellow lines
Brighton St & Argyle Rd • Restricted Table • Red herringbone brick • With a tree (bollards and bollards w/cycle stands in 2nd place) • Yes to double yellow lines